function del($id) { global $_USERS; $sendorders = $this->getone($id, "uname,oids,couponid,freight,serverfee,customsfee,totalfee,state"); if (is_array($sendorders)) { if ($sendorders['state'] != 1) { return lang('Not_allowcancel_sendorder'); } if ($_USERS['uname'] != $sendorders['uname']) { return lang('Permissions_not'); } include_once INC_PATH . "/member.class.php"; $m = new memberclass(); $tempmoney = $sendorders['totalfee']; $note = lang('cancel_sendorder_id') . $id; $m->moneyedit($sendorders['uname'], $tempmoney, 3, $note); $wheresqlo = "oid in(" . $sendorders['oids'] . ")"; editstate($this->tablepre . "order", "state", $wheresqlo, 4); //更改订单状态操作 editstate($this->tablepre . "order", "sid", $wheresqlo, 0); //更改订单对应运单ID操作 if (GetNum($sendorders['couponid'])) { editstate($this->tablepre . "coupon", "state", "cid = " . GetNum($sendorders['couponid']), 1); //更改优惠卷状态操作 } } else { return lang('sendOrderID_notexist'); } $dataarray = array('state' => 4); return $this->edit($id, $dataarray); //return $this->table_sendorder->del($id); }
function helplist($num, $id = '', $aids = "", $orderby = "aid asc") { if (is_numeric($id)) { $wherestr[] = "typeid = " . $id; } elseif (is_array($id)) { $ids = getdotstring($id, 'int'); $wherestr[] = "typeid in ({$ids})"; } elseif (is_string($id) && (strexists($id, ',') || strexists($id, '|'))) { if (strexists($id, ',')) { $ids = getdotstring($id, 'int'); } else { $ids = getdotstring(explode('|', $ids), 'int'); } $wherestr[] = "typeid in ({$ids})"; } else { $wherestr[] = ""; } if (!empty($aids)) { $aids = getdotstring($aids, 'int'); $wherestr[] = "aid in ({$ids})"; } $num = GetNum($num); $wheresql = implode(' AND ', $wherestr); //条件汇总 $articleobj = new TableClass('article', 'aid'); $articlearray = $articleobj->getdata($num, $wheresql, $orderby, 'aid,typeid,title'); return $articlearray; }
function reply($mid, $subject, $message) { global $_USERS; $mid = GetNum($mid); $temparray = $this->getone($mid); $addarray = array('fromuid' => $_USERS['uid'], 'fromuname' => $_USERS['uname'], 'touid' => $temparray['fromuid'], 'touname' => $temparray['fromuname'], 'type' => 2, 'subject' => Char_cv($subject), 'sendtime' => time(), 'writetime' => time(), 'hasview' => 0, 'isadmin' => 0, 'message' => Char_cv($message)); return $this->add($addarray); }
/** * 付款成功充值到账户 * * @param unknown_type $sn * @return 'OK' */ function paysuccess($sn, $money) { $sn = GetNum($sn); $row = $this->getonebysn($sn, $field = "rid,uname,state,money,payname"); if (!is_array($row)) { return lang('Renumber_notexist'); } if ($row['state'] == 2) { return lang('been_recharge'); } //更新状态 $dataarray = array('money' => $money, 'successtime' => time(), 'state' => 2); $this->rechargerecord->edit($row['rid'], $dataarray); include_once INC_PATH . "/member.class.php"; $m = new memberclass(); $note = $row['payname'] . $money . lang('yuan') . lang('Serial_number') . $sn; $m->moneyedit($row['uname'], $money, 9, $note); return 'OK'; }
/** * 获取指定ID相关一条信息 * * @param unknown_type $eid * @return unknown */ function getone($gid, $field = "*") { if (GetNum($gid)) { $gdata = $this->getdata(1, $this->idname . "='{$gid}'", '', $field); if (is_array($gdata)) { $value = $gdata[0]; } else { $value = array(); } } return $value; }
$wheresqlarr = "aid ={$ids}"; $value = Char_cv($value); editstate($Table->table, "remark", $wheresqlarr, $value); //更改状态操作 exit("1"); } elseif ($action == "changestate" && !empty($aid)) { //更改状态 $aid = GetNum($aid); $wheresqlarr = "aid ={$aid}"; editstate($Table->table, "state", $wheresqlarr, 1); //更改状态操作 showmsg("修改状态成功!", "-1"); //成功提示! } elseif ($action == "chargeback" && !empty($aid)) { //更改状态 $aid = GetNum($aid); $wheresqlarr = "aid ={$aid}"; $row = $Table->getone($aid); $umoney = DB::result_first("Select money From `{$Table->table}` where uname like '{$row['uname']}' "); if ($umoney < $row['money']) { showmsg("用户帐户余额不足!扣费失败!", "-1"); } //成功提示! include_once INC_PATH . "/member.class.php"; $m = new memberclass(); $note = $row['name'] . ' 账户:' . $row['account'] . '充值扣费' . $row['money'] . "服务订单ID:" . $row['aid']; $m->moneyedit($row['uname'], -$row['money'], 0, $note); //扣去账户余额 editstate($Table->table, "state", $wheresqlarr, 2); //更改状态操作 showmsg("修改状态并且扣费成功!", "-1");
