Example #1
 * Build an SQL query for the specified search terms.
 * @param array Array of search terms
 * @param string String of fields to match
 * @param string The field to sort by
 * @param string The order to sort results by
 * @return array An array containing the query to count the number of results and a query to perform the search
function BuildProductSearchQuery($searchTerms, $fields = "", $sortField = array("score", "proddateadded"), $sortOrder = "desc")
    $queryWhere = array();
    $joinQuery = '';
    $queryWhere1 = array();
    $joinQuery1 = '';
    $qualifier_flag = 0;
    $qualifier_category = 0;
    $v_cols = array();
    $p_cols = array();
    /*$q_qry = "select * from isc_import_variations limit 0,1";
    	 $q_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($q_qry);
    	 $q_row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($q_res);
    	 foreach($q_row as $q_key => $q_val)
    	 if(eregi('^(vq)', $q_key)) {
    	 $v_cols[] = $q_key;
    	 } else if(eregi('^(pq)', $q_key)) {
    	 $p_cols[] = $q_key;
    $v_cols = isset($GLOBALS['sidev_cols']) ? $GLOBALS['sidev_cols'] : array();
    $p_cols = isset($GLOBALS['sidep_cols']) ? $GLOBALS['sidep_cols'] : array();
    $common_fields_product = " b.callbestprice bbestprice, c.callbestprice cbestprice, bs.callbestprice sbestprice,p.prodcode, p.productid , b.brandname , c.categoryid, c.catname , c.catuniversal,csi.icon_file ";
    $common_fields_variation = " p.prodcode, v.productid, v.prodstartyear, v.prodendyear , v.prodmodel, v.prodsubmodel, v.prodmake ";
    $new_fields = " p.proddesc , p.prodname , p.proddescfeature , prodwarranty , p.prodvariationid,p.prodconfigfields,p.prodeventdaterequired,p.prodvendorid,p.prodprice,p.prodretailprice,p.prodsaleprice,p.prodistaxable,p.prodcatids,p.prodhideprice,p.prodinvtrack,p.prodcurrentinv,p.prodallowpurchases,p.prodbrandid,p.prodcalculatedprice,prodweight,prodheight ";
    // Construct the full text search part of the query
    /*$fulltext_fields = array("ps.prodname", "ps.prodcode", "ps.proddesc", "ps.prodsearchkeywords", "ps.prodalternates", "ps.prodmake", "ps.prodmodel", "ps.prodsubmodel", "ps.prodstartyear", "ps.prodendyear");*/
    $fulltext_fields = array("ps.prodname", "ps.prodcode", "ps.proddesc", "ps.prodsearchkeywords");
    if (!$fields) {
        $fields = "{$new_fields}, FLOOR(p.prodratingtotal/p.prodnumratings) AS prodavgrating, " . GetProdCustomerGroupPriceSQL() . ", ";
        $fields .= "pi.imageisthumb, pi.imagefile ";
        if (isset($searchTerms['search_query']) && $searchTerms['search_query'] != "") {
            //$fields .= ', '.$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->FullText($fulltext_fields, $searchTerms['search_query'], false) . " as score ";
    $fields1 = $fields . " ,v. " . implode(",v.", $v_cols);
    //$fields .= " ,v. ".implode(",v. ",$v_cols).", group_concat(distinct PQcolor,', ',PQmaterial,', ',PQstyle separator '~') as productoption ";
    //$fields .= " , group_concat(distinct PQcolor,', ',PQmaterial,', ',PQstyle separator '~') as productoption ";
    if (isset($searchTerms['categoryid'])) {
        $searchTerms['category'] = array($searchTerms['categoryid']);
    // If we're searching by category, we need to completely
    // restructure the search query - so do that first
    $categorySearch = false;
    $categoryIds = array();
    if (isset($searchTerms['category']) && is_array($searchTerms['category'])) {
        foreach ($searchTerms['category'] as $categoryId) {
            // All categories were selected, so don't continue
            if ($categoryId == 0) {
                $categorySearch = false;
            $categoryIds[] = (int) $categoryId;
            // If searching sub categories automatically, fetch & tack them on
            if (isset($searchTerms['searchsubs']) && $searchTerms['searchsubs'] == 'ON') {
                $categoryIds = array_merge($categoryIds, GetChildCats($categoryId));
        $categoryIds = array_unique($categoryIds);
        if (!empty($categoryIds)) {
            $categorySearch = true;
    /* this below is condition is used when category is mentioned in search keyword */
    if (isset($searchTerms['srch_category'])) {
        $categorySearch = true;
        $categoryIds = $searchTerms['srch_category'];
    if ($categorySearch == true) {
        $qualifier_category = 1;
        $qualifier_flag = 1;
        /*$fromTable = 'isc_categoryassociations a, isc_products p ';
        			$queryWhere[] = 'a.productid=p.productid AND a.categoryid IN ('.implode(',', $categoryIds).')';
        			$fromTable1 = 'isc_categoryassociations a, isc_import_variations v ';
        			$queryWhere1[] = 'a.productid=v.productid AND a.categoryid IN ('.implode(',', $categoryIds).')';*/
        if ($searchTerms['flag_srch_category'] == 1) {
            $fromTable = 'isc_products p USE INDEX (PRIMARY) ';
        } else {
            $fromTable = 'isc_products p ';
        //            $fromTable = 'isc_products p USE INDEX (categoryid) ';
        $queryWhere[] = 'c.categoryid IN (' . implode(',', $categoryIds) . ')';
        $fromTable1 = 'isc_import_variations v ';
        $queryWhere1[] = 'c.categoryid IN (' . implode(',', $categoryIds) . ')';
    } else {
        $fromTable = 'isc_products p';
        $fromTable1 = 'isc_import_variations v';
        $queryWhere[] = " c.categoryid is not null ";
    /*  this code is commented as we are no longer checking in search table as the records are split in product and variations table.
