$header .= '</TR>'; // $header .= '<TR><TD valign=top colspan=2>'.($RET['DATE_ERROR']=='Y'?'<Font color=red>Due date earlier than assigned date!</FONT>':'').'</TD></TR>'; $header .= '</TABLE>'; } elseif ($_REQUEST['assignment_type_id']) { echo "<FORM name=F3 action=Modules.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&table=gradebook_assignment_types"; if ($_REQUEST['assignment_type_id'] != 'new') { echo "&assignment_type_id={$_REQUEST['assignment_type_id']}"; } echo " method=POST>"; DrawHeader($title, $delete_button . '<INPUT type=submit value=' . _('Save') . ' onclick="formcheck_assignments();">'); $header .= '<TABLE cellpadding=3 bgcolor=#F0F0F1 width=100%>'; $header .= '<TR>'; $header .= '<TD>' . TextInput($RET['TITLE'], 'tables[' . $_REQUEST['assignment_type_id'] . '][TITLE]', '' . _('Title') . '', 'size=36') . '</TD>'; if ($programconfig['WEIGHT'] == 'Y') { $header .= '<TD>' . TextInput($RET['FINAL_GRADE_PERCENT'], 'tables[' . $_REQUEST['assignment_type_id'] . '][FINAL_GRADE_PERCENT]', ($RET['FINAL_GRADE_PERCENT'] != 0 ? '' : '<FONT color=red>') . '' . _('Percent of Final Grade') . '' . ($RET['FINAL_GRADE_PERCENT'] != 0 ? '' : '</FONT>')) . '</TD>'; $header .= '<TD>' . NoInput($RET['TOTAL_PERCENT'] == 1 ? '100%' : '<FONT COLOR=red>' . 100 * $RET['TOTAL_PERCENT'] . '%</FONT>', '' . _('Percent Total') . '') . '</TD>'; } $header .= '</TR>'; $header .= '</TABLE>'; } else { $header = false; } if ($header) { DrawHeader($header); echo '</FORM>'; } // DISPLAY THE MENU $LO_options = array('save' => false, 'search' => false, 'add' => true); echo '<TABLE><TR>'; if (count($types_RET)) { if ($_REQUEST['assignment_type_id']) {
# #*************************************************************************************** //include_once('modules/Users/includes/functions_staff.php'); #########################################################ENROLLMENT############################################## echo '<TABLE width=100% border=0 cellpadding=3>'; echo '<TR><td valign="top">'; echo '<TABLE border=0>'; echo '<tr><td style=width:120px><span class=red>*</span>Name</td><td>:</td><td>'; $_SESSION['staff_selected'] = $staff['STAFF_ID']; if ($_REQUEST['staff_id'] == 'new') { echo '<TABLE><TR><TD>' . SelectInput($staff['TITLE'], 'staff[TITLE]', '<span class=red>Salutation</span>', array('Mr.' => 'Mr.', 'Mrs.' => 'Mrs.', 'Ms.' => 'Ms.', 'Miss' => 'Miss', 'Dr' => 'Dr', 'Rev' => 'Rev'), '') . '</TD><TD>' . TextInput($staff['FIRST_NAME'], 'staff[FIRST_NAME]', '<FONT class=red>First</FONT>', 'maxlength=50 class=cell_floating') . '</TD><TD>' . TextInput($staff['MIDDLE_NAME'], 'staff[MIDDLE_NAME]', 'Middle', 'maxlength=50 class=cell_floating') . '</TD><TD>' . TextInput($staff['LAST_NAME'], 'staff[LAST_NAME]', '<FONT color=red>Last</FONT>', 'maxlength=50 class=cell_floating') . '</TD><TD>' . SelectInput($staff['NAME_SUFFIX'], 'staff[NAME_SUFFIX]', 'Suffix', array('Jr.' => 'Jr.', 'Sr.' => 'Sr.', 'II' => 'II', 'III' => 'III', 'IV' => 'IV', 'V' => 'V'), '', 'style="font-size:14px; font-weight:bold;"') . '</TD></TR></TABLE>'; } else { echo '<DIV id=user_name><div onclick=\'addHTML("<TABLE><TR><TD>' . str_replace('"', '\\"', SelectInput($staff['TITLE'], 'staff[TITLE]', 'Salutation', array('Mr.' => 'Mr.', 'Mrs.' => 'Mrs.', 'Ms.' => 'Ms.', 'Miss' => 'Miss', 'Dr' => 'Dr', 'Rev' => 'Rev'), '', '', false)) . '</TD><TD>' . str_replace('"', '\\"', TextInput(trim($staff['FIRST_NAME']), 'staff[FIRST_NAME]', (!$staff['FIRST_NAME'] ? '<FONT color=red>' : '') . 'First' . (!$staff['FIRST_NAME'] ? '</FONT>' : ''), 'maxlength=50', false)) . '</TD><TD>' . str_replace('"', '\\"', TextInput($staff['MIDDLE_NAME'], 'staff[MIDDLE_NAME]', 'Middle', 'size=3 maxlength=50', false)) . '</TD><TD>' . str_replace('"', '\\"', TextInput(trim($staff['LAST_NAME']), 'staff[LAST_NAME]', (!$staff['LAST_NAME'] ? '<FONT color=red>' : '') . 'Last' . (!$staff['LAST_NAME'] ? '</FONT>' : ''), 'maxlength=50', false)) . '</TD><TD>' . str_replace('"', '\\"', SelectInput($staff['NAME_SUFFIX'], 'staff[NAME_SUFFIX]', '', array('Jr.' => 'Jr.', 'Sr.' => 'Sr.', 'II' => 'II', 'III' => 'III', 'IV' => 'IV', 'V' => 'V'), '', 'style="font-size:14px; font-weight:bold;"', false)) . '</TD></TR></TABLE>","user_name",true);\'>' . (!$staff['TITLE'] && !$staff['FIRST_NAME'] && !$staff['MIDDLE_NAME'] && !$staff['LAST_NAME'] && !$staff['NAME_SUFFIX'] ? '-' : $staff['TITLE'] . ' ' . $staff['FIRST_NAME'] . ' ' . $staff['MIDDLE_NAME'] . ' ' . $staff['LAST_NAME']) . ' ' . $staff['NAME_SUFFIX'] . '</div></DIV><small>' . (!$staff['FIRST_NAME'] || !$staff['LAST_NAME'] ? '<FONT color=red>' : '<FONT color=' . Preferences('TITLES') . '>') . '</FONT></small>'; } echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Staff ID</td><td>:</td><td>' . NoInput($staff['STAFF_ID'], '') . '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Alternate ID</td><td>:</td><td>'; //if($_REQUEST['staff_id']=='new') //{ echo TextInput($staff['ALTERNATE_ID'], 'staff[ALTERNATE_ID]', '', 'size=12 maxlength=100 class=cell_floating ') . '</td></tr>'; //echo NoInput('Will automatically be assigned',''); // echo '<span id="ajax_output_stid"></span>'; //} //else //{ // echo NoInput(str_repeat('*',strlen($staff['ALTERNATE_ID'])),'','','class=cell_medium').'</td></tr>'; ////echo NoInput($staff['ALTERNATE_ID'],'','','size=10 class=cell_medium maxlength=10').'</td></tr>'; //} $options = array('Dr.' => 'Dr.', 'Mr.' => 'Mr.', 'Ms.' => 'Ms.', 'Rev.' => 'Rev.', 'Miss.' => 'Miss.'); echo '<tr><td><span class=red></span>Gender</td><td>:</td><td>' . SelectInput($staff['GENDER'], 'staff[GENDER]', '', array('Male' => 'Male', 'Female' => 'Female'), 'N/A', '') . '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td><span class=red></span>Date of Birth</td><td>:</td><td>';
// find other students associated with the same account $xstudents = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT s.STUDENT_ID,s.FIRST_NAME||' '||s.LAST_NAME AS FULL_NAME FROM STUDENTS s,FOOD_SERVICE_STUDENT_ACCOUNTS fssa WHERE fssa.ACCOUNT_ID='" . $student['ACCOUNT_ID'] . "' AND s.STUDENT_ID=fssa.STUDENT_ID AND s.STUDENT_ID!='" . UserStudentID() . "'" . ($_REQUEST['include_inactive'] ? '' : " AND exists(SELECT '' FROM STUDENT_ENROLLMENT WHERE STUDENT_ID=s.STUDENT_ID AND SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' AND (START_DATE<=CURRENT_DATE AND (END_DATE IS NULL OR CURRENT_DATE<=END_DATE)))"))); echo '<FORM action="Modules.php?modname=' . $_REQUEST[modname] . '&modfunc=update" method="POST">'; DrawHeader('<label>' . CheckBoxOnclick('include_inactive') . ' ' . _('Include Inactive Students in Shared Account') . '</label>', SubmitButton(_('Save'))); echo '<BR />'; //modif Francois: fix SQL bug invalid numeric data if (isset($error)) { echo $error; } PopTable('header', _('Account Information'), 'width="100%"'); echo '<TABLE class="width-100p">'; echo '<TR>'; echo '<TD class="valign-top">'; echo '<TABLE class="width-100p"><TR>'; echo '<TD class="valign-top">' . NoInput($student['FULL_NAME'], '<b>' . $student['STUDENT_ID'] . '</b>') . '</TD>'; echo '<TD class="valign-top">' . NoInput(red($student['BALANCE']), _('Balance')) . '</TD>'; echo '</TR></TABLE>'; echo '</TD></TR></TABLE>'; echo '<HR>'; echo '<TABLE class="width-100p cellspacing-0 cellpadding-0">'; echo '<TR><TD class="valign-top">'; echo '<TABLE class="width-100p cellpadding-6">'; echo '<TR>'; echo '<TD>'; // warn if account non-existent (balance query failed) if ($student['BALANCE'] == '') { //var_dump($student['ACCOUNT_ID']); echo TextInput(array($student['ACCOUNT_ID'], '<span style="color:red">' . $student['ACCOUNT_ID'] . '</span>'), 'food_service[ACCOUNT_ID]', _('Account ID'), 'size=12 maxlength=10'); $warning = _('Non-existent account!'); echo button('warning', '', '"#" onMouseOver=\'stm(["' . _('Warning') . '","' . str_replace('"', '\\"', str_replace("'", ''', $warning)) . '"],tipmessageStyle);\' onMouseOut=\'htm()\''); } else {
