$widget_after .= '<input type="hidden" name="sidebar_name" class="sidebar-name" value="' . esc_attr($params[0]['name']) . '" />'; // Sidebar Name $widget_after .= '<input type="hidden" name="sidebar_id" class="sidebar-id" value="' . esc_attr($params[0]['id']) . '" />'; // Sidebar ID // Modify the 'after_widget' param to include data we'll send to Customizer $params[0]['after_widget'] = $widget_after . $params[0]['after_widget']; } return $params; } /** * This function outputs the WordPress Link Dialog template. */ public function wp_footer() { // WordPress Link Dialog if (!class_exists('_WP_Editors')) { require ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-editor.php'; } _WP_Editors::wp_link_dialog(); } } /** * Create an instance of the Note_Customizer class. */ function Note_Customizer() { return Note_Customizer::instance(); } Note_Customizer(); // Note your content! }
/** * This function enqueues the necessary styles associated with this widget on admin. */ public function admin_enqueue_scripts($hook) { // Only on Widgets Admin Page if ($hook === 'widgets.php') { // Note Widget Admin CSS wp_enqueue_style('note-widget-admin', Note::plugin_url() . '/assets/css/widgets/note-widget-admin.css', array('dashicons'), Note::$version); //Note Widget Admin wp_enqueue_script('note-widget-admin', Note::plugin_url() . '/assets/js/widgets/note-widget-admin.js', array('jquery', 'underscore'), Note::$version, true); // Only in the widgets admin if (!is_customize_preview()) { // Grab the Note Customizer instance $note_customizer = Note_Customizer(); // Setup Note Widget localize data (data is stored in $note_customizer->note_localize after this function runs) $note_customizer->setup_note_widget_localize_data(); // Localize the Note Customizer script information wp_localize_script('note-widget-admin', 'note', $note_customizer->note_localize); } } }