Example #1
        $eyes_regest_count = array();
        $eyes_regest_counts = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll('SELECT count(`id`) AS count ,`gender`  FROM `web_ahtv_reguser`  WHERE `uid`!=0 and `channel`=6 group by `gender`');
        foreach ($eyes_regest_counts as $value) {
            $eyes_regest_count[$value['gender']] = $value['count'] + 40;
        $man_eyes_regest = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll('SELECT a.`uid`,b.`nickname`,b.`education`,b.`birthyear` FROM `web_ahtv_reguser` as a left join web_members as b  on a.`uid`=b.`uid` WHERE a.`uid`!=0 and a.`channel`=6 and a.`gender`=0 and b.nickname!=\'\' order by a.`regtime` desc limit 9 ');
        $woman_eyes_regest = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll('SELECT a.`uid`,b.`nickname`,b.`education`,b.`birthyear` FROM `web_ahtv_reguser` as a left join web_members as b  on a.`uid`=b.`uid` WHERE a.`uid`!=0 and a.`channel`=6 and a.`gender`=1 and b.nickname!=\'\' order by a.`regtime` desc limit 9 ');
        require MooTemplate('public/service_eyes', 'module');
    case "zyzhuodong":
        require MooTemplate('public/service_zyzhuodong', 'module');
$serverid = Moo_is_kefu();
if (!$userid) {
    header("location:index.php?n=login&back_url=" . urlencode($back_url));
list($hzn, $adminid) = explode("\t", MooAuthCode($_MooCookie['kefu'], 'DECODE'));
switch ($_GET['h']) {
    //note 短消息功能
    case "message":
        require 'message.php';
        //note 委托真爱一生功能
    //note 委托真爱一生功能
    case "commission":
        require 'commission.php';
        //note 您的意中人
Example #2
 * 客服模拟登录 没有权限修改删除 会员资料
function checkAuthMod($url)
    global $dbTablePre, $_MooClass;
    $serverid = Moo_is_kefu();
    $sql = "select groupid from {$dbTablePre}admin_user where uid='{$serverid}'";
    $result = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql);
    if (empty($result)) {
    if (!in_array($result['groupid'], array(60, 61, 76, 75, 82, 84, 67, 70)) && !empty($serverid)) {
        MooMessage("sorry,您没有操作权限", $url);
Example #3
File: ajax.php Project: noikiy/zays
function public_showmsg($uid)
    header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1970 05:00:00  GMT");
    header("Cache-Control:no-cache, must-revalidate");
    $serverid = Moo_is_kefu();
    global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $timestamp, $memcached, $user_arr;
    // 会员ID
    // $uid = MooGetGPC('uid','integer');
    // 初始化显示数据
    $str = '';
    $n = 0;
    // 未读消息条数
    // $msg = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select count(*) from
    // {$dbTablePre}services where s_uid={$uid} and s_status='0' and flag = '1'
    // and s_uid_del='0'");
    // $msg_count = $msg['count(*)'];
    $msg_count = header_show_total($uid);
    // 前台显示
    if ($msg_count) {
        // 3个发件人的ID
        $user_msg_id = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll("select distinct s_fromid from {$dbTablePre}services where s_uid={$uid} and s_status='0' and s_uid_del='0' order by s_time desc limit 3");
        $inidArr = array();
        foreach ($user_msg_id as $v) {
            if ($v['s_fromid'] == 0) {
                $from_kefu = 1;
            } else {
                $inidArr[] = $v['s_fromid'];
        $inid = implode(',', $inidArr);
        // 提示信息
        $user_msg = array();
        if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) {
            foreach ($inidArr as $arruid) {
                $user_msg[] = MooFastdbGet('members_search', 'uid', $arruid);
        } else {
            $user_msg = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll("select uid,nickname,s_cid from {$dbTablePre}members_search where uid in ({$inid})");
