Example #1
function matchStatusToImage($status)
     * param:	matchstatus integer
     * returns:	image TAG pointing to the correct visual
    global $dbi;
    $RS = DB_listMatchStatus($dbi);
    // ATT the array is zero based ...the table IDs are NOT !!
    return '<img src=\'images/' . $RS[$status - 1][2] . '\' border=\'0\' alt=\'' . $RS[$status - 1][3] . '\'>';
Example #2
 * returns select box string
 * param: 	$name_id=the name/id of the select TAG
 * 				$$status_selected = pre-selected ID
function Select_MatchStatus($name_id, $status_selected = 0, $changeaction = '', $allowNoSelect = 1)
    global $dbi;
    $RS = DB_listMatchStatus($dbi);
    $OUT = RecordsetToSelectOptionList($RS, array(0, 1), $name_id, $status_selected, $changeaction, $allowNoSelect);
    return $OUT;