if ($action == 'cancelsell') { $jsondata = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', file_get_contents('php://input'))); $sn = Char_cv($jsondata->code); $info = $coupon->cancelsell($sn, $_USERS['uname']); echo json_encode($info); exit; } else { if ($action == 'getcoupon') { $jsondata = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', file_get_contents('php://input'))); $price = GetNum($jsondata->price); $num = GetNum($jsondata->num); $info = $coupon->getcoupon($price, $num, $_USERS['uname']); echo json_encode($info); exit; } else { if ($action == 'buycoupon') { $jsondata = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', file_get_contents('php://input'))); $code = GetNum($jsondata->code); if (empty($_USERS['uname'])) { echo json_encode(lang('login_operate')); exit; } $info = $coupon->buycoupon($code, $_USERS['uname']); echo json_encode($info); exit; } } } } } }
$arrayadd = array("adminname" => Char_cv($adminname), "adminpwd" => Char_cv($adminpwd), "adminmid" => $adminmid, "adminpurview" => $adminpurview); $info = $Table->add($arrayadd); if (GetNum($info)) { exit("<script language='javascript'>alert('发布成功');parent.\$.fn.colorbox.close();</script>"); } else { exit("<script language='javascript'>alert('发布失败');history.go(-1);</script>"); } } else { //print_r($evalue); include "tpl/admin_add.htm"; } } elseif ($action == "edit" && !empty($adminid)) { InitGP(array("adminid", "adminname", "adminpwd", "mid")); //初始化变量全局返回 if (!empty($_POST) and !empty($adminname) and !empty($adminid)) { $adminid = GetNum($adminid); if (empty($adminid)) { showmsg("缺少ID参数!", "-1"); } //出错! if (empty($adminname)) { showmsg("管理员名不能为空!", "-1"); } //出错! if (strlen($adminpwd) != 32) { $adminpwd = md5($adminpwd); } //用户密码加密 if (is_array($mid)) { $adminmid = getdotstring($mid, 'int'); }
if (GetNum($info)) { showmsg("发布成功!", PHP_SELF); //出错! } else { showmsg("发布失败!", "-1"); //出错! } } else { //print_r($evalue); include "tpl/bankaccount_add.htm"; } } elseif ($action == "edit" && !empty($bid)) { InitGP(array("bid", "currency", "account", "accountname", "bankname", "remark")); //初始化变量全局返回 if (!empty($_POST) and !empty($account) and !empty($bid)) { $bid = GetNum($bid); if (empty($bid)) { showmsg("缺少ID参数!", PHP_SELF); } //出错! if (empty($currency)) { showmsg("币种不能为空!", PHP_SELF); } //出错! if (empty($accountname)) { showmsg("账户名不能为空!", PHP_SELF); } //出错! $arrayadd = array("currency" => Char_cv($currency), "account" => Char_cv($account), "accountname" => Char_cv($accountname), "bankname" => Char_cv($bankname), "remark" => Char_cv($remark)); $info = $Table->edit($bid, $arrayadd); if ($info == "OK") {
//获取当前页码 $total = $goodsobj->getcount($wheresql); //总信息数 $pagesize = 12; //一页显示信息数 $page = isset($page) ? max(1, intval($page)) : 1; //处理页码变量 $offset = ($page - 1) * $pagesize; //偏移量 $dataarray = $goodsobj->getdata("{$offset},{$pagesize}", $wheresql, 'listorder asc,gid desc', 'gid,gtypeid,goodsurl,goodsname,goodsprice,goodsseller,goodsimg,sellerurl,shopname,rindex,views,buynum,listorder,flag,addtime'); //获取数据 //print_r($dataarray); include template('recommend_list'); //包含输出指定模板 } elseif ($action == 'view') { $gid = GetNum($gid); $value = $goodsobj->getone($gid); $gtype = $typeobj->getone($value['gtypeid']); if ($gtype['node'] == 0) { $position = "<span>></span><a href='recommend.php?action=list&tid=" . $gtype['typeid'] . "'>" . $gtype['typename'] . "</a>"; } else { $cgtype = $typeobj->getone($gtype['node']); $position = "<span>></span><a href='recommend.php?action=list&tid=" . $cgtype['typeid'] . "'>" . $cgtype['typename'] . "</a>"; $position .