function fhtml($txt, $html, $dir = "", $mu = "", $cahehtm) { //$txt = file_get_contents($file); if ($dir != '') { $newdir = explode("/", $dir); $listdir = ""; foreach ($newdir as $value) { $listdir .= "/{$value}"; if (!is_dir(R_P . "html{$listdir}")) { mkdir(R_P . "html{$listdir}", 0777); } } } if ($mu != '') { $patterns = array("/(=)('|\"{0,1})(lang|image|attach|\\.)(\\/)(\\W?)(.*?)(\\W?)( |'|\"|>{1,2})/is"); $replace = array("\\1\\2{$mu}\\3\\4\\5\\6\\7\\8"); $txt = preg_replace($patterns, $replace, $txt); } if ($cahehtm) { P_unlink(R_P . $html); } $fp = fopen(R_P . $html, "w"); flock($fp, LOCK_EX); fwrite($fp, $txt); fclose($fp); //关闭指针 if (is_dir($mu) !== TRUE) { mkdir($mu, 0777); } chmod(R_P . $html, 0777); }
function resetCloudWind() { $GLOBALS['db']->query("DELETE FROM `pw_config` WHERE db_name = 'db_yunsearch_search'"); $GLOBALS['db']->query("DELETE FROM `pw_config` WHERE db_name = 'db_yunsearch_hook'"); $GLOBALS['db']->query("DELETE FROM `pw_config` WHERE db_name = 'db_yunsearch_search'"); $GLOBALS['db']->query("DELETE FROM `pw_config` WHERE db_name = 'db_yunsearch_domain'"); $GLOBALS['db']->query("DELETE FROM `pw_config` WHERE db_name = 'db_yunsearch_isopen'"); $GLOBALS['db']->query("DELETE FROM `pw_config` WHERE db_name = 'db_yunsearch_unique'"); $GLOBALS['db']->query("DELETE FROM `pw_config` WHERE db_name = 'db_yundefend_shield'"); $GLOBALS['db']->query("DELETE FROM `pw_config` WHERE db_name = 'db_yundefend_shielduser'"); $GLOBALS['db']->query("DELETE FROM `pw_config` WHERE db_name = 'db_yundefend_shieldpost'"); $GLOBALS['db']->query("DELETE FROM `pw_config` WHERE db_name = 'db_yun_model'"); $GLOBALS['db']->query("DELETE FROM `pw_config` WHERE db_name = 'db_yun_expand'"); $GLOBALS['db']->query("TRUNCATE TABLE `pw_log_aggregate`"); $GLOBALS['db']->query("TRUNCATE TABLE `pw_log_attachs`"); $GLOBALS['db']->query("TRUNCATE TABLE `pw_log_colonys`"); $GLOBALS['db']->query("TRUNCATE TABLE `pw_log_diary`"); $GLOBALS['db']->query("TRUNCATE TABLE `pw_log_forums`"); $GLOBALS['db']->query("TRUNCATE TABLE `pw_log_members`"); $GLOBALS['db']->query("TRUNCATE TABLE `pw_log_postdefend`"); $GLOBALS['db']->query("TRUNCATE TABLE `pw_log_posts`"); $GLOBALS['db']->query("TRUNCATE TABLE `pw_log_postverify`"); $GLOBALS['db']->query("TRUNCATE TABLE `pw_log_setting`"); $GLOBALS['db']->query("TRUNCATE TABLE `pw_log_threads`"); $GLOBALS['db']->query("TRUNCATE TABLE `pw_log_userdefend`"); $GLOBALS['db']->query("TRUNCATE TABLE `pw_log_weibos`"); $GLOBALS['db']->query("TRUNCATE TABLE `pw_yun_setting`"); P_unlink(D_P . 'data/bbscache/cloudwind_logsettings.php'); P_unlink(D_P . 'data/bbscache/cloudwind_settings.php'); P_unlink(D_P . 'data/bbscache/cloudwind_postinfo.php'); require_once R_P . 'admin/cache.php'; updatecache_c(); return true; }
function update() { if ($this->_fileSize && ($this->_fileSize > $this->_maxFileSizeLimit || $this->_timestamp - $this->_lastUpdateTime > $this->_statisticTimeNode)) { $this->_updateDb(); P_unlink($this->_filePath); } return true; }
function clearguestcache($tid, $replies) { global $db_readperpage, $db_guestdir; $pages = ceil(($replies + 1) / $db_readperpage); $tmp = 'R_' . intval($tid / 500); for ($i = 1; $i <= $pages; $i++) { if (file_exists(D_P . "{$db_guestdir}/{$tmp}/{$tid}_{$i}.html")) { P_unlink(D_P . "{$db_guestdir}/{$tmp}/{$tid}_{$i}.html"); } } }
function delete($fileName) { $filepath = $this->directory . $fileName; $thumbPath = $this->directory . $this->thumbPrefix . $fileName; if (file_exists($filepath)) { @P_unlink($filepath); } if (file_exists($thumbPath)) { @P_unlink($thumbPath); } return true; }
function updateInvokeTagCode($name, $tagCode) { $temp = $this->getInvokeByName($name); $parseTagCode = L::loadClass('ParseTagCode', 'area'); $parseTagCode->init($name, $tagCode); $parsecode = $parseTagCode->getParseCode(); $newInvokePieces = $parseTagCode->getConditoin(); $this->_updateInvokePieceTagCode($name, $newInvokePieces); $data = array('tagcode' => $tagCode, 'parsecode' => $parsecode); $data['pieces'] = $this->getInvokePieces($name); $this->updateInvokeByName($name, $data); P_unlink($this->getInvokeApiFile($temp['id'])); }
