function Head($name = 'edit[content]') { global $LANG, $WikiTheme; $WikiTheme->addMoreHeaders(Javascript('', array('src' => $this->BasePath . 'tiny_mce.js', 'language' => 'JavaScript'))); return Javascript("\ntinyMCE.init({\n\tmode : 'exact',\n\telements: '{$name}',\n theme : 'advanced',\n language: \"{$LANG}\",\n ask : false,\n\ttheme_advanced_toolbar_location : \"top\",\n\ttheme_advanced_toolbar_align : \"left\",\n\ttheme_advanced_path_location : \"bottom\",\n\ttheme_advanced_buttons1 : \"bold,italic,underline,separator,strikethrough,justifyleft,justifycenter,justifyright,justifyfull,bullist,numlist,undo,redo,link,unlink\",\n\ttheme_advanced_buttons2 : \"\",\n\ttheme_advanced_buttons3 : \"\",\n});"); /* plugins : \"table,contextmenu,paste,searchreplace,iespell,insertdatetime\", extended_valid_elements : \"a[name|href|target|title|onclick],img[class|src|border=0|alt|title|hspace|vspace|width|height|align|onmouseover|onmouseout|name],hr[class|width|size|noshade],font[face|size|color|style],span[class|align|style]\" }); */ }
function Head($name = 'edit[content]') { global $WikiTheme; foreach (array("Wikiwyg.js", "Wikiwyg/Toolbar.js", "Wikiwyg/Preview.js", "Wikiwyg/Wikitext.js", "Wikiwyg/Wysiwyg.js", "Wikiwyg/Phpwiki.js", "Wikiwyg/HTML.js", "Wikiwyg/Toolbar.js") as $js) { $WikiTheme->addMoreHeaders(Javascript('', array('src' => $this->BasePath . '/' . $js, 'language' => 'JavaScript'))); } $doubleClickToEdit = ($GLOBALS['request']->getPref('doubleClickEdit') or ENABLE_DOUBLECLICKEDIT) ? 'true' : 'false'; if ($GLOBALS['request']->getArg('mode') && $GLOBALS['request']->getArg('mode') == 'wysiwyg') { return JavaScript($this->_jsdefault . "\n window.onload = function() {\n var wikiwyg = new Wikiwyg.Phpwiki();\n var config = {\n doubleClickToEdit: {$doubleClickToEdit},\n javascriptLocation: data_path+'/themes/default/Wikiwyg/',\n toolbar: {\n\t imagesLocation: data_path+'/themes/default/Wikiwyg/images/',\n\t\tcontrolLayout: [\n\t\t 'save','preview','save_button','|',\n\t\t 'p','|',\n\t\t 'h2', 'h3', 'h4','|',\n\t\t 'bold', 'italic', '|',\n 'sup', 'sub', '|',\n 'toc',\n 'wikitext','|',\n\t\t 'pre','|',\n\t\t 'ordered', 'unordered','hr','|',\n\t\t 'link','|',\n 'table'\n\t\t ],\n\t\tstyleSelector: [\n\t\t 'label', 'p', 'h2', 'h3', 'h4', 'pre'\n\t\t\t\t], \n\t\tcontrolLabels: {\n\t save: '" . _("Apply changes") . "',\n\t\t cancel: '" . _("Exit toolbar") . "',\n\t\t h2: '" . _("Title 1") . "',\n\t\t h3: '" . _("Title 2") . "',\n\t\t h4: '" . _("Title 3") . "',\n\t\t verbatim: '" . _("Verbatim") . "',\n toc: '" . _("Table of content") . "', \n wikitext: '" . _("Insert Wikitext section") . "', \n sup: '" . _("Sup") . "', \n sub: '" . _("Sub") . "',\n preview: '" . _("Preview") . "', \n save_button:'" . _("Save") . "' \n\t }\n },\n wysiwyg: {\n iframeId: 'iframe0'\n },\n\t wikitext: {\n\t supportCamelCaseLinks: true\n\t }\n };\n var div = document.getElementById(\"" . $this->_htmltextid . "\");\n wikiwyg.createWikiwygArea(div, config);\n wikiwyg_divs.push(wikiwyg);\n wikiwyg.editMode();}"); } }