= "<span>></span><a href='recommend.php?action=list&tid=" . $gtype['typeid'] . "'>" . $gtype['typename'] . "</a>"; } $leftarray = $goodsobj->getdata(10, "flag='c'", 'buynum desc,gid desc', 'gid,gtypeid,goodsurl,goodsname,goodsprice,goodsseller,goodsimg,sellerurl,shopname,rindex,views,buynum,listorder,flag,addtime'); addfield($goodsobj->table, 'views', "gid=" . $gid, 1); //增加浏览次数 include template('recommend_view'); //包含输出指定模板 } else {
} else { $evalue = $mange->getone($mid); } } elseif ($action == "del" && !empty($did)) { //执行删除操作 $did = GetNum($did); $info = $mange->del($did); if ($info == "OK") { showmsg("删除成功!", PHP_SELF); } else { showmsg($info, "article_list.php"); } } elseif ($action == "dels") { if (empty($delids)) { showmsg("没有选择任何对象!", PHP_SELF); exit; } //空选择 //执行删除多个操作 foreach ($delids as $id) { $id = GetNum($id); $info = $mange->del($id); } if ($info == "OK") { showmsg("删除成功!", PHP_SELF); } else { showmsg($info, PHP_SELF); } } //包含后台模板文件 include "tpl/mange.htm";
include "tpl/news_add.htm"; } } elseif ($action == "edit" && !empty($nid)) { InitGP(array("nid", "typeid", "title", "seokeywords", "seodescription", "listorder", "body")); //初始化变量全局返回 if (!empty($_POST) and !empty($title) and !empty($nid)) { $nid = GetNum($nid); if (empty($nid)) { showmsg("缺少ID参数!", PHP_SELF); } //出错! if (empty($body)) { showmsg("内容不能为空!", PHP_SELF); } //出错! $arrayadd = array("title" => Char_cv($title), "seokeywords" => Char_cv($seokeywords), "seodescription" => Char_cv($seodescription), "listorder" => GetNum($listorder), "body" => HtmlReplace($body, -1), "addtime" => time()); $info = $Table->edit($nid, $arrayadd); if ($info == "OK") { showmsg("更新成功!", "news_list.php"); //出错! } else { showmsg("更新失败!", "news_list.php"); //出错! } } else { $evalue = $Table->getone($nid); //print_r($evalue); include "tpl/news_add.htm"; } } else { showmsg("未知请求", "-1");
<?php include ""; InitGP(array("action", "type", "keyword", "aid", "page")); //初始化变量全局返回 include_once INC_PATH . "/order.class.php"; $orderobj = OrderClass::init(); $keyword = FilterSearch(stripslashes($keyword)); //过滤搜索 if ($keyword != '' || strlen($keyword) > 2) { $wherestr[] = "goodsname like '%" . $keyword . "%'"; } $type = GetNum($type); if ($type) { $wherestr[] = "typeid='" . $type . "'"; } //$wherestr[]="uname='".$_USERS['uname']."'"; if (!empty($wherestr)) { $wheresql = implode(' AND ', $wherestr); } //条件汇总 //获取当前页码 $total = $orderobj->getcount($wheresql); //总信息数 if ($total > 1000) { $total = 1000; } //显示最大一千条 $pagesize = 10; //一页显示信息数 $page = isset($page) ? max(1, intval($page)) : 1;
$ids = getdotstring($oid, 'int'); $wherestr[] = "oid" . " in ({$ids})"; } elseif (is_string($oid) && (strexists($oid, ',') || strexists($oid, '|'))) { if (strexists($oid, ',')) { $ids = getdotstring($oid, 'int'); } else { $ids = getdotstring(explode('|', $ids), 'int'); } $wherestr[] = "oid" . " in ({$ids})"; } else { exit("ID格式错误"); } } elseif (!empty($type)) { if ($type == "all") { } elseif ($type == "idlist") { if (GetNum($startid) and GetNum($endid)) { $wherestr[] = "oid >={$startid}"; $wherestr[] = "oid <={$endid}"; } else { showmsg("ID范围必须填写!", PHP_SELF); } } elseif ($type == "timelist") { if (!empty($starttime) && !empty($endtime)) { $starttimeunix = strtotime($starttime); $endtimeunix = strtotime($endtime); $wherestr[] = "addtime >{$starttimeunix}"; $wherestr[] = "addtime <{$endtimeunix}"; } else { showmsg("时间范围必须填写!", PHP_SELF); } }
