Example #1
                $pdoquery = $dbconn->prepare($theq);
                $pdoquery->execute(array(':checknumber' => clean_user_input($_POST['checkno' . $value]), ':receivedby' => $_SESSION["userid"], ':invoiceid' => $value));
            } catch (PDOException $e) {
                logit($logname, '  **ERROR** on line ' . __LINE__ . ' with query - ' . $theq . ' ' . $e->getMessage());
                $results->errortext = $e->getMessage();
                $cancontinue = FALSE;
    logit($logname, 'GETting back to recordpayment');
    header('Location: recordpayment.php');
} else {
    // get invoices
    $dbconnw = PDOconnect('nakaweb', $_SESSION["clientdefaults"]["host"], $logname);
    $theq = " select fullname,invoiceid,invoicedate,paymentreceived,login,invoiceamount,";
    $theq .= " case when login is null then ";
    $theq .= '    \'<input type="text" name="checkno\'||invoiceid::text||\'">\'';
    $theq .= " else checknumber end as checknumber";
    $theq .= " from invoices i";
    $theq .= " join client c on i.schoolid=c.clientid";
    $theq .= " left join users u on u.userid=receivedby";
    $theq .= " order by paymentreceived desc, invoicedate desc, invoiceamount desc";
    try {
        $pdoquery = $dbconnw->prepare($theq);
        $invoices = $pdoquery->fetchAll();
        $i = 0;
Example #2
    try {
        $theq = " delete from sysdef.system_defaults where sd_item=:key";
        $pdoquery = $dbconn->prepare($theq);
        $pdoquery->execute(array(":key" => $key));
        $theq = " insert into sysdef.system_defaults (sd_value,sd_item)";
        $theq .= " values (:value,:key)";
        $pdoquery = $dbconn->prepare($theq);
        $pdoquery->execute(array(":key" => $key, ":value" => $value));
    } catch (PDOException $e) {
        logit($logname, '  **ERROR** on line ' . __LINE__ . ' with query - ' . $theq . ' ' . $e->getMessage());
        $results->errortext = $e->getMessage();
        $cancontinue = FALSE;
// create a pg conection
$dbconn = PDOconnect($_SESSION["clientdefaults"]["dbname"], $_SESSION["clientdefaults"]["host"], $logname);
if (key_exists('schoolname', $_POST)) {
    // was called by self so do update
    logit($logname, 'updating school');
    updatesysdef("School Name", $_POST["schoolname"], $dbconn, $logname);
    updatesysdef("School Address", $_POST["schooladdress"], $dbconn, $logname);
    updatesysdef("School Address2", $_POST["schooladdress2"], $dbconn, $logname);
    updatesysdef("School City", $_POST["schoolcity"], $dbconn, $logname);
    updatesysdef("School State", $_POST["schoolstate"], $dbconn, $logname);
    updatesysdef("School Zip", $_POST["schoolzip"], $dbconn, $logname);
    updatesysdef("School Phone", $_POST["schoolphone"], $dbconn, $logname);
    logit($logname, 'going back to school');
    header('Location: school.php');
//school info
Example #3
        $_SESSION["clientdefaults"]["fedidprefix"] = $client->fedidprefix;
    if ($cancontinue) {
        $cancontinue = GetTheHTMLs($_SESSION["userlanguage"], $_SESSION["clientdefaults"]["clientid"], $PDOconn, $logname);
    if ($cancontinue) {
        header('Location: school.php');
    return $cancontinue;
 * if this program is called with GET params for tag and client (must have been
 * self called) then, check that the user has rights to that (to prevent
 * cheating) and put them in.
$PDOconn = PDOconnect('nakaweb', $_SESSION["dbhost"], $logname);
if (key_exists('clientid', $_GET)) {
    $theq = 'select * ';
    $theq .= ' from clientuser ';
    $theq .= ' where userid = :userid';
    $theq .= ' and clientid = :clientid';
    try {
        $pdoquery = $PDOconn->prepare($theq);
        $pdoquery->execute(array(':userid' => $_SESSION["userid"], ':clientid' => $_GET["clientid"]));
        $row = $pdoquery->fetch();
        if ($pdoquery->rowCount() != 1) {
            logit($logname, '  looks like the user is cheating!  NOT letting them in!');
            $cancontinue = FALSE;
            echo 'CHEATER!!!';
Example #4
function LoadTheHTML($thehtmlfile, $allrows, $logname, $mulitrow, $depth = 1, $changeoncol = '*')
     * funtion to do row-by-row replacements on html file.  final result should be an
     * html ready to display to the client.