echo '<table><TR><TD><input type="radio" id="noaccs" name="values[SCHOOL][OPENSIS_ACCESS]" value="N"> No Access <input type="radio" id="r4" name="values[SCHOOL][OPENSIS_ACCESS]" value="Y" checked> Access</TD></TR></TABLE>'; } echo '<div id="hideShow">'; } elseif (!$this_school_mod['USERNAME'] || $this_school['OPENSIS_ACCESS'] == 'N') { echo '<table><TR><TD><input type="radio" id="noaccs" name="values[SCHOOL][OPENSIS_ACCESS]" value="N" onClick="hidediv();" checked> No Access <input type="radio" id="r4" name="values[SCHOOL][OPENSIS_ACCESS]" value="Y" onClick="showdiv();"> Access</TD></TR></TABLE>'; echo '<div id="hideShow" style="display:none">'; } echo '<TABLE>'; $staff_profile = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT PROFILE_ID FROM staff WHERE STAFF_ID='" . UserStaffID() . "'")); echo '<TR><td>Profile</td><td>:</td><TD>' . SelectInput($this_school['OPENSIS_PROFILE'], 'values[SCHOOL][OPENSIS_PROFILE]', '', $option, false, 'id=values[SCHOOL][OPENSIS_PROFILE]') . '</TD><tr>'; echo '<TR><td>Username<span class=red>*</span></td><td>:</td><TD>'; if (!$this_school_mod['USERNAME']) { echo TextInput('', 'USERNAME', '', 'size=20 maxlength=50 class=cell_floating onblur="usercheck_init_staff(this)"'); echo '<span id="ajax_output_st"></span><input type=hidden id=usr_err_check value=0>'; } else { echo NoInput($this_school_mod['USERNAME'], '', '', 'class=cell_medium onkeyup="usercheck_init(this)"') . '<div id="ajax_output"></div>' . '</TD></tr>'; } echo '<TR><td>Password<span class=red>*</span></td><td>:</td><TD>'; if (!$this_school_mod['PASSWORD']) { echo TextInput('', 'PASSWORD', '', 'size=20 maxlength=100 class=cell_floating AUTOCOMPLETE = off onblur=passwordStrength(this.value);validate_password_staff(this.value);'); echo '<span id="ajax_output_st"></span>'; } else { echo TextInput(array($this_school_mod['PASSWORD'], str_repeat('*', strlen($this_school_mod['PASSWORD']))), 'staff_school[PASSWORD]', '', 'size=20 maxlength=100 class=cell_floating AUTOCOMPLETE = off onkeyup=passwordStrength(this.value);validate_password(this.value);'); } echo "<td><span id='passwordStrength'></span></td>"; echo '<TR>'; echo '<TD>Disable User</TD><TD>:</TD><TD>'; if ($this_school_mod['IS_DISABLE'] == 'Y') { $dis_val = 'Y'; } else { $dis_val = 'N';
} if (!$_REQUEST['modfunc'] && UserStaffID()) { $staff = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT s.STAFF_ID,s.FIRST_NAME||' '||s.LAST_NAME,(SELECT STATUS FROM FOOD_SERVICE_STAFF_ACCOUNTS WHERE STAFF_ID=s.STAFF_ID) AS STATUS,(SELECT BALANCE FROM FOOD_SERVICE_STAFF_ACCOUNTS WHERE STAFF_ID=s.STAFF_ID) AS BALANCE,(SELECT BARCODE FROM FOOD_SERVICE_STAFF_ACCOUNTS WHERE STAFF_ID=s.STAFF_ID) AS BARCODE FROM STAFF s WHERE s.STAFF_ID='" . UserStaffID() . "'")); $staff = $staff[1]; echo '<TABLE width=100%>'; echo '<TR>'; echo '<TD valign=top>'; echo '<TABLE width=100%><TR>'; //echo '<TD valign=top>'.NoInput($staff['FULL_NAME'],$staff['STAFF_ID']); //if($staff['BALANCE']=='') //{ // $warning = 'This user does not have a Meal Account.'; // echo '<BR>'.button('warning','','# onMouseOver=\'stm(["Warning","'.$warning.'"],["white","#006699","","","",,"black","#e8e8ff","","","",,,,2,"#006699",2,,,,,"",,,,]);\' onMouseOut=\'htm()\''); //} //echo '</TD>'; echo '<TD valign=top>' . NoInput(($staff['BALANCE'] < 0 ? '<FONT color=red>' : '') . $staff['BALANCE'] . ($staff['BALANCE'] < 0 ? '</FONT>' : ''), 'Balance'); if ($staff['BALANCE'] == '') { $warning = 'This user does not have a Meal Account.'; echo '<BR>' . button('warning', '', '# onMouseOver=\'stm(["Warning","' . $warning . '"],["white","#006699","","","",,"black","#e8e8ff","","","",,,,2,"#006699",2,,,,,"",,,,]);\' onMouseOut=\'htm()\''); } echo '</TD>'; echo '</TR></TABLE>'; echo '</TD></TR></TABLE>'; echo '<HR>'; echo '<TABLE width=100% border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>'; echo '<TR><TD valign=top>'; echo '<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=6 width=100%>'; echo '<TR>'; $options = array('Inactive' => 'Inactive', 'Disabled' => 'Disabled', 'Closed' => 'Closed'); echo '<TD>' . SelectInput($staff['STATUS'], 'food_service[STATUS]', 'Status', $options, 'Active') . '</TD>'; echo '<TD>' . TextInput($staff['BARCODE'], 'food_service[BARCODE]', 'Barcode', 'size=12 maxlength=25') . '</TD>';
} } //unset($_REQUEST['modfunc']); unset($_REQUEST['food_service']); unset($_SESSION['_REQUEST_vars']['food_service']); } if (!$_REQUEST['modfunc'] && UserStudentID()) { $student = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT s.STUDENT_ID," . (Preferences('NAME') == 'Common' ? 'coalesce(s.CUSTOM_200000002,s.FIRST_NAME)' : 's.FIRST_NAME') . "||' '||s.LAST_NAME AS FULL_NAME,fssa.ACCOUNT_ID,fssa.STATUS,fssa.DISCOUNT,fssa.BARCODE,(SELECT BALANCE FROM FOOD_SERVICE_ACCOUNTS WHERE ACCOUNT_ID=fssa.ACCOUNT_ID) AS BALANCE FROM STUDENTS s,FOOD_SERVICE_STUDENT_ACCOUNTS fssa WHERE s.STUDENT_ID='" . UserStudentID() . "' AND fssa.STUDENT_ID=s.STUDENT_ID")); $student = $student[1]; // find other students associated with the same account $xstudents = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT s.STUDENT_ID," . (Preferences('NAME') == 'Common' ? 'coalesce(s.CUSTOM_200000002,s.FIRST_NAME)' : 's.FIRST_NAME') . "||' '||s.LAST_NAME AS FULL_NAME FROM STUDENTS s,FOOD_SERVICE_STUDENT_ACCOUNTS fssa WHERE fssa.ACCOUNT_ID='" . $student['ACCOUNT_ID'] . "' AND s.STUDENT_ID=fssa.STUDENT_ID AND s.STUDENT_ID!='" . UserStudentID() . "'")); echo '<TABLE width=100%>'; echo '<TR>'; echo '<TD valign=top>'; echo '<TABLE width=100%><TR>'; echo '<TD valign=top>' . NoInput(($student['BALANCE'] < 0 ? '<FONT color=red>' : '') . $student['BALANCE'] . ($student['BALANCE'] < 0 ? '</FONT>' : ''), _('Balance')) . '</TD>'; echo '</TR></TABLE>'; echo '</TD></TR></TABLE>'; echo '<HR>'; echo '<TABLE width=100% border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>'; echo '<TR><TD valign=top>'; echo '<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=6 width=100%>'; echo '<TR>'; echo '<TD>'; // warn if account non-existent (balance query failed) if ($student['BALANCE'] == '') { echo TextInput(array($student['ACCOUNT_ID'], '<FONT color=red>' . $student['ACCOUNT_ID'] . '</FONT>'), 'food_service[ACCOUNT_ID]', _('Account ID'), 'size=12 maxlength=10'); $warning = 'Non-existent account!'; echo button('warning', '', '# onMouseOver=\'stm(["Warning","' . $warning . '"],["white","#006699","","","",,"black","#e8e8ff","","","",,,,2,"#006699",2,,,,,"",,,,]);\' onMouseOut=\'htm()\''); } else { echo TextInput($student['ACCOUNT_ID'], 'food_service[ACCOUNT_ID]', 'Account ID', 'size=12 maxlength=10');