$wheresql = implode(' AND ', $wherestr); } //条件汇总 //获取当前页码 $total = $specialobj->getcount($wheresql); //总信息数 if ($total > 1000) { $total = 1000; } //显示最大一千条 $pagesize = 6; //一页显示信息数 $page = isset($page) ? max(1, intval($page)) : 1; //处理页码变量 $offset = ($page - 1) * $pagesize; //偏移量 $dataarray = $specialobj->getdata("{$offset},{$pagesize}", $wheresql, "", 'sid,title,flag,about,pic,listorder,addtime'); //获取数据 //获取头条和推荐 $topharray = $specialobj->getdata(1, "flag='hd'", 'listorder asc,sid desc', 'sid,title,flag,about,pic,listorder,addtime'); $topcarray = $specialobj->getdata(3, "flag='hd'", 'listorder asc,sid desc', 'sid,title,flag,about,pic,listorder,addtime'); include template('special'); //包含输出指定模板 } elseif ($action == "view") { $sid = GetNum($sid); $value = $specialobj->getone($sid); include template('special_view'); //包含输出指定模板 } else { exit(lang('Missing_parameter')); }
<?php include "../"; include "function_common.php"; InitGP(array("page", "action", "state", "value", "payid", "ids", "did", "delids")); //初始化变量全局返回 $Table = new TableClass("sendorder", "sid"); AjaxHead(); //禁止页面缓存 header("Content-type: text/html; charset=" . CHARSET); if (empty($action)) { InitGP(array("sid", "sn", "email", "freight", "serverfee", "customsfee", "totalfee", "consignee", "country", "city", "zip", "tel", "address", "state", "remark", "tel", "Submit", "comment", "reply", "showcomment")); //初始化变量全局返回 if (!empty($_POST) and !empty($sid)) { $sid = GetNum($sid); $arrayedit = array("sn" => Char_cv($sn), "email" => Char_cv($email), "freight" => GetNum($freight), "serverfee" => GetNum($serverfee), "customsfee" => GetNum($customsfee), "totalfee" => GetNum($totalfee), "consignee" => Char_cv($consignee), "country" => Char_cv($country), "city" => Char_cv($city), "zip" => Char_cv($zip), "tel" => Char_cv($tel), "address" => Char_cv($address), "remark" => Char_cv($remark), "state" => GetNum($state), "comment" => Char_cv($comment), "reply" => Char_cv($reply), "showcomment" => GetNum($showcomment), "uptime" => time()); $info = $Table->edit($sid, $arrayedit); if ($info == "OK") { exit("<script language='javascript'>alert('编辑成功');parent.parent.\$.fn.colorbox.close();</script>"); } else { exit("<script language='javascript'>alert('编辑失败');parent.location.reload();</script>"); } } else { $evalue = $Table->getone($sid); //print_r($evalue); include "tpl/sendorder_edit.htm"; } } else { showmsg("未知请求", "-1"); //出错! }
function get($url) { $matches = $preg = array(); $this->http->OpenUrl($url); $html = file_get_contents($url); $preg = $this->getpreg($url); if (empty($html) || $preg == false) { return false; } //找不到对应采集规则或者抓取网页失败返回false $html = iconv($preg['charset'], CHARSET, $html); //编码转换 //$response = iconv("gbk","utf-8//IGNORE",$response); //抓取商品名 if (empty($preg['preg_goodsname'])) { $result['goodsname'] = $preg['preg_goodsname2']; } elseif (!empty($preg['preg_goodsname'])) { preg_match($preg['preg_goodsname'], $html, $matches); $result['goodsname'] = $matches['this']; if (empty($result['goodsname']) && !empty($preg['preg_goodsname2'])) { preg_match($preg['preg_goodsname2'], $html, $matches); $result['goodsname'] = $matches['this']; if (empty($result['goodsname']) && !empty($preg['preg_goodsname3'])) { preg_match($preg['preg_goodsname3'], $html, $matches); $result['goodsname'] = $matches['this']; } } } //抓取价格 $matches = array(); if (empty($preg['preg_goodsprice'])) { $result['goodsprice'] = $preg['preg_goodsprice2']; } elseif (!empty($preg['preg_goodsprice'])) { preg_match($preg['preg_goodsprice'], $html, $matches); $result['goodsprice'] = $matches['this']; if (!is_numeric($result['goodsprice']) && !empty($preg['preg_goodsprice2'])) { preg_match($preg['preg_goodsprice2'], $html, $matches); $result['goodsprice'] = $matches['this']; if (empty($result['goodsprice']) && !empty($preg['preg_goodsprice3'])) { preg_match($preg['preg_goodsprice3'], $html, $matches); $result['goodsprice'] = $matches['this']; } } } //抓取运费 $matches = array(); if (empty($preg['preg_sendprice'])) { $result['sendprice'] = $preg['preg_sendprice2']; } elseif (!empty($preg['preg_sendprice'])) { preg_match($preg['preg_sendprice'], $html, $matches); $result['sendprice'] = $matches['this']; if (empty($result['sendprice']) && !empty($preg['preg_sendprice2'])) { preg_match($preg['preg_sendprice2'], $html, $matches); $result['sendprice'] = $matches['this']; if (empty($result['sendprice']) && !empty($preg['preg_sendprice3'])) { preg_match($preg['preg_sendprice3'], $html, $matches); $result['sendprice'] = $matches['this']; } } } //抓取图片 $matches = array(); if (empty($preg['preg_goodsimg'])) { $result['goodsimg'] = $preg['preg_goodsimg2']; } elseif (!empty($preg['preg_goodsimg'])) { preg_match($preg['preg_goodsimg'], $html, $matches); $result['goodsimg'] = $matches['this']; if (empty($result['goodsimg']) && !empty($preg['preg_goodsimg2'])) { preg_match($preg['preg_goodsimg2'], $html, $matches); $result['goodsimg'] = $matches['this']; if (empty($result['goodsimg']) && !empty($preg['preg_goodsimg3'])) { preg_match($preg['preg_goodsimg3'], $html, $matches); $result['goodsimg'] = $matches['this']; } } } //抓取卖家 $matches = array(); if (empty($preg['preg_goodsseller'])) { $result['goodsseller'] = $preg['preg_goodsseller2']; } elseif (!empty($preg['preg_goodsseller'])) { preg_match($preg['preg_goodsseller'], $html, $matches); $result['goodsseller'] = $matches['this']; if (empty($result['goodsseller']) && !empty($preg['preg_goodsseller2'])) { preg_match($preg['preg_goodsseller2'], $html, $matches); $result['goodsseller'] = $matches['this']; if (empty($result['goodsseller']) && !empty($preg['preg_goodsseller3'])) { preg_match($preg['preg_goodsseller3'], $html, $matches); $result['goodsseller'] = $matches['this']; } } } //抓取卖家url地址 $matches = array(); if (empty($preg['preg_sellerurl'])) { $result['sellerurl'] = $preg['preg_sellerurl2']; } elseif (!empty($preg['preg_sellerurl'])) { preg_match($preg['preg_sellerurl'], $html, $matches); $result['sellerurl'] = $matches['this']; if (empty($result['sellerurl']) && !empty($preg['preg_sellerurl2'])) { preg_match($preg['preg_sellerurl2'], $html, $matches); $result['sellerurl'] = $matches['this']; if (empty($result['sellerurl']) && !empty($preg['preg_sellerurl3'])) { preg_match($preg['preg_sellerurl3'], $html, $matches); $result['sellerurl'] = $matches['this']; } } } $result['preg_goodsprice'] = GetNum($result['preg_goodsprice']); $result['sendprice'] = GetNum($result['sendprice']); $result['url'] = $url; $result['goodsurl'] = $url; $result['shopname'] = $preg['shopname']; $result['shopurl'] = $preg['shopurl']; return $result; //返回抓取到的数据 }
InitGP(array("tname", "sex", "tel", "zip", "address", "qq", "msn", "country", "city", "oldface", "commit")); //初始化变量全局返回 if (!empty($commit)) { //上传图片处理 require_once INC_PATH . '/upload.class.php'; $f = new Upload('attachment/avatar', array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpge', 'png'), 50000); //路径 允许扩展名 文件尺寸 $f->setThumb(0); //设置不生成缩微图 $f->run('faceimg', 1); $info = $f->getInfo(); $imgdata = $info[0]['fullsavename']; //获取第一个上传图片反馈 if (isset($info[0]['error'])) { $imgdata = $oldface; } $editarray = array("tname" => Char_cv($tname), "sex" => GetNum($sex), "tel" => GetNum($tel), "zip" => Char_cv($zip), "address" => Char_cv($address), "qq" => GetNum($qq), "msn" => Char_cv($msn), "country" => Char_cv($country), "face" => $imgdata, "city" => Char_cv($city)); $msg = $m->edit($_USERS['uname'], '', $_USERS['password'], '', $editarray); if ($msg == "OK") { print "<script language='javascript'>alert(" . lang('update_success') . ");</script>"; jumpurl(url('m.php?name=edituserinfo')); } else { print "<script language='javascript'>alert(" . lang('update_lose') . ");</script>"; jumpurl(url('m.php?name=edituserinfo')); } } else { $value = $m->getone($_USERS['uname']); } } include template('member_edituserinfo'); //包含输出指定模板
