Example #1
 function formEntrada($action, $esModificar)
     $ot = getTemplate("AltaPerfil");
     if (!$ot) {
         return false;
     $modo = $esModificar ? "modsave" : "newsave";
     $titulo = $esModificar ? _("Modificando perfil") : _("Nuevo perfil");
     $cambios = array("TITULO" => $titulo, "VALUENOMBRE" => $this->getNombre(), "TEXTNOMBRE" => _("Nombre perfil"), "HIDDENDATA" => Hidden("id", $this->getId()), "ACTION" => "{$action}?modo={$modo}", "CADMINISTRACION" => gCheck($this->is("Administracion")), "CINFORMELOCAL" => gCheck($this->is("InformeLocal")), "CINFORMES" => gCheck($this->is("Informes")), "CPRODUCTOS" => gCheck($this->is("Productos")), "CPROVEEDORES" => gCheck($this->is("Proveedores")), "CSTOCKS" => gCheck($this->is("Stocks")), "CCOMPRAS" => gCheck($this->is("Compras")), "CCLIENTES" => gCheck($this->is("Clientes")), "CTPV" => gCheck($this->is("TPV")), "CB2B" => gCheck($this->is("B2B")), "CPEDIDOSVENTA" => gCheck($this->is("PedidosVenta")), "CVERSTOCKS" => gCheck($this->is("VerStocks")), "CPRECIOS" => gCheck($this->is("Precios")), "CVENTAS" => gCheck($this->is("Ventas")), "CFINANZAS" => gCheck($this->is("Finanzas")), "CCOBROS" => gCheck($this->is("Cobros")), "CPAGOS" => gCheck($this->is("Pagos")), "CCAJAGENERAL" => gCheck($this->is("CajaGeneral")), "CCAJATPV" => gCheck($this->is("CajaTPV")), "CPRESUPUESTOS" => gCheck($this->is("Presupuestos")), "CCOMPROBANTESCOMPRA" => gCheck($this->is("ComprobantesCompra")), "CCOMPROBANTESVENTA" => gCheck($this->is("ComprobantesVenta")), "CPROMOCIONES" => gCheck($this->is("Promociones")), "CKARDEX" => gCheck($this->is("Kardex")), "CAJUSTES" => gCheck($this->is("Ajustes")), "CVERAJUSTES" => gCheck($this->is("VerAjustes")), "CALMACEN" => gCheck($this->is("Almacen")), "CSAT" => gCheck($this->is("SAT")), "CSUSCRIPCION" => gCheck($this->is("Suscripcion")), "CSERVICIOS" => gCheck($this->is("Servicios")), "TADMINISTRACION" => _("Administración"), "TINFORMELOCAL" => _("Informe local"), "TINFORMES" => _("Informes"), "TPRODUCTOS" => _("Productos"), "TPROVEEDORES" => _("Proveedores"), "TSTOCKS" => _("Stocks"), "TCOMPRAS" => _("Compras"), "TCLIENTES" => _("Clientes"), "TTPV" => _("TPV"), "TB2B" => _("B2B"), "TPEDIDOSVENTA" => _("Pedidos"), "TVERSTOCKS" => _("Ver Stocks"), "TPRECIOS" => _("Precios"), "TVENTAS" => _("Ventas"), "TFINANZAS" => _("Finanzas"), "TCOBROS" => _("Cobros"), "TPAGOS" => _("Pagos"), "TCAJAGENERAL" => _("Caja General"), "TCAJATPV" => _("Caja TPV"), "TPRESUPUESTOS" => _("Presupuestos"), "TCOMPROBANTESCOMPRA" => _("Comprobantes Compra"), "TCOMPROBANTESVENTA" => _("Comprobantes Venta"), "TPROMOCIONES" => _("Promociones"), "TKARDEX" => _("Kardex"), "TAJUSTES" => _("Ajustes"), "TALMACEN" => _("Almacén"), "TVERAJUSTES" => _("Ver Ajustes"), "TSERVICIOS" => _("Servicios"), "TSAT" => _("SAT"), "TSUSCRIPCION" => _("Suscripción"));
     return $ot->makear($cambios);
Example #2
    function main()
        $this->PageSubtitle = "Send a Test Email";
        include_once "ddtable_adm_emails.php";
        Hidden("gp_page", "x_email");
        $table =& $GLOBALS["AG"]["tables"]["adm_emails"];
        $em = array("email_to" => CleanBox("email_to", "", false), "email_subject" => CleanBox("email_subject", "", false), "email_message" => CleanBox("email_message", "", false));
        // If this is postback, process the email before putting
        // the boxes back up.
        if ($em["email_to"]) {
            echo "<p>The email to " . $em["email_to"] . " has been accepted " . "by the email server, please check your email system " . "to see if the server has successfully sent the email.</p>" . "You may also " . HTMLE_A_STD("View Sent Emails", 'adm_emails') . " or " . HTMLE_A_STD("Send another email", 'x_email') . "</p>";
        // In this little trick we set "uino" to all of the columns
        // except the ones we are setting.