    		if (isset($searchTerms['search_query']) && $searchTerms['search_query'] != "") {
    		// Only need the product search table if we have a search query
    		$joinQuery .= "INNER JOIN [|PREFIX|]product_search ps ON (p.productid=ps.productid) ";
    		} else if ($sortField == "score") {
    		// If we don't, we better make sure we're not sorting by score
    		$sortField = "p.prodname";
    		$sortOrder = "ASC";
    /* Below condition has been added if any product detail page is seen directly , need to assign it as array */
    if (!isset($searchTerms['dynfilters'])) {
        $searchTerms['dynfilters'] = array();
    $otherkeys = array_keys($searchTerms['dynfilters'], "others");
    $others_factor = '';
    if ( isset($searchTerms['partnumber']) || ( isset($searchTerms['flag_srch_category']) && $searchTerms['flag_srch_category'] == 1 ) || (isset($searchTerms['flag_srch_brand']) &&  $searchTerms['flag_srch_brand'] == 1 ) || isset($searchTerms['series']) || isset($searchTerms['subcategory']) )
    // listing page
    foreach ($otherkeys as $otherkey)  {
    //$others_factor .= " AND (".$otherkey." = '' OR ".$otherkey." IS NULL )";
    $others_factor .= " AND (".$otherkey." = '' OR ".$otherkey." IS NULL )";
    $partnumber_condition = "";
    if (!isset($searchTerms['partnumber'])) {
        //$partnumber_condition = "and c.catvisible = 1 ";
    $joinQuery .= " LEFT JOIN [|PREFIX|]import_variations AS v ON v.productid = p.productid " . $others_factor . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN [|PREFIX|]categoryassociations ca on ca.productid = p.productid \n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN [|PREFIX|]categories c on c.categoryid = ca.categoryid " . $partnumber_condition . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN [|PREFIX|]brands b on prodbrandid = b.brandid \n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN [|PREFIX|]brand_series AS bs ON bs.seriesid = p.brandseriesid \n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN [|PREFIX|]product_images pi ON (p.productid=pi.imageprodid AND pi.imageisthumb=1)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN [|PREFIX|]product_finalprice fp ON p.productid = fp.productid\n\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN [|PREFIX|]prodcut_cap_size_images csi ON p.prodcode = csi.productcode and p.prodvendorprefix = csi.vendor_prix ";
    $joinQuery1 .= " LEFT JOIN [|PREFIX|]import_variations AS v ON v.productid = p.productid " . $others_factor . "\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN [|PREFIX|]categoryassociations ca on ca.productid = p.productid \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN [|PREFIX|]categories c on c.categoryid = ca.categoryid " . $partnumber_condition . " \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN [|PREFIX|]brands b on prodbrandid = b.brandid \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN [|PREFIX|]brand_series AS bs ON bs.seriesid = p.brandseriesid ";
    $queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = "p.prodvisible='1'";
    // Add in the group category restrictions
    $permissionSql = GetProdCustomerGroupPermissionsSQL(null, false);
    if ($permissionSql) {
        $queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = $permissionSql;
    // Do we need to filter on brand?
    if (isset($searchTerms['brand']) && $searchTerms['brand'] != "") {
        $brand_query = "select brandid from [|PREFIX|]brands WHERE brandname='" . $searchTerms['brand'] . "'";
        $brand_result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($brand_query);
        $brandId = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->FetchOne($brand_result);
        if ((int) $brandId > 0) {
            $qualifier_flag = 1;
            $queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = "p.prodbrandid='" . $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($brandId) . "'";
    // Do we need to filter on brand series?
    if (isset($searchTerms['series']) && $searchTerms['series'] != "") {
        $qualifier_flag = 1;
        if (isset($GLOBALS['seriesid'])) {
            $brand_series_id = (int) $GLOBALS['seriesid'];
        } else {
            $series_qry = "select s.seriesid from isc_brand_series s where s.seriesname = '" . $searchTerms['series'] . "' ";
            $series_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($series_qry);
            $series_arr = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($series_res);
            $brand_series_id = (int) $series_arr['seriesid'];
        $queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = " p.brandseriesid = " . $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($brand_series_id);
    if (isset($searchTerms['partnumber'])) {
        $qualifier_flag = 1;
        $prod_code = $searchTerms['partnumber'];
        $queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = " p.prodcode like '" . $prod_code . "%'";
    // Do we need to filter on price?
    if (isset($searchTerms['price'])) {
        $queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = "p.prodcalculatedprice='" . $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($searchTerms['price']) . "'";
    } else {
        /*if (isset($searchTerms['price_from']) && is_numeric($searchTerms['price_from'])) {
        		 $queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = "p.prodcalculatedprice >= '".$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($searchTerms['price_from'])."'";
        			if (isset($searchTerms['price_to']) && is_numeric($searchTerms['price_to'])) {
        			$queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = "p.prodcalculatedprice <= '".$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($searchTerms['price_to'])."'";
    // Do we need to filter on rating?
    if (isset($searchTerms['rating'])) {
        $queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = "FLOOR(p.prodratingtotal/p.prodnumratings) = '" . (int) $searchTerms['rating'] . "'";
    } else {
        if (isset($searchTerms['rating_from']) && is_numeric($searchTerms['rating_from'])) {
            $queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = "FLOOR(p.prodratingtotal/p.prodnumratings) >= '" . (int) $searchTerms['rating_from'] . "'";
        if (isset($searchTerms['rating_to']) && is_numeric($searchTerms['rating_to'])) {
            $queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = "FLOOR(p.prodratingtotal/p.prodnumratings) <= '" . (int) $searchTerms['rating_to'] . "'";
    // Do we need to filter on featured?
