Example #1
function Styles_HostsIDs($Element)
    $__args_types = array('string');
    $__args__ = Func_Get_Args();
    $Result = array();
    $HostsIDs = $GLOBALS['HOST_CONF']['HostsIDs'];
    if (isset($_COOKIE['StyleID'])) {
        Array_UnShift($HostsIDs, $_COOKIE['StyleID']);
    foreach ($HostsIDs as $HostID) {
        $Path = SPrintF('%s/styles/%s/%s', SYSTEM_PATH, $HostID, $Element);
        if (File_Exists($Path)) {
            $Result[] = $HostID;
    if (Count($Result) < 1) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(SPrintF('[Styles_HostsIDs]: не удалось найти хосты для элемента (%s)', $Element));
    return $Result;
Example #2
 * Metainformation catalogue
 * --------------------------------------------------
 * Lib_XML for MicKa
 * @link       http://www.bnhelp.cz
 * @package    Micka
 * @category   Metadata
 * @version    20121206
function applyTemplate($xmlSource, $xsltemplate)
    $rs = FALSE;
    if (File_Exists(CSW_XSL . '/' . $xsltemplate)) {
        if (!extension_loaded("xsl")) {
            if (substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3) == "WIN") {
            } else {
        $xp = new XsltProcessor();
        $xml = new DomDocument();
        $xsl = new DomDocument();
        $xsl->load(CSW_XSL . '/' . $xsltemplate);
        $xp->setParameter("", "user", $_SESSION['u']);
        $rs = $xp->transformToXml($xml);
    if ($rs === FALSE) {
        setMickaLog('applyTemplate === FALSE', 'ERROR', 'micka_lib_xml.php');
    return $rs;
Example #3
 public static function init()
     if (self::$instance === NULL) {
         try {
             Debug("[system/classes/auto/CacheManager.class.php]: Start initializing cache system.");
             if (Extension_Loaded(MemcachedCache::EXT_NAME) && File_Exists(SPrintF('%s/.memcached', SYSTEM_PATH))) {
                 Debug('[system/classes/auto/CacheManager.class.php]: Force load MemcachedCache');
                 self::$instance = MemcachedCache::getInstance();
             } else {
                 if (Extension_Loaded(APCCache::EXT_NAME)) {
                     Debug('[system/classes/auto/CacheManager.class.php]: Load APCCache');
                     self::$instance = APCCache::getInstance();
                 } else {
                     if (Extension_Loaded(MemcachedCache::EXT_NAME)) {
                         Debug('[system/classes/auto/CacheManager.class.php]: Load MemcachedCache');
                         self::$instance = MemcachedCache::getInstance();
                     } else {
                         throw new Exception("Any supported cache not installed in your sysytem.");
             Debug("Cache system has been initialized.");
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             Debug("Cache system has not been installed: " . $e->getTraceAsString());
     return self::$instance;
Example #4
 function WriteToLog($txt, $level)
     $this->logLevel = IntVal(COption::GetOptionString("mail", "smtp_log_level", "4"));
     if ($this->logLevel < $level) {
     if (MicroTime(true) - $this->startPeriodTimeTruncate > 600) {
         if ($this->logFile) {
         $this->logFile = null;
         if (File_Exists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $this->logFileName)) {
             $logSize = @FileSize($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $this->logFileName);
             $logSize = IntVal($logSize);
             if ($logSize > $this->logMaxSize) {
                 if (($fp = @FOpen($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $this->logFileName, "rb")) && ($fp1 = @FOpen($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $this->logFileName . "_", "wb"))) {
                     $iSeekLen = IntVal($logSize - $this->logMaxSize / 2.0);
                     FSeek($fp, $iSeekLen);
                     @FWrite($fp1, "Truncated " . Date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\n---------------------------------\n");
                     do {
                         $data = FRead($fp, 8192);
                         if (StrLen($data) == 0) {
                         @FWrite($fp1, $data);
                     } while (true);
                     @Copy($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $this->logFileName . "_", $_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $this->logFileName);
                     @UnLink($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $this->logFileName . "_");
         $this->startPeriodTimeTruncate = MicroTime(true);
     if (!$this->logFile || $this->logFile == null) {
         $this->logFile = FOpen($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . $this->logFileName, "a");
     if (!$this->logFile) {
         echo "Can't write to log\n---------------------------------\n";
     FWrite($this->logFile, Date("Y-m-d H:i:s") . "\t" . trim($txt) . "\n");
     //if ($level > 4)
     echo trim($txt) . "\n---------------------------------\n";
Example #5
function HTMLDoc_CreatePDF($ModeID, $HTML, $Prefix = '/')
    $__args_types = array('string', 'string,object', 'string');
    $__args__ = Func_Get_Args();
    if (Is_Object($HTML)) {
        $Tables = $HTML->GetByTagName('TABLE');
        for ($i = 0; $i < Count($Tables); $i++) {
            $Table =& $Tables[$i];
            switch (@$Table->Attribs['class']) {
                case 'Standard':
                    $Table->AddAttribs(array('border' => 2, 'cellspacing' => 0, 'cellpadding' => 5), TRUE);
                    # No more...
        $Tds = $HTML->GetByTagName('TD');
        for ($i = 0; $i < Count($Tds); $i++) {
            $Td =& $Tds[$i];
            switch (@$Td->Attribs['class']) {
                case 'Head':
                    $Td->AddAttribs(array('bgcolor' => '#ADC1F0'), TRUE);
                case 'Separator':
                    $Td->AddAttribs(array('bgcolor' => '#EAEAEA'), TRUE);
