} } elseif (isset($_GET['run'])) { $return = cron::run($_GET['file'], $_GET['run']); cron::aset($_GET['run'], array('lastdo' => time(), 'log' => $return)); } elseif (isset($_GET['xorder'])) { foreach ($_POST['order'] as $key => $value) { cron::aset($key, array('orde' => $value)); } } doAction('cron_setting_2'); Redirect('index.php?mod=admin:cron&ok'); break; case 'admin:update:back': if (isset($_GET['del'])) { if (file_exists(SYSTEM_ROOT . '/setup/update_backup/' . $_GET['del'])) { DeleteFile(SYSTEM_ROOT . '/setup/update_backup/' . $_GET['del']); } Redirect('index.php?mod=admin:update:back&ok'); } if (isset($_GET['dir'])) { if (file_exists(SYSTEM_ROOT . '/setup/update_backup/' . $_GET['dir'] . '/__backup.ini')) { if (CopyAll(SYSTEM_ROOT . '/setup/update_backup/' . $_GET['dir'], SYSTEM_ROOT) !== true) { msg('版本回滚失败'); } unlink(SYSTEM_ROOT . '/__backup.ini'); msg('版本回滚成功', 'index.php'); } else { msg('版本回滚失败:该备份不存在或不正确'); } } break;
<body> <?php require_once './php/Common/DBConnect.php'; // DB接続用 require_once './php/Del/DelControl.php'; require_once './php/Del/DelModel.php'; echo '<br><br><br>'; // DBエラーの場合は終了させる。 if ($DelPhoto->getError != null) { echo $DelPhoto->getError; require_once './php/Common/ExitCode.html'; exit; } $DelPhoto = new DelPhoto(); // データ削除系クラス $Judge = false; // 遷移先判定 // 削除系 //////////////////////////////// // DBデータ削除 DeleteDB($DelPhoto->getSetDB(), $DelPhoto->getDelSql(), $DelPhoto->getPhotoNum()); // 画像データ削除 DeleteFile($DelPhoto->getPhotoPath()); // ディレクトリに画像がなければディレクトリも削除 DeleteDir($DelPhoto->getSetDB(), $DelPhoto->getSelSql(), $DelPhoto->getPhotoPath()); ?> <script type="text/javascript" src="./js/Del/MainBack.js"></script> </body> </html>
$data = SortFiles($data); echo json_encode($data); } if ($action == 'path') { $directory = base64_decode($_GET['directory']); $base = base64_decode($_GET['base']); $data = GetPath($base, $directory); echo json_encode($data); } if ($action == 'download') { $file = base64_decode($_GET['file']); DownloadFile($file); } if ($action == 'delete') { $file = base64_decode($_GET['file']); echo DeleteFile($file); } if ($action == 'newdir') { $curdir = base64_decode($_GET['curdir']); $name = base64_decode($_GET['name']); echo NewDir($curdir, $name); } if ($action == 'rename') { $oldname = base64_decode($_GET['old']); $newname = base64_decode($_GET['new']); echo RenameFile($oldname, $newname); } if ($action == 'upload') { $curdir = base64_decode($_GET['curdir']); echo UploadFile($curdir); }
/** * 删除文件或目录 */ function DeleteFile($file) { if (!file_exists($file)) { return false; } if (empty($file)) { return false; } if (@is_file($file)) { return @unlink($file); } $ret = true; if ($handle = @opendir($file)) { while ($filename = @readdir($handle)) { if ($filename == '.' || $filename == '..') { continue; } if (!DeleteFile($file . '/' . $filename)) { $ret = false; } } } else { $ret = false; } @closedir($handle); if (file_exists($file) && !rmdir($file)) { $ret = false; } return $ret; }
/** * Функции для создания thumbnails для полей типа файл * * * @global object $nc_core * @param int $classID - идентифиактор класса (компонента) * @param int $message - номер объекты * @param int $field_src_id - идентификатор поля источника * @param int $field_dst_id - идентификатор поля приемника * @param int $width Ширина нового изображения * @param int $height Высота нового изображения * @param int $mode [optional] Режим уменьшения: 0 - пропорционально уменьшает; 1 - вписывает в указанные размеры, обрезая края * @param string $format [optional] Формат создаваемого изображения (jpg, gif, png, bmp) * @param int $quality [optional] Качество сжатия изображения (0-100) при $format=='jpg' * @param string $field_name_src * @return bool true в случае удачи, false - в случае ошибки. * @access public * @static */ public static function createThumb_byID($classID, $message, $field_src_id, $field_dst_id, $width, $height, $mode = 0, $format = NULL, $quality = 90, $field_name_src = '', $is_sys = false) { global $nc_core; // проверка аргументов $message += 0; $field_src_id += 0; $field_dst_id += 0; $classID += 0; if (!$message || !$field_src_id || !$field_dst_id || !$classID) { return false; } # поиск исходного файла // латинское имя поля if (!$field_name_src) { $field_name_src = $nc_core->db->get_var("SELECT `Field_Name` FROM `Field` WHERE `Field_ID` = '" . $field_src_id . "'"); } if (!$field_name_src) { return 0; } // Значение поля в таблице объектов $message_field = $is_sys ? $nc_core->db->get_row("SELECT * FROM `User` WHERE `User_ID` = '" . $message . "'", ARRAY_A) : $nc_core->db->get_row("SELECT * FROM `Message" . $classID . "` WHERE `Message_ID` = '" . $message . "'", ARRAY_A); $file_data = explode(':', $message_field[$field_name_src]); $file_name = $file_data[0]; $file_type = $file_data[1]; $file_size = $file_data[2]; $ext = substr($file_name, strrpos($file_name, ".")); // расширение файла $file_name = substr($file_name, 0, strrpos($file_name, ".")); // имя файла без расширения. // если ли файл в Filetable ? $filetable = $nc_core->db->get_row("SELECT * FROM `Filetable`\n WHERE `Message_ID` = '" . intval($message) . "' AND `Field_ID` = '" . intval($field_src_id) . "'", ARRAY_A); // определения полного пути к файлу if ($filetable) { // исходный файл в protected $path_src = rtrim($nc_core->FILES_FOLDER, '/') . $filetable['File_Path'] . $filetable['Virt_Name']; } else { if ($file_data[3]) { // orignal $path_src = $nc_core->FILES_FOLDER . $file_data[3]; } else { // simple $path_src = $nc_core->FILES_FOLDER . $field_src_id . "_" . $message . $ext; } } $img_size = getimagesize($path_src); if (!