        foreach ($table["flat"] as $colname => $colinfo) {
            if ($colname == "email_to" || $colname == "email_subject" || $colname == "email_message") {
            $table["flat"][$colname]["uino"] = "Y";
        echo HTMLX_Errors();
        echo ElementOut("msg", true);
		<p>This is a very minimal page that can be used to verify that this system
			can send emails.  Enter a valid address, subject, and short message below
			and then click on the [SEND] button.</p>
        echo $this->HTML_INPUTS($GLOBALS["AG"]["tables"]["adm_emails"], $em, "ins", true);
        echo HTMLE_A_JS("formSubmit()", "Send Email Now");
Example #3
 function formClon($action, $lang = false, $volver = false)
     $ot = getTemplate("ClonProducto");
     if (!$ot) {
         return false;
     $modo = "salvaclon";
     $ListadoCombinado = genListadoCruzado($this->getId(), $this->get("IdTallaje"));
     $tieneserie = $this->get("Serie");
     $incluidons = $this->get("Serie") == 1 ? "checked" : "";
     $incluidolt = $this->get("Lote") == 1 ? "checked" : "";
     $incluidofv = $this->get("FechaVencimiento") == 1 ? "checked" : "";
     $incluidomd = $this->get("VentaMenudeo") == 1 ? "checked" : "";
     $motivomd = $this->get("VentaMenudeo") == 1 ? "visible" : "hidden";
     $tienefechavencimiento = $this->get("FechaVencimiento");
     $volver = $volver == "modcompras" ? "modcompras.php" : "modproductos.php";
     $numreg = ObtenerNumeroProductosPorReferencia($this->getReferencia());
     $readonlyUM = "readonly";
     $readonly = "readonly";
     $um = "";
     $ounidad = "";
     $ometro = "";
     $olitro = "";
     $okilo = "";
     switch ($this->get("UnidadMedida")) {
         case 'und':
             $um = "Unidades";
             $ounidad = "selected";
         case 'mts':
             $um = "Metros";
             $ometro = "selected";
         case 'lts':
             $um = "Litros";
             $olitro = "selected";
         case 'kls':
             $um = "Kilos";
             $okilo = "selected";
     $osrm = "";
     $ocrm = "";
     $ocrmr = "";
     switch ($this->get("CondicionVenta")) {
         case '0':
             $osrm = "selected";
         case 'CRM':
             $ocrm = "selected";
         case 'CRMR':
             $ocrmr = "selected";
     $txtMoDet = getModeloDetalle2txt();
     $esBTCA = $txtMoDet[0] == "BTCA";
     $hidden = "style='display:none;'";
     $btca = $esBTCA ? false : $hidden;
     $txtref = $txtMoDet[4];
     $ismtposerv = $this->get("Servicio") || $this->get("MetaProducto") ? $hidden : false;
     $isserie = $this->get("Serie") ? $hidden : false;
     $txtalias = $txtMoDet[3];
     $txtModelo = $txtMoDet[1];
     $txtDetalle = $txtMoDet[2];
     $txtTitulo = $esBTCA ? 'Nueva' : 'Nuevo';
     $titulo = _("{$txtTitulo} {$txtModelo} / {$txtDetalle}");
     $cambios = array("tPrecioVenta" => _("Previo Venta"), "vPrecioVenta" => $this->getPrecioVenta(), "vIdTallaje" => $this->get("IdTallaje"), "ListaCombinada" => $ListadoCombinado, "tImprimirCodigoBarras" => _("Imprimir código barras"), "vRefProvHab" => $this->get("RefProvHab"), "tRefProvHab" => $txtref, "vIdMarca" => $this->get("IdMarca"), "tMarca" => _("Marca"), "vMarca" => getIdMarca2Texto($this->get("IdMarca")), "vIdContenedor" => $this->get("IdContenedor"), "tContenedor" => _("Contenedor"), "vContenedor" => getIdContenedor2Texto($this->get("IdContenedor")), "vIdTalla" => $this->get("IdTalla"), "tModelo" => $txtModelo, "vTalla" => getIdTalla2Texto($this->get("IdTalla"), $this->get("IdIdioma")), "vIdColor" => $this->get("IdColor"), "tDetalle" => $txtDetalle, "vColor" => getIdColor2Texto($this->get("IdColor"), $this->get("IdIdioma")), "tCodigoBarras" => _("Código barras"), "vCodigoBarras" => $this->get("CodigoBarras"), "tTitulo" => $titulo, "HIDDENDATA" => Hidden("id", $this->getId()), "action" => "{$action}?modo={$modo}&idBase=", "Referencia" => _("Referencia"), "vReferencia" => $this->getReferencia(), "tCosteSinIVA" => _("Costo Ref."), "vCosteSinIVA" => $this->get("Costo") * 1, "Descripcion" => _("Nombre"), "vDescripcion" => $this->getDescripcion(), "isbtca" => $btca, "ismtposerv" => $ismtposerv, "isserie" => $isserie, "vIdProductoAlias0" => $this->get("IdProductoAlias0"), "tProductoAlias0" => $txtalias, "vProductoAlias0" => getIdProductoAlias2Texto($this->get("IdProductoAlias0"), $this->get("IdIdioma")), "vIdProductoAlias1" => $this->get("IdProductoAlias1"), "tProductoAlias1" => $txtalias, "vProductoAlias1" => getIdProductoAlias2Texto($this->get("IdProductoAlias1"), $this->get("IdIdioma")), "PrecioVenta" => _("Precio venta"), "vPrecioVenta" => $this->getPrecioVenta(), "PrecioOnline" => _("Precio