    if (isset($searchTerms['featured']) && $searchTerms['featured'] != "") {
        $featured = (int) $searchTerms['featured'];
        if ($featured == 1) {
            $queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = "p.prodfeatured=1";
        } else {
            $queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = "p.prodfeatured=0";
    // Do we need to filter on free shipping?
    if (isset($searchTerms['shipping']) && $searchTerms['shipping'] != "") {
        $shipping = (int) $searchTerms['shipping'];
        if ($shipping == 1) {
            $queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = "p.prodfreeshipping='1' ";
        } else {
            $queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = "p.prodfreeshipping='0' ";
    // Do we need to filter only products we have in stock?
    if (isset($searchTerms['instock']) && $searchTerms['instock'] != "") {
        $stock = (int) $searchTerms['instock'];
        if ($stock == 1) {
            $queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = "(p.prodcurrentinv>0 or p.prodinvtrack=0) ";
    // Do we need to filter for make of the product
    if (isset($searchTerms['make']) && $searchTerms['make'] != "" && (!isset($searchTerms['catuniversal']) || $searchTerms['catuniversal'] != 1)) {
        $make = $searchTerms['make'];
        if (!empty($make)) {
            $qualifier_flag = 1;
            $ext = "";
            $ext .= " OR v.prodmake = 'NON-SPEC VEHICLE' ";
            $queryWhere[] = " ( v.prodmake = '" . $make . "' {$ext} ) ";
            $queryWhere1[] = " ( v.prodmake = '" . $make . "' {$ext} ) ";
    // Do we need to filter for model of the product
    if (isset($searchTerms['model']) && $searchTerms['model'] != "" && (!isset($searchTerms['catuniversal']) || $searchTerms['catuniversal'] != 1)) {
        $model = $searchTerms['model'];
        if (!empty($model)) {
            $qualifier_flag = 1;
            $ext = "";
            $ext .= " OR v.prodmodel = 'ALL' ";
            //if(isset($_REQUEST['model'])) {
            if (!isset($searchTerms['model_flag']) || isset($searchTerms['model_flag']) && $searchTerms['model_flag'] == 1) {
                $queryWhere[] = " ( v.prodmodel = '" . $model . "' {$ext} ) ";
                $queryWhere1[] = " ( v.prodmodel = '" . $model . "' {$ext} ) ";
            } else {
                $queryWhere[] = " ( v.prodmodel like '" . $model . "%' {$ext} ) ";
                $queryWhere1[] = " ( v.prodmodel like '" . $model . "%' {$ext} ) ";
    // Do we need to filter for submodel of the product
    if (isset($searchTerms['submodel']) && $searchTerms['submodel'] != "") {
        $submodel = $searchTerms['submodel'];
        if (!empty($model)) {
            $qualifier_flag = 1;
            $queryWhere[] = " ( v.prodsubmodel = '" . $submodel . "' OR v.prodsubmodel = '' ) ";
            $queryWhere1[] = " ( v.prodsubmodel = '" . $submodel . "' OR v.prodsubmodel = '' ) ";
    // Do we need to filter for year of the product
    if (isset($searchTerms['year']) && $searchTerms['year'] != "" && (!isset($searchTerms['catuniversal']) || $searchTerms['catuniversal'] != 1)) {
        $year = $searchTerms['year'];
        if (!empty($year)) {
            $qualifier_flag = 1;
            if (is_numeric($year)) {
                $ext = "";
                $ext .= " OR v.prodstartyear = 'ALL' ";
                $queryWhere[] = " ( " . $year . " between v.prodstartyear and v.prodendyear {$ext} ) ";
                $queryWhere1[] = " ( " . $year . " between v.prodstartyear and v.prodendyear {$ext} ) ";
            } else {
                $queryWhere[] = " ( v.prodstartyear = '{$year}' OR v.prodendyear = '{$year}' ) ";
                $queryWhere1[] = " ( v.prodstartyear = '{$year}' OR v.prodendyear = '{$year}' ) ";
    /*if (isset($searchTerms['weight']) && $searchTerms['weight'] != "") {
    	 $weight = $searchTerms['weight'];
    	 if (!empty($year)) {
    	 $queryWhere[] = " p.prodweight = ".$weight;
    	 if (isset($searchTerms['height']) && $searchTerms['height'] != "") {
    	 $height = $searchTerms['height'];
    	 if (!empty($year)) {
    	 $queryWhere[] = " p.prodheight = ".$height;
    	 if (isset($searchTerms['brand']) && $searchTerms['brand'] != "") {
    	 $brand = $searchTerms['brand'];
    	 if (!empty($brand)) {
    	 $queryWhere[] = " p.prodbrandid = ".$brand;
    	 $queryWhere1[] = " p.prodbrandid = ".$brand;
    if (isset($searchTerms['price_from']) && isset($searchTerms['price_to'])) {
        $from_price = $searchTerms['price_from'];
        $to_price = $searchTerms['price_to'];
        if ($from_price != "" && $to_price != "") {
            $queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = " p.prodcalculatedprice between " . $from_price . " and " . $to_price;
    } else {
        if (isset($searchTerms['price_from'])) {
            $from_price = $searchTerms['price_from'];
            if (!empty($from_price)) {
