it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. VerliAdmin is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with VerliAdmin; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA */ //Logout user (delete cookies and log to file action) $time = Time(); $DB_hub->Query("UPDATE reglist SET logout_last = ".Time()." WHERE nick = '".USR_NICK."'"); IF($VA_setup['log_login']) { $action = "Logout"; LogFile(USR_NICK, USR_CLASS, $action, "login"); } SetCookie("login"); SetCookie("nick"); SetCookie("password"); Header("Location: index.php"); ?>
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with VerliAdmin; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ====================================================================== */ IF($VA_setup['kicklist_min_class'] > USR_CLASS) {Die(VA_Message($err_msg_no_access, "error"));} IF($_POST['nick'] && $_POST['time']) { IF($VA_setup['kicklist_unban_class'] <= USR_CLASS) { $DB_hub->Query("DELETE FROM kicklist WHERE nick='".$_POST['nick']."' AND time=".$_POST['time']); IF($VA_setup['log_unkick']) { $action = "Unkicked ".$_POST['nick']; LogFile(USR_NICK, USR_CLASS, $action, "unkick"); } } ELSE {Die(VA_Message($err_msg_no_access, "error"));} }?> <FONT class="h2"><?Print $text_kicklist;?></FONT> <BR><BR> <? IF($_POST['age'] && $VA_setup['kicklist_unkick_class'] <= USR_CLASS) { $time = Time() - ($_POST['age'] * 24 * 3600); $DB_hub->Query("DELETE FROM kicklist WHERE time < ".$time); VA_Message($text_affected_rows." : ".VA_Affected_Rows($DB_hub), "info32");
} } ELSE { Die(VA_Message($err_msg_no_access, "error")); } } ELSE { $delete_class = FetchClass("|", $VA_setup['delete_class']); IF($delete_class[$row['class']] <= USR_CLASS) { $query = "DELETE FROM reglist WHERE nick LIKE '".$_GET['nick']."'"; $DB_hub->Query($query); IF($VA_setup['log_deletereg']) { $action = "Deleted reg user ".$_GET['nick']." with class ".$row['class']; LogFile(USR_NICK, USR_CLASS, $action, "deletereg"); } } ELSE { Die(VA_Message($err_msg_no_access, "error")); } } StoreQueries(); Header("Location: index.php?".Change_URL_Query("q", "reglist", "confirmed", "", "nick", "")); Die(); } ELSEIF($_POST['no']) { Header("Location: index.php?".Change_URL_Query("q", "reglist", "nick", ""));
$query = "REPLACE INTO SetupList \n"; $query .= "(file, var, val) \n"; $query .= "VALUES ('".$_POST['file']."', '".$_POST['var']."', '".$_POST['val']."')"; $DB_hub->Query($query); IF($_POST['help'] != "" && $_POST['applies'] != "" && $_POST['vtype']) {$DB_hub->Query("REPLACE INTO setuphelp (var, vtype, help, applies) VALUES ('".$_POST['var']."', '".$_POST['vtype']."', '".$_POST['help']."', '".$_POST['applies']."')");} IF($VA_setup['log_settings']) { IF($_POST['file'] == config) {$value = $VH_setup[$_POST['var']];} ELSE {$value = $VA_setup[$_POST['var']];} $action = "Changed setting ".$_POST['var']." ".$value." -> ".$_POST['val']; LogFile(USR_NICK, USR_CLASS, $action, "settings"); } StoreQueries(); Header("Location: index.php?".Change_URL_Query("q", "setuplist")."#".$_POST['file']."_".$_POST['var']); Die(); } ?> <FONT class="h2"><?Print $text_edit_setup;?></FONT> <BR><BR> <? IF($VA_setup['setuplist_edit_class'] > USR_CLASS)