if ($type == 0) { $type = 1; } $expressno = Char_cv($pdata->expressno); if (strlen($p_name) <= 0 || strlen($p_price) <= 0 || $p_fee < 0 || strlen($p_num) <= 0 || strlen($p_url) <= 0) { echo 132; return; } $preg = $shopsite->getpreg($p_url); //获取站点 //放入购物车处理 $addarray = array('goodsurl' => $p_url, 'goodsname' => $p_name, 'goodsprice' => $p_price, 'sendprice' => $p_fee, 'goodsnum' => $p_num, 'goodsimg' => $picture, 'goodssize' => $p_size, 'goodscolor' => $p_color, 'goodsseller' => $p_saler, 'sellerurl' => $s_url, 'goodssite' => $preg['shopname'], 'siteurl' => $preg['shopurl'], 'expressno' => $expressno, 'type' => $type, 'goodsremark' => $p_note, 'addtime' => time()); include INC_PATH . "/cart.class.php"; $Cart = CartClass::init(); $info = $Cart->add($addarray); if (GetNum($info)) { echo json_encode('OK'); } else { echo $info; } exit; } else { if ($action == 'state') { include INC_PATH . "/cart.class.php"; $Cart = CartClass::init(); $countnum = $Cart->getnum(); $countmoney = $Cart->countmoney(); //返回商品总数和总价 echo "tj#" . $countnum . "#" . $countmoney['totalmoney']; } }
$freight = sprintf("%01.2f", $freight); $serverfee = sprintf("%01.2f", $serverfee); $deliveryrow['customs_fee'] = sprintf("%01.2f", $deliveryrow['customs_fee']); $addarray = array('uid' => $_USERS['uid'], 'uname' => $_USERS['uname'], 'email' => $_USERS['email'], 'oids' => $oids, 'couponid' => GetNum($couponid), 'freight' => GetNum($freight), 'serverfee' => $serverfee, 'customsfee' => $deliveryrow['customs_fee'], 'totalfee' => $totalfee, 'countmoney' => $countmoney, 'countweight' => $countweight, 'consignee' => $consignee, 'country' => $country, 'city' => $city, 'zip' => $zip, 'tel' => $tel, 'address' => $address, 'remark' => $remark, 'did' => $did, 'deliveryname' => $deliveryrow['deliveryname'], 'areaname' => $deliveryrow['areaname'], 'addtime' => time(), 'uptime' => time(), 'state' => 1); include_once INC_PATH . "/sendorder.class.php"; $sendorderobj = SendOrderClass::init(); $sid = $sendorderobj->add($addarray); if (GetNum($sid)) { //提交成功,处理扣费和修改订单状态 include_once INC_PATH . "/member.class.php"; $m = new memberclass(); $note = "提交运单,运单ID:" . $sid; $m->moneyedit($_USERS['uname'], -$totalfee, 3, $note); //扣费操作 editstate($tablepre . "order", "state", $wheresqlo, 5); //更改订单状态操作 editstate($tablepre . "order", "sid", $wheresqlo, $sid); //更改订单对应运单ID操作 if (GetNum($couponid)) { editstate($tablepre . "coupon", "state", "cid = " . GetNum($couponid), 3); //更改优惠卷状态操作 } //显示成功页面 include template('member_tosendorderok'); //包含输出指定模板 } else { print "<script language='javascript'>alert('生成送货单出错!');</script>"; jumpurl(url('m.php?name=orderlist')); } // print_r($addarray); }
//条件汇总 $orderway = $orderway == "desc" ? "desc" : "asc"; if (!empty($orderby)) { $orderstr = "{$orderby} {$orderway}"; } //获取当前页码 $total = $Table->getcount($wheresql); //总信息数 $pagesize = 16; //一页显示信息数 $page = isset($page) ? max(1, intval($page)) : 1; //处理页码变量 $offset = ($page - 1) * $pagesize; //偏移量 $dataarray = $Table->getdata("{$offset},{$pagesize}", $wheresql, $orderstr); //获取数据 //包含后台模板文件 include "tpl/rechargeinfo.htm"; } elseif ($action == "del" && !empty($rid)) { //执行删除操作 $did = GetNum($rid); $info = $Table->del($rid); if ($info == "OK") { showmsg("删除成功!", PHP_SELF); } else { showmsg($info, PHP_SELF); } } else { showmsg("未知请求", "-1"); //出错! }
function getallbyuid($uid) { $uid = GetNum($uid); return $this->getdata("", "uid = '{$uid}'", "goodsseller desc,gid desc"); }