                $queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = " p.prodcalculatedprice >= " . $from_price;
        } else {
            if (isset($searchTerms['price_to'])) {
                $to_price = $searchTerms['price_to'];
                if (!empty($to_price)) {
                    $queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = " p.prodcalculatedprice <= " . $from_price;
    /* --------- these below coditions are commented as they now belongs to qualifiers table ------------
    	 if (isset($searchTerms['bedsize']) && $searchTerms['bedsize'] != "") {
    	 $bedsize = $searchTerms['bedsize'];
    	 if (!empty($bedsize)) {
    	 $queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = " p.prodbedsize like '%".$bedsize."%'";
    	 if (isset($searchTerms['cabsize']) && $searchTerms['cabsize'] != "") {
    	 $cabsize = $searchTerms['cabsize'];
    	 if (!empty($cabsize)) {
    	 $queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = " p.prodcabsize like '%".$cabsize."%'";
    	 if (isset($searchTerms['tracksystem']) && $searchTerms['tracksystem'] != "") {
    	 $tracksystem = $searchTerms['tracksystem'];
    	 if (!empty($tracksystem)) {
    	 $queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = " p.truckbedtracksystemtype like '%".$tracksystem."%'";
    	 if (isset($searchTerms['material']) && $searchTerms['material'] != "") {
    	 $material = $searchTerms['material'];
    	 if (!empty($material)) {
    	 $queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = " p.prodmaterial like '%".$material."%'";
    	 if (isset($searchTerms['style']) && $searchTerms['style'] != "") {
    	 $style = $searchTerms['style'];
    	 if (!empty($style)) {
    	 $queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = " p.prodstyle like '%".$style."%'";
    	 if (isset($searchTerms['color']) && $searchTerms['color'] != "") {
    	 $color = $searchTerms['color'];
    	 if (!empty($color)) {
    	 $queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = " p.prodcolor like '%".$color."%'";
    /*---- the below variables are used for displaying submodels in sideproductfilters.php --- */
    $GLOBALS['qualifiercategory'] = $qualifier_category;
    $GLOBALS['wherecondition'] = $queryWhere;
    $GLOBALS['wherecondition1'] = $queryWhere1;
    /*--------- creating conditions for dynamic filters----------*/
    $havingquery = array();
    $outer_condition = "";
    if (!empty($searchTerms['dynfilters'])) {
        $dynfilters = $searchTerms['dynfilters'];
        foreach ($dynfilters as $dynkey => $dynval) {
            $qualifier_flag = 1;
            $orgdynkey = $dynkey;
            //Added by Simha
            $str_to_check_pqvq = "";
            if (!isset($searchTerms['catuniversal']) || $searchTerms['catuniversal'] == 0) {
                $str_to_check_pqvq = '^(vq|pq)';
            } else {
                $str_to_check_pqvq = '^pq';
            if (eregi($str_to_check_pqvq, $dynkey)) {
                $dynkey = " v.{$dynkey} ";
                //$outer_condition .= " AND $dynkey like '%".$dynval."%'";
                if ($dynval == 'others') {
                    $havingquery[] = "( {$orgdynkey} = '' OR {$orgdynkey} IS NULL OR {$orgdynkey} = '~' )";
                    // here included '~' as in left navi query will return ~
                } else {
                    if (strcasecmp($dynkey, ' v.VQbedsize ') == 0) {
                        $outer_condition .= " AND ( ( ( {$dynkey} = '" . $dynval . "') OR ( {$dynkey} regexp ';' AND {$dynkey} regexp '" . $dynval . "' ) ) OR ( ( v.bedsize_generalname = '" . $dynval . "' ) OR (  v.bedsize_generalname regexp ';' AND v.bedsize_generalname regexp '" . $dynval . "' ) ) ) ";
                    } else {
                        if (strcasecmp($dynkey, ' v.VQcabsize ') == 0) {
                            $outer_condition .= " AND ( ( ( {$dynkey} = '" . $dynval . "') OR ( {$dynkey} regexp ';' AND {$dynkey} regexp '" . $dynval . "' ) ) OR ( ( v.cabsize_generalname = '" . $dynval . "' ) OR (  v.cabsize_generalname regexp ';' AND v.cabsize_generalname regexp '" . $dynval . "' ) ) ) ";
                        } else {
                            $outer_condition .= " AND ( ( {$dynkey} regexp ';' AND {$dynkey} regexp '" . $dynval . "' ) OR ( {$dynkey} not regexp ';' AND {$dynkey} = '" . $dynval . "') )";
    if (isset($searchTerms['vqsbedsize'])) {
        $qualifier_flag = 1;
        $outer_condition .= " AND (  v.VQbedsize like '%" . $searchTerms['vqsbedsize'] . "%' OR  v.bedsize_generalname like '%" . $searchTerms['vqsbedsize'] . "%' ) ";
    if (isset($searchTerms['vqscabsize'])) {
        $qualifier_flag = 1;
        $outer_condition .= " AND (  v.VQcabsize like '%" . $searchTerms['vqscabsize'] . "%' OR  v.cabsize_generalname like '%" . $searchTerms['vqscabsize'] . "%' ) ";
    if (($qualifier_flag == 0 || isset($searchTerms['search'])) && (eregi('search.php', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) || isset($GLOBALS['PathInfo']) && count($GLOBALS['PathInfo']) > 0) && !isset($_REQUEST['change'])) {