function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { $args = $this->getArgs($argstr, $request); if (!$args['pagename']) { return $this->error(_("No pagename specified")); } // Get our form args. $comment = $request->getArg("comment"); $request->setArg('comment', false); if ($request->isPost() and !empty($comment['addcomment'])) { $this->add($request, $comment, 'comment'); // noreturn } if ($args['jshide'] and isBrowserIE() and browserDetect("Mac")) { //trigger_error(_("jshide set to 0 on Mac IE"), E_USER_NOTICE); $args['jshide'] = 0; } // Now we display previous comments and/or provide entry box // for new comments $html = HTML(); if ($args['jshide']) { $div = HTML::div(array('id' => 'comments', 'style' => 'display:none;')); //$list->setAttr('style','display:none;'); $div->pushContent(Javascript("\nfunction togglecomments(a) {\n comments=document.getElementById('comments');\n if ('none') {\n'block';\n a.title='" . _("Click to hide the comments") . "';\n } else {\n'none';\n a.title='" . _("Click to display all comments") . "';\n }\n}")); $html->pushContent(HTML::h4(HTML::a(array('name' => 'comment-header', 'class' => 'wikiaction', 'title' => _("Click to display"), 'onclick' => "togglecomments(this)"), _("Comments")))); } else { $div = HTML::div(array('id' => 'comments')); } foreach (explode(',', $args['mode']) as $show) { if (!empty($seen[$show])) { continue; } $seen[$show] = 1; switch ($show) { case 'show': $show = $this->showAll($request, $args, 'comment'); //if ($args['jshide']) $show->setAttr('style','display:none;'); $div->pushContent($show); break; case 'add': global $WikiTheme; if (!$WikiTheme->DUMP_MODE) { $add = $this->showForm($request, $args, 'addcomment'); //if ($args['jshide']) $add->setAttr('style','display:none;'); $div->pushContent($add); } break; default: return $this->error(sprintf("Bad mode ('%s')", $show)); } } $html->pushContent($div); return $html; }
function Head($name = 'edit[content]') { global $WikiTheme; $WikiTheme->addMoreHeaders(Javascript('', array('src' => $this->BasePath . 'fckeditor.js', 'language' => 'JavaScript'))); return JavaScript("\nwindow.onload = function()\n{\nvar oFCKeditor = new FCKeditor( '{$this->_htmltextid}' ) ;" . $this->_jsdefault . "\n// force textarea in favor of iFrame?\n// oFCKeditor._IsCompatibleBrowser = function() { return false; }\noFCKeditor.ReplaceTextarea();\n}"); }
public function goback($count = -1) { Javascript("window.history.go({$count})"); die; }
function _generate() { global $WikiTheme, $request; $toolbar = "document.writeln(\"<div class=\\\"edit-toolbar\\\" id=\\\"toolbar\\\">\");\n"; if (ENABLE_EDIT_TOOLBAR) { $username = $request->_user->UserName(); if (FUSIONFORGE or DISABLE_MARKUP_WIKIWORD or !isWikiWord($username)) { $username = '******' . $username . ']]'; } $signature = " ––" . $username . " " . CTime(); $toolarray = array(array("image" => "ed_format_bold.png", "open" => "**", "close" => "**", "sample" => _("Bold text"), "title" => _("Bold text [alt-b]")), array("image" => "ed_format_italic.png", "open" => "//", "close" => "//", "sample" => _("Italic text"), "title" => _("Italic text [alt-i]")), array("image" => "ed_format_strike.png", "open" => "<s>", "close" => "</s>", "sample" => _("Strike-through text"), "title" => _("Strike")), array("image" => "ed_format_color.png", "open" => "%color=green% ", "close" => " %%", "sample" => _("Color text"), "title" => _("Color")), array("image" => "ed_pagelink.png", "open" => "[[", "close" => "]]", "sample" => _("PageName|optional