function DLM_uploadNewFile($newfile, $directory, $name = '') { global $_DLM_CONF; $tmp = $newfile['tmp_name']; if (empty($name)) { $name = COM_applyFilter($newfile['name']); if (empty($name)) { return false; } } $newfilepath = $directory . DLM_encodeFileName($name); if (!is_uploaded_file($tmp)) { COM_errorLog("Downloads: upload error: Temporary file does not exist: '" . $tmp . "'"); DLM_showErrorMessage('1003'); return false; } if (file_exists($newfilepath)) { COM_errorLog("Downloads: warning: Added new filelisting for a file that already exists " . $newfilepath); return true; // not uploaded. this OK? or upload and overwrite force. } if (!move_uploaded_file($tmp, $newfilepath)) { COM_errorLog("Downloads: upload error: Could not move an uploaded file: " . $tmp . " to " . $name); DLM_showErrorMessage('1004'); return false; } @chmod($newfilepath, intval((string) $_DLM_CONF['filepermissions'], 8)); return true; }
// Check if REG user is trying to vote twice. $result = DB_query("SELECT ratinguser FROM {$_TABLES['downloadvotes']} WHERE lid='" . addslashes($lid) . "'"); while (list($ratinguserDB) = DB_fetchArray($result)) { if ($ratinguserDB == $uid) { echo DLM_showErrorMessage('voteonce'); exit; } } } // Check if ANONYMOUS user is trying to vote more than once per day. if ($uid == 1) { $yesterday = time() - 86400 * $anonwaitdays; $result = DB_query("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM {$_TABLES['downloadvotes']} " . "WHERE lid = '" . addslashes($lid) . "' " . "AND ratinguser = 1 AND ratinghostname = '{$ip}' AND ratingtimestamp > {$yesterday}"); list($anonvotecount) = DB_fetchArray($result); if ($anonvotecount >= 1) { echo DLM_showErrorMessage('voteonce'); exit; } } //All is well. Add to Line Item Rate to DB. $datetime = time(); DB_query("INSERT INTO {$_TABLES['downloadvotes']} " . "(lid, ratinguser, rating, ratinghostname, ratingtimestamp) " . "VALUES ('" . addslashes($lid) . "', {$uid}, {$rating}, '{$ip}', {$datetime})"); //All is well. Calculate Score & Add to Summary (for quick retrieval & sorting) to DB. DLM_updaterating($lid); echo PLG_afterSaveSwitch('home', '', 'downloads', 113); exit; } $lid = COM_applyFilter($_GET['lid']); $result = DB_query("SELECT title FROM {$_TABLES['downloads']} WHERE lid='" . addslashes($lid) . "'"); list($title) = DB_fetchArray($result); $title = DLM_htmlspecialchars($title);