Example #1
function EnqueueAdminScript()
	<script type="text/javascript">
		function OnPageInfoLoaded(id, pac, text)
			var id="Feedweb_PostDataLoadingImage_" + id;
			var img = document.getElementById(id);
			if (img == null || img == undefined)
			if (text == null || text == "")
				setTimeout(function () { LoadPageInfo(pac, id) }, 1000);
				img.parentElement.innerHTML = text;	
		function LoadPageInfo(pac, id)
		    var request = new XMLHttpRequest();
		    request.onreadystatechange = function ()
		        if (request.readyState == 4 && request.status == 200)
		            OnPageInfoLoaded(id, pac, request.responseText);
			var url = "<?php 
    echo plugin_dir_url(__FILE__);
page_data.php?pac=" + pac + "&id=" + id;
		    request.open("GET", url, true);
		function GetFeedwebPopupInfoClass()
			return "FeedwebPostTablePopupInfoDiv";
		function HideFeedwebStats()
			var popups = document.getElementsByClassName(GetFeedwebPopupInfoClass());
			for (var index = 0; index < popups.length; index++)
				popups[index].style.visibility = "hidden";
		function ShowFeedwebStats(id)
			var image_class = '<?php 
    echo GetStatusImageClass();
			var image = document.getElementById(image_class + "_" + id);
			var answers = image.parentElement.getElementsByClassName("FeedwebPostAnswerData");
			if (answers.length == 0)
			var container = document.getElementById("wpcontent");
			if (container == null || container == undefined)
			var popup_class = GetFeedwebPopupInfoClass();	
			var popup_id = popup_class + "_" + id;
			var popup = document.getElementById(popup_id);
			if (popup == null || popup == undefined)
				popup = document.createElement("DIV");
				popup.setAttribute("style", "position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; display: block; visibility: hidden; background-color: #969696; color: white; border: 2px solid #c0c0c0;");
				popup.setAttribute("class", popup_class);
				popup.setAttribute("id", popup_id);
				var base = '<?php 
    echo GetFeedwebUrl();
' + 'IMG/Plugin/';
				var html = "<style>"+
					" ." + popup_class + " table {margin: 4px 0px 4px 0px;}" +
					" ." + popup_class + " td {font-size: 8pt; text-align: center; padding: 0 8px 0 8px; min-width: 24px;}" +
					" ." + popup_class + " img {border: 1px solid white; margin-top: 4px;}" + 
					" </style>";
				html += "<table>";
				html += "<tr><td style='text-align: left;'><img src='" + base + "Question.png'/></td>" + 
					"<td><img src='" + base + "Yes.png'/></td>" +
					"<td><img src='" + base + "No.png'/></td></tr>";
				for (var index = 0; index < answers.length; index++)
					html += "<tr>";
					var data = answers[index].value.split("|");
					for (var pos = 0; pos < data.length; pos++)
						html += "<td";
						if(pos == 0)
							html += " style='text-align: left;'";
						html += ">" + data[pos] + "</td>";
					html += "</tr>";
				html += "</table>";
				popup.innerHTML = html;
		    setTimeout(function () { DisplayFeedwebStats(id) }, 100);
		function DisplayFeedwebStats(id)
			var container = document.getElementById("wpcontent");
			var container_rect = container.getBoundingClientRect();
			var image_class = '<?php 
    echo GetStatusImageClass();
			var image = document.getElementById(image_class + "_" + id);
			var image_rect = image.getBoundingClientRect();
			var popup_class = GetFeedwebPopupInfoClass();	
			var popup = document.getElementById(popup_class + "_" + id);
			popup.style.visibility = "visible";
			popup.style.left = (image_rect.left - popup.clientWidth - 8).toString() + "px";
			popup.style.top = (image_rect.top - container_rect.top - popup.clientHeight / 2 + 16).toString() + "px";
    $result = QueryPostStatus();
    if ($result == null) {
    $id = $result->post_id;
    switch ($result->meta_value) {
        case '0':
            // New Post
            $function = "DisplayInsertWidgetPrompt();";
            $title = __("Insert Rating Widget", "FWTD");
            $prompt = __("Do you wish to insert a Feedweb rating widget into your new post?", "FWTD");
            $url = plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . "widget_dialog.php?wp_post_id={$id}&mode=add&KeepThis=true&TB_iframe=true";
        case '2':
            // Edited Post
            $pac = GetPac($id);
            $post = get_post($id);
            $data = GetPageData($pac, true);
            $server_url = $data["url"];
            $server_title = $data["title"];
            $local_url = get_permalink($id);
            $local_title = ConvertHtml($post->post_title);
            if ($server_url == $local_url && $server_title == $local_title) {
            $prompt = __("The Title or Permalink of the post has been changed. Do you with to update the Rating Widget with new data?", "FWTD");
            $action = "window.location.href='" . plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . "widget_commit.php?wp_post_id={$id}&feedweb_cmd=NPW';";
            $function = "DisplayUpdateWidgetPrompt();";
	<script type="text/javascript">
		var readyStateCheckInterval = setInterval( function() 
			if (document.readyState === "complete") 
    echo $function;
		}, 1000);
		function DisplayUpdateWidgetPrompt()
			if (window.confirm('<?php 
    echo $prompt;
') == true)
    echo $action;
		function DisplayInsertWidgetPrompt()
			if (window.confirm('<?php 
    echo $prompt;
') == true)
    echo $title;