$header .= '<TABLE cellpadding=4 width=100%>'; $header .= '<TR>'; $header .= '<TD>' . TextInput($RET['SHORT_NAME'], 'tables[course_periods][' . $_REQUEST['course_period_id'] . '][SHORT_NAME]', 'Short Name', 'class=cell_floating', $div) . '</TD>'; echo '<input type="hidden" id="hidden_cp_id" value="' . $_REQUEST['course_period_id'] . '">'; $cal_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT TITLE,CALENDAR_ID FROM school_calendars WHERE SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' AND SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' ORDER BY DEFAULT_CALENDAR DESC")); $options = array(); foreach ($cal_RET as $option) { $options[$option['CALENDAR_ID']] = $option['TITLE']; } if ($_REQUEST[course_period_id] == 'new') { $header .= '<TD>' . SelectInput($RET['CALENDAR_ID'], 'tables[course_periods][' . $_REQUEST['course_period_id'] . '][CALENDAR_ID]', 'Calendar', $options, 'N/A', ' id=calendar_id onchange=reset_schedule();', $div) . '</TD>'; } else { $cal_sql = "SELECT TITLE FROM school_calendars WHERE SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' AND SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "' AND CALENDAR_ID='" . $RET['CALENDAR_ID'] . "'"; $cal_RET = DBGET(DBQuery($cal_sql)); $cal_RET = $cal_RET[1]; $header .= '<TD>' . NoInput($cal_RET['TITLE'], 'Calendar') . '</TD>'; } $teachers_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT STAFF_ID,LAST_NAME,FIRST_NAME,MIDDLE_NAME FROM staff INNER JOIN staff_school_relationship USING (staff_id) WHERE school_id='" . UserSchool() . "' AND SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' AND PROFILE='teacher' AND ISNULL(IS_DISABLE) AND (END_DATE>=CURDATE() OR END_DATE IS NULL OR END_DATE='0000-00-00') AND START_DATE<=CURDATE() ORDER BY LAST_NAME,FIRST_NAME ")); if (count($teachers_RET)) { foreach ($teachers_RET as $teacher) { $teachers[$teacher['STAFF_ID']] = $teacher['LAST_NAME'] . ', ' . $teacher['FIRST_NAME'] . ' ' . $teacher['MIDDLE_NAME']; } } $header .= '<TD>' . SelectInput($RET['TEACHER_ID'], 'tables[course_periods][' . $_REQUEST['course_period_id'] . '][TEACHER_ID]', 'Primary Teacher', $teachers, 'N/A', '', $div) . '</TD>'; $header .= '<TD>' . SelectInput($RET['SECONDARY_TEACHER_ID'], 'tables[course_periods][' . $_REQUEST['course_period_id'] . '][SECONDARY_TEACHER_ID]', 'Secondary Teacher', $teachers, 'N/A', '', $div) . '</TD>'; $header .= '<TD>' . TextInput($RET['TOTAL_SEATS'], 'tables[course_periods][' . $_REQUEST['course_period_id'] . '][TOTAL_SEATS]', 'Seats', 'size=4 class=cell_floating', $div) . '</TD>'; if ($_REQUEST['course_period_id'] != 'new') { $header .= '<TD><FONT color=green>' . $RET['AVAILABLE_SEATS'] . '</FONT><BR><FONT color=gray><SMALL>Available Seats</SMALL></FONT></TD>'; } else { $header .= '<TD> </TD>'; }
} } //unset($_REQUEST['modfunc']); unset($_REQUEST['food_service']); unset($_SESSION['_REQUEST_vars']['food_service']); } if (!$_REQUEST['modfunc'] && UserStudentID()) { $student = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT s.STUDENT_ID,s.FIRST_NAME||' '||s.LAST_NAME AS FULL_NAME,fssa.ACCOUNT_ID,fssa.STATUS,fssa.DISCOUNT,fssa.BARCODE,(SELECT BALANCE FROM FOOD_SERVICE_ACCOUNTS WHERE ACCOUNT_ID=fssa.ACCOUNT_ID) AS BALANCE FROM STUDENTS s,FOOD_SERVICE_STUDENT_ACCOUNTS fssa WHERE s.STUDENT_ID='" . UserStudentID() . "' AND fssa.STUDENT_ID=s.STUDENT_ID")); $student = $student[1]; // find other students associated with the same account $xstudents = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT s.STUDENT_ID,s.FIRST_NAME||' '||s.LAST_NAME AS FULL_NAME FROM STUDENTS s,FOOD_SERVICE_STUDENT_ACCOUNTS fssa WHERE fssa.ACCOUNT_ID='" . $student['ACCOUNT_ID'] . "' AND s.STUDENT_ID=fssa.STUDENT_ID AND s.STUDENT_ID!='" . UserStudentID() . "'")); echo '<TABLE class="width-100p">'; echo '<TR>'; echo '<TD class="valign-top">'; echo '<TABLE class="width-100p"><TR>'; echo '<TD class="valign-top">' . NoInput(($student['BALANCE'] < 0 ? '<span style="color:red">' : '') . $student['BALANCE'] . ($student['BALANCE'] < 0 ? '</span>' : ''), _('Balance')) . '</TD>'; echo '</TR></TABLE>'; echo '</TD></TR></TABLE>'; echo '<HR>'; echo '<TABLE class="width-100p cellspacing-0 cellpadding-0">'; echo '<TR><TD class="valign-top">'; echo '<TABLE class="width-100p cellpadding-6">'; echo '<TR>'; echo '<TD>'; // warn if account non-existent (balance query failed) if ($student['BALANCE'] == '') { echo TextInput(array($student['ACCOUNT_ID'], '<span style="color:red">' . $student['ACCOUNT_ID'] . '</span>'), 'food_service[ACCOUNT_ID]', _('Account ID'), 'size=12 maxlength=10'); $warning = _('Non-existent account!'); echo button('warning', '', '"#" onMouseOver=\'stm(["' . _('Warning') . '","' . str_replace('"', '\\"', str_replace("'", ''', $warning)) . '"],tipmessageStyle);\' onMouseOut=\'htm()\''); } else { echo TextInput($student['ACCOUNT_ID'], 'food_service[ACCOUNT_ID]', 'Account ID', 'size=12 maxlength=10');
echo "<FORM name=F2 id=F2 action=Modules.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&table=student_field_categories"; if ($_REQUEST['category_id'] != 'new') { echo "&category_id={$_REQUEST['category_id']}"; } echo " method=POST>"; if ($_REQUEST[category_id] > 7 || $_REQUEST['category_id'] == 'new') { DrawHeaderHome($title, $delete_button . SubmitButton('Save', '', 'class=btn_medium onclick="formcheck_student_studentField_F2();"')); } $header .= '<TABLE cellpadding=3 width=100%>'; $header .= '<TR><TD><input type=hidden id=t_id value="' . $_REQUEST['category_id'] . '"/></TD></TR>'; $header .= '<TR>'; $header .= '<TD>' . ($_REQUEST['category_id'] <= 7 && $_REQUEST['category_id'] != 'new' ? NoInput($RET['TITLE'], 'Title') : TextInput($RET['TITLE'], 'tables[' . $_REQUEST['category_id'] . '][TITLE]', 'Title')) . '</TD>'; if ($_REQUEST['category_id'] == 'new' || $RET['SORT_ORDER'] == '') { $header .= '<TD>' . ($_REQUEST['category_id'] <= 7 && $_REQUEST['category_id'] != 'new' ? NoInput($RET['SORT_ORDER'], 'Sort Order') : TextInput($RET['SORT_ORDER'], 'tables[' . $_REQUEST['category_id'] . '][SORT_ORDER]', 'Sort Order', 'maxlength=5 onkeydown="return numberOnly(event);"')) . '</TD>'; } else { $header .= '<TD>' . ($_REQUEST['category_id'] <= 7 && $_REQUEST['category_id'] != 'new' ? NoInput($RET['SORT_ORDER'], 'Sort Order') : TextInput($RET['SORT_ORDER'], 'tables[' . $_REQUEST['category_id'] . '][SORT_ORDER]', 'Sort Order', 'maxlength=5 onkeydown=\\"return numberOnly(event);\\"')) . '</TD>'; } $new = $_REQUEST['category_id'] == 'new'; if ($_REQUEST['category_id'] > 7 || $new) { $header .= '<TD>' . TextInput($RET['INCLUDE'], 'tables[' . $_REQUEST['category_id'] . '][INCLUDE]', 'Include (should be left blank for most categories)') . '</TD>'; } $header .= '</TR>'; $header .= '</TABLE>'; } else { $header = false; } if ($header) { DrawHeaderHome($header); echo '</FORM>'; } // DISPLAY THE MENU