$format) { $format = strtolower(substr($img_size['mime'], strpos($img_size['mime'], '/') + 1)); } // получение информации о поле-приемника $field_info_desc = $nc_core->db->get_row("SELECT `Field_Name`, `Format` FROM `Field` WHERE `Field_ID` = '" . $field_dst_id . "'", ARRAY_A); if (!$field_info_desc) { return false; } //удаление старого файла require_once $nc_core->INCLUDE_FOLDER . "s_files.inc.php"; DeleteFile($field_dst_id, $field_info_desc['Field_Name'], $classID, 0, $message); // определение типа фс применика $fs = nc_field_parse_format($field_info_desc['Format'], NC_FIELDTYPE_FILE); $fs = $fs['fs']; $file_name .= "_thumb" . ++self::$_thumbPostfix; // определние имени файла на диске и диретории switch ($fs) { case NC_FS_PROTECTED: $path_dsc = $is_sys ? 'u/' : $message_field['Subdivision_ID'] . '/' . $message_field['Sub_Class_ID'] . '/'; $name_dsc = md5($file_name . date("H:i:s d.m.Y") . uniqid("netcat")); break; case NC_FS_ORIGINAL: $path_dsc = $message_field['Subdivision_ID'] . '/' . $message_field['Sub_Class_ID'] . '/'; $name_dsc = nc_get_filename_for_original_fs($file_name . ($format ? ".{$format}" : ''), $nc_core->FILES_FOLDER . $path_dsc); break; case NC_FS_SIMPLE: $path_dsc = ''; $name_dsc = $field_dst_id . "_" . $message . ($format ? ".{$format}" : ''); break; } // копирование файла //copy($path_src, $nc_core->FILES_FOLDER.$path_dsc.$name_dsc); // создание thumb $path_dest = $is_sys ? $nc_core->FILES_FOLDER . '/u/' . $name_dsc : $nc_core->FILES_FOLDER . $path_dsc . $name_dsc; self::imgResize($path_src, $path_dest, $width, $height, $mode, $format, $quality); switch ($fs) { case NC_FS_PROTECTED: $img_size = getimagesize($path_dest); if ($img_size === false) { if (file_exists($path_dest)) { unlink($path_dest); } return false; } $dst_File_Type = $img_size['mime']; $dst_File_Size = filesize($path_dest); $insert_filetable_sql = "INSERT INTO `Filetable`(Real_Name, Virt_Name, File_Path, File_Type, File_Size, Message_ID, Field_ID)\n VALUES('" . $nc_core->db->escape($file_name) . "." . $format . "', '" . $nc_core->db->escape($name_dsc) . "', '/" . $nc_core->db->escape($path_dsc) . "','" . $dst_File_Type . "', '" . $dst_File_Size . "', '" . $message . "', '" . $field_dst_id . "')"; $nc_core->db->query($insert_filetable_sql); $in_db = $file_name . ":" . $dst_File_Type . ":" . $dst_File_Size; // то, что запишится в БД break; case NC_FS_ORIGINAL: $in_db = $file_name . "." . $format . ":" . $format . ":" . $file_size; // то, что запишится в БД $in_db .= ":" . ($is_sys ? 'u/' . $name_dsc : $path_dsc . $name_dsc); break; default: $in_db = $file_name . "." . $format . ":" . $format . ":" . $file_size; // то, что запишится в БД break; } $is_sys ? $nc_core->db->query("UPDATE `User` SET `" . $field_info_desc['Field_Name'] . "` = '" . $nc_core->db->escape($in_db) . "' WHERE `User_ID` = '" . $message . "'") : $nc_core->db->query("UPDATE `Message" . $classID . "` SET `" . $field_info_desc['Field_Name'] . "` = '" . $nc_core->db->escape($in_db) . "' WHERE `Message_ID` = '" . $message . "'"); return true; }
function DelOldRsc($rid) { global $rsc_dir, $prev_dir; $aid = $param['rid']; list($db) = Getdb(); $tbl = GetTable('recursos'); $col = GetCols('recursos'); $sql = "Select * from {$tbl} WHERE {$col['rid']}={$rid}"; $resultado = $db->Execute($sql); if ($db->ErrorNo() != 0) { $mensaje = "Ha ocurrido un error al leer un viejo registro"; print_r($mensaje); die; } $datos = $resultado->FetchRow(); $datos = fromdbtocms($datos, 'recursos'); $type = returnMedia($datos['archivo']); if ($type['preview'] == true) { if ($type['extension'] == ".jpg" || $type['extension'] == ".png") { $datos['archivo'] = basename($datos['archivo'], '.jpg'); $datos['archivo'] = basename($datos['archivo'], '.png'); } DeleteFile($prev_dir . $datos['did'] . "/" . $datos['archivo'] . ".jpg"); } DeleteFile($rsc_dir . $datos['did'] . "/" . $datos['archivo']); }
mkdir(SYSTEM_ROOT . '/setup/update_cache' . $dir, 0777, true); mkdir($backup . $dir, 0777, true); } } mkdir($backup, 0777, true); //创建更新备份 file_put_contents($backup . '/__backup.ini', '[info]' . "\r\n" . ' name=' . SYSTEM_NAME . "\r\n" . ' ver=' . SYSTEM_VER . "\r\n" . ' time=' . date('Y-m-d H:m:s') . "\r\n"); foreach ($_POST['file'] as $file) { $c = new wcurl($server . $file); $data = $c->exec(); $c->close(); if (empty($data)) { DeleteFile(SYSTEM_ROOT . '/setup/update_cache'); msg('错误:更新失败:<br/><br/>与更新服务器的连接中断:无法下载数据' . $server . $file); } file_put_contents(SYSTEM_ROOT . '/setup/update_cache' . $file, $data); copy(SYSTEM_ROOT . $file, $backup . $file); } ReDirect('ajax.php?mod=admin:update:install&updfile=' . $_POST['updatefile']); break; /* case 'admin:update': $c = new wcurl(SUPPORT_URL . 'get.php?ver=' . SYSTEM_VER); $data = json_decode($c->exec()); $c->close(); $d = ''; if(!empty($data)){ $t = '';
