Example #1
function UpdateTeam($tn, $data)
    // Don't allow Guests to do this...
    $loc = "teamlib.php->UpdateTeam";
    $fields = array(array("BestPicID", "int"), array("NickName", "str"));
    $tn = intval($tn);
    if ($tn < 1 || $tn > 9999) {
        DieWithMsg($loc, "illegal tn value.");
    $row = GetTeamInfo($tn);
    if ($row == false) {
        // This will be the first insert!
        // Add the teamnumber field and data.
        $fields[] = array("TeamNumber", "int");
        $data["TeamNumber"] = $tn;
        $sql = "INSERT INTO Teams " . GenerateSqlInsert($data, $fields);
        SqlQuery($loc, $sql);
        return true;
    } else {
        // This will be an update.
        $set = GenerateSqlSet($data, $fields);
        if ($set == false) {
            return false;
        $sql = "UPDATE Teams SET " . $set . " WHERE TeamNumber = " . intval($tn);
        SqlQuery($loc, $sql);
        return true;
Example #2
$doform = false;
$link_to_view = false;
$picid = 0;
$param_list = array(array("FieldName" => "Title", "FieldType" => "Text", "Caption" => "Title of New Work Order"), array("FieldName" => "Project", "FieldType" => "Selection", "Selection" => $WOProjects, "Caption" => "Project"), array("FieldName" => "DateNeedBy", "FieldType" => "Date", "Caption" => "Date Needed"), array("FieldName" => "Priority", "FieldType" => "Selection", "Selection" => $WOPriorities, "Caption" => "Priority"), array("FieldName" => "Requestor", "FieldType" => "Selection", "Selection" => $WOIPTeams, "Caption" => "Requesting IPT"), array("FieldName" => "Receiver", "FieldType" => "Selection", "Selection" => $WOIPTeams, "Caption" => "Receiving IPT"), array("FieldName" => "Description", "FieldType" => "TextArea", "Rows" => 10, "Columns" => 72, "Caption" => "Describe Work"));
    // Set up defaults...
    $data["Priority"] = $WOPriorities[0];
    $data["Requestor"] = $userIPT;
    $data["Receiver"] = $userIPT;
    $data["DateNeedBy"] = date('Y-m-d', time() + 5 * 24 * 3600);
    PopulateParamList($param_list, $data);
    $doform = true;
    goto GenerateHtml;
    PopulateParamList($param_list, $_POST);
    // Check for required inputs:
    $sEmpty = array();
    if (empty($_POST["Title"])) {
        $sEmpty[] = "Title";
    if (empty($_POST["Priority"])) {
        $sEmpty[] = "Priority";
    if (empty($_POST["Project"])) {
        $sEmpty[] = "Project";
    if (empty($_POST["Requestor"])) {
        $sEmpty[] = "Requesting IPT";
Example #3
function PicFileUpload($FileInfo)
    $loc = rmabs(__FILE__ . ".PicFileUpload");
    // Don't allow guests to do this.
    $missing = "";
    if (!isset($FileInfo["name"])) {
        $missing .= '"name" ';
    if (!isset($FileInfo["type"])) {
        $missing .= '"type" ';
    if (!isset($FileInfo["tmp_name"])) {
        $missing .= '"tmp_name" ';
    if (!isset($FileInfo["error"])) {
        $missing .= '"error" ';
    if (!isset($FileInfo["size"])) {
        $missing .= '"size" ';
    if (!empty($missing)) {
        echo 'missing';
        log_error($loc, array("Error on Pic Upload.", "Input Array missing elements:", $missing));
        return false;
    $name = $FileInfo["name"];
    $type = $FileInfo["type"];
    $tmpfile = $FileInfo["tmp_name"];
    $errors = $FileInfo["error"];
    $size = $FileInfo["size"];
    if ($errors != 0) {
        echo 'error not zero';
        log_error($loc, array("Error on Pic Upload." . "Error Not Zero."));
        return false;
    if ($size <= 0) {
        echo 'size';
        log_error($loc, "Error on Pic Upload.  Size is zero.");
        return false;
    if ($type != "image/jpeg") {
        echo 'type';
        log_error($loc, "Error on Pic Upload.  Wrong Type, should be image/jpeg.  Found: " . $type);
        return false;
    $picid = StorePicture($tmpfile, true);
    return $picid;
Example #4
function StoreEvent($fields)
    // Don't allow Guests to do this...