} unset($_REQUEST['modfunc']); } else { unset($_REQUEST['modfunc']); } unset($_REQUEST['submit']); } if (UserStudentID() && !$_REQUEST['modfunc']) { $student = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT s.STUDENT_ID,CONCAT(" . (Preferences('NAME') == 'Common' ? 'coalesce(s.CUSTOM_200000002,s.FIRST_NAME)' : 's.FIRST_NAME') . ",' ',s.LAST_NAME) AS FULL_NAME,fsa.ACCOUNT_ID,fsa.STATUS,fsa.DISCOUNT,fsa.BARCODE,(SELECT BALANCE FROM FOOD_SERVICE_ACCOUNTS WHERE ACCOUNT_ID=fsa.ACCOUNT_ID) AS BALANCE FROM STUDENTS s,FOOD_SERVICE_STUDENT_ACCOUNTS fsa WHERE s.STUDENT_ID='" . UserStudentID() . "' AND fsa.STUDENT_ID=s.STUDENT_ID")); $student = $student[1]; echo "<FORM action=Modules.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&modfunc=submit&menu_id={$_REQUEST['menu_id']} method=POST>"; DrawHeader('', SubmitButton('Cancel Sale', 'submit[cancel]') . SubmitButton('Complete Sale', 'submit[save]')); echo '</FORM>'; echo '<TABLE width=100%><TR>'; echo '<TD valign=top>' . NoInput($student['FULL_NAME'], $student['STUDENT_ID']) . '</TD>'; echo '<TD valign=top>' . NoInput(red($student['BALANCE']), 'Balance') . '</TD>'; echo '</TR></TABLE>'; echo '<HR>'; if ($student['BALANCE']) { echo '<TABLE border=0 width=100%>'; echo '<TR><TD width=100% valign=top>'; $RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT fsti.DESCRIPTION,fsti.AMOUNT FROM FOOD_SERVICE_TRANSACTIONS fst,FOOD_SERVICE_TRANSACTION_ITEMS fsti WHERE fst.ACCOUNT_ID=' . $student['ACCOUNT_ID'] . ' AND fst.STUDENT_ID=' . UserStudentID() . ' AND fst.SYEAR=' . UserSyear() . ' AND fst.SHORT_NAME=\'' . $menus_RET[$_REQUEST['menu_id']][1]['TITLE'] . '\' AND fst.TIMESTAMP BETWEEN CURRENT_DATE AND \'tomorrow\' AND fsti.TRANSACTION_ID=fst.TRANSACTION_ID')); $columns = array('DESCRIPTION' => 'Item', 'AMOUNT' => 'Amount'); ListOutput($RET, $columns, 'Earlier ' . $menus_RET[$_REQUEST['menu_id']][1]['TITLE'] . ' Sale', 'Earlier ' . $menus_RET[$_REQUEST['menu_id']][1]['TITLE'] . ' Sales', $link, false, array('save' => false, 'search' => false)); // IMAGE if ($file = @fopen($picture = $StudentPicturesPath . '/' . UserSyear() . '/' . UserStudentID() . '.jpg', 'r') || ($file = @fopen($picture = $StudentPicturesPath . '/' . (UserSyear() - 1) . '/' . UserStudentID() . '.jpg', 'r'))) { fclose($file); echo '<TD rowspan=2 width=150 align=left><IMG SRC="' . $picture . '" width=150></TD>'; } echo '</TD></TR>'; echo '<TR><TD width=100% valign=top>';
echo SelectInput($student['GRADE_ID'], 'values[STUDENT_ENROLLMENT][' . $student_id . '][GRADE_ID]', (!$student['GRADE_ID'] ? '<FONT color=red>' : '') . _('Grade') . (!$student['GRADE_ID'] ? '</FONT>' : ''), $options); echo '</TD>'; if ($_REQUEST['student_id'] != 'new' && $student['SCHOOL_ID'] != UserSchool()) { $_CENTRE['allow_edit'] = $allow_edit; $_CENTRE['AllowEdit'][$_REQUEST['modname']] = $AllowEdit; } echo '</TR><TR>'; echo '<TD>'; echo TextInput($student['USERNAME'], 'students[USERNAME]', _('Username')); echo '</TD>'; echo '<TD>'; //echo TextInput($student['PASSWORD'],'students[PASSWORD]','Password'); echo TextInput(array($student['PASSWORD'], str_repeat('*', strlen($student['PASSWORD']))), 'students[PASSWORD]', ($student['USERNAME'] && !$student['PASSWORD'] ? '<FONT color=red>' : '') . _('Password') . ($student['USERNAME'] && !$student['PASSWORD'] ? '</FONT>' : '')); echo '</TD>'; echo '<TD>'; echo NoInput(makeLogin($student['LAST_LOGIN']), _('Last Login')); echo '</TD>'; echo '</TR></TABLE>'; // IMAGE if ($_REQUEST['student_id'] != 'new' && $StudentPicturesPath && (($file = @fopen($picture_path = $StudentPicturesPath . UserSyear() . '/' . UserStudentID() . '.JPG', 'r')) || ($file = @fopen($picture_path = $StudentPicturesPath . (UserSyear() - 1) . '/' . UserStudentID() . '.JPG', 'r')))) { fclose($file); echo '<TD><IMG SRC="' . $picture_path . '" width=150>'; if (User('PROFILE') == 'admin' && User('PROFILE') != 'student' && User('PROFILE') != 'parent') { echo '<br><a href=Modules.php?modname=Students/Upload.php style="text-decoration:none"><b>Upload Student\'s Photo</b></a></div>'; } echo '</TD><TD valign=top></TD>'; } else { if ($_REQUEST['student_id'] != 'new') { echo '<TD><div align="center"><IMG SRC="assets/noimage.jpg?id=' . rand(6, 100000) . '" width=144 class=pic>'; if (User('PROFILE') == 'admin' && User('PROFILE') != 'student' && User('PROFILE') != 'parent') { echo '<br><a href=Modules.php?modname=Students/Upload.php style="text-decoration:none"><b>Upload Student\'s Photo</b></a></div>';
$message = '<SELECT name=copy_id><OPTION value="">' . _('N/A'); foreach ($title_RET as $id => $title) { if ($_REQUEST['calendar_id'] && $title['CALENDAR_ID'] == $_REQUEST['calendar_id']) { $message .= '<OPTION value="' . $title['CALENDAR_ID'] . '" selected>' . $title['TITLE'] . (AllowEdit() && $title['DEFAULT_CALENDAR'] == 'Y' ? ' (' . _('Default') . ')' : ''); $default_id = $id; $prompt = $title['TITLE']; } else { $message .= '<OPTION value="' . $title['CALENDAR_ID'] . '">' . ($title['SCHOOL_ID'] != UserSchool() ? $title['SCHOOL_TITLE'] . ':' : '') . $title['TITLE'] . (AllowEdit() && $title['DEFAULT_CALENDAR'] == 'Y' ? ' (' . _('Default') . ')' : ''); } } $message .= '</SELECT>'; //modif Francois: add <label> on checkbox $message = '<TABLE><TR><TD colspan="7" class="center"><table><tr><td>' . NoInput('<INPUT type="text" name="title"' . ($_REQUEST['calendar_id'] ? ' value="' . $title_RET[$default_id]['TITLE'] . '"' : '') . '>', _('Title')) . '</td><td><label>' . NoInput('<INPUT type="checkbox" name="default" value="Y"' . ($_REQUEST['calendar_id'] && $title_RET[$default_id]['DEFAULT_CALENDAR'] == 'Y' ? ' checked' : '') . '>') . ' ' . _('Default Calendar for this School') . '</label></td><td>' . NoInput($message, _('Copy Calendar')) . '</td></tr></table></TD></TR>'; $message .= '<TR><TD colspan="7" class="center"><table><tr><td>' . _('From') . ' ' . NoInput(PrepareDate($_REQUEST['calendar_id'] && $title_RET[$default_id]['START_DATE'] ? $title_RET[$default_id]['START_DATE'] : $fy_RET['START_DATE'], '_min')) . '</td><td>' . _('To') . ' ' . NoInput(PrepareDate($_REQUEST['calendar_id'] && $title_RET[$default_id]['END_DATE'] ? $title_RET[$default_id]['END_DATE'] : $fy_RET['END_DATE'], '_max')) . '</td></tr></table></TD></TR>'; $message .= '<TR><TD><label>' . NoInput('<INPUT type="checkbox" value="Y" name="weekdays[0]"' . ($_REQUEST['calendar_id'] ? ' checked' : '') . '>') . ' ' . _('Sunday') . '</label></TD><TD><label>' . NoInput('<INPUT type="checkbox" value="Y" name="weekdays[1]" checked />') . ' ' . _('Monday') . '</label></TD><TD><label>' . NoInput('<INPUT type="checkbox" value="Y" name="weekdays[2]" checked />') . ' ' . _('Tuesday') . '</label></TD><TD><label>' . NoInput('<INPUT type="checkbox" value="Y" name="weekdays[3]" checked />') . ' ' . _('Wednesday') . '</label></TD><TD><label>' . NoInput('<INPUT type="checkbox" value="Y" name="weekdays[4]" checked />') . ' ' . _('Thursday') . '</label></TD><TD><label>' . NoInput('<INPUT type="checkbox" value="Y" name="weekdays[5]" checked />') . ' ' . _('Friday') . '<label></TD><TD><label>' . NoInput('<INPUT type="checkbox" value="Y" name="weekdays[6]"' . ($_REQUEST['calendar_id'] ? ' checked' : '') . '>') . ' ' . _('Saturday') . '</label></TD></TR>'; $message .= '<TR><TD colspan="7" class="center"><table><tr><td>' . NoInput('<INPUT type="text" name="minutes" size="3" maxlength="3">', _('Minutes')) . '</td><td><span class="legend-gray">(' . ($_REQUEST['calendar_id'] ? _('Default is Full Day if Copy Calendar is N/A.') . '<BR />' . _('Otherwise Default is minutes from the Copy Calendar') : _('Default is Full Day')) . ')</span></td></tr></table></TD></TR>'; $message .= '</TABLE>'; if (Prompt($_REQUEST['calendar_id'] ? sprintf(_('Recreate %s calendar'), $prompt) : _('Create new calendar'), '', $message)) { if ($_REQUEST['calendar_id']) { $calendar_id = $_REQUEST['calendar_id']; } else { $calendar_id = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT " . db_seq_nextval('CALENDARS_SEQ') . " AS CALENDAR_ID " . FROM_DUAL)); $calendar_id = $calendar_id[1]['CALENDAR_ID']; } if ($_REQUEST['default']) { DBQuery("UPDATE ATTENDANCE_CALENDARS SET DEFAULT_CALENDAR=NULL WHERE SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' AND SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "'"); } if ($_REQUEST['calendar_id']) { DBQuery("UPDATE ATTENDANCE_CALENDARS SET TITLE='" . $_REQUEST['title'] . "',DEFAULT_CALENDAR='" . $_REQUEST['default'] . "' WHERE CALENDAR_ID='" . $calendar_id . "'"); } else { DBQuery("INSERT INTO ATTENDANCE_CALENDARS (CALENDAR_ID,SYEAR,SCHOOL_ID,TITLE,DEFAULT_CALENDAR) values('" . $calendar_id . "','" . UserSyear() . "','" . UserSchool() . "','" . $_REQUEST['title'] . "','" . $_REQUEST['default'] . "')");