        $str .= '<p>您有<a href="index.php?n=service&h=message">' . $msg_count . '条新消息</a></p>';
        foreach ($user_msg as $vv) {
            // 设置不同链接
            if ($vv) {
                // $nickname=$vv['nickname2']?$vv['nickname2']:$vv['nickname'];
                $nickname = $vv['nickname'];
                if ($nickname) {
                    $str .= '<p>查看<a href="index.php?n=service&h=message&t=membermessage">' . $nickname . '给您发的新邮件</a></p>';
                } else {
                    $str .= '<p>查看<a href="index.php?n=service&h=message&t=membermessage">会员ID ' . $vv['uid'] . '给您发的新邮件</a></p>';
        if ($from_kefu) {
            $str .= '<p>查看<a href="index.php?n=service&h=message&t=hlmessage">真爱一生网发新邮件</a></p>';
    // 提示被哪些用户访问主页
    if ($user_arr['regdate'] < time() - 7200) {
        // 注册时间超过2个小时的会员
        if ($user_arr['showinformation']) {
            // 信息公开的会员
            $visitor_msg = public_showmsg_two($uid);
            // 删除对应的浏览会员
            if ($uid && $visitor_msg['uid']) {
                $sql = "DELETE FROM web_service_browser where browserid='{$uid}' and uid={$visitor_msg['uid']}";
        // $nickname=$visitor_msg['nickname2']?$visitor_msg['nickname2']:$visitor_msg['nickname'];
        if (!empty($visitor_msg)) {
            $nickname = $visitor_msg['nickname'];
            $nc = $nickname ? $nickname : 'ID:' . $visitor_msg['uid'];
            // 伪造查看共多少秒,存memcached
            $makevisit_sec = $memcached->get('makevisit' . $visitor_msg['uid'] . '_' . $uid);
            if ($makevisit_sec) {
                $sec = $makevisit_sec + 1;
                $memcached->set('makevisit' . $visitor_msg['uid'] . '_' . $uid, $sec);
            } else {
                $sec = rand(30, 300);
                $memcached->set('makevisit' . $visitor_msg['uid'] . '_' . $uid, $sec);
            //$img = MooGetphoto ( $visitor_msg ['uid'], 'page' ); // 显示访问者的头像
            $img = MooGetphoto($visitor_msg['uid'], 'mid');
            // 显示访问者的头像
            $mid_img = MooGetphoto($visitor_msg['uid'], 'mid');
            if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB && $visitor_msg['uid']) {
                $msg2 = MooFastdbGet('members_search', 'uid', $visitor_msg['uid']);
                $msg_b = MooFastdbGet('members_base', 'uid', $visitor_msg['uid']);
                $msg2 = array_merge($msg2, $msg_b);
            } elseif ($visitor_msg['uid']) {
                $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$dbTablePre}members_search s left join {$dbTablePre}members_base b on s.uid=b.uid  where s.uid='{$visitor_msg['uid']}'";
                $msg2 = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query($sql);
            if ($sec) {
                if ($sec < 60) {
                    $showsec = $sec . "秒";
                if ($sec == 60) {
                    $showsec = "一分钟";
                if ($sec > 60) {
                    $secOne = intval($sec / 60);
                    $secTwo = $sec - $secOne * 60;
                    $mod = $sec % 60;
                    if (empty($mod)) {
                        $showsec = $secOne . '分钟';
                    } else {
                        $showsec = $secOne . '分钟' . $secTwo . '秒';
            $photo = null;
            if ($msg2['mainimg'] && $visitor_msg['uid']) {
                $photo = "<a target='_blank' href='index.php?n=space&h=viewpro&uid=" . $visitor_msg['uid'] . "'><img src=" . $img . " class='u-photo'></a>";
                if ($user_arr['s_cid'] < 40) {