', '<?php 
    echo $url;
				var tb = document.getElementById("TB_window");
				if (tb != null)
					var frames = tb.getElementsByTagName("iframe");
					frames[0].style.height = "400px";
					frames[0].style.width = "700px";
					tb.style.height = "400px";
					tb.style.width = "700px";
Example #2
function DisplayWidgetIcon()
    $id = $_GET["id"];
    $pac = $_GET["pac"];
    $data = GetPageData($pac, false);
    if ($data == null) {
    if ($data['error'] != null && $data['error'] != "") {
        SetSortValue($id, -3);
        $src = GetFeedwebUrl() . "IMG/Remove.png";
        if ($data['error'] == "Bad PAC") {
            $title = __("The widget data is invalid and cannot be used.", "FWTD");
            echo "<script>function OnInvalidPAC() { if (window.confirm ('" . __("Remove Invalid Widget?", "FWTD") . "') == true) " . "window.location.href='" . plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . "/widget_commit.php?feedweb_cmd=REM&wp_post_id=" . $id . "'; } " . "</script><a href='#' onclick='OnInvalidPAC()'><img title='{$title}' src='{$src}' style='padding-left: 4px;'/></a>";
        $title = __("Unknown error.", "FWTD") . __("\nPlease contact Feedweb (contact@feedweb.net)", "FWTD");
        echo "<img title='{$title}' src='{$src}' style='padding-left: 4px;'/>";
    $src = GetFeedwebUrl() . "IMG/Edit.png";
    $votes = $data['votes'];
    $score = $data['score'];
    if ($score != "") {
        SetSortValue($id, intval($votes));
        $format = __("Edit / Remove Rating Widget\n(%s Votes. Average Score: %s)", "FWTD");
        $title = sprintf($format, $votes, $score);
        if ($data['image'] != "") {
            $src = GetFileUrl($data['image']);
    } else {
        SetSortValue($id, 0);
        $title = __("Edit / Remove Rating Widget\n(No votes yet)", "FWTD");
    $width = 675;
    $height = 360;
    $url = plugin_dir_url(__FILE__) . "widget_dialog.php?wp_post_id=" . $id . "&mode=edit&KeepThis=true&TB_iframe=true&height={$height}&width={$width}";
    $div_class = GetStatusImageClass();
    $image_id = $div_class . "_" . $id;
    echo "<div class='{$div_class}' style='display: inline;' onmouseover='ShowFeedwebStats({$id})' onmouseout='HideFeedwebStats()'>";
    $answers = $data['answers'];
    if ($answers != null) {
        for ($index = 0; $index < count($answers); $index++) {
            $text = str_replace("'", "’", $answers[$index]);
            echo "<input type='hidden' class='FeedwebPostAnswerData' value='{$text}'/>";
    echo "<input alt='{$url}' class='thickbox' id='{$image_id}' title='{$title}' type='image' src='{$src}'/></div>";
Example #3
function UpdateCSS($command, &$data)
    $bac = GetBac(true);
    $query = GetFeedwebUrl() . 'FBanner.aspx?action=set-css&bac=' . $bac;
    if ($command == "S") {
        $params = array();
        $params['css'] = stripslashes($_POST["CSSTextEditor"]);
        $response = wp_remote_post($query, array('method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => 30, 'body' => $params));
        if (is_wp_error($response)) {
            return false;
        $data["custom_css"] = $bac;
    } else {
        $query .= "&css=null";
        $response = wp_remote_get($query, array('timeout' => 30));
        if (is_wp_error($response)) {
            return false;
        $data["custom_css"] = "0";
    return true;
Example #4
function GetMonitorPath()
    return GetFeedwebUrl() . "MR/Monitor.aspx?lang=" . GetDefaultLanguage() . "&bac=" . GetBac(true) . "&client=WP:" . GetPluginVersion();
Example #5
function CreatePageWidget($id)
    global $alert;
    $plugin_name = dirname(__FILE__) . "/feedweb.php";
    $plugin_data = get_plugin_data($plugin_name);
    $version = $plugin_data['Version'];
    $data = GetFeedwebOptions();
    try {
        $query = GetFeedwebUrl() . "FBanner.aspx?action=cpw&client=WP:{$version}";
        $bac = GetBac(true);
        if ($bac != null) {
            $query = $query . "&bac=" . $bac;
        if ($data["delay"] != "0") {
            $query = $query . "&delay=" . $data["delay"];
        $params = GetPostQueryParams($id, array());
        if ($params == null) {
        if ($_POST["WidgetQuestionsData"] != "") {
            $params = GetQuestionParams($params);
        $response = wp_remote_post($query, array('method' => 'POST', 'timeout' => 300, 'body' => $params));
        if (is_wp_error($response)) {
            $alert = __("Cannot connect Feedweb server", "FWTD");
            return null;
        $dom = new DOMDocument();
        if ($dom->loadXML($response['body']) == true) {
            $el = $dom->documentElement;
            if ($el->tagName == "BANNER") {
                $pac = $el->getAttribute("pac");
                if ($pac != "") {
                    return $pac;
                $alert = $el->getAttribute("error");
                if ($alert == "") {
                    $alert = __("Unknown server error", "FWTD");
                return null;
        $alert = __("Feedweb service cannot create a widget", "FWTD");
    } catch (Exception $e) {
        $alert = $e->getMessage();
    return null;
Example #6
function SetPageVisibilityStatus($id, $visible)
    $pac = GetPac($id);
    if ($pac == null) {
        return false;
    $bac = GetBac(true);
    if ($bac == null) {
        return false;
    $query = GetFeedwebUrl() . "FBanner.aspx?action=spv&pac={$pac}&bac={$bac}&vs={$visible}";