                    # No more...
        $Imgs = $HTML->GetByTagName('IMG');
        for ($i = 0; $i < Count($Imgs); $i++) {
            $Img =& $Imgs[$i];
            $Img->AddAttribs(array('src' => SPrintF('%s/%s', $Prefix, $Img->Attribs['src'])), TRUE);
        $HTML = $HTML->Build();
    $Config = Config();
    $Settings = $Config['HTMLDOC'];
    $Modes = $Settings['Modes'];
    $Mode = isset($Modes[$ModeID]) ? $Modes[$ModeID] : $ModeID;
    $Tmp = System_Element('tmp');
    if (Is_Error($Tmp)) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[HTMLDoc_CreatePDF]: временная папка не найдена');
    $Logs = SPrintF('%s/logs', $Tmp);
    if (!File_Exists($Logs)) {
        if (!@MkDir($Logs, 0777, TRUE)) {
            return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
    $HTML = @Mb_Convert_Encoding($HTML, $Settings['ConvertToCharset']);
    if (!$HTML) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[HTMLDoc_CreatePDF]: не удалось преобразовать кодировку');
    $UniqID = UniqID('HTMLDOC');
    $File = IO_Write($Path = SPrintF('%s/%s', $Tmp, $UniqID), $HTML);
    if (Is_Error($File)) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[HTMLDoc_CreatePDF]: не удалось создать временный файл');
    $Command = SPrintF('htmldoc %s %s', $Mode, $Path);
    if (!PutENV('HTMLDOC_NOCGI=1')) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[HTMLDoc_CreatePDF]: не удалось установить переменную окружения HTMLDOC_NOCGI');
    $HTMLDOC = @Proc_Open($Command, array(array('pipe', 'r'), array('pipe', 'w'), array('file', $Log = SPrintF('%s/HTMLDOC.log', $Logs), 'a')), $Pipes);
    if (!Is_Resource($HTMLDOC)) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[HTMLDoc_CreatePDF]: не удалось открыть процесс');
    $StdOut =& $Pipes[1];
    $Result = '';
    while (!Feof($StdOut)) {
        $Result .= FRead($StdOut, 1024);
    if (!UnLink($Path)) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[HTMLDoc_CreatePDF]: не удалось удалить временный файл');
    if (!$Result) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(SPrintF('[HTMLDoc_CreatePDF]: ошибка формирования PDF, смотрите (%s)', $Log));
    return $Result;
Example #6
    echo SPrintF("Очистка временной директории компилированных шаблонов\n");
if (File_Exists(SPrintF('%s/WhatsApp', $Tmp))) {
    if (Is_Error(IO_RmDir(SPrintF('%s///WhatsApp', $Tmp)))) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
    echo SPrintF("Очистка временной директории WhatsApp\n");
if (File_Exists($MyCnf)) {
$IsUpdate = DB_Update('Config', array('Value' => 'TRUE'), array('Where' => "`Param` = 'IsInitDB'"));
if (Is_Error($IsUpdate)) {
    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
$IsFlush = CacheManager::flush();
if (!$IsFlush) {
Example #7
 function Img($Image, $Dw = 200, $Dh = 300, $Type = 2)
     if (!File_Exists($Image)) {
         return False;
     // IF($Type!=1){
     Copy($Image, Str_Replace(".", "_x.", $Image));
     $Image = Str_Replace(".", "_x.", $Image);
     // }
     $ImgInfo = GetImageSize($Image);
     switch ($ImgInfo[2]) {
         case 1:
             $Img = @ImageCreateFromGIF($Image);
         case 2:
             $Img = @ImageCreateFromJPEG($Image);
         case 3:
             $Img = @ImageCreateFromPNG($Image);
     if (empty($Img)) {
         if ($Type != 1) {
         return False;
     if ($Type == 1) {
         $w = ImagesX($Img);
         $h = ImagesY($Img);
         $width = $w;
         $height = $h;
         if ($width > $Dw) {
             $Par = $Dw / $width;
             $width = $Dw;
             $height = $height * $Par;
             if ($height > $Dh) {
                 $Par = $Dh / $height;
                 $height = $Dh;
                 $width = $width * $Par;
         } elseif ($height > $Dh) {
             $Par = $Dh / $height;
             $height = $Dh;
             $width = $width * $Par;
             if ($width > $Dw) {
                 $Par = $Dw / $width;
                 $width = $Dw;
                 $height = $height * $Par;
         } else {
             $width = $width;
             $height = $height;
         $nImg = ImageCreateTrueColor($width, $height);
         ImageCopyReSampled($nImg, $Img, 0, 0, 0, 0, $width, $height, $w, $h);
         ImageJpeg($nImg, $Image);
         return True;
     } else {
         $w = ImagesX($Img);
         $h = ImagesY($Img);
         $width = $w;
         $height = $h;
         $nImg = ImageCreateTrueColor($Dw, $Dh);
         if ($h / $w > $Dh / $Dw) {
             $width = $Dw;
             $height = $h * $Dw / $w;
             $IntNH = $height - $Dh;
             ImageCopyReSampled($nImg, $Img, 0, -$IntNH / 1.8, 0, 0, $Dw, $height, $w, $h);
         } else {
             $height = $Dh;
             $width = $w * $Dh / $h;
             $IntNW = $width - $Dw;
             ImageCopyReSampled($nImg, $Img, -$IntNW / 1.8, 0, 0, 0, $width, $Dh, $w, $h);
         ImageJpeg($nImg, $Image);
         return True;
Example #8
function IO_Write($Path, $Data, $IsRewrite = FALSE, $Wait = 3)
    $__args_types = array('string', 'string', 'boolean', 'integer');
    $__args__ = Func_Get_Args();
    Debug(SPrintF('[IO_Write]: запись в файл (%s)', $Path));
    if (File_Exists($Path)) {
        $Start = Time() + $Wait;
        do {
        } while (!Is_Writable($Path) && Time() < $Start);
    } else {
        $Folder = DirName($Path);
        if (!File_Exists($Folder)) {
            Debug(SPrintF('[IO_Write]: создание директории (%s)', $Folder));
            if (!@MkDir($Folder, 0777, TRUE)) {
                return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(SPrintF('[IO_Write]: не возможно создать директорию (%s)', $Folder));
    $File = @Fopen($Path, $IsRewrite ? 'w' : 'a');
    if (!$File) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[IO_Write]: ошибка открытия файла');
    if (!@Fwrite($File, $Data)) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[IO_Write]: ошибка записи в файл');
    if (!@Fclose($File)) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[IO_Write]: ошибка закрытия файла');