online"), "vPrecioOnline" => $this->getPrecioOnline(), "tVentaMenudeo" => _("Venta al menudeo"), "cVentaMenudeo" => $incluidomd, "vMotivoMd" => $motivomd, "cNumeroSerie" => $incluidons, "cLote" => $incluidolt, "cFechaVencimiento" => $incluidofv, "tUnidadesPorContenedor" => _("Unidades Por Contenedor"), "vUnidadesPorContenedor" => $this->get("UnidadesPorContenedor"), "tUnidadMedida" => _("Unidad Medida"), "vUnidadMedida" => $this->get("UnidadMedida"), "vUM" => $um, "ounidad" => $ounidad, "ometro" => $ometro, "olitro" => $olitro, "okilo" => $okilo, "oSRM" => $osrm, "oCRM" => $ocrm, "oCRMR" => $ocrmr, "vReadOnly" => $readonly, "vReadOnlyUM" => $readonlyUM, "vSerie" => $tieneserie, "vFechaVencimiento" => $tienefechavencimiento, "tFamilia" => _("Familia..."), "tSubFamilia" => _("Sub familia..."), "TipoImpuesto" => _("Impuesto"), "tIdProvHab" => _("Proveedor hab."), "vIdProvHab" => $this->get("IdProvHab"), "vProveedorHab" => getNombreProveedor($this->get("IdProvHab")), "tIdLabHab" => _("Laboratorio hab."), "vIdLabHab" => $this->get("IdLabHab"), "vLaboratorioHab" => getNombreLaboratorio($this->get("IdLabHab")), "vTipoImpuesto" => $this->getTipoImpuesto(), "vIdFamilia" => $this->get("IdFamilia"), "vIdSubFamilia" => $this->get("IdSubFamilia"), "vFamilia" => $this->get("Familia"), "vSubFamilia" => $this->get("SubFamilia"), "vImpuesto" => $this->getImpuesto());
     return $ot->makear($cambios);
Example #4
 * ->class('someclass'),
 * for a placeholder: ->placeholder('Some text'). If the attribute doesn't
 * take a value just omit it, so : ->required()
 * In addition to HTML attributes, each element takes meta-data such as the
 * submitted value. All meta-data is set in exactly the same way but is prefixed
 * with a single underscore. For example, you can set the form's show_submitted
 * flag with ->_show_submitted(true), or force an initial check on a specific
 * item in a radioset using ->_value('name') -- in this case you are setting up
 * the element to appear as if that value was already submitted to it.
 * This is done to make form specification as terse and fluent as possible
 * -- yet still giving control where needed.
$contact_form = Form('contact', './')->setRenderer($r)->onSuccess('MySuccessHandler')->novalidate()->add(Fieldset('About you...', 'about')->class('about')->add(Checkbox('control', '>Collect Personal Details', 'ok')->_ignore_parent_fields('disabled,readonly,required'))->add(Input('salutation', 'Title', 'Your title please')->autofocus()->datalist($salutations)->required())->add(Input('name', 'Your Name', 'Your name please')->autocomplete('off')->required()->validator('myNameValidator'))->add(Email('email', 'Your Email', 'Your email address')->required()->autocomplete('off'))->add(URL('url', 'Website', 'Your URL here (optional)'))->add(Hidden('secret', '123'))->add(Password('pass', 'Your Password', 'Enter a password of 10 characters or more')->required()->minlength(10, '10+ chars. please'))->add(Password('oth', 'Repeat Password', 'Enter password again')->required()->minlength(10, '10+ chars. please')->matches('pass', 'This must match what you typed in the "Your Password" field.'))->add(Tel('tel', 'Phone', 'A contact number please')->pattern('/^[\\s]*[\\+]?[0-9][-0-9]*[\\s-0-9]*[\\s]*$/', 'Enter a valid phone number. This can start with an international code like +44 if needed.'))->add(Input('human', 'Are you human?', 'No bots please')->pattern('/^yes|yep|yeah|sure am|indeed$/i', 'Some form of affirmation is needed.')->required())->add(YesNo('alive', 'Were you alive when you celebrated your last birthday?', 'Babies excluded.', 'Just yes or no please.')->required())->add(Integer('age', 'How old are you?')->value(5)->min(2)->max(10)))->add(Fieldset('Your message...')->add(TextArea('msg', 'Message', 'Your message to us')->required()->pattern('/^[^0-9]*$/', 'No numbers please!')->whitelist('great,good,fantastic,amazing')))->add(Fieldset('Legal stuff...')->add(Radios('agreement', '>Do you agree to our terms?', $conditions)->required('* Please select one of the options')->validator('myConditionValidator'))->add(Checkboxes('options', 'Additional Options...', $checkboxes)->required()->value('spam_me'))->add(MSelect('depts', 'Forward to which departments?', $departments)->required('Please choose at least one department')->value('complaints-2 , complaints-3 , sales-0')))->add(Submit('Send'))->process();
/** ==================== Custom formatters follow ====================
 * These all override, or append to, some aspect of the renderer's output
 * and should allow you fine enough control over your form output not to
 * have to resort to hand-crafted HTML.
