Example #1
function Register_PhpBB_Adduser($register_user)
    global $conf;
    // Exclusion of Adult_Content users
    if ($register_user['username'] != "16" and $register_user['username'] != "18") {
        include_once REGPHPBB_PATH . 'include/functions.inc.php';
        // Warning : PhpBB uses md5 hash like Piwigo, but not like PhpBB !
        PhpBB_Adduser($register_user['id'], $register_user['username'], md5($_POST['password']), $register_user['email']);
Example #2
 if ($msg_error_Synchro == '') {
     array_push($page['infos'], l10n('Sync_DataUser') . '<br>' . l10n('Sync_OK'));
 } else {
     $msg_error_Synchro = l10n('Sync_DataUser') . $msg_error_Synchro;
 $query = "\nSELECT username, mail_address FROM " . USERS_TABLE . "\nWHERE BINARY username <> BINARY 'guest'\nAND id not in (\n  SELECT id_user_pwg FROM " . Register_PhpBB_ID_TABLE . "\n  )\nAND BINARY username not in (\n  SELECT username FROM " . PhpBB_USERS_TABLE . "\n  )\nORDER BY LOWER(username)\n;";
 $result = pwg_query($query);
 while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
     $msg_error_PWG2PhpBB .= '<br>' . l10n('Add_User') . stripslashes($row['username']) . ' (' . $row['mail_address'] . ')';
     $query = "\nSELECT id, username, password, mail_address\nFROM " . USERS_TABLE . "\nWHERE BINARY username = BINARY '" . $row['username'] . "'\nLIMIT 1\n;";
     $data = pwg_db_fetch_assoc(pwg_query($query));
     if (!empty($data)) {
         PhpBB_Adduser($data['id'], stripslashes($data['username']), $data['password'], $data['mail_address']);
 if ($msg_error_PWG2PhpBB == '') {
     array_push($page['infos'], l10n('Sync_PWG2PhpBB') . '<br>' . l10n('Sync_OK'));
 } else {
     $msg_error_PWG2PhpBB = l10n('Sync_PWG2PhpBB') . $msg_error_PWG2PhpBB;
 $query = "\nSELECT user_id, username, group_id, user_email FROM " . PhpBB_USERS_TABLE . "\nWHERE BINARY username <> BINARY '" . $conf_Register_PhpBB[2] . "'\nAND user_id not in (\n  SELECT id_user_PhpBB FROM " . Register_PhpBB_ID_TABLE . "\n  )\nAND BINARY username not in (\n  SELECT username FROM " . USERS_TABLE . "\n  )\nAND group_id <> '6'\nORDER BY LOWER(username)\n;";
 $result = pwg_query($query);
 while ($row = pwg_db_fetch_assoc($result)) {
     $msg_error_PhpBB2PWG .= '<br>' . l10n('Error_PhpBB2PWG') . stripslashes($row['username']) . ' (' . $row['user_email'] . ')';
     $msg_error_PhpBB2PWG .= ' <a href="';
     $msg_error_PhpBB2PWG .= add_url_params($page_Register_PhpBB_admin, array('action' => 'del_user', 'user_id' => $row['user_id']));
     $msg_error_PhpBB2PWG .= '" title="' . l10n('Del_User') . stripslashes($row['username']) . '"';
     $msg_error_PhpBB2PWG .= $conf_Register_PhpBB[3] == 'false' ? ' onclick="return confirm(\'' . l10n('Are you sure?') . '\');" ' : ' ';