    # почему закомменчено - не знаю. так было.
    #	if(!@ChMod($Path,0666))
    #		@Trigger_Error('[IO_Write]: ошибка установки прав на файл');
    return TRUE;
Example #9
function __ShutDown_Function__()
    global $__SETTINGS, $__MESSAGES, $__ERRORS;
    echo '</TABLE>';
    if (Count($__MESSAGES)) {
        echo '<H2>Сообщения:</H2><UL class="Standard">';
        foreach ($__MESSAGES as $__MESSAGE) {
            echo SPrintF('<LI>%s</LI>', $__MESSAGE);
        echo '</UL>';
    if (Count($__ERRORS)) {
        echo '<H2>Ошибки выполнения:</H2><UL class="Standard">';
        foreach ($__ERRORS as $__ERROR) {
            echo SPrintF('<LI><PRE>%s</PRE></LI>', $__ERROR);
        echo '</UL>';
    if (File_Exists(SPrintF('%s/INSTALL', SYSTEM_PATH))) {
        if (!@File_Put_Contents(SETTINGS_FILE, JSON_Encode($__SETTINGS))) {
            echo SPrintF('<P>Не удалось сохранить текущие настройки установки в файле (%s)</P>', SETTINGS_FILE);
    echo <<<EOD
Example #10
    $dPort = 3306;
if ($MYSQL_BIN) {
    echo SPrintF("Use mysql in (%s)\n", $MYSQL_BIN);
} else {
    $MYSQL_BIN = 'c:\\Program Files\\MySQL\\MySQL Server 5.1\\bin\\mysql.exe';
foreach (array('structure', 'views', 'permissions', 'triggers', 'functions', 'db') as $File) {
    $Path = SPrintF('./../../db/%s/%s.sql', $jHost, $File);
    if (File_Exists($Path)) {
        echo SPrintF("Install %s\n", $File);
        $MySQL = SPrintF('%s -u %s --password=%s --host=%s --port=%u %s', $MYSQL_BIN, $dUser, $dPassword, $dServer, $dPort, $dName);
        $Result = Exec(SPrintF('%s < %s 2>&1', $MySQL, $Path));
        if ($Result) {
            echo SPrintF("%s\n", $Result);
Example #11
$DOM->AddAttribs('MenuLeft', array('args' => 'Administrator/AddIns'));
$DOM->AddText('Title', 'Дополнения → Обслуживание системы → Логи системы');
$Tmp = System_Element('tmp');
if (Is_Error($Tmp)) {
    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
$Logs = SPrintF('%s/logs', $Tmp);
$NoBody = new Tag('NOBODY');
if (File_Exists($Logs)) {
    $Files = IO_Scan($Logs);
    if (Is_Error($Files)) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
    $Table = $Options = array();
    if (Count($Files)) {
        foreach ($Files as $File) {
            $Options[$File] = $File;
Example #12

 * Main reporting code
$m = new Memcached();
$m->addServer('/var/run/memcached/memcached.sock', 0);
$MakeMojangNewsRequest = false;
if (!($PSA = $m->get('mc_status_mojang'))) {
    $MakeMojangNewsRequest = true;
require __DIR__ . '/MinecraftStatusChecker.class.php';
$MinecraftStatus = new MinecraftStatusChecker($MakeMojangNewsRequest);
$Answer = array('v' => 10, 'last_updated' => Date('H:i:s T'), 'report' => $MinecraftStatus->GetReport());
unset($MakeMojangNewsRequest, $MinecraftStatus);
if (File_Exists('psa.txt')) {
    if ($PSA != false) {
        $PSA .= '<hr class="dotted">';
    $PSA .= File_Get_Contents('psa.txt');
if ($PSA != false) {
    $Answer['psa'] = $PSA;
$Raw = $Answer['report'];
foreach ($Raw as $Service => $Report) {
    $Downs = (int) $m->get('mc_status_' . $Service);
    if ($Report['status'] === MinecraftStatusChecker::STATUS_OFFLINE) {
        $Answer['report'][$Service]['downtime'] = '±' . ++$Downs;
Example #13

/** @author Alex Keda, for www.host-food.ru */
$ConfigPath = SPrintF('%s/hosts/%s/config/Config.xml', SYSTEM_PATH, HOST_ID);
if (File_Exists($ConfigPath)) {
    $File = IO_Read($ConfigPath);
    if (Is_Error($File)) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
    $XML = String_XML_Parse($File);
    if (Is_Exception($XML)) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
    $Config = $XML->ToArray();
    $Config = $Config['XML'];
} else {
    $Config = array();
Example #14

/** Enter point. */
include File_Exists('INSTALL') ? './install/index.php' : './core/Load.php';
Example #15
function __Error_Handler__($Number, $Error, $File, $Line)
    $Message = SPrintF('[!!%s]-%s в линии %s файла %s', $Number, $Error, $Line, $File);
    $__ERR_CODE =& $GLOBALS['__ERR_CODE'];
    if ((int) $Error && $__ERR_CODE == 100) {
        $__ERR_CODE = $Error;
    Debug(SPrintF('[!] %s', $Message));
    //Debug(SPrintF('[!] %s',debug_print_backtrace()));
    if (Error_Reporting()) {
        $JBsErrorID = SPrintF('%s[%s]', HOST_ID, Md5(Implode(':', array($Number, $Error, $Line, $File))));
        $__SYSLOG =& $GLOBALS['__SYSLOG'];
        $Log = Implode("\n", $__SYSLOG);
        Report($JBsErrorID, $JBsErrorID);
        foreach (array(SYSTEM_PATH, '/tmp') as $Folder) {
            $Path = SPrintF('%s/jbs-errors.log', $Folder);
            if (File_Exists($Path)) {
                if (FileSize($Path) > 1024 * 1024) {
            if (!@File_Put_Contents($Path, SPrintF("%s\n\n%s\n\n", $JBsErrorID, $Log), FILE_APPEND)) {
                Debug(SPrintF('[__Error_Handler__]: не удалось осуществить запись ошибки в системный лог (%s)', $Path));
        if (File_Exists(SPrintF('%s/DEBUG.OUT', SYSTEM_PATH)) || !isset($_SERVER["REMOTE_PORT"])) {
        } else {
            $Errors = array(100 => 'Ошибка выполнения', 101 => 'Неизвестный результат', 201 => 'Неверные параметры', 400 => 'Ошибка данных', 500 => 'Системная ошибка', 600 => 'Ошибка политики безопасности', 601 => 'Неверный реферер', 602 => 'Отсутствует реферер', 603 => 'Неверный ключ CSRF', 700 => 'Нарушение политики прав');
            $FilePath = SPrintF('%s/hosts/root/templates/modules/Trigger.Error.html', SYSTEM_PATH);
            if (Is_Readable($FilePath)) {
                $Result = @File_Get_Contents($FilePath);
            } else {
                $Result = SPrintF("Cannot read error file: %s<BR />\nError: %%s<BR />\n<!--%%s-->\nErrorID: %%s\n<!--%%s-->", $FilePath);
            $String = SPrintF('%s (%s)', $Errors[$__ERR_CODE], $__ERR_CODE);
            @Header(SPrintF('JBs-ErrorID: %s', $JBsErrorID));
            if (isset($_POST['XMLHttpRequest'])) {
                $Answer = array('Error' => array('CodeID' => $__ERR_CODE, 'String' => $String), 'Status' => 'Error');
            } else {
                exit(SPrintF($Result, $String, $String, $JBsErrorID, Date('Y', Time())));
Example #16

$Path = SPrintF('%s/styles/%s/Images', SYSTEM_PATH, HOST_ID);
$Sign = SPrintF('%s/Sign.bmp', $Path);
if (!File_Exists($Sign)) {
    return TRUE;
if (!@Copy($Sign, SPrintF('%s/dSign.bmp', $Path))) {
    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
if (!@Copy($Sign, SPrintF('%s/aSign.bmp', $Path))) {
    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
if (!@UnLink($Sign)) {
    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
return TRUE;
Example #17
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(101);
$Table1[] = 'Уровень патчей файлов';
$HostsIDs = $GLOBALS['HOST_CONF']['HostsIDs'];
foreach ($HostsIDs as $HostID) {