echo NoInput($staff['STAFF_ID'], 'Staff ID'); echo '</TD>'; echo '<TD colspan=1>'; echo NoInput($staff['ROLLOVER_ID'], 'Last Year Staff ID'); echo '</TD>'; echo '</TR><TR>'; echo '<TD>'; echo TextInput($staff['USERNAME'], 'staff[USERNAME]', 'Username', 'size=12 maxlength=100 class=cell_floating onkeyup="usercheck_init(this)"'); echo '<br><div id="ajax_output"></div>'; echo '</TD>'; echo '<TD>'; //echo TextInput($staff['PASSWORD'],'staff[PASSWORD]','Password','size=12 maxlength=100'); echo TextInput(array($staff['PASSWORD'], str_repeat('*', strlen($staff['PASSWORD']))), 'staff[PASSWORD]', 'Password', 'size=12 maxlength=100 class=cell_floating'); echo '</TD>'; echo '<TD>'; echo NoInput(ProperDate(substr($staff['LAST_LOGIN'], 0, 10)) . substr($staff['LAST_LOGIN'], 10), 'Last Login'); echo '</TD>'; echo '</TR></TABLE>'; echo '</TD></TR></TABLE>'; echo '<div class=break></div>'; echo '<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=6 width=100%>'; if (basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) != 'index.php') { echo '<TR>'; echo '<TD>'; echo '<TABLE><TR><TD>'; unset($options); $profiles_options = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT PROFILE ,TITLE FROM USER_PROFILES ORDER BY ID")); //print_r($profiles_options[1]); $i = 1; foreach ($profiles_options as $options) { $options = array($profiles_options[$i]['PROFILE'] => $profiles_options[$i]['TITLE']);
$header .= '<TR><TD class="valign-top" colspan="2">' . mb_substr($errors, 0, -6) . '</TD></TR>'; $header .= '</TABLE>'; } elseif ($_REQUEST['assignment_type_id']) { echo '<FORM action="Modules.php?modname=' . $_REQUEST['modname'] . '&table=GRADEBOOK_ASSIGNMENT_TYPES'; if ($_REQUEST['assignment_type_id'] != 'new') { echo '&assignment_type_id=' . $_REQUEST['assignment_type_id']; } echo '" method="POST">'; DrawHeader($title, $delete_button . SubmitButton(_('Save'))); $header .= '<TABLE class="width-100p cellpadding-3">'; $header .= '<TR>'; //modif Francois: title is required $header .= '<TD>' . TextInput($RET['TITLE'], 'tables[' . $_REQUEST['assignment_type_id'] . '][TITLE]', ($RET['TITLE'] ? '' : '<span style="color:red">') . _('Title') . ($RET['TITLE'] ? '' : '</span>'), 'required') . '</TD>'; if (Preferences('WEIGHT', 'Gradebook') == 'Y') { $header .= '<TD>' . TextInput($RET['FINAL_GRADE_PERCENT'], 'tables[' . $_REQUEST['assignment_type_id'] . '][FINAL_GRADE_PERCENT]', ($RET['FINAL_GRADE_PERCENT'] != 0 ? '' : '<span style="color:red">') . _('Percent of Final Grade') . ($RET['FINAL_GRADE_PERCENT'] != 0 ? '' : '</span>')) . '</TD>'; $header .= '<TD>' . NoInput($RET['TOTAL_PERCENT'] == 1 ? '100%' : '<span style="color:red">' . 100 * $RET['TOTAL_PERCENT'] . '%</span>', _('Percent Total')) . '</TD>'; } $header .= '<TD>' . TextInput($RET['SORT_ORDER'], 'tables[' . $_REQUEST['assignment_type_id'] . '][SORT_ORDER]', _('Sort Order')) . '</TD>'; $colors = array('#330099', '#3366FF', '#003333', '#FF3300', '#660000', '#666666', '#333366', '#336633', 'purple', 'teal', 'firebrick', 'tan'); foreach ($colors as $color) { $color_select[$color] = array('<TABLE class="width-100p cellspacing-0 cellpadding-0" style="background-color:' . $color . ';"><TR><TD> </TD></TR></TABLE>', '<TABLE class="cellpadding-1 cellspacing-0" style="width:30px;"><TR><TD style="background-color:' . $color . ';"> </TD></TR></TABLE>'); } //modif Francois: add translation $header .= '<TD>' . RadioInput($RET['COLOR'], 'tables[' . $_REQUEST['assignment_type_id'] . '][COLOR]', _('Color'), $color_select) . '</TD>'; $header .= '</TR></TABLE>'; } else { $header = false; } if ($header) { DrawHeader($header); echo '</FORM>';
DBQuery('BEGIN; ' . $sql1 . '; ' . $sql2 . '; COMMIT'); unset($_SESSION['FSA_sale']); } unset($_REQUEST['modfunc']); } else { unset($_REQUEST['modfunc']); } unset($_REQUEST['submit']); } if (UserStudentID() && !$_REQUEST['modfunc']) { $student = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT s.STUDENT_ID,s.FIRST_NAME||' '||s.LAST_NAME AS FULL_NAME,fsa.ACCOUNT_ID,fsa.STATUS,fsa.DISCOUNT,fsa.BARCODE,(SELECT BALANCE FROM FOOD_SERVICE_ACCOUNTS WHERE ACCOUNT_ID=fsa.ACCOUNT_ID) AS BALANCE FROM STUDENTS s,FOOD_SERVICE_STUDENT_ACCOUNTS fsa WHERE s.STUDENT_ID='" . UserStudentID() . "' AND fsa.STUDENT_ID=s.STUDENT_ID")); $student = $student[1]; echo '<FORM action="Modules.php?modname=' . $_REQUEST['modname'] . '&modfunc=submit&menu_id=' . $_REQUEST['menu_id'] . '" method="POST">'; DrawHeader('', SubmitButton(_('Cancel Sale'), 'submit[cancel]') . SubmitButton(_('Complete Sale'), 'submit[save]')); echo '</FORM>'; DrawHeader(NoInput($student['FULL_NAME'], ' ' . $student['STUDENT_ID']), '', NoInput(red($student['BALANCE']), _('Balance'))); if ($student['BALANCE'] != '') { echo '<TABLE class="width-100p">'; echo '<TR><TD class="width-100p valign-top">'; $RET = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT fsti.DESCRIPTION,fsti.AMOUNT FROM FOOD_SERVICE_TRANSACTIONS fst,FOOD_SERVICE_TRANSACTION_ITEMS fsti WHERE fst.ACCOUNT_ID=\'' . $student['ACCOUNT_ID'] . '\' AND fst.STUDENT_ID=\'' . UserStudentID() . '\' AND fst.SYEAR=\'' . UserSyear() . '\' AND fst.SHORT_NAME=\'' . $menus_RET[$_REQUEST['menu_id']][1]['TITLE'] . '\' AND fst.TIMESTAMP BETWEEN CURRENT_DATE AND \'tomorrow\' AND fsti.TRANSACTION_ID=fst.TRANSACTION_ID')); $columns = array('DESCRIPTION' => _('Item'), 'AMOUNT' => _('Amount')); $singular = sprintf(_('Earlier %s Sale'), $menus_RET[$_REQUEST['menu_id']][1]['TITLE']); $plural = sprintf(_('Earlier %s Sales'), $menus_RET[$_REQUEST['menu_id']][1]['TITLE']); ListOutput($RET, $columns, $singular, $plural, $link, false, array('save' => false, 'search' => false)); // IMAGE //modif Francois: fix error Warning: fclose() expects parameter 1 to be resource, boolean given // if($file = @fopen($picture=$StudentPicturesPath.'/'.UserSyear().'/'.UserStudentID().'.jpg','r') || $file = @fopen($picture=$StudentPicturesPath.'/'.(UserSyear()-1).'/'.UserStudentID().'.jpg','r')) if (file_exists($picture = $StudentPicturesPath . UserSyear() . '/' . UserStudentID() . '.jpg') || file_exists($picture = $StudentPicturesPath . (UserSyear() - 1) . '/' . UserStudentID() . '.jpg')) { // fclose($file); echo '</TD><TD rowspan="2" style="text-align:left; width:150px;"><IMG SRC="' . $picture . '" width="150">'; }
echo '<TD valign=top>'; echo '<TABLE width=100%><TR>'; echo '<TD valign=top>' . NoInput($staff['FULL_NAME'], $staff['STAFF_ID']); if (!$staff['ACCOUNT_ID']) { $warning = _('This user does not have a Meal Account.'); echo '<BR>' . button('warning', '', '# onMouseOver=\'stm(["' . _('Warning') . ',"' . $warning . '"],["white","#006699","","","",,"black","#e8e8ff","","","",,,,2,"#006699",2,,,,,"",,,,]);\' onMouseOut=\'htm()\''); } echo '</TD>'; echo '<TD valign=top>' . NoInput(red($staff['BALANCE']), _('Balance')) . '</TD>'; echo '</TR></TABLE>'; echo '</TD></TR></TABLE>'; echo '<HR>'; echo '<TABLE width=100% border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0>'; echo '<TR><TD valign=top>'; echo '<TABLE border=0 cellpadding=6 width=100%>'; echo '<TR>'; echo '<TD>'; $options = array('Inactive' => _('Inactive'), 'Disabled' => _('Disabled'), 'Closed' => _('Closed')); echo $staff['ACCOUNT_ID'] ? SelectInput($staff['STATUS'], 'food_service[STATUS]', _('Status'), $options, _('Active')) : NoInput('-', _('Status')); echo '</TD>'; echo '<TD>'; echo $staff['ACCOUNT_ID'] ? TextInput($staff['BARCODE'], 'food_service[BARCODE]', _('Barcode'), 'size=12 maxlength=25') : NoInput('-', _('Barcode')); echo '</TD>'; echo '</TR>'; echo '</TABLE>'; echo '</TD></TR>'; echo '</TABLE>'; PopTable('footer'); echo '<CENTER>' . SubmitButton(_('Save')) . '</CENTER>'; echo '</FORM>'; }
