Example #1
function get_link_table_schema($link_tablename, $linked_column, $linked_value, $record_type_id, $row_id) {
  // TODO: Make similar logic change for layer schema

  if($record_type_id != NULL) {
    if($record_type_id == 0) {
    else {
      $link_info=GetTableColsOfType($link_tablename, TABLE_TYPE_LINK, 'mandatory');

      $query="select record_columns from mlocate_data_record_types where id = %d";
      $obj=db_fetch_object(db_query($query, $record_type_id));

      $columns=$mandatory_columns . ',' . $record_columns;
      if($columns[0] == ',') {
        $columns=substr($columns, 1);
      elseif($columns[strlen($columns) - 1] == ',') {
        $columns=substr($columns, 0, - 1);

      if($columns != '') {
        $query=GetQueryColumnDetails($link_tablename, $columns, FALSE);
        $result_cols=db_query($query[0], $query[1]);

        if($row_id != NULL) {
          $query='select %s from "%s" where id = %d';
          $query_args=array(str_replace("'", '"', $columns), $link_tablename, $row_id);
          $result_link_row=db_query($query, $query_args);
          $tab=GetDBTableSchemaTable($link_tablename, TABLE_TYPE_LINK, $result_cols, $vals_link_row);
        else {
          $tab=GetDBTableSchemaTable($link_tablename, TABLE_TYPE_LINK, $result_cols);
      else {
        die("Editable columns have not been specified for this record type. Please contact the admin.");

      $query="select record_type_column from \"Meta_LinkTable\" where link_tablename = '%s'";
      $obj=db_fetch_object(db_query($query, $link_tablename));
      $record_type_column=str_replace("'", "", $obj->record_type_column);

      $query="select record_type from mlocate_data_record_types where id = %d";
      $obj=db_fetch_object(db_query($query, $record_type_id));

      $hidden.="<input type='hidden' name='edit-{$record_type_column}' value='{$record_type_name}'>";

      /* Hardcoding for India Birds - Trip Record */
      if(ereg("lnk_[0-9]+_india_birdsightings", $link_tablename) && $record_type_name == "Trip Record") {
        $hidden.="<input id='btnAddSpecies' type='button' value='Add species' onClick='javascript:clearSpeciesForAdd(\"divRecordType\")' disabled='true'><br>";
  else {
    $query="select id, record_type, record_columns from mlocate_data_record_types where tablename = '%s' and table_type = '" . TABLE_TYPE_LINK . "' order by record_type";
    $result=db_query($query, $link_tablename);
    while($obj=db_fetch_object($result)) {

    if(sizeof($record_types) == 0) {
      // Its simple data with no special record types.
      $link_info=GetTableColsOfType($link_tablename, TABLE_TYPE_LINK, 'mandatory');

      $link_info=GetTableColsOfType($link_tablename, TABLE_TYPE_LINK, 'editable');

      if($editable_columns == '') {
        die("No Editable Columns specified");
      else {
        $query=GetQueryColumnDetails($link_tablename, $editable_columns, FALSE);
        $result_cols=db_query($query[0], $query[1]);

        if($row_id != NULL) {
          $query='select %s from "%s" where id = %d';
          $query_args=array(str_replace("'", '"', $editable_columns), $link_tablename, $row_id);
          $result_link_row=db_query($query, $query_args);
          $tab=GetDBTableSchemaTable($link_tablename, TABLE_TYPE_LINK, $result_cols, $vals_link_row);
        else {
          $tab=GetDBTableSchemaTable($link_tablename, TABLE_TYPE_LINK, $result_cols);
    else {
      // The data has record types.
      $lnk=$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'] . "?" . $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING'] . "&record_type_id=";
      $options="<select onchange=\"javascript:getPopupAjaxDiv(jQuery('#divRecordType')[0], '$lnk'+this.value, maskInputs)\">";
      $options.="<option value='0'>Select Record Type</option>";
      foreach($record_types as $type) {
        $options.="<option value='{$record_type_id}'>$record_type</option>";
      $html=$options . '<div id="divRecordType"></div>';

