function AddRow($rsold = NULL) { global $conn, $Language, $Security; // Check if valid key values for master user if ($Security->CurrentUserID() != "" && !$Security->IsAdmin()) { // Non system admin $sMasterFilter = $this->SqlMasterFilter_hoja_mantenimientos(); if (strval($this->id_hoja_mantenimeinto->CurrentValue) != "" && $this->getCurrentMasterTable() == "hoja_mantenimientos") { $sMasterFilter = str_replace("@codigo@", ew_AdjustSql($this->id_hoja_mantenimeinto->CurrentValue), $sMasterFilter); } else { $sMasterFilter = ""; } if ($sMasterFilter != "") { $rsmaster = $GLOBALS["hoja_mantenimientos"]->LoadRs($sMasterFilter); $this->MasterRecordExists = $rsmaster && !$rsmaster->EOF; if (!$this->MasterRecordExists) { $sMasterUserIdMsg = str_replace("%c", CurrentUserID(), $Language->Phrase("UnAuthorizedMasterUserID")); $sMasterUserIdMsg = str_replace("%f", $sMasterFilter, $sMasterUserIdMsg); $this->setFailureMessage($sMasterUserIdMsg); return FALSE; } else { $rsmaster->Close(); } } $sMasterFilter = $this->SqlMasterFilter_tipo_gastos(); if (strval($this->id_tipo_gasto->CurrentValue) != "" && $this->getCurrentMasterTable() == "tipo_gastos") { $sMasterFilter = str_replace("@codigo@", ew_AdjustSql($this->id_tipo_gasto->CurrentValue), $sMasterFilter); } else { $sMasterFilter = ""; } if ($sMasterFilter != "") { $rsmaster = $GLOBALS["tipo_gastos"]->LoadRs($sMasterFilter); $this->MasterRecordExists = $rsmaster && !$rsmaster->EOF; if (!$this->MasterRecordExists) { $sMasterUserIdMsg = str_replace("%c", CurrentUserID(), $Language->Phrase("UnAuthorizedMasterUserID")); $sMasterUserIdMsg = str_replace("%f", $sMasterFilter, $sMasterUserIdMsg); $this->setFailureMessage($sMasterUserIdMsg); return FALSE; } else { $rsmaster->Close(); } } } // Set up foreign key field value from Session if ($this->getCurrentMasterTable() == "hoja_mantenimientos") { $this->id_hoja_mantenimeinto->CurrentValue = $this->id_hoja_mantenimeinto->getSessionValue(); } if ($this->getCurrentMasterTable() == "tipo_gastos") { $this->id_tipo_gasto->CurrentValue = $this->id_tipo_gasto->getSessionValue(); } // Load db values from rsold if ($rsold) { $this->LoadDbValues($rsold); } $rsnew = array(); // detalle $this->detalle->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->detalle->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // fecha $this->fecha->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, ew_UnFormatDateTime($this->fecha->CurrentValue, 7), NULL, FALSE); // id_tipo_gasto $this->id_tipo_gasto->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->id_tipo_gasto->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // id_hoja_mantenimeinto $this->id_hoja_mantenimeinto->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->id_hoja_mantenimeinto->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // id_usuario if (!$Security->IsAdmin() && $Security->IsLoggedIn()) { // Non system admin $rsnew['id_usuario'] = CurrentUserID(); } // Call Row Inserting event $rs = $rsold == NULL ? NULL : $rsold->fields; $bInsertRow = $this->Row_Inserting($rs, $rsnew); if ($bInsertRow) { $conn->raiseErrorFn = $GLOBALS["EW_ERROR_FN"]; $AddRow = $this->Insert($rsnew); $conn->raiseErrorFn = ''; if ($AddRow) { } } else { if ($this->getSuccessMessage() != "" || $this->getFailureMessage() != "") { // Use the message, do nothing } elseif ($this->CancelMessage != "") { $this->setFailureMessage($this->CancelMessage); $this->CancelMessage = ""; } else { $this->setFailureMessage($Language->Phrase("InsertCancelled")); } $AddRow = FALSE; } // Get insert id if necessary if ($AddRow) { $this->codigo->setDbValue($conn->Insert_ID()); $rsnew['codigo'] = $this->codigo->DbValue; } if ($AddRow) { // Call Row Inserted event $rs = $rsold == NULL ? NULL : $rsold->fields; $this->Row_Inserted($rs, $rsnew); } return $AddRow; }
function ParentUserIDList($userid) { $result = ""; // Own record if (trim(strval($userid)) == strval(CurrentUserID())) { if (strval(CurrentParentUserID()) != "") { $result = ew_QuotedValue(CurrentParentUserID(), EW_DATATYPE_NUMBER); } return $result; } // One level only, must be CurrentUserID if (!EW_USER_ID_IS_HIERARCHICAL) { return ew_QuotedValue(CurrentUserID(), EW_DATATYPE_NUMBER); } else { // Hierarchical, all users except userid $ar = $this->UserID; $len = count($ar); for ($i = 0; $i < $len; $i++) { if (strval($ar[$i]) != trim(strval($userid))) { if ($result != "") { $result .= ", "; } $result .= ew_QuotedValue($ar[$i], EW_DATATYPE_NUMBER); } } return $result; } }
function RenderEditRow() { global $conn, $Security, $gsLanguage, $Language; // Call Row Rendering event $this->Row_Rendering(); // id $this->id->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->id