} } } while ($multiple_changes); # проверка изображения на картинке if (!$AUTH_USER_ID && $action == "add" && $current_cc["UseCaptcha"] && $MODULE_VARS["captcha"] && function_exists("imagegif")) { if (!nc_captcha_verify_code($nc_captcha_code)) { $warnText = NETCAT_MODULE_CAPTCHA_WRONG_CODE; $posting = 0; } } // обертка для вывода ошибки в админке if ($warnText && ($nc_core->inside_admin || $isNaked)) { ob_start(); nc_print_status($warnText, 'error'); $warnText = ob_get_clean(); } // в случае ошибки нужно сохранить предыдущие значения полей типа файл if (!$posting && !empty($old_file_values)) { foreach ($old_file_values as $k => $v) { $fldValue[$k] = $v; } } // ошибок при заполнении формы нет - можно удалть файлы if ($posting && !empty($file_to_delete)) { foreach ($file_to_delete as $v) { DeleteFile($fldID[$v], $fld[$v], $classID, $systemTableName, $message); } } unset($old_file_values); unset($file_to_delete); }
function AutoDelete() { global $del_files, $config, $lang, $out; //Files einlesen $dh = opendir($config['paths']['backup']); $dbbackups = array(); while (false !== ($filename = readdir($dh))) { if ($filename != "." && $filename != ".." && !is_dir($config['paths']['backup'] . $filename)) { //statuszeile auslesen if (substr($filename, -2) == "gz") { $fp = gzopen($config['paths']['backup'] . $filename, "r"); $sline = gzgets($fp, 40960); gzclose($fp); } else { $fp = fopen($config['paths']['backup'] . $filename, "r"); $sline = fgets($fp, 500); fclose($fp); } $statusline = ReadStatusline($sline); $tabellenanzahl = $statusline["tables"] == -1 ? "" : $statusline["tables"]; $eintraege = $statusline["records"] == -1 ? "" : $statusline["records"]; $part = $statusline["part"] == "MP_0" ? 0 : substr($statusline["part"], 3); $databases['db_actual'] = $statusline["dbname"]; $datum = substr($filename, strlen($databases['db_actual']) + 1); $datum = substr($datum, 0, 16); if (isset($dbbackups[$databases['db_actual']])) { $dbbackups[$databases['db_actual']]++; } else { $dbbackups[$databases['db_actual']] = 1; } $files[] = "{$datum}|" . $databases['db_actual'] . "|{$part}|{$filename}"; } } @rsort($files); // Mehr Dateien vorhanden, als es laut config.php sein d�rften? Dann weg damit :-) if ($config['del_files_after_days'] > 0) { $nowtime = strtotime("-" . ($config['del_files_after_days'] + 1) . " day"); for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($files); $i++) { $delfile = explode("|", $files[$i]); $ts = substr($delfile[0], 0, 4) . "-" . substr($delfile[0], 5, 2) . "-" . substr($delfile[0], 8, 2); if (strtotime($ts) < $nowtime) { $out .= DeleteFile($files[$i], "days"); unset($files[$i]); } } } @rsort($files); if ($config['max_backup_files'] > 0) { if (sizeof($files) > $config['max_backup_files']) { if ($config['max_backup_files_each'] == 1) { //gilt es nur f�r jede Datenbank for ($i = sizeof($files) - 1; $i >= 0; $i--) { $delfile = explode("|", $files[$i]); if ($dbbackups[$delfile[1]] > $config['max_backup_files']) { $out .= DeleteFile($files[$i], "max"); unset($files[$i]); $dbbackups[$delfile[1]]--; } } } else { //oder gilt es f�r alle Backups for ($i = sizeof($files) - 1; $i >= $config['max_backup_files']; $i--) { $delfile = implode("|", $files); $out .= DeleteFile($files[$i], "max"); unset($files[$i]); } } } } return $out; }
/** * * @param string|int $class_id - ID компонента или название системной таблицы(User|Catalogue|Subdivision|Template) * @param string|int $field - название или ID поля в которое сохранять * @param int $message_id - ID объекта|пользователя|сайта|раздела|макета * @param array $file - массив с данными о файле из $_FILES либо * path — путь к файлу(/netcat/tmp/foto.jpg) или ссылка(http://example.com/foto.jpg) * type — mime-тип, попытается определить автоматически если не задан, по умолчанию image/jpeg * name — имя файла, возьмется из ссылки если не задано * folder — нестандартная папка в которую сохранить файл, только для стандартной ФС * @param bool $no еdit - игнорировать настройки поля изменяющие файл * @param bool $message_put - режим работы внутри системы * @return array * download_path — ссылка для скачивания под оригинальным именем (ссылка с "h_") * url — путь к файлу от корня сайта * preview_url — путь к превью файла от корня сайта * name — изначальное имя файла * size — размер * type — mime-тип */ public function field_save_file($class_id, $field, $message_id, $file, $noеdit = false, $message_put = false) { $DOCUMENT_ROOT = nc_core('DOCUMENT_ROOT'); $FILES_FOLDER = nc_core('FILES_FOLDER'); $files_http_path = nc_core('SUB_FOLDER') . nc_core('HTTP_FILES_PATH'); $db = nc_core('db'); $message_id = intval($message_id); $component = new nc_Component($class_id); $systemTableID = $component->get_system_table_id(); $systemTableName = $systemTableID ? $class_id : ''; $fields = $component->get_fields(NC_FIELDTYPE_FILE); if (!empty($fields)) { foreach ($fields as $v) { if ($v['id'] == $field || $v['name'] == $field) { $rawformat = $v['format']; $field_id = $v['id']; $field_name = $v['name']; } } } else { return null; //wrong class or field } if (!