  $hidden.="<input type='hidden' name='link_tablename' value='{$link_tablename}'>";
  $hidden.="<input type='hidden' name='edit-{$linked_column}' value='{$linked_value}'>";
  $hidden.="<input type='hidden' name='edit-__id' id='edit-__id' value='$id'>";
  $html="<div id='form_mlocate_error' class='error'></div>";
  $resp.="<form id='frmLinkSave' method='post' action='{$base_path}save_info.php?action=saveLinkData'>";
  $resp.=$html . $hidden;
  $resp.="<input id='btnSubmit' type='button' value='Submit' onClick='javascript:submitForm(\"#frmLinkSave\",\"#form_mlocate_error\")'>";
  echo $resp;
Example #2
function getDBColDesc($tablename, $cols = NULL, $column_type = null, $onlyDesc = TRUE) {
  $col_info = array();
  $query = GetQueryColumnDetails($tablename, $cols, $column_type, $onlyDesc);
  $result_cols = db_query($query[0], $query[1]);
  if(!$result_cols) {
  } else {
    if($onlyDesc) {
      while($col = db_fetch_array($result_cols)) {
        $col_info[$col['column_name']] = $col['column_description'];
    } else {
      while($col = db_fetch_array($result_cols)) {
        $col_name = $col['column_name'];
        $col_info[$col_name]['description'] = $col['column_description'];
        $col_info[$col_name]['type'] = $col['column_type'];
  return $col_info;
Example #3
function runtimeSave($tablename, $table_type, $topology = NULL) {
  $tbl_cols = array();

  $query = GetQueryColumnDetails($tablename, NULL, FALSE);
  $result_cols = db_query($query[0], $query[1]);
  if(!$result_cols) {
  } else {
    while($obj = db_fetch_object($result_cols)) {
      $tbl_cols[$obj->column_name]['col_type'] = $obj->column_type;
      $tbl_cols[$obj->column_name]['col_null'] = $obj->column_null;
      $tbl_cols[$obj->column_name]['col_desc'] = $obj->column_description;
  $tbl_cols_names = array_keys($tbl_cols);

  global $user;
  $fields = array();
  foreach($_REQUEST as $key => $value) {
    if(substr($key, 0, 5) == 'edit-') {
      $value_encoded = htmlentities(str_replace("'", "''", $value));
      $col = substr($key, 5);
      if(in_array($col, $tbl_cols_names)) {
        $col_type = $tbl_cols[$col]['col_type'];
        switch($col_type) {
          case 'smallint':
          case 'int':
          case 'integer':
          case 'bigint':
          case 'serial':
          case 'bigserial':
            $val = $value_encoded;
            if($value_encoded == '') {
              if($tbl_cols[$col]['col_null'] == 'NOT NULL') {
                die($tbl_cols[$obj->column_name]['col_desc'] . " cannot be empty.");
              $val = 'NULL';
            $fields[$col] = $val;
            $val = $value_encoded;
            if($value_encoded == '') {
              if($tbl_cols[$col]['col_null'] == 'NOT NULL') {
                die($tbl_cols[$obj->column_name]['col_desc'] . " cannot be empty.");
              $val = 'NULL';
               $fields[$col] = $val;
               $fields[$col] = "'".$val."'";

      } else {
        $fields[$col] = "'".$value_encoded."'";

  if($fields['__id'] == "''") {

  /* hardcoding for India Birds */
  if($table_type == TABLE_TYPE_LINK && ereg("lnk_[0-9]+_india_birdsightings", $tablename)) {
    $query = "select mlocate_id from birdspecies_list where c_name = '%s'";
    $result = db_query($query, str_replace("'", "", $fields['name']));
    if(!$result) {
    } else {
      $obj = db_fetch_object($result);
      if($obj->mlocate_id) {
        $fields['mlocate_id'] = $obj->mlocate_id;

