$query_check = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM FattureAcquisti WHERE Fornitori_idFornitori = '" . $idForn . "' AND NumFattVendor='" . $invoice . "'";
 $result_check = mysqli_query($mysqli, $query_check) or die("Error" . mysql_error());
 $row_check = $result_check->fetch_assoc();
 if ($row_check['COUNT(*)'] != 0) {
     $status = 'no_duplicate';
 } else {
     if (isset($_FILES['pdfinv']) and $userfile_in_size != "" and TRIM($userfile_in_tmp) != "" and $_FILES['pdfinv']['error'] == UPLOAD_ERR_OK and is_uploaded_file($userfile_in_tmp)) {
         // Extension of invoice file
         $estensione = strtolower(substr($userfile_in_name, strrpos($userfile_in_name, "."), strlen($userfile_in_name) - strrpos($userfile_in_name, ".")));
         $annocorrente = date("Y");
         if ($estensione == '.pdf') {
             if (is_dir("../invoices/{$annocorrente}") == TRUE) {
                 // Nothing
             } else {
                 // Create the folder
                 Mkdir("../invoices/{$annocorrente}", 0777);
             // Select the Vendor Name from DB
             $query1 = "SELECT NomeFornitore FROM Fornitori WHERE idFornitori = '" . $idForn . "'";
             $rq1 = mysqli_query($mysqli, $query1) or die("Errore nella query. Query non eseguita 1 " . mysql_error());
             $row1 = $result->fetch_assoc();
             // Filter the Name of Manufacturer
             $find = array('/[^A-Za-z0-9- ]/', '!\\s+!', '/[ ]/', '/-{2,}/');
             $replace = array('', ' ', '-', '-');
             $nomeForn = strtolower(preg_replace($find, $replace, stripcslashes(trim($row1['NomeFornitore']))));
             // Create the name of invoice: VendorName_daymonthyear.pdf
             $invoiceName = $nomeForn . "_" . date('d-m-Y', strtotime($date)) . $estensione;
             move_uploaded_file($userfile_in_tmp, "../invoices/{$annocorrente}/" . $invoiceName);
             $urlinvoice = "invoices/{$annocorrente}/{$invoiceName}";
             if (isset($_POST['reg_invoice_date']) and !empty($_POST['reg_invoice_date']) and isset($_POST['reg_invoice_number']) and !empty($_POST['reg_invoice_number'])) {
                 $reg_invoice_date = $_POST['reg_invoice_date'];
Example #2
 $val .= "'" . str_db($_POST['admin_email']) . "',";
 $val .= "'" . replaceSpecial($_POST['result_message']) . "',";
 $val .= "'" . date('Y-m-d') . "',";
 $val .= "'" . replaceSpecial($_POST['quiz_content']) . "',";
 $val .= "'" . replaceSpecial($_POST['cont_error']) . "',";
 $val .= "'" . $visible . "',";
 $val .= "'" . str_db($_POST['min_answer']) . "',";
 $val .= "'" . $status . "'";
 $sql = " insert into quizzes (";
 $sql .= $record;
 $sql .= ") VALUES (";
 $sql .= $val;
 $sql .= ")";
 $last_id = mysql_insert_id();
 Mkdir(path_stored_quizzes . '/' . $last_id, 0755, true);
 copy(path_rel_sfw . '/get_code.php', path_stored_quizzes . '/' . $last_id . '/' . $rand_cod . '.php');
 replace_line_in_file(path_stored_quizzes . '/' . $last_id . '/' . $rand_cod . '.php', "{include}", "require_once('" . path_rel_sfw . "/include/inc_db.php');");
 replace_line_in_file(path_stored_quizzes . '/' . $last_id . '/' . $rand_cod . '.php', "{sql_replace}", "\$" . "sqli = 'select * from quizzes where code = \"" . $rand_cod . "\"';");
 foreach ($_POST as $key => $val) {
     if (substr($key, 0, 9) == 'question_') {
         $record = 'id_quiz,questions';
         $valu = "'" . str_db($last_id) . "',";
         $valu .= "'" . str_db($val) . "'";
         $sql = " insert into questions (";
         $sql .= $record;
         $sql .= ") VALUES (";
         $sql .= $valu;
         $sql .= ")";
Example #3
  * crea le cartelle necessarie per lo storage delle foto 
  * @param owner: nickname del proprietario
  * @param fname: nome dell'imamgine
  * @return: percorso per il savataggio delle immagini per l'utente richiedente
 function createUserDirectory($owner, $fname)
     if (file_exists(UP_DIR . "uploads/{$owner}")) {
         if (file_exists(UP_DIR . "uploads/{$owner}/" . date("dmy"))) {
