<body> <div id="wrapper"> <? //require "config.php"; require "functions.php"; require "includes.php"; require "menu.php"; /* ----- setup variables ----- */ $action = GetVariable("action"); $id = GetVariable("id"); $protocols = GetVariable("protocols"); $thegroup = GetVariable("thegroup"); $modality = GetVariable("modality"); $pgitemid = GetVariable("pgitemid"); //PrintVariable($_POST,'POST'); /* determine action */ switch ($action) { case 'disable': DisableModality($id); DisplayModalityList(); break; case 'enable': EnableModality($id); DisplayModalityList(); break; case 'editprotocolgroups': EditProtocolGroups($id,'');
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // NiDB subjectlist.php // Copyright (C) 2004 - 2016 // Gregory A Book <*****@*****.**> <*****@*****.**> // Olin Neuropsychiatry Research Center, Hartford Hospital // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ // GPLv3 License: // This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify // it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by // the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or // (at your option) any later version. // This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ include "globalfunctions.php"; $term = GetVariable("term"); $returnarray = array(); $sqlstring = "select uid from subjects where uid like '%{$term}%'"; $result = mysql_query($sqlstring) or die("Query failed: " . mysql_error() . "<br><i>{$sqlstring}</i><br>"); while ($row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC)) { $uid = $row['uid']; $arr['id'] = $uid; $arr['label'] = $uid; $arr['value'] = $uid; array_push($returnarray, $arr); } echo json_encode($returnarray);
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="images/squirrel.png"> <title>NiDB - Import Log</title> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <?php require "functions.php"; require "includes.php"; require "nidbapi.php"; require "menu.php"; /* ----- setup variables ----- */ $action = GetVariable("action"); //$orderby = GetVariable("orderby"); //$groupby = GetVariable("groupby"); $transactionid = GetVariable("transactionid"); /* determine action */ switch ($action) { case 'viewimported': DisplayMenu(); DisplayAllImportLog(); break; case 'viewreceived': DisplayMenu(); DisplayAllImportReceived(); break; case 'viewtransactions': DisplayMenu(); DisplayTransactions(); break; case 'viewsingletransaction':
$groupid = GetVariable("groupid"); $subjectgroupid = GetVariable("subjectgroupid"); $studygroupid = GetVariable("studygroupid"); $seriesgroupid = GetVariable("seriesgroupid"); $groupname = GetVariable("groupname"); $grouptype = GetVariable("grouptype"); $owner = GetVariable("owner"); $uids = GetVariable("uids"); $uidids = GetVariable("uidids"); $seriesids = GetVariable("seriesid"); $studyids = GetVariable("studyid"); $modality = GetVariable("modality"); $itemid = GetVariable("itemid"); $measures = GetVariable("measures"); $columns = GetVariable("columns"); $groupmeasures = GetVariable("groupmeasures"); /* determine action */ switch ($action) { case 'add': AddGroup($groupname, $grouptype, $GLOBALS['username']); DisplayGroupList(); break; case 'delete': DeleteGroup($id); break; case 'addsubjectstogroup': AddSubjectsToGroup($subjectgroupid, $uids, $seriesids, $modality); ViewGroup($subjectgroupid, $measures, $columns, $groupmeasures); break; case 'addstudiestogroup': AddStudiesToGroup($studygroupid, $seriesids, $studyids, $modality); ViewGroup($studygroupid, $measures, $columns, $groupmeasures);
<body> <div id="wrapper"> <? //require "config.php"; require "functions.php"; require "includes.php"; require "menu.php"; /* setup variables */ $action = GetVariable("action"); $year = GetVariable("year"); $datestart = GetVariable("datestart"); $dateend = GetVariable("dateend"); $modality = GetVariable("modality"); $studysite = GetVariable("studysite"); switch ($action) { case 'yearstudy': DisplayMenu(); DisplayYear($year, "studies", $modality, $studysite); break; case 'viewreport': ViewReport($datestart, $dateend, $modality, $studysite); break; case 'menu': default: DisplayMenu(); break; }