    $LastPatchFile = SPrintF('%s/hosts/%s/.LastPatchFiles', SYSTEM_PATH, $HostID);
    if (File_Exists($LastPatchFile)) {
        $handle = fopen($LastPatchFile, "rb");
        $FileVer = fread($handle, filesize($LastPatchFile));
        $Table1[] = array($HostID, $FileVer);
$Comp = Comp_Load('Tables/Standard', $Table1);
if (Is_Error($Comp)) {
    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
Example #18
 public function IsExists()
     $SessionID = $this->SessionID;
     if (!$SessionID) {
         return FALSE;
     $Tmp = System_Element('tmp');
     if (Is_Error($Tmp)) {
         return ERROR | @Trigger_Error('[Session->IsExists]: не удалось найти временную папку');
     if (!File_Exists(SPrintF('%s/sessions/%s', $Tmp, $SessionID))) {
         return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
Example #19

$Real = SPrintF('%s/hosts/%s/domtemplates/Base.xml', SYSTEM_PATH, HOST_ID);
if (File_Exists($Real)) {
    $Source = IO_Read($Real);
    if (Is_Error($Source)) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
    $Replace = <<<EOD
<TD id="Context">
     <TABLE cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" height="100%">
       <COMP id="MenuLeft" path="Menus/Left" />
       <TD valign="top">
        <DIV class="Title" id="Title" />
        <TABLE width="100%" cellspacing="5" cellpadding="0">
          <TD id="Into" />
    $Source = Str_Replace('<TD id="Main" />', $Replace, $Source);
Example #20

 *Name:Itme Emtry
//Access Flag
Defined('FLAG') or Define('FLAG', 'flag');
//Judge Folder
if (!File_Exists('./CORE')) {
    die('ERROR! NOT CORE FILE');
//using Basic Framework
require './CORE/Basic.php';
Example #21
        function Print_Contribution_Message()
            if (Count($this->Get_Extension_Names()) == 0) {
                return False;
            global $current_user;
            $arr_extension = $this->Get_Extension_Names();
            if (File_Exists(DirName(__FILE__) . '/contribution.png')) {
 <img src="<?php 
                echo $this->base_url;
/contribution.png" class="alignright" style="margin-left:10px" /> <?php 
 <div style="text-align:justify"> <?php 
            if ($this->is_dashboard) {
            } else {
            PrintF($this->t('Hello %1$s!'), $current_user->display_name);
</h4> <?php 
            if ($this->is_dashboard) {
            } else {
            if (Count($arr_extension) == 1) {
 <p> <?php 
                PrintF($this->t('Thank you for using my WordPress plugin %s.'), $arr_extension[0]);
                echo $this->t('I am sure you will enjoy the new features and you will surely find out fast that this plugin is very useful for you.');
 <p> <p> <?php 
                echo $this->t('You can use and test it without any limitation of functionality or availability for your personal purposes.');
 </p> <?php 
            } else {
 <p> <?php 
                PrintF($this->t('Thank you for using %1$s of my WordPress plugins: %2$s.'), $this->Number_to_Word(Count($arr_extension)), $this->Extended_Implode($arr_extension, ', ', ' ' . $this->t('and') . ' '));
                echo $this->t('I am sure you will enjoy the new features and you will surely find out fast that these plugins are very useful for you.');
 </p> <p> <?php 
                echo $this->t('You can use and test these plugins without any limitation of functionality or availability for your personal purposes.');
 </p> <?php 
 <p> <?php 
            echo $this->t('But please make a contribution in order to support that my plugins can be developed further more.');
            echo $this->t('... <em>and to remove this Notification!</em>');
</small> </p> <p> (<small><?php 
            PrintF($this->t('If you have already donated in the past and lost your voucher please %sdrop me a line%s.'), '<a href="http://dennishoppe.de/contribution-voucher-code" target="_blank">', '</a>');
</small>) </p> </div> <ul> <li><?php 
            echo $this->t('Make a gift of the Amazon Wish List');
: <ul> <li>&raquo; <a href="http://amzn.com/w/1A45MS7KY75CY" title="<?php 
            echo $this->t('Amazon USA');
" target="_blank"><?php 
            echo $this->t('Amazon USA');
</a></li> <li>&raquo; <a href="http://www.amazon.de/wishlist/2AG0R8BHEOJOL" title="<?php 
            echo $this->t('Amazon Germany');
" target="_blank"><?php 
            echo $this->t('Amazon Germany');
</a></li> </ul> </li> <li class="hide_if_js"><?php 
            echo $this->t('Make a contribution via PayPal');
: <ul> <li>&raquo; <a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&amp;hosted_button_id=1220480" target="_blank">United States dollar ($)</a></li> <li>&raquo; <a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&amp;hosted_button_id=U49F54BMWKNHU" target="_blank">Pound sterling (&pound;)</a></li> <li>&raquo; <a href="https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&amp;hosted_button_id=HECSPGLPTQL24" target="_blank">Euro (&euro;)</a></li> </ul> </li> <li class="show_if_js" style="display:none"><?php 
            echo $this->t('Make a contribution via PayPal');
: <ul> <li>&raquo; <a href="#" title="<?php 
            echo $this->t('Make a contribution in US Dollars');
" class="dennis_hoppe_contribution_show_ui">United States Dollar ($)</a> <div class="dennis_hoppe_contribution_ui"> <?php 
            echo $this->t('Amount');
: <input type="hidden" class="dennis_hoppe_contribution_currency" value="USD" /> <select class="dennis_hoppe_contribution_amount"> <option value="" disabled="disabled" selected="selected"><?php 
            echo $this->t('Amount in USD');
</option> <?php 
            for ($amount = 6.95; $amount < 100; $amount *= 1.3) {
 <option value="<?php 
                echo Number_Format($amount, 2, '.', '');
                echo Number_Format($amount, 2);
</option> <?php 
 </select> <input type="button" class="dennis_hoppe_contribution_button button-primary" value="<?php 
            echo $this->t('Proceed to PayPal');
 &rarr;" title="<?php 
            echo $this->t('Proceed to PayPal');
" disabled="disabled" /> </div> </li> <li>&raquo; <a href="#" title="<?php 
            echo $this->t('Make a contribution in Pound sterling');
" class="dennis_hoppe_contribution_show_ui">Pound Sterling (&pound;)</a> <div class="dennis_hoppe_contribution_ui hide_if_js"> <?php 
            echo $this->t('Amount');
: <input type="hidden" class="dennis_hoppe_contribution_currency" value="GBP" /> <select class="dennis_hoppe_contribution_amount"> <option value="" disabled="disabled" selected="selected"><?php 
            echo $this->t('Amount in GBP');
</option> <?php 
            for ($amount = 5.95; $amount < 100; $amount *= 1.3) {
 <option value="<?php 
                echo Number_Format($amount, 2, '.', '');
                echo Number_Format($amount, 2);