 * They are all enabled by setting values on the renderer.
 * Thay are also totally option. In fact, the default output of the renderer
 * should be fine in most cases so you can probably delete all the code in
 * this part of the file.
 * Controls the output that goes at the head of the form when there are any
 * invalid elements. Use this only if the renderer's default markup isn't
 * what you need.
Example #5
 function formModificarSubfamilia($action, $mud, $muc, $dsto, $tipocosto)
     $ot = getTemplate("ModificarSubFamilia");
     if (!$ot) {
         return false;
     //$comboidiomas = genComboIdiomas($this->get("IdIdioma"));
     //$comboperfiles = genComboPerfiles($this->get("IdPerfil"));
     $xcheck = $mud != 'MUD' ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
     $xmutc = $mud != 'MUD' ? 'visible' : 'hidden';
     $xcp = $tipocosto == 'CP' ? 'selected' : '';
     $xuc = $tipocosto == 'UC' ? 'selected' : '';
     $xmud = $mud != 'MUD' ? CleanFloat($mud) : $this->get("MargenUtilidadVD");
     $xmuc = $muc != 'MUC' ? CleanFloat($muc) : $this->get("MargenUtilidadVC");
     $xdsto = $dsto != 'DSTO' ? CleanFloat($dsto) : $this->get("Descuento");
     $xlist = ListaProductosxSubFamilia($this->get("IdFamilia"), $this->get("IdSubFamilia"), $xmud, $xmuc, $xdsto, $tipocosto);
     $oFam = new familia();
     $NomFamilia = $oFam->get("Familia");
     $cambios = array("tTitulo" => _("Modificando ") . $NomFamilia . "/" . $this->get("SubFamilia"), "tSubFamilia" => _("Nombre"), "vSubFamilia" => $this->get("SubFamilia"), "vIdFamilia" => $this->get("IdFamilia"), "tMargenUtilidadVD" => _("Margen de Utilidad VP"), "vMargenUtilidadVD" => $xmud, "tMargenUtilidadVC" => _("Margen de Utilidad VC"), "vMargenUtilidadVC" => $xmuc, "tDescuento" => _("Descuento"), "vDescuento" => $xdsto, "vLista" => $xlist, "vIdBase" => $this->getId(), "vRecalcular" => $xcheck, "vCP" => $xcp, "vUC" => $xuc, "vMUTC" => $xmutc, "action" => $action, "HIDDENDATA" => Hidden("id", $this->getId()) . Hidden("IdFamilia", $this->get("IdFamilia")));
     return $ot->makear($cambios);
Example #6
 function main()
     // ------------------------------------------------
     // Branch out to ajax handling functions
     if (gpExists('fwajax')) {
         return $this->FWAjax();
     //   ...early return
     // ------------------------------------------------
     // Public sites can turn off table maintenance pages
     if (vgfGet('suppress_maintenance', false)) {
     vgfset('maintenance', true);
     # KFD 2/17/09 Sourceforge 2546056
     #             If we are in default main code branch, and
     #             there is no data dictionary, the user has
     #             called a bad page.
     if (!isset($this->table['projections'])) {
       <h1>Bad Page Request</h1>
       <p>There is no page <?php 
         echo hx(gp('gp_page'));
     // If a "fk jump", retrieve skey and make it look
     // like an edit call.
     if (gp('gp_pk') != '') {
         $pkval = gp("gp_pk");
         $pkcol = $this->table["pks"];
         $pktyp = $this->table['flat'][$pkcol]["type_id"];
         $table_id = $this->table["table_id"];
         // KFD 10/26/06, used to be $table_id
         $sq = "SELECT skey FROM " . $this->view_id . " WHERE " . $pkcol . " = " . SQL_Format($pktyp, $pkval);
         gpSet('gp_skey', SQL_OneValue('skey', $sq));
         gpSet('gp_mode', 'upd');
     // If we were invoked by a child table, don't do this
     if (is_null($this->table_obj_child)) {
         // KFD 10/26/06, keep as $table_id
         Hidden('gp_page', $this->table_id);
         // always return to same page
         Hidden('gp_mode', '');
         Hidden('gp_skey', '');
         Hidden('gp_action', '');
         Hidden('gp_save', '');
         hidden('gp_copy', '');
     // Work out what to do if mode is blank.  Might mean
     // upd, might mean browse.