    $response = wp_remote_get($query, array('timeout' => 30));
    if (is_wp_error($response)) {
        return false;
    return true;
Example #7
function GetPaymentModulePath()
    echo GetFeedwebUrl() . "PM/PM.aspx?lang=" . GetDefaultLanguage() . "&bac=" . GetBac(true) . "&client=WP:" . GetPluginVersion();
Example #8
function FeedwebPluginOptions()
    if (!current_user_can("manage_options")) {
        wp_die(__("You do not have sufficient permissions to access this page."));
    // Read options
    $feedweb_data = GetFeedwebOptions();
	<div class="wrap">
		<div id="icon-options-general" class="icon32"><br /></div>
    _e("Feedweb Plugin Settings", "FWTD");

		<form name="FeedwebSettingsForm" id="FeedwebSettingsForm" onsubmit="return OnSubmitFeedwebSettingsForm();">
			<link href='<?php 
    echo plugin_dir_url(__FILE__);
Feedweb.css?v=3.0.3' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' />
    $script_url = GetFeedwebUrl() . "Base/jscolor/jscolor.js";
    echo "<script type='text/javascript' src='{$script_url}'></script>";
			<script type="text/javascript">
				function OnEditCSS()
					document.getElementById("CSSEditorDiv").style.visibility = "visible";
					document.getElementById("SettingsTable").style.visibility = "hidden";
				function OnRestoreCSS()
					document.getElementById("CSSCommandValue").value = "R";
				function OnSaveCSS()
					document.getElementById("CSSCommandValue").value = "S";
				function CloseCSSEditor()
					var original = document.getElementById("OriginalCSSText");
					var text = document.getElementById("CSSTextEditor");
					if (original.value != text.value)
						if (confirm('<?php 
    _e("Discard changes?", "FWTD");
') == true)
							text.value = original.value;
					document.getElementById("CSSEditorDiv").style.visibility = "hidden"; 
					document.getElementById("SettingsTable").style.visibility = "visible";
				function ShowCSSValidityPrompt()
					var prompt = document.getElementById("CustomCSSValidityPrompt");
					if (prompt == null || prompt == undefined)
					prompt.style.visibility = "visible";
				function OnShowWidgetPreview()
					var settings = document.getElementsByClassName("FeedwebSettingsDiv");
					var title = document.getElementById("WidgetPreviewTitle");
					var row = document.getElementById("WidgetPreviewRow");
					var div = document.getElementById("WidgetPreview");
					if (div.style.display == "block") // Hide
						title.innerHTML = "<?php 
    _e("Show Widget Preview >>>", "FWTD");
						settings[0].style.height = "550px";
						div.style.display = "none";
						row.style.height = "35px";
						title.innerHTML = "<?php 
    _e("<<< Hide Widget Preview", "FWTD");
						settings[0].style.height = "680px";
						div.style.display = "block";
						row.style.height = "160px";
				function ResetWidgetPreview()
					var layout = document.getElementById("RatingWidgetLayout").value;
					var lang = document.getElementById('FeedwebLanguage').value;
					var div = document.getElementById("WidgetPreview");
					var pac = "e5615caa-cc14-4c9d-9a5b-069f41c2e802";
					var height = 150;
					var width = 300;
					if (layout == "wide")
						width = ValidateRatingWidgetWidth();
						if (width == 0)
						height = 120;
					var ext_bg = document.getElementById("ExternalBackgroundBox").value;
					var custom_css = document.getElementById("CustomCSSCode").value;
					var box = document.getElementById("RatingWidgetColorSchemeBox");
					var rbv = document.getElementById("ResultsBeforeVoting").value;
					var cs = box.options[box.selectedIndex].value;
					var url = '<?php 
    echo GetFeedwebUrl();
					if (document.getElementById('CSSContentType').value == "reset")
						custom_css = "0";
					var src = url + "BRW/BlogRatingWidget.aspx?cs=" + cs + "&amp;layout=" + layout + 
						"&amp;width=" + width + "&amp;height=" + height + "&amp;lang=" + lang + "&amp;pac=" + pac;
					if (custom_css == "0")
						src += "&amp;ext_bg=" + ext_bg;
						src += "&amp;custom_css=" + custom_css;
					if (rbv == "1")
						src += "&amp;rbv=true";
					var style = "width: " + (width + 5).toString() + "px; height: " + 
						(height + 5).toString() + "px; border-style: none;";
					div.innerHTML = "<iframe style='" + style + "' scrolling='no' src='" + src + "'></iframe>";
				function OnPurgeInactiveWidgets()
					if (window.confirm('<?php 
    _e("Remove Widgets?", "FWTD");
') == true)
						var ids = document.getElementById('InactiveWidgetIds');
						window.location.href = "<?php 
    echo plugin_dir_url(__FILE__);
widget_commit.php?feedweb_cmd=RMW&wp_post_ids=" + ids.value;
				function OnChangeLayout()
					var input = document.getElementById('RatingWidgetLayout');
					var list = document.getElementById('WidgetLayoutBox');
					var edit = document.getElementById('WidgetWidthEdit');
					input.value = list.options[list.selectedIndex].value;
					if (input.value == "wide")
						if (edit.value == "")
							edit.value = "400";
						edit.disabled = "";
						document.getElementById('WideLayoutDisclaimer').style.color = "#000000"
						document.getElementById('WidgetWidthResetButton').style.visibility = "visible";
						edit.disabled = "disabled";
						document.getElementById('WideLayoutDisclaimer').style.color = "#808080"
						document.getElementById('WidgetWidthResetButton').style.visibility = "hidden";
