function AnalyzeDirectory()
    global $audio_path, $dbh;
    // Scan $audio_path
    try {
        // Build array containing filenames
        $files = array();
        ScanDirectory($audio_path, $files);
        // Initialize getID3 engine
        $getid3 = new getID3();
        $getid3->encoding = 'UTF-8';
        $getid3->option_md5_data = true;
        $getid3->option_md5_data_source = true;
        // Scan all files
        foreach ($files as $filename => $name) {
            try {
                if (!@$getid3->info['audio']) {
                    xml_gen::p($name . ' skipped - not an audio file.');
                // Extract data
                $filemtime = filemtime($filename);
                $filesize = filesize($filename);
                $filename_sls = addslashes(utf8_encode($filename));
                $format_name = @$getid3->info['fileformat'] . (@$getid3->info['audio']['dataformat'] != @$getid3->info['fileformat'] ? '/' . @$getid3->info['audio']['dataformat'] : '');
                $format_name_id = Lookup($format_name, 'format_name');
                $encoder_version_id = Lookup(@$getid3->info['audio']['encoder'], 'encoder_version');
                $encoder_options_id = Lookup(@$getid3->info['audio']['encoder_options'], 'encoder_options');
                $bitrate_mode_id = Lookup(@$getid3->info['audio']['bitrate_mode'], 'bitrate_mode');
                $channel_mode_id = Lookup(@$getid3->info['audio']['channelmode'], 'channel_mode');
                $sample_rate = (int) @$getid3->info['audio']['sample_rate'];
                $bits_per_sample = (int) @$getid3->info['audio']['bits_per_sample'];
                $lossless = (int) @$getid3->info['audio']['lossless'];
                $playtime = (double) @$getid3->info['playtime_seconds'];
                $avg_bit_rate = (double) @$getid3->info['bitrate'];
                $rg_track_gain = (double) @$getid3->info['replay_gain']['track']['adjustment'];
                $rg_album_gain = (double) @$getid3->info['replay_gain']['album']['adjustment'];
                $md5data = addslashes(@$getid3->info['md5_data_source'] ? @$getid3->info['md5_data_source'] : @$getid3->info['md5_data']);
                // Insert file entry
                $dbh->query("insert into getid3_file (filename, filemtime, filesize, format_name_id, encoder_version_id, encoder_options_id, bitrate_mode_id, channel_mode_id, sample_rate, bits_per_sample, lossless, playtime, avg_bit_rate, md5data, replaygain_track_gain, replaygain_album_gain) values ('{$filename_sls}', {$filemtime}, {$filesize}, {$format_name_id}, {$encoder_version_id}, {$encoder_options_id}, {$bitrate_mode_id}, {$channel_mode_id}, {$sample_rate}, {$bits_per_sample}, {$lossless}, {$playtime}, {$avg_bit_rate}, '{$md5data}', {$rg_track_gain}, {$rg_album_gain})");
                $file_id = $dbh->insert_id();
                // Loop thru tags
                if (@$getid3->info['tags']) {
                    foreach ($getid3->info['tags'] as $tag_name => $tag_data) {
                        // Loop thru fields
                        foreach ($tag_data as $field_name => $values) {
                            // Loop thru values
                            foreach ($values as $value) {
                                $tag_id = Lookup($tag_name, 'tag');
                                $field_id = Lookup($field_name, 'field');
                                $value_id = Lookup($value, 'value');
                                // Insert comments entry
                                $dbh->query("insert into getid3_comment (file_id, tag_id, field_id, value_id) values ({$file_id}, {$tag_id}, {$field_id}, {$value_id})");
                echo xml_gen::p('#' . $file_id . ' - ' . utf8_encode($filename) . ' OK.');
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                echo xml_gen::p_err($name . ' skipped - getID3() threw the exception: ' . $e->getmessage());
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        echo xml_gen::p_err('An error occured: ' . $e->getmessage());
Example #2
function DoColumnDetails($column)
    global $result;
    global $MaxGroupValueReached;
    global $result_schema;
    global $record;
    global $array_of_things_to_save;
    global $schema_to_use;
    global $work_type;
    global $group1;
    $RunAgain = 0;
    // when building groups this times the app to look for another entry
    $schema_array = $result_schema[$schema_to_use][$column];
    /* // we test for the presence of GROUPS
    			// and if so add them to the array so they are picked up
    			if ($result[$work_type][$record]["groupA0_linktype"])
    				if ($result[$work_type][$record]["groupA0_link"])
    foreach ($schema_array as $key => $value) {
        //echo $key . $value;
        $rowvalue = "";
        $helpvalue = "";
        // now we are in the subarray -- the elements within key="title" for example
        // we store an array of keys like "title" that is later used when we send information to update_work.php.