/** * 检查用户搜索间隔时间 * @return unknown_type */ function _checkWaitSegment() { if (!$this->_waitSegment) { return true; } if (file_exists(D_P . 'data/bbscache/schwait_cache.php')) { if ($this->_timestamp - pwFilemtime(D_P . 'data/bbscache/schwait_cache.php') > $this->_waitSegment) { P_unlink(D_P . 'data/bbscache/schwait_cache.php'); } else { return false; } } return true; }
function fdelfiletmp($base_dir) { $dir = opendir($base_dir); while ($flist = readdir($dir)) { if ($flist != "." && $flist != "..") { if (filesize($base_dir . "/" . $flist) == 0) { P_unlink($base_dir . "/" . $flist); } if (eregi("(_g.js)\$", $flist)) { P_unlink($base_dir . "/" . $flist); } if (filemtime($base_dir . "/" . $flist) > $mtime[1] + 1000) { P_unlink($base_dir . "/" . $flist); } } } }
function resetWind() { $fields = array('db_yunsearch_search', 'db_yunsearch_hook', 'db_yun_hash', 'db_yunsearch_domain', 'db_yunsearch_isopen', 'db_yunsearch_unique', 'db_yundefend_shield', 'db_yundefend_shielduser', 'db_yundefend_shieldpost', 'db_yun_model', 'db_yun_expand'); foreach ($fields as $field) { $GLOBALS['db']->query("DELETE FROM `pw_config` WHERE db_name = '{$field}'"); } $tables = array('pw_log_aggregate', 'pw_log_attachs', 'pw_log_colonys', 'pw_log_diary', 'pw_log_forums', 'pw_log_members', 'pw_log_postdefend', 'pw_log_posts', 'pw_log_postverify', 'pw_log_setting', 'pw_log_threads', 'pw_log_userdefend', 'pw_log_weibos', 'pw_yun_setting'); foreach ($tables as $table) { $result = $GLOBALS['db']->get_one("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$table}'"); if ($result) { $GLOBALS['db']->query("TRUNCATE TABLE `{$table}`"); } } P_unlink(D_P . 'data/bbscache/cloudwind_logsettings.php'); P_unlink(D_P . 'data/bbscache/cloudwind_settings.php'); P_unlink(D_P . 'data/bbscache/cloudwind_postinfo.php'); require_once R_P . 'admin/cache.php'; updatecache_c(); return true; }
function removeAttach($userId, $id) { $userId = intval($userId); $id = intval($id); if (1 > $userId || 1 > $id) { return false; } $msAttachsDao = $this->getMsAttachsDao(); if (!($msAttach = $msAttachsDao->get($id))) { return false; } $attachsDao = $this->getAttachsDao(); $attach = $attachsDao->get($msAttach['aid']); $file = $this->_attachmentPath . '/' . $attach['attachurl']; if (is_file($file)) { P_unlink($file); } $attachsDao->delete(array($attach['aid'])); $msAttachsDao->delete($id); return true; }
function deleteDir($dir) { $dir = S::escapePath($dir); while (!rmdir($dir)) { if (is_dir($dir)) { if ($dp = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dp)) != false) { if (is_dir($dir . '/' . $file) && $file != '.' && $file != '..') { PW_FileOperate::deleteDir($dir . '/' . $file); } else { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..') { P_unlink($dir . '/' . $file); } } } closedir($dp); } else { return false; } } } }
$pw_posts = GetPtable($threaddb['ptable']); $pids = S::sqlImplode($pids); $query = $db->query("SELECT pid,fid,tid,aid,author,authorid,postdate,subject,content,anonymous,ifcheck FROM {$pw_posts} WHERE tid='{$dtid}' AND fid='{$dfid}' AND pid IN({$pids})"); $replydb = array(); while ($result = $db->fetch_array($query)) { !$result['subject'] && ($result['subject'] = substrs($rt['content'], 35)); $result['postdate'] = get_date($result['postdate']); $result['ptable'] = $threaddb['ptable']; $replydb[] = $result; } /*删除回复*/ $delarticle->delReply($replydb, false); /*删除静态*/ $htmurl = $db_htmdir . '/' . $dfid . '/' . get_date('ym', $threaddb['postdate']) . '/' . $dtid . '.html'; if (file_exists(R_P . $htmurl)) { P_unlink(R_P . $htmurl); } } //* P_unlink(D_P.'data/bbscache/c_cache.php'); pwCache::deleteData(D_P . 'data/bbscache/c_cache.php'); adminmsg('operate_success', "{$admin_file}?adminjob=superdel&admintype=article&action={$action}&fid={$_POST['fid']}&tid={$_POST['tid']}&pstart={$pstart}&pend={$pend}&author=" . rawurlencode($author) . "&keyword=" . rawurlencode($keyword) . "&userip={$userip}&tcounts={$tcounts}&counts={$counts}&nums={$nums}&ptable={$ptable}&page={$page}"); } } elseif ($action == 'view') { S::gp(array('tid', 'pid')); $pw_posts = GetPtable('N', $tid); $rt = $db->get_one("SELECT COUNT(*) AS sum FROM {$pw_posts} WHERE tid=" . S::sqlEscape($tid) . 'AND pid<' . S::sqlEscape($pid)); $page = ceil(($rt['sum'] + 1.5) / $db_readperpage); ObHeader("read.php?tid={$tid}&page={$page}#{$pid}"); } } elseif ($admintype == 'message') { $basename = "{$admin_file}?adminjob=superdel&admintype=message";