</option> <?php 
 </select> <input type="button" class="dennis_hoppe_contribution_button button-primary" value="<?php 
            echo $this->t('Proceed to PayPal');
 &rarr;" title="<?php 
            echo $this->t('Proceed to PayPal');
" disabled="disabled" /> </div> </li> <li>&raquo; <a href="#" title="<?php 
            echo $this->t('Make a contribution in Euro');
" class="dennis_hoppe_contribution_show_ui">Euro (&euro;)</a> <div class="dennis_hoppe_contribution_ui hide_if_js"> <?php 
            echo $this->t('Amount');
: <input type="hidden" class="dennis_hoppe_contribution_currency" value="EUR" /> <select class="dennis_hoppe_contribution_amount"> <option value="" disabled="disabled" selected="selected"><?php 
            echo $this->t('Amount in EUR');
</option> <?php 
            for ($amount = 5.95; $amount < 100; $amount *= 1.3) {
 <option value="<?php 
                echo Number_Format($amount, 2, '.', '');
                echo Number_Format($amount, 2, ',', '');
&euro;</option> <?php 
 </select> <input type="button" class="dennis_hoppe_contribution_button button-primary" value="<?php 
            echo $this->t('Proceed to PayPal');
 &rarr;" title="<?php 
            echo $this->t('Proceed to PayPal');
" disabled="disabled" /> </div> </li> <li>&raquo; <a href="#" title="<?php 
            echo $this->t('Make a contribution in another currency');
" class="dennis_hoppe_contribution_show_ui"><?php 
            echo $this->t('Other currency');
</a> <div class="dennis_hoppe_contribution_ui hide_if_js"> <input type="hidden" class="dennis_hoppe_contribution_amount" value="" /> <select class="dennis_hoppe_contribution_currency"> <option value="" disabled="disabled" selected="selected"><?php 
            echo $this->t('International currency');
</option> <option value="CAD">Dollar canadien (C$)</option> <option value="JPY">Yen (&yen;)</option> <option value="AUD">Australian dollar (A$)</option> <option value="CHF">Franken (SFr)</option> <option value="NOK">Norsk krone (kr)</option> <option value="SEK">Svensk krona (kr)</option> <option value="DKK">Dansk krone (kr)</option> <option value="PLN">Polski zloty</option> <option value="HUF">Magyar forint (Ft)</option> <option value="CZK">koruna česká (Kč)</option> <option value="SGD">Ringgit Singapura (S$)</option> <option value="HKD">Hong Kong dollar (HK$)</option> <option value="ILS">שקל חדש (₪)</option> <option value="MXN">Peso mexicano (Mex$)</option> <option value="NZD">Tāra o Aotearoa (NZ$)</option> <option value="PHP">Piso ng Pilipinas (piso)</option> <option value="TWD">New Taiwan dollar (NT$)</option> </select> <input type="button" class="dennis_hoppe_contribution_button button-primary" value="<?php 
            echo $this->t('Proceed to PayPal');
 &rarr;" title="<?php 
            echo $this->t('Proceed to PayPal');
" disabled="disabled" /> </div> </li> </ul> </li> </ul> <?php 
            if ($this->is_dashboard && current_user_can('activate_plugins')) {
 <div class="remove-notification" style="text-align:right"> <form action="<?php 
                echo Admin_Url('plugins.php');
" method="post"> <input type="hidden" name="action" value="deactivate-selected"> <?php 
                foreach ($this->Get_Extension_Files() as $plugin_file) {
 <input type="hidden" name="checked[]" value="<?php 
                    echo $plugin_file;
"> <?php 
 <p> <input type="submit" value="<?php 
                echo $this->t('No thanks. Remove this box now!');
" class="button"> </p> </form> </div> <?php 
 <div class="clear"></div><?php 
Example #22
 Debug(SPrintF('[comp/Tasks/ServiceCreate]: Script = %s', $File));
 if (IntVal($Order['ServerID']) == 0) {
     return new gException('SERVER_NOT_SET', 'Для услуги не задан сервер размещения, скрипт не может быть выполнен. Создайте для услуги группу серверов, назначьте в неё сервер, после чего сделайте заказ заново');
 # находим полный путь к файлу
 if (SubStr($File, 0, 1) != '/') {
     $File = SPrintF('%s/hosts/%s/scripts/%s', SYSTEM_PATH, HOST_ID, $File);
 # проверяем наличие файла по этому пути
 if (!File_Exists($File)) {
     return new gException('FILE_NOT_FOUND', SPrintF("Файл '%s' не найден", $File));
 $Server = DB_Select('Servers', array('*'), array('UNIQ', 'ID' => $Order['ServerID']));
 switch (ValueOf($Server)) {
     case 'error':
         return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
     case 'exception':
     case 'array':
         return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(101);
Example #23
function GetFileMimeType($Table, $ID)
    $Path = GetFilePath($Table, $ID);
    if (File_Exists($Path['FilePath'])) {
        $Mime = FInfo_File(FInfo_Open(FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE), $Path['FilePath']);
        Debug(SPrintF('[system/libs/Upload]: get file type: %s (%s)', $Path['FilePath'], $Mime));
        //return Mime_Content_Type($Path['FilePath']);
        return $Mime;
    return 'application/octetstream';
Example #24
 private function CreateHandle($Master, $URL)
     $Slave = cURL_Init();
     $File = $URL['File'];
     $Options = $this->Options;
     $Options[CURLOPT_URL] = $this->GenerateURL($URL['URL']);
     $this->Requests[(int) $Slave] = $File;
     if ($this->UseCache) {
         // If we have an ETag saved, add If-None-Match header
         if (Array_Key_Exists($File, $this->ETags)) {
             $Options[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER] = array('If-None-Match: ' . $this->ETags[$File]);
         } else {
             if (File_Exists($File)) {
                 $Options[CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER] = array('If-Modified-Since: ' . GMDate('D, d M Y H:i:s \\G\\M\\T', FileMTime($File)));
     cURL_SetOpt_Array($Slave, $Options);
     cURL_Multi_Add_Handle($Master, $Slave);
     return $Slave;
Example #25
 public function ReceiveMessage($senderJId, array $arMessage, CXMPPClient $senderClient)
     if (!$senderClient->IsAuthenticated()) {
         return false;
     if (strlen($senderJId) <= 0) {
         return false;
     if (!array_key_exists("iq", $arMessage) || !array_key_exists("vcard", $arMessage["iq"]) || $arMessage["iq"]["vcard"]["."]["xmlns"] != "vcard-temp") {
         return false;
     $type = "";
     if (array_key_exists("type", $arMessage["iq"]["."])) {
         $type = $arMessage["iq"]["."]["type"];
     if ($type == "get") {
         $to = $arMessage["iq"]["."]["to"];
         $arUser = CXMPPUtility::GetUserByJId($to);
         if ($arUser) {
             $photoType = "";
             $photo = "";
             if (intval($arUser["PERSONAL_PHOTO"]) > 0) {
                 $imageFile = CFile::GetFileArray($arUser["PERSONAL_PHOTO"]);
                 if ($imageFile !== false) {