<head> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="images/squirrel.png"> <title><?php echo $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; ?> - NiDB</title> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <?php require "functions.php"; require "includes.php"; /* ----- setup variables ----- */ $vars['action'] = GetVariable("action"); $vars['instanceid'] = GetVariable("instanceid"); switch ($vars['action']) { case 'switchinstance': SwitchInstance($vars['instanceid']); break; } /* put this here so that the instance ID can be changed before displaying things */ require "menu.php"; /* -------------------------------------------- */ /* ------- SwitchInstance --------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */ function SwitchInstance($id) { $sqlstring = "select instance_name from instance where instance_id = {$id}"; $result = MySQLQuery($sqlstring, __FILE__, __LINE__); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result, MYSQL_ASSOC);
require "functions.php"; ?> <html> <head> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="images/squirrel.png"> <title>Verify email address</title> <META http-equiv="refresh" content="10;URL=login.php"> </head> <body> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"> <br><br> <?php /* ----- setup variables ----- */ $k = GetVariable("k"); /* database connection */ $link = mysql_connect($GLOBALS['db_hostname'], $GLOBALS['cfg']['mysqluser'], $GLOBALS['cfg']['mysqlpassword']) or die("Could not connect: " . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($GLOBALS['cfg']['mysqldatabase']) or die("Could not select database<br>"); /* validate the key and redirect as necessary */ if (Validate($k)) { DisplaySuccess(); } else { DisplayFail(); } /* -------------------------------------------- */ /* ------- DisplaySuccess --------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */ function DisplaySuccess() { ?>
} else { return array('error'=> 'Could not save uploaded file.' . 'The upload was cancelled, or server error encountered'); } //return array('error'=>'should not be here 8'); } } //echo "check 100\n"; /* params are stored in $_GET */ $modality = strtolower(GetVariable("modality")); $studyid = GetVariable("studyid"); $seriesid = GetVariable("seriesid"); //echo $modality; if ($modality == "mr") { $uploadpath = $GLOBALS['dicomincomingpath'] . '/'; } elseif ($modality == "mrbeh") { $sqlstring = "select a.series_num, b.study_num, d.uid from mr_series a left join studies b on a.study_id = b.study_id left join enrollment c on b.enrollment_id = c.enrollment_id left join subjects d on c.subject_id = d.subject_id left join projects e on c.project_id = e.project_id where a.mrseries_id = $seriesid"; $result2 = mysql_query($sqlstring) or die("Query failed: " . mysql_error() . "<br><i>$sqlstring</i><br>"); $row = mysql_fetch_array($result2, MYSQL_ASSOC); $study_num = $row['study_num']; $uid = $row['uid']; $series_num = $row['series_num']; $uploadpath = $GLOBALS['cfg']['archivedir'] . "/$uid/$study_num/$series_num/beh/"; if (!file_exists($uploadpath)) {
<body> <div id="wrapper"> <?php require "functions.php"; require "includes.php"; require "nidbapi.php"; //PrintVariable($_POST,'POST'); /* ----- setup variables ----- */ $action = GetVariable("action"); $projectid = GetVariable("projectid"); $protocolgroupid = GetVariable("protocolgroupid"); $projectprotocolid = GetVariable("projectprotocolid"); $criteria = GetVariable("criteria"); $numpersession = GetVariable("numpersession"); $numtotal = GetVariable("numtotal"); /* determine action */ switch ($action) { case 'addprotocol': AddProjectProtocol($projectid, $protocolgroupid, $criteria, $numpersession, $numtotal); DisplayProjectProtocolList($projectid); break; case 'deleteprotocol': DeleteProjectProtocol($projectprotocolid); DisplayProjectProtocolList($projectid); break; default: DisplayProjectProtocolList($projectid); } /* ------------------------------------ functions ------------------------------------ */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