				function OnChangeLanguage()
					var list = document.getElementById('WidgetLanguageBox');
					var input = document.getElementById('FeedwebLanguage');
					input.value = list.options[list.selectedIndex].value;

				function OnChangeDelay()
					var list = document.getElementById('DelayResultsBox');
					var input = document.getElementById('DelayResults');
					input.value = list.options[list.selectedIndex].value;
				function OnChangeItemCount()
					var input = document.getElementById('FrontWidgetItemCount');
					var list = document.getElementById('ItemCountBox');
					input.value = list.options[list.selectedIndex].value;
				function OnChangeFrontWidgetColorScheme()
					var list = document.getElementById('FrontWidgetColorSchemeBox');
					var input = document.getElementById('FrontWidgetColorScheme');
					input.value = list.options[list.selectedIndex].value;
				function OnChangeRatingWidgetColorScheme()
					var list = document.getElementById('RatingWidgetColorSchemeBox');
					var input = document.getElementById('RatingWidgetColorScheme');
					input.value = list.options[list.selectedIndex].value;
					var type = document.getElementById('CSSContentType').value;
					if (type == 'custom')
    _e("Note: Changing widget color scheme will disable your custom CSS", "FWTD");
						document.getElementById('CSSContentType').value = "reset";
				function OnWidgetType(type)
					if (type == "H")
						document.getElementById('ExternalBackgroundBox').disabled = "";
						document.getElementById('RatingWidgetColorSchemeBox').disabled = "";
						document.getElementById('RatingWidgetColorSchemeRow').style.color = "#000000";
						document.getElementById('ExternalBackgroundResetButton').style.visibility = "visible";
						document.getElementById('ExternalBackgroundBox').disabled = "disabled";
						document.getElementById('RatingWidgetColorSchemeBox').disabled = "disabled";
						document.getElementById('RatingWidgetColorSchemeRow').style.color = "#808080";
						document.getElementById('ExternalBackgroundResetButton').style.visibility = "hidden";
					document.getElementById('RatingWidgetType').value = type;
				function OnCheckMPWidgets()
					var box = document.getElementById('MPWidgetsBox');
					var input = document.getElementById('FeedwebMPWidgets');
					if (box.checked == true)
						input.value = "1";
						input.value = "0";
				function OnCheckResultsBeforeVoting()
					var box = document.getElementById('ResultsBeforeVotingBox');
					var input = document.getElementById('ResultsBeforeVoting');
					if (box.checked == true)
						input.value = "1";
						input.value = "0";
				function OnCheckCopyrightNotice()
					var box = document.getElementById('CopyrightNoticeBox');
					var input = document.getElementById('FeedwebCopyrightNotice');
					if (box.checked == true)
						input.value = "1";
						input.value = "0";
				function OnCheckWidgetPrompt()
					var box = document.getElementById('WidgetPromptBox');
					var input = document.getElementById('InsertWidgetPrompt');
					if (box.checked == true)
						input.value = "1";
						input.value = "0";
				function OnCheckAddParagraphs()
					var box = document.getElementById('AddParagraphsBox');
					var input = document.getElementById('AutoAddParagraphs');
					if (box.checked == true)
						input.value = "1";
						input.value = "0";
				function OnCheckHideScroll()
					var box = document.getElementById('FrontWidgetHideScrollBox');
					var input = document.getElementById('FrontWidgetHideScroll');
					if (box.checked == true)
						input.value = "1";
						input.value = "0";
				function ValidateNumberParam(input_id, min_value, max_value, validation_alert, range_alert)
					var input = document.getElementById(input_id);
					var value = parseInt(input.value);
					if (isNaN(value))
						window.alert (validation_alert);
						return 0;

					if (value < min_value || value > max_value)
						window.alert (range_alert);
						return 0;
					input.value = value.toString();
					return value;
				function ValidateRatingWidgetWidth()
					return ValidateNumberParam("WidgetWidthEdit", 350, 500, 
    _e("Please enter a valid width", "FWTD");
    _e("Width is out of range", "FWTD");
				function ValidateFeederHeight()
		            return ValidateNumberParam("FeederHeightEdit", 300, 2000, 
    _e("Please enter a valid feeder height", "FWTD");
    _e("Feeder height is out of range", "FWTD");

				function ValidateFeederWidth()
					return ValidateNumberParam("FeederWidthEdit", 200, 1000, 
    _e("Please enter a valid feeder width", "FWTD");
    _e("Feeder width is out of range", "FWTD");
		        function ValidateFeederImageHeight()
		        	return ValidateNumberParam("FeederImageHeightEdit", 100, 1000, 
    _e("Please enter a valid maximum image height", "FWTD");
    _e("Max. image height is out of range", "FWTD");
				function OnChangeFeederRunTimeout()
					var box = document.getElementById("FeederRunTimeoutBox");
					var input = document.getElementById("FeederRunTimeout");
					input.value = box.options[box.selectedIndex].value;
				function OnChangeFeederDateFormat()
					var box = document.getElementById("FeederDateFormatBox");
					var input = document.getElementById("FeederDateFormat");
					input.value = box.options[box.selectedIndex].value;
				function OnFeederCheck(box_id, input_id)