                     $arFileTmp = CFile::ResizeImageGet($imageFile, array("width" => 300, "height" => 300), BX_RESIZE_IMAGE_PROPORTIONAL, false);
                     if (is_array($arFileTmp)) {
                         $arFileTmp = CFile::MakeFileArray($arFileTmp["src"]);
                     $photoType = $imageFile["CONTENT_TYPE"];
                     if (File_Exists($arFileTmp["tmp_name"])) {
                         $photo = File_Get_Contents($arFileTmp["tmp_name"]);
                         $photo = Base64_Encode($photo);
             if (empty($photo)) {
                 $photoType = "image/gif";
                 if (File_Exists($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/bitrix/images/socialnetwork/nopic_user_150.gif")) {
                     $photo = File_Get_Contents($_SERVER["DOCUMENT_ROOT"] . "/bitrix/images/socialnetwork/nopic_user_150.gif");
                     $photo = Base64_Encode($photo);
             $arResult = array("iq" => array("." => array("type" => "result", "from" => $to, "to" => $senderJId, "id" => $arMessage['iq']['.']['id']), "vCard" => array("." => array("xmlns" => "vcard-temp", "prodid" => '-//HandGen//NONSGML vGen v1.0//EN', "version" => '2.0'), "FN" => array("#" => CUser::FormatName($this->nameTemplate, $arUser)), "N" => array("FAMILY" => array("#" => $arUser["LAST_NAME"]), "GIVEN" => array("#" => $arUser["NAME"]), "MIDDLE" => array("#" => $arUser["SECOND_NAME"])), "NICKNAME" => array("#" => CUser::FormatName($this->nameTemplate, $arUser)), "BDAY" => array("#" => ConvertDateTime($arUser["PERSONAL_BIRTHDAY"], "YYYY-MM-DD", SITE_ID)), "ORG" => array("ORGNAME" => array("#" => $arUser["WORK_COMPANY"]), "ORGUNIT" => array("#" => $arUser["WORK_DEPARTMENT"])), "TITLE" => array("#" => $arUser["WORK_POSITION"]), "EMAIL" => array("INTERNET" => array("#" => ""), "PREF" => array("#" => ""), "USERID" => array("#" => $arUser["EMAIL"])), "JABBERID" => array("#" => $to), "PHOTO" => array("TYPE" => array("#" => $photoType), "BINVAL" => array("#" => $photo)))));
             if (strlen($arUser["WORK_FAX"]) > 0) {
                 $arResult["iq"]["vCard"]["TEL"][] = array("WORK" => array("#" => ""), "FAX" => array("#" => ""), "NUMBER" => array("#" => $arUser["WORK_FAX"]));
             if (strlen($arUser["PERSONAL_MOBILE"]) > 0) {
                 $arResult["iq"]["vCard"]["TEL"][] = array("HOME" => array("#" => ""), "CELL" => array("#" => ""), "NUMBER" => array("#" => $arUser["PERSONAL_MOBILE"]));
             if (strlen($arUser["WORK_PHONE"]) > 0) {
                 $arResult["iq"]["vCard"]["TEL"][] = array("WORK" => array("#" => ""), "VOICE" => array("#" => ""), "NUMBER" => array("#" => $arUser["WORK_PHONE"]));
             if (strlen($arUser["PERSONAL_PHONE"]) > 0) {
                 $arResult["iq"]["vCard"]["TEL"][] = array("HOME" => array("#" => ""), "VOICE" => array("#" => ""), "NUMBER" => array("#" => $arUser["PERSONAL_PHONE"]));
             if (strlen($arUser["PERSONAL_FAX"]) > 0) {
                 $arResult["iq"]["vCard"]["TEL"][] = array("HOME" => array("#" => ""), "FAX" => array("#" => ""), "NUMBER" => array("#" => $arUser["PERSONAL_FAX"]));
             if (strlen($arUser["WORK_STREET"]) > 0 || strlen($arUser["WORK_CITY"]) > 0 || strlen($arUser["WORK_COUNTRY"]) > 0) {
                 $arResult["iq"]["vCard"]["ADR"][] = array("WORK" => array("#" => ""), "EXTADD" => array("#" => ""), "STREET" => array("#" => $arUser["WORK_STREET"]), "LOCALITY" => array("#" => $arUser["WORK_CITY"]), "REGION" => array("#" => $arUser["WORK_STATE"]), "PCODE" => array("#" => $arUser["WORK_ZIP"]), "CTRY" => array("#" => GetCountryByID($arUser["WORK_COUNTRY"])));
             if (strlen($arUser["PERSONAL_STREET"]) > 0 || strlen($arUser["PERSONAL_CITY"]) > 0 || strlen($arUser["PERSONAL_COUNTRY"]) > 0) {
                 $arResult["iq"]["vCard"]["ADR"][] = array("HOME" => array("#" => ""), "EXTADD" => array("#" => ""), "STREET" => array("#" => $arUser["PERSONAL_STREET"]), "LOCALITY" => array("#" => $arUser["PERSONAL_CITY"]), "REGION" => array("#" => $arUser["PERSONAL_STATE"]), "PCODE" => array("#" => $arUser["PERSONAL_ZIP"]), "CTRY" => array("#" => GetCountryByID($arUser["PERSONAL_COUNTRY"])));
             if ($senderJId != $to) {
                 $arResult["iq"]["."]["from"] = $to;
             //print_r($arResult);echo "\n*****************************************\n";
         } else {
             $arResult = array("iq" => array("." => array("type" => "error", "to" => $senderJId, "id" => $arMessage['iq']['.']['id']), "vCard" => array("." => array("xmlns" => "vcard-temp")), "error" => array("." => array("type" => "cancel"), "item-not-found" => array("." => array("xmlns" => "urn:ietf:params:xml:ns:xmpp-stanzas")))));
             if ($senderJId != $to) {
                 $arResult["iq"]["."]["from"] = $to;
     } elseif ($type == "set") {
         $arResult = array("iq" => array("." => array("type" => "result", "from" => $senderClient->GetClientDomain(), "id" => $arMessage['iq']['.']['id'])));
     return $arResult;
Example #26

$Link = SPrintF('%s/styles', $Folder);
if (!File_Exists($Link)) {
    if (!SymLink(SPrintF('%s/styles', SYSTEM_PATH), $Link)) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
$HtAccess = IO_Read(SPrintF('%s/.htaccess', $Folder));
if (Is_Error($HtAccess)) {
    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
$HtAccess = Str_Replace('Styles', 'styles', $HtAccess);
$IsWrite = IO_Write(SPrintF('%s/.htaccess', $Folder), $HtAccess, TRUE);
if (Is_Error($IsWrite)) {
    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
@UnLink(SPrintF('%s/Styles', $Folder));
return TRUE;
Example #27
/** @author Великодный В.В. (Joonte Ltd.) */
$Tmp = System_Element('tmp');
if (Is_Error($Tmp)) {
    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
$Folder = SPrintF('%s/files', $Tmp);
if (File_Exists($Folder)) {
    $Files = IO_Scan($Folder);
    if (Is_Error($Files)) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
    foreach ($Files as $File) {
        $Path = SPrintF('%s/%s', $Folder, $File);
        if (Time() - FileMTime($Path) > 86400) {
            if (!@UnLink($Path)) {
                return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(SPrintF('[comp/Tasks/Temp]: не удалось удалить файл (%s)', $Path));
Example #28
function Started_Contract_Register($Settings, $PepsonID, $Person, $DomainZone)
    $__args_types = array('array', 'string', 'array', 'string');
    $__args__ = Func_Get_Args();
    $HTTP = array('Protocol' => $Settings['Protocol'], 'Port' => $Settings['Port'], 'Address' => $Settings['Address'], 'Host' => $Settings['Address'], 'IsLogging' => $Settings['Params']['IsLogging']);
    $Reseller = new Tag('reseller');
    $Reseller->AddChild(new Tag('login', $Settings['Login']));