$systemTableID) { $msg = $db->get_row("SELECT `Sub_Class_ID`, `Subdivision_ID` FROM `Message{$class_id}` WHERE `Message_ID` = '{$message_id}'", ARRAY_A); } else { $msg = $db->get_row("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM `{$systemTableName}` WHERE `{$systemTableName}_ID` = {$message_id}", ARRAY_A); } if (empty($msg)) { return null; //wrong message } $result = array(); #delete old file require_once $this->core->INCLUDE_FOLDER . "s_files.inc.php"; DeleteFile($field_id, $field_name, $class_id, $systemTableName, $message_id); $format = nc_field_parse_format($rawformat, NC_FIELDTYPE_FILE); $fileurl = $file['path']; $filesrc = $file['tmp_name']; if (!$fileurl && !$filesrc) { return null; //no file to save } if (!$filesrc && $fileurl && !(preg_match("~^[^=]+://~", $fileurl) && ($buf = @file_get_contents($fileurl))) && !file_exists($DOCUMENT_ROOT . $fileurl)) { //и по внутренней нет return null; } $filename = $file['name'] ? $file['name'] : substr($fileurl, strrpos($fileurl, '/') + 1); $filename = str_replace(array('<', '>'), '_', $filename); $filetype = $file['type']; $filesize = $file['size']; $folder = trim($file['folder'], '/'); // расширение файла $ext = substr($filename, strrpos($filename, ".")); if (!$systemTableID) { $File_Path = $msg['Subdivision_ID'] . "/" . $msg['Sub_Class_ID'] . "/"; } elseif ($systemTableID == 1) { $File_Path = "c/"; } elseif ($systemTableID == 3) { $File_Path = "u/"; } elseif ($systemTableID == 4) { $File_Path = "t/"; } else { $File_Path = $message_id ? $message_id . "/" : ""; //sic! why eval? $File_PathNew = "\$message/"; } // будущее имя файла на диске + путь switch ($format['fs']) { case NC_FS_PROTECTED: // hash // имя файла $put_file_name = md5($filename . date("H:i:s d.m.Y") . uniqid("netcat")); break; case NC_FS_ORIGINAL: // пользователь сам указал папку if ($folder && preg_match("/^[a-z][a-z0-9\\/]+\$/is", $folder)) { $File_Path = $folder . "/"; } // сгенерировать имя файла $put_file_name = nc_get_filename_for_original_fs($filename, $FILES_FOLDER . $File_Path); $db_string_path = ":" . ($File_PathNew ? $File_PathNew : $File_Path) . $put_file_name; break; case NC_FS_SIMPLE: // FieldID_MessageID.ext $File_Path = ''; // в папку netcat_files //sic! why eval? $put_file_name = $field_id . ($message_put ? '_$message' : "_" . $message_id) . $ext; break; } $this->create_dir($FILES_FOLDER . $File_Path); //для простой ФС нужно скопировать временный файл //он будет обрабатываться и после добавления объекта переименован в FieldID_MessageID.ext //при добавлении объекта или раздела пока неизвестен путь, поэтому файл попадет в папку netcat_files и потом перенесен $save_mame = $format['fs'] == NC_FS_SIMPLE && $message_put ? $filesrc : $put_file_name; $save_path = $FILES_FOLDER . $File_Path . $save_mame; $save_path_preview = $FILES_FOLDER . $File_Path . 'preview_' . $save_mame; if ($filesrc) { @move_uploaded_file($filesrc, $save_path); } else { if ($buf) { @file_put_contents($save_path, $buf); } else { @copy($DOCUMENT_ROOT . $fileurl, $save_path); } } $resize_format = nc_field_parse_resize_options($rawformat); require_once $this->core->INCLUDE_FOLDER . "classes/nc_imagetransform.class.php"; if (!$noеdit) { if ($resize_format['use_preview']) { @nc_ImageTransform::imgResize($save_path, $save_path_preview, $resize_format['preview_width'], $resize_format['preview_height']); } if ($resize_format['use_resize']) { @nc_ImageTransform::imgResize($save_path, $save_path, $resize_format['resize_width'], $resize_format['resize_height']); $filesize = filesize($save_path); } if ($resize_format['use_crop']) { @nc_ImageTransform::imgCrop($save_path, $save_path, $resize_format['crop_x0'], $resize_format['crop_y0'], $resize_format['crop_x1'], $resize_format['crop_y1'], NULL, 90, 0, 0, $resize_format['crop_ignore'] ? $resize_format['crop_ignore_width'] : 0, $resize_format['crop_ignore'] ? $resize_format['crop_ignore_height'] : 0); $filesize = filesize($save_path); } } $filesize = $filesize ? $filesize : filesize($save_path); $filetype = $filetype ? $filetype : ($filetype = $this->_guess_content_type($save_path) ? $filetype : "image/jpeg"); // для защищенной надо записать файл в базу if ($format['fs'] == NC_FS_PROTECTED) { $query = $db->query("INSERT INTO `Filetable`\n (`Real_Name`, `File_Path`, `Virt_Name`, `File_Type`, `File_Size`, `Field_ID`, `Content_Disposition`, `Message_ID`)\n VALUES ('" . $db->escape($filename) . "', '/" . $db->escape($File_Path) . "', '" . $db->escape($put_file_name) . "', '" . $db->escape($filetype) . "',\n '" . intval($filesize) . "', '" . intval($field_id) . "', '" . intval($format['disposition']) . "', '" . $message_id . "')"); if ($query) { $filetable_lastid = $db->insert_id; $result['download_path'] = $files_http_path . $File_Path . 'h_' . $put_file_name; } } $db_string = $filename . ":" . $filetype . ":" . $filesize . $db_string_path; $result['url'] = $files_http_path . $File_Path . $put_file_name; $result['preview_url'] = $resize_format['use_preview'] ? $files_http_path . $File_Path . 'preview_' . $put_file_name : ""; $result['name'] = $filename; $result['size'] = $filesize; $result['type'] = $filetype; if (!$message_put) { //запишем в объект сущности $query = $db->query("UPDATE `" . ($systemTableID ? $systemTableName : "Message" . $class_id) . "`\n SET `{$field_name}` = '" . $db->escape($db_string) . "'\n WHERE `" . ($systemTableID ? $systemTableName : "Message") . "_ID` = {$message_id}"); } else { //данные для использования в скриптах добавления/изменения после message_put.php $result['FileFS'] = $format['fs']; $result['tmpNewFile'] = $put_file_name; $result['File_Path'] = $File_Path; $result['File_PathNew'] = $File_PathNew; $result['filetable_lastid'] = $filetable_lastid; $result['fldValue'] = $db_string; } return $result; }