        //$array_of_things_to_save = array();
        $override_value = "";
        foreach ($value as $key_minor => $value_minor) {
            // LIMIT: Only allowed one GROUP So Far
            // $group1 is a variable (index starts at 0) that counts how many LINKS we've added.
            if ($key_minor == "isgroup") {
                if ($value_minor == "group1") {
                    // Now we get complicated because we have more than one of these.
                    $override_value_key = $value_minor . "_" . $group1 . "_" . $key;
                    //echo $override_value_key;
                    $override_value = $result[$work_type][$record][$override_value_key];
                    if (!$result[$work_type][$record][$override_value_key]) {
                        // A control did NOT exist
                        // AND
                        // there has been no valid entries at this Nth item (where n = $group1)
                        if ($group1 > $MaxGroupValueReached) {
                            // at the point when we hit a dead entry we just BAIL entirely.
                            // The group has ended and columns are only suppose to have one group in them.
                            // THere we are done ELSE infinite loop
                            // 14/09/2014
                            // This ended up working BUT because previous data
                            // did not have the NEW FIELD, it added it to the end of the entire set
                            // and consequently I could not use it
                            //  13/09/2014
                            //  Just verified that we DO still need this.
                            //  We are effectively building a list "group1[0] ... group1[infinity]... we use
                            //  the "does it exist" test to prevent us from growing exponentially.
                            // THE PROBLEM
                            //  The problem with this is when I went to add a new field ... each link requiring an ISBN
                            //  I cannot go back and fix the old entries, which means as soon as it tries to find
                            //  an ISBN and can't... it does not render the rest of the elements.
                            // POSSIBLE SOLUTION
                            //   We test to see if an element of N was found and if so
                            //   we skip the Existence Test.
                            //   That is if a linktype exists for N=9 then we know there is a 9th ROW, even if
                            //   the NewField does not exist in it.
                            //   IMPLEMENTATION: Just keep track of the Highest N we encounter. If this elements is
                            //      on the Nth Row[if we have this info] then it gets a pass, even if it does not exist
                            //echo "Reached Last In Series with max group = ".$group1. " and max group = ".$MaxGroupValueReached;
                    } else {
                        // we track what record # we "found".
                        // if we find a control in a set (i.e., set N=1) then
                        // even if another label (a new field added after the original dataset created) is added
                        // we still display it.
                        $MaxGroupValueReached = $group1;
                    //echo "Max Group Reached = ".$group1;
                    // now try to "iterate" through all of them and write them all now.
                    //echo "-->".$override_value;
                    $key = $override_value_key;
                    // we set this so that the control is named this. If the control is named this then things should save!
                } else {
                    if ($value_minor == "groupend") {
                        // test to see if the next value exists?
                        //echo "here2";
                        // we have to just run again and look and hope error handling handles errors?
                        $RunAgain = 1;
                        // try to write an ID
                        echo "<h3><hr></hr></h3>";
                /* MY LOGIC
                			 -- somehow I want to run through the entire... COLUMN? again
                			 -- would that work? If I made a RULE that only one thing can be in a column?
            if ($key_minor == "type") {
                $rowvalue = DrawInputObject($rowvalue, $value_minor, $key, $override_value);
            } else {
                if ($key_minor == "help") {
                    $helpvalue = $value_minor;
        // foreach 1
        // I moved the push array to the end so that if the key is modified (as it is for groups) the change is reflecte
        if ($key != "group1end") {
            array_push($array_of_things_to_save, $key);
            echo '<div class="panel panel-default"><div class="panel panel-success"><div class="panel-heading">';
            echo '<h3>';
            $label = Lookup($key);
            echo '<span class="label label-primary">' . $label . '</span>';
            echo '</h3>';
            if ($helpvalue != "") {
                echo '<h4><span class="label label-warning">' . $helpvalue . '</span></h4>';
            echo ' </div></div> <div id="panelz" class="panel-body">';
            echo $rowvalue;
            echo '</div></div>';
    if ($RunAgain == 1) {