    $Reseller->AddChild(new Tag('password', $Settings['Password']));
    $Tmp = System_Element('tmp');
    if (Is_Error($Tmp)) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
    $pCountry = isset($Person['PasportCountry']) ? $Person['PasportCountry'] : $Person['pCountry'];
    $Path = SPrintF('%s/started/states[%s].json', $Tmp, $pCountry);
    if (File_Exists($Path)) {
        $States = IO_Read($Path);
        if (Is_Error($States)) {
            return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
        $States = JSON_Decode($States, TRUE);
        if (!$States) {
            return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
    } else {
        $Request = new Tag('RequestBody', $Reseller);
        $objCountry = new Tag('objCountry');
        $objCountry->AddChild(new Tag('method', 'getRegions'));
        $objCountry->AddChild(new Tag('country', $pCountry));
        $Post = SprintF("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n%s", $Request->ToXMLString());
        $Responce = HTTP_Send('/', $HTTP, array(), $Post, array('Content-type: text/xml'));
        if (Is_Error($Responce)) {
            return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
        $Response = Trim($Responce['Body']);
        $Answer = String_XML_Parse($Response);
        if (Is_Exception($Answer)) {
            return new gException('WRONG_ANSWER', $Response, $Answer);
        $States = Current($States->ToArray('item'));
        $IsWrite = IO_Write($Path, JSON_Encode($States), TRUE);
        if (Is_Error($IsWrite)) {
            return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
    $objUser = new Tag('objUser');
    $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('method', 'create'));
    $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('email', $Person['Email']));
    $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('password', SubStr(Md5(UniqID()), -8)));
    $IsRussian = In_Array(isset($Person['PasportCountry']) ? $Person['PasportCountry'] : $Person['pCountry'], array('RU', 'BY', 'UA'));
    switch ($PepsonID) {
        case 'Natural':
            $pStateID = 0;
            $pState = $Person['pState'];
            foreach ($States as $State) {
                if (Preg_Match(SPrintF('/%s/', StrToLower($State['title'])), StrToLower($pState))) {
                    $pStateID = $State['id'];
                    Debug(SPrintF('Найдена область: %s', $pStateID));
            if (!$pStateID) {
                Debug(SPrintF('Область не найдена, проверьте название области (%s)', $pState));
                return new gException('POST_REGION_NOT_FOUND', 'Область почтового адреса не найдена');
            $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('type', 'person'));
            if ($IsRussian) {
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('fname', $Person['Name']));
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('lname', $Person['Lastname']));
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('mname', $Person['Sourname']));
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('doc_issued', $Person['PasportWhom']));
            } else {
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('fname', Translit($Person['Name'])));
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('lname', Translit($Person['Lastname'])));
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('mname', Translit($Person['Sourname'])));
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('doc_issued', Translit($Person['PasportWhom'])));
            $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('p_inn', ''));
            $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('doc_serial', $Person['PasportLine']));
            $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('doc_number', $Person['PasportNum']));
            $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('doc_date', $Person['PasportDate']));
            $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('birth_date', $Person['BornDate']));
            $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('country', StrToLower(isset($Person['PasportCountry']) ? $Person['PasportCountry'] : $Person['pCountry'])));
            $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('zip', $Person['pIndex']));
            $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('state', $pStateID));
            $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('city_type', 'city'));
            $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('addr_type', StrToLower($Person['pType'])));
            if ($IsRussian) {
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('city', $Person['pCity']));
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('addr', SPrintF('%s %s', $Person['pType'], $Person['pAddress'])));
            } else {
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('city', Translit($Person['pCity'])));
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('addr', Translit(SPrintF('%s %s', $Person['pType'], $Person['pAddress']))));
            $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('pzip', $Person['pIndex']));
            $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('pstate', $pStateID));
            $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('pcity_type', 'city'));
            $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('paddr_type', StrToLower($Person['pType'])));
            if ($IsRussian) {
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('pcity', $Person['pCity']));
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('paddr', SPrintF('%s %s', $Person['pType'], $Person['pAddress'])));
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('pto', $Person['pRecipient']));
            } else {
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('pcity', Translit($Person['pCity'])));
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('paddr', Translit(SPrintF('%s %s', $Person['pType'], $Person['pAddress']))));
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('pto', Translit($Person['pRecipient'])));
        case 'Juridical':
            $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('type', 'organization'));
            if ($IsRussian) {
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('fname', $Person['dName']));
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('lname', $Person['dLastname']));
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('mname', $Person['dSourname']));
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('org', SPrintF('%s "%s"', $Person['CompanyFormFull'], $Person['CompanyName'])));
            } else {
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('fname', Translit($Person['dName'])));