                    $str .= '<div class="c-line"></div>' . $photo . '<p><a target="_blank" href="index.php?n=space&h=viewpro&uid=' . $visitor_msg['uid'] . '">' . $nc . '</a>也许适合您哦,</p><p>为了您的幸福,请把握缘分。</p><p><a target="_blank" href="index.php?n=space&h=viewpro&uid=' . $visitor_msg['uid'] . '">关注Ta的资料</a></p><div style="clear:both"></div>';
                } else {
                    $str .= '<div class="c-line"></div>' . $photo . '<p><a target="_blank" href="index.php?n=space&h=viewpro&uid=' . $visitor_msg['uid'] . '">' . $nc . '</a>关注了您,</p><p>查看了' . $showsec . ',</p><p><a target="_blank" href="index.php?n=space&h=viewpro&uid=' . $visitor_msg['uid'] . '">关注Ta的资料</a></p><div style="clear:both"></div>';
            } elseif ($visitor_msg['uid']) {
                if ($user_arr['s_cid'] < 40) {
                    $str .= '<p>' . $photo . '<a target="_blank" href="index.php?n=space&h=viewpro&uid=' . $visitor_msg['uid'] . '">' . $nc . '</a>关注了您,查看了' . $showsec . ',<a target="_blank" href="index.php?n=space&h=viewpro&uid=' . $visitor_msg['uid'] . '">查看Ta的资料</a></p>';
                } else {
                    $str .= '<p>' . $photo . '<a target="_blank" href="index.php?n=space&h=viewpro&uid=' . $visitor_msg['uid'] . '">' . $nc . '</a>也许适合您哦,为了您的幸福,请把握缘分。<a target="_blank" href="index.php?n=space&h=viewpro&uid=' . $visitor_msg['uid'] . '">关注Ta的资料</a></p>';
    // 提示当前会员有未读在线聊天消息
    $chat_msg = public_showmsg_three($uid);
    $new_message = '';
    if ($chat_msg) {
        //$num = count($chat_msg);
        //$t_arr = array_keys($chat_msg);
        $str .= '<p>您有<a style="cursor:pointer" onclick="javascript:window.open(\'index.php?n=chat&h=inline_chat&c=1&fid=' . $user_arr['uid'] . '&tid=' . $chat_msg['fromid'] . '&sid=' . $serverid . '\',\'' . $user_arr['uid'] . '_' . $chat_msg['fromid'] . '\',\'scrollbars=no,resizable=no,status=no,width=497, height=440\');setTimeout(function(){public_showmsg(1);},1000);void(0);">新的在线消息</a></p>';
        $new_message = '|new_message';
    // 委托真爱一生联系TA消息提醒,十五天后自动消失
    $expires_time = time() - 3600 * 24 * 15;
    $sql_contact = "SELECT count(*) as yc_count,other_contact_you,you_contact_other FROM {$dbTablePre}service_contact WHERE is_read=0 and you_contact_other = '{$uid}' AND syscheck = '1' AND stat = '1' AND sendtime > " . $expires_time;
    $ret = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql_contact, true);
    if ($uid == $ret['you_contact_other']) {
        $you_contact_other_msg_count = $ret['yc_count'];
        if ($you_contact_other_msg_count > 0) {
            $str .= '<p><a style="cursor:pointer" onclick="javascript:window.open(\'index.php?n=space&h=viewpro&uid=' . $ret['other_contact_you'] . '\', \'newwindow\', \'height=480, width=680, toolbar =no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, location=no, status=no\'),update_read(type=2,uid=' . $uid . ')">ID为' . $ret['other_contact_you'] . '</a>委托真爱一生联系您</p>';
    // 秋波发送提醒,十五天后自动消失
    $sql_leer = "SELECT receiveuid,senduid FROM web_service_leer WHERE is_read=0 and receiveuid = '" . $uid . "' AND  receivetime > " . $expires_time;
    $ret_leer = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql_leer);
    if (!empty($ret_leer) && $uid == $ret_leer['receiveuid']) {
        $str .= '<p><a style="cursor:pointer" onclick="javascript:window.open(\'index.php?n=space&h=viewpro&uid=' . $ret_leer['senduid'] . '\', \'newwindow\', \'height=480, width=680, toolbar =no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, location=no, status=no\'),update_read(type=0,uid=' . $uid . ')">ID为' . $ret_leer['senduid'] . '</a>向您送出了一个秋波</p>';
    // 鲜花发送提醒
    $sql_rose = "SELECT receiveuid,senduid,num FROM web_service_rose WHERE is_read=0 and receiveuid = '" . $uid . "' AND receivetime > " . $expires_time;
