Example #1

$_ur = GetEnv("REQUEST_URI");
$uri = explode("?", $_ur);
if (!empty($usemagic)) {
    if (!empty($login) && $login != "Логин") {
        if ((empty($set) || $set == "edit" || $set == "map") && ($uri['0'] == "/main.php" || $uri['0'] == "/battle.php")) {
            if ($uri['0'] == "/battle.php") {
                $a_where = "(slots.17={$useid} OR slots.18={$useid}) AND";
            $_ex = mysql_query("SELECT objects.id, objects.inf, objects.tip, objects.min FROM objects, slots where " . addslashes($a_where) . " (objects.id='" . addslashes($useid) . "' AND user='******'user'] . "')");
            if (mysql_num_rows($_ex) > 0) {
                $object = mysql_fetch_array($_ex);
                $obj_inf = explode("|", $object['inf']);
                $obj_min = explode("|", $object['min']);
                $iteminfo['name'] = $obj_inf['0'];
                if ($object['tip'] == 12 || $object['tip'] == 16 || $object['tip'] == 18) {
                    $chl = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM players where user='******'"));
                    $HisInfo['user'] = $chl['user'];
                    include "inc/main/get_inf.php";
                    $chl['lpv'] = $user_lpv;
                    if (!empty($chl['id'])) {
                        if ($chl['v_time'] < $now) {
                            if ($chl['k_time'] < $now) {
                                if ($obj_min['5'] >= $iteminfo['min_razum']) {
                                    if ($obj_min['7'] != 0 && $obj_min['7'] == $stat['proff'] || $obj_min['7'] == 0) {
                                        // ----- # Читаем свиток # ----- //
                                        include 'inc/magic/magics.php';
                                    } else {
                                        $nms = "Для чтения данного свитка необходимо владеть определенными навыками!";
Example #2
 function StartSendingMessage()
     if (strlen($this->mailroot_directory) == 0) {
         if (function_exists("class_exists") && class_exists("COM")) {
             $shell = new COM("WScript.Shell");
             $wwwroot = $shell->RegRead("HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\\SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\InetStp\\PathWWWRoot");
             if (is_dir($wwwroot)) {
                 $mailroot = $wwwroot . "\\..\\mailroot";
                 if (is_dir($mailroot . "\\Pickup")) {
                     $this->mailroot_directory = $mailroot;
                 } else {
                     $mailroot = $wwwroot . "\\mailroot";
                     if (is_dir($mailroot . "\\Pickup")) {
                         $this->mailroot_directory = $mailroot;
     if (strlen($this->mailroot_directory) == 0) {
         return $this->OutputError("it was not specified the mailroot directory path");
     if (!is_dir($this->mailroot_directory . "\\Pickup")) {
         return $this->OutputError("the specified mailroot path " . $this->mailroot_directory . " does not contain a Pickup directory");
     $this->pickup_file_name = tempnam(GetEnv("TMP"), "eml");
     if (!($this->pickup_file = @fopen($this->pickup_file_name, "w"))) {
         return $this->OutputPHPError("could not create a pickup message file " . $this->pickup_file_name, $php_errormsg);
     return "";
Example #3