require "functions.php"; require "includes.php"; require "menu.php"; /* ----- setup variables ----- */ $action = GetVariable("action"); $seriesid = GetVariable("seriesid"); $modality = GetVariable("modality"); $datatype = GetVariable("datatype"); $filename = GetVariable("filename"); //$datadir = GetDataDir($seriesid, $modality, $datatype); /* determine action */ if ($action == "delete") { DeleteFile($seriesid, $modality, $datatype, $filename); DisplayFileList($seriesid, $modality, $datatype); } elseif ($action == "rename") { RenameFile($seriesid, $modality, $datatype, $filename, $newfilename); DisplayFileList($seriesid, $modality, $datatype); } // elseif ($action == "download") { // Download($seriesid, $modality, $datatype, $filename); // } else { DisplayFileList($seriesid, $modality, $datatype); } /* ------------------------------------ functions ------------------------------------ */
/** * Функция копирует один файл из первого поля во второй * в пределах одного объекта * новый файл будет в ФС, которая задана в формате поле-приемника * * @param int message - id объекта * @param int field_src - id поля источника * @param int field_dst - id поля приемниеп * @param int classID (оппоционально) id компонента * * @todo Реализовать копирование файлов системных таблиц * @todo Реализовать копирование файлов различных объектов (возможно, из разных компонентов) * @return bool */ function nc_copy_filefield($message, $field_src, $field_dst, $classID = 0) { global $nc_core; // Если не задан класс, то вытащим его из базы if (!$classID) { $classID = $nc_core->db->get_var("SELECT `Class_ID` FROM `Field` WHERE `Field_ID` = '" . intval($field_src) . "'"); } // проверка аргументов $message += 0; $field_src += 0; $field_dst += 0; $classID += 0; if (!$message || !$field_src || !$field_dst || !$classID) { return 0; } # поиск исходного файла // латинское имя поля $field_name_src = $nc_core->db->get_var("SELECT `Field_Name` FROM `Field` WHERE `Field_ID` = '" . $field_src . "'"); if (!$field_name_src) { return 0; } // Значение поля в таблице объектов $message_field = $nc_core->db->get_row("SELECT * FROM `Message" . $classID . "` WHERE `Message_ID` = '" . $message . "'", ARRAY_A); $file_data = explode(':', $message_field[$field_name_src]); $file_name = $file_data[0]; $file_type = $file_data[1]; $file_size = $file_data[2]; $ext = substr($file_name, strrpos($file_name, ".")); // расширение файла // если ли файл в Filetable ? $filetable = $nc_core->db->get_row("SELECT * FROM `Filetable`\n WHERE `Message_ID` = '" . intval($message) . "' AND `Field_ID` = '" . intval($field_src) . "'", ARRAY_A); // определения полного пути к файлу if ($filetable) { // исходный файл в protected $path_src = rtrim($nc_core->FILES_FOLDER, '/') . $filetable['File_Path'] . $filetable['Virt_Name']; } else { if ($file_data[3]) { // orignal $path_src = $nc_core->FILES_FOLDER . $file_data[3]; } else { // simple $path_src = $nc_core->FILES_FOLDER . $field_src . "_" . $message . $ext; } } # копирование // получение информации о поле-приемника $field_info_desc = $nc_core->db->get_row("SELECT `Field_Name`, `Format` FROM `Field` WHERE `Field_ID` = '" . $field_dst . "'", ARRAY_A); if (!$field_info_desc) { return 0; } //удаление старого файла require_once $nc_core->INCLUDE_FOLDER . "s_files.inc.php"; DeleteFile($field_dst, $field_info_desc['Field_Name'], $classID, 0, $message); // определение типа фс применика $fs = nc_field_parse_format($field_info_desc['Format'], NC_FIELDTYPE_FILE); $fs = $fs['fs']; // определние имени файла на диске и диретории $in_db = $file_name . ":" . $file_type . ":" . $file_size; // то, что запишится в БД switch ($fs) { case NC_FS_PROTECTED: $path_dsc = $message_field['Subdivision_ID'] . '/' . $message_field['Sub_Class_ID'] . '/'; $name_dsc = md5($file_name . date("H:i:s d.m.Y") . uniqid("netcat")); $nc_core->db->query("INSERT INTO `Filetable`(Real_Name, Virt_Name, File_Path, File_Type, File_Size, Message_ID, Field_ID)\n VALUES('" . $file_name . "', '" . $name_dsc . "', '/" . $path_dsc . "','" . $file_type . "', '" . $file_size . "', '" . $message . "', '" . $field_dst . "')"); break; case NC_FS_ORIGINAL: $path_dsc = $message_field['Subdivision_ID'] . '/' . $message_field['Sub_Class_ID'] . '/'; $name_dsc = nc_get_filename_for_original_fs($file_name, $nc_core->FILES_FOLDER . $path_dsc); $in_db .= ":" . $path_dsc . $name_dsc; break; case NC_FS_SIMPLE: $path_dsc = ''; $name_dsc = $field_dst . "_" . $message . $ext; break; } // обновление инфы в БД $nc_core->db->query("UPDATE `Message" . $classID . "` SET `" . $field_info_desc['Field_Name'] . "` = '" . $in_db . "' WHERE `Message_ID` = '" . $message . "'"); print $nc_core->FILES_FOLDER . $path_dsc . $name_dsc; // копирование файла copy($path_src, $nc_core->FILES_FOLDER . $path_dsc . $name_dsc); return 1; }
