function CreateVariable($Name, $Type, $Value, $Ident = '', $ParentID = 0) { echo "CreateVariable: ( {$Name}, {$Type}, {$Value}, {$Ident}, {$ParentID} ) \n"; if ('' != $Ident) { $VarID = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($Ident, $ParentID); if (false !== $VarID) { SetVariable($VarID, $Type, $Value); return; } } $VarID = @IPS_GetObjectIDByName($Name, $ParentID); if (false !== $VarID) { $Obj = IPS_GetObject($VarID); if (2 == $Obj['ObjectType']) { $Var = IPS_GetVariable($VarID); if ($Type == $Var['VariableValue']['ValueType']) { SetVariable($VarID, $Type, $Value); return; } } } $VarID = IPS_CreateVariable($Type); IPS_SetParent($VarID, $ParentID); IPS_SetName($VarID, $Name); if ('' != $Ident) { IPS_SetIdent($VarID, $Ident); } SetVariable($VarID, $Type, $Value); }
public function GenerateMediaObjectEx(string $Text, int $MediaID, string $Format, string $Codec, string $Language) { if ($MediaID == 0) { $MediaID = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent('Voice', $this->InstanceID); } if ($MediaID > 0) { if (IPS_MediaExists($MediaID) === false) { trigger_error('MediaObject not exists.', E_USER_NOTICE); } return false; if (IPS_GetMedia($MediaID)['MediaType'] != 2) { trigger_error('Wrong MediaType', E_USER_NOTICE); } return false; } $raw = $this->LoadTTSFile($Text, '', 0, $Format, $Codec, $Language, true); if ($raw === false) { return false; } if ($MediaID === false) { $MediaID = IPS_CreateMedia(2); IPS_SetMediaCached($MediaID, true); IPS_SetName($MediaID, 'Voice'); IPS_SetParent($MediaID, $this->InstanceID); IPS_SetIdent($MediaID, 'Voice'); } $Filename = 'media' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $MediaID . '.' . strtolower($Codec); IPS_SetMediaFile($MediaID, $Filename, False); IPS_SetMediaContent($MediaID, base64_encode($raw)); IPS_SetInfo($MediaID, $Text); return $MediaID; }
protected function RegisterTimer($ident, $interval, $script) { $id = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($ident, $this->InstanceID); if ($id && IPS_GetEvent($id)['EventType'] <> 1) { IPS_DeleteEvent($id); $id = 0; } if (!$id) { $id = IPS_CreateEvent(1); IPS_SetParent($id, $this->InstanceID); IPS_SetIdent($id, $ident); } IPS_SetName($id, $ident); IPS_SetHidden($id, true); IPS_SetEventScript($id, "\$id = \$_IPS['TARGET'];\n$script;"); if (!IPS_EventExists($id)) throw new Exception("Ident with name $ident is used for wrong object type"); if (!($interval > 0)) { IPS_SetEventCyclic($id, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1); IPS_SetEventActive($id, false); } else { IPS_SetEventCyclic($id, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, $interval); IPS_SetEventActive($id, true); } }
/** * @public * * Ermöglicht das Verarbeiten eines Taster Signals * */ public function ExecuteButton () { $device = new IPSShadowing_Device($this->instanceId); $movementId = GetValue(IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent(c_Control_Movement, $this->instanceId)); if ($movementId==c_MovementId_MovingIn or $movementId==c_MovementId_MovingOut or $movementId==c_MovementId_Up or $movementId==c_MovementId_Down) { $device->MoveByControl(c_MovementId_Stop); } else { $device->MoveByControl($this->movementId); } }
private function CreateVariableByIdent($id, $ident, $name, $type, $profile = "") { $vid = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($ident, $id); if ($vid === false) { $vid = IPS_CreateVariable($type); IPS_SetParent($vid, $id); IPS_SetName($vid, $name); IPS_SetIdent($vid, $ident); if ($profile != "") { IPS_SetVariableCustomProfile($vid, $profile); } } return $vid; }
