function search_add_recommend() { global $timestamp; include './include/crontab_config.php'; $uid = MooGetGPC('uid', 'integer', 'G'); $index_userlist = MooGetGPC('index_userlist', 'string', 'G'); $index_userlist_array = explode(',', $index_userlist); if (in_array($uid, $index_userlist_array)) { echo 'exists'; exit; } $province = MooGetGPC('province', 'integer', 'G') > 0 ? MooGetGPC('province', 'integer', 'G') : '0'; $city = MooGetGPC('city', 'integer', 'G') > 0 ? MooGetGPC('city', 'integer', 'G') : '0'; if (in_array($province, array(10101201, 10101002))) { //note 修正广东省深圳和广州的区域查询 $city = $province; $province = 10101000; } $sql = "SELECT * FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_search WHERE uid='{$uid}' and is_lock = 1"; $members_list = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql); if (!$members_list) { echo 'error'; exit; } //判断是否已有 $sql = "select uid from {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_recommend where uid='{$uid}' and city='{$city}' and province='{$province}'"; $result = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql); if ($result) { echo 'repeat'; exit; } //判断是否已满 $result = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne("select count(uid) as count from {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_recommend where city='{$city}' and province='{$province}'"); if ($result['count'] >= 25) { echo 'full'; exit; } $sql = "insert into {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_recommend(uid, province, city, dateline) values('{$uid}', '{$province}', '{$city}', '{$timeStamp}')"; $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query($sql); $age = date("Y") - $members_list['birthyear']; $marrage = $members_list['marriage'] == 1 ? '未婚' : '离异'; $member_level = $members_list['city_star'] > 0 ? '城市之星' : $GLOBALS['member_level'][$members_list['s_cid']]; $img = MooGetphotoAdmin($members_list['uid'], 'small'); $dateline = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp); $td_bgcolor = "style='background-color:#cfeefe'"; echo "\n\t\t<tr id='uid_{$members_list['uid']}'>\n\t\t <td align='center' class='first-cell' {$td_bgcolor}>{$members_list['uid']}</td>\n\t\t <td align='center' {$td_bgcolor}>{$members_list['nickname']}</a>\n\t\t</td>\n\t <td align='center' {$td_bgcolor}>{$age}</td>\n\t <td align='center' {$td_bgcolor}>{$marrage}</td>\n\t\t<td align='center' {$td_bgcolor}>{$member_level}</td>\n\t\t<td align='center' {$td_bgcolor}>{$dateline}</td>\n\t\t<td align='center' {$td_bgcolor}>"; if ($img) { echo "<img src='{$img}'/>"; } else { echo "无"; } echo "</td>\n\t\t<td align='center' {$td_bgcolor}>\n\t\t\t<input type='text' style='width:50px;' id='sort_{$members_list['uid']}' name='sort_{$members_list['uid']}' />\n\t\t\t<input type='button' value='修改' onclick='modify_sort({$members_list['uid']})' />\n\t\t</td>\n\t\t<td align='center' {$td_bgcolor}><a href='#' onclick='del_recommend({$members_list['uid']})'>删除</a></td>\n\t\t</tr>"; //note 插入日志 serverlog(3, 'members_recommend', '添加首页推荐会员uid=' . $uid, $GLOBALS['adminid']); }
function searchuid() { $uid = MooGetGPC('uid', 'integer', 'G'); $sql = "SELECT s.uid,s.nickname,s.birthyear,s.marriage,s.s_cid,b.mainimg FROM {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_search as s left join {$GLOBALS['dbTablePre']}members_base as b on s.uid=b.uid WHERE s.uid='{$uid}'"; $res = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne($sql); if ($res) { $img = MooGetphotoAdmin($res['uid'], 'small'); if ($img) { array_push($res, $img); } else { array_push($res, '无'); } echo json_encode(array(0 => $res)); } else { echo json_encode(array(0 => 'no')); } }
<?php foreach ((array) $users as $v) { ?> <tr> <td align="center"><a href="#" onclick="parent.addTab('<?php echo $v['uid']; ?> 资料','index.php?action=allmember&h=view_info&uid=<?php echo $v['uid']; ?> ','icon')"><?php echo $v['uid']; ?> </a></td> <td align="center"><?php $img = MooGetphotoAdmin($v['uid'], 'small'); if ($img) { ?> <img src="<?php echo $img; ?> " onmouseover="loadImg(<?php echo $v['uid']; ?> )" onmouseout="hideImg()"/><?php } else { ?> 无<?php } ?> </td>