} // Check the current folder syntax (must begin and start with a slash). if (substr($sCurrentFolder, -1) !== '/') { $sCurrentFolder .= '/'; } if (substr($sCurrentFolder, 0, 1) !== '/') { $sCurrentFolder = '/' . $sCurrentFolder; } // Execute the required command. switch ($sCommand) { case 'FileUpload': FileUpload($sCurrentFolder); break; case 'DeleteFile': CreateXmlHeader('DeleteFile', $sCurrentFolder); DeleteFile($sCurrentFolder, $sType); CreateXmlFooter(); break; case 'GetFoldersAndFiles': CreateXmlHeader('GetFoldersAndFiles', $sCurrentFolder); GetFoldersAndFiles($sCurrentFolder, $sType); CreateXmlFooter(); break; case 'CreateFolder': CreateXmlHeader('CreateFolder', $sCurrentFolder); CreateFolder($sCurrentFolder, $sType); CreateXmlFooter(); break; default: case 'GetFolders': CreateXmlHeader('GetFolders', $sCurrentFolder);
function delTemplateFile($dir, $fileName) { $filePath = ''; handlePower('删除模板文件'); //管理权限处理 $filePath = $dir . '/' . $fileName; DeleteFile($filePath); aspEcho('删除文件', $filePath); }
/** * 卸载插件 * 如果存在,系统会调用 插件名_callback.php 的 callback_remove() */ function uninstallPlugin($plugin) { global $m; inactivePlugin($plugin); $callback_file = SYSTEM_ROOT . '/plugins/' . $plugin . '/' . $plugin . '_callback.php'; if (file_exists($callback_file)) { require_once $callback_file; if (function_exists('callback_remove')) { callback_remove(); } } $m->query("DELETE FROM `" . DB_PREFIX . "plugins` WHERE `name` = '{$plugin}';"); $isapp = option::get('isapp'); if (empty($isapp)) { DeleteFile(SYSTEM_ROOT . '/plugins/' . $plugin); } }
<?php /** * Created by PhpStorm. * User: Ujjwal * Date: 9/2/2016 * Time: 1:28 PM */ include "Download.php"; if (isset($_POST['filename']) && $_POST['filename'] != null && $_POST['filename'] != '') { $filename = "downloads_data/" . $_POST['filename']; download($filename); DeleteFile($filename); exit; } function DeleteFile($filename) { if (is_file($filename)) { chmod($filename, 0777); unlink($filename); } }
function clearCache() { DeleteFile($GLOBALS['WEB_CACHEFile']); deleteFolder('./../cache/html'); CreateFolder('./../cache/html'); Rw(getMsg1(setL('清除缓冲完成,正在进入后台界面...'), '?act=displayAdminLogin')); }
} ?> <!DOCTYPE html> <html lang="fr"> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <link rel="shortcut icon" type="image/x-icon" href="./Images/favicon.ico" /> <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/bootstrap.min.css"> <title>Supervision server room</title> <script type="text/javascript"> //Confirmation pour delete le bateau function DelComment(fichier) { if (confirm("Voulez vous vraiment supprimer ce fichier?")) { <?php DeleteFile($fichier); ?> } } </script> <style> body { background-color: white; } canvas{ border:black solid 1px; }
/** * Удаление файлов шаблона в разделе $cc с идентификатором шаблона $classID * @param int $cc идентификатор шаблона в разделе * @param int $classID идентификатор шаблона * @return bool */ function DeleteSubClassFiles($cc, $classID) { global $db; $cc += 0; $classID += 0; $res = $db->get_results("SELECT `Field_ID`, `Field_Name`\n FROM `Field`\n WHERE `Class_ID` = '" . $classID . "'\n AND `System_Table_ID` = 0\n AND `TypeOfData_ID` = 6", ARRAY_A); if ($res) { foreach ($res as $field) { $messages = $db->get_col("SELECT `Message_ID`, `" . $field['Field_Name'] . "` FROM `Message" . $classID . "` WHERE `Sub_Class_ID` = '" . $cc . "'"); if ($messages) { foreach ($messages as $message_id) { DeleteFile($field['Field_ID'], $field['Field_Name'], $classID, "", $message_id); } } } } // delete dir DeleteSubClassDir($cc); return true; }
function copyHtmlToWeb() { $webDir = ''; $toWebDir = ''; $toFilePath = ''; $filePath = ''; $fileName = ''; $fileList = ''; $splStr = ''; $content = ''; $s = ''; $s1 = ''; $c = ''; $webImages = ''; $webCss = ''; $webJs = ''; $splJs = ''; $webFolderName = ''; $jsFileList = ''; $setFileCode = ''; $nErrLevel = ''; $jsFilePath = ''; $url = ''; $setFileCode = @$_REQUEST['setcode']; //设置文件保存编码 handlePower('复制生成HTML页面'); //管理权限处理 writeSystemLog('', '复制生成HTML页面'); //系统日志 $webFolderName = $GLOBALS['cfg_webTemplate']; if (left($webFolderName, 1) == '/') { $webFolderName = mid($webFolderName, 2, -1); } if (right($webFolderName, 1) == '/') { $webFolderName = mid($webFolderName, 1, len($webFolderName) - 1); } if (inStr($webFolderName, '/') > 0) { $webFolderName = mid($webFolderName, inStr($webFolderName, '/') + 1, -1); } $webDir = '/htmladmin/' . $webFolderName . '/'; $toWebDir = '/htmlw' . 'eb/viewweb/'; CreateDirFolder($toWebDir); $toWebDir = $toWebDir . pinYin2($webFolderName) . '/'; deleteFolder($toWebDir); //删除 CreateFolder('/htmlweb/web'); //创建文件夹 防止web文件夹不存在20160504 deleteFolder($webDir); CreateDirFolder($webDir); $webImages = $webDir . 'Images/'; $webCss = $webDir . 'Css/'; $webJs = $webDir . 