Example #1
function EditEventNow($iEventID, $aEventInfo)
    global $CFG, $dbConn;
    // Title
    if ($aEventInfo['title'] == '') {
        // They either put in only whitespace or nothing at all.
        $aError[] = 'You must specify the event title.';
    } else {
        if (strlen($aEventInfo['title']) > $CFG['maxlen']['subject']) {
            // The title they specified is too long.
            $aError[] = "The title you specified is longer than {$CFG['maxlen']['subject']} characters.";
    $strTitle = $dbConn->sanitize($aEventInfo['title']);
    // Event Information
    if ($aEventInfo['body'] == '') {
        // They either put in only whitespace or nothing at all.
        $aError[] = 'You must specify the event information.';
    } else {
        if (strlen($aEventInfo['body']) > $CFG['maxlen']['messagebody']) {
            // The event information they specified is too long.
            $aError[] = "The event information you specified is longer than {$CFG['maxlen']['messagebody']} characters.";
    if ($aEventInfo['parseemails']) {
        $strEventInfo = $dbConn->sanitize(ParseEMails($aEventInfo['body']));
    } else {
        $strEventInfo = $dbConn->sanitize($aEventInfo['body']);
    // Date
    if (!checkdate($aEventInfo['month'], $aEventInfo['day'], $aEventInfo['year'])) {
        // They specified an invalid Gregorian date.
        $aError[] = 'The date you specified is invalid. The month, day, and year are all required.';
    $strDate = sprintf('%04d-%02d-%02d', $aEventInfo['year'], $aEventInfo['month'], $aEventInfo['day']);
    // If there was an error, let's return it.
    if ($aError) {
        return $aError;
    $bIsPrivate = $aEventInfo['private'] ? 1 : 0;
    // Add the event into the event table.
    $dbConn->query("UPDATE event SET startdate='{$strDate}', title='{$strTitle}', body='{$strEventInfo}', dsmilies={$aEventInfo['dsmilies']}, ipaddress={$_SESSION['userip']} WHERE id={$iEventID}");
    // Let the user know it was a success.
    Msg("<b>The event was successfully saved.</b><br /><br /><span class=\"smaller\">You should be redirected momentarily. Click <a href=\"calendar.php?action=viewevent&amp;eventid={$iEventID}\">here</a> if you do not want to wait any longer or if you are not redirected.</span>", "calendar.php?action=viewevent&eventid={$iEventID}");
Example #2
function SendMessage()
    global $CFG, $dbConn;
    // Get the values from the user.
    $strRecipient = $dbConn->sanitize($_REQUEST['recipient']);
    $strSubject = $_REQUEST['subject'];
    $iPostIcon = (int) $_REQUEST['icon'];
    $strMessage = $_REQUEST['message'];
    $bDisableSmilies = (int) (bool) $_REQUEST['dsmilies'];
    $bTracking = (int) (bool) $_REQUEST['track'];
    // Recipient
    $dbConn->query("SELECT id, enablepms, rejectpms, ignorelist FROM citizen WHERE username='******'");
    list($iRecipientID, $bEnablePMs, $bRejectPMs, $aIgnoreList) = $dbConn->getresult();
    $aIgnoreList = (array) explode(',', $aIgnoreList);
    // Does the user exist?
    if ($iRecipientID === NULL) {
        $aError[] = 'The user you specified does not exist.';
    } else {
        if ($iRecipientID == $_SESSION['userid']) {
            $aError[] = 'You cannot send private messages to yourself.';
        } else {
            if (!$bEnablePMs) {
                $aError[] = htmlsanitize("The message cannot be sent because {$strRecipient} has private messages disabled.");
            } else {
                if ($bRejectPMs && in_array($_SESSION['userid'], $aIgnoreList)) {
                    $aError[] = 'The user you specified does not accept private messages from members on their Ignore list.';
    // Subject
    if (trim($strSubject) == '') {
        // They either put in only whitespace or nothing at all.