    $ret_rose = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql_rose);
    if (!empty($ret_rose) && $uid == $ret_rose['receiveuid']) {
        $str .= '<p><a style="cursor:pointer" onclick="javascript:window.open(\'index.php?n=space&h=viewpro&uid=' . $ret_rose['senduid'] . '\', \'newwindow\', \'height=480, width=680, toolbar =no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, location=no, status=no\'),update_read(type=1,uid=' . $uid . ')">ID为' . $ret_rose['senduid'] . '</a>向您送出了鲜花</p>';
    // 意中人提醒
    $sql_liker = "SELECT * FROM web_service_friend WHERE is_read=0 and friendid = '" . $uid . "' AND sendtime > " . $expires_time;
    $ret_liker = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll($sql_liker);
    $count_liker = count($ret_liker);
    if ($count_liker >= 1) {
        if ($count_liker > 1 && $_MooCookie['uid_liker'] == $ret_liker[0]['uid']) {
            MooSetCookie('uid_liker', $ret_liker[0]['uid'], 86400);
            $rand = rand(1, $count_liker);
            $ret_liker['friendid'] = $ret_liker[$rand]['friendid'];
            $ret_liker['uid'] = $ret_liker[$rand]['uid'];
        } elseif (isset($ret_liker[0])) {
            MooSetCookie('uid_liker', $ret_liker[0]['uid'], 86400);
            $ret_liker['friendid'] = $ret_liker[0]['friendid'];
            $ret_liker['uid'] = $ret_liker[0]['uid'];
        if (empty($ret_liker['friendid'])) {
            $ret_liker['friendid'] = 0;
        if ($uid == $ret_liker['friendid']) {
            $str .= '<p><a style="cursor:pointer" onclick="javascript:window.open(\'index.php?n=space&h=viewpro&uid=' . $ret_liker['uid'] . '\', \'newwindow\', \'height=480, width=680, toolbar =no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, resizable=yes, location=no, status=no\'),update_read(type=3,uid=' . $uid . ')">ID为' . $ret_liker['uid'] . '</a>将您添加为意中人了</p>';
    // 输出
    if ($str) {
        $str .= "|最新提醒({$n}){$new_message}";
        echo $str;
    } else {
        // $n = 0;
        $n = '';
        echo $n;
Example #4
File: ajax.php Project: noikiy/zays
function sendEmail()
    global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $timestamp, $user_arr, $timestamp, $memcached;
    $sendtouid = MooGetGPC('uid', 'integer', 'P');
    $userid = $user_arr['uid'];
    $title = MooGetGPC('title', 'string', 'P');
    $content = MooGetGPC('content', 'string', 'P');
    $serverid = Moo_is_kefu();
    if ($serverid && $user_arr['usertype'] != 3) {
    if (empty($sendEmailCount)) {
        $sendEmailCount = 0;
    $sendEmailCount = $memcached->get('sendEmail' . $userid);
    if ($sendEmailCount > 3) {
    if ($sendtouid == $userid) {
    if (MooGetScreen($userid, $sendtouid)) {
    if (!in_array($user_arr['s_cid'], array(10, 20, 30))) {
    $sendToUser = MooMembersData($sendtouid);
    if (isset($sendToUser['gender']) && $sendToUser['gender'] == $user_arr['gender']) {
    if (isset($sendToUser['showinformation']) && $sendToUser['showinformation'] != 1) {
        $_R_ = MooFastdbGet('certification', 'uid', $userid);
    } else {
        $sql = "SELECT telphone FROM {$dbTablePre}certification WHERE uid='{$userid}'";
        $_R_ = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql, true);
    if (empty($_R_['telphone']) && empty($serverid)) {
    $sql = "select count(s_id) as cnt from web_members_search where s_fromid='{$userid}' and s_uid='{$sendtouid}' and s_type=1";
    $_S_ = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql, true);
    if (isset($_S_['cnt']) && $_S_['cnt'] > 3) {
    $gender = $user_arr['gender'] == 1 ? "美女" : "帅哥";
    $data['s_content'] = trim(safeFilter($content));
    $data['s_title'] = $title;
    $data['s_fromid'] = $userid;