'Js/'; copyFolder($GLOBALS['cfg_webImages'], $webImages); copyFolder($GLOBALS['cfg_webCss'], $webCss); CreateFolder($webJs); //创建Js文件夹 //处理Js文件夹 $splJs = aspSplit(getDirJsList($webJs), vbCrlf()); foreach ($splJs as $key => $filePath) { if ($filePath != '') { $toFilePath = $webJs . getFileName($filePath); aspEcho('js', $filePath); moveFile($filePath, $toFilePath); } } //处理Css文件夹 $splStr = aspSplit(getDirCssList($webCss), vbCrlf()); foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) { if ($filePath != '') { $content = getFText($filePath); $content = replace($content, $GLOBALS['cfg_webImages'], '../images/'); $content = deleteCssNote($content); $content = PHPTrim($content); //设置为utf-8编码 20160527 if (lCase($setFileCode) == 'utf-8') { $content = replace($content, 'gb2312', 'utf-8'); } WriteToFile($filePath, $content, $setFileCode); aspEcho('css', $GLOBALS['cfg_webImages']); } } //复制栏目HTML $GLOBALS['isMakeHtml'] = true; $rssObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'webcolumn where isonhtml=true'); while ($rss = $GLOBALS['conn']->fetch_array($rssObj)) { $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] = replace(getColumnUrl($rss['columnname'], 'name'), $GLOBALS['cfg_webSiteUrl'] . '/', ''); if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 1) == '/' || right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 1) == '') { $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] = $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . 'index.html'; } if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 5) == '.html') { if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 11) == '/index.html') { $fileList = $fileList . $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . vbCrlf(); } else { $fileList = $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . vbCrlf() . $fileList; } $fileName = replace($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], '/', '_'); $toFilePath = $webDir . $fileName; copyFile($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], $toFilePath); aspEcho('导航', $GLOBALS['glb_filePath']); } } //复制文章HTML $rssObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'articledetail where isonhtml=true'); while ($rss = $GLOBALS['conn']->fetch_array($rssObj)) { $GLOBALS['glb_url'] = getHandleRsUrl($rss['filename'], $rss['customaurl'], '/detail/detail' . $rss['id']); $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] = replace($GLOBALS['glb_url'], $GLOBALS['cfg_webSiteUrl'] . '/', ''); if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 1) == '/' || right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 1) == '') { $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] = $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . 'index.html'; } if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 5) == '.html') { if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 11) == '/index.html') { $fileList = $fileList . $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . vbCrlf(); } else { $fileList = $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . vbCrlf() . $fileList; } $fileName = replace($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], '/', '_'); $toFilePath = $webDir . $fileName; copyFile($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], $toFilePath); aspEcho('文章' . $rss['title'], $GLOBALS['glb_filePath']); } } //复制单面HTML $rssObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'onepage where isonhtml=true'); while ($rss = $GLOBALS['conn']->fetch_array($rssObj)) { $GLOBALS['glb_url'] = getHandleRsUrl($rss['filename'], $rss['customaurl'], '/page/page' . $rss['id']); $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] = replace($GLOBALS['glb_url'], $GLOBALS['cfg_webSiteUrl'] . '/', ''); if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 1) == '/' || right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 1) == '') { $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] = $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . 'index.html'; } if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 5) == '.html') { if (right($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], 11) == '/index.html') { $fileList = $fileList . $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . vbCrlf(); } else { $fileList = $GLOBALS['glb_filePath'] . vbCrlf() . $fileList; } $fileName = replace($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], '/', '_'); $toFilePath = $webDir . $fileName; copyFile($GLOBALS['glb_filePath'], $toFilePath); aspEcho('单页' . $rss['title'], $GLOBALS['glb_filePath']); } } //批量处理html文件列表 //call echo(cfg_webSiteUrl,cfg_webTemplate) //call rwend(fileList) $sourceUrl = ''; $replaceUrl = ''; $splStr = aspSplit($fileList, vbCrlf()); foreach ($splStr as $key => $filePath) { if ($filePath != '') { $filePath = $webDir . replace($filePath, '/', '_'); aspEcho('filePath', $filePath); $content = getFText($filePath); foreach ($splStr as $key => $s) { $s1 = $s; if (right($s1, 11) == '/index.html') { $s1 = left($s1, len($s1) - 11) . '/'; } $sourceUrl = $GLOBALS['cfg_webSiteUrl'] . $s1; $replaceUrl = $GLOBALS['cfg_webSiteUrl'] . replace($s, '/', '_'); //Call echo(sourceUrl, replaceUrl) '屏蔽 否则大量显示20160613 $content = replace($content, $sourceUrl, $replaceUrl); } $content = replace($content, $GLOBALS['cfg_webSiteUrl'], ''); //删除网址 $content = replace($content, $GLOBALS['cfg_webTemplate'] . '/', ''); //删除模板路径 