					var input = document.getElementById(input_id);
					var box = document.getElementById(box_id);
					if (box.checked == true)
						input.value = "1";
						input.value = "0";
					return box.checked;
				function OnFeederShowHeader()
					if (OnFeederCheck('FeederShowHeaderBox', 'FeederShowHeader') == true)
						document.getElementById("FeederShowNavigatorBox").disabled = "";
						document.getElementById("FeederOrderSelectorBox").disabled = "";
						document.getElementById("FeederAuthorSelectorBox").disabled = "";
						document.getElementById('FeederNavigatorTableRow').style.color = "#000000";
						document.getElementById('FeederOrderSelectorTableRow').style.color = "#000000";
						document.getElementById('FeederAuthorSelectorTableRow').style.color = "#000000";
						document.getElementById("FeederShowNavigatorBox").checked = ""; 
						document.getElementById("FeederOrderSelectorBox").checked = "";
						document.getElementById("FeederAuthorSelectorBox").checked = "";
						document.getElementById("FeederShowNavigatorBox").disabled = "disabled";
						document.getElementById("FeederOrderSelectorBox").disabled = "disabled";
						document.getElementById("FeederAuthorSelectorBox").disabled = "disabled";
						document.getElementById('FeederNavigatorTableRow').style.color = "#808080"
						document.getElementById('FeederOrderSelectorTableRow').style.color = "#808080";
						document.getElementById('FeederAuthorSelectorTableRow').style.color = "#808080";
				function OnFeederAuthorSelector()
					OnFeederCheck('FeederAuthorSelectorBox', 'FeederAuthorSelector');
				function OnFeederOrderSelector()
					OnFeederCheck('FeederOrderSelectorBox', 'FeederOrderSelector');
				function OnFeederShowNavigator()
					if (OnFeederCheck('FeederShowNavigatorBox', 'FeederShowNavigator') == true)
						document.getElementById("FeederAutoRunBox").disabled = "";
						document.getElementById('FeederAutoRunTableRow').style.color = "#000000"
						document.getElementById("FeederAutoRunBox").checked = ""; 
						document.getElementById("FeederAutoRunBox").disabled = "disabled";
						document.getElementById('FeederAutoRunTableRow').style.color = "#808080"
				function OnFeederAutoRun()
					OnFeederCheck('FeederAutoRunBox', 'FeederAutoRun');
				function OnFeederAuthorInfo()
					OnFeederCheck('FeederAuthorInfoBox', 'FeederAuthorInfo');
				function OnFeederWidgetInfo()
					OnFeederCheck('FeederWidgetInfoBox', 'FeederWidgetInfo');
				function OnFeederLinksNewTab()
					OnFeederCheck('FeederLinksNewTabBox', 'FeederLinksNewTab');
				function OnFeederShowFooter()
					OnFeederCheck('FeederShowFooterBox', 'FeederShowFooter');

				function OnResetFeeder()
					var mode = "";
					var box = document.getElementById("FeederShowHeaderBox");
					if (box.checked == true)
						mode += "H";
						box = document.getElementById("FeederShowNavigatorBox");
						if (box.checked == true)
		                    mode += "N";
							box = document.getElementById("FeederAutoRunBox");
		                    if (box.checked == true)
		                        mode += "S";
						box = document.getElementById("FeederAuthorSelectorBox");
						if (box.checked == true)
			                mode += "U";
						box = document.getElementById("FeederOrderSelectorBox");
						if (box.checked == true)
			                mode += "O";
					box = document.getElementById("FeederShowFooterBox");
					if (box.checked == true)
		                mode += "F";
					box = document.getElementById("FeederAuthorInfoBox");
					if (box.checked == true)
		                mode += "A";
					box = document.getElementById("FeederWidgetInfoBox");
					if (box.checked == true)
		                mode += "I";
						if(document.getElementById("FeederDateFormat").value == "1")
		                	mode += "R";
					box = document.getElementById("FeederLinksNewTabBox");
					if (box.checked == false)
		                mode += "W";
		            var height = ValidateFeederHeight();
					if (height == 0)
		            var width = ValidateFeederWidth();
					if (width == 0)
		            var mih = ValidateFeederImageHeight();
					if (mih == 0)
					var timeout = document.getElementById("FeederRunTimeout").value;
					var feeder = document.getElementById("FeederPreview");
					var url = "<?php 
    echo GetFeedwebUrl();
					var bac = "<?php 
    echo GetBac(true);
					feeder.src = url + "FPW/Feeder.aspx?bac=" + bac + "&mode=" + mode + 
						"&mih=" + mih + "&rt=" + timeout + "&bc=20&mfc=300";
					feeder.style.height = height.toString() + "px";
					feeder.style.width = width.toString() + "px";

				function OnSubmitFeedwebSettingsForm()
					var layout = document.getElementById("RatingWidgetLayout").value;
					if (layout == "wide")
						if (ValidateRatingWidgetWidth() == 0)
							return false;
					if (ValidateFeederHeight() == 0 || ValidateFeederWidth() == 0 || ValidateFeederImageHeight() == 0)
						return false;
					var form = document.getElementById("FeedwebSettingsForm");
					form.action ="<?php 
    echo plugin_dir_url(__FILE__);
					form.method = "post";
					return true;
				function OnClickFeedwebSettingsTab(tab)
					var divs = document.getElementsByClassName("FeedwebSettingsDiv");
					var tabs = document.getElementsByClassName("FeedwebSettingsTab");
					for (var index = 0; index < divs.length; index++)
						if (index.toString() == tab)