$ok = 0;
include 'inc/db_connect.php';
include 'time.php';
$now = time();
$ip = GetEnv("REMOTE_ADDR");
$browser = GetEnv("HTTP_USER_AGENT");
SetCookie("user", "");
SetCookie("pass", "");
if (@$register) {
    // Блокировка таблицы
    mysql_query("LOCK TABLES `players` WRITE, `slots` WRITE");
    echo mysql_error();
    $login = trim($login);
    $login = addslashes($login);
    if ($login == "" or $password2 == "" or $u_name == "" or $sex == "" or $rase == "") {
        $nms .= "Вы не заполнили обязательные поля!";
    } else {
        $hinfo = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT id FROM players where user='******'"));
        echo mysql_error();
        if (!empty($hinfo['id'])) {
Example #4
if (get_magic_quotes_runtime()) {
    // Deactivate
if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
// default configuration values
$wakkaConfig = array();
$_rewrite_mode = detectRewriteMode();
$wakkaDefaultConfig = array('wakka_version' => '', 'wikini_version' => '', 'yeswiki_version' => '', 'yeswiki_release' => '', 'debug' => 'no', "mysql_host" => "localhost", "mysql_database" => '', "mysql_user" => '', "mysql_password" => '', "table_prefix" => "yeswiki_", "base_url" => computeBaseURL($_rewrite_mode), "rewrite_mode" => $_rewrite_mode, 'meta_keywords' => '', 'meta_description' => '', "action_path" => "actions", "handler_path" => "handlers", "header_action" => "header", "footer_action" => "footer", "navigation_links" => "DerniersChangements :: DerniersCommentaires :: ParametresUtilisateur", "referrers_purge_time" => 24, "pages_purge_time" => 90, "default_write_acl" => "*", "default_read_acl" => "*", "default_comment_acl" => "@admins", "preview_before_save" => 0, 'allow_raw_html' => false);
// load config
if (!($configfile = GetEnv("WAKKA_CONFIG"))) {
    $configfile = "wakka.config.php";
if (file_exists($configfile)) {
    include $configfile;
} else {
    // we must init language file without loading the page's settings.. to translate some default config settings
    $wakkaDefaultConfig["root_page"] = _t('HOMEPAGE_WIKINAME');
    $wakkaDefaultConfig["wakka_name"] = _t('MY_YESWIKI_SITE');
$wakkaConfigLocation = $configfile;
$wakkaConfig = array_merge($wakkaDefaultConfig, $wakkaConfig);
// check for locking
if (file_exists("locked")) {
    // read password from lockfile
    $lines = file("locked");
Example #5
                     * Display the final message and wait a few more seconds
                    $form->SetInputProperty("sender", "FeedbackElement", "wholeform");
                    $form->SetInputProperty("sender", "Feedback", $content);
                     * Redirect to the form start script page
                    $redirect = "/test_ajax_form.php";
                     * This is just for testing purposes
                    if (defined('AJAX_REDIRECT_URI')) {
                        $redirect = AJAX_REDIRECT_URI;
                    $message["Actions"][] = array("Action" => "Redirect", "URL" => "http://" . GetEnv("HTTP_HOST") . dirname(GetEnv("REQUEST_URI")) . $redirect);
         * Reply to the form submit event to tell which actions the
         * AJAX submit input should execute on the browser side.
        if (strlen($form->ReplyMessage($message, $processed))) {
    } while (!$processed && $form->GetNextMessage($message));
    if ($processed) {
Example #6
} else {
    $obj[18] = "{$obj18['name']}";
$obj19 = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM objects WHERE onset='w19' and player='{$getinfo}'"));
if ($obj19[name] == "") {
    $obj[19] = "w19";
} else {
    $obj[19] = "{$obj19['name']}";
for ($f = 1; $f < 20; $f++) {
    if ($set == "edit" and $obj[$f] != "w{$f}") {
        $un[$f] = "<a href='main.php?set=edit&unset=w{$f}'>";
// Слоты магии
$uri = GetEnv("SCRIPT_NAME");
if ($set == "edit" and $obj[17] != "w17") {
    $un[17] = "<a href='main.php?set=edit&unset=w17'>";
} elseif (($set == "" and $uri == "/main.php" or $set == "map" and $uri == "/main.php" or $uri == "/battle.php") and $obj[17] != "w17") {
    $un[17] = "<a href=\"javascript:ShowForm('" . $w[17][title] . "','','','','1','{$obj17['name']}','{$obj17['id']}','{$obj17['onset']}'";
    if ($obj17[name] == "addhp10" or $obj17[name] == "addhp30" or $obj17[name] == "addhp60" or $obj17[name] == "mutation" or $obj17[name] == "addenergy10") {
        $un[17] .= ",'{$stat['user']}'";
    $un[17] .= ");\">";
if ($set == "edit" and $obj[18] != "w18") {
    $un[18] = "<a href='main.php?set=edit&unset=w18'>";
} elseif (($set == "" and $uri == "/main.php" or $set == "map" and $uri == "/main.php" or $uri == "/battle.php") and $obj[18] != "w18") {
    $un[18] = "<a href=\"javascript:ShowForm('{$w18['title']}','','','','1','{$obj18['name']}','{$obj18['id']}','{$obj18['onset']}'";
    if ($obj18[name] == "addhp10" or $obj18[name] == "addhp30" or $obj18[name] == "addhp60" or $obj18[name] == "mutation" or $obj18[name] == "addenergy10") {
        $un[18] .= ",'{$stat['user']}'";
Example #7
include "../inc/db_connect.php";
$stat = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("SELECT * FROM players WHERE user='******' AND pass='******' LIMIT 1"));
mysql_query("SET CHARSET cp1251");
if (empty($stat['id']) || $stat['bloked'] || $stat['admin'] != 1) {
    echo "<script>top.window.location = '../index.php?action=logout';</script>";

if (isset($_POST['path'])) {
    $uploadfile = $_POST['path'] . $_FILES['file']['name'];
    if ($_POST['path'] == "") {
        $uploadfile = $_FILES['file']['name'];
    echo $uploadfile;
    if (copy($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], "../i/items/" . $uploadfile)) {
        echo "Файл успешно загружен в папку {$uploadfile}\n";
        echo "Имя:" . $_FILES['file']['name'] . "\n";
        echo "Размер:" . $_FILES['file']['size'] . "\n";
    } else {
        print "Не удаётся загрузить файл. Инфа:\n";
$host = GetEnv("HTTP_HOST");
//Header("Location: http://$host");