/** * @public * * Ermöglicht die Synchronisation der aktuellen Position der Beschattung * * @param string $position Aktuelle Position der Beschattung (Wertebereich 0-100) */ public function SyncPosition($position, IPSComponentShutter $componentToSync) { $componentParamsToSync = $componentToSync->GetComponentParams(); $deviceConfig = get_ShadowingConfiguration(); foreach ($deviceConfig as $deviceIdent=>$deviceData) { $componentConfig = IPSComponent::CreateObjectByParams($deviceData[c_Property_Component]); $componentParamsConfig = $componentConfig->GetComponentParams(); if ($componentParamsConfig==$componentParamsToSync) { $categoryIdDevices = IPSUtil_ObjectIDByPath(''); $deviceId = IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($deviceIdent, $categoryIdDevices); $device = new IPSShadowing_Device($deviceId); $device->MoveByEvent($position); } } }
/** ObjektId aus Pfad ermittlen * * Der Befehl ermittelt aus einer Pfadangabe (zB. "") die ID des Scriptes * * @param string $path Pfadangabe * @param string $returnFalse wenn true, retouniert die Funktion false wenn das übergebene Object nicht gefunden wurde * @return integer ID des Objektes * */ function IPSUtil_ObjectIDByPath($path, $returnFalse=false) { $categoryList = explode('.',$path); if (count($categoryList)==1 and is_numeric($categoryList[0])) { return (int)$categoryList[0]; } $objId = 0; $parentId = 0; foreach ($categoryList as $idx=>$category) { $objId = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($category, $parentId); if ($objId===false) { $objId=@IPS_GetObjectIDByName($category, $parentId); } if ($objId===false) { if ($returnFalse) { return false; } else { throw new IPSUtilException('"'.$category.'" could NOT be found while searching for Path '.$path); } } $parentId = $objId; } return $objId; }
/** * @public * * Liefert aktuellen Zustand * * @return boolean aktueller Schaltzustand */ public function GetState() { if ($this->b_class_multi and ($this->channel > 0)) $id = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent("MultiInstance".$this->channel."Variable",(int)$this->instanceId); else $id = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent("DataVariableBoolean",(int)$this->instanceId); if ($id > 0) return GetValue($id); else return false; }
/** * Create a new EneryDev instance and set its properties * @param array $data parsed record * @param String $caps String semicolon seperated capabilities of this device * @return int new Instance ID */ private function CreateENDevice($data, $caps) { $instID = 0; $class = $data['Class']; $Device = $data['Id']; $typ = $data['Typ']; $ModuleID = $this->module_interfaces['EnergyDev']; if (IPS_ModuleExists($ModuleID)) { //return $result; $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, 'Device:' . $Device); $instID = IPS_CreateInstance($ModuleID); if ($instID > 0) { IPS_SetProperty($instID, 'DeviceID', $Device); IPS_SetProperty($instID, 'Class', $class); IPS_SetProperty($instID, 'Typ', $typ); IPS_SetProperty($instID, 'CapList', $caps); IPS_SetProperty($instID, 'Debug', $this->isDebug()); //follow debug settings from splitter IPS_SetName($instID, "{$typ} Device " . $Device); $ident = $class . "_" . $typ . "_" . $Device; $ident = preg_replace("/\\W/", "_", $ident); //nicht-Buchstaben/zahlen entfernen IPS_SetIdent($instID, $ident); IPS_ConnectInstance($instID, $this->InstanceID); IPS_ApplyChanges($instID); //set factor if (isset($data['CounterFactor'])) { IPS_SetProperty($instID, 'CounterFactor', floatval($data['CounterFactor'])); $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, 'Set Counterfactor=' . $data['CounterFactor']); } //set category $cat = $this->GetCategory(); $pcat = $this->GetParentCategory(); $ident = preg_replace("/\\W/", "_", $cat); //fix naming $catid = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($ident, $pcat); if ($catid == 0) { $catid = IPS_CreateCategory(); IPS_SetName($catid, $cat); if (IPS_SetIdent($catid, $ident) && IPS_SetParent($catid, $pcat)) { IPS_LogMessage($class, "Category {$cat} Ident {$ident} ({$catid}) created"); } else { IPS_LogMessage($class, "Category {$cat} Ident {$ident} ({$catid}) FAILED"); } } $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, "Category:{$catid}"); if (!IPS_SetParent($instID, $catid)) { $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, "SetParent Instance {$instID} to Cat {$catid} failed, Dropping instance"); IPS_DeleteInstance($instID); $instID = 0; } else { $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, 'New ID:' . $instID); } //parent if (IPS_HasChanges($instID)) { IPS_ApplyChanges($instID); } } else { $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, 'Instance is not created!'); } //if instID } //module exists return $instID; }