$jsondata = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', file_get_contents('php://input'))); $tempid = GetNum($jsondata->id); $addarray = array('uid' => $_USERS['uid'], 'uname' => $_USERS['uname'], 'consignee' => Char_cv($jsondata->consignee), 'country' => Char_cv($jsondata->country), 'city' => Char_cv($jsondata->city), 'zip' => Char_cv($jsondata->zip), 'tel' => Char_cv($jsondata->teltphone), 'address' => Char_cv($jsondata->address)); if ($tempid > 0) { //编辑 $r->edit($tempid, $addarray); $rjson['d'] = 1; } else { //增加 $info = $r->add($addarray); $rjson['d'] = $info; } echo json_encode($rjson); } elseif ($action == "setdefault") { $jsondata = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', file_get_contents('php://input'))); $aid = GetNum($jsondata->id); $wheresqlarr = "uname='" . $_USERS['uname'] . "'"; $wheresqlarr2 = "uname='" . $_USERS['uname'] . "' and aid=" . $aid; editstate($r->table, "def", $wheresqlarr, 0); //更改状态操作 editstate($r->table, "def", $wheresqlarr2, 1); //更改状态操作 $rjson['d'] = "success"; echo json_encode($rjson); } elseif ($action == "del") { $jsondata = json_decode(str_replace("'", '"', file_get_contents('php://input'))); $aid = GetNum($jsondata->id); $r->del($aid, $_USERS['uname']); $rjson['d'] = "success"; echo json_encode($rjson); }
function moneyedit($uname, $num = 0, $action = 0, $note = "") { $returnstr = "OK"; if (!empty($uname) && $num != 0 && is_numeric($num)) { $row = $this->db->fetch_first("Select uid,money From `{$this->table}` where uname like '{$uname}' "); if (is_array($row)) { $this->db->query("update `{$this->table}` SET money= money+{$num} WHERE uname='{$uname}' limit 1"); if ($num > 0) { $edittype = lang('adds'); $type = 2; } else { $edittype = lang('Minus'); $type = 1; } $action = GetNum($action); $accountmoney = sprintf("%01.2f", $row['money'] + $num); //记录日志操作 $record_table = new TableClass('record', 'rid'); $addarray = array('uid' => $row['uid'], 'uname' => $uname, 'type' => $type, 'action' => $action, 'money' => $num, 'accountmoney' => $accountmoney, 'remark' => $note, 'addtime' => time()); $info = $record_table->add($addarray); if (GetNum($info)) { $returnstr = "OK"; } else { $returnstr = lang('Error_log'); } //写入日志文件 $datastr = date('Y-m-d h:i:s'); $log = $datastr . lang('uname') . $uname . '|' . $edittype . lang('Amount') . $num . lang('legend') . $note; @writelog('money_edit', $log); //增加写入文件日志操作!记录每次用户钱币改动 } else { $returnstr = lang('username_notexist'); } } else { $returnstr = lang('Missing_parameter_err'); } return $returnstr; }
$note = "调整商品<a href=\\'" . $goodsurl . "\\' target=\\'_blank\\'>《" . $goodsname . "》</a>价格:" . -$tempmoney . "订单ID:" . $oid; $m->moneyedit($uname, $tempmoney, 5, $note); //扣去账户余额 } if ($sendprice != $oldsendprice) { //商品运费调整 $tempmoney = 0; $tempmoney = GetNum($oldsendprice - $sendprice); //计算运费调整 $wheresqlarr = "uname = '" . $uname . "' and goodsseller = '" . $goodsseller . "' and state < 3"; editstate($Table->table, "sendprice", $wheresqlarr, $sendprice); //更改状态操作 include_once INC_PATH . "/member.class.php"; $m = new memberclass(); $note = "调整商品<a href=\\'" . $goodsurl . "\\' target=\\'_blank\\'>《" . $goodsname . "》</a>运费:" . -$tempmoney . "订单ID:" . $oid; $m->moneyedit($uname, $tempmoney, 5, $note); //扣去账户余额 } $arrayedit = array("goodsurl" => $goodsurl, "goodsname" => Char_cv($goodsname), "goodsprice" => GetNum($goodsprice), "sendprice" => GetNum($sendprice), "goodsnum" => GetNum($goodsnum), "goodssize" => Char_cv($goodssize), "goodscolor" => Char_cv($goodscolor), "goodsseller" => Char_cv($goodsseller), "goodsremark" => Char_cv($goodsremark), "orderremark" => Char_cv($orderremark), "sellerurl" => $sellerurl, "expressno" => $expressno, "orderweight" => GetNum($orderweight), "state" => GetNum($state), "payid" => Char_cv($payid), "uptime" => time()); $info = $Table->edit($oid, $arrayedit); if ($info == "OK") { exit("<script language='javascript'>alert('编辑成功');parent.parent.\$.fn.colorbox.close();</script>"); } else { exit("<script language='javascript'>alert('编辑失败');parent.location.reload();</script>"); } } else { $evalue = $Table->getone($oid); //print_r($evalue); include "tpl/order_edit.htm"; } }