Example #8
 function GetInputEventURL($input, $event, $parameters, &$url)
     if (strlen($action = $this->ACTION) == 0) {
         if (GetType($mark = strpos($uri = GetEnv('REQUEST_URI'), "?")) == "integer") {
             $action = substr($uri, $mark);
     $url = $action . (GetType(strpos($action, "?")) == "integer" ? "&" : "?") . UrlEncode($this->event_parameter) . "=" . UrlEncode($event) . "&" . UrlEncode($this->input_parameter) . "=" . UrlEncode($input);
     for ($parameter = 0, Reset($parameters); $parameter < count($parameters); $parameter++, Next($parameters)) {
         $key = Key($parameters);
         $url .= "&" . UrlEncode($key) . "=" . UrlEncode($parameters[$key]);
     return "";
Example #9

$now = time();
$title = 'Клан';
include "inc/html_header.php";
echo "\n<body leftmargin=0 topmargin=0>\n<div id=hint1 class=hint></div>\n\n<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\" SRC=\"i/time.js\"></SCRIPT>\n<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\" SRC=\"i/show_inf.js\"></SCRIPT>\n<SCRIPT LANGUAGE=\"JavaScript\" SRC=\"i/login_form.js\"></SCRIPT>\n";
$uri = GetEnv("REQUEST_URI");
$uri = explode("?", $uri);
$uri = $uri['0'];
if ($set == "clan" && $uri == "/main.php" && (!empty($usemagic) && is_numeric($useid))) {
    include "inc/magic/abils/use.php";
include "inc/main/changed.php";
$widthhp = $stat['hp_now'] / $stat['hp_max'] * 181;
if ($widthhp == 0) {
    $widthhp += 2;
if ($widthhp == 1) {
    $widthhp += 1;
if ($widthhp > 1) {
    $widthhp -= 1;
print "<table cellpadding=3 width=100% cellspacing=1 border=0 background='/i/bg.gif'>\n<td align=right><input class=lbut type=button value='Назад' onClick=top.main.location.href=\"main.php?set=&tmp=\"+Math.random();\"\">\n</td></table>";
if ($stat['tribe']) {
    function ld_m($t, $u, $w, $r, $m, $s)
        global $now;
        mysql_query("INSERT INTO ld (user, writer, mess, time, reason, type, srok) values('" . addslashes($u) . "', '" . addslashes($w) . "', '" . addslashes($m) . "', '" . $now . "', '" . addslashes($r) . "', '" . addslashes($t) . "', '" . addslashes($s) . "')");
    // Принятие в клан
Example #10

include getcwd() . '/inc/db_connect.php';
include getcwd() . '/time.php';
mysql_query("SET CHARSET cp1251");
if (strlen($user) >= 45) {
    $title = 'Ошибка!';
    include "inc/html_header.php";
    echo "<body bgcolor=EBEDEC><b><font color=red>Ошибка!</font></b><br>Что-то тут не так...";
$ctime = time();
$error = '';
$browser = GetEnv(HTTP_USER_AGENT);
// Восстановление забытого пароля
if ($_GET['lostpwd']) {
    include getcwd() . '/inc/enter/lostpwd.php';
} else {
    $user = mysql_escape_string($_POST['user']);
    $pass = mysql_escape_string($_POST['pass']);
    $infs = mysql_query("select user, pass, room, active from players where user='******'");
    $info = mysql_fetch_array($infs);
    $query = mysql_query("select user, bloked, room, id, level, rank, tribe, active from players where user='******' && pass='******'");
    $inf = mysql_fetch_array($query);
    // Перса нет, ищем в других городах
    if (mysql_num_rows($infs) == 0) {
        $error = "Логин \"<b>" . htmlspecialchars($user) . "</b>\" не найден в базе!";
    } else {
        if (empty($user) || empty($pass)) {
            $error = "Неверный запрос!";
Example #11
	'meta_description'	=> '',
	"action_path"		=> "actions",
	"handler_path"		=> "handlers",
	"header_action"		=> "header",
	"footer_action"		=> "footer",
	"navigation_links"		=> "DerniersChangements :: DerniersCommentaires :: ParametresUtilisateur",
	"referrers_purge_time"	=> 24,
	"pages_purge_time"	=> 365,
	"default_write_acl"	=> "+",
	"default_read_acl"	=> "*",
	"default_comment_acl"	=> "+",
	"referrers_disable" => "1",
	"preview_before_save"	=> "0");

// load config
if (!$configfile = GetEnv("WAKKA_CONFIG")) $configfile = "wakka.config.php";
if (file_exists($configfile)) include($configfile);
$wakkaConfigLocation = $configfile;
$wakkaConfig = array_merge($wakkaDefaultConfig, $wakkaConfig);

// check for locking
if (file_exists("locked")) {
	// read password from lockfile
	$lines = file("locked");
	$lockpw = trim($lines[0]);
	// is authentification given?
	if (isset($_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"])) {
		if (!(($_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_USER"] == "admin") && ($_SERVER["PHP_AUTH_PW"] == $lockpw))) {
			$ask = 1;