Example #1
    protected function render_body()
        global $core;
        $rendered_columns_cells = $this->render_columns_cells($this->columns);
        $rows = $this->columns_to_rows($rendered_columns_cells);
        $html = '';
        foreach ($rows as $i => $row) {
            $record = $this->records[$i];
            $title = $record->title;
            $label = new Element('a', array(Element::INNER_HTML => \ICanBoogie\escape($title), 'class' => 'goto-edit', 'title' => I18n\t('Edit this item'), 'href' => \ICanBoogie\Routing\contextualize("/admin/{$record->constructor}/{$record->nid}/edit")));
            $img = $record->thumbnail('$gallery')->to_element(array('title' => $title, 'alt' => $title));
            $html .= <<<EOT
<div class="thumbnailer-wrapper" data-key="{$record->nid}" style="width: 128px;">
\t<a href="{$record->path}" rel="lightbox[]">{$img}</a>
        $colspan = count($this->columns) + 1;
        return <<<EOT
<tr id="gallery">
\t<td colspan="{$colspan}" class="gallery-inner">
\t\t<div class="gallery-contents">{$html}</div>
Example #2
  * Returns the contextualized URL of a route.
  * @param Core|CoreBindings $app
  * @param string|Route $route
  * @param array|object|null $values
  * @return string
 public static function url_for(Core $app, $route, $values = null)
     if (!$route instanceof Route) {
         $route = $app->routes[$route];
     $url = $route->format($values);
     return \ICanBoogie\Routing\contextualize($url);
Example #3
 public function render_cell($record)
     $label = $record->username;
     $name = $record->name;
     if ($label != $name) {
         $label .= ' <small>(' . $name . ')</small>';
     return new Element('a', [Element::INNER_HTML => $label, 'class' => 'edit', 'href' => \ICanBoogie\Routing\contextualize("/admin/{$record->constructor}/{$record->uid}/edit"), 'title' => I18n\t('manage.edit')]);
Example #4
 protected function get_attributes()
     global $core;
     $page = $core->site->resolve_view_target('search/home');
     if ($page) {
         $description_link = (string) new A($page->title, \ICanBoogie\Routing\contextualize("/admin/pages/{$page->nid}/edit"));
     } else {
         $description_link = '<q>' . new A('Pages', \ICanBoogie\Routing\contextualize('/admin/pages')) . '</q>';
     return \ICanBoogie\array_merge_recursive(parent::get_attributes(), array(Element::GROUPS => array('primary' => array('description' => I18n\t($page ? 'description' : 'description_nopage', array(':link' => $description_link))))));
Example #5
 protected function process()
     global $core;
     $enabled = array_keys($core->modules->enabled_modules_descriptors);
     $enabled = array_combine($enabled, $enabled);
     if ($this->key) {
         foreach (array_keys($this->key) as $key) {
     $core->vars['enabled_modules'] = array_values($enabled);
     $this->response->location = \ICanBoogie\Routing\contextualize('/admin/' . $this->module->id);
     return true;
    public static function create_attachment($entry, $hard_bond = false)
        global $core;
        $hiddens = null;
        $links = array();
        $i = uniqid();
        $size = \ICanBoogie\I18n\format_size($entry->size);
        $preview = null;
        if ($entry instanceof Uploaded) {
            $title = $entry->name;
            $extension = $entry->extension;
            $hiddens .= '<input type="hidden" class="file" name="nodes_attachments[' . $i . '][file]" value="' . \ICanBoogie\escape(basename($entry->location)) . '" />' . PHP_EOL;
            $hiddens .= '<input type="hidden" name="nodes_attachments[' . $i . '][mime]" value="' . \ICanBoogie\escape($entry->mime) . '" />' . PHP_EOL;
            $links = array('<a href="#remove" class="btn btn-warning">' . I18n\t('label.remove') . '</a>');
        } else {
            $fid = $entry->nid;
            $title = $entry->title;
            $extension = substr($entry->path, strrpos($entry->path, '.'));
            $hiddens .= '<input type="hidden" name="nodes_attachments[' . $i . '][fileid]" value="' . $fid . '" />';
            $links = array('<a href="' . \ICanBoogie\Routing\contextualize('/admin/files/' . $fid . '/edit') . '" class="btn"><i class="icon-pencil"></i> ' . I18n\t('label.edit') . '</a>', '<a href="' . Operation::encode('files/' . $fid . '/download') . '" class="btn"><i class="icon-download-alt"></i> ' . I18n\t('label.download') . '</a>', $hard_bond ? '<a href="#delete" class="btn btn-danger"><i class="icon-remove icon-white"></i> ' . I18n\t('Delete file') . '</a>' : '<a href="#remove" class="btn btn-warning"><i class="icon-remove"></i> ' . t('Break link') . '</a>');
            $node = $core->models['nodes'][$entry->nid];
            if ($node instanceof \Icybee\Modules\Images\Image) {
                $preview = $node->thumbnail('$icon')->to_element(array('data-popover-image' => $node->thumbnail('$popup')->url));
        $title = \ICanBoogie\escape($title);
        $links = empty($links) ? '' : ' &ndash; ' . implode(' ', $links);
        if ($extension) {
            $extension = '<span class="lighter">(' . $extension . ')</span>';
        return <<<EOT
\t<span class="handle">↕</span>{$preview}<input type="text" name="nodes_attachments[{$i}][title]" value="{$title}" />
\t<span class="small">
\t\t<span class="info light">{$size} {$extension}</span> {$links}

Example #7
  * Encodes a RESTful operation.