     * $thehtmlfile : name of the $_SESSION['html'] key that holds the html text
     * $allrows     : an array of arrays of objects.  the first key must match the name of the html file that
     *                  will use that particular data.  objects, represetning all rows of the data make up the second key
     * $depth       : just for debugging info to tell you how many times the function has recursivly called itself
     * $multirow    : either 1 or x.  tells the function that only one row of data is expected for the sake of
     *                  doing replacements (there is then no need to repeat the html multiple times)
     * $changeoncol : column that will dictate the changing of the row color.  when this column changes
     *                  from one row of data to the next, the color of the row will change too. '*'
     *                  means the row color will change every time
     * for testing purposes, leftover replacement fields are NOT removed.
    if ($depth > 100) {
        //prevent infinte loops
    $indent = substr('                                          ', 0, $depth);
    logit($logname, $indent . 'Loading HTML: ' . $thehtmlfile);
    $therow = '';
    // initialze some vars
    if (!key_exists($thehtmlfile, $_SESSION['html'])) {
        logit($logname, $indent . ' **ERROR** the html is MISSING');
    $thehtml = $_SESSION['html'][$thehtmlfile];
    $rowtype = 'ReportDetailsEvenDataRow';
    // check if there are html's inside this html
    $i = 0;
    while (strpos($thehtml, '%%%') != 0 and $i < 10) {
        // get next html replacement
        $nextpiece = substr($thehtml, strpos($thehtml, '%%%') + 3);
        $nextpiece = substr($nextpiece, 0, strpos($nextpiece, '%%%'));
        //fill var that indicates multi or single row replacements
        $nextmulitrow = substr($thehtml, strpos($thehtml, '%%%') + 3, 1);
        //extract the html name
        $thehtmlname = substr($nextpiece, 2);
        // get the color change col if present
        if (strpos($thehtmlname, '|') > 1) {
            $changeoncol = substr($thehtmlname, strpos($thehtmlname, '|') + 1);
            //$changeoncol = substr($changeoncol,0,strlen($changeoncol)-3);
            $thehtmlname = substr($thehtmlname, 0, strpos($thehtmlname, '|'));
        } else {
            $changeoncol = '*';
        $newstuff = LoadTheHTML($thehtmlname, $allrows, $logname, $nextmulitrow, $depth + 1, $changeoncol);
        $thehtml = str_replace('%%%' . $nextpiece . '%%%', $newstuff, $thehtml);
    //for each row of data in the query
    $lastchangeonvalue = '~%~%~';
    if ($mulitrow == 'x') {
        foreach ($allrows[$thehtmlfile] as $row) {
            $therow .= $thehtml;
            //alternating row colors
            if ($changeoncol == '*' or $row->{$changeoncol} != $lastchangeonvalue) {
                if ($changeoncol != '*') {
                    $lastchangeonvalue = $row->{$changeoncol};
                if ($rowtype != 'ReportDetailsEvenDataRow') {
                    $rowtype = 'ReportDetailsEvenDataRow';
                } else {
                    $rowtype = 'ReportDetailsOddDataRow';
            $therow = str_replace('%%rowtype%%', $rowtype, $therow);
            // set tooltips if any
            if (strpos($therow, '%%tooltip|') != 0) {
                if (!isset($pdowebcntrl)) {
                    $pdowebcntrl = PDOconnect('wc2', $_SESSION["wc2host"], $logname);
                while (strpos($therow, '%%tooltip|') != 0) {
                    $thecol = substr($therow, strpos($therow, '%%tooltip|') + 10);
                    $thecol = substr($thecol, 0, strpos($thecol, '%%'));
                    $thecolvalue = (array) $row;
                    $therow = str_replace('%%tooltip|' . $thecol . '%%', CreateToolTip($thehtmlfile, $thecol, $thecolvalue[$thecol], $_SESSION["userlanguage"], $pdowebcntrl, 'left', $logname), $therow);
            //for each column of the row of data, replace the merge fields with the data form the query
            foreach ($row as $key => $value) {
                $therow = str_replace('%%data-' . $key . '%%', $value, $therow);
                //echo $key.' ';
            //echo '<br>';
    } else {
        if ($mulitrow == '1' or isset($allrows[$thehtmlfile][0])) {
            // not a multi row
            $therow .= $thehtml;
            // set tooltips if any
            if (strpos($therow, '%%tooltip|') != 0) {
                if (!isset($pdowebcntrl)) {