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('lname', Translit($Person['dLastname'])));
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('mname', Translit($Person['dSourname'])));
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('org', SPrintF('%s %s', Translit($Person['CompanyName']), Translit($Person['CompanyFormFull']))));
            $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('o_inn', $Person['Inn']));
            $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('kpp', $Person['Kpp']));
            $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('country', StrToLower($Person['jCountry'])));
            $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('zip', $Person['jIndex']));
            $jStateID = 0;
            $jState = $Person['jState'];
            foreach ($States as $State) {
                if (Preg_Match(SPrintF('/%s/', StrToLower($State['title'])), StrToLower($jState))) {
                    $jStateID = $State['id'];
                    Debug(SPrintF('Найдена область: %s', $jStateID));
            if (!$jStateID) {
                Debug(SPrintF('Область не найдена, проверьте название области (%s)', $jState));
                return new gException('JURIDICAL_REGION_NOT_FOUND', 'Область юридического адреса не найдена');
            $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('state', $jStateID));
            $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('city_type', 'city'));
            $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('addr_type', StrToLower($Person['jType'])));
            if ($IsRussian) {
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('city', $Person['jCity']));
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('addr', SPrintF('%s %s', $Person['jType'], $Person['jAddress'])));
            } else {
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('city', Translit($Person['jCity'])));
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('addr', Translit(SPrintF('%s %s', $Person['jType'], $Person['jAddress']))));
            $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('pzip', $Person['pIndex']));
            $pStateID = 0;
            $pState = $Person['pState'];
            foreach ($States as $State) {
                if (Preg_Match(SPrintF('/%s/', StrToLower($State['title'])), StrToLower($pState))) {
                    $pStateID = $State['id'];
                    Debug(SPrintF('Найдена область: %s', $pStateID));
            if (!$pStateID) {
                Debug(SPrintF('Область не найдена, проверьте название области (%s)', $pState));
                return new gException('POST_REGION_NOT_FOUND', 'Область почтового адреса не найдена');
            $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('pstate', $pStateID));
            $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('pcity_type', 'city'));
            $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('paddr_type', StrToLower($Person['pType'])));
            if ($IsRussian) {
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('pcity', $Person['pCity']));
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('paddr', SPrintF('%s %s', $Person['pType'], $Person['pAddress'])));
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('pto', SPrintF('%s "%s"', $Person['CompanyFormFull'], $Person['CompanyName'])));
            } else {
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('pcity', Translit($Person['pCity'])));
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('paddr', Translit(SPrintF('%s %s', $Person['pType'], $Person['pAddress']))));
                $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('pto', SPrintF('%s %s', Translit($Person['CompanyName']), Translit($Person['CompanyFormFull']))));
            return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(101);
    $Phone = $Person['Phone'];
    if ($Phone) {
        $Phone = StrPBrk($Phone, ' ');
        $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('tel', Trim($Phone)));
    } else {
        $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('tel'));
    $Fax = $Person['Fax'];
    if ($Fax) {
        $Fax = StrPBrk($Fax, ' ');
        $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('fax', Trim($Fax)));
    } else {
        $objUser->AddChild(new Tag('fax'));
    $Request = new Tag('RequestBody', $Reseller);
    $Post = SprintF("<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?>\n%s", $Request->ToXMLString());
    $Responce = HTTP_Send('/', $HTTP, array(), $Post, array('Content-type: text/xml; charset=utf-8'));
    if (Is_Error($Responce)) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
    $Response = Trim($Responce['Body']);
    $Answer = String_XML_Parse($Response);
    if (Is_Exception($Answer)) {
        return new gException('WRONG_ANSWER', $Response, $Answer);
    $Answer = $Answer->ToArray();
    $Answer = $Answer['AnswerBody'];
    if (isset($Answer['statusCode'])) {
        return new gException('REGISTRATOR_ERROR', SPrintF('[%s]=(%s)', $Answer['statusCode'], $Answer['statusMessage']));
    return array('TicketID' => $Answer['user_id']);
Example #29
$Input = Comp_Load('Form/Input', array('type' => 'checkbox', 'name' => 'Details[]', 'value' => 'ByQuarter', 'id' => 'ByQuarter'));
if (Is_Error($Input)) {
    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
$Table[] = array(new Tag('SPAN', array('style' => 'cursor:pointer;', 'onclick' => 'ChangeCheckBox(\'ByQuarter\'); return false;'), 'По кварталам'), $Input);
$Table[] = 'Виды отчетов';
$HostsIDs = Array_Reverse($GLOBALS['HOST_CONF']['HostsIDs']);
foreach ($HostsIDs as $HostID) {
    $Path = SPrintF('%s/hosts/%s/comp/Statistics', SYSTEM_PATH, $HostID);
    if (!File_Exists($Path)) {
    $Files = IO_Scan($Path);
    if (Is_Error($Files)) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
    foreach ($Files as $File) {
        $StatisticID = SubStr($File, 0, StriPos($File, '.'));
        $Comp = Comp_Load(SPrintF('Statistics/%s', $StatisticID), $IsCreate);
        if (Is_Error($Comp)) {
            return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
Example #30
if (!$Settings['IsActive']) {
    return TRUE;
$Tmp = System_Element('tmp');
if (Is_Error($Tmp)) {
    return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
$Count = 0;
$Sessions = SPrintF('%s/sessions', $Tmp);
if (File_Exists($Sessions)) {
    $Files = IO_Scan($Sessions);
    if (Is_Error($Files)) {
        return ERROR | @Trigger_Error(500);
    foreach ($Files as $File) {
        $Path = SPrintF('%s/%s', $Sessions, $File);
        if (Preg_Match('/^REMEBMER/', $File) && Time() - FileMTime($Path) < 24 * 3600 * $Params['Sessions']['RememberTTL']) {