    $data['s_uid'] = $sendtouid;
    $data['s_time'] = time();
    $data['sid'] = $user_arr['sid'];
    if ($user_arr['usertype'] != 3) {
        $data['flag'] = 0;
    } else {
        $data['flag'] = 1;
    inserttable('services', $data);
    $memcached->set('sendEmail' . $userid, ++$sendEmailCount, 0, 86400);
    $sid = $user_arr['sid'];
    $title = '您的会员 ' . $userid . ' 发送邮件到' . $sendtouid;
    $awoketime = $timestamp + 3600;
    $sql_remark = "insert into {$dbTablePre}admin_remark set sid='{$sid}',title='发邮件',content='{$title}',awoketime='{$awoketime}',dateline='{$timestamp}'";
    $res = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query($sql_remark);
    $pattern = '/^((1[345]\\d{9})|(18[0-9]\\d{8}))$/';
    if (isset($sendToUser['usertype']) && $sendToUser['usertype'] == 1 && preg_match($pattern, $sendToUser['telphone'])) {
        Push_message_intab($sendtouid, $sendToUser['telphone'], "站内信", "尊敬的会员您好!ID:{$userid}给您发送了邮件!幸福热线:4008787920", $userid);
Example #5
 * 客服模拟登录 没有权限修改删除 会员资料
function checkAuthMod($url)
    global $dbTablePre, $_MooClass;
    $serverid = Moo_is_kefu();
    $sql = "select groupid from {$dbTablePre}admin_user where uid='{$serverid}'";
    $result = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql);
    if (!in_array($result['groupid'], array('60', '61', '76', '75', '65', '66', '68', '69', '82', '81')) && !empty($serverid)) {
        //MooMessage ( "sorry,您没有操作权限", $url );
        $error = "sorry,您没有操作权限";
        echo return_data($error, true);
Example #6
function report($uid)
    global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $userid, $user_arr, $timestamp;
    $serverid = Moo_is_kefu();
    if ($serverid && $user_arr['usertype'] != 3) {
        MooMessage('对不起您不能模拟操作', 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '04');
    if (MooGetGPC('reportbutton', 'string', 'P')) {
        $u_id = safeFilter(MooGetGPC('uid', 'string', 'P'));
        $ruid = safeFilter(MooGetGPC('ruid', 'string', 'P'));
        $forwhy = MooGetGPC('forwhy', 'integer', 'P');
        $umail = safeFilter(MooGetGPC('umail', 'string', 'P'));
        $content = safeFilter(MooGetGPC('content', 'string', 'P'));
        if ($forwhy == '0') {
            MooMessage('请选择您的举报原因', 'javascript:history.go(-1);');
        if (rtrim($content) == '') {
            MooMessage('请选择您的举报内容', 'javascript:history.go(-1);');
        //note 上传图片
        if ($_FILES['pic']['size'] <= 5242880 && !empty($_FILES['pic']['size'])) {
            $extname = strtolower(substr($_FILES['pic']['name'], strrpos($_FILES['pic']['name'], '.') + 1));
            //note 判断上传的文件类型
            $flag = '';
            $images = array('jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'bmp', 'JPG', 'JPEG', 'GIF', 'PNG', 'BMP');
            //foreach($images as $v) {
            //if(preg_match("/$v/",$_FILES['pic']['type'])) {
            $img_type = explode("/", $_FILES['pic']['type']);
            if (in_array($img_type[1], $images) && in_array($extname, $images)) {
                $flag = 1;
            if ($flag != 1) {
                $notice = "照片必须为BMP,JPG,PNG或GIF格式";
                MooMessage($notice, 'javascript:history.go(-1);');
            //note 上传到指定目录,并且获得上传后的文件描述
            $upload = MooAutoLoad('MooUpload');
            $upload->config(array('targetDir' => REPORT_IMG_PATH, 'saveType' => '0'));
            $files = $upload->saveFiles('pic');
            $report_picname = $files[0]['name'] . "." . $files[0]['extension'];
            //note 提交举报数据
            $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("insert into {$dbTablePre}report (uid,ruid,forwhy,umail,content,pic,addtime) values ('{$u_id}','{$ruid}','{$forwhy}','{$umail}','{$content}','{$report_picname}','" . time() . "')");