    $loc = 'readerlib.php=>StoreEvent';
    $sql = 'INSERT INTO EventTimes (Name, StartTime, EndTime, Type, Purpose) ';
    $sql .= 'VALUES (';
    $sql .= '  "' . SqlClean($fields["Name"]) . '"';
    $sql .= ', "' . SqlClean($fields["StartTime"]) . '"';
    $sql .= ', "' . SqlClean($fields["EndTime"]) . '"';
    $sql .= ', "' . SqlClean($fields["Type"]) . '"';
    $sql .= ', "' . SqlClean($fields["Purpose"]) . '"';
    $sql .= ')';
    SqlQuery($loc, $sql);
Example #5
function UpdateAssignementCount($wid)
    $loc = rmabs(__FILE__ . "UpdateAssignementCount");
    // Don't allow Guests to do this...
    $workers = GetAssignedWorkers($wid);
    $assgined = 0;
    if (count($workers) > 0) {
        $assgined = 1;
    $sql = "UPDATE WorkOrders SET Assigned=" . $assgined . ' WHERE WID=' . $wid;
    SqlQuery($loc, $sql);
Example #6
function CreateNewUser($params)
    global $config;
    $loc = "userlib.php->CreateNewUser";
    // Don't allow Guests to do this...
    if (empty($params["LastName"])) {
        return "Last name cannot be empty.";
    if (empty($params["FirstName"])) {
        return "First name cannot be empty.";
    if (empty($params["UserName"])) {
        return "Username cannot be empty.";
    if (empty($params["PasswordHash"])) {
        if (empty($params["Password"])) {
            return "Password cannot be empty.";
    $username = SqlClean($params["UserName"]);
    $lastname = SqlClean($params["LastName"]);
    $firstname = SqlClean($params["FirstName"]);
    $nickname = "";
    $title = "";
    $email = "";
    $tags = "";
    $ipt = "";
    $active = false;
    if (isset($params["NickName"])) {
        $nickname = SQLClean($params["NickName"]);
    if (isset($params["Title"])) {
        $title = SQLClean($params["Title"]);
    if (isset($params["Email"])) {
        $email = SQLClean($params["Email"]);
    if (isset($params["Tags"])) {
        $tags = SQLClean($params["Tags"]);
    if (isset($params["IPT"])) {
        $ipt = SqlClean($params["IPT"]);
    if (isset($params["Active"])) {
        $active = $params["Active"];
    // Check for duplicate username.
    $sql = 'SELECT UserID FROM Users WHERE UserName="******"';
    $result = SqlQuery($loc, $sql);
    if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
        $msg = 'Unable to add new user. Duplicate username. (' . $username . ')';
        log_msg($loc, $msg);
        return $msg;
    // Check for duplicate first/last name
    $sql = 'SELECT UserID FROM Users WHERE LastName="' . $lastname . '" AND FirstName="' . $firstname . '"';
    $result = SqlQuery($loc, $sql);
    if ($result->num_rows > 0) {
        $msg = 'Unable to add new user. Duplicate first/last name. (' . $lastname . ', ' . $firstname . ')';
        log_msg($loc, $msg);
        return $msg;
    // Build the sql to add user.
    $pwhash = "";
    if (!empty($params["PasswordHash"])) {
        $pwhash = $params["PasswordHash"];
    } else {
        $pwhash = crypt($params["Password"], $config["Salt"]);
    $sql = 'INSERT INTO Users (UserName, PasswordHash, LastName, FirstName, NickName, ' . 'Title, Email, Tags, IPT, Active) ';
    $sql .= ' VALUES(';
    $sql .= '  "' . $username . '"';
    $sql .= ', "' . $pwhash . '"';
    $sql .= ', "' . $lastname . '"';
    $sql .= ', "' . $firstname . '"';
    $sql .= ', "' . $nickname . '"';
    $sql .= ', "' . $title . '"';
    $sql .= ', "' . $email . '"';
    $sql .= ', "' . $tags . '"';
    $sql .= ', "' . $ipt . '"';
    $sql .= ', ' . TFstr($active);
    $sql .= ')';
    $result = SqlQuery($loc, $sql);
    log_msg($loc, array("New User added!  Username="******"Full name= " . $lastname . ', ' . $firstname, "tags=" . $tags . ", Active=" . TFstr($active)));
    return true;