$typeList[] = GetVariable('ttype_' . $i); } if (GetVariable('type_' . $i) == "BELONGSTO" || GetVariable('type_' . $i) == "HASMANY") { $classList[] = GetVariable('tclass_' . $i); } else { $classList[] = ''; } } else { //attribute may have been removed. proceed to next row $z++; } } $_SESSION['objectName'] = $objectName; $_SESSION['language'] = $language = GetVariable('language'); $_SESSION['wrapper'] = $wrapper = GetVariable('wrapper'); $_SESSION['pdoDriver'] = $pdoDriver = GetVariable('pdoDriver'); if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['soapEngine'] == "nusoap") { $client = new soapclient($GLOBALS['configuration']['soap'], true); $params = array('objectName' => $objectName, 'attributeList' => $attributeList, 'typeList' => $typeList, 'language' => $language, 'wrapper' => $wrapper, 'pdoDriver' => $pdoDriver); $object = base64_decode($client->call('GenerateObject', $params)); //echo $client->debug_str; $_SESSION['objectString'] = $object; $_SESSION['attributeList'] = serialize($attributeList); $_SESSION['typeList'] = serialize($typeList); $_SESSION['classList'] = serialize($classList); } else { if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['soapEngine'] == "phpsoap") { $client = new SoapClient('services/pog.wsdl', array('cache_wsdl' => 0)); try { $object = base64_decode($client->GenerateObject($objectName, $attributeList, $typeList, $language, $wrapper, $pdoDriver, $classList)); $_SESSION['objectString'] = $object;
</head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <?php require "functions.php"; require "includes.php"; require "nidbapi.php"; require "menu.php"; /* ----- setup variables ----- */ $action = GetVariable("action"); $id = GetVariable("id"); $defaultinstanceid = GetVariable("defaultinstanceid"); $instancename = GetVariable("instancename"); $users = GetVariable("users"); $userinstanceid = GetVariable("userinstanceid"); //print_r($_POST); /* determine action */ switch ($action) { case 'editform': DisplayPrefsForm("edit", $id); break; case 'addform': DisplayPrefsForm("add", ""); break; case 'update': UpdatePrefs($id, $instancename, $users); DisplayPrefsList(); break; case 'add': AddPrefs($prefsname);
$c['city'] = GetVariable("city"); $c['state'] = GetVariable("state"); $c['zip'] = GetVariable("zip"); $c['country'] = GetVariable("country"); $c['institution'] = GetVariable("institution"); $c['dept'] = GetVariable("dept"); $c['website'] = GetVariable("website"); $sendmail_dailysummary = GetVariable("sendmail_dailysummary"); $enablebeta = GetVariable("enablebeta"); $id = GetVariable("id"); $instanceid = GetVariable("instanceid"); $protocol = GetVariable("protocol"); $variable = GetVariable("variable"); $criteria = GetVariable("criteria"); $value = GetVariable("value"); /* ----- determine which action to take ----- */ switch ($action) { case 'saveoptions': SaveOptions($username, $password, $c, $sendmail_dailysummary, $enablebeta); DisplayOptions($username); break; case 'addnot': AddNotification($username, $protocol, $variable, $criteria, $value); DisplayOptions($username); break; case 'deletenot': DeleteNotification($id); DisplayOptions($username); break;
require "menu.php"; /* setup variables */ $action = GetVariable("action"); $enrollmentid = GetVariable("enrollmentid"); $experimentid = GetVariable("experimentid"); $formid = GetVariable("formid"); $val_strings = GetVariables("string"); $val_numbers = GetVariables("number"); $val_texts = GetVariables("text"); $val_dates = GetVariables("date"); $val_files = GetVariables("file"); $experimentor = GetVariable("experimentor"); $experimentdate = GetVariable("experimentdate"); $label = GetVariable("label"); $notes = GetVariable("notes"); //print_r($val_text); /* determine action */ switch ($action) { case 'create': CreateForm($enrollmentid, $formid, $username); break; case 'completed': SetAsComplete($experimentid); ViewForm($experimentid, "view"); break; case 'save': $experimentid = SaveForm($enrollmentid, $formid, $val_strings, $val_numbers, $val_texts, $val_dates, $val_files, $experimentor, $experimentdate, $username, $label, $notes); ViewForm($experimentid, "view");