     $mode = gp('gp_mode');
     $skey = gp('gp_skey');
     if ($mode == '') {
         $mode = $this->MainCheckForMover();
         if ($mode == '') {
             $mode = $skey == '' ? 'browse' : 'upd';
             gpSet('gp_mode', $mode);
     $this->mode = $mode;
     // KFD 8/13/07, Experimental COPY ability
     if (gp('gp_action') == 'copy') {
         $mode = 'ins';
         gpSet('gp_mode', 'ins');
     switch ($mode) {
         case 'search':
             $this->PageSubtitle .= " (Lookup Mode)";
         case 'ins':
             $this->PageSubtitle .= " (New Entry)";
     // ----------------------------------------------
     // Generate the main HTML elements
     if ($mode == 'browse') {
     } elseif ($mode == 'mover') {
     } else {
     if ($mode != "mover") {
     // Now if this is a child table in a 1:M, it will not actually
     // output its own stuff, it will invoke its parent, so let's
     // buffer the output
     if ($this->table_id_parent != '') {
     // Echo out the HTML
     // Put this out at end, after all HTML has been output
     if ($mode == "search") {
         $controls = ContextGet('OldRow');
         $hScript = '';
         foreach ($controls as $key => $info) {
             $hScript .= "\nob('x2t_{$key}').value='';";
         jqDocReady("function clearBoxes() { \n" . $hScript . "}\n\n");
     // Again, if this is a child table in a 1:M, capture the output and
     // make it the responsibility of the parent
     if ($this->table_id_parent != '') {
         $this->h['Complete'] = ob_get_clean();
         // Wipe out and replace all gp variables, fool the parent object
         $OldRow = ContextGet('OldRow', array());
         $gpsave = aFromGP('gp_');
         $dd = ContextGet('drilldown', array());
         $dd1 = array_pop($dd);
         gpSet('gp_skey', $dd1['skey']);
         // Now invoke the parent object, tell it about us
         $object = objPage($this->table_id_parent);
         $object->table_obj_child = $this;
         // Replace the wiped out gp variables
         gpSetFromArray('gp_', $gpsave);
         ContextSet('OldRow', $OldRow);
         // Force the menu to come from the parent
         vgaSet('menu_selected', $this->table_id_parent);
Example #7
 function formExtra($action)
     $out = gas("titulo", _("Datos extra"));
     $cambiarnombre = "<input SIZE=80 name='Comentario' value='" . $this->get("Comentario") . "'>";
     $cambiarpaginas = "<input name='Paginas' value='" . $this->get("Paginas") . "'>";
     $out .= "<table><tr><td>" . Enviar(_("Guardar")) . "</td></tr>" . "<tr><td>{$cambiarnombre} - Comentario</td></tr>" . "<tr><td>{$cambiarpaginas} - Paginas</td></tr>" . "<tr><td>" . Enviar(_("Guardar")) . "</td></tr>" . "</table>";
     $modo = "newsave";
     $extra = Hidden("id", $this->getId());
     return "<form action='{$action}?modo=salvarextra' method=post>{$out} {$extra}</form>";
Example #8
 function formEntrada($action, $esModificar)
     $ot = $esModificar ? getTemplate("ModLocal") : getTemplate("AltaLocal");
     if (!$ot) {
         return false;
     $modo = $esModificar ? "modsave" : "newsave";
     $titulo = $esModificar ? _("Modificando local") : _("Nuevo local");
     $idlocal = $this->get("IdLocal");
     $combonumeracion = getComboFormatoComprobante($this->get("IdTipoNumeracionFactura"));
     $comboidiomas = genComboIdiomas($this->get("IdIdioma"));
     $incluido = $this->is("ImpuestoIncluido") ? "checked" : "";
     $esCentral = $this->is("AlmacenCentral") ? "checked" : "";
     $esCOPImpuesto = $this->is("COPImpuesto") ? "checked" : "";
     $esMoneda = $this->is("AlmacenCentral") ? "" : "style='display:none'";
     $Moneda = getMoneda();
     $esConPass = $this->is("AdmitePassword") ? "checked" : "";
     $mostrarpass = $this->is("AdmitePassword") ? "style='visibility:visible'" : "style='visibility:hidden'";
     $cambios = array("tMensajeMes" => _("Mensaje Ticket"), "vMensajeMes" => $this->get("MensajeMes"), "tMensajePromo" => _("Mensaje Promoción"), "vMensajePromo" => $this->get("MensajePromocion"), "tVigenciaPresupuesto" => _("Vigencia Presupuesto"), "vVigenciaPresupuesto" => $this->get("VigenciaPresupuesto"), "tGarantiaComercial" => _("Garantía Comercial"), "vGarantiaComercial" => $this->get("GarantiaComercial"), "tMargenUtilidad" => _("Margen Utilidad "), "vMargenUtilidad" => $this->get("MargenUtilidad"), "vTipoMargenUtilidad" => $this->get("TipoMargenUtilidad"), "vIGV" => $this->get("Impuesto"), "vIPC" => $this->get("Percepcion"), "vDescuento" => $this->get("Descuento"), "vMetodoRedondeo" => genComboMetodoRedondeo($this->get("MetodoRedondeo")), "tIdIdioma" => _("Idioma"), "comboIdiomas" => $comboidiomas, "tIdPais" => _("País"), "vIdPais" => $this->get("IdPais"), "comboIdPais" => genComboPaises($this->get("IdPais")), "TITULO" => $titulo, "tImpuestoIncluido" => _("Impuesto