protected function UnregisterTimer($Name) { $id = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($Name, $this->InstanceID); if ($id > 0) { if (!IPS_EventExists($id)) { throw new Exception('Timer not present', E_USER_NOTICE); } IPS_DeleteEvent($id); } }
private function HandleError($result) { if ($result==false) { $errorMessage = GetValue(IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent(AM_VAR_LASTERROR, $this->instanceId)); trigger_error($errorMessage); } }
protected function RegisterEvent($Name, $Source, $Script) { $id = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($Name, $this->InstanceID); if ($id === false) { $id = 0; } if ($id > 0) { if (!IPS_EventExists($id)) { throw new Exception("Ident with name " . $Name . " is used for wrong object type", E_USER_WARNING); } if (IPS_GetEvent($id)['EventType'] != 0) { IPS_DeleteEvent($id); $id = 0; } } if ($id == 0) { $id = IPS_CreateEvent(0); IPS_SetParent($id, $this->InstanceID); IPS_SetIdent($id, $Name); } IPS_SetName($id, $Name); IPS_SetHidden($id, true); IPS_SetEventScript($id, $Script); if ($Source > 0) { IPS_SetEventTrigger($id, 0, $Source); if (!IPS_GetEvent($id)['EventActive']) { IPS_SetEventActive($id, true); } } else { IPS_SetEventTrigger($id, 0, 0); if (IPS_GetEvent($id)['EventActive']) { IPS_SetEventActive($id, false); } } }
</head> <body > <a href="#" onClick=trigger_button('Refresh','','')>Refresh</a> | <a href="#" onClick=trigger_button('Overview','','')>Übersicht</a> | <a href="#" onClick=trigger_button('Logs','','')>Log File's</a> | <a href="#" onClick=trigger_button('Updates','','')>Update's</a> | <a href="#" onClick=trigger_button('NewModule','','')>Neues Modul</a> <BR> <BR> <?php IPSUtils_Include("", "IPSLibrary::app::modules::IPSModuleManagerGUI"); $baseId = IPSUtil_ObjectIDByPath(''); $action = GetValue(IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent(IPSMMG_VAR_ACTION, $baseId)); $module = GetValue(IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent(IPSMMG_VAR_MODULE, $baseId)); $info = GetValue(IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent(IPSMMG_VAR_INFO, $baseId)); $processing = !IPSModuleManagerGUI_GetLock(); if (!$processing) { IPSModuleManagerGUI_ReleaseLock(); } switch ($action) { case IPSMMG_ACTION_OVERVIEW: include 'IPSModuleManagerGUI_Overview.php'; break; case IPSMMG_ACTION_UPDATES: include 'IPSModuleManagerGUI_Updates.php'; break; case IPSMMG_ACTION_MODULE: include 'IPSModuleManagerGUI_Module.php'; break; case IPSMMG_ACTION_WIZARD:
private function CreateInstanceByIdent($id, $ident, $name, $moduleid = "{485D0419-BE97-4548-AA9C-C083EB82E61E}") { $iid = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($ident, $id); if ($iid === false) { $iid = IPS_CreateInstance($moduleid); IPS_SetParent($iid, $id); IPS_SetName($iid, $name); IPS_SetIdent($iid, $ident); } return $iid; }
protected function SetTimerInterval($Name, $Interval) { $id = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($Name, $this->InstanceID); if ($id === false) { throw new Exception('Timer not present'); } if (!IPS_EventExists($id)) { throw new Exception('Timer not present'); } $Event = IPS_GetEvent($id); if ($Interval < 1) { if ($Event['EventActive']) { IPS_SetEventActive($id, false); } } else { if ($Event['CyclicTimeValue'] != $Interval) { IPS_SetEventCyclic($id, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, $Interval); } if (!$Event['EventActive']) { IPS_SetEventActive($id, true); } } }