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="images/squirrel.png"> <title>NiDB - Mass email</title> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <?php require "functions.php"; require "includes.php"; require "nidbapi.php"; require "menu.php"; /* ----- setup variables ----- */ $action = GetVariable("action"); $emailbody = GetVariable("emailbody"); $emailsubject = GetVariable("emailsubject"); $emailto = GetVariable("emailto"); /* determine action */ switch ($action) { case 'sendemail': SendEmail($emailbody, $emailsubject, $emailto); break; default: DisplayEmailForm(); } /* ------------------------------------ functions ------------------------------------ */ /* -------------------------------------------- */ /* ------- DisplayEmailForm ------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */ function DisplayEmailForm() { $urllist['Administration'] = "cleanup.php";
$requestvars['publicdownloadregisterrequired'] = GetVariable("publicdownloadregisterrequired"); $requestvars['publicdownloadexpire'] = GetVariable("publicdownloadexpire"); $requestvars['dicomtags'] = GetVariable("dicomtags"); $requestvars['timepoints'] = GetVariable("timepoints"); $requestvars['behformat'] = GetVariable("behformat"); $requestvars['behdirnameroot'] = GetVariable("behdirnameroot"); $requestvars['behdirnameseries'] = GetVariable("behdirnameseries"); $requestvars['subjectmeta'] = GetVariable("subjectmeta"); $requestvars['subjectdata'] = GetVariable("subjectdata"); $requestvars['subjectphenotype'] = GetVariable("subjectphenotype"); $requestvars['subjectforms'] = GetVariable("subjectforms"); $requestvars['studymeta'] = GetVariable("studymeta"); $requestvars['studydata'] = GetVariable("studydata"); $requestvars['seriesmeta'] = GetVariable("seriesmeta"); $requestvars['seriesdata'] = GetVariable("seriesdata"); $requestvars['allsubject'] = GetVariable("allsubject"); $numpostvars = count($_POST); $maxnumvars = ini_get('max_input_vars'); //echo "<pre>"; //print_r($_POST); //echo "Received " . count($_POST) . " variables<br>"; //echo "Limit is " . ini_get('max_input_vars') . " variables<br>"; //echo "</pre>"; if ($numpostvars >= $maxnumvars) { ?> <div style="background-color: orange">PHP has an inherent limit [<?php echo $maxnumvars;
<html> <head> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="images/squirrel.png"> <title>NiDB - Manage Public Downloads</title> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <?php require "functions.php"; require "includes.php"; require "menu.php"; require "nidbapi.php"; /* ----- setup variables ----- */ $action = GetVariable("action"); $id = GetVariable("id"); /* determine action */ if ($action == "changepassword") { ChangePassword($id); } elseif ($action == "delete") { DeleteDownload($id); } else { DisplayDownloadList(); } /* ------------------------------------ functions ------------------------------------ */ /* -------------------------------------------- */ /* ------- ChangePassword --------------------- */ /* -------------------------------------------- */ function ChangePassword($id, $password) { /* perform data checks */
<body> <div id="wrapper"> <?php require "functions.php"; require "includes.php"; require "menu.php"; //PrintVariable($_POST); /* ----- setup variables ----- */ $action = GetVariable("action"); $id = GetVariable("id"); $newprojectid = GetVariable("newprojectid"); $studyids = GetVariable("studyids"); $matchidonly = GetVariable("matchidonly"); $modalities = GetVariable("modalities"); $oldnames = GetVariable("oldname"); $newnames = GetVariable("newname"); /* determine action */ switch ($action) { case 'displayproject': DisplayProject($id); break; case 'changeproject': ChangeProject($newprojectid, $studyids); DisplayProject($id); break; case 'viewuniqueseries': DisplayUniqueSeries($id); break; case 'viewaltseriessummary': DisplayAltSeriesSummary($id); break;