label"), "title" => _("Link to page")), array("image" => "ed_link.png", "open" => "[[", "close" => "]]", "sample" => _("|optional label"), "title" => _("External link (remember http:// prefix)")), array("image" => "ed_headline.png", "open" => "\\n== ", "close" => " ==\\n", "sample" => _("Headline text"), "title" => _("Level 1 headline")), array("image" => "ed_nowiki.png", "open" => "\\<verbatim\\>\\n", "close" => "\\n\\</verbatim\\>", "sample" => _("Insert non-formatted text here"), "title" => _("Ignore wiki formatting")), array("image" => "ed_sig.png", "open" => $signature, "close" => "", "sample" => "", "title" => _("Your signature")), array("image" => "ed_hr.png", "open" => "\\n----\\n", "close" => "", "sample" => "", "title" => _("Horizontal line")), array("image" => "ed_table.png", "open" => "\\n{| class=\"bordered\"\\n|+ This is the table caption\\n|= This is the table summary\\n|-\\n! Header A !! Header B !! Header C\\n|-\\n| Cell A1 || Cell B1 || Cell C1\\n|-\\n| Cell A2 || Cell B2 || Cell C2\\n|-\\n| Cell A3 || Cell B3 || Cell C3\\n|}\\n", "close" => "", "sample" => "", "title" => _("Sample table")), array("image" => "ed_enumlist.png", "open" => "\\n# Item 1\\n# Item 2\\n# Item 3\\n", "close" => "", "sample" => "", "title" => _("Enumeration")), array("image" => "ed_list.png", "open" => "\\n* Item 1\\n* Item 2\\n* Item 3\\n", "close" => "", "sample" => "", "title" => _("List")), array("image" => "ed_toc.png", "open" => "<<CreateToc with_toclink||=1>>\\n", "close" => "", "sample" => "", "title" => _("Table of Contents")), array("image" => "ed_redirect.png", "open" => "<<RedirectTo page=\"", "close" => "\">>", "sample" => _("Page Name"), "title" => _("Redirect")), array("image" => "ed_templateplugin.png", "open" => "{{", "close" => "}}", "sample" => _("Template Name"), "title" => _("Template"))); $btn = new SubmitImageButton(_("Save"), "edit[save]", 'toolbar', $WikiTheme->getImageURL("ed_save.png")); $btn->addTooltip(_("Save")); $btn->setAccesskey("s"); $toolbar .= 'document.writeln("' . addslashes($btn->asXml()) . '");' . "\n"; // preview not supported yet on Wikiblog if (empty($WikiTheme->_headers_printed)) { $btn = new SubmitImageButton(_("Preview"), "edit[preview]", 'toolbar', $WikiTheme->getImageURL("ed_preview.png")); $btn->addTooltip(_("Preview")); $btn->setAccesskey("p"); $toolbar .= 'document.writeln("' . addslashes($btn->asXml()) . '");' . "\n"; } foreach ($toolarray as $tool) { global $WikiTheme; $image = $WikiTheme->getImageURL($tool["image"]); $open = $tool["open"]; $close = $tool["close"]; $sample = addslashes($tool["sample"]); // Note that we use the title both for the ALT tag and the TITLE tag of the image. // Older browsers show a "speedtip" type message only for ALT. // Ideally these should be different, realistically they // probably don't need to be. $tool = $WikiTheme->fixAccesskey($tool); $title = addslashes($tool["title"]); $toolbar .= "addTagButton('{$image}','{$title}','{$open}','{$close}','{$sample}');\n"; } /* Fails with Chrome */ if (!isBrowserSafari()) { $toolbar .