        //$joinQuery .= "INNER JOIN isc_product_search ps ON (p.productid=ps.productid)";
        //$joinQuery1 .= "INNER JOIN isc_product_search ps ON (p.productid=ps.productid)";
        if (isset($searchTerms['search_string'])) {
            $searchTerms['search_query'] = $searchTerms['search_string'];
        if (isset($searchTerms['search_query']) && $searchTerms['search_query'] != "" && $searchTerms['search_query'] != "categories" && $searchTerms['search_query'] != "brands") {
            //$termQuery = "(" . $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->FullText($fulltext_fields, $searchTerms['search_query'], true);
            //$termQuery = " ( ";
            $termQuery = " p.prodname = '" . $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($searchTerms['search_query']) . "' ";
            //$termQuery .= " p.prodname like '%" . $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($searchTerms['search_query']) . "%' ";
            /*$termQuery .= "OR p.proddesc like '%" . $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($searchTerms['search_query']) . "%' ";
            	 $termQuery .= "OR p.prodsearchkeywords like '%" . $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($searchTerms['search_query']) . "%' ";
            	 $termQuery .= "OR ps.prodalternates like '%" . $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($searchTerms['search_query']) . "%' ";
            	 $termQuery .= "OR ps.prodmake like '%" . $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($searchTerms['search_query']) . "%' ";
            	 $termQuery .= "OR ps.prodmodel like '%" . $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($searchTerms['search_query']) . "%' ";
            	 $termQuery .= "OR ps.prodsubmodel like '%" . $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($searchTerms['search_query']) . "%' ";
            	 $termQuery .= "OR ps.prodstartyear like '%" . $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($searchTerms['search_query']) . "%' ";
            	 $termQuery .= "OR ps.prodendyear like '%" . $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($searchTerms['search_query']) . "%' ";
            	 $termQuery .= "OR p.prodcode = '" . $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($searchTerms['search_query']) . "') ";*/
            $queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = $termQuery;
    if (!is_array($sortField)) {
        $sortField = array($sortField);
    if (!is_array($sortOrder)) {
        $sortOrder = array($sortOrder);
    $sortField = array_filter($sortField);
    $sortOrder = array_filter($sortOrder);
    if (count($sortOrder) < count($sortField)) {
        $missing = count($sortField) - count($sortOrder);
        $sortOrder += array_fill(count($sortOrder), $missing, 'desc');
    } else {
        if (count($sortOrder) > count($sortField)) {
            $sortOrder = array_slice($sortOrder, 0, count($sortField));
    if (!empty($sortField)) {
        $orderBy = array();
        $sortField = array_values($sortField);
        $sortOrder = array_values($sortOrder);
        foreach ($sortField as $key => $field) {
            $orderBy[] = $field . ' ' . $sortOrder[$key];
        $orderBy = ' ORDER BY ' . implode(',', $orderBy);
    } else {
        $orderBy = '';
    $orderBy = '';
    /* the below query is used to check whether any series exist under the selected brand */
    if (isset($searchTerms['flag_srch_brand']) && $searchTerms['flag_srch_brand'] == 0) {
        $brand_series_qry = "select p.brandseriesid from isc_products p LEFT JOIN isc_categoryassociations ca on ca.productid = p.productid LEFT JOIN isc_categories c on c.categoryid = ca.categoryid LEFT JOIN isc_import_variations AS v ON p.productid = v.productid\nWHERE prodbrandid = " . $brandId . " and brandseriesid != 0  " . GetWhereWithAnd($queryWhere) . " {$outer_condition} group by brandseriesid";
        $brand_series_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($brand_series_qry);
        if ($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->CountResult($brand_series_res) > 0) {
            $GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG'] = 0;
        } else {
            $GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG'] = 1;
        // series not exist under a brand
    $qualifiers_where = "";
    ##Added by Simha // for "others" values in qualifier filters
    //$otherkeys = array_keys($searchTerms['dynfilters'], "others");
    $extrasearch = '';
    foreach ($p_cols as $key => $value) {
        if (in_array($value, $otherkeys)) {
            $extrasearch .= ',MAX(' . $value . ') as ' . $value . '';
            $p_cols = array_values($p_cols);
    foreach ($v_cols as $key => $value) {
        if (in_array($value, $otherkeys)) {
            $extrasearch .= ',MAX(' . $value . ') as ' . $value . '';
            $v_cols = array_values($v_cols);
    ##Added by Simha Ends
    $v_cols_new = '';