} /* assuming good authentication, continue */ $action = GetVariable("action"); $uuid = GetVariable("uuid"); $anonymize = GetVariable("anonymize"); $equipmentid = GetVariable("equipmentid"); $siteid = GetVariable("siteid"); $projectid = GetVariable("projectid"); $instanceid = GetVariable("instanceid"); $transactionid = GetVariable("transactionid"); $altuid = GetVariable("altuid"); $instance = GetVariable("instance"); $dataformat = GetVariable("dataformat"); $matchidonly = GetVariable("matchidonly"); $altuids = GetVariable("altuids"); $seriesnotes = GetVariable("seriesnotes"); switch ($action) { case 'UploadNonDICOM': UploadDICOM($uuid, $seriesnotes, $altuids, $anonymize, $dataformat, $equipmentid, $siteid, $projectid, $instanceid, $matchidonly, $transactionid); break; case 'UploadDICOM': UploadDICOM($uuid, $seriesnotes, $altuids, $anonymize, $dataformat, $equipmentid, $siteid, $projectid, $instanceid, $matchidonly, $transactionid); break; case 'getUID': GetUIDFromAltUID($altuid); break; case 'getInstanceList': GetInstanceList($u); break; case 'getProjectList': GetProjectList($u, $instance);
<title>NiDB - Manage Sites</title> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <?php require "functions.php"; require "includes.php"; require "menu.php"; require "nidbapi.php"; /* ----- setup variables ----- */ $action = GetVariable("action"); $id = GetVariable("id"); $sitename = GetVariable("sitename"); $siteaddress = GetVariable("siteaddress"); $sitecontact = GetVariable("sitecontact"); //print_r($_POST); /* determine action */ if ($action == "editform") { DisplaySiteForm("edit", $id); } elseif ($action == "addform") { DisplaySiteForm("add", ""); } elseif ($action == "update") { UpdateSite($id, $sitename, $siteaddress, $sitecontact); DisplaySiteList(); } elseif ($action == "add") { AddSite($sitename, $siteaddress, $sitecontact); DisplaySiteList(); } elseif ($action == "delete") { DeleteSite($id); } else {
$action = GetVariable("action"); $id = GetVariable("id"); $pipeline_id = GetVariable("pipeline_id"); $protocol = GetVariable("protocol"); $dirformat = GetVariable("dirformat"); $nfsdir = GetVariable("nfsdir"); $anonymize = GetVariable("anonymize"); $gzip = GetVariable("gzip"); $preserveseries = GetVariable("preserveseries"); $groupbyprotocol = GetVariable("groupbyprotocol"); $onlynew = GetVariable("onlynew"); $admin = GetVariable("admin"); $filetype = GetVariable("filetype"); $modality = GetVariable("modality"); $behformat = GetVariable("behformat"); $behdirrootname = GetVariable("behdirrootname"); /* determine action */ if ($action == "editform") { DisplayPipelineDownloadForm("edit", $id); } elseif ($action == "addform") { DisplayPipelineDownloadForm("add", ""); } elseif ($action == "update") { UpdatePipelineDownload($id, $pipeline_id, $protocol, $dirformat, $nfsdir, $anonymize, $gzip, $preserveseries, $groupbyprotocol, $onlynew, $admin, $filetype, $modality, $behformat, $behdirrootname); DisplayPipelineDownloadList(); } elseif ($action == "add") { AddPipelineDownload($pipeline_id, $protocol, $dirformat, $nfsdir, $anonymize, $gzip, $preserveseries, $groupbyprotocol, $onlynew, $admin, $filetype, $modality, $behformat, $behdirrootname); DisplayPipelineDownloadList(); } elseif ($action == "delete") { DeletePipelineDownload($id); } else { DisplayPipelineDownloadList();
require "includes.php"; require "menu.php"; /* ----- setup variables ----- */ $action = GetVariable("action"); $id = GetVariable("id"); $formtitle = GetVariable("formtitle"); $formdesc = GetVariable("formdesc"); //$formfieldid = GetVariable("formfieldid"); $datatype = GetVariable("datatype"); $field = GetVariable("field"); $order = GetVariable("order"); $values = GetVariable("values"); $linebreaks = GetVariable("linebreaks"); $scored = GetVariable("scored"); /* determine action */ switch ($action) { case 'editform': DisplayFormForm("edit", $id); break; case 'viewform': DisplayForm($id); break; case 'addform': DisplayFormForm("add", ""); break; case 'updatefields': UpdateFields($id, $datatype, $field, $order, $values, $linebreaks, $scored); DisplayFormForm("edit", $id); break; case 'update': UpdateForm($id, $formtitle, $formdesc, $username); DisplayFormList(); break;