function getReadContent() { $readdb = array(); $pw_tmsgs = GetTtable($this->tid); $read = $this->db->get_one("SELECT t.*,tm.*,m.uid,m.username,m.oicq,m.groupid,m.memberid,m.icon AS micon ,m.hack,m.honor,m.signature,m.regdate,m.medals,m.userstatus,md.onlinetime,md.postnum,md.digests,md.rvrc,,,md.currency,md.starttime,md.thisvisit,md.lastvisit,mb.* FROM pw_threads t LEFT JOIN {$pw_tmsgs} tm ON t.tid=tm.tid LEFT JOIN pw_members m ON m.uid=t.authorid LEFT JOIN pw_memberdata md ON md.uid=t.authorid {$this->tablaadd} WHERE t.tid=" . S::sqlEscape($this->tid)); if (!$read || $read['special'] || !$read['ifcheck']) { return false; } $this->fid = $read['fid']; $this->datedir = date('ym', $read['postdate']); if (file_exists(R_P . "{$this->htmdir}/{$this->fid}/{$this->datedir}/{$this->tid}.html")) { P_unlink(R_P . "{$this->htmdir}/{$this->fid}/{$this->datedir}/{$this->tid}.html"); } if (!$this->initForum($this->fid)) { return false; } if ($this->isHideContent($read['content'])) { return false; } $this->setSeosetting(&$read); $this->vars['forumtitle'] = $this->forumtitle; $this->vars['msg_guide'] = $this->guidename . "<em>></em><a href=\"read.php?tid={$this->tid}\">{$read['subject']}</a>"; $this->vars['db_metakeyword'] = $read['subject'] . str_replace(array('|', ' - '), ',', $this->forumtitle) . 'phpwind'; $this->vars['subject'] = $read['subject']; $this->vars['titletop1'] = substrs('Re:' . str_replace(' ', ' ', $read['subject']), L::config('db_titlemax') - 2); $this->vars['hits'] = $read['hits']; $this->vars['replies'] = $read['replies']; $this->vars['tid'] = $this->tid; $this->vars['fid'] = $this->fid; $this->vars['pwforum'] = $this->forum; $this->vars['postUrl'] = 'post.php?fid=' . $this->fid; $_pids = array(); $read['aid'] && ($_pids[] = 0); $count = $read['replies'] + 1; $this->vars['pages'] = numofpage($count, 1, ceil($count / $this->perpage), "{$GLOBALS['db_bbsurl']}/read.php?tid={$this->tid}&"); $read['pid'] = 'tpc'; $readdb[] = $read; if ($read['replies'] > 0) { $readnum = $this->perpage - 1; $pw_posts = GetPtable($read['ptable']); $query = $this->db->query("SELECT t.*,m.uid,m.username,m.oicq,m.groupid,m.memberid,m.icon AS micon,m.hack,m.honor,m.signature,m.regdate,m.medals,m.userstatus,md.onlinetime,md.postnum,md.digests,md.rvrc,,,md.currency,md.starttime,md.thisvisit,md.lastvisit, mb.* FROM {$pw_posts} t LEFT JOIN pw_members m ON m.uid=t.authorid LEFT JOIN pw_memberdata md ON md.uid=t.authorid {$this->tablaadd} WHERE t.tid=" . S::sqlEscape($this->tid) . " AND ifcheck='1' ORDER BY postdate LIMIT 0,{$readnum}"); while ($read = $this->db->fetch_array($query)) { if ($this->isHideContent($read['content'])) { return false; } $read['aid'] && ($_pids[] = $read['pid']); $readdb[] = $read; } $this->db->free_result($query); } if ($_pids) { $this->attachShow = new attachShow(false); $this->attachShow->init($this->tid, $_pids); } $this->vars['db_menuinit'] = "'td_post' : 'menu_post','td_post1' : 'menu_post','td_hack' : 'menu_hack'"; $bandb = $this->forum->forumBan($readdb); $authorids = array($read['authorid']); $start_limit = 0; foreach ($readdb as $key => $read) { isset($bandb[$read['authorid']]) && ($read['groupid'] = 6); $authorids[] = $read['authorid']; $readdb[$key] = $this->htmread($read, $start_limit++); $this->vars['db_menuinit'] .= ",'td_read_" . $read['pid'] . "':'menu_read_" . $read['pid'] . "'"; } if (L::config('db_showcustom')) { $this->vars['customdb'] = $this->getCustomdb($authorids); } return $readdb; }
function postDelete($tids, $uid) { global $db_recycle, $db_ifpwcache; $tiddb = explode(',', $tids); $delids = array(); foreach ($tiddb as $key => $value) { if (is_numeric($value)) { $delids[] = $value; } } if (!$delids) { return new ApiResponse(false); } foreach ($readdb as $key => $read) { if ($read['authorid'] != $uid) { return new ErrorMsg(API_THREAD_AUTHOR_ERROR, 'The author is not right'); } } $delarticle = L::loadClass('DelArticle'); $readdb = $delarticle->getTopicDb('tid ' . $delarticle->sqlFormatByIds($delids)); $delarticle->delTopic($readdb, 0); if ($db_ifpwcache ^ 1) { $this->db->update("DELETE FROM pw_elements WHERE type !='usersort' AND id IN(" . pwImplode($delids) . ')'); } P_unlink(D_P . 'data/bbscache/c_cache.php'); return new ApiResponse(true); }