incluido"), "cImpuestoIncluido" => $incluido, "tTipoNumeracionFactura" => _("Tipo numeración fact."), "comboTipoNumeracionFactura" => $combonumeracion, "vNombreComercial" => $this->get("NombreComercial"), "vNombreLegal" => $this->get("NombreLegal"), "vAlmacenCentral" => $esCentral, "vCOPImpuesto" => $esCOPImpuesto, "vMoneda0" => $Moneda[1]['T'], "vMonedaPlural0" => $Moneda[1]['TP'], "vMonedaSimbolo0" => $Moneda[1]['S'], "vMoneda1" => $Moneda[2]['T'], "vMonedaPlural1" => $Moneda[2]['TP'], "vMonedaSimbolo1" => $Moneda[2]['S'], "vMoneda" => $esMoneda, "vConContrasenia" => $esConPass, "vPoblacion" => $this->get("Poblacion"), "vCodigoPostal" => $this->get("CodigoPostal"), "vDireccionFactura" => $this->get("DireccionFactura"), "DireccionFactura" => _("Dirección Factura"), "vNFiscal" => $this->get("NFiscal"), "NFiscal" => _("Número Fiscal"), "vFax" => $this->get("Fax"), "vEmail" => $this->get("Email"), "vMovil" => $this->get("Movil"), "vTelefono" => $this->get("Telefono"), "vPaginaWeb" => $this->get("PaginaWeb"), "vCuentaBancaria" => $this->get("CuentaBancaria"), "vCuentaBancaria2" => $this->get("CuentaBancaria2"), "Password" => _("Contraseña"), "vPassword" => _("localess"), "sPassword" => $mostrarpass, "Identificacion" => _("Identificación"), "vIdentificacion" => $this->get("Identificacion"), "NombreComercial" => _("Nombre comercial"), "NombreLegal" => _("Nombre legal"), "Poblacion" => _("Población"), "CodigoPostal" => _("Codigo Postal"), "Fax" => _("Fax"), "Email" => _("Email"), "Movil" => _("Móvil"), "Telefono" => _("Teléfono"), "PaginaWeb" => _("Pagina web"), "CuentaBancaria" => _("CTA Moneda Principal"), "CuentaBancaria2" => _("CTA Moneda Secundaria"), "tAlmacenCentral" => _("El almacén central"), "HIDDENDATA" => Hidden("id", $this->getId()), "ACTION" => "{$action}?modo={$modo}");
     return $ot->makear($cambios);
Example #9
 function mainMD5()
     if (gpexists('md5') && !gpExists('gpp')) {
         gpSet('gpp', '2');
     $gpp = gp('gpp');
     if (gp('gpp') == '3') {
     // process new pw
     if (gp('gpp') == '2') {
     // link back
     if (gp('gpp') == '1') {
     // send email
     if (Errors() || $gpp == '') {
     // get info
     Hidden("gp_page", "x_password");
Example #10
function index_hidden_page()
    global $AG;
    $sessok = !LoggedIn() ? false : true;
    // KFD 3/6/08, moved here from the main stream of index_hidden
    //             because these are relevant only to page processing
    if (gpExists('x_module')) {
        SessionSet('AGMENU_MODULE', gp('x_module'));
    } elseif (vgaGet('nomodule') != '' && SessionGet('AGMENU_MODULE') == '') {
        SessionSet('AGMENU_MODULE', vgaGet('nomodule'));
    // If the search flag is set, we need to know what class for this
    // application handles searchs
    if (gpExists('gp_search')) {
        gpSet('gp_page', vgaGet('SEARCH_CLASS'));
    // Load up a list of pages that public users are allowed to see,
    // with home and password always there.
    global $MPPages;
    // allows it to be in applib
    $MP = array();
    //$MPPages= array();
    // This is the old method, load $MPPages from its own file
    if (file_exists_incpath('appPublicMenu.php')) {
        include_once 'appPublicMenu.php';
    if (!is_array($MPPages)) {
        $MPPages = array();
    $MPPages['x_home'] = 'Home Page';
    $MPPages['x_login'] = '******';
    $MPPages['x_noauth'] = 'Authorization Required';
    $MPPages['x_password'] = "******";
    $MPPages['x_mpassword'] = "******";
    $MPPages['x_paypalipn'] = 'Paypal IPN';
    // If the install page exists, it will be used, no getting
    // around it.
    $install = $GLOBALS['AG']['dirs']['application'] . 'install.php';
    $instal2 = $GLOBALS['AG']['dirs']['application'] . 'install.done.php';
    if (file_exists($install)) {
        if (gp('gp_install') == 'finish') {
            rename($install, $instal2);
        } else {
            $MPPages['install'] = 'install';
            gpSet('gp_page', 'install');
    // First pass is to look for the "flaglogin" flag.  This says save all
    // current page settings and go to login screen.  They will be restored
    // on a successful login.  Very useful for links that say "Login to
    // see nifty stuff..."
    if (gp('gp_flaglogin') == '1') {
        gpSet('gp_flaglogin', '');
        gpSet('gp_page', 'x_login');
    // Second pass redirection, pick default page if there
    // is none, and verify public pages.