            //note 没有上传图片
        } else {
            if ($_FILES['pic']['size'] > 5242880) {
                MooMessage('上传图片大小不能超过5M', 'javascript:history.go(-1);');
            } else {
                MooMessage('必须上传图片作为举报证据', 'javascript:history.go(-1);');
            //note 提交举报数据
            //$_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("insert into {$dbTablePre}report (uid,ruid,forwhy,umail,content,addtime) values ('$u_id','$ruid','$forwhy','$umail','$content','".time()."')");
        $sid = $user_arr['sid'];
        $title = '您的会员 ' . $user_arr['uid'] . ' 举报了 ' . $ruid;
        $awoketime = $timestamp + 3600;
        $sql_remark = "insert into {$dbTablePre}admin_remark set sid='{$sid}',title='{$title}',content='{$title}',awoketime='{$awoketime}',dateline='{$timestamp}'";
        $res = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query($sql_remark);
        MooMessage('举报成功', 'javascript:history.go(-2);');
    //note 两天内对同一位会员投诉只限一次
    $reportcount1 = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select id from {$dbTablePre}report where uid='{$userid}' and ruid='{$uid}' and addtime>" . mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', time() - 86400), date('d', time() - 86400), date('Y', time() - 86400)));
    if ($reportcount1) {
        MooMessage('对不起,您两天内对同一位会员投诉只限一次', 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '02');
    } else {
        //note 第天只能投诉5位会员
        $reportcount = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select count(*) from {$dbTablePre}report where uid='{$userid}' and addtime>" . mktime(0, 0, 0, date('m', time()), date('d', time()), date('Y', time())));
        if ($reportcount['count(*)'] >= 5) {
            MooMessage('对不起,您每天只能对5位不同的会员进行投诉', 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '02');
    if ($userid == $uid) {
        MooMessage('不可以举报自己', 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '03');
        $userinfo = MooFastdbGet('members_search', 'uid', $uid);
    } else {
        $userinfo = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select * from {$dbTablePre}members_search as s left join {$dbTablePre}members_base as b on s.uid=b.uid  where uid='{$uid}'");
    $sql = "select count(*) as c from {$dbTablePre}pic where uid='{$uid}' and isimage=0";
    $pic_num = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql);
    if (!$userinfo) {
        MooMessage('无此用户', 'javascript:history.go(-1);', '03');
    include MooTemplate('public/profile_index', 'module');
Example #7
function space_viewpro()
    global $_MooClass, $dbTablePre, $userid, $timestamp, $user_arr, $val_arr, $style_user_arr, $diamond, $_MooCookie, $memcached;
    $uid = MooGetGPC('uid', 'integer', 'G') ? MooGetGPC('uid', 'integer', 'G') : $userid;
    $skinName = MooGetGPC('skiname', 'string', 'G');
    $is_only_show = true;
    $status = array();
    //note 判断被浏览的会员是否存在
    $status = array_merge(MooMembersData($uid), MooGetData('members_login', 'uid', $uid));
    if ($uid != $userid) {
        $is_only_show = false;
    if (empty($is_only_show)) {
        //if(MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB && $status['is_lock'] != 1){//is_lock默认1不封锁用户,0则封锁
        if ($status['is_lock'] != 1) {
            MooMessage('此会员已经找到真爱,关闭了个人资料,转向我的真爱一生,寻找自己的真爱吧!', 'index.php?n=service');
        if (!$status) {
            MooMessage('此会员已经找到真爱,关闭了个人资料,转向我的真爱一生,寻找自己的真爱吧!', 'index.php?n=service');
            //note 判断被浏览的用户是否允许其他会员查看他的资料
        } elseif (!$status['showinformation'] && $status['uid'] != $userid) {