记 //content=nullLinkAddDefaultName(content) foreach ($splJs as $key => $s) { if ($s != '') { $fileName = getFileName($s); $content = replace($content, 'Images/' . $fileName, 'js/' . $fileName); } } if (inStr($content, '/Jquery/Jquery.Min.js') > 0) { $content = replace($content, '/Jquery/Jquery.Min.js', 'js/Jquery.Min.js'); copyFile('/Jquery/Jquery.Min.js', $webJs . '/Jquery.Min.js'); } $content = replace($content, '<a href="" ', '<a href="index.html" '); //让首页加index.html createFileGBK($filePath, $content); } } //把复制网站夹下的images/文件夹下的js移到js/文件夹下 20160315 $htmlFileList = ''; $splHtmlFile = ''; $splJsFile = ''; $htmlFilePath = ''; $jsFileName = ''; $jsFileList = getDirJsNameList($webImages); $htmlFileList = getDirHtmlList($webDir); $splHtmlFile = aspSplit($htmlFileList, vbCrlf()); $splJsFile = aspSplit($jsFileList, vbCrlf()); foreach ($splHtmlFile as $key => $htmlFilePath) { $content = getFText($htmlFilePath); foreach ($splJsFile as $key => $jsFileName) { $content = regExp_Replace($content, 'Images/' . $jsFileName, 'js/' . $jsFileName); } $nErrLevel = 0; $content = handleHtmlFormatting($content, false, $nErrLevel, '|删除空行|'); //|删除空行| $content = handleCloseHtml($content, true, ''); //闭合标签 $nErrLevel = checkHtmlFormatting($content); if (checkHtmlFormatting($content) == false) { echoRed($htmlFilePath . '(格式化错误)', $nErrLevel); //注意 } //设置为utf-8编码 if (lCase($setFileCode) == 'utf-8') { $content = replace($content, '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=gb2312" />', '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />'); } $content = PHPTrim($content); WriteToFile($htmlFilePath, $content, $setFileCode); } //images下js移动到js下 foreach ($splJsFile as $key => $jsFileName) { $jsFilePath = $webImages . $jsFileName; $content = getFText($jsFilePath); $content = PHPTrim($content); WriteToFile($webJs . $jsFileName, $content, $setFileCode); DeleteFile($jsFilePath); } copyFolder($webDir, $toWebDir); //使htmlWeb文件夹用php压缩 if (@$_REQUEST['isMakeZip'] == '1') { makeHtmlWebToZip($webDir); } //使网站用xml打包20160612 if (@$_REQUEST['isMakeXml'] == '1') { makeHtmlWebToXmlZip('/htmladmin/', $webFolderName); } //浏览地址 $url = '' . $toWebDir; aspEcho('浏览', '<a href=\'' . $url . '\' target=\'_blank\'>' . $url . '</a>'); }
function DeleteOldFilesIfAny() { $paths = array('downloads_data/'); foreach ($paths as $path) { if ($handle = opendir($path)) { while (false !== ($file = readdir($handle))) { if (time() - filemtime($path . $file) > 3600) { DeleteFile($path . $file); } } } } }
function deleteAllMakeHtml() { $filePath = ''; //栏目 $rsxObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'webcolumn order by sortrank asc'); while ($rsx = $GLOBALS['conn']->fetch_array($rsxObj)) { if ($rsx['nofollow'] == false) { $filePath = getRsUrl($rsx['filename'], $rsx['customaurl'], '/nav' . $rsx['id']); if (right($filePath, 1) == '/') { $filePath = $filePath . 'index.html'; } aspEcho('栏目filePath', '<a href=\'' . $filePath . '\' target=\'_blank\'>' . $filePath . '</a>'); DeleteFile($filePath); } } //文章 $rsxObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'articledetail order by sortrank asc'); while ($rsx = $GLOBALS['conn']->fetch_array($rsxObj)) { if ($rsx['nofollow'] == false) { $filePath = getRsUrl($rsx['filename'], $rsx['customaurl'], '/detail/detail' . $rsx['id']); if (right($filePath, 1) == '/') { $filePath = $filePath . 'index.html'; } aspEcho('文章filePath', '<a href=\'' . $filePath . '\' target=\'_blank\'>' . $filePath . '</a>'); DeleteFile($filePath); } } //单页 $rsxObj = $GLOBALS['conn']->query('select * from ' . $GLOBALS['db_PREFIX'] . 'onepage order by sortrank asc'); while ($rsx = $GLOBALS['conn']->fetch_array($rsxObj)) { if ($rsx['nofollow'] == false) { $filePath = getRsUrl($rsx['filename'], $rsx['customaurl'], '/page/detail' . $rsx['id']); if (right($filePath, 1) == '/') { $filePath = $filePath . 'index.html'; } aspEcho('单页filePath', '<a href=\'' . $filePath . '\' target=\'_blank\'>' . $filePath . '</a>'); DeleteFile($filePath); } } }
//删除配置文件 if (file_exists($floderName . '/config.php')) { unlink($floderName . '/config.php'); } if (file_exists($floderName . '/app.conf')) { unlink($floderName . '/app.conf'); } if (file_exists($floderName . '/config.yaml')) { unlink($floderName . '/config.yaml'); } //覆盖文件 if (CopyAll($floderName, SYSTEM_ROOT) !== true) { DeleteFile(UPDATE_CACHE); msg('错误 - 更新失败:<br/><br/>无法更新文件'); } DeleteFile(UPDATE_CACHE); //获取最新的版本号 $c = new wcurl('http://kenvix.oschina.io/tieba-cloud-sign/'); $data = json_decode($c->exec(), true); $c->close(); //修改版本号 option::set('vid', $data['vid']); //暂不支持更新脚本 msg('恭喜您,更新成功!', SYSTEM_URL . 'index.php?mod=admin:update&ok'); break; case 'admin:update:changeServer': if (isset($_GET['server'])) { option::set('update_server', $_GET['server']); } break; case 'baiduid:getverify':
<?php include_once "../common.php"; if (!$user->Check()) { exit; } include_once ROOT_PATH . "/mod/files.php"; if (!isset($_GET['id'])) { exit; } $id = (int) $_GET['id']; if (!@$id) { exit; } echo '<hr color="#dddddd" size="1">'; if (DeleteFile($id) == 1) { echo "<font class='ok'>Ok, file deleted!</font>"; } else { echo "<font class='error'>Can't delete file</font>"; }