<div id="wrapper"> <?php //require "config.php"; require "functions.php"; require "includes.php"; require "menu.php"; //PrintVariable($_POST,'POST'); //PrintVariable($_FILES,'FILES'); /* ----- setup variables ----- */ $action = GetVariable("action"); $id = GetVariable("id"); $type = GetVariable('common_type'); $group = GetVariable('common_group'); $name = GetVariable('common_name'); $desc = GetVariable('common_desc'); $value = GetVariable('common_value'); /* determine action */ switch ($action) { case 'addobject': AddCommonObject($type, $group, $name, $desc, $value); DisplayCommonList(); break; case 'deleteobject': DeleteCommonObject($id); DisplayCommonList(); break; default: DisplayCommonList(); } /* ------------------------------------ functions ------------------------------------ */ /* -------------------------------------------- */
//PrintVariable($_POST,'post'); /* ----- setup variables ----- */ $vars['action'] = GetVariable("action"); $vars['id'] = GetVariable("id"); $vars['username'] = GetVariable("username"); $vars['password'] = GetVariable("password"); $vars['fullname'] = GetVariable("fullname"); $vars['email'] = GetVariable("email"); $vars['enabled'] = GetVariable("enabled"); $vars['isadmin'] = GetVariable("isadmin"); $vars['isguest'] = GetVariable("isguest"); $vars['instanceid'] = GetVariable("instanceid"); $vars['dataprojects'] = GetVariable("dataprojects"); $vars['phiprojects'] = GetVariable("phiprojects"); $vars['writedataprojects'] = GetVariable("writedataprojects"); $vars['writephiprojects'] = GetVariable("writephiprojects"); /* determine action */ switch ($vars['action']) { case 'editform': DisplayUserForm("edit", $vars['id']); break; case 'addform': DisplayUserForm("add", ""); break; case 'enable': EnableUser($vars['id']); DisplayUserList(); break; case 'disable': DisableUser($vars['id']); DisplayUserList();
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ session_start(); require "functions.php"; require "includes.php"; /* ----- setup variables ----- */ $action = GetVariable("action"); $id = GetVariable("id"); $analysisid = GetVariable("analysisid"); $studyid = GetVariable("studyid"); $fileviewtype = GetVariable("fileviewtype"); ?> <body> <div style="font-size:10pt"> <?php /* determine action */ switch ($action) { case 'viewlogs': DisplayLogs($id, $analysisid); break; case 'viewfiles': DisplayFiles($id, $analysisid, $fileviewtype); break; case 'viewresults': DisplayResults($analysisid, $studyid); break;
$dd_studyassoc = GetVariable("dd_studyassoc"); $dd_dataformat = GetVariable("dd_dataformat"); $dd_imagetype = GetVariable("dd_imagetype"); $dd_gzip = GetVariable("dd_gzip"); $dd_location = GetVariable("dd_location"); $dd_seriescriteria = GetVariable("dd_seriescriteria"); $dd_numboldreps = GetVariable("dd_numboldreps"); $dd_behformat = GetVariable("dd_behformat"); $dd_behdir = GetVariable("dd_behdir"); $dd_useseriesdirs = GetVariable("dd_useseriesdirs"); $dd_optional = GetVariable("dd_optional"); $dd_preserveseries = GetVariable("dd_preserveseries"); $dd_usephasedir = GetVariable("dd_usephasedir"); $analysisnotes = GetVariable("analysisnotes"); $fileviewtype = GetVariable("fileviewtype"); $returnpage = GetVariable("returnpage"); /* determine action */ switch ($action) { case 'viewjob': DisplayJob($id); break; case 'editpipeline': DisplayPipelineForm("edit", $id); break; case 'viewpipeline': DisplayPipeline($id, $version); break; case 'addform': DisplayPipelineForm("add", ""); break; case 'updatepipelinedef':