             $path = self::generatePath($owner, $fname);
         } else {
             Mkdir(UP_DIR . "uploads/{$owner}/" . date("dmy"), 0777);
             $path = self::generatePath($owner, $fname);
     } else {
         Mkdir(UP_DIR . "uploads/{$owner}", 0777);
         Mkdir(UP_DIR . "uploads/{$owner}/" . date("dmy"), 0777);
         $path = self::generatePath($owner, $fname);
     return $path;
Example #4
  * crea le cartelle necessarie per lo storage delle foto 
  * @owner: nickname del proprietario
  * @fname: nome dell'imamgine
  * @return: percorso per il savataggio delle immagini per l'utente richiedente
 function createUserDirectory($owner, $fname)
     $UP_DIR = $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/IoEsisto/v02";
     if (file_exists("{$UP_DIR}/uploads/{$owner}")) {
         echo "</br>la cartella {$owner} esiste</br>";
         if (file_exists("{$UP_DIR}/uploads/{$owner}/" . date("dmy"))) {
             echo "</br>la cartella" . date("dmy") . " esiste</br>";
             $path = self::generatePath($owner, $fname);
         } else {
             echo "</br>la cartella" . date("dmy") . " NON esiste</br>";
             Mkdir("{$UP_DIR}/uploads/{$owner}/" . date("dmy"), 0777);
             $path = self::generatePath($owner, $fname);
     } else {
         echo "</br>la cartella {$owner} NON esiste</br>";
         Mkdir("{$UP_DIR}/uploads/{$owner}", 0777);
         Mkdir("{$UP_DIR}/uploads/{$owner}/" . date("dmy"), 0777);
         $path = self::generatePath($owner, $fname);
     return $path;
 // 2 - Create the folder and insert the image
 // Filter Category and Subcategory name to make folder
 $find = array('/[^A-Za-z0-9- ]/', '!\\s+!', '/[ ]/', '/-{2,}/');
 $replace = array('', ' ', '-', '-');
 $category_photo = strtolower(preg_replace($find, $replace, stripcslashes($category)));
 $subCategory_photo = strtolower(preg_replace($find, $replace, stripcslashes($subCategory)));
 // Check extension
 if ($estensione_photo == '.jpg' or $estensione_photo == '.png' or $estensione_photo == '.gif') {
     if (is_dir("photos/{$category_photo}/{$subCategory_photo}") == TRUE) {
         // Nothing
     } else {
         if (is_dir("photos/{$category_photo}") == TRUE) {
             Mkdir("photos/{$category_photo}/{$subCategory_photo}", 0777);
         } else {
             Mkdir("photos/{$category_photo}", 0777);
             Mkdir("photos/{$category}/{$subCategory_photo}", 0777);
     // Create the image name Filtered
     $photoName = preg_replace($find, $replace, stripcslashes($ManuPartNo));
     // Catch the image with cURL
     // cURL doesn't love SPACE in URL. Replace it with '%20'
     $ImagePath = str_replace(' ', '%20', $ImagePath);
     $ch = curl_init($ImagePath);
     $photoDest = "photos/{$category_photo}/{$subCategory_photo}/" . $photoName . $estensione_photo;
     $fp = fopen($photoDest, 'wb');
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FILE, $fp);
     curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0);
Example #6
 static function Mkdir($utf8_path, $mode)
     return Mkdir($utf8_path, $mode);
 $row3 = $rquery3->fetch_assoc();
 // Filter Category and Subcategory name to make folder
 $find = array('/[^A-Za-z0-9- ]/', '!\\s+!', '/[ ]/', '/-{2,}/');
 $replace = array('', ' ', '-', '-');
 $category_doc = strtolower(preg_replace($find, $replace, stripcslashes(trim($row3['NomeCategoria']))));
 $subCategory_doc = strtolower(preg_replace($find, $replace, stripcslashes(trim($row3['NomeSottoCategoria']))));
 $estensione_file = strtolower(substr($userfile_ds_name, strrpos($userfile_ds_name, "."), strlen($userfile_ds_name) - strrpos($userfile_ds_name, ".")));
 if ($estensione_file == '.zip' or $estensione_file == '.pdf' or $estensione_file == '.stp' or $estensione_file == '.bxl' or $estensione_file == '.doc' or $estensione_file == '.odt') {
     if (is_dir("documents/{$category_doc}/{$subCategory_doc}") == TRUE) {
         // Nothing
     } else {
         if (is_dir("documents/{$category_doc}") == TRUE) {