            switch ($status['showinformation_val']) {
                case 1:
                    MooMessage('此会员已找到正在交往的对象,故资料未公开,转向我的真爱一生', 'index.php?n=service');
                case 2:
                    MooMessage('此会员已找到真爱,即将踏上红地毯,故资料未公开,转向我的真爱一生', 'index.php?n=service');
                case 3:
                    MooMessage('此会员最近很忙,无法及时回复邮件,故资料未公开,转向我的真爱一生', 'index.php?n=service');
                case 4:
                    MooMessage('此会员资料未公开,原因可能是TA已经找到真爱了,转向我的真爱一生', 'index.php?n=service');
    $serverid = Moo_is_kefu();
    if ($serverid) {
        $result = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("select groupid from web_admin_user where uid='{$serverid}'");
        $groupid = $result['groupid'];
        $GLOBALS['system_admin'] = array(60);
        if (in_array($groupid, $GLOBALS['system_admin'])) {
            $serverid = null;
    //note 浏览资料页面时候,写入谁浏览谁表,自己浏览自己的除外
    if ($userid && $uid && $userid != $uid) {
        //note 不让屏蔽的会员查看
        if (MooGetScreen($userid, $uid)) {
            MooMessage('由于特殊原因对方资料未公开,转向我的真爱一生', 'index.php?n=service');
        if (empty($serverid)) {
            //service_visitor 某某会员浏览某某会员记录表
            $visitor = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT vid FROM {$dbTablePre}service_visitor WHERE uid = '{$userid}' AND visitorid = '{$uid}'");
            //note 再次浏览的,更新浏览时间
            if ($visitor['vid']) {
                $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("UPDATE {$dbTablePre}service_visitor SET visitortime = '{$timestamp}' WHERE uid='{$userid}' AND visitorid = '{$uid}' limit 1");
            } else {
                $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}service_visitor SET uid = '{$userid}',visitorid='{$uid}',visitortime = '{$timestamp}'");
            //MemoryCache('visitor', $userid.'行78, space/index.php');
            	$browsered = MooFastdbGet('members','uid',$uid);
            	$sql="SELECT isOnline FROM {$dbTablePre}members where uid='$uid'";
            if (MooUserIsOnline($uid)) {
                $browser = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne("SELECT id FROM {$dbTablePre}service_browser WHERE uid = '{$userid}' AND browserid = '{$uid}'");
                //note 再次浏览的,更新浏览时间
                if ($browser['id']) {
                    $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("UPDATE {$dbTablePre}service_browser SET browsertime = '{$timestamp}' WHERE uid='{$userid}' AND browserid = '{$uid}' limit 1");
                } else {
                    $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->query("INSERT INTO {$dbTablePre}service_browser SET uid = '{$userid}',browserid='{$uid}',browsertime = '{$timestamp}'");
    //note 查看会员资料信息
    $c = MooGetData('members_choice', 'uid', $uid) + MooGetData('members_introduce', 'uid', $uid);
    $user =& $status;
    /***创建浏览队列 ***/
    if (empty($serverid) && !empty($userid)) {
        if ($user['gender'] != $user_arr['gender'] && $user['uid'] != $userid) {
            if ($user['usertype'] == 3 && $user_arr['usertype'] != 3 && $user['showinformation'] == 1 && $user_arr['s_cid'] >= 40) {
                $iscan = $GLOBALS['fastdb']->get($userid . '_scan_space');
                $iscan = empty($iscan) ? array() : json_decode($iscan, true);
                if (!empty($iscan)) {
                    $iscan = in_array($uid, $iscan) ? $iscan : array_push($iscan, $uid);
                $GLOBALS['fastdb']->set($userid . '_scan_space', json_encode($iscan));
            if ($user['usertype'] != 3) {
                $scan_i = $GLOBALS['fastdb']->get('scan_space_' . $uid);
                $scan_i = empty($scan_i) ? array() : json_decode($scan_i, true);