= "addInfobox('" . addslashes(_("Click a button to get an example text")) . "');\n"; } } if (JS_SEARCHREPLACE) { $undo_d_btn = $WikiTheme->getImageURL("ed_undo_d.png"); //$redo_btn = $WikiTheme->getImageURL("ed_redo.png"); $sr_btn = $WikiTheme->getImageURL("ed_replace.png"); //TODO: generalize the UNDO button and fix it for Search & Replace $sr_html = HTML(HTML::img(array('class' => "toolbar", 'id' => "sr_undo", 'src' => $undo_d_btn, 'title' => _("Undo Search & Replace"), 'alt' => _("Undo Search & Replace"), 'onclick' => "do_undo()")), HTML::img(array('class' => "toolbar", 'src' => $sr_btn, 'alt' => _("Search & Replace"), 'title' => _("Search & Replace"), 'onclick' => "replace()"))); } else { $sr_html = ''; } //TODO: Delegate this to run-time with showing an hidden input at the right, and do // a seperate moacdropdown and xmlrpc:titleSearch. // Button to generate categories, display in extra window as popup and insert $sr_html = HTML($sr_html, $this->categoriesPulldown()); // Button to generate plugins, display in extra window as popup and insert $sr_html = HTML($sr_html, $this->pluginPulldown()); // Button to generate pagenames, display in extra window as popup and insert if (TOOLBAR_PAGELINK_PULLDOWN) { $sr_html = HTML($sr_html, $this->pagesPulldown(TOOLBAR_PAGELINK_PULLDOWN)); } // Button to insert from an template, display pagename in extra window as popup and insert if (TOOLBAR_TEMPLATE_PULLDOWN) { $sr_html = HTML($sr_html, $this->templatePulldown(TOOLBAR_TEMPLATE_PULLDOWN)); } // Button to add images, display in extra window as popup and insert if (TOOLBAR_IMAGE_PULLDOWN) { $sr_html = HTML($sr_html, $this->imagePulldown(TOOLBAR_IMAGE_PULLDOWN)); } // don't use document.write for replace, otherwise self.opener is not defined. $toolbar_end = "document.writeln(\"</div>\");"; if ($sr_html) { return HTML(Javascript($toolbar), "\n", $sr_html, "\n", Javascript($toolbar_end)); } else { return HTML(Javascript($toolbar . $toolbar_end)); } }
function run($dbi, $argstr, &$request, $basepage) { global $WikiTheme; extract($this->getArgs($argstr, $request)); if ($pagename) { // Expand relative page names. $page = new WikiPageName($pagename, $basepage); $pagename = $page->name; } if (!$pagename) { return $this->error(_("no page specified")); } if ($jshide and isBrowserIE() and browserDetect("Mac")) { //trigger_error(_("jshide set to 0 on Mac IE"), E_USER_NOTICE); $jshide = 0; } $page = $dbi->getPage($pagename); $current = $page->getCurrentRevision(); //FIXME: I suspect this only to crash with Apache2 if (!$current->get('markup') or $current->get('markup') < 2) { if (in_array(php_sapi_name(), array('apache2handler', 'apache2filter'))) { trigger_error(_("CreateToc disabled for old markup"), E_USER_WARNING); return ''; } } $content = $current->getContent(); $html = HTML::div(array('class' => 'toc', 'id' => 'toc')); /*if ($liststyle == 'dl') $list = HTML::dl(array('id'=>'toclist','class' => 'toc')); elseif ($liststyle == 'ul') $list = HTML::ul(array('id'=>'toclist','class' => 'toc')); elseif ($liststyle == 'ol') $list = HTML::ol(array('id'=>'toclist','class' => 'toc')); */ $list = HTML::ul(array('id' => 'toclist', 'class' => 'toc')); if (!strstr($headers, ",")) { $headers = array($headers); } else { $headers = explode(",", $headers); } $levels = array(); foreach ($headers as $h) { //replace !!! with level 1, ... if (strstr($h, "!")) { $hcount = substr_count($h, '!'); $level = min(max(1, $hcount), 3); $levels[] = $level; } else { $level = min(max(1, (int) $h), 3); $levels[] = $level; } } if (TOC_FULL_SYNTAX) { require_once "lib/InlineParser.php"; } if ($headers = $this->extractHeaders($content, $dbi->_markup, $with_toclink, $with_counter, $levels, $basepage)) { $container = $list; $levelRefs = array(); $previousLevel = 3; foreach ($headers as $k => $h) { if ($h['level'] < $previousLevel) { // h2 -> h3 (level 3 -> level 2) // Keep track of previous points $levelRefs[$previousLevel] = $container; // Create new container $ul = HTML::ul(); $container->pushContent($ul); $container = $ul; } elseif ($h['level'] > $previousLevel) { // h4 -> h3 (level 1 -> level 2) if (isset($levelRefs[$h['level']])) { $container = $levelRefs[$h['level']]; } } $h = $headers[$k]; $link = new WikiPageName($pagename, $page, $h['anchor']); $li = WikiLink($link, 'known', $h['text']); $container->pushContent(HTML::li($li)); $previousLevel = $h['level']; } } $list->setAttr('style', 'display:' . ($jshide ? 'none;' : 'block;')); $open = DATA_PATH . '/' . $WikiTheme->_findFile("images/folderArrowOpen.png"); $close = DATA_PATH . '/' . $WikiTheme->_findFile("images/folderArrowClosed.png"); $html->pushContent(Javascript("\nfunction toggletoc(a) {\n var toc=document.getElementById('toclist')\n //toctoggle=document.getElementById('toctoggle')\n var open='" . $open . "'\n var close='" . $close . "'\n if ('none') {\n'block'\n a.title='" . _("Click to hide the TOC") . "'\n a.src = open\n } else {\n'none';\n a.title='" . _("Click to display") . "'\n a.src = close\n }\n}")); if ($extracollapse) { $toclink = HTML(_("Table Of Contents"), " ", HTML::a(array('name' => 'TOC')), HTML::img(array('id' => 'toctoggle', 'class' => 'wikiaction', 'title' => _("Click to display to TOC"), 'onClick' => "toggletoc(this)", 'height' => 15, 'width' => 15, 'border' => 0, 'src' => $jshide ? $close : $open))); } else { $toclink = HTML::a(array('name' => 'TOC', 'class' => 'wikiaction', 'title' => _("Click to display"), 'onclick' => "toggletoc(this)"), _("Table Of Contents"), HTML::span(array('style' => 'display:none', 'id' => 'toctoggle'), " ")); } $html->pushContent(HTML::h4($toclink)); $html->pushContent($list); return $html; }
function _generate() { global $WikiTheme; $toolbar = "document.writeln(\"<div class=\\\"edit-toolbar\\\" id=\\\"toolbar\\\">\");\n"; if (ENABLE_EDIT_TOOLBAR) { $toolarray = array(array("image" => "ed_format_bold.png", "open" => "*", "close" => "*", "sample" => _("Bold text"), "tip" => _("Bold text")), array("image" => "ed_format_italic.png", "open" => "_", "close" => "_", "sample" => _("Italic text"), "tip" => _("Italic text")), array("image" => "ed_pagelink.png", "open" => "[", "close" => "]", "sample" => _("optional label | PageName"), "tip" => _("Link to page")), array("image" => "ed_link.png", "open" => "[", "close" => "]", "sample" => _("optional label |"), "tip" => _("External link (remember http:// prefix)")), array("image" => "ed_headline.png", "open" => "\\n!!! ", "close" => "\\n", "sample" => _("Headline text"), "tip" => _("Level 1 headline")), array("image" => "ed_image.png", "open" => "[ ", "close" => " ]", "sample" => _("Example.jpg"), "tip" => _("Embedded