    $p_cols_new = '';
    if (empty($p_cols)) {
        $p_cols_new = " '' as productoption ";
    } else {
        //$p_cols = " CONCAT_WS('~',".implode(' , ' , $p_cols).") as productoption ";
        //$p_cols = implode(' , ' , $p_cols);
        for ($k = 0; $k < count($p_cols); $k++) {
            //$p_cols = implode(' , ' , $p_cols);
            $p_cols_new .= " group_concat(DISTINCT " . $p_cols[$k] . " separator '~') as " . $p_cols[$k] . " ,";
    if (empty($v_cols)) {
        $v_cols_new = " '' as vehicleoption ";
    } else {
        //$v_cols = " CONCAT_WS('~',".implode(' , ' , $v_cols).") as vehicleoption ";
        //$v_cols = implode(' , ' , $v_cols);
        for ($k = 0; $k < count($v_cols); $k++) {
            //$p_cols = implode(' , ' , $p_cols);
            //2010-11-15 Ronnie modify,VQcabsize,VQbedsize not is Special
            /*if(	$v_cols[$k] == 'VQbedsize' )
            		$v_cols_new .= " group_concat( DISTINCT if( v.bedsize_generalname != '', v.bedsize_generalname, v.VQbedsize ) separator '~' ) as VQbedsize ,";
            		else if( $v_cols[$k] == 'VQcabsize' )
            		//$v_cols_new .= " group_concat( DISTINCT if( v.cabsize_generalname != '', v.cabsize_generalname, v.VQcabsize ) separator '~' ) as VQcabsize ,";
            		$v_cols_new .= " group_concat( DISTINCT  v.VQcabsize  separator '~' ) as VQcabsize ,";
            $v_cols_new .= " group_concat(DISTINCT " . $v_cols[$k] . " separator '~') as " . $v_cols[$k] . " ,";
    $v_cols_new = trim($v_cols_new, ',');
    $p_cols_new = trim($p_cols_new, ',');
    //lguan_20100612: Added rating into select fields list
    if (isset($searchTerms['flag_srch_brand']) && $GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG'] == 0 && (!isset($searchTerms['srch_category']) || isset($searchTerms['category'])) && !isset($searchTerms['partnumber'])) {
        $GLOBALS['srch_where'] = "c.catname , c.categoryid , c.catuniversal , group_concat(DISTINCT ca.categoryid separator '~') as subcatgids , pa.catname as parentcatname , group_concat(DISTINCT brandname separator '~') as brandname , min(fp.prodfinalprice) as prodminprice , max(fp.prodfinalprice) as prodmaxprice , bs.seriesphoto as imagefile , p.proddesc , prodwarranty , bs.seriesname, bs.displayname, p.brandseriesid , count(distinct p.productid) as totalproducts , bs.feature_points1 , bs.feature_points2 , bs.feature_points3 , bs.feature_points4 , bs.feature_points , bs.seriesimagealt ,  b.brandimagefile , b.brandlargefile , b.branddescription , b.brandfooter, bs.serieshoverimagefile,floor(SUM(p.prodratingtotal)/SUM(p.prodnumratings)) AS prodavgrating ";
        $joinQuery .= "LEFT JOIN isc_categories pa on pa.categoryid = c.catparentid";
        $orderBy = ' ORDER BY bs.seriessort ASC , bs.seriesname ASC ';
        $queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = " p.brandseriesid != 0 ";
        if (!empty($havingquery)) {
            $queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = implode(' AND ', $havingquery);
            $extrasearch = "";
    } else {
        if (isset($searchTerms['flag_srch_category']) && $searchTerms['flag_srch_category'] == 0 && (!isset($GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG']) || isset($GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG']) && $GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG'] == 0) && !isset($searchTerms['partnumber'])) {
            //wirror_20100809: add a return field for custom category filter
            //wirror_20101011: remove the group_concat products
            $GLOBALS['srch_where'] = "c.catname , c.categoryid , c.catuniversal , c.catimagealt , c.featurepoints , group_concat(DISTINCT brandname separator '~') as brandname , group_concat(DISTINCT p.brandseriesid separator '~') as seriesids , min(fp.prodfinalprice) as prodminprice , max(fp.prodfinalprice) as prodmaxprice , c.catimagefile as imagefile , c.cathoverimagefile , p.proddesc , prodwarranty , bs.seriesname, bs.displayname, p.brandseriesid , count(distinct p.productid) as totalproducts,floor(SUM(p.prodratingtotal)/SUM(p.prodnumratings)) AS prodavgrating ";
            $orderBy = ' ORDER BY c.catdeptid ASC, c.catsort ASC, c.catname ASC ';
            if (!empty($havingquery)) {
                $queryWhere1[] = $queryWhere[] = implode(' AND ', $havingquery);
                $extrasearch = "";
        } else {
            $GLOBALS['srch_where'] = $common_fields_product . "," . $fields . " , {$p_cols_new} , {$v_cols_new} , bs.seriesname, bs.displayname, p.brandseriesid , bs.seriesdescription ,  bs.seriesfooter , b.brandimagefile, bs.serieslogoimage ";
            $GLOBALS['srch_where'] .= $extrasearch;
    $query = "select " . $GLOBALS['srch_where'] . " from\n\t{$fromTable} {$joinQuery} WHERE 1=1  " . GetWhereWithAnd($queryWhere) . " {$outer_condition} ";
    $countQuery = "SELECT count(p.productid) " . $extrasearch . " FROM {$fromTable}\n\t{$joinQuery1} WHERE 1=1 " . GetWhereWithAnd($queryWhere) . " {$outer_condition} ";