/** * Create a new EnergyDev instance and set its properties * @param array $data parsed record * @param String $caps String semicolon seperated capabilities of this device * @return int new Instance ID */ private function CreateEnergyDevice($data, $caps) { $instID = 0; $Device = $data['Id']; $typ = $data['Typ']; $name = $data['Name']; $branch = $data['Branch']; unset($data['Branch']); if (!$name) { $name = "XS1 {$branch} {$Device}"; } $class = __CLASS__ . "-EN"; //$host = $this->GetHost(); $ModuleID = $this->module_interfaces['EnergyDev']; if (IPS_ModuleExists($ModuleID)) { //return $result; $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, 'Device:' . $Device); $instID = IPS_CreateInstance($ModuleID); if ($instID > 0) { IPS_SetProperty($instID, 'DeviceID', $Device); IPS_SetProperty($instID, 'Class', $class); IPS_SetProperty($instID, 'Typ', $typ); IPS_SetProperty($instID, 'CapList', $caps); IPS_SetProperty($instID, 'Debug', $this->isDebug()); //follow debug settings from splitter IPS_SetName($instID, "XS1 {$branch} '{$name}'"); $ident = $class . "_" . $branch . "_{$Device}"; $ident = preg_replace("/\\W/", "_", $ident); //nicht-Buchstaben/zahlen entfernen IPS_SetIdent($instID, $ident); IPS_ConnectInstance($instID, $this->InstanceID); IPS_ApplyChanges($instID); //set category $cat = $this->GetCategory() . " {$branch}" . "s"; $pcat = $this->GetParentCategory(); $ident = preg_replace("/\\W/", "_", $cat); //fix naming $catid = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($ident, $pcat); if ($catid == 0) { $catid = IPS_CreateCategory(); IPS_SetName($catid, $cat); if (IPS_SetIdent($catid, $ident) && IPS_SetParent($catid, $pcat)) { IPS_LogMessage($class, "Category {$cat} Ident {$ident} ({$catid}) created"); } else { IPS_LogMessage($class, "Category {$cat} Ident {$ident} ({$catid}) FAILED"); } } $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, "Category:{$catid}"); if (!IPS_SetParent($instID, $catid)) { $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, "SetParent Instance {$instID} to Cat {$catid} failed, Dropping instance"); IPS_DeleteInstance($instID); $instID = 0; } else { $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, 'New ID:' . $instID); } //if instID } else { $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, 'Instance is not created!'); } } //module exists return $instID; }
/** * Schreiben von Wetterdaten anhand des Namens * * @param string $name Name der Variablen * @param string $value Wert der geschrieben werden soll */ function IPSWeatherFAT_SetValue($name, $value) { $categoryId_Weather = IPSUtil_ObjectIDByPath(''); $variableId = IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($name, $categoryId_Weather); SetValue($variableId, $value); }
public function SetValue($key, $value) { $stateId = IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent('STATE', $this->InstanceID); $cmId = IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent('COLOR_MODE', $this->InstanceID); $ctId = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent('COLOR_TEMPERATURE', $this->InstanceID); $briId = IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent('BRIGHTNESS', $this->InstanceID); $satId = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent('SATURATION', $this->InstanceID); $hueId = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent('HUE', $this->InstanceID); $colorId = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent('COLOR', $this->InstanceID); $stateValue = GetValueBoolean($stateId); $cmValue = $cmId ? GetValueInteger($cmId) : 0; $ctValue = $ctId ? (500 - round(347 * GetValueInteger($ctId) / 100)) : 0; $briValue = round(GetValueInteger($briId)*2.54); $satValue = $satId ? round(GetValueInteger($satId)*2.54) : 0; $hueValue = $hueId ? GetValueInteger($hueId) : 0; $colorValue = $colorId ? GetValueInteger($colorId) : 0; switch ($key) { case 'STATE': $stateNewValue = $value; break; case 'COLOR': $colorNewValue = $value; $stateNewValue = true; $hex = str_pad(dechex($value), 6, 0, STR_PAD_LEFT); $hsv = $this->HEX2HSV($hex); SetValueInteger($colorId, $value); $hueNewValue = $hsv['h']; $briNewValue = $hsv['v']; $satNewValue = $hsv['s']; $cmNewValue = 0; break; case 'BRIGHTNESS': $briNewValue = $value; $stateNewValue = true; if (IPS_GetProperty($this->InstanceID, 'LightFeatures') != 3) { if ($cmValue == '0') { $newHex = $this->HSV2HEX($hueValue, $satValue, $briNewValue); SetValueInteger($colorId, hexdec($newHex)); $hueNewValue = $hueValue; $satNewValue = $satValue; } else { $ctNewValue = $ctValue; } } break; case 'SATURATION': $cmNewValue = 0; $satNewValue = $value; $stateNewValue = true; $newHex = $this->HSV2HEX($hueValue, $satNewValue, $briValue); SetValueInteger($colorId, hexdec($newHex)); $hueNewValue = $hueValue; $briNewValue = $briValue; break; case 'COLOR_TEMPERATURE': $cmNewValue = 1; $ctNewValue = $value; $briNewValue = $briValue; break; case 'COLOR_MODE': $cmNewValue = $value; $stateNewValue = true; if ($cmNewValue == 1) { $ctNewValue = $ctValue; IPS_SetHidden($colorId, true); IPS_SetHidden($ctId, false); IPS_SetHidden($satId, true); } else { $hueNewValue = $hueValue; $satNewValue = $satValue; $briNewValue = $briValue; $newHex = $this->HSV2HEX($hueValue, $satValue, $briValue); SetValueInteger($colorId, hexdec($newHex)); IPS_SetHidden($colorId, false); IPS_SetHidden($ctId, true); IPS_SetHidden($satId, false); } break; } $changes = array(); if (isset($stateNewValue)) { SetValueBoolean($stateId, $stateNewValue); $changes['on'] = $stateNewValue; } if (isset($hueNewValue)) { SetValueInteger($hueId, $hueNewValue); $changes['hue'] = $hueNewValue; } if (isset($satNewValue)) { SetValueInteger($satId, round($satNewValue * 100 / 254)); $changes['sat'] = $satNewValue; } if (isset($briNewValue)) { SetValueInteger($briId, round($briNewValue * 100 / 254)); $changes['bri'] = $briNewValue; } if (isset($ctNewValue)) { SetValueInteger($ctId, 100 - round(($ctNewValue - 153) * 100 / 347)); $changes['ct'] = $ctNewValue; } if (isset($cmNewValue)) { SetValueInteger($cmId, $cmNewValue); $changes['colormode'] = $cmNewValue == 1 ? 'ct' : 'hs'; } $lightId = $this->ReadPropertyInteger("LightId"); return HUE_Request($this->GetBridge(), "/lights/$lightId/state", $changes); }
/** * @public * * Die Funktion registriert ein ScriptFile anhand des Filenames und Directory Pfades in IPS * * @param string $file Name des Script Files */ public function UnregisterScriptByFilename($file) { $scriptPath = $this->GetScriptPathByFileName($file); $scriptName = $this->GetScriptNameByFileName($file); $this->logHandler->Debug("Search Script $scriptPath.$scriptName"); $pathId = IPSUtil_ObjectIDByPath($scriptPath, true); $scriptId = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent(Get_IdentByName($scriptName), $pathId); if ($scriptId!==false) { $this->logHandler->Debug("Unegister Script $scriptName in $scriptPath (File=$file)"); IPS_DeleteScript($scriptId, true); } }
public function ImportVersionInfo() { if (!$this->VariableExists("Version")) { $createdVariableId = $this->RegisterVariableString($this->ReadPropertyString("NzbIdentPrefix") . "Version", "Version"); } SetValueString(IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($this->ReadPropertyString("NzbIdentPrefix") . "Version", $this->InstanceID), $this->GetVersion()); }