function delforum($fid) { global $db, $db_guestdir, $db_guestthread, $db_guestread; $foruminfo = $db->get_one("SELECT fid,fup,forumadmin FROM pw_forums WHERE fid=" . pwEscape($fid)); $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_forums WHERE fid=" . pwEscape($fid)); $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_forumdata WHERE fid=" . pwEscape($fid)); $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_forumsextra WHERE fid=" . pwEscape($fid)); $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_permission WHERE fid>'0' AND fid=" . pwEscape($fid)); if ($foruminfo['forumadmin']) { $forumadmin = explode(",", $foruminfo['forumadmin']); foreach ($forumadmin as $key => $value) { if ($value) { $gid = $db->get_one("SELECT uid,groupid FROM pw_members WHERE username="******"UPDATE pw_members SET groupid='-1' WHERE username="******"{$db_guestdir}/T_{$fid}"); } P_unlink(D_P . "data/forums/fid_{$fid}.php"); $ttable_a = $ptable_a = array(); $query = $db->query("SELECT tid,replies,ptable FROM pw_threads WHERE fid=" . pwEscape($fid)); while ($tpc = $db->fetch_array($query)) { $tid = $tpc['tid']; $ttable_a[GetTtable($tid)][] = $tid; $ptable_a[$tpc['ptable']] = 1; $db_guestread && clearguestcache($tid, $tpc['replies']); } foreach ($ttable_a as $pw_tmsgs => $val) { $val = pwImplode($val, false); $db->update("DELETE FROM {$pw_tmsgs} WHERE tid IN({$val})"); } # $db->update("DELETE FROM pw_threads WHERE fid=".pwEscape($fid)); # ThreadManager $threadManager = L::loadClass("threadmanager"); $threadManager->deleteByForumId($fid); foreach ($ptable_a as $key => $val) { $pw_posts = GetPtable($key); $db->update("DELETE FROM {$pw_posts} WHERE fid=" . pwEscape($fid)); } updateforum($foruminfo['fup']); }
function deldir($path) { if (file_exists($path)) { if (is_file($path)) { P_unlink($path); } else { $handle = opendir($path); while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if ($file != '' && !in_array($file, array('.', '..'))) { if (is_dir("{$path}/{$file}")) { deldir("{$path}/{$file}"); } else { P_unlink("{$path}/{$file}"); } } } closedir($handle); rmdir($path); } } }
function delReplyTopic($tids, $deltpc, $recount, $recycle = false) { if (!$tids) { return array(); } global $db_readdir, $db_guestread; $db_guestread && (require_once R_P . 'require/guestfunc.php'); $deltopic = array(); $query = $this->db->query("SELECT tid,fid,postdate,lastpost,author,replies,anonymous,ptable,locked FROM pw_threads WHERE tid IN(" . S::sqlImplode($tids) . ")"); while ($read = $this->db->fetch_array($query)) { $htmurl = $db_readdir . '/' . $read['fid'] . '/' . date('ym', $read['postdate']) . '/' . $read['tid'] . '.html'; if (file_exists(R_P . $htmurl)) { P_unlink(R_P . $htmurl); } if ($db_guestread) { clearguestcache($read['tid'], $read['replies']); } if ($recount) { if ($ret = $this->recountTopic($read, in_array($read['tid'], $deltpc), $recycle)) { $deltopic[$read['fid']] += 1; } } } //* $threads = L::loadClass('Threads', 'forum'); //* $threads->delThreads($tids); Perf::gatherInfo('changeThreadWithThreadIds', array('tid' => $tids)); return $deltopic; }
function attachcheck($file) { global $cache_file, $attachdir, $admin_pwd, $filename, $filesize, $ifless, $postdate1, $postdate2, $direct, $attachdir; if ($filename && strpos($file, $filename) === false) { return; } if ($filesize) { if ($ifless && filesize("{$attachdir}/{$file}") >= $filesize * 1024) { return; } elseif (!$ifless && filesize("{$attachdir}/{$file}") <= $filesize * 1024) { return; } } if ($postdate1) { $visittime = PwStrtoTime($postdate1); if (is_numeric($visittime) && fileatime("{$attachdir}/{$file}") < $visittime) { return; } } if ($postdate2) { $visittime = PwStrtoTime($postdate2); if (is_numeric($visittime) && fileatime("{$attachdir}/{$file}") > $visittime) { return; } } if ($_POST['direct']) { P_unlink("{$attachdir}/{$file}"); P_unlink("{$attachdir}/thumb/{$file}"); } else { strlen($file) > 49 && ($file = substr($file, 0, 49)); writeover($cache_file, str_pad($file, 49) . "\n", "ab"); //* pwCache::setData($cache_file,str_pad($file,49)."\n", false, "ab"); } }