                if (!empty($scan_i)) {
                    $scan_s = array();
                    foreach ($scan_i as $k => $scan) {
                        $scan_s[$k] = $scan[0];
                    if (in_array($userid, $scan_s)) {
                        $scan_i[array_search($userid, $scan_s)] = array($userid, time());
                    } else {
                        array_push($scan_i, array($userid, time()));
                } else {
                    array_push($scan_i, array($userid, time()));
                $GLOBALS['fastdb']->set('scan_space_' . $uid, json_encode($scan_i));
    $user_pic = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll("SELECT imgurl,pic_date,pic_name FROM {$dbTablePre}pic WHERE syscheck=1 and isimage='0' and uid='{$uid}'");
    $gender = $user_arr['gender'] == '0' ? '1' : '0';
    $agebegin = date("Y") - $user_arr['birthyear'] - 3;
    $ageend = date("Y") - $user_arr['birthyear'] + 3;
    $workprovince = $user_arr['province'];
    $workcity = $user_arr['city'];
    $search_url = MOOPHP_URL . "/index.php?n=search&h=quick&gender=" . $gender . "&age_start=" . $agebegin . "&age_end=" . $ageend . "&workprovince=" . $workprovince . "&workcity=" . $workcity . "&isphoto=1&imageField=&quick_search=搜索";
    //note 您可能喜欢的人,匹配相同地区
    $able_like = $userid ? youAbleLike($l, 0) : array();
    //note 获取会员认证证件
    $usercer = certification($uid);
    /* $sql = "select toshoot_video_time,toshoot_video_url from {$dbTablePre}certification where uid='{$uid}' and toshoot_video_check=2";
    	$get_video = $_MooClass ['MooMySQL']->getOne ( $sql );
    	$cs_path = videoPathEncrypt ( MOOPHP_URL . '/' . $get_video ['toshoot_video_url'] . '/mov_' . $uid . '.flv' ); */
    /* $sql_voi = "select toshoot_voice_time,toshoot_voice_url from {$dbTablePre}certification where uid='{$uid}' and toshoot_voice_check=2";
    	$get_voice = $_MooClass ['MooMySQL']->getOne ( $sql_voi );
    	$voice_path = MOOPHP_URL . '/' . $get_voice ['toshoot_voice_url'] . '/voi_' . $uid . '.flv'; */
    //note 当查看其他个人主页时,当前浏览的主页条件是否匹配
    $user2 = false;
    if ($uid != "" && $uid != $user_arr['uid'] && $user['gender'] != $user_arr['gender']) {
        $c2 = MooGetData('members_choice', 'uid', $userid);
        $user2 = MooMembersData($userid);
    $skin_style = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getAll("select * from {$dbTablePre}members_skin");
    $returnurl = 'index.php?' . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'];
    //note 检查绑定是否过期
    if ($user['isbind'] == 1) {
        $user['isbind'] = check_bind($user['bind_id']);
    if ($diamond) {
        $Template = MooTemplate('space_viewpro', 'data');
    } else {
        if (!empty($skinName)) {
            $Template = MooTemplate("public/space_{$skinName}", 'module');
        } elseif ($user['skin']) {
            $Template = MooTemplate("public/space_" . $user['skin'], 'module');
        } else {
            $Template = MooTemplate('public/space_viewpro', 'module');
    if (!empty($userid) && !empty($serverid) && $user['usertype'] == 1) {
        $urlArr = array("ajax.php?n=service&h=sendleer", "ajax.php?n=service&h=addLiker");
        $key = array_rand($urlArr);
        $url = $urlArr[$key];
    if (in_array($user_arr['s_cid'], array(10, 20, 30))) {
        $isMusic = false;
        $sql = "select musicName from web_vipmusic where uid='{$uid}'";
        $music = $_MooClass['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql);
        if ($music['musicName']) {
            $music_url = "data/music/{$uid}/{$music['musicName']}";
            if (file_exists($music_url)) {
                $isMusic = true;
    require $Template;