                    $pdowebcntrl = PDOconnect('wc2', $_SESSION["wc2host"], $logname);
                while (strpos($therow, '%%tooltip|') != 0) {
                    $thecol = substr($therow, strpos($therow, '%%tooltip|') + 10);
                    $thecol = substr($thecol, 0, strpos($thecol, '%%'));
                    //echo ' ' . $thecol;
                    $therow = str_replace('%%tooltip|' . $thecol . '%%', CreateToolTip($thehtmlfile, $thecol, '', $_SESSION["userlanguage"], $pdowebcntrl, 'left', $logname), $therow);
            //for each column of the row of data (if there is any data), replace the merge fields with the data form the query
            if (isset($allrows[$thehtmlfile][0])) {
                foreach ($allrows[$thehtmlfile][0] as $key => $value) {
                    $therow = str_replace('%%data-' . $key . '%%', $value, $therow);
    // put menu in
    if (isset($_SESSION['viewlevel'])) {
        if ($_SESSION['viewlevel'] == 5) {
            $therow = str_replace('%%vertmenu%%', $_SESSION['usermenu-account'], $therow);
        } else {
            $therow = str_replace('%%vertmenu%%', $_SESSION['usermenu-field'], $therow);
    //localization replacements
    //    foreach ($_SESSION['local'] as $key => $value) {
    //$therow = str_replace('%%local-' . $key . '%%', $value, $therow);
    //logit($logname,  $key);
    //clientdefault replacements
    foreach ($_SESSION['clientdefaults'] as $key => $value) {
        $therow = str_replace('%%clientdefaults-' . $key . '%%', $value, $therow);
        //logit($logname,  $key);
    // other misc replacements (accountinfo, userinfo, languagebar)
    foreach ($_SESSION as $key => $value) {
        if (!is_array($value)) {
            $therow = str_replace('%%' . $key . '%%', $value, $therow);
            //             echo $value.'<br>';
    // erase any leftovers ONLY when running under production
    if ($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] != 'localhost') {
        $therow = preg_replace('/%%.+%%/', '', $therow);
    return $therow;
Example #5
 *     subCount($name, $group)
 *     get submission count for a user name and group number
function subCount($name, $group)
    // connect to database server and return handle
    $dbhandle = PDOconnect();
    // set some common variables
    $stmt = null;
    $results = null;
    // MySQL statement
    $sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM leader_board WHERE grp = :grp1 AND " . "name = :name";
    // prepare the statement and get statement object
    $stmt = $dbhandle->prepare($sql);
    // bind parameter to variable name for a statement object
    $stmt->bindParam(":grp1", $group);
    $stmt->bindParam(":name", $name);
    // execute or catch the error
    try {
        // if execute successful fetch results as associative array
        if ($stmt->execute() !== false) {
            $results = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    } catch (PDOException $error) {
        // return the error message
        return $error->getMessage();
    // return contents of two dimensional array
    return $results[0]['count(*)'];
Example #6

echo date("l F j, Y @ g:i:s a T") . "<br>";
include '../include/helfun.php';
$dbhandle = PDOconnect();
// set some common variables
$stmt = null;
$results = null;
// MySQL statement
$sql = "select id, grp, name, min(total) as total, dload, tcheck, size, unload, " . "mem, typ from leader_board group by name order by total";
            [id] => 47
            [grp] => 3
            [name] => AlexGierczyk
            [total] => 0.1982
            [dload] => 0.0606
            [tcheck] => 0.1209
            [size] => 0
            [unload] => 0.0176
            [mem] => 7.09676
            [typ] => Hash Table
// prepare the statement and get statement object //
$stmt = $dbhandle->prepare($sql);
// bind parameter to variable name for a statement object
//$stmt->bindParam(":grp1", $group);
//$stmt->bindParam(":name", $name);
Example #7

header("location: /");
include "../include/helfun.php";
$mySQL_Handle = PDOconnect();
$grp = 6;
$rows = getPut("rows", $grp);
$outFileHandle = fopen('../include/archive2014/rows_0.txt', 'w');
foreach ($rows as $row) {
    $line = $row['name'] . "," . $row['total'] . "," . $row['dload'] . "," . $row['tcheck'] . "," . $row['size'] . "," . $row['unload'] . "," . $row['mem'] . "," . $row['typ'] . "\r\n";
    fwrite($outFileHandle, $line);
echo "done";