echo "&category_id={$_REQUEST['category_id']}"; } echo " method=POST>"; DrawHeaderHome($title, $delete_button . SubmitButton('Save', '', 'class=btn_medium onclick="formcheck_user_userfields_F2();"')); //'<INPUT type=submit value=Save>'); $header .= '<TABLE cellpadding=3 width=100%>'; $header .= '<TR><TD><input type=hidden id=t_id value="' . $_REQUEST['category_id'] . '"/></TD></TR>'; $header .= '<TR>'; $header .= '<TD>' . ($RET['ID'] > 2 || $RET['ID'] == '' ? TextInput($RET['TITLE'], 'tables[' . $_REQUEST['category_id'] . '][TITLE]', 'Title') : NoInput($RET['TITLE'], 'Title')) . '</TD>'; $header .= '<TD>' . ($RET['SORT_ORDER'] > 2 || $RET['SORT_ORDER'] == '' ? TextInput($RET['SORT_ORDER'], 'tables[' . $_REQUEST['category_id'] . '][SORT_ORDER]', 'Sort Order') : NoInput($RET['SORT_ORDER'], 'Sort Order')) . '</TD>'; $new = $_REQUEST['category_id'] == 'new'; $header .= '<TD><TABLE><TR>'; $header .= '<TD>' . ($RET['ID'] > 2 || $RET['ID'] == '' ? CheckboxInput($RET['ADMIN'], 'tables[' . $_REQUEST['category_id'] . '][ADMIN]', ($_REQUEST['category_id'] == '1' && !$RET['ADMIN'] ? '<FONT color=red>' : '') . 'Administrator' . ($_REQUEST['category_id'] == '1' && !$RET['ADMIN'] ? '</FONT>' : ''), '', $new, '<IMG SRC=assets/check.gif height=15 vspace=0 hspace=0 border=0>', '<IMG SRC=assets/x.gif height=15 vspace=0 hspace=0 border=0>') : NoInput($RET['ADMIN'] == 'Y' ? '<IMG SRC=assets/check.gif height=15 vspace=0 hspace=0 border=0>' : '<IMG SRC=assets/x.gif height=15 vspace=0 hspace=0 border=0>', 'Administrator')) . '</TD>'; $header .= '<TD>' . ($RET['ID'] > 2 || $RET['ID'] == '' ? CheckboxInput($RET['TEACHER'], 'tables[' . $_REQUEST['category_id'] . '][TEACHER]', ($_REQUEST['category_id'] == '1' && !$RET['TEACHER'] ? '<FONT color=red>' : '') . 'Teacher' . ($_REQUEST['category_id'] == '1' && !$RET['TEACHER'] ? '</FONT>' : ''), '', $new, '<IMG SRC=assets/check.gif height=15 vspace=0 hspace=0 border=0>', '<IMG SRC=assets/x.gif height=15 vspace=0 hspace=0 border=0>') : NoInput($RET['TEACHER'] == 'Y' ? '<IMG SRC=assets/check.gif height=15 vspace=0 hspace=0 border=0>' : '<IMG SRC=assets/x.gif height=15 vspace=0 hspace=0 border=0>', 'Teacher')) . '</TD>'; $header .= '<TD>' . ($RET['ID'] > 2 || $RET['ID'] == '' ? CheckboxInput($RET['PARENT'], 'tables[' . $_REQUEST['category_id'] . '][PARENT]', ($_REQUEST['category_id'] == '1' && !$RET['PARENT'] ? '<FONT color=red>' : '') . 'Parent' . ($_REQUEST['category_id'] == '1' && !$RET['TEACHER'] ? '</FONT>' : ''), '', $new, '<IMG SRC=assets/check.gif height=15 vspace=0 hspace=0 border=0>', '<IMG SRC=assets/x.gif height=15 vspace=0 hspace=0 border=0>') : NoInput($RET['PARENT'] == 'Y' ? '<IMG SRC=assets/check.gif height=15 vspace=0 hspace=0 border=0>' : '<IMG SRC=assets/x.gif height=15 vspace=0 hspace=0 border=0>', 'Parent')) . '</TD>'; $header .= '<TD>' . ($RET['ID'] > 2 || $RET['ID'] == '' ? CheckboxInput($RET['NONE'], 'tables[' . $_REQUEST['category_id'] . '][NONE]', ($_REQUEST['category_id'] == '1' && !$RET['NONE'] ? '<FONT color=red>' : '') . 'No Access' . ($_REQUEST['category_id'] == '1' && !$RET['TEACHER'] ? '</FONT>' : ''), '', $new, '<IMG SRC=assets/check.gif height=15 vspace=0 hspace=0 border=0>', '<IMG SRC=assets/x.gif height=15 vspace=0 hspace=0 border=0>') : NoInput($RET['NONE'] == 'Y' ? '<IMG SRC=assets/check.gif height=15 vspace=0 hspace=0 border=0>' : '<IMG SRC=assets/x.gif height=15 vspace=0 hspace=0 border=0>', 'No Access')) . '</TD>'; $header .= '</TR>'; $header .= '<TR><TD colspan=4><small><FONT color=' . Preferences('TITLES') . '>Profiles</FONT></small></TD></TR>'; $header .= '</TABLE></TD>'; if ($_REQUEST['category_id'] > 2 || $new) { $header .= '</TR><TR>'; $header .= '<TD colspan=2></TD>'; $header .= '<TD>' . TextInput($RET['INCLUDE'], 'tables[' . $_REQUEST['category_id'] . '][INCLUDE]', 'Include (should be left blank for most categories)') . '</TD>'; } $header .= '</TR>'; $header .= '</TABLE>'; } else { $header = false; } if ($header) { DrawHeaderHome($header);
StaffWidgets('fsa_barcode'); StaffWidgets('fsa_exists_Y'); $extra['SELECT'] .= ",(SELECT coalesce(STATUS,'Active') FROM FOOD_SERVICE_STAFF_ACCOUNTS WHERE STAFF_ID=s.STAFF_ID) AS STATUS"; $extra['SELECT'] .= ",(SELECT BALANCE FROM FOOD_SERVICE_STAFF_ACCOUNTS WHERE STAFF_ID=s.STAFF_ID) AS BALANCE"; $extra['functions'] += array('BALANCE' => 'red'); $extra['columns_after'] = array('BALANCE' => _('Balance'), 'STATUS' => _('Status')); Search('staff_id', $extra); if (UserStaffID()) { $staff = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT s.STAFF_ID,s.FIRST_NAME||' '||s.LAST_NAME AS FULL_NAME,(SELECT STAFF_ID FROM FOOD_SERVICE_STAFF_ACCOUNTS WHERE STAFF_ID=s.STAFF_ID) AS ACCOUNT_ID,(SELECT BALANCE FROM FOOD_SERVICE_STAFF_ACCOUNTS WHERE STAFF_ID=s.STAFF_ID) AS BALANCE FROM STAFF s WHERE s.STAFF_ID='" . UserStaffID() . "'")); $staff = $staff[1]; echo '<FORM action="' . PreparePHP_SELF() . '" method="POST">'; DrawHeader(_('Timeframe') . ':' . PrepareDate($start_date, '_start') . ' ' . _('to') . ' ' . PrepareDate($end_date, '_end') . ' : ' . $type_select . ' : <INPUT type="submit" value="' . _('Go') . '">'); echo '</FORM>'; //modif Francois: fix bug no balance // DrawHeader(NoInput($staff['FULL_NAME'],' '.$staff['STAFF_ID']),'', NoInput(red($student['BALANCE']),_('Balance'))); DrawHeader(NoInput($staff['FULL_NAME'], ' ' . $staff['STAFF_ID']), '', NoInput(red($staff['BALANCE']), _('Balance'))); if ($_REQUEST['detailed_view'] != 'true') { DrawHeader("<A HREF=" . PreparePHP_SELF($_REQUEST, array(), array('detailed_view' => 'true')) . ">" . _('Detailed View') . "</A>"); } else { DrawHeader("<A HREF=" . PreparePHP_SELF($_REQUEST, array(), array('detailed_view' => 'false')) . ">" . _('Original View') . "</A>"); } if ($staff['ACCOUNT_ID'] && $staff['BALANCE'] != '') { if ($_REQUEST['type_select']) { $where = " AND fst.SHORT_NAME='" . $_REQUEST['type_select'] . "'"; } if ($_REQUEST['detailed_view'] == 'true') { $RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT fst.TRANSACTION_ID AS TRANS_ID,fst.TRANSACTION_ID,(SELECT sum(AMOUNT) FROM FOOD_SERVICE_STAFF_TRANSACTION_ITEMS WHERE TRANSACTION_ID=fst.TRANSACTION_ID) AS AMOUNT,fst.STAFF_ID,fst.BALANCE,to_char(fst.TIMESTAMP,'YYYY-MM-DD') AS DATE,to_char(fst.TIMESTAMP,'HH:MI:SS AM') AS TIME,fst.DESCRIPTION," . db_case(array('fst.SELLER_ID', "''", 'NULL', "(SELECT FIRST_NAME||' '||LAST_NAME FROM STAFF WHERE STAFF_ID=fst.SELLER_ID)")) . " AS SELLER FROM FOOD_SERVICE_STAFF_TRANSACTIONS fst WHERE fst.STAFF_ID='" . UserStaffID() . "' AND fst.SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' AND fst.TIMESTAMP BETWEEN '" . $start_date . "' AND date '" . $end_date . "' +1" . $where . " ORDER BY fst.TRANSACTION_ID DESC"), array('DATE' => 'ProperDate', 'BALANCE' => 'red')); //modif Francois: add translation foreach ($RET as $RET_key => $RET_val) { $RET[$RET_key] = array_map('types_locale', $RET_val); }
echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>' . _('Email Address') . '</td><td>:</td><td>'; echo TextInput($staff['EMAIL'], 'staff[EMAIL]', '', 'size=25 maxlength=100 id=email class=cell_floating'); echo '</TD></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>' . _('Phone Number') . '</td><td>:</td><td><table cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0><tr><td>'; echo TextInput($staff['PHONE'], 'staff[PHONE]', '', 'size=25 maxlength=100 class=cell_floating'); echo '</td></tr></table></TD>'; if ($_REQUEST['staff_id'] != 'new') { echo '<TR><TD>'; echo '' . _('Disable User') . '</TD><TD>:</TD><TD>' . CheckboxInput($staff['IS_DISABLE'], 'staff[IS_DISABLE]', '', 'CHECKED', $new, '<IMG SRC=assets/check.gif width=15>', '<IMG SRC=assets/x.gif width=15>'); echo '</TD></TR>'; echo '<TR><TD>'; echo '' . _('Last Login') . '</TD><TD>:</TD><TD>' . NoInput(ProperDate(substr($staff['LAST_LOGIN'], 0, 10)) . substr($staff['LAST_LOGIN'], 10)); echo '</TD></TR>'; echo '<TR><TD>'; echo '' . _('Staff ID') . '</TD><TD>:</TD><TD>' . NoInput($staff['STAFF_ID']); echo '</TD></TR>'; } echo '</TR>'; echo '</table></td>'; echo '<TD>'; $UserPicturesPath = 'assets/UserPhotos/'; $profile = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT PROFILE FROM staff WHERE STAFF_ID=\'' . UserStaffID() . '\' ')); if ($profile[1]['PROFILE'] != 'parent') { if ($_REQUEST['staff_id'] != 'new' && $UserPicturesPath && (($file = @fopen($picture_path = $UserPicturesPath . '/' . UserStudentID() . '.JPG', 'r')) || ($file = @fopen($picture_path = $UserPicturesPath . '/' . UserStaffID() . '.JPG', 'r')))) { fclose($file); echo '<div width=150 align="center"><IMG SRC="' . $picture_path . '?id=' . rand(6, 100000) . '" width=150 class=pic>'; if (User('PROFILE') == 'admin' && User('PROFILE') != 'student' && User('PROFILE') != 'parent') { echo '<br><a href=Modules.php?modname=Users/UploadUserPhoto.php?modfunc=edit style="text-decoration:none"><b>' . _("Update Staff's Photo") . '</b></a></div>'; } else { echo '';
echo '<TABLE>'; $staff_profile = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT PROFILE_ID FROM staff WHERE STAFF_ID='" . UserStaffID() . "'")); // if($staff_profile[1]['PROFILE_ID']!='') // echo '<TR><td>Profile</td><td>:</td><TD> '.SelectInput($this_school['OPENSIS_PROFILE'],'values[SCHOOL][OPENSIS_PROFILE]','',$option,false,'id=values[SCHOOL][OPENSIS_PROFILE] disabled=disabled').'</TD><tr>'; // else echo '<TR><td>Profile</td><td>:</td><TD>' . SelectInput($this_school['OPENSIS_PROFILE'], 'values[SCHOOL][OPENSIS_PROFILE]', '', $option, false, 'id=values[SCHOOL][OPENSIS_PROFILE]') . '</TD><tr>'; echo '<TR><td>Username</td><td>:</td><TD>'; if (!$this_school_mod['USERNAME']) { echo NoInput('Will automatically be assigned', ''); echo '<span id="ajax_output_stid"></span>'; } else { echo NoInput($this_school_mod['USERNAME'], '', '', 'class=cell_medium onkeyup="usercheck_init(this)"') . '<div id="ajax_output"></div>' . '</TD></tr>'; } echo '<TR><td>Password</td><td>:</td><TD>'; if (!$this_school_mod['PASSWORD']) { echo NoInput('Will automatically be assigned', ''); echo '<span id="ajax_output_stid"></span>'; } else { # echo NoInput($this_school_mod['PASSWORD'],'','','class=cell_medium').'</TD></tr></table>'; echo TextInput(array($this_school_mod['PASSWORD'], str_repeat('*', strlen($this_school_mod['PASSWORD']))), 'staff_school[PASSWORD]', '', 'size=20 maxlength=100 class=cell_floating AUTOCOMPLETE = off onkeyup=passwordStrength(this.value);validate_password(this.value);'); } echo "<td><span id='passwordStrength'></span></td>"; echo '<TR>'; echo '<TD>Disable User</TD><TD>:</TD><TD>'; if ($this_school_mod['IS_DISABLE'] == 'Y') { $dis_val = 'Y'; } else { $dis_val = 'N'; } echo CheckboxInput_No($dis_val, 'staff_school[IS_DISABLE]', '', 'CHECKED', $new, '<IMG SRC=assets/check.gif width=15>', '<IMG SRC=assets/x.gif width=15>'); echo '</TD>';
echo '</td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; echo '</td></TR>'; echo '<TR><td height="30px" colspan=2 class=hseparator><b>Access Information</b></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2">'; echo '<TABLE border=0>'; echo '<tr><td style=width:120px>Username</td><td>:</td><td>'; echo TextInput($student['USERNAME'], 'students[USERNAME]', '', 'class=cell_medium onkeyup="usercheck_init_student(this)"'); echo '<span id="ajax_output_st"></span>'; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>Password</td><td>:</td><td>'; echo TextInput(array($student['PASSWORD'], str_repeat('*', strlen($student['PASSWORD']))), 'students[PASSWORD]', '', 'class=cell_medium onkeyup=passwordStrength(this.value)', 'AUTOCOMPLETE = off'); echo '<div id="passwordStrength" style=display:none></div>'; echo '</td></tr>'; if ($_REQUEST['student_id'] != 'new') { echo '<tr><td>Last Login</td><td>:</td><td>'; echo NoInput(ProperDate(substr($student['LAST_LOGIN'], 0, 10)) . substr($student['LAST_LOGIN'], 10), ''); echo '</td></tr>'; } echo '</table>'; //jc if (User('PROFILE') == 'admin') { echo '<TABLE border=0>'; echo '<TR><td height="30px" ><b>Manage Student</b></td></tr><tr><td colspan="2">'; echo '<tr><td>Select to Delete Student</td><td>:</td><td>'; echo CheckboxInput($student['IS_DISABLE'], 'students[IS_DISABLE]', '', 'CHECKED', $new, '<IMG SRC=assets/check.gif width=15>', '<IMG SRC=assets/x.gif width=15>'); echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td>'; echo "please only delete inactive student"; echo '</td></tr>'; echo '</table>'; }
} else { echo '<DIV id=user_name><div onclick=\'addHTML("<TABLE><TR><TD>' . str_replace('"', '\\"', SelectInput($staff['TITLE'], 'people[TITLE]', 'Title', array('Mr.' => 'Mr.', 'Mrs.' => 'Mrs.', 'Ms.' => 'Ms.', 'Miss' => 'Miss', 'Dr' => 'Dr', 'Rev' => 'Rev'), '', '', false)) . '</TD><TD>' . str_replace('"', '\\"', TextInput($staff['FIRST_NAME'], 'people[FIRST_NAME]', (!$staff['FIRST_NAME'] ? '<FONT color=red>' : '') . 'First' . (!$staff['FIRST_NAME'] ? '</FONT>' : ''), 'id=fname size=20 maxlength=50', false)) . '</TD><TD>' . str_replace('"', '\\"', TextInput($staff['MIDDLE_NAME'], 'people[MIDDLE_NAME]', 'Middle', 'size=18 maxlength=50', false)) . '</TD><TD>' . str_replace('"', '\\"', TextInput($staff['LAST_NAME'], 'people[LAST_NAME]', (!$staff['LAST_NAME'] ? '<FONT color=red>' : '') . 'Last' . (!$staff['LAST_NAME'] ? '</FONT>' : ''), 'id=lname size=20 maxlength=50', false)) . '</TD></TR></TABLE>","user_name",true);\'>' . (!$staff['TITLE'] && !$staff['FIRST_NAME'] && !$staff['MIDDLE_NAME'] && !$staff['LAST_NAME'] ? '-' : $staff['TITLE'] . ' ' . $staff['FIRST_NAME'] . ' ' . $staff['MIDDLE_NAME'] . ' ' . $staff['LAST_NAME']) . '</div></DIV><small>' . (!$staff['FIRST_NAME'] || !$staff['LAST_NAME'] ? '<FONT color=red>' : '<FONT color=' . Preferences('TITLES') . '>') . '</FONT></small>'; } echo '</td></tr>'; echo '<tr><td><span class=red>*</span>Email Address</td><td>:</td><td>'; echo TextInput($staff['EMAIL'], 'people[EMAIL]', '', 'size=25 maxlength=100 id=email class=cell_floating onkeyup=check_email(this,' . $id_sent . ',4); onblur=check_email(this,' . $id_sent . ',4)') . '<span id="email_error"></span>'; echo '</TD></tr>'; if ($_REQUEST['staff_id'] != 'new') { echo '<TR><TD>'; echo 'Disable User</TD><TD>:</TD><TD>' . CheckboxInput($staff['IS_DISABLE'], 'people[IS_DISABLE]', '', 'CHECKED', $new, '<IMG SRC=assets/check.gif width=15>', '<IMG SRC=assets/x.gif width=15>'); echo '</TD></TR>'; echo '<TR><TD>'; echo 'Last Login</TD><TD>:</TD><TD>' . NoInput(ProperDate(substr($staff['LAST_LOGIN'], 0, 10)) . substr($staff['LAST_LOGIN'], 10)); echo '</TD></TR>'; echo '<TR><TD>'; echo 'User ID</TD><TD>:</TD><TD>' . NoInput($staff['STAFF_ID']); echo '</TD></TR>'; $det = DBGet(DBQuery('SELECT HOME_PHONE,WORK_PHONE,CELL_PHONE,EMAIL FROM people WHERE STAFF_ID=' . $staff['STAFF_ID'])); $det = $det[1]; echo '<TR><TD>'; echo 'Home Phone</TD><TD>:</TD><TD>'; echo TextInput($det['HOME_PHONE'], 'people[HOME_PHONE]', '', 'size=25 maxlength=100 class=cell_floating'); echo '</TD></TR>'; echo '<TR><TD>'; echo 'Work Phone</TD><TD>:</TD><TD>'; echo TextInput($det['WORK_PHONE'], 'people[WORK_PHONE]', '', 'size=25 maxlength=100 class=cell_floating'); echo '</TD></TR>'; echo '<TR><TD>'; echo 'Cell Phone</TD><TD>:</TD><TD>'; echo TextInput($det['CELL_PHONE'], 'people[CELL_PHONE]', '', 'size=25 maxlength=100 class=cell_floating'); echo '</TD></TR>';