    //wirror_yin20101102: put the join statement to $_GLOBALS
    $GLOBALS['join_query'] = $joinQuery;
    if (isset($havingquery) && count($havingquery) > 0) {
        $GLOBALS['having_query'] = " HAVING (" . implode(' AND ', $havingquery) . ")";
    } else {
        $GLOBALS['having_query'] = '';
    return array('query' => $query, 'countQuery' => $countQuery, 'orderby' => $orderBy);
 function GetProductQuery($fields = "")
     $searchTerms = $this->_searchterms;
     $queryWhere = array();
     $v_cols = array();
     $p_cols = array();
     $v_cols = isset($GLOBALS['sidev_cols']) ? $GLOBALS['sidev_cols'] : array();
     $p_cols = isset($GLOBALS['sidep_cols']) ? $GLOBALS['sidep_cols'] : array();
     //2011-3-23 Ronnie add, add fields {b.callbestprice bbestprice, c.callbestprice cbestprice, bs.callbestprice sbestprice}
     $common_fields_product = " b.callbestprice bbestprice, c.callbestprice cbestprice, bs.callbestprice sbestprice, p.prodcode, p.productid , b.brandname , c.categoryid, c.catname , c.catuniversal,p.proddateadded,csi.icon_file ";
     $common_fields_variation = " p.prodcode, v.productid, v.prodstartyear, v.prodendyear , v.prodmodel, v.prodsubmodel, v.prodmake ";
     $new_fields = " p.proddesc , p.prodname , p.proddescfeature , prodwarranty , p.prodvariationid,p.prodconfigfields,p.prodeventdaterequired,p.prodvendorid,p.prodprice,p.prodretailprice,p.prodsaleprice,p.prodistaxable,p.prodcatids,p.prodhideprice,p.prodinvtrack,p.prodcurrentinv,p.prodallowpurchases,p.prodbrandid,p.prodcalculatedprice,prodweight,prodheight ";
     // Construct the full text search part of the query
     /*$fulltext_fields = array("ps.prodname", "ps.prodcode", "ps.proddesc", "ps.prodsearchkeywords", "ps.prodalternates", "ps.prodmake", "ps.prodmodel", "ps.prodsubmodel", "ps.prodstartyear", "ps.prodendyear");*/
     $fulltext_fields = array("ps.prodname", "ps.prodcode", "ps.proddesc", "ps.prodsearchkeywords");
     if (!$fields) {
         $fields = "{$new_fields}, FLOOR(p.prodratingtotal/p.prodnumratings) AS prodavgrating, " . GetProdCustomerGroupPriceSQL() . ", ";
         $fields .= "pi.imageisthumb, pi.imagefile ";
         if (isset($searchTerms['search_query']) && $searchTerms['search_query'] != "") {
             //$fields .= ', '.$GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->FullText($fulltext_fields, $searchTerms['search_query'], false) . " as score ";
     $fields1 = $fields . " ,v. " . implode(",v.", $v_cols);
     if (isset($searchTerms['categoryid'])) {
         $searchTerms['category'] = array($searchTerms['categoryid']);
     // If we're searching by category, we need to completely
     // restructure the search query - so do that first
     $categorySearch = false;
     $categoryIds = array();
     if (isset($searchTerms['category']) && is_array($searchTerms['category'])) {
         foreach ($searchTerms['category'] as $categoryId) {
             // All categories were selected, so don't continue
             if ($categoryId == 0) {
                 $categorySearch = false;
             $categoryIds[] = (int) $categoryId;
             // If searching sub categories automatically, fetch & tack them on
             if (isset($searchTerms['searchsubs']) && $searchTerms['searchsubs'] == 'ON') {
                 $categoryIds = array_merge($categoryIds, GetChildCats($categoryId));
         $categoryIds = array_unique($categoryIds);
         if (!empty($categoryIds)) {
             $categorySearch = true;
     /* this below is condition is used when category is mentioned in search keyword */
     if (isset($searchTerms['srch_category'])) {
         $categorySearch = true;
         $categoryIds = $searchTerms['srch_category'];
     if ($categorySearch == true) {
         $qualifier_category = 1;
         $qualifier_flag = 1;
         /*$fromTable = 'isc_categoryassociations a, isc_products p ';
         			 $queryWhere[] = 'a.productid=p.productid AND a.categoryid IN ('.implode(',', $categoryIds).')';
         			 $fromTable1 = 'isc_categoryassociations a, isc_import_variations v ';
         			 $queryWhere1[] = 'a.productid=v.productid AND a.categoryid IN ('.implode(',', $categoryIds).')';*/
         if ($searchTerms['flag_srch_category'] == 1) {
             $fromTable = 'isc_products p USE INDEX (PRIMARY) ';
         } else {
             $fromTable = 'isc_products p ';
         //            $fromTable = 'isc_products p USE INDEX (categoryid) ';
         $queryWhere[] = 'c.categoryid IN (' . implode(',', $categoryIds) . ')';
         //$fromTable1 = 'isc_import_variations v ';
         $queryWhere1[] = 'c.categoryid IN (' . implode(',', $categoryIds) . ')';
     } else {
         $fromTable = 'isc_products p';
         //$fromTable1 = 'isc_import_variations v';
         $queryWhere[] = " c.categoryid is not null ";
     $GLOBALS['qualifiercategory'] = $qualifier_category;
     /*  this code is commented as we are no longer checking in search table as the records are split in product and variations table.