							divs[index].style.display = "block";
							tabs[index].style.textDecoration = "underline";
							tabs[index].style.backgroundColor = "#e0e0ff";
							divs[index].style.display = "none";
							tabs[index].style.textDecoration = "none";
							tabs[index].style.backgroundColor = "#ffffff";
					var reset_button = document.getElementById("ResetFeederButton");
					reset_button.style.visibility = (tab == 1 ? "visible" : "hidden");
					var purge_button = document.getElementById("PurgeInactiveWidgetsButton");
					if (purge_button != null && purge_button != undefined)
						purge_button.style.visibility = (tab == 0 ? "visible" : "hidden");
			<input type='hidden' id='DelayResults' name='DelayResults' value='<?php 
    echo $feedweb_data["delay"];
			<input type='hidden' id='FeedwebLanguage' name='FeedwebLanguage' value='<?php 
    echo $feedweb_data["language"];
			<input type='hidden' id='FeedwebMPWidgets' name='FeedwebMPWidgets' value='<?php 
    echo $feedweb_data["mp_widgets"];
			<input type='hidden' id='RatingWidgetType' name='RatingWidgetType' value='<?php 
    echo $feedweb_data["widget_type"];
			<input type='hidden' id='AutoAddParagraphs' name='AutoAddParagraphs' value='<?php 
    echo $feedweb_data["add_paragraphs"];
			<input type='hidden' id='InsertWidgetPrompt' name='InsertWidgetPrompt' value='<?php 
    echo $feedweb_data["widget_prompt"];
			<input type='hidden' id='RatingWidgetLayout' name='RatingWidgetLayout' value='<?php 
    echo $feedweb_data["widget_layout"];
			<input type='hidden' id='RatingWidgetColorScheme' name='RatingWidgetColorScheme' value='<?php 
    echo $feedweb_data["widget_cs"];
			<input type='hidden' id='ResultsBeforeVoting' name='ResultsBeforeVoting' value='<?php 
    echo $feedweb_data["results_before_voting"];
			<input type='hidden' id='FeedwebCopyrightNotice' name='FeedwebCopyrightNotice' value='<?php 
    echo $feedweb_data["copyright_notice_ex"];
			<input type='hidden' id='FeederAutoRun' name='FeederAutoRun' value='<?php 
    echo $feedweb_data["feeder_auto_run"];
			<input type='hidden' id='FeederRunTimeout' name='FeederRunTimeout' value='<?php 
    echo $feedweb_data["feeder_run_timeout"];
			<input type='hidden' id='FeederDateFormat' name='FeederDateFormat' value='<?php 
    echo $feedweb_data["feeder_date_format"];
			<input type='hidden' id='FeederShowHeader' name='FeederShowHeader' value='<?php 
    echo $feedweb_data["feeder_show_header"];
			<input type='hidden' id='FeederAuthorInfo' name='FeederAuthorInfo' value='<?php 
    echo $feedweb_data["feeder_author_info"];
			<input type='hidden' id='FeederWidgetInfo' name='FeederWidgetInfo' value='<?php 
    echo $feedweb_data["feeder_widget_info"];
			<input type='hidden' id='FeederShowFooter' name='FeederShowFooter' value='<?php 
    echo $feedweb_data["feeder_show_footer"];
			<input type='hidden' id='FeederShowNavigator' name='FeederShowNavigator' value='<?php 
    echo $feedweb_data["feeder_show_nav"];
			<input type='hidden' id='FeederLinksNewTab' name='FeederLinksNewTab' value='<?php 
    echo $feedweb_data["feeder_links_new_tab"];
			<input type='hidden' id='FeederOrderSelector' name='FeederOrderSelector' value='<?php 
    echo $feedweb_data["feeder_order_selector"];
			<input type='hidden' id='FeederAuthorSelector' name='FeederAuthorSelector' value='<?php 
    echo $feedweb_data["feeder_author_selector"];
			<div id="CSSEditorDiv" ><?php 
			<table id="SettingsTable" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
				<tr class="FeedwebSettingsTabs">
						<a href="#" class="FeedwebSettingsTab" onclick="OnClickFeedwebSettingsTab(0)" 
							style="text-decoration: underline; background-color: #e0e0ff;"><?php 
    _e("Rating Widget", "FWTD");
						<a href="#" class="FeedwebSettingsTab" onclick="OnClickFeedwebSettingsTab(1)"><?php 
    _e("Feeder", "FWTD");
				<tr class="FeedwebSettingsContent" style="overflow: hidden;">
						<div class="FeedwebSettingsDiv" style="display: block; height: 550px;">
							<table class="FeedwebSettingsTable" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
									<tr id="RatingWidgetColorSchemeRow" style="height: 100px; vertical-align: top;">
										<td style="width: 325px; min-width: 325px; max-width: 325px; position: relative;">
											<span style="position: absolute; top: 6px;"><b><?php 
    _e("Widget Color Scheme:", "FWTD");
											<span style="position: absolute; top: 38px;"><b><?php 
    _e("Widget External Background:", "FWTD");
											<span style="position: absolute; top: 70px;"><b><?php 
    _e("Widget Stylesheet (CSS):", "FWTD");
										<td style='width: 310px; min-width: 310px;'>
    BuildColorSchemeBox($feedweb_data['widget_cs'], true);
											<input type='button' class='button button-primary' id="EditWidgetCSSButton" onclick='OnEditCSS()' value='View / Edit CSS'/>
										<td style='width: 500px; min-width: 500px;'>
											<span id='ChooseColorSchemePrompt'><?php 
    _e("Please choose the color scheme of your HTML rating widgets.", "FWTD");
</span><br />
											<span id='CustomCSSValidityPrompt'><?php 
    _e("Your custom CSS might not be compatible with the Widget.", "FWTD");
    _e("Please revise and resubmit.", "FWTD");
    _e("Widget Language:", "FWTD");
    BuildLanguageBox($feedweb_data['language'], $feedweb_data['language_set'], false);