<?php include 'securimage.php'; $img = new securimage(); $_GET['s'] = ''; $_GET['t'] = ''; $w = GetNum($_GET['w']); $h = GetNum($_GET['h']); $width = 131; $height = 28; if (!empty($w)) { $width = $w; } if (!empty($h)) { $height = $h; } $img->image_width = $width; $img->image_height = $height; $img->font_size = 16; $img->text_x_start = 1; $img->text_minimum_distance = 12; $img->text_maximum_distance = 13; $img->arc_linethrough = false; $img->charset = '0123456789'; $img->perturbation = 0.4; // 1.0 = high distortion, higher numbers = more distortion $img->image_bg_color = new Securimage_Color("#ff6600"); $img->text_color = new Securimage_Color("#EAEAEA"); $img->text_transparency_percentage = 100; // 100 = completely transparent $img->num_lines = 1;
//更改状态操作 exit("1"); } elseif ($action == "del" && !empty($did)) { //执行删除操作 $did = GetNum($did); $info = $Table->del($did); if ($info == "OK") { showmsg("删除成功!", PHP_SELF); } else { showmsg($info, PHP_SELF); } } elseif ($action == "dels") { if (empty($delids)) { showmsg("没有选择任何对象!", PHP_SELF); exit; } //空选择 //执行删除多个操作 $delids = explode('|', $delids); foreach ($delids as $id) { if (GetNum($id)) { $info = $Table->del($id); } } if ($info == "OK") { exit("1"); } } else { showmsg("未知请求", "-1"); //出错! }
showmsg("商品价格不能为空!", PHP_SELF); } //出错! require_once INC_PATH . '/upload.class.php'; $f = new Upload('../attachment/shop', array('gif', 'jpg', 'jpge', 'png'), 50000); //路径 允许扩展名 文件尺寸 $f->setThumb(0); //设置不生成缩微图 $f->run('fileimg', 1); $info = $f->getInfo(); $imgdata = $info[0]['fullsavename']; //获取第一个上传图片反馈 if (isset($info[0]['error'])) { $imgdata = $imgold; } $arrayadd = array("gtypeid" => GetNum($gtypeid), "goodsname" => Char_cv($goodsname), "goodsimg" => $imgdata, "goodsprice" => GetNum($goodsprice), "rindex" => GetNum($rank), "views" => GetNum($views), "buynum" => GetNum($buynum), "listorder" => GetNum($listorder), "about" => HtmlReplace($about, -1), "addtime" => time()); $info = $Table->edit($gid, $arrayadd); if ($info == "OK") { showmsg("更新成功!", "shop_goods_list.php"); //出错! } else { showmsg("更新失败!", "shop_goods_list.php"); //出错! } } else { $evalue = $Table->getone($gid); //print_r($evalue); include "tpl/shop_goods_add.htm"; } } else { showmsg("未知请求", "-1");
1: 填写您需购买的商品总价格 </td> <td> <input type="text" value="<?php echo GetNum($_GET['m']); ?> " style="width: 200px;" id="tbTotleProductCost" class="inp1">(元) </td> </tr> <tr align="left"> <td> 2: 估算您需要购买的商品总重量(不包括包装) </td> <td> <input type="text" value="<?php echo GetNum($_GET['w']); ?> " style="width: 200px;" id="tbTotleWeight" class="inp1">(g) </td> </tr> <tr align="left"> <td> 3: 选择您的送货地区 </td> <td> <select id="ctl00_ctl00_ctl00_NewContentPlaceHolder_ContentPlaceHolder1_subContent_ddlArea" name="ctl00$ctl00$ctl00$NewContentPlaceHolder$ContentPlaceHolder1$subContent$ddlArea"> <option value="运送区域">运送区域</option> <?php if (is_array($areaarray)) { foreach ($areaarray as $r) { ?>
} else { showmsg($info, "-1"); } //出错! } else { $evalue = $Table->getone($mid); } } elseif ($action == "updatestate" && !empty($ids) && !empty($state)) { //更改状态 $state = GetNum($state); $ids = getdotstring(explode('|', $ids)); $wheresqlarr = "sid in({$ids})"; editstate($Table->table, "state", $wheresqlarr, $state); //更改状态操作 editstate($Table->table, "uptime", $wheresqlarr, $timestamp); //更改更新时间操作 exit("1"); } elseif ($action == "updateexpressno" && !empty($ids) && !empty($value)) { //更改状态 $ids = GetNum($ids); $wheresqlarr = "sid ={$ids}"; $value = Char_cv($value); editstate($Table->table, "sn", $wheresqlarr, $value); //更改状态操作 editstate($Table->table, "uptime", $wheresqlarr, $timestamp); //更改更新时间操作 exit("1"); } else { showmsg("未知请求", "-1"); //出错! }