} unset($_REQUEST['modfunc']); } else { unset($_REQUEST['modfunc']); } unset($_REQUEST['submit']); } if (UserStaffID() && !$_REQUEST['modfunc']) { $staff = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT s.STAFF_ID,s.FIRST_NAME||' '||s.LAST_NAME AS FULL_NAME,(SELECT STAFF_ID FROM FOOD_SERVICE_STAFF_ACCOUNTS WHERE STAFF_ID=s.STAFF_ID) AS ACCOUNT_ID,(SELECT BALANCE FROM FOOD_SERVICE_STAFF_ACCOUNTS WHERE STAFF_ID=s.STAFF_ID) AS BALANCE FROM STAFF s WHERE s.STAFF_ID='" . UserStaffID() . "'")); $staff = $staff[1]; echo "<FORM action=Modules.php?modname={$_REQUEST['modname']}&modfunc=submit&menu_id={$_REQUEST['menu_id']} method=POST>"; DrawHeader('', SubmitButton(_('Cancel Sale'), 'submit[cancel]') . SubmitButton(_('Complete Sale'), 'submit[save]')); echo '</FORM>'; echo '<TABLE width=100%><TR>'; echo '<TD valign=top>' . NoInput($staff['FULL_NAME'], $staff['STAFF_ID']) . '</TD>'; echo '<TD valign=top>' . NoInput(red($staff['BALANCE']), _('Balance')) . '</TD>'; echo '</TR></TABLE>'; echo '<HR>'; if ($staff['ACCOUNT_ID'] && $staff['BALANCE'] != '') { echo '<TABLE border=0 width=100%>'; echo '<TR><TD width=100% valign=top>'; $RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT fsti.DESCRIPTION,fsti.AMOUNT FROM FOOD_SERVICE_STAFF_TRANSACTIONS fst,FOOD_SERVICE_STAFF_TRANSACTION_ITEMS fsti WHERE fst.STAFF_ID='" . UserStaffID() . "' AND fst.SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' AND fst.SHORT_NAME='" . $menus_RET[$_REQUEST['menu_id']][1]['TITLE'] . "' AND fst.TIMESTAMP BETWEEN CURRENT_DATE AND CURRENT_DATE+1 AND fsti.TRANSACTION_ID=fst.TRANSACTION_ID")); $columns = array('DESCRIPTION' => _('Item'), 'AMOUNT' => _('Amount')); $singular = sprintf(_('Earlier %s Sale'), $menus_RET[$_REQUEST['menu_id']][1]['TITLE']); $plural = sprintf(_('Earlier %s Sales'), $menus_RET[$_REQUEST['menu_id']][1]['TITLE']); ListOutput($RET, $columns, $singular, $plural, $link, false, array('save' => false, 'search' => false)); // IMAGE if ($file = @fopen($picture = $UserPicturesPath . '/' . UserSyear() . '/' . UserStaffID() . '.JPG', 'r') || ($file = @fopen($picture = $UserPicturesPath . '/' . (UserSyear() - 1) . '/' . UserStaffID() . '.JPG', 'r'))) { fclose($file); echo '<TD rowspan=2 width=150 align=left><IMG SRC="' . $picture . '" width=150></TD>'; }
$title_RET = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT ac.CALENDAR_ID,ac.TITLE,ac.DEFAULT_CALENDAR,ac.SCHOOL_ID,(SELECT coalesce(SHORT_NAME,TITLE) FROM SCHOOLS WHERE SYEAR=ac.SYEAR AND ID=ac.SCHOOL_ID) AS SCHOOL_TITLE,(SELECT min(SCHOOL_DATE) FROM ATTENDANCE_CALENDAR WHERE CALENDAR_ID=ac.CALENDAR_ID) AS START_DATE,(SELECT max(SCHOOL_DATE) FROM ATTENDANCE_CALENDAR WHERE CALENDAR_ID=ac.CALENDAR_ID) AS END_DATE FROM ATTENDANCE_CALENDARS ac,STAFF s WHERE ac.SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' AND s.STAFF_ID='" . User('STAFF_ID') . "' AND (s.SCHOOLS IS NULL OR position(','||ac.SCHOOL_ID||',' IN s.SCHOOLS)>0) ORDER BY " . db_case(array('ac.SCHOOL_ID', "'" . UserSchool() . "'", 0, 'ac.SCHOOL_ID')) . ",ac.DEFAULT_CALENDAR ASC,ac.TITLE")); $message = '<SELECT name=copy_id><OPTION value="">N/A'; foreach ($title_RET as $id => $title) { if ($_REQUEST['calendar_id'] && $title['CALENDAR_ID'] == $_REQUEST['calendar_id']) { $message .= '<OPTION value="' . $title['CALENDAR_ID'] . '" selected>' . $title['TITLE'] . (AllowEdit() && $title['DEFAULT_CALENDAR'] == 'Y' ? ' (default)' : ''); $default_id = $id; $prompt = $title['TITLE']; } else { $message .= '<OPTION value="' . $title['CALENDAR_ID'] . '">' . ($title['SCHOOL_ID'] != UserSchool() ? $title['SCHOOL_TITLE'] . ':' : '') . $title['TITLE'] . (AllowEdit() && $title['DEFAULT_CALENDAR'] == 'Y' ? ' (default)' : ''); } } $message .= '</SELECT>'; $message = '<TABLE><TR><TD colspan=7 align=center><table><tr><td>' . NoInput('<INPUT type=text name=title' . ($_REQUEST['calendar_id'] ? ' value=' . $title_RET[$default_id]['TITLE'] : '') . '>', _('Title')) . '</td><td>' . NoInput('<INPUT type=checkbox name=default value=Y' . ($_REQUEST['calendar_id'] && $title_RET[$default_id]['DEFAULT_CALENDAR'] == 'Y' ? ' checked' : '') . '>', _('Default Calendar for this School')) . '</td><td>' . NoInput($message, _('Copy Calendar')) . '</td></tr></table></TD></TR>'; $message .= '<TR><TD colspan=7 align=center><table><tr><td>' . NoInput(PrepareDate($_REQUEST['calendar_id'] && $title_RET[$default_id]['START_DATE'] ? $title_RET[$default_id]['START_DATE'] : $fy_RET['START_DATE'], '_min'), _('From')) . '</td><td>' . NoInput(PrepareDate($_REQUEST['calendar_id'] && $title_RET[$default_id]['END_DATE'] ? $title_RET[$default_id]['END_DATE'] : $fy_RET['END_DATE'], '_max'), _('To')) . '</td></tr></table></TD></TR>'; $message .= '<TR><TD>' . NoInput('<INPUT type=checkbox value=Y name=weekdays[0]' . ($_REQUEST['calendar_id'] ? ' CHECKED' : '') . '>', _('Sunday')) . '</TD><TD>' . NoInput('<INPUT type=checkbox value=Y name=weekdays[1] CHECKED>', _('Monday')) . '</TD><TD>' . NoInput('<INPUT type=checkbox value=Y name=weekdays[2] CHECKED>', _('Tuesday')) . '</TD><TD>' . NoInput('<INPUT type=checkbox value=Y name=weekdays[3] CHECKED>', _('Wednesday')) . '</TD><TD>' . NoInput('<INPUT type=checkbox value=Y name=weekdays[4] CHECKED>', _('Thursday')) . '</TD><TD>' . NoInput('<INPUT type=checkbox value=Y name=weekdays[5] CHECKED>', _('Friday')) . '</TD><TD>' . NoInput('<INPUT type=checkbox value=Y name=weekdays[6]' . ($_REQUEST['calendar_id'] ? ' CHECKED' : '') . '>', _('Saturday')) . '</TD></TR>'; $message .= '<TR><TD colspan=7 align=center><table><tr><td>' . NoInput('<INPUT type=text name=minutes size=3 maxlength=3>', _('Minutes')) . '</td><td><FONT color=' . Preferences('TITLES') . '><SMALL>(' . ($_REQUEST['calendar_id'] ? _('Default is Full Day if Copy Calendar is N/A.') . '<BR>' . _('Otherwise Default is minutes from the Copy Calendar') : _('Default is Full Day')) . ')</SMALL></FONT></td></tr></table></TD></TR>'; $message .= '</TABLE>'; if (Prompt($_REQUEST['calendar_id'] ? sprintf(_('Recreate %s calendar'), $prompt) : _('Create new calendar'), '', $message)) { if ($_REQUEST['calendar_id']) { $calendar_id = $_REQUEST['calendar_id']; } else { $calendar_id = DBGet(DBQuery("SELECT " . db_seq_nextval('CALENDARS_SEQ') . " AS CALENDAR_ID " . FROM_DUAL)); $calendar_id = $calendar_id[1]['CALENDAR_ID']; } if ($_REQUEST['default']) { DBQuery("UPDATE ATTENDANCE_CALENDARS SET DEFAULT_CALENDAR=NULL WHERE SYEAR='" . UserSyear() . "' AND SCHOOL_ID='" . UserSchool() . "'"); } if ($_REQUEST['calendar_id']) { DBQuery("UPDATE ATTENDANCE_CALENDARS SET TITLE='" . $_REQUEST['title'] . "',DEFAULT_CALENDAR='" . $_REQUEST['default'] . "' WHERE CALENDAR_ID='" . $calendar_id . "'"); } else { DBQuery("INSERT INTO ATTENDANCE_CALENDARS (CALENDAR_ID,SYEAR,SCHOOL_ID,TITLE,DEFAULT_CALENDAR) values('" . $calendar_id . "','" . UserSyear() . "','" . UserSchool() . "','" . $_REQUEST['title'] . "','" . $_REQUEST['default'] . "')");