foreach ($blogs as $blog) {
                    update_option("leafletmapsmarkerpro_license_key", $O1x);
                    update_option("leafletmapsmarkerpro_license_local_key", $l1y);
            echo "<div class=\"updated\" style=\"padding:5px;\"><p>" . __("License key was successfully propagated to all subsites", "lmm") . "</p></div>";
include "inc" . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "admin-header.php";
echo "\r\n\r\n<h3 style=\"font-size:23px;\">";
_e("Pro License Settings", "lmm");
echo "</h3>\r\n\r\n<div class=\"wrap\">\r\n\r\n\t";
if (O3() === TRUE) {
    echo "<p><div class=\"updated\" style=\"padding:10px;margin:0px;\">" . sprintf(__("You have installed Maps Marker Pro on a localhost instance. Entering a license key here is not mandatory but recommended as this also allows you to <a href=\"%1s\" target=\"_blank\">open support tickets</a>. Please be aware that once you use the plugin on a live domain, entering a license key is mandatory!", "lmm"), "") . "</div></p>";
echo "\r\n\r\n\t";
if ($lu->l18 && !isset($_POST["maps_marker_pro_register_free"])) {
    echo "\r\n\t\t<div id=\"message\" class=\"updated\">\r\n\t\t\t<p><b>";
    echo $lu->l18;
    echo "</b></p>\r\n\t\t</div>\r\n\t";
echo "\r\n\r\n\t";
if (!$lu->l18 && $lu->Oy && !isset($_POST["maps_marker_pro_register_free"])) {
    echo "\r\n\t\t<div id=\"message\" class=\"updated\">\r\n\t\t\t<p><b>";
    echo $lu->Oy;
    echo "</b></p>\r\n\t\t</div>\r\n\t";
echo "\r\n\r\n\t";
        define("FB_BASEFOLDER", plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__)));
        define("FB_FILENAME", str_replace(FB_BASEFOLDER . "/", "", plugin_basename(__FILE__)));
        function leafletmapsmarker_filter_plugin_meta($links, $file)
            if ($file == FB_BASENAME) {
                array_unshift($links, "<a href=\"" . l1 . "admin.php?page=leafletmapsmarker_markers\">" . __("Markers", "lmm") . "</a>", "<a href=\"" . l1 . "admin.php?page=leafletmapsmarker_layers\">" . __("Layers", "lmm") . "</a>", "<a href=\"" . l1 . "admin.php?page=leafletmapsmarker_settings\">" . __("Settings", "lmm") . "</a>", "<a href=\"" . l1 . "admin.php?page=leafletmapsmarker_license\">" . __("License", "lmm") . "</a>");
            return $links;
        add_filter("plugin_action_links", "leafletmapsmarker_filter_plugin_meta", 012, 2);
if (is_admin()) {
    $lk = isset($_GET["page"]) ? $_GET["page"] : "";
    $lp = array("leafletmapsmarker_markers", "leafletmapsmarker_marker", "leafletmapsmarker_import_export", "leafletmapsmarker_layers", "leafletmapsmarker_layer", "leafletmapsmarker_tools", "leafletmapsmarker_settings");
    if (in_array($lk, $lp) && O3() === FALSE) {
        if (Op() !== TRUE) {
            exit(header("Location: " . l1 . "admin.php?page=leafletmapsmarker_license"));
        if (la($Oa = l0, $lb = FALSE) === FALSE) {
            $lq = array("leafletmapsmarker_markers", "leafletmapsmarker_marker", "leafletmapsmarker_import_export", "leafletmapsmarker_layers", "leafletmapsmarker_layer", "leafletmapsmarker_tools", "leafletmapsmarker_settings");
            if (in_array($lk, $lq)) {
                echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.location.href = \"" . l1 . "admin.php?page=leafletmapsmarker_license&error=le\";</script>  ";
function Oq($lr, $is_theme = FALSE)
    $ls = "";
    if (isset($_GET["page"])) {
Example #3
        define("FB_BASEFOLDER", plugin_basename(dirname(__FILE__)));
        define("FB_FILENAME", str_replace(FB_BASEFOLDER . "/", "", plugin_basename(__FILE__)));
        function leafletmapsmarker_filter_plugin_meta($links, $file)
            if ($file == FB_BASENAME) {
                array_unshift($links, "<a href=\"" . l1 . "admin.php?page=leafletmapsmarker_markers\">" . __("Markers", "lmm") . "</a>", "<a href=\"" . l1 . "admin.php?page=leafletmapsmarker_layers\">" . __("Layers", "lmm") . "</a>", "<a href=\"" . l1 . "admin.php?page=leafletmapsmarker_settings\">" . __("Settings", "lmm") . "</a>", "<a href=\"" . l1 . "admin.php?page=leafletmapsmarker_license\">" . __("License", "lmm") . "</a>");
            return $links;
        add_filter("plugin_action_links", "leafletmapsmarker_filter_plugin_meta", 012, 2);
if (is_admin()) {
    $On = isset($_GET["page"]) ? $_GET["page"] : "";
    $lo = array("leafletmapsmarker_markers", "leafletmapsmarker_marker", "leafletmapsmarker_import_export", "leafletmapsmarker_layers", "leafletmapsmarker_layer", "leafletmapsmarker_tools", "leafletmapsmarker_settings");
    if (in_array($On, $lo) && O3() === FALSE) {
        if (Oo() !== TRUE) {
            exit(header("Location: " . l1 . "admin.php?page=leafletmapsmarker_license"));
        if (la($Oa = l0, $lb = FALSE) === FALSE) {
            $lp = array("leafletmapsmarker_markers", "leafletmapsmarker_marker", "leafletmapsmarker_import_export", "leafletmapsmarker_layers", "leafletmapsmarker_layer", "leafletmapsmarker_tools", "leafletmapsmarker_settings");
            if (in_array($On, $lp)) {
                echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.location.href = \"" . l1 . "admin.php?page=leafletmapsmarker_license&error=le\";</script>  ";
function Op($lq, $is_theme = FALSE)
    $Oq = "";
    if (isset($_GET["page"])) {