Example #1
 *  Display a form with list of available databases
function DatabaseSelectionListForm()
    global $page;
    global $dbase;
    global $newdb;
    global $login;
    global $successInstall;
    $page->FormStart(array('step' => GetNextStep(STEP_DBSELECT)));
    $page->StartTable(2, array('class' => 'dblist'));
    $dblist = $dbase->GetDatabaseList();
    foreach ($dblist as $idx => $db) {
        // $optional : Additional attributes to the <input> tag
        // $divClass : Added class value to the <div> that contains the <input>
        $optional = array();
        $divClass = '';
        // If a database has been selected, make this radiobox checked
        if ($db['name'] == $login['database']) {
            $optional[0] = 'checked';
        # numeric keys are ignored in HtmlMaker
        // If however, the $newdb is in the list - it was just inserted,
        // then highlight that database as newly created database
        if ($newdb && $newdb == $db['name']) {
            $divClass = 'newdb';
        // If this database has successful installation, highlight it
        // as successful or approved database
        if (in_array($db['name'], $successInstall)) {
            // if this IF-statement validates to true, then the database was
            // JUST created but still marked as "successful installation". That
            // can ONLY happen if the user installs tables on a database, then
            // drops it using another tool and creates it again here
            if (strlen($divClass) > 0) {
                $divClass .= ' installdone';
            } else {
                $divClass = 'installdone';
            // The current database is removed from $successInstall, which
            // indicates that at the end of this foreach, $successInstall
            // should be empty - meaning all successfully installed databases
            // do in fact exist. If $successInstall has any elements left when
            // this foreach is done - then remove those databases from sessions!
            $key = array_search($db['name'], $successInstall);
        // The name caption of the database is formed in html
        $caption = $db['name'] . ' ' . $page->Discrete('(' . $db['tbcount'] . ')');
        // Add a radio box for this database
        $page->FormRadiobox($db['name'], 'database', $caption, $optional, $divClass);
        // Get the data from HTML queue back, and add the HTML 'values'
        // from the returned queue item array into a table
        $html = $page->PopQueue();
    // If there are some elements left in $successInstall, then those databases
    // do not exist and there cannot be a successfull installation on a database
    // that does not exist - sessions need to be updated
    if (count($successInstall) > 0) {
        foreach ($successInstall as $database) {
    $page->FormButton('Back', array('step' => GetPrevStep(STEP_DBSELECT)));
Example #2
					$configCreated = false;

				// If the config was created - the installer is done!

				// Offer retry if creation failed
					$page->FormButton('Back', array('step'=>GetPrevStep(STEP_WRITECONFIG)));   

				// If there are some writing problems, or this step should not be
				// auto skipped and $step is currently set to view this step  
				if(!$configCreated || (!$steps[STEP_WRITECONFIG]['autoskip'] && $step == STEP_WRITECONFIG))

				// Page should not be shown, so the html queue is cleared
				// so the next step can start fresh