<link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="images/squirrel.png"> <title>NiDB - Import Log</title> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <? require "functions.php"; require "includes.php"; require "nidbapi.php"; require "menu.php"; /* ----- setup variables ----- */ $action = GetVariable("action"); $subjectids = GetVariable("subjectids"); $enrollmentids = GetVariable("enrollmentids"); /* determine action */ switch ($action) { case 'viewemptysubjects': DisplayMenu(); DisplayEmptySubjects(); break; case 'viewemptyenrollments': DisplayMenu(); DisplayEmptyEnrollments(); break; case 'viewemptystudies': DisplayMenu(); DisplayEmptyStudies(); break;
?> <html> <head> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="images/squirrel.png"> <title>NiDB - Calendar</title> </head> <body> <div id="wrapper"> <?php require "functions.php"; require "includes.php"; require "menu.php"; /* ----- setup variables ----- */ $action = GetVariable("action"); if ($_POST["action"] == "") { $action = $_GET["action"]; } else { $action = $_POST["action"]; } if ($_POST["email"] == "") { $email = $_GET["email"]; } else { $email = $_POST["email"]; } if ($_POST["calendar_ids"] == "") { $calendar_ids = $_GET["calendar_ids"]; } else { $calendar_ids = $_POST["calendar_ids"]; }
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, // but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of // MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the // GNU General Public License for more details. // You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License // along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ session_start(); require "functions.php"; $seriesid = GetVariable("seriesid"); $type = GetVariable("type"); $modality = GetVariable("modality"); $filename = GetVariable("filename"); $modality = strtolower($modality); if ($type == "file") { header("Content-Description: File Transfer"); header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=$filename"); header("Content-Type: text/csv"); header("Content-length: " . filesize($filename) . "\n\n"); header("Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary"); // output data to the browser readfile($filename); unlink($filename); } else { /* get the path to the QA info */ $sqlstring = "select a.*, b.study_num, d.uid from $modality" . "_series a left join studies b on a.study_id = b.study_id left join enrollment c on b.enrollment_id = c.enrollment_id left join subjects d on c.subject_id = d.subject_id where a.$modality" . "series_id = $seriesid";
<body> <div id="wrapper"> <? require "functions.php"; require "includes.php"; require "menu.php"; //echo "<pre>"; //print_r($_POST); //echo "</pre>"; /* ----- setup variables ----- */ $action = GetVariable("action"); $groupid = GetVariable("groupid"); $protocol = GetVariable("protocol"); /* determine action */ switch ($action) { case 'viewlongqc': DisplayLonitudinalQC($groupid, $protocol); break; case 'viewprotocols': DisplayProtocolList($groupid); break; case 'viewgroups': DisplayGroupList(); break; default: DisplayGroupList(); break; }
<html> <head> <link rel="icon" type="image/png" href="images/squirrel.png"> <title>Login to NiDB</title> </head> <body> <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="style.css"> <br><br> <?php /* ----- setup variables ----- */ $action = GetVariable("action"); /* edit variables */ $username = GetVariable("username"); $password = GetVariable("password"); //$persistent = GetVariable("persistent"); /* database connection */ $link = mysql_connect($GLOBALS['cfg']['mysqlhost'], $GLOBALS['cfg']['mysqluser'], $GLOBALS['cfg']['mysqlpassword']) or die("Could not connect: " . mysql_error()); mysql_select_db($GLOBALS['cfg']['mysqldatabase']) or die("Could not select database<br>"); /* connect to CAS if enabled */ if ($GLOBALS['cfg']['enablecas']) { phpCAS::client(CAS_VERSION_2_0, $GLOBALS['cfg']['casserver'], intval($GLOBALS['cfg']['casport']), $GLOBALS['cfg']['cascontext']); } /* ----- determine which action to take ----- */ if ($action == "login") { if (!CheckLogin($username, $password)) { DisplayLogin("Incorrect login. Make sure Caps Lock is not on"); } else { header("Location: index.php"); }