        $aError[] = 'You must specify a subject.';
    } else {
        if (strlen($strSubject) > $CFG['maxlen']['subject']) {
            // The subject they specified is too long.
            $aError[] = "The subject you specified is longer than {$CFG['maxlen']['subject']} characters.";
    $strSubject = $dbConn->sanitize($strSubject);
    // Icon
    if ($iPostIcon < 0 || $iPostIcon > 14) {
        // They don't know what icon they want. We'll give them none.
        $iPostIcon = 0;
    // Message
    if (trim($strMessage) == '') {
        // They either put in only whitespace or nothing at all.
        $aError[] = 'You must specify a message.';
    } else {
        if (strlen($strMessage) > $CFG['maxlen']['messagebody']) {
            // The message they specified is too long.
            $aError[] = "The message you specified is longer than {$CFG['maxlen']['messagebody']} characters.";
    if ($_REQUEST['parseemails']) {
        $strMessage = ParseEMails($strMessage);
    $strMessage = $dbConn->sanitize($strMessage);
    // If there was an error, let's return it.
    if (is_array($aError)) {
        return $aError;
    // Add the message to the database.
    $dbConn->query("INSERT INTO pm(ownerid, datetime, author, recipient, subject, body, parent, ipaddress, icon, dsmilies, beenread, tracking) VALUES({$iRecipientID}, {$CFG['globaltime']}, {$_SESSION['userid']}, {$iRecipientID}, '{$strSubject}', '{$strMessage}', 0, {$_SESSION['userip']}, {$iPostIcon}, {$bDisableSmilies}, 0, {$bTracking})");
    // Did they want to save a copy?
    if ($_REQUEST['savecopy']) {
        // Yes, so do so.
        $dbConn->query("INSERT INTO pm(ownerid, datetime, author, recipient, subject, body, parent, ipaddress, icon, dsmilies, beenread) VALUES({$_SESSION['userid']}, {$CFG['globaltime']}, {$_SESSION['userid']}, {$iRecipientID}, '{$strSubject}', '{$strMessage}', 1, {$_SESSION['userip']}, {$iPostIcon}, {$bDisableSmilies}, 0)");
    // Was this message a reply to another one?
    if ($_REQUEST['action'] == 'reply') {
        // Yes, mark the original message as been replied.
        $iMessageID = (int) $_REQUEST['id'];
        $dbConn->query("UPDATE pm SET replied=1 WHERE id={$iMessageID} AND ownerid={$_SESSION['userid']}");
    // Render the page.
    Msg("<b>Your message has been successfully sent.</b><br /><br /><span class=\"smaller\">You should be redirected momentarily. Click <a href=\"private.php\">here</a> if you do not want to wait any longer or if you are not redirected.</span>", 'private.php');
Example #3

// Display any errors.
if (is_array($aError)) {
} else {
    if ($_REQUEST['submit'] == 'Preview Event') {
        // Make a copy of the event information, so we can parse
        // it for the preview, yet still have the original.
        $strParsedInfo = $aEventInfo['body'];
        // Put [email] tags around suspected e-mail addresses if they want us to.
        if ($aEventInfo['parseemails']) {
            $strParsedInfo = ParseEMails($strParsedInfo);
        // Parse any BB code in the message.
        $strParsedInfo = ParseMessage($strParsedInfo, $aEventInfo['dsmilies']);

<br />
<table bgcolor="<?php 
        echo $CFG['style']['table']['bgcolor'];
" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="4" border="0" align="center">

<tr class="heading">
	<td colspan="2" align="center" class="medium"><?php 
        echo htmlsanitize($aEventInfo['title']);
Example #4
    $bParseURLs = (bool) $_REQUEST['parseurls'];
    $bParseEMails = (bool) $_REQUEST['parseemails'];
    $bDisableSmilies = (bool) $_REQUEST['dsmilies'];
    $bSaveCopy = (bool) $_REQUEST['savecopy'];
    $bTrack = (bool) $_REQUEST['track'];
    // Did we preview or submit?
    if (is_array($aError)) {
        // We submitted and got an error, so display that.