protected function SetTimerByIdent_InSekunden($ident, $Sekunden) { $eid = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($ident, $this->InstanceID); if ($eid === false) { $eid = IPS_CreateEvent(1); IPS_SetParent($eid, $this->InstanceID); IPS_SetName($eid, $ident); IPS_SetIdent($eid, $ident); IPS_SetEventScript($eid, 'HMON_Benachrichtigung($_IPS[\'TARGET\'], false, true);'); IPS_SetInfo($eid, "this timer was created by script #" . $_IPS['SELF']); } if ($Sekunden === false) { IPS_SetEventActive($eid, false); return $eid; } else { IPS_SetEventCyclicTimeFrom($eid, intval(date("H", time() + $Sekunden)), intval(date("i", time() + $Sekunden)), intval(date("s", time() + $Sekunden))); IPS_SetEventActive($eid, true); return $eid; } }
/** * @public * * Stop */ public function Stop() { if(GetValue($this->isRunningId)) { $value = GetValue(IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent("StatusVariable", $this->instanceId)); FS20_SwitchMode($this->instanceId, $value); SetValue($this->isRunningId, false); } }
/** * Refresh der IPSModuleManager GUI * */ function IPSModuleManagerGUI_Refresh() { $baseId = IPSUtil_ObjectIDByPath(''); $variableIdHTML = IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent(IPSMMG_VAR_HTML, $baseId); SetValue($variableIdHTML, GetValue($variableIdHTML)); }
/** * Create a new WSDev instance and set its properties * @param array $data parsed record * @param String $caps String semicolon seperated capabilities of this device * @return int new Instance ID */ private function CreateWSDevice($data, $caps) { $instID = 0; $Device = $data['Id']; $typ = $data['Typ']; $ModuleID = $this->module_interfaces['WSDEV']; if (IPS_ModuleExists($ModuleID)) { //return $result; $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, "Create Device {$Device},Type {$typ}"); $instID = IPS_CreateInstance($ModuleID); if ($instID > 0) { IPS_ConnectInstance($instID, $this->InstanceID); //Parents are ourself! IPS_SetProperty($instID, 'DeviceID', $Device); IPS_SetProperty($instID, 'Class', __CLASS__); IPS_SetProperty($instID, 'Typ', $typ); IPS_SetProperty($instID, 'CapList', $caps); IPS_SetProperty($instID, 'Debug', $this->isDebug()); //follow debug settings from splitter switch ($Device) { case 0: case $Device < 8: IPS_SetName($instID, 'Sensor ' . $Device); break; case 8: IPS_SetName($instID, 'KombiSensor'); break; case 9: IPS_SetName($instID, 'InnenSensor'); break; default: IPS_SetName($instID, "unknown Sensor('" . strToHex($Device) . "')"); break; } //switch $ident = __CLASS__ . "_WS_{$Device}"; $ident = preg_replace("/\\W/", "_", $ident); //nicht-Buchstaben/zahlen entfernen IPS_SetIdent($instID, $ident); IPS_ApplyChanges($instID); $cat = $this->GetCategory(); $pcat = $this->GetParentCategory(); $ident = preg_replace("/\\W/", "_", $cat); //nicht-Buchstaben/zahlen entfernen $catid = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($ident, $pcat); if ($catid == 0) { $catid = IPS_CreateCategory(); IPS_SetName($catid, $cat); if (IPS_SetIdent($catid, $ident) && IPS_SetParent($catid, $pcat)) { IPS_LogMessage(__CLASS__, "Category {$cat} Ident {$ident} ({$catid}) created"); } else { IPS_LogMessage(__CLASS__, "Category {$cat} Ident {$ident} ({$catid}) FAILED"); } } $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, "Category:{$catid}"); if (!IPS_SetParent($instID, $catid)) { $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, "SetParent to Cat {$catid} failed"); } $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, 'New ID:' . $instID); //if instID //set willi profile for forecast $vid = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent('Forecast', $instID); if ($vid > 0) { IPS_SetVariableCustomProfile($vid, "WS300_Willi"); } } else { $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, 'Instance is not created!'); } } //module exists return $instID; }