    $gp_page = gp('gp_page');
    if ($gp_page == '') {
        if (vgfGet('LoginAttemptOK') === true && vgfGet('x4') === true) {
            $gp_page = 'x4init';
            gpSet('gp_page', 'x4init');
            SessionSet('TEMPLATE', 'x4');
        } else {
            if (function_exists('appNoPage')) {
                $gp_page = appNoPage();
            } else {
                if (!LoggedIn()) {
                    $gp_page = FILE_EXISTS_INCPATH('x_home.php') ? 'x_home' : 'x_login';
                } else {
                    // KFD 3/2/07, pull vga stuff to figure defaults
                    if (vgaGet('nopage') != '') {
                        $gp_page = vgaGet('nopage');
                    } else {
                        $gp_page = 'x_welcome';
    // If they are trying to access a restricted page and are not
    // logged in, cache their request and redirect to login page
    if (!$sessok && !isset($MPPages[$gp_page])) {
        if (vgfGet('loglogins', false)) {
            fwLogEntry('1014', 'Page access w/o login', $gp_page);
        $gp_page = 'x_login';
    // If pos is activated and the current requested page does not
    // match what they are cleared for, redirect to login
    if (vgaGet('POS_SECURITY', false) == true && SessionGet('ADMIN') == false) {
        if (SessionGet('POS_PAGE', '', 'FW') != $gp_page) {
            $gp_page = 'x_login';
    gpSet('gp_page', $gp_page);
    // Make any database saves.  Do this universally, even if save
    // was not selected.  If errors, reset to previous request.
    //if(gp('gp_save')=='1') processPost();
    if (Errors()) {
        gpSetFromArray('gp_', aFromGp('gpx_'));
    // Put Userid where HTML forms can find it
    //if (vgfSet("UID")=="") { vgfSet("UID","Not Logged In"); }
    // THIS IS NEWER X_TABLE2 version of drilldown commands,
    // considerably simpler than the older ones. It makes use of
    // three gp_dd variables.
    // Notice how we process drillbacks FIRST, allowing a link
    // to contain both drillback and drilldown, for the super-nifty
    // effect of a "drill-across"
    if (intval(gp('gp_dd_back')) > 0 && $sessok) {
        // this is drillback
        $dd = ContextGet('drilldown', array());
        $back = intval(gp('gp_dd_back'));
        if (count($dd) >= $back) {
            $spot = count($dd) - $back;
            $aback = $dd[$spot];
            gpSet('gp_skey', $aback['skey']);
            gpSet('gp_page', $aback['page']);
            $gp_page = $aback['page'];
            gpSet('gpx_skey', $aback['skey']);
            gpSet('gpx_page', $aback['page']);
            gpSetFromArray('parent_', $aback['parent']);
            if (!gpExists('gp_mode')) {
                gpSet('gp_mode', 'upd');
            $dd = $spot == 0 ? array() : array_slice($dd, 0, $spot);
            ContextSet('drilldown', $dd);
            ContextSet('drilldown_top', $aback['page']);
    if (gp('gp_dd_page') != '' && $sessok) {
        // this is drilldown...
        $matches = DrillDownMatches();
        $matches = array_merge($matches, aFromGP('parent_'));
        $dd = ContextGet('drilldown', array());
        $newdd = array('matches' => $matches, 'parent' => aFromGP('parent_'), 'skey' => gp('gpx_skey'), 'page' => gp('gpx_page'));
        $dd[] = $newdd;
        ContextSet('drilldown', $dd);
        ContextSet('drilldown_top', gp('gp_dd_page'));
        // having saved the stack, redirect to new page.
        $tnew = gp('gp_dd_page');
        $gp_page = $tnew;
        gpSet('gp_page', $tnew);
        if (gp('gp_dd_skey') != '') {
            gpSet('gp_skey', gp('gp_dd_skey'));
            gpSet('gp_mode', 'upd');
        // Clear search of new page, set filters to blank
        ConSet('table', $tnew, 'search', array());
    // If no drilldown commands were received, and we are not on
    // the page that is the top, user must have picked a new page
    // altogether, wipe out the drilldown stack
    if (gp('gp_page') != ContextGet('drilldown_top', '')) {
        ContextSet('drilldown', array());
        ContextSet('drilldown_top', '');
    // Must always have these on the user's form.  These can
    // be retired with x_Table, they are for old drilldown
    hidden("dd_page", "");
    hidden("dd_ddc", "");
    hidden("dd_ddv", "");
    hidden("dd_ddback", "");
    hidden("dd_action", "searchexecute");
    hidden("dd_skey", "");
    // Load user preferences just before display
    $dir = $GLOBALS['AG']['dirs']['root'] . 'application/';
    if (file_exists($dir . $gp_page . ".page.yaml")) {
        include 'androPage.php';
        $obj_page = new androPage();
        if ($obj_page->flag_buffer) {
        if ($obj_page->flag_buffer) {
            vgfSet("HTML", ob_get_clean());
        vgfSet("PageSubtitle", $obj_page->PageSubtitle);
    } else {
        $obj_page = DispatchObject($gp_page);
        if ($obj_page->flag_buffer) {
        if ($obj_page->flag_buffer && vgfGet('HTML') == '') {
            vgfSet("HTML", ob_get_contents());
        vgfSet("PageSubtitle", $obj_page->PageSubtitle);
    // Save context onto the page.  Note that it is not really
    // protected by these methods, just compressed and obscured.