             Mkdir("documents/{$category_doc}/{$subCategory_doc}", 0777);
         } else {
             Mkdir("documents/{$category_doc}", 0777);
             Mkdir("documents/{$category_doc}/{$subCategory_doc}", 0777);
     $DocNameFile = preg_replace($find, $replace, stripcslashes($nomeDocu));
     $urlfile = "documents/{$category_doc}/{$subCategory_doc}/" . $DocNameFile . $estensione_file;
     $query9 = "SELECT URLLink FROM Documenti WHERE URLLink = '" . $urlfile . "'";
     $rquery9 = mysqli_query($mysqli, $query9) or die("500 Internal Error");
     $numrow = $rquery9->num_rows;
     if ($numrow > 0) {
         $urlfile = "documents/{$category_doc}/{$subCategory_doc}/" . $DocNameFile . "_" . $numrow . $estensione_file;
     move_uploaded_file($userfile_ds_tmp, $urlfile);
     // Insert the document in DB
     $query6 = "INSERT INTO Documenti (Titolo, URLLink, DataInserimento, Descrizione, SizeKB, Type) VALUES ('" . $nomeDocu . "', '" . $urlfile . "', CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, '" . $descDocu . "', '" . $userfile_ds_size / 1024 . "', '" . strtoupper(substr($estensione_file, 1)) . "')";
     mysqli_query($mysqli, $query6) or die("500 Internal Error");
     // ID of new documents
Example #8

# mod_jcode - JCode
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Iacopo Guarneri
# @license - http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html GNU/GPL
# Websites: http://www.the-html-tool.com
// no direct access
defined('_JEXEC') or die('Restricted access');
if (!file_exists("components/com_jcode/source")) {
    Mkdir("components/com_jcode/source", 0775);
    $handle = fopen("components/com_jcode/source/index.html", 'w');
    fwrite($handle, "");
$txt = stripslashes($_POST['txt']);
$txt = str_replace("[e_commerciale]", "&", $txt);
$txt = str_replace("[piu]", "+", $txt);
$file = "components/com_jcode/source/" . $_POST['title'];
$handle = fopen($file, 'w');
fwrite($handle, $txt);
 // Filter Category and Subcategory name to make folder
 $find = array('/[^A-Za-z0-9- ]/', '!\\s+!', '/[ ]/', '/-{2,}/');
 $replace = array('', ' ', '-', '-');
 $nomeCategoria_docu = strtolower(preg_replace($find, $replace, stripcslashes(trim($row_docu_cat['NomeCategoria']))));
 $nomeSottoCategoria_docu = strtolower(preg_replace($find, $replace, stripcslashes(trim($row_docu_cat['NomeSottoCategoria']))));
 // File extension
 $estensione_file = strtolower(substr($userfile_ds_name, strrpos($userfile_ds_name, "."), strlen($userfile_ds_name) - strrpos($userfile_ds_name, ".")));
 if ($estensione_file == '.zip' or $estensione_file == '.pdf' or $estensione_file == '.stp' or $estensione_file == '.bxl' or $estensione_file == '.doc' or $estensione_file == '.odt') {
     if (is_dir("documents/{$nomeCategoria_docu}/{$nomeSottoCategoria_docu}") == TRUE) {
         // Nothing
     } else {
         if (is_dir("documents/{$nomeCategoria_docu}") == TRUE) {
             Mkdir("documents/{$nomeCategoria_docu}/{$nomeSottoCategoria_docu}", 0777);
         } else {
             Mkdir("documents/{$nomeCategoria_docu}", 0777);
             Mkdir("documents/{$nomeCategoria_docu}/{$nomeSottoCategoria_docu}", 0777);
     // Clean document filename
     $DocNameFile = preg_replace($find, $replace, stripcslashes($DocName));
     //Inserisco la foto rinominata nella cartella
     $urlfile = "documents/{$nomeCategoria_docu}/{$nomeSottoCategoria_docu}/" . $DocNameFile . $estensione_file;
     // Check in DB for documents with same URL
     $query_docu_check_url = "SELECT URLLink FROM Documenti WHERE URLLink = '" . $urlfile . "'";
     $result_docu_check_url = mysqli_query($mysqli, $query_docu_check_url) or die("500 Internal Error");
     $numrow_docu = $result_docu_check_url->num_rows;
     if ($numrow_docu > 0) {
         $urlfile = "documents/{$nomeCategoria_docu}/{$nomeSottoCategoria_docu}/" . $DocNameFile . "_" . $numrow_docu . $estensione_file;
     move_uploaded_file($userfile_ds_tmp, $urlfile);
     // Id of Product just Inserted