/** * Create a new EnergyDev instance and set its properties * @param array $data parsed record * @param String $caps String semicolon seperated capabilities of this device * @return int new Instance ID */ private function CreateENDevice($data, $caps) { $instID = 0; $Device = $data['Id']; $typ = $data['Typ']; $ModuleID = $this->module_interfaces['EnergyDev']; if (IPS_ModuleExists($ModuleID)) { //return $result; $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, "Create Device {$Device},Type {$typ}"); $instID = IPS_CreateInstance($ModuleID); if ($instID > 0) { IPS_ConnectInstance($instID, $this->InstanceID); //Parents are ourself! IPS_SetProperty($instID, 'DeviceID', $Device); IPS_SetProperty($instID, 'Class', __CLASS__); IPS_SetProperty($instID, 'Typ', $typ); IPS_SetProperty($instID, 'CapList', $caps); IPS_SetProperty($instID, 'Debug', $this->isDebug()); //follow debug settings from splitter IPS_SetName($instID, "{$typ} ID {$Device}"); $ident = __CLASS__ . "_EN_{$Device}"; $ident = preg_replace("/\\W/", "_", $ident); //nicht-Buchstaben/zahlen entfernen IPS_SetIdent($instID, $ident); IPS_ApplyChanges($instID); $cat = $this->GetCategory(); $pcat = $this->GetParentCategory(); $ident = preg_replace("/\\W/", "_", $cat); //nicht-Buchstaben/zahlen entfernen $catid = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($ident, $pcat); if ($catid == 0) { $catid = IPS_CreateCategory(); IPS_SetName($catid, $cat); if (IPS_SetIdent($catid, $ident) && IPS_SetParent($catid, $pcat)) { IPS_LogMessage(__CLASS__, "Category {$cat} Ident {$ident} ({$catid}) created"); } else { IPS_LogMessage(__CLASS__, "Category {$cat} Ident {$ident} ({$catid}) FAILED"); } } $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, "Category:{$catid}"); if (!IPS_SetParent($instID, $catid)) { $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, "SetParent to Cat {$catid} failed"); } $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, 'New ID:' . $instID); //if instID } else { $this->debug(__FUNCTION__, 'Instance is not created!'); } } //module exists return $instID; }
/** * ModBusMaster_WriteCoil * @param boolean $Value * @return boolean */ public function WriteCoil($Value) { if ($this->ReadPropertyBoolean("ReadOnly")) { trigger_error("Address is marked as read-only!", E_USER_WARNING); return; } if ($this->ReadPropertyInteger("DataType") === 0) { $resultat = $this->SendDataToParent(json_encode(array("DataID" => "{A3419A88-C83B-49D7-8706-D3AFD596DFBB}", "FC" => "5", "Address" => $this->ReadPropertyInteger("Address"), "Data" => $Value))); if ($this->ReadPropertyInteger("SwitchDuration") > 0 and $Value) { $eid = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent("SwitchDuration", $this->InstanceID); if ($eid === false) { $eid = 0; } else { if (IPS_GetEvent($eid)['EventType'] != 1) { IPS_DeleteEvent($eid); $eid = 0; } } if ($eid == 0) { $eid = IPS_CreateEvent(1); IPS_SetParent($eid, $this->InstanceID); IPS_SetIdent($eid, "SwitchDuration"); IPS_SetName($eid, "SwitchDuration"); IPS_SetHidden($eid, true); IPS_SetEventScript($eid, "ModBusMaster_WriteCoil(\$_IPS['TARGET'], false);IPS_SetEventActive(\$_IPS['EVENT'],false);"); } IPS_SetEventCyclicTimeFrom($eid, date("H"), date("i"), date("s")); IPS_SetEventCyclic($eid, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, $this->ReadPropertyInteger("SwitchDuration")); IPS_SetEventActive($eid, true); } return $resultat; } else { trigger_error("Invalid DataType!", E_USER_WARNING); } }
function GetOrCreateScript($parent, $ident) { $ObjId = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($ident, $parent); if ($ObjId === false) { $ObjId = IPS_CreateScript(0); IPS_SetParent($ObjId, $parent); IPS_SetIdent($ObjId, $ident); IPS_SetName($ObjId, $ident); IPS_SetScriptContent($ObjId, ScriptContent($ident)); } return $ObjId; }