											<span><i>Don't find your language? <a href="mailto://contact@feedweb.net">Help us translate the widget for you!</a></i></span>
									<tr id="RatingWidgetLayoutRow" style="height: 56px; vertical-align: top;">
										<td style='position: relative;'>
											<span style="position: absolute; top: 8px;"><b><?php 
    _e("Widget Layout:", "FWTD");
											<span style="position: absolute; top: 40px;"><b><?php 
    _e("Widget width (pixels):", "FWTD");
											<input id='WidgetWidthEdit' name='WidgetWidthEdit' type='text' value="<?php 
    echo $feedweb_data['widget_width'];
											<span id="LayoutInfoText"><i><?php 
    _e("Mobile screen layout (300x150) is recommended for all types of devices.", "FWTD");
											<span id="WideLayoutDisclaimer"><i><?php 
    _e("Allowed width: 350 to 500 pixels. Recommended width: 400 to 450 pixels.", "FWTD");
    _e("Display results before voting:", "FWTD");
											<input <?php 
    if ($feedweb_data['results_before_voting'] == "1") {
        echo 'checked="checked"';
											id="ResultsBeforeVotingBox" name="ResultsBeforeVotingBox" type="checkbox" onchange='OnCheckResultsBeforeVoting()'> 
    _e("Display Results", "FWTD");
    _e("Allow your visitors to see results before they vote.", "FWTD");
									<tr id="WidgetPreviewRow">
											<span id="WidgetPreviewTitle" onclick="OnShowWidgetPreview()" style="cursor: pointer;"><?php 
    _e("Show Widget Preview >>>", "FWTD");
										<td colspan="2">
											<input id="CustomCSSCode" type="hidden" value="<?php 
    echo $feedweb_data['custom_css'];
											<div id="WidgetPreview" style="display: none;"></div>
    _e("Widgets at the Home/Front Page:", "FWTD");
											<input <?php 
    if ($feedweb_data['mp_widgets'] == "1") {
        echo 'checked="checked"';
											id="MPWidgetsBox" name="MPWidgetsBox" type="checkbox" onchange='OnCheckMPWidgets()'> <?php 
    _e("Display Widgets", "FWTD");
    _e("Check to display the widgets both in the Front Page and the single post pages.", "FWTD");
    _e("Delay displaying results:", "FWTD");
    _e("Set the period of time you want to hide voting results after the widget is created.", "FWTD");
    _e("Feedweb Copyright Notice:", "FWTD");
											<input <?php 
    if ($feedweb_data['copyright_notice_ex'] == "1") {
        echo 'checked="checked"';
											id="CopyrightNoticeBox" name="CopyrightNoticeBox" type="checkbox" onchange='OnCheckCopyrightNotice()'> <?php 
										<td style="padding-bottom: 0px; padding-top: 6px;">
											<span style='display: block; margin-bottom: 4px;'><i>
    _e("Please check to display the following text below the widgets: ", "FWTD");
    echo GetCopyrightNotice();
    _e("Prompt to insert widgets:", "FWTD");
											<input <?php 
    if ($feedweb_data['widget_prompt'] == "1") {
        echo 'checked="checked"';
											id="WidgetPromptBox" name="WidgetPromptBox" type="checkbox" onchange='OnCheckWidgetPrompt()'> <?php 
    _e("Display a prompt to insert a rating widget when a post is published.", "FWTD");
    _e("Automatically add paragraphs:", "FWTD");
											<input <?php 
    if ($feedweb_data['add_paragraphs'] == "1") {
        echo 'checked="checked"';
											id="AddParagraphsBox" name="AddParagraphsBox" type="checkbox" onchange='OnCheckAddParagraphs()'> <?php 
    _e("Add", "FWTD");
    _e("Surround widgets with paragraph tags:", "FWTD");
</i><b> &lt;P&gt;...&lt;/P&gt;</b></span>
						<div class="FeedwebSettingsDiv" style="display: none; height: 770px;">
							<table class="FeedwebSettingsTable" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
										<td style='width: 170px; min-width: 170px; max-width: 170px; height: 44px;'>
    _e("Feeder Width:", "FWTD");
										<td style='width: 155px; min-width: 155px; max-width: 155px; '>
											<input id='FeederWidthEdit' name='FeederWidthEdit' type='text' style="width: 145px;" value="<?php 
    echo $feedweb_data['feeder_width'];
										<td style='width: 320px; min-width: 320px;'>
    _e("Width of the Feeder in pixels.<br/>Allowed: 200 to 1000. Recommended: 300.", "FWTD");
										<td style='padding: 0; background-color: #e0e0e0; vertical-align: top; min-width: 350px;' rowspan='14'>
											<div style='position: relative; width: 100%; height: 100%; display: block; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: scroll;'>
												<div style='position: absolute; display: block; top: 15px; bottom: 15px; left: 15px; right: 15px; text-align: right;'>
													<iframe id="FeederPreview" style="position: relative;"></iframe>	
										<td style='height: 44px;'>
    _e("Feeder Height:", "FWTD");
											<input id='FeederHeightEdit' name='FeederHeightEdit' type='text' style="width: 145px;" value="<?php 
    echo $feedweb_data['feeder_height'];
    _e("Height of the Feeder in pixels.<br/>Allowed: 300 to 2000 pixels.", "FWTD");
									<tr >
										<td style='height: 44px;'>
    _e("Show Header:", "FWTD");
											<input <?php 
    if ($feedweb_data['feeder_show_header'] == "1") {
        echo 'checked="checked"';
											id="FeederShowHeaderBox" name="FeederShowHeaderBox" type="checkbox" onchange='OnFeederShowHeader()'> <?php 
    _e("Display header bar of the Feeder.", "FWTD");
									<tr id="FeederAuthorSelectorTableRow">
										<td style="height: 44px;">
    _e("Select Authors:", "FWTD");