  $passed_fields = $fields;
  $fields[AUTO_DBCOL_PREFIX.'modified_by'] = $user->uid;
  $fields[AUTO_DBCOL_PREFIX.'modified_date'] = 'now()';

  $op = "";
  if(!isset($fields['__id'])) {
    $fields[AUTO_DBCOL_PREFIX.'created_by'] = $user->uid;
    $fields[AUTO_DBCOL_PREFIX.'created_date'] = 'now()';
    if($topology != NULL) {
      //check if the topology type of the table is multipoint or multipolygon
      $geomtypequery = "select type,srid from geometry_columns where f_table_name = '%s'";
      $geomtyperesult =  db_query($geomtypequery, $tablename);
      while ($row= db_fetch_object($geomtyperesult)) {
         $geomtype = $row->type;
         $srid = $row->srid;
      if(strpos($geomtype,'MULTI') === false){
          //return false if the word is not found
          //here if not multipoint or multipolygon
          $fields[AUTO_DBCOL_PREFIX.'topology'] = "geomfromText('{$topology}',".$srid.")";
         //type is multipoint or multipolygon
         $topology_edited = editGeomType($topology);
         $fields[AUTO_DBCOL_PREFIX.'topology'] = "geomfromText('{$topology_edited}',".$srid.")";
    //if India Bird Layer then get assign the site_id while adding the point
    if(ereg("lyr_[0-9]+_india_birdlocations", $tablename)){
        $query1 = 'select max(site_id) as site_id from "%s"' ;
        $query_linktb = 'select link_tablename from "Meta_LinkTable" where layer_id = (select layer_id from "Meta_Layer" where layer_tablename = \'%s\')';

        $result = db_query($query1, $tablename);
		if(!$result) {
			//Error occured
		   die('Error fetching max value');
		} else {
			while($obj = db_fetch_object($result))
			   $lyr_max = $obj->site_id;
		$result = db_query($query_linktb, $tablename);
		if(!$result) {
			//Error occured
		   die('Error fetching link tablename');
		} else {
			while($obj = db_fetch_object($result))
			   $lnk_tbname = $obj->link_tablename;

    $query2 = 'select max(site_id) as site_id from "%s"';
    $result = db_query($query2, $lnk_tbname);
		if(!$result) {
			//Error occured
		   die('Error fetching max value');
		} else {
			while($obj = db_fetch_object($result))
			   $lnk_max = $obj->site_id;
		if($lyr_max > $lnk_max)
		  $site_id = $lyr_max + 1;
      $site_id = $lnk_max + 1;
      $query = 'insert into "%s" (%s, site_id) values ('.implode(",",array_values($fields)).' ,%d)';
      $query_args = array($tablename, implode(",",array_keys($fields)), $site_id);
    } else {
      $query = 'insert into "%s" (%s) values ('.implode(",",array_values($fields)).')';
      $query_args = array($tablename, implode(",",array_keys($fields)));
    $op = "insert";
  } else {
    $id = $fields['__id'];
    $set_val = "";
    foreach($fields as $key => $value) {
      if($key == "layer_id" ) {
        $key = AUTO_DBCOL_PREFIX.$key;
      $set_val .= " $key = $value,";
    $set_val = substr($set_val, 0, -1);

    $query = 'update "%s" set '.$set_val.' where '.AUTO_DBCOL_PREFIX.'id = %d';

    $query_args = array($tablename, $id);
    $op = "update";

  $result = db_query($query, $query_args);

  if(!$result) {
    echo "Error saving info.";
  } else {
    notify_layer_admin($tablename, $table_type, $passed_fields);
    echo "Record saved.";
    if($table_type == TABLE_TYPE_LAYER && $op == 'insert') {
      setcookie('featureAddedTo', $tablename);