 if (in_array("filNS", $col)) {
     echo "<td>";
     $fp = 'topo';
     if ($l[1]) {
         $fp .= '/' . preg_replace('/\\W/', '', $l[1]);
     if ($l[2]) {
         $fp .= '/' . preg_replace('/\\W/', '', $l[2]);
     if ($l[3]) {
         $fp .= '/' . preg_replace('/\\W/', '', $l[3]);
     foreach (glob("{$fp}/*.*") as $fil) {
         $lbl = basename($fil);
         list($ico, $ed) = FileImg($fil);
         echo "{$ico} ";
     echo "</td>";
 if (in_array("cmdNS", $col)) {
     $ur = urlencode($l[1]);
     $uc = urlencode($l[2]);
     $ub = urlencode($l[3]);
     $ul = urlencode(TopoLoc($l[1], $l[2], $l[3]));
     echo "<td align=\"right\">\n";
     if ($ns and $ew) {
         echo "<a href=\"http://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search.php?q={$ns},{$ew}\" target=\"window\"><img src=\"img/16/osm.png\" title=\"Openstreetmap\"></a>\n";
         echo "<a href=\"http://www.google.com/maps?q={$ns},{$ew}\" target=\"window\"><img src=\"img/16/map.png\" title=\"Google Maps, Coords\"></a>\n";
     echo "<a href=\"http://www.google.com/maps?q=" . ($ub ? "{$ub} " : '') . ($uc ? "{$uc} " : '') . ",{$ur}\" target=\"window\"><img src=\"img/16/map.png\" title=\"Google Maps, {$namlbl}\"></a>\n";
Example #2
function TopoFloors($r, $c, $b, $siz = 0)
    global $link, $dev, $img, $modgroup, $self, $v, $place, $netlbl, $acslbl, $porlbl, $frelbl, $refresh;
    $query = GenQuery('locations', 's', 'id,x,y,ns,ew,locdesc', '', '', array('region', 'city', 'building'), array('=', '=', '='), array($r, $c, $b), array('AND', 'AND'));
    $res = DbQuery($query, $link);
    if (DbNumRows($res)) {
        list($id, $x, $y, $ns, $ew, $des) = DbFetchRow($res);
        echo "<h2>{$b} - {$des}</h2>\n";
    } else {
        echo "<h2>{$b} {$place['b']}</h2>\n";
    echo "<table class=\"content fixed\">\n";
    uksort($dev, "floorsort");
    foreach (array_keys($dev) as $fl) {
        echo "<tr>\n\t<td class=\"{$modgroup[$self]}2\" width=\"80\"><h3>\n";
        if (!$siz) {
            echo "<img src=\"img/stair.png\"><br>\n";
        echo "{$fl}</h3>\n";
        if (!$siz) {
            $bas = "topo/" . preg_replace('/\\W/', '', $r) . '/' . preg_replace('/\\W/', '', $c) . '/' . preg_replace('/\\W/', '', $b) . '-' . preg_replace('/\\W/', '', $fl);
            foreach (glob("{$bas}*") as $f) {
                list($ico, $ed) = FileImg($f);
                echo "{$ico} ";
        echo "</td>\n";
        $col = 0;
        $prm = "";
        foreach (array_keys($dev[$fl]) as $rm) {
            if ($prm != $rm) {
                $bi = $bi == "imga" ? "imgb" : "imga";
            $prm = $rm;
            foreach (array_keys($dev[$fl][$rm]) as $d) {
                $ip = $dev[$fl][$rm][$d]['ip'];
                $po = $dev[$fl][$rm][$d]['po'];
                $ty = $dev[$fl][$rm][$d]['ty'];
                $di = $dev[$fl][$rm][$d]['ic'];
                $co = $dev[$fl][$rm][$d]['co'];
                $rk = $dev[$fl][$rm][$d]['rk'];
                $mn = $dev[$fl][$rm][$d]['mn'];
                $al = $dev[$fl][$rm][$d]['al'];
                $sz = $dev[$fl][$rm][$d]['sz'];
                $sk = $dev[$fl][$rm][$d]['sk'] > 1 ? "<img src=\"img/" . $dev[$fl][$rm][$d]['sk'] . ".png\" title=\"Stack\">" : "";
                list($statbg, $stat) = StatusBg(1, $mn, $al, $bi);
                $tit = $stat ? $stat : $ty;