											<input <?php 
    if ($feedweb_data['feeder_author_selector'] == "1") {
        echo 'checked="checked"';
											id="FeederAuthorSelectorBox" name="FeederAuthorSelectorBox" type="checkbox" onchange='OnFeederAuthorSelector()'> <?php 
    _e("Display Authors Menu<br/>(Appears when the site has 2 or more authors).", "FWTD");
									<tr id="FeederOrderSelectorTableRow">
										<td style="height: 44px;">
    _e("Select Order:", "FWTD");
											<input <?php 
    if ($feedweb_data['feeder_order_selector'] == "1") {
        echo 'checked="checked"';
											id="FeederOrderSelectorBox" name="FeederOrderSelectorBox" type="checkbox" onchange='OnFeederOrderSelector()'> <?php 
    _e("Display Order Menu<br/>(Sort posts by time / votes).", "FWTD");
									<tr id="FeederNavigatorTableRow">
										<td style="height: 44px;">
    _e("Show Navigator:", "FWTD");
											<input <?php 
    if ($feedweb_data['feeder_show_nav'] == "1") {
        echo 'checked="checked"';
											id="FeederShowNavigatorBox" name="FeederShowNavigatorBox" type="checkbox" onchange='OnFeederShowNavigator()'> <?php 
    _e("Display navigator icons on the Feeder<br/>(show vertical scrollbar when unchecked).", "FWTD");
									<tr id="FeederAutoRunTableRow">
										<td style="height: 44px;">
    _e("Auto Run Feed:", "FWTD");
											<input <?php 
    if ($feedweb_data['feeder_auto_run'] == "1") {
        echo 'checked="checked"';
											id="FeederAutoRunBox" name="FeederAutoRunBox" type="checkbox" onchange='OnFeederAutoRun()'> <?php 
    _e("Auto-play the Feeder on start.<br/>(*10 posts and up)", "FWTD");
										<td style='height: 44px;'>
    _e("Feeder run timeout:", "FWTD");
    _e("The Feeder item scrolling timeout.", "FWTD");
										<td style="height: 44px;">
    _e("Author Info:", "FWTD");
											<input <?php 
    if ($feedweb_data['feeder_author_info'] == "1") {
        echo 'checked="checked"';
											id="FeederAuthorInfoBox" name="FeederAuthorInfoBox" type="checkbox" onchange='OnFeederAuthorInfo()'> <?php 
    _e("Show Author info in the Feeder Items<br/>(Gravatar, Author Name, Site Title).", "FWTD");
										<td style="height: 44px;">
    _e("Post Info:", "FWTD");
											<input <?php 
    if ($feedweb_data['feeder_widget_info'] == "1") {
        echo 'checked="checked"';
											id="FeederWidgetInfoBox" name="FeederWidgetInfoBox" type="checkbox" onchange='OnFeederWidgetInfo()'> <?php 
    _e("Show Post info in the Feeder Items<br/>(Date / Number of votes).", "FWTD");
										<td style="height: 44px;">
    _e("Post Date Format:", "FWTD");
    _e("Choose how to display post date.", "FWTD");
										<td style="height: 44px;">
    _e("Feeder Links:", "FWTD");
											<input <?php 
    if ($feedweb_data['feeder_links_new_tab'] == "1") {
        echo 'checked="checked"';
											id="FeederLinksNewTabBox" name="FeederLinksNewTabBox" type="checkbox" onchange='OnFeederLinksNewTab()'> <?php 
    _e("Open New Tab", "FWTD");
    _e("Open the Feeder links in a new tab<br/>(otherwise redirect the current window).", "FWTD");
										<td style="height: 44px;">
    _e("Show Footer:", "FWTD");
											<input <?php 
    if ($feedweb_data['feeder_show_footer'] == "1") {
        echo 'checked="checked"';
											id="FeederShowFooterBox" name="FeederShowFooterBox" type="checkbox" onchange='OnFeederShowFooter()'> 
    _e("Display footer bar of the Feeder.", "FWTD");
										<td style='height: 44px;'>
    _e("Max. Image Height:", "FWTD");
											<input id='FeederImageHeightEdit' name='FeederImageHeightEdit' type='text' style="width: 145px;" value="<?php 
    echo $feedweb_data['feeder_img_height'];
    _e("Maximum height of the images in the Feeder.<br/>Allowed: 100 to 1000 pixels.", "FWTD");
										<td colspan="4" style="border-bottom: none; padding-top: 10px;">
											<span style="font-weight: bold; font-size: 12pt;">To <font style="color: red;">enable</font> the Feeder, go to <a href="./widgets.php">Appearance -> Widgets</a>, add a text widget to your sidebar, and place <font style='color: blue;'>[FeedwebFeederBar]</font> in the widget's text.<br/>Please <a href="mailto://contact@feedweb.net">contact us</a> if you have any questions.</span>	
				<tr class="FeedwebSettingsCommitButton">
    echo get_submit_button(__('Save Changes'), 'primary', 'submit', false, "");
    echo "<input id='ResetFeederButton' type='button' onclick='OnResetFeeder()' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tvalue='" . __("Reset Feeder Preview", "FWTD") . "' title='" . __("Click to Reset Feeder Preview", "FWTD") . "'/>";
    echo $feedweb_data['widget_type'];
Example #9
function GetQuestionList($pac)
    // Get BAC instead of site URL (from 2.1.6)
    $bac = GetBac(true);
    if ($bac == null) {
        return null;
    $data = GetFeedwebOptions();
    $query = GetFeedwebUrl() . "FBanner.aspx?action=gql&lang=" . $data["language"] . "&bac=" . $bac;
    if ($pac != null) {
        $query = $query . "&pac=" . $pac;
    $response = wp_remote_get($query, array('timeout' => 60));
    if (is_wp_error($response)) {
        return null;
    $dom = new DOMDocument();
    if ($dom->loadXML($response['body']) == true) {
        if ($dom->documentElement->tagName == "BANNER") {
            return ReadQuestionList($dom->documentElement);
    return null;