  * @param string $pattern
  * @param array $params
  * @return string The operation encoded as a RESTful relative URL.
 public static function encode($pattern, array $params = [])
     $destination = null;
     $name = null;
     $key = null;
     if (isset($params[self::DESTINATION])) {
         $destination = $params[self::DESTINATION];
     if (isset($params[self::NAME])) {
         $name = $params[self::NAME];
     if (isset($params[self::KEY])) {
         $key = $params[self::KEY];
     $qs = http_build_query($params, '', '&');
     $rc = self::RESTFUL_BASE . strtr($pattern, ['{destination}' => $destination, '{name}' => $name, '{key}' => $key]) . ($qs ? '?' . $qs : '');
     return \ICanBoogie\Routing\contextualize($rc);
Example #8
 public function render_cell($descriptor)
     global $core;
     $module_id = $descriptor[Module::T_ID];
     if (empty($core->routes["admin:{$module_id}/config"])) {
     $route = $core->routes["admin:{$module_id}/config"];
     return new A('Configure', \ICanBoogie\Routing\contextualize($route->pattern));
Example #9
 protected function __deprecated__render_cell_title($record, $property)
     global $core;
     static $languages;
     static $languages_count;
     if ($languages === null) {
         $languages = $core->models['sites']->count('language');
         $languages_count = count($languages);
     $title = $record->{$property};
     $label = $title ? \ICanBoogie\escape(\ICanBoogie\shorten($title, 52, 0.75, $shortened)) : $this->t('<em>no title</em>');
     if ($shortened) {
         $label = str_replace('…', '<span class="light">…</span>', $label);
     $rc = '';
     if ($rc) {
         $rc .= ' ';
     $rc .= new Element('a', [Element::INNER_HTML => $label, 'class' => 'edit', 'href' => \ICanBoogie\Routing\contextualize("/admin/{$record->constructor}/{$record->nid}/edit"), 'title' => $shortened ? $this->t('edit_named', [':title' => $title ? $title : 'unnamed']) : $this->t('edit')]);
     $metas = '';
     $language = $record->language;
     if ($languages_count > 1 && $language != $core->site->language) {
         $metas .= ', <span class="language">' . ($language ? $language : 'multilingue') . '</span>';
     if (!$record->siteid) {
         $metas .= ', multisite';
     if ($metas) {
         $rc .= '<span class="metas small light">:' . substr($metas, 2) . '</span>';
     return $rc;
Example #10
  * Returns the template to use for a specified page.
  * @param int $nid
  * @return array An array composed of the template name, the description and a boolean
  * representing wheter or not the template is inherited for the specified page.
 protected function resolve_template($nid, $request_template = null)
     global $core;
     $inherited = false;
     $is_alone = !$this->model->select('nid')->filter_by_siteid($core->site_id)->rc;
     if ($is_alone) {
         $template = 'home.html';
     $description = I18n\t("The template defines a page model of which some elements are editable.");
     if (!$nid) {
         if ($is_alone) {
             $description .= " Parce que la page est seule elle utilise le gabarit <q>home.html</q>.";
         } else {
             if (!$request_template) {
                 $template = 'page.html';
             } else {
                 $template = $request_template;
         return array($template, $description, $template == 'page.html');
     $record = $this->model[$nid];
     $definer = null;
     $template = $request_template !== null ? $request_template : $record->template;
     //		\ICanBoogie\log('template: \1 (requested: \3), is_home: \2', array($template, $record->is_home, $request_template));
     if ($template == 'page.html' && (!$record->parent || $record->parent && $record->parent->is_home)) {
         //			\ICanBoogie\log('page parent is home, hence the page.html template');
         $inherited = true;
         // TODO-20100507: à réviser, parce que la page peut ne pas avoir de parent.
         $description .= ' ' . "Parce qu'aucun gabarit n'est défini pour la page, elle utilise\n\t\t\tle gabarit <q>page.html</q>.";
     } else {
         if ($template == 'home.html' && (!$record->parent && $record->weight == 0)) {
             $inherited = true;
             //$template_description .= ' ' . "Cette page utilise le gabarit &laquo;&nbsp;home.html&nbsp;&raquo;.";
         } else {
             if (!$request_template) {
                 $definer = $record->parent;
                 if (!$definer) {
                     $template = 'page.html';
                     $inherited = true;
                     $description .= ' ' . "Parce qu'aucun gabarit n'est défini pour la page, elle utilise\n\t\t\t\tle gabarit <q>page.html</q>.";
             } else {
                 $definer = $record;
                 $parent = $record->parent;
                 //			\ICanBoogie\log('parent: \1 (\2 ?= \3)', array($definer->title, $definer->template, $template));
                 while ($parent) {
                     //				\ICanBoogie\log('parent: \1, template: \2', array($parent->title, $parent->template));
                     if ($parent->template == $request_template) {
                     $parent = $parent->parent;
                 //			\ICanBoogie\log('end parent: \1', array($parent ? $parent->title : 'none'));
                 if ($parent && $parent->template == $request_template) {
                     $definer = $parent;
                 //			\ICanBoogie\log('definer: \1:\3 (\2), record: \4:\5', array($definer->title,  $definer->template, $definer->nid, $record->title, $record->nid));
     if ($definer && $definer != $record) {
         //			\ICanBoogie\log("entry template: $template ($record->nid), from: $inherited->template ($inherited->nid: $inherited->title)");
         $description .= ' ' . I18n\t('This page uses the <q>:template</q> template, inherited from the parent page <q><a href="!url">!title</a></q>.', array('template' => $template, 'url' => \ICanBoogie\Routing\contextualize("/admin/{$this->id}/{$definer->nid}/edit"), 'title' => $definer->title));
         $inherited = true;
     return array($template, $description, $inherited);