                $ud = urlencode($d);
                $ur = urlencode($r);
                $uc = urlencode($c);
                $ub = urlencode($b);
                $uf = urlencode($fl);
                $um = urlencode($rm);
                if ($col == $_SESSION['col']) {
                    $col = 0;
                    echo "</tr><tr><td>&nbsp;</td>\n";
                if ($siz) {
                    echo "<td class=\"{$statbg}\" valign=\"top\"><center><img src=\"img/dev/{$di}.png\" title=\"{$ip}\"><br>{$d}</center></td>\n";
                } else {
                    $ii = $refresh ? 0 : IfFree($d);
                    $inif = $ii ? "<div style=\"float:right\"><a href=\"Devices-Interfaces.php?in[]=device&op[]==&st[]={$ud}&co[]=AND&in[]=ifstat&op[]=<&st[]=3&co[]=AND&in[]=iftype&op[]=~&st[]=^(6|7|117)\$&col[]=imBL&col[]=ifname&col[]=device&col[]=linktype&col[]=ifdesc&col[]=alias&col[]=lastchg&col[]=inoct&col[]=outoct&ord=lastchg\"><img src=\"img/p45.png\" title=\"{$acslbl} {$porlbl} {$frelbl}\">{$ii}</a></div>" : '';
                    $rkv = $dev[$fl][$rm][$d]['ru'] ? "<a href=\"Topology-Table.php?reg={$ur}&cty={$uc}&bld={$ub}&fl={$uf}&rm={$um}\">{$rm}</a>" : $rm;
                    echo "<td class=\"{$statbg}\" valign=\"top\"><b>{$rkv}</b> {$rk} {$inif}<p><div style=\"text-align:center;\">\n";
                    echo "<a href=\"Devices-Status.php?dev={$ud}\">";
                    echo "<img src=\"" . ($img ? DevPanel($ty, $di, $sz) . "\" width=\"" . (preg_match('/^ph|^wa|^ca/', $di) ? 40 : 100) . "\"" : "img/dev/{$di}.png\"") . " title=\"{$tit}\"></a>{$sk}<br><b>{$d}</b><br>\n";
                    echo Devcli($ip, $po);
                    echo "<p>{$co}</div></td>\n";
    echo "</tr></table>\n";
Example #3
function DirList($dir,$opt,$lvl){
	global $row,$sub,$upllbl,$levlbl,$dellbl,$edilbl,$cfmmsg,$isadmin;

	$tsiz = 0;
	$ed   = '';
	foreach (glob("$dir/*") as $f){
		if ($row % 2){$bg = "txta"; $bi = "imga";}else{$bg = "txtb"; $bi = "imgb";}
		$plen = strlen($dir);
		$t = substr($f,$plen+1);
		echo "<td class=\"$bi\" width=\"20\" nowrap>";
		while ($i < $lvl) {
			echo "<img src=\"img/sub.png\">";
			if($lvl and $opt == "web"){
				echo "<a href=\"?sub=$f&mde=o\"><img src=\"img/16/".(($f == $sub)?'foye':'fogy').".png\" title=\"$upllbl $levlbl $lvl\"></a></td>";
				echo "<img src=\"img/16/fogy.png\" title=\"Folder $levlbl $lvl\">";
			echo "</td><td colspan=\"4\">$t";
				echo "<span style=\"float:right\"><a href=\"?del=".urlencode($f)."\"> <img src=\"img/16/bcnl.png\" onclick=\"return confirm('$dellbl, $cfmmsg')\" title=\"$dellbl!\"></a></span>";
			echo "</td></tr>\n";
			$tsiz += DirList("$dir/$t",$opt,$lvl+1);
			list($ico,$ed) = FileImg($f);
			echo "$ico</td><td>";
			if($opt == "web"){
				echo "<a href=\"$f\" target=\"window\">$t</a></td>";
				echo "$t</td>";
			$siz = filesize($f);
			$tsiz += $siz;
			echo "<td align=\"right\">".DecFix($siz)."</td><td align=\"right\">".date ($_SESSION['date'],filemtime($f))."<td align=\"right\">";
				if($opt == "tftp" and $ed){
					echo "<a href=\"?tft=".urlencode($t)."\"><img src=\"img/16/note.png\" title=\"$edilbl\"></a>";
				echo "<a href=\"?del=".urlencode($f)."\"><img src=\"img/16/bcnl.png\" onclick=\"return confirm('$dellbl, $cfmmsg')\" title=\"$dellbl!\"></a>";
			echo "</td></tr>\n";
	return $tsiz;