$threadIds[] = $v; $ttable_a[GetTtable($v)][] = $v; } } } !$tids && Showmsg('mawhole_nodata'); $selids = S::sqlImplode($tids); $msgdb = $logdb = array(); $query = $db->query("SELECT tid,fid,postdate,author,authorid,subject,locked FROM pw_threads WHERE tid IN({$selids})"); while ($rt = $db->fetch_array($query)) { if ($fid != $rt['fid']) { Showmsg('admin_forum_right'); } if ($rt['locked'] % 3 != $locked && $locked) { if ($locked == 2) { P_unlink(R_P . "{$db_readdir}/{$fid}/" . date('ym', $rt['postdate']) . "/{$tid}.html"); } $s = $rt['locked'] > 2 ? $locked + 3 : $locked; //$db->update('UPDATE pw_threads SET locked=' . S::sqlEscape($s) . ' WHERE tid=' . S::sqlEscape($rt['tid'])); pwQuery::update('pw_threads', "tid=:tid", array($rt['tid']), array("locked" => $s)); if ($ifmsg) { if ($locked == 2) { $temp['title'] = 'lock_title_2'; $temp['content'] = 'lock_content_2'; } else { $temp['title'] = 'lock_title'; $temp['content'] = 'lock_content'; } $msgdb[] = array('toUser' => $rt['author'], 'title' => getLangInfo('writemsg', $temp['title']), 'content' => getLangInfo('writemsg', $temp['content'], array('manager' => $windid, 'fid' => $fid, 'tid' => $rt['tid'], 'subject' => $rt['subject'], 'postdate' => get_date($rt['postdate']), 'forum' => strip_tags($forum[$fid]['name']), 'admindate' => get_date($timestamp), 'reason' => stripslashes($atc_content)))); } $logdb[] = array('type' => 'locked', 'username1' => $rt['author'], 'username2' => $windid, 'field1' => $fid, 'field2' => $rt['tid'], 'field3' => '', 'descrip' => 'lock_descrip', 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'ip' => $onlineip, 'tid' => $rt['tid'], 'subject' => substrs($rt['subject'], 28), 'forum' => $forum[$fid]['name'], 'reason' => stripslashes($atc_content));
/** * 批量处理消息附件信息 * @param array $messageIds * @return unknown_type */ function _deleteAttachsByMessageIds($messageIds) { if (!$messageIds) { return false; } $msAttachsDao = $this->getMsAttachsDao(); if (!($msAttachs = $msAttachsDao->getAttachsByMessageIds($messageIds))) { return false; } $attachIds = array(); foreach ($msAttachs as $attach) { $attachIds[] = $attach['aid']; } $msAttachsDao->deleteAttachsByMessageIds($messageIds); $attachsDao = $this->getAttachsDao(); if (!($attachs = $attachsDao->getsByAids($attachIds))) { return false; } $files = array(); foreach ($attachs as $attach) { $file = $this->_attachmentPath . '/' . $attach['attachurl']; if (is_file($file)) { P_unlink($file); } } $attachsDao->deleteByAids($attachIds); return true; }
function delete($key) { $fileName = Cache_Config_Filecache::createFile($key); if (!is_file($fileName)) { return false; } P_unlink($fileName); }
function updateIcon($uid) { global $atc_attachment_name, $db_ifftp; $uid = intval($uid); if ($uid < 1 || !S::isArray($_FILES)) { return $this->buildResponse(USER_INVALID_PARAMS); } ACloud_Sys_Core_Common::setGlobal('customized_current_uid', $uid); $user = $this->getCurrentUser(); if (!$user->isLogin()) { return $this->buildResponse(USER_NOT_LOGIN); } $ext = strtolower(substr(strrchr($_FILES['icon']['name'], '.'), 1)); L::loadClass('faceupload', 'upload', false); $face = new FaceUpload($user->uid); $icondb = PwUpload::upload($face); require_once R_P . 'require/showimg.php'; $udir = str_pad(substr($user->uid, -2), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT); if (!in_array(strtolower($ext), array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpeg', 'png', 'bmp'))) { return $this->buildResponse(USER_UPLOAD_CONTENT_ERROR); } $filename = "{$user->uid}.{$ext}"; $sourceFilename = "{$user->uid}_tmp.{$ext}"; $sourceDir = "upload/{$udir}/"; $middleDir = "upload/middle/{$udir}/"; $smallDir = "upload/small/{$udir}/"; $img_w = $img_h = 0; $sourceFile = PwUpload::savePath($db_ifftp, $sourceFilename, $sourceDir); $middleFile = PwUpload::savePath($db_ifftp, $filename, $middleDir); PwUpload::createFolder(dirname($middleFile)); PwUpload::movefile($sourceFile, $middleFile); require_once R_P . 'require/imgfunc.php'; if (!