     		 if (isset($searchTerms['search_query']) && $searchTerms['search_query'] != "") {
     		 // Only need the product search table if we have a search query
     		 $joinQuery .= "INNER JOIN [|PREFIX|]product_search ps ON (p.productid=ps.productid) ";
     		 } else if ($sortField == "score") {
     		 // If we don't, we better make sure we're not sorting by score
     		 $sortField = "p.prodname";
     		 $sortOrder = "ASC";
     /* Below condition has been added if any product detail page is seen directly , need to assign it as array */
     if (!isset($searchTerms['dynfilters'])) {
         $searchTerms['dynfilters'] = array();
     $otherkeys = array_keys($searchTerms['dynfilters'], "others");
     $others_factor = '';
     if ( isset($searchTerms['partnumber']) || ( isset($searchTerms['flag_srch_category']) && $searchTerms['flag_srch_category'] == 1 ) || (isset($searchTerms['flag_srch_brand']) &&  $searchTerms['flag_srch_brand'] == 1 ) || isset($searchTerms['series']) || isset($searchTerms['subcategory']) )
     // listing page
     foreach ($otherkeys as $otherkey)  {
     //$others_factor .= " AND (".$otherkey." = '' OR ".$otherkey." IS NULL )";
     $others_factor .= " AND (".$otherkey." = '' OR ".$otherkey." IS NULL )";
     $partnumber_condition = "";
     if (!isset($searchTerms['partnumber'])) {
         //$partnumber_condition = "and c.catvisible = 1 ";
     $queryWhereTemp = $this->GetWhereBySearchItems($outer_condition, $havingquery);
     $queryWhere = array_merge($queryWhere, $queryWhereTemp);
     $where = "";
     if (count($queryWhere) > 0) {
         $where = " and " . implode(' AND ', $queryWhere);
     $qualifiers_where = "";
     ##Added by Simha // for "others" values in qualifier filters
     //$otherkeys = array_keys($searchTerms['dynfilters'], "others");
     $extrasearch = '';
     foreach ($p_cols as $key => $value) {
         if (in_array($value, $otherkeys)) {
             $extrasearch .= ',MAX(' . $value . ') as ' . $value . '';
             $p_cols = array_values($p_cols);
     foreach ($v_cols as $key => $value) {
         if (in_array($value, $otherkeys)) {
             $extrasearch .= ',MAX(' . $value . ') as ' . $value . '';
             $v_cols = array_values($v_cols);
     ##Added by Simha Ends
     $v_cols_new = '';
     $p_cols_new = '';
     if (empty($p_cols)) {
         $p_cols_new = " '' as productoption ";
     } else {
         $p_cols_new = " '' as temp_1088 ";
         //just for a empty column,don't cause sql error
     if (empty($v_cols)) {
         $v_cols_new = " '' as vehicleoption ";
     } else {
         $v_cols_new = " '' as temp_1089 ";
         //just for a empty column,don't cause sql error
     /*if(empty($p_cols)) {
     			$p_cols_new = " '' as productoption ";
     		} else {
     			//$p_cols = " CONCAT_WS('~',".implode(' , ' , $p_cols).") as productoption ";
     			//$p_cols = implode(' , ' , $p_cols);
     			{	//$p_cols = implode(' , ' , $p_cols);
     				$p_cols_new .= " group_concat(DISTINCT ".$p_cols[$k]." separator '~') as ".$p_cols[$k]." ,";
     		if(empty($v_cols)) {
     			$v_cols_new = " '' as vehicleoption ";
     		} else {
     			//$v_cols = " CONCAT_WS('~',".implode(' , ' , $v_cols).") as vehicleoption ";
     			//$v_cols = implode(' , ' , $v_cols);
     			{	//$p_cols = implode(' , ' , $p_cols);
     				//2010-11-15 Ronnie modify,VQcabsize,VQbedsize not is Special
     				/*if(	$v_cols[$k] == 'VQbedsize' )
     				 $v_cols_new .= " group_concat( DISTINCT if( v.bedsize_generalname != '', v.bedsize_generalname, v.VQbedsize ) separator '~' ) as VQbedsize ,";
     				 else if( $v_cols[$k] == 'VQcabsize' )
     				 //$v_cols_new .= " group_concat( DISTINCT if( v.cabsize_generalname != '', v.cabsize_generalname, v.VQcabsize ) separator '~' ) as VQcabsize ,";
     				 $v_cols_new .= " group_concat( DISTINCT  v.VQcabsize  separator '~' ) as VQcabsize ,";
     /*$v_cols_new .= " group_concat(DISTINCT ".$v_cols[$k]." separator '~') as ".$v_cols[$k]." ,";
     		$v_cols_new = trim($v_cols_new, ',');
     		$p_cols_new = trim($p_cols_new, ',');*/
     //$GLOBALS['srch_where'] = $common_fields_product.",".$fields." , $p_cols_new , $v_cols_new , bs.seriesname, bs.displayname, p.brandseriesid , bs.seriesdescription ,  bs.seriesfooter , b.brandimagefile, bs.serieslogoimage ";
     $GLOBALS['srch_where'] = $common_fields_product . "," . $fields . " , {$p_cols_new} , {$v_cols_new} , bs.seriesname, bs.displayname, p.brandseriesid , bs.seriesdescription ,  bs.seriesfooter , b.brandimagefile, bs.serieslogoimage ";
     $GLOBALS['srch_where'] .= $extrasearch;
     ##Added by mike
     $v_cols_new2 = '';
     $p_cols_new2 = '';
     if (!empty($p_cols)) {
         for ($k = 0; $k < count($p_cols); $k++) {
             $p_cols_new2 .= " " . $p_cols[$k] . " as " . $p_cols[$k] . " ,";
     if (!empty($v_cols)) {
         for ($k = 0; $k < count($v_cols); $k++) {
             $v_cols_new2 .= " " . $v_cols[$k] . "  as " . $v_cols[$k] . " ,";
     /*	$v_cols_new2 = trim($v_cols_new2, ',');
     		$p_cols_new2 = trim($p_cols_new2, ',');*/
     $PVCols = array_merge($p_cols, $v_cols);
     $PVColumns = $p_cols_new2 . $v_cols_new2;
     $PVColumns = trim($PVColumns, ',');
     $PVQuery = '';
     if (count($PVCols) > 0) {
         $PVQuery = " select p.productid," . $PVColumns . " FROM {$fromTable}\n\t\t\t" . $this->GetJoinCountQueryTables() . " WHERE 1=1 {$where} {$outer_condition} ";
     $query = "select " . $GLOBALS['srch_where'] . " from\n\t\t{$fromTable} " . $this->GetJoinQueryTables() . " WHERE 1=1 {$where} {$outer_condition} ";
     $countQuery = "SELECT count(p.productid) " . $extrasearch . " FROM {$fromTable}\n\t\t" . $this->GetJoinCountQueryTables() . " WHERE 1=1 {$where} {$outer_condition} ";
     //wirror_yin20101102: put the join statement to $_GLOBALS
     $GLOBALS['join_query'] = $this->GetJoinQueryTables();
     return array('query' => $query, 'countQuery' => $countQuery, 'orderby' => "", 'PVCols' => $PVCols, 'PVQuery' => $PVQuery);