image")), array("image" => "ed_nowiki.png", "open" => "\\n\\<verbatim\\>\\n", "close" => "\\n\\</verbatim\\>\\n", "sample" => _("Insert non-formatted text here"), "tip" => _("Ignore wiki formatting")), array("image" => "ed_sig.png", "open" => " --" . $GLOBALS['request']->_user->UserName(), "close" => "", "sample" => "", "tip" => _("Your signature")), array("image" => "ed_hr.png", "open" => "\\n----\\n", "close" => "", "sample" => "", "tip" => _("Horizontal line"))); $btn = new SubmitImageButton(_("Save"), "edit[save]", 'toolbar', $WikiTheme->getImageURL("ed_save.png")); $btn->addTooltip(_("Save")); $toolbar .= 'document.writeln("' . addslashes($btn->asXml()) . '");' . "\n"; $btn = new SubmitImageButton(_("Preview"), "edit[preview]", 'toolbar', $WikiTheme->getImageURL("ed_preview.png")); $btn->addTooltip(_("Preview")); $toolbar .= 'document.writeln("' . addslashes($btn->asXml()) . '");' . "\n"; foreach ($toolarray as $tool) { $image = $WikiTheme->getImageURL($tool["image"]); $open = $tool["open"]; $close = $tool["close"]; $sample = addslashes($tool["sample"]); // Note that we use the tip both for the ALT tag and the TITLE tag of the image. // Older browsers show a "speedtip" type message only for ALT. // Ideally these should be different, realistically they // probably don't need to be. $tip = addslashes($tool["tip"]); $toolbar .= "addTagButton('{$image}','{$tip}','{$open}','{$close}','{$sample}');\n"; } $toolbar .= "addInfobox('" . addslashes(_("Click a button to get an example text")) . "');\n"; } if (JS_SEARCHREPLACE) { $undo_d_btn = $WikiTheme->getImageURL("ed_undo_d.png"); //$redo_btn = $WikiTheme->getImageURL("ed_redo.png"); $sr_btn = $WikiTheme->getImageURL("ed_replace.png"); //TODO: generalize the UNDO button and fix it for Search & Replace $sr_html = HTML(HTML::img(array('class' => "toolbar", 'id' => "sr_undo", 'src' => $undo_d_btn, 'title' => _("Undo Search & Replace"), 'alt' => _("Undo Search & Replace"), 'onclick' => "do_undo()")), HTML::img(array('class' => "toolbar", 'src' => $sr_btn, 'alt' => _("Search & Replace"), 'title' => _("Search & Replace"), 'onclick' => "replace()"))); } else { $sr_html = ''; } //TODO: delegate these calculations to a seperate popup/pulldown action request // using moacdropdown and xmlrpc:titleSearch // action=pulldown or xmlrpc/soap (see google: WebServiceProxyFactory.createProxyAsync) // Button to generate categories, display in extra window as popup and insert $sr_html = HTML($sr_html, $this->categoriesPulldown()); // Button to generate plugins, display in extra window as popup and insert $sr_html = HTML($sr_html, $this->pluginPulldown()); // Button to generate pagenames, display in extra window as popup and insert if (TOOLBAR_PAGELINK_PULLDOWN) { $sr_html = HTML($sr_html, $this->pagesPulldown(TOOLBAR_PAGELINK_PULLDOWN)); } // Button to insert from an template, display pagename in extra window as popup and insert if (TOOLBAR_TEMPLATE_PULLDOWN) { $sr_html = HTML($sr_html, $this->templatePulldown(TOOLBAR_TEMPLATE_PULLDOWN)); } // don't use document.write for replace, otherwise self.opener is not defined. $toolbar_end = "document.writeln(\"</div>\");"; if ($sr_html) { return HTML(Javascript($toolbar), "\n", $sr_html, "\n", Javascript($toolbar_end)); } else { return HTML(Javascript($toolbar . $toolbar_end)); } }