Example #1
function HideEmailWithName($name, $user, $host)
    print $name . " <";
    HideEmail($user, $host);
    print ">";
Example #2
 * Copyright (C) 2001 - PHP-PDB development team
 * Licensed under the GNU LGPL software license.
 * See the doc/LEGAL file for more information
 * See https://github.com/fidian/php-pdb for more information about the library
 * Please note that this page *IS* covered by the LGPL, but Spade itself
 * is not (or at least isn't yet).
include '../functions.inc';
StandardHeader('Spade', 'samples');

<p>Spade is a <b>s</b>imple <b>ad</b>dress book <b>e</b>ditor, written by
Roman Schindlauer &lt;<?php 
HideEmail('roman', 'fusion.at');
&gt;  It's
just getting started and shows a great deal of potential.</p>

<p>The current version is 0.1:</p>

<li><a href="../tools/spade.tar.gz">Download</a></li>
<li><a href="spade/">Online Demo</a></li>

<p><i>Warning:</i> Since people can edit the records however they see fit,
there might be vulgarity or other assorted nastiness.  Also, since Spade
is somewhat new, this might crash.  However, the database is cleared
nightly so problems will dissapear and any edits will eventually be lost.</p>
Example #3
   to compare output and make sure mine worked.</li>
<li><a href="http://www.handmark.com">Handmark</a> -- Provided detailed 
   database structure <a
   for <a href="http://www.handmark.com/products/mobiledb/">MobileDB</a>.
   Cassidy Lackey answered many of my questions.  Thanks for helping to get
   the <a href="modules/mobiledb.php">MobileDB</a> class going!</li>
<li>Martinez, Eduardo Pascual &lt;<?php 
HideEmail('epascual', 'cie-mexico.com.mx');
&gt; -- Created the classes to
   handle <a href="modules/todo.php">Todo</a> and 
   <a href="modules/addrbook.php">Address Book</a> formats.</li>
<li><a href="http://www.palm.com">Palm Computing, Inc.</a> -- Without them,
   there would not be a Palm OS.  Also, they provided <a
   href="http://www.palmos.com/dev/tech/docs/">documentation<a> (especially
   detailing the <a
   formats</a>) that made my life significantly easier.</li>
<li>Pereira, Jaime &lt;<?php 
HideEmail('jaime.pereira', 'iguana-farm.com');
&gt; -- Gave me the code to LoadDouble().
<li><a href="http://www.pyrite.org/">Pyrite</a> -- They provided a great
   <a href="http://www.pyrite.org/doc_format.php">description</a> about the 
   compression format and stored bookmarks which helped a lot for the
   <a href="modules/doc.php">DOC module</a>.</li>