    } else {
        // Make a copy of the message, so we can parse it for the
        // preview, yet still have the original.
        $strParsedMessage = $strMessage;
        // Put [email] tags around suspected e-mail addresses if they want us to.
        if ($bParseEMails) {
            $strParsedMessage = ParseEMails($strParsedMessage);
        // Parse any BB code in the message.
        $strParsedMessage = ParseMessage($strParsedMessage, $bDisableSmilies);

<br /><table width="100%" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="1" border="0" bgcolor="<?php 
        echo $CFG['style']['table']['bgcolor'];
" align="center">
	<tr class="heading"><td align="left" class="smaller">Message Preview</td></tr>
	<tr><td bgcolor="<?php 
        echo $CFG['style']['table']['cella'];
" class="medium"><?php 
        echo $strParsedMessage;
Example #5
function SubmitPost()
    global $CFG, $dbConn, $aPostIcons, $iThreadID, $iForumID;
    // Get the values from the user.
    $strSubject = $_REQUEST['subject'];
    $iPostIcon = (int) $_REQUEST['icon'];
    $strMessage = $_REQUEST['message'];
    $bParseEMails = (int) (bool) $_REQUEST['parseemails'];
    $bDisableSmilies = (int) (bool) $_REQUEST['dsmilies'];
    // Floodcheck
    if (!$_SESSION['permissions']['cbypassflood'] && $_SESSION['lastpost'] + $CFG['floodcheck'] > $CFG['globaltime']) {
        Msg("Sorry! The administrator has specified that users can only post one message every {$CFG['floodcheck']} seconds.", '', 'justify');
    // Subject
    if (strlen($strSubject) > $CFG['maxlen']['subject']) {
        // The subject they specified is too long.
        $aError[] = "The subject you specified is longer than {$CFG['maxlen']['subject']} characters.";
    $strCleanSubject = $dbConn->sanitize($strSubject);
    // Icon
    if ($iPostIcon < 0 || $iPostIcon > count($aPostIcons) - 1) {
        // They don't know what icon they want. We'll give them none.
        $iPostIcon = 0;
    // Message
    if (trim($strMessage) == '') {
        // They either put in only whitespace or nothing at all.
        $aError[] = 'You must specify a message.';
    } else {
        if (strlen($strMessage) > $CFG['maxlen']['messagebody']) {
            // The message they specified is too long.
            $aError[] = "The message you specified is longer than {$CFG['maxlen']['messagebody']} characters.";
    if ($bParseEMails) {
        $strMessage = ParseEMails($strMessage);
    $strCleanMessage = $dbConn->sanitize($strMessage);
    // Attachment
    if (isset($_FILES['attachment']) && $_FILES['attachment']['error'] != UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) {
        // What is the problem?
        switch ($_FILES['attachment']['error']) {
            // Upload was successful?
            case UPLOAD_ERR_OK:
                // Is it bigger than 100KB?
                if ($_FILES['attachment']['size'] > $CFG['uploads']['maxsize']) {
                    $aError[] = "The attachment you uploaded is too large. The maximum allowable filesize is {$CFG['uploads']['maxsize']} bytes.";
                // Is it an invalid filetype?
                if (!isset($CFG['uploads']['oktypes'][strtolower(substr(strrchr($_FILES['attachment']['name'], '.'), 1))])) {
                    $aError[] = 'The file you uploaded is an invalid type of attachment. Valid types are: ' . htmlsanitize(implode(', ', array_keys($CFG['uploads']['oktypes']))) . '.';
                // If there are no errors, grab the data from the temporary file.
                if (!is_array($aError)) {
                    $strAttachmentName = $dbConn->sanitize($_FILES['attachment']['name']);
                    if ($fileUploaded = fopen($_FILES['attachment']['tmp_name'], 'rb')) {
                        $blobAttachment = $dbConn->sanitize(fread($fileUploaded, 65536), TRUE);
                    } else {
                        $aError[] = 'There was a problem while reading the attachment. If this problem persists, please contact the Webmaster.';
                // File is too big?