/** * RegisterVariableByParent * @param integer $ParentID * @param string $Ident * @param string $Name * @param integer $Type * @param string $Profile * @param integer $Position * @return integer */ private function RegisterVariableByParent($ParentID, $Ident, $Name, $Type, $Profile = "", $Position = 0) { if ($Profile !== "") { //prefer system profiles if (IPS_VariableProfileExists("~" . $Profile)) { $Profile = "~" . $Profile; } if (!IPS_VariableProfileExists($Profile)) { throw new Exception("Profile with name " . $Profile . " does not exist"); } } //search for already available variables with proper ident $vid = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($Ident, $ParentID); //properly update variableID if ($vid === false) { $vid = 0; } //we have a variable with the proper ident. check if it fits if ($vid > 0) { //check if we really have a variable if (!IPS_VariableExists($vid)) { throw new Exception("Ident with name " . $Ident . " is used for wrong object type"); } //bail out //check for type mismatch if (IPS_GetVariable($vid)["VariableType"] != $Type) { //mismatch detected. delete this one. we will create a new below IPS_DeleteVariable($vid); //this will ensure, that a new one is created $vid = 0; } } //we need to create one if ($vid === 0) { $vid = IPS_CreateVariable($Type); //configure it IPS_SetParent($vid, $ParentID); IPS_SetIdent($vid, $Ident); IPS_SetName($vid, $Name); IPS_SetPosition($vid, $Position); //IPS_SetReadOnly($vid, true); } //update variable profile. profiles may be changed in module development. //this update does not affect any custom profile choices IPS_SetVariableCustomProfile($vid, $Profile); return $vid; }
* * Timer Script * * @file IPSEDIP_Timer.ips.php * @author Andreas Brauneis * @version * Version 2.50.1, 31.01.2012<br/> * * Dieses Script wird vom internen Timer aufgerufen, um die visualisierten Daten wieder neu * anzuzeigen. * Voraussetzung für den Refresh mit Timer ist, dass der Konfigurations Parameter EDIP_CONFIG_REFRESHMETHOD * auf dem Wert EDIP_REFRESHMETHOD_TIMER steht. * */ include_once "IPSEDIP.class.php"; foreach (IPSEDIP_GetConfiguration() as $configId=>$configData) { if ($configData[EDIP_CONFIG_REFRESHMETHOD]==EDIP_REFRESHMETHOD_TIMER or $configData[EDIP_CONFIG_REFRESHMETHOD]==EDIP_REFRESHMETHOD_BOTH) { $instanceClass = $configData[EDIP_CONFIG_CLASSNAME]; $instanceId = IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent($configId, EDIP_ID_PROGRAM); include_once $instanceClass.'.class.php'; $edip = new $instanceClass($instanceId); $edip->RefreshDisplay(); } } /** @}*/ ?>
public function SetGroup($groupCoordinator) { if ($this->ReadPropertyBoolean("GroupCoordinator")) { return; } $ip = $this->ReadPropertyString("IPAddress"); $timeout = $this->ReadPropertyString("TimeOut"); if ($timeout && Sys_Ping($ip, $timeout) != true) { throw new Exception("Sonos Box " . $ip . " is not available"); } // get variable of coordinator members to be updated if ($groupCoordinator) { $groupMembersID = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent("GroupMembers", $groupCoordinator); $uri = "x-rincon:" . IPS_GetProperty($groupCoordinator, "RINCON"); } else { $groupMembersID = @IPS_GetObjectIDByIdent("GroupMembers", GetValue($this->GetIDForIdent("MemberOfGroup"))); $uri = ""; } // update coordinator members SetValue($this->GetIDForIdent("MemberOfGroup"), $groupCoordinator); if ($groupMembersID) { $currentMembers = explode(",", GetValueString($groupMembersID)); $currentMembers = array_filter($currentMembers, function ($v) { return $v != ""; }); $currentMembers = array_filter($currentMembers, function ($v) { return $v != $this->InstanceID; }); if ($groupCoordinator) { $currentMembers[] = $this->InstanceID; } SetValueString($groupMembersID, implode(",", $currentMembers)); } // Set relevant variables to hidden/unhidden if ($groupCoordinator) { $hidden = true; } else { $hidden = false; } IPS_SetHidden($this->GetIDForIdent("nowPlaying"), $hidden); IPS_SetHidden($this->GetIDForIdent("Radio"), $hidden); IPS_SetHidden($this->GetIDForIdent("Playlist"), $hidden); IPS_SetHidden($this->GetIDForIdent("Status"), $hidden); IPS_SetHidden($this->GetIDForIdent("Sleeptimer"), $hidden); include_once __DIR__ . "/sonosAccess.php"; (new SonosAccess($ip))->SetAVTransportURI($uri); }