    $t2 = serialize($GLOBALS['AG']['clean']['gpContext']);
    $t2 = gzcompress($t2);
    $t2 = base64_encode($t2);
    Hidden('gpContext', $t2);
    // KFD 3/7/07, give the app the final opportunity to process
    //             things before the display, while logged in.
    if (function_exists('appdisplaypre')) {
    // ...and write output and we are done.  Assume if there was
    // no buffering that the output is already done.
    if ($obj_page->flag_buffer != false) {
        // Work out what template we are using
        // KFD 5/30/07, send back only main content if asked
        if (gp('ajxBUFFER') == 1) {
            echo "andromeda_main_content|";
            echo "|-|_focus|" . vgfGet('HTML_focus');
            $ajax = ElementReturn('ajax', array());
            echo '|-|' . implode('|-|', $ajax);
            echo '|-|_title|' . vgfGet('PageTitle');
        } elseif (defined('_VALID_MOS')) {
            // This is the default branch, using a Joomla template
            // DUPLICATE ALERT: This code copied into
            //          index_hidden_x4Dispatch() above
            global $J;
            $mainframe = $J['mainframe'];
            $my = $J['my'];
            $mosConfig_absolute_path = $J['mC_absolute_path'];
            $mosConfig_live_site = $J['mC_live_site'];
            $template_color = $J['template_color'];
            $template_color = 'red';
            $file = $GLOBALS['AG']['dirs']['root'] . '/templates/' . $mainframe->GetTemplate() . "/index.php";
            include $file;
        } elseif ($obj_page->html_template !== '') {
            // This is newer style, let the class specify the template.
            include $obj_page->html_template . '.php';
        } else {
            // This is old style, defaults to "html_main.php", can be
            // set also by vgaSet() or by gp(gp_out)
            $html_main = vgaGet('html_main') == '' ? 'html_main' : vgaGet('html_main');
            switch (CleanGet("gp_out", "", false)) {
                case "print":
                    include "html_print.php";
                case "info":
                    include "html_info.php";
                case "":
                    include $html_main . ".php";
Example #11
 function formEntrada($action, $esModificar)
     $ot = getTemplate("ModificarCliente");
     if (!$ot) {
         return false;
     $comboidiomas = genComboIdiomas($this->get("IdIdioma"));
     $comboperfiles = genComboPerfiles($this->get("IdPerfil"));
     $cambios = array("tIdPais" => _("País"), "vIdPais" => $this->get("IdPais"), "comboIdPais" => genComboPaises($this->get("IdPais")), "TITULO" => _("Modificando cliente"), "Direccion" => _("Dirección"), "Comision" => _("Comisión"), "Ver" => _("Ver"), "Telefono" => _("Teléfono"), "Nombre" => _("Nombre"), "Idioma" => _("Idioma"), "comboIdiomas" => $comboidiomas, "Perfil" => _("Perfil"), "comboPerfiles" => $comboperfiles, "vNombre" => $this->getNombre(), "vDireccion" => $this->get("Direccion"), "vComision" => $this->get("Comision"), "vTelefono" => $this->get("Telefono"), "ACTION" => "{$action}?modo=modsave", "HIDDENDATA" => Hidden("id", $this->getId()));
     return $ot->makear($cambios);
Example #12
 function formEntrada($action, $esModificar)
     $ot = getTemplate("ModificarUsuario");
     if (!$ot) {
         return false;
     $comboidiomas = genComboIdiomas($this->get("IdIdioma"));
     $comboperfiles = genComboPerfiles($this->get("IdPerfil"));
     $combolocales = genComboLocales($this->get("IdLocal"));
     $esTodos = $this->get("IdLocal") == 0 ? "style='visibility:hidden'" : "style='visibility:visible'";
     $locales = "";
     $idglocales = $this->get("GrupoLocales");
     if ($idglocales) {
         $locales = obtnerGrupoLocales($idglocales);
     $locales = $esModificar ? $locales : '';
     $cambios = array("tFechaNacim" => _("Fecha nacim."), "vFechaNacim" => $this->get("FechaNacim"), "tCuentaBanco" => _("Cuenta banco"), "vCuentaBanco" => $this->get("CuentaBanco"), "TITULO" => _("Modificando usuario"), "Identificacion" => _("Identificación"), "Password" => _("Contraseña"), "Direccion" => _("Dirección"), "Comision" => _("Comisión"), "Telefono" => _("Teléfono"), "Nombre" => _("Nombre"), "Idioma" => _("Idioma"), "comboIdiomas" => $comboidiomas, "Local" => _("Local"), "comboLocales" => $combolocales, "Perfil" => _("Perfil"), "comboPerfiles" => $comboperfiles, "vNombre" => $this->getNombre(), "vIdentificacion" => $this->get("Identificacion"), "vPassword" => _("usuarios"), "vDireccion" => $this->get("Direccion"), "vComision" => $this->get("Comision"), "vTelefono" => $this->get("Telefono"), "ACTION" => "{$action}?modo=modsave", "tGrupoLocales" => _("Grupo Locales"), "sGrupoLocales" => $esTodos, "vGrupoLocales" => $locales, "HIDDENDATA" => Hidden("id", $this->getId()));
     return $ot->makear($cambios);