($img_size = GetImgSize($middleFile))) { P_unlink($middleFile); return $this->buildResponse(USER_UPLOAD_CONTENT_ERROR); } list($img_w, $img_h) = getimagesize($middleFile); $smallFile = PwUpload::savePath($db_ifftp, $filename, $smallDir); $s_ifthumb = 0; PwUpload::createFolder(dirname($smallFile)); if ($ext == 'gif') { L::loadClass('gifdecoder', 'utility', false); L::loadClass('gif', 'utility', false); $gifDecoder = new GIFDecoder($data); $frames = $gifDecoder->GIFGetFrames(); if (!empty($frames)) { foreach ($frames as $key => $value) { $frames[$key] = makeAvatarGifThumb($value, $img_w, $img_h, 48, 48); } $anime = new GIFEncoder($frames, $gifDecoder->GIFGetDelays(), $gifDecoder->GIFGetLoop(), $gifDecoder->GIFGetDisposal(), $gifDecoder->GIFGetTransparentR(), $gifDecoder->GIFGetTransparentG(), $gifDecoder->GIFGetTransparentB(), 'bin'); $newGifData = $anime->getAnimation(); PwUpload::createFolder(dirname($smallFile)); writeover($smallFile, $newGifData); $s_ifthumb = 1; } } elseif (MakeThumb($middleFile, $smallFile, 48, 48)) { $s_ifthumb = 1; } if ($db_ifftp) { PwUpload::movetoftp($middleFile, $middleDir . $filename); $s_ifthumb && PwUpload::movetoftp($smallFile, $smallDir . $filename); } $user_a = explode('|', $user->icon); $user_a[2] = $img_w; $user_a[3] = $img_h; $usericon = setIcon("{$udir}/{$user->uid}.{$ext}", 3, $user_a); $userService = L::loadClass('UserService', 'user'); /* @var $userService PW_UserService */ $userService->update($user->uid, array('icon' => $usericon)); list($iconurl) = showfacedesign($usericon, 1, 's'); return $this->buildResponse(0, array('icon' => $iconurl)); }
$url = "admin.php?action={$action}&option={$option}"; ffile("data/sql_" . date("Ymd") . "_" . $fHtmlcode . "_{$np}.sql", $bak . $bakupdata, "w"); echo "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='2;url={$boardurl}{$url}'>"; //echo "<script type='text/javascript' language='javascript'>parent.sqlFrame.location.reload();</script>"; die("{$successtext}<BR>"); //$url = "<meta http-equiv='refresh' content='1;url=admin.php?action={$action}&option={$option}&update=sqlback&tables={$tables}&start={$num[0]}&sizelimit={$sizelimit}&np={$np}&fHtmlcode={$fHtmlcode}'>"; //$textmesg = "<a href='admin.php?action={$action}&option={$option}&update=sqlbacktables={$tables}&start={$num[0]}&sizelimit={$sizelimit}&np={$np}&fHtmlcode={$fHtmlcode}'>下一页</a>"; } else { P_unlink("data/backup.php"); die('数据备份完成<BR>'); } } } if ($option == 'sqlbck') { if ($type == 'del') { P_unlink(R_P . "data/{$id}"); die(gb2utf8("删除备份文件成功")); } if ($type == 'into') { Cookie("sql_file", $id); Showmsg("beingto_page", 1, "sqlbck.php"); } $handle = opendir("data"); $i = 0; while ($file = readdir($handle)) { if ($file != "" && $file != '.' && $file != "..") { $filers[$i] = $file; $code = fHtmlcode(); //$ODBC['HTMLcode'] $mu = fencrypt("data", $config['HTMLcode']); $md = md5($code . $config['HTMLcode'] . $file . $mu);
$i = $step; $step++; if ($count > 1 && $step <= $count) { $j_url = "{$basename}&action=bakin&step={$step}&count={$count}&pre={$pre}"; adminmsg('bakup_in', EncodeUrl($j_url), 2); } updatecache(); adminmsg('operate_success'); } elseif ($action == 'del') { InitGP(array('delfile'), 'P'); if (!$delfile) { adminmsg('operate_error'); } foreach ($delfile as $key => $value) { if (eregi("\\.sql\$", $value)) { P_unlink(D_P . "data/{$value}"); } } adminmsg('operate_success'); } } function bakupdata($tabledb, $start = 0) { global $db, $sizelimit, $tableid, $start, $stop, $rows; $tableid = $tableid ? $tableid - 1 : 0; $stop = 0; $t_count = count($tabledb); for ($i = $tableid; $i < $t_count; $i++) { $ts = $db->get_one("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE " . pwEscape($tabledb[$i])); $rows = $ts['Rows']; $flag = true;
function expireguestcache($expireSeconds = 86400) { global $timestamp, $db_guestdir; $dir = D_P . "{$db_guestdir}/"; if ($dirHandler = opendir($dir)) { while (($file = readdir($dirHandler)) !== false) { $filePath = $dir . $file; if (is_file($filePath)) { if ($timestamp - pwFilemtime($filePath) > $expireSeconds) { P_unlink($filePath); } } elseif (is_dir($filePath) && false === strpos($filePath, ".")) { $subDir = $filePath . "/"; $subDirHandler = opendir($subDir); while (($file = readdir($subDirHandler)) !== false) { $filePath = $subDir . $file; if (is_file($filePath)) { if ($timestamp - pwFilemtime($filePath) > $expireSeconds) { P_unlink($filePath); } } } closedir($subDirHandler); } } closedir($dirHandler); } }