/** * 删除采集会员 */ function allmember_del_collect() { $uid = MooGetGPC('uid', 'integer', 'G'); if (empty($uid)) { salert('变量传递错误', 'index.php?action=allmember&h=collect&clear=1'); } $usertype = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne('select gender,usertype from `' . $GLOBALS['dbTablePre'] . 'members_search` where uid=' . $uid, true); if (empty($usertype) || $usertype['usertype'] != 3) { salert('你要删除的用户不存在或者不是英才会员', 'index.php?action=allmember&h=collect&clear=1'); } //删除图片 $imgs = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll('select imgurl,pic_date,pic_name from `' . $GLOBALS['dbTablePre'] . 'pic` where uid=' . $uid, 0, 0, 0, true); if (!empty($imgs)) { foreach ($imgs as $img) { $img_extension = strtolower(pathinfo($img['pic_name'], PATHINFO_EXTENSION)); $img_name = str_replace('.' . $img_extension, '', $img['pic_name']); $img_md5 = md5($img_name); $img_path = '../' . PIC_PATH . "/" . $img['pic_date']; is_file('../' . $img['imgurl']) ? unlink('../' . $img['imgurl']) : ''; $img_s_array = array('41_57', '139_189', '171_244', 'orgin'); foreach ($img_s_array as $value) { $file_name = $img_path . '/' . $value . '/' . ($value == 'orgin' ? $img_name . '_nowater' : $img_md5) . '.' . $img_extension; is_file($file_name) ? unlink($file_name) : ''; } } } $user_img_array = array('big', 'small', 'medium', 'mid'); foreach ($user_img_array as $style) { $userimg = MooGetphotoAdmin($uid, $style); is_file($userimg) ? unlink($userimg) : ''; } //音乐文件 $muiscs = $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getAll('select path from `' . $GLOBALS['dbTablePre'] . 'art_music` where uid=' . $uid, 0, 0, 0, true); if (!empty($muiscs)) { foreach ($muiscs as $muisc) { $muisc_path = '../data/mp3/' . $muisc['path']; is_file($muisc_path) ? unlink($muisc_path) : ''; } } $user_table = array('members_choice', 'members_base', 'members_search', 'certification', 'comment', 'congratulate_remark', 'mail_queue', 'allotuser', 'member_admininfo', 'members_action', 'mmslog', 'screen', 'validuser_id', 'test_member', 'test_vote', 'tmp', 'today_send', 'uplinkcontent', 'uplinkdata', 'vote', 'services', 'service_visitor', 'service_leer', 'service_rose', 'service_chat', 'service_friend', 'service_visitor', 'smsauths', 'smslog', 'smslog_sys', 'server_log', 'service_getadvice', 'service_contact', 'ifyouaretheone', 'pic'); //用户相关的表 foreach ($user_table as $table) { $table_name = in_array($table, array('membersfastadvance', 'membersfastsort')) ? $table . ($usertype['gender'] ? '_women' : '_man') : $table; if (!$GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->getOne('SHOW TABLES LIKE \'' . $GLOBALS['dbTablePre'] . $table_name . '\'', true)) { continue; } if (MOOPHP_ALLOW_FASTDB) { if (in_array($table_name, array('members_search', 'members_base', 'certification', 'members_choice'))) { $GLOBALS['fastdb']->delete($table_name . 'uid' . $uid); } } $sql = 'delete from `' . $GLOBALS['dbTablePre'] . $table_name . '` where '; switch ($table_name) { case 'today_send': $where = '`sid`=' . $uid . ' or `uid`=' . $uid; break; case 'services': $where = 's_uid=' . $uid; break; case 'service_visitor': $where = 'uid=' . $uid . ' or visitorid=' . $uid; break; case 'service_leer': $where = 'receiveuid=' . $uid . ' or senduid=' . $uid; break; case 'service_rose': $where = 'receiveuid=' . $uid . ' or senduid=' . $uid; break; case 'service_chat': $where = 's_uid=' . $uid . ' or s_fromid=' . $uid; break; case 'service_friend': $where = 'uid=' . $uid . ' or friendid=' . $uid; break; case 'service_contact': $where = '`other_contact_you`=' . $uid . ' or you_contact_other=' . $uid; break; default: $where = '`uid`=' . $uid; break; } $sql = $sql . $where; $GLOBALS['_MooClass']['MooMySQL']->query($sql); } salert('英才会员已经删除了', 'index.php?action=allmember&h=collect&clear=1'); }
?> " onclick="parent.addTab('<?php echo $v['uid']; ?> 资料','index.php?action=allmember&h=view_info&uid=<?php echo $v['uid']; ?> ','icon')"><?php echo $v['uid']; ?> </a> <span style="display:none;position:absolute;z-index:1000;" id="pic_commission_<?php echo $v['uid']; ?> "><?php $img = MooGetphotoAdmin($v['uid'], 'mid'); if ($img) { ?> <img src="<?php echo $img; ?> " /><?php } else { } ?> </span> </td> <td align="center"><?php if ($v['gender'] == 1) { ?> <img src="templates/images/w.gif" alt="女" title="女"/>
echo $member['uid']; ?> ">刷新</a></span> <div style="clear:both"></div> </h1> <div class="list-div thispageTable" id="view_info"> <div class="userpic"> <div style="width:220px;height:220px;text-align:center;overflow:hidden;"> <?php if ($member['images_ischeck'] == '1' && $member['mainimg']) { ?> <img id="show_pic_1" src="<?php if (MooGetphotoAdmin($member['uid'], 'mid')) { echo MooGetphotoAdmin($member['uid'], 'mid'); } elseif ($member['gender'] == '1') { echo '../public/system/images/woman_1.gif'; } else { echo '../public/system/images/man_1.gif'; } ?> " /></a> <?php } elseif ($member['mainimg']) { ?> <?php if ($member['gender'] == '1') { ?> <img id="show_pic_1" src="../public/system/images/woman.gif"/> <?php
function ajax_getimg() { $uid = MooGetGPC('uid', 'integer', 'G'); echo $img = MooGetphotoAdmin($uid, 'big'); serverlog(1, "", "{$GLOBALS['adminid']}号客服{$GLOBALS['username']}在匹配搜索中查看会员{$uid}的头像", $GLOBALS['adminid'], $uid); }