            // File is too big?
            case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE:
            case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE:
                $aError[] = "The attachment you uploaded is too large. The maximum allowable filesize is {$CFG['uploads']['maxsize']} bytes.";
                // File was partially uploaded?
            // File was partially uploaded?
            case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL:
                $aError[] = 'The attachment was only partially uploaded.';
                // WTF happened?
            // WTF happened?
                $aError[] = 'There was an error while uploading the attachment.';
    // If there was an error, let's return it.
    if (is_array($aError)) {
        return $aError;
    // First we obviously need the post in the post table.
    $dbConn->query("INSERT INTO post(author, datetime_posted, title, body, parent, ipaddress, icon, dsmilies) VALUES({$_SESSION['userid']}, {$CFG['globaltime']}, '{$strCleanSubject}', '{$strCleanMessage}', {$iThreadID}, {$_SESSION['userip']}, {$iPostIcon}, {$bDisableSmilies})");
    // Before we continue, get the ID of the post we just created.
    $iPostID = $dbConn->getinsertid('post');
    // Second, we need to update record of the thread we are posting to.
    $dbConn->query("UPDATE thread SET lpost={$CFG['globaltime']}, lposter={$_SESSION['userid']}, postcount=postcount+1 WHERE id={$iThreadID}");
    // Get the post count of the thread we replied to, so we can figure the last page.
    $dbConn->query("SELECT postcount FROM thread WHERE id={$iThreadID}");
    list($iPostCount) = $dbConn->getresult();
    // Third, we need to update the record of the forum that contains the thread we are posting to.
    $dbConn->query("UPDATE board SET postcount=postcount+1, lpost={$CFG['globaltime']}, lposter={$_SESSION['userid']}, lthread={$iThreadID}, lthreadpcount={$iPostCount} WHERE id={$iForumID}");
    // Fourth, we need to update the poster's postcount.
    $dbConn->query("UPDATE citizen SET postcount=postcount+1 WHERE id={$_SESSION['userid']}");
    // And finally, we need to store the attachment, if there is one.
    if ($fileUploaded) {
        // Insert the first chunk of the file.
        $dbConn->query("INSERT INTO attachment(filename, filedata, viewcount, parent) VALUES('{$strAttachmentName}', '{$blobAttachment}', 0, {$iPostID})");
        // Get the ID of the attachment we just created.
        $iAttachmentID = $dbConn->getinsertid('attachment');
        // Insert the rest of the file, if any, into the database.
        while (!feof($fileUploaded)) {
            $blobAttachment = $dbConn->sanitize(fread($fileUploaded, 65536), TRUE);
            $dbConn->squery(CONCAT_ATTACHMENT, $blobAttachment, $iAttachmentID);
        // Close the temporary file.
        // Update the attachment count for the thread.
        $dbConn->query("UPDATE thread SET attachcount=attachcount+1 WHERE id={$iThreadID}");
    // Now let's add the message into the search engine index.
    AddSearchIndex($iPostID, $strSubject, $strMessage);
    // Update the forum stats.
    $dbConn->query("UPDATE stats SET content=content+1 WHERE name='postcount'");
    // Set user's last post time.
    $_SESSION['lastpost'] = $CFG['globaltime'];
    // What page is this new post on (so we can redirect them)?
    $iPage = ceil($iPostCount / $_SESSION['postsperpage']);
    // Render the page.
    Msg("<b>Thank you for posting.</b><br /><br /><span class=\"smaller\">You should be redirected to your post momentarily. Click <a href=\"thread.php?threadid={$iThreadID}&amp;page={$iPage}#post{$iPostID}\">here</a> if you do not want to wait any longer or if you are not redirected.</span>", "thread.php?threadid={$iThreadID}&page={$iPage}#post{$iPostID}");