} if ($option == 'actsp') { $GETSQL->fUpdate("`{$ODBC['tablepre']}scenic`", "`sc_sp`='{$Industry}'", "`sc_id`='{$id}'"); die($Industry); } if ($option == 'delpass') { $sql_hotel = $GETSQL->fSql("sc_uid", "`{$ODBC['tablepre']}scenic`", "`sc_id`='{$id}'", "", "", "", "U_B"); $GETSQL->fUpdate("`{$ODBC['tablepre']}scenic`", "`sc_pass`='0'", "`sc_id`='{$id}'"); $GETSQL->fUpdate("`{$ODBC['tablepre']}members`", "`groupid`='3'", "`uid`='{$sql_hotel['sc_uid']}' AND `groupid`='5'"); die(gb2utf8("<a href=\"javascript:getNews('showfilg{$id}','admin.php?action={$action}&option=pass&id={$id}');\">通过</a> <a href=\"javascript:_confirm_msg_show('确定删除景区','getNews(\\\\'showfilg{$id}\\\\',\\\\'admin.php?action={$action}&option=delhotel&id={$id}\\\\');\$(\\\\'list{$id}\\\\').parentNode.removeChild(\$(\\\\'list{$id}\\\\'))','','');\">删除</a>")); } if ($option == 'delhotel') { include_once GetLang('image'); include_once Getincludefun("image"); $sql_hotel = $GETSQL->fSql("sc_id,sc_logo", "`{$ODBC['tablepre']}scenic`", "`sc_id`='{$id}'", "", "", "", "U_B"); P_unlink(R_P . "{$config['attach']}/{$sql_hotel['sc_logo']}/{$sql_hotel['sc_logo']}"); $GETSQL->fDelete("`{$ODBC['tablepre']}scenicattr`", "`attr_hid`='{$sql_hotel['sc_id']}'"); $GETSQL->fDelete("`{$ODBC['tablepre']}scenicthread`", "`thr_hid`='{$sql_hotel['sc_id']}'"); $GETSQL->fDelete("`{$ODBC['tablepre']}scenicthreadword`", "`word_hid`='{$sql_hotel['sc_id']}'"); $GETSQL->fDelete("`{$ODBC['tablepre']}scenicword`", "`word_hid`='{$sql_hotel['sc_id']}'"); $GETSQL->fDelete("`{$ODBC['tablepre']}scenicyou`", "`thr_hid`='{$sql_hotel['sc_id']}'"); $GETSQL->fDelete("`{$ODBC['tablepre']}scenicyouword`", "`word_hid`='{$sql_hotel['sc_id']}'"); $GETSQL->fDelete("`{$ODBC['tablepre']}scenic`", "`sc_id`='{$sql_hotel['sc_id']}'"); $sql_hotelimage = $GETSQL->fSql("hi_src", "`{$ODBC['tablepre']}scenicimage`", "`hi_hid`='{$sql_hotel['sc_id']}'"); foreach ($sql_hotelimage as $value) { P_unlink(R_P . $value['hi_src']); P_unlink(R_P . fimgsrc($value['hi_src'], 'simll/')); } $GETSQL->fDelete("`{$ODBC['tablepre']}scenicimage`", "`hi_hid`='{$sql_hotel['sc_id']}'"); die(gb2utf8("删除成功")); }
function ImgWaterMark($source, $w_pos = 0, $w_img = "", $w_text = "", $w_font = 5, $w_color = "#FF0000", $w_pct) { global $config; if (!empty($source) && file_exists($config['sysdir'] . $source)) { $source_info = getimagesize($config['sysdir'] . $source); $source_w = $source_info[0]; $source_h = $source_info[1]; switch ($source_info[2]) { case 1: $source_img = imagecreatefromgif($config['sysdir'] . $source); break; case 2: $source_img = imagecreatefromjpeg($config['sysdir'] . $source); break; case 3: $source_img = imagecreatefrompng($config['sysdir'] . $source); break; default: return; } } else { return; } if (!empty($w_img) && file_exists("{$config['sysdir']}image/water/{$w_img}")) { $ifWaterImage = 1; $water_info = getimagesize("{$config['sysdir']}image/water/{$w_img}"); $width = $water_info[0]; $height = $water_info[1]; switch ($water_info[2]) { case 1: $water_img = imagecreatefromgif("{$config['sysdir']}image/water/{$w_img}"); break; case 2: $water_img = imagecreatefromjpeg("{$config['sysdir']}image/water/{$w_img}"); break; case 3: $water_img = imagecreatefrompng("{$config['sysdir']}image/water/{$w_img}"); break; default: return; } } else { $ifWaterImage = 0; $temp = imagettfbbox(ceil($w_font * 2.5), 0, "./cour.ttf", $w_text); //取得使用 TrueType 字体的文本的范围 $width = $temp[2] - $temp[6]; $height = $temp[3] - $temp[7]; unset($temp); } switch ($w_pos) { case 0: $wX = rand(0, $source_w - $width); $wY = rand(0, $source_h - $height); break; case 1: $wX = 5; $wY = 5; break; case 2: $wX = ($source_w - $width) / 2; $wY = 0; break; case 3: $wX = $source_w - $width; $wY = 0; break; case 4: $wX = 0; $wY = $source_h - $height; break; case 5: $wX = ($source_w - $width) / 2; $wY = $source_h - $height; break; case 6: $wX = $source_w - $width; $wY = $source_h - $height; break; default: $wX = ($source_w - $width) / 2; $wY = ($source_h - $height) / 2; break; } imagealphablending($source_img, true); if ($ifWaterImage) { imagecopymerge($source_img, $water_img, $wX, $wY, 0, 0, $width, $height, $w_pct); } else { if (!empty($w_color) && strlen($w_color) == 7) { $R = hexdec(substr($w_color, 1, 2)); $G = hexdec(substr($w_color, 3, 2)); $B = hexdec(substr($w_color, 5)); } else { return; } imagestring($source_img, $w_font, $wX, $wY, $w_text, imagecolorallocate($source_img, $R, $G, $B)); } P_unlink($source); switch ($source_info[2]) { case 1: imagegif($source_img, $source); break; case 2: imagejpeg($source_img, $source); break; case 3: imagepng($source_img, $source); break; default: return; } if (isset($water_info)) { unset($water_info); } if (isset($water_img)) { imagedestroy($water_img); } unset($source_info); imagedestroy($source_img); }
$path = $db->get_value("SELECT {$fieldname} FROM {$tablename} WHERE tid=" . pwEscape($tid)); if (strpos($path, '..') !== false) { return false; } $lastpos = strrpos($path, '/') + 1; $s_path = substr($path, 0, $lastpos) . 's_' . substr($path, $lastpos); if (!file_exists("{$attachpath}/{$path}")) { if (pwFtpNew($ftp, $db_ifftp)) { $ftp->delete($path); $ftp->delete($s_path); pwFtpClose($ftp); } } else { P_unlink("{$attachdir}/{$path}"); if (file_exists("{$attachdir}/{$s_path}")) { P_unlink("{$attachdir}/{$s_path}"); } } $db->update("UPDATE {$tablename} SET {$fieldname}='' WHERE tid=" . pwEscape($tid)); echo 'success'; ajax_footer(); } elseif ($action == 'poplogin') { InitGP(array('tid', 'page', 'toread', 'fpage', 'anchor')); $jumpurl = $db_bbsurl . '/read.php?tid=' . $tid; $page > 1 && ($jumpurl .= '&page=' . $page); $fpage && ($jumpurl .= '&fpage=' . $fpage); $toread && ($jumpurl .= '&toread=' . $toread); $jumpurl .= "#" . $anchor; require_once PrintEot('poplogin'); ajax_footer(); } elseif ($action == 'pingpage') {
$deltype = 'delrp'; $deltitle = $subject ? substrs($subject, 28) : substrs($content, 28); $db->update("DELETE FROM {$pw_posts} WHERE pid=" . pwEscape($pid)); $db->update("UPDATE pw_threads SET replies=replies-1 WHERE tid=" . pwEscape($tid)); $msg_delrvrc = abs($creditset['Deleterp']['rvrc']); $msg_delmoney = abs($creditset['Deleterp']['money']); $credit->addLog('topic_Deleterp', $creditset['Deleterp'], array('uid' => $authorid, 'username' => $author, 'ip' => $onlineip, 'fname' => strip_tags($forum[$fid]['name']), 'operator' => $windid)); $credit->sets($authorid, $creditset['Deleterp'], false); } $credit->setMdata($authorid, 'postnum', -1); $credit->runsql(); if ($db_guestread) { require_once R_P . 'require/guestfunc.php'; clearguestcache($tid, $rs['replies']); } P_unlink(D_P . 'data/bbscache/c_cache.php'); require_once R_P . 'require/updateforum.php'; updateforum($fid); if ($rs['topped']) { updatetop(); } $msg_delrvrc = floor($msg_delrvrc / 10); require_once R_P . 'require/writelog.php'; $log = array('type' => 'delete', 'username1' => $author, 'username2' => $windid, 'field1' => $fid, 'field2' => '', 'field3' => '', 'descrip' => $deltype . '_descrip', 'timestamp' => $timestamp, 'ip' => $onlineip, 'tid' => $tid, 'forum' => $pwforum->foruminfo['name'], 'subject' => $deltitle, 'affect' => "{$db_rvrcname}:-{$msg_delrvrc},{$db_moneyname}:-{$msg_delmoney}", 'reason' => 'edit delete article!'); writelog($log); if ($pwforum->foruminfo['allowhtm'] && $article <= $db_readperpage) { $StaticPage = L::loadClass('StaticPage'); $StaticPage->update($tid); } if ($deltype == 'delrp') { refreshto("read.php?tid={$tid}", 'enter_thread');
$fp1 = opendir("{$path}/{$file}"); while ($file1 = readdir($fp1)) { if ($file1 != '' && !in_array($file1, array('.', '..'))) { ++$isnum; P_unlink("{$path}/{$file}/{$file1}"); if ($isnum > $num) { break; } } } closedir($fp1); rmdir("{$path}/{$file}"); } } elseif ($selid[1]) { ++$isnum; P_unlink("{$path}/{$file}"); } } if ($isnum > $num) { break; } } closedir($fp); if ($isnum > $num) { $url = "{$basename}&action=delete&num={$num}&step={$step}"; foreach ($selid as $key => $value) { $url .= "&selid[{$key}]={$value}"; } $delnum = $num * $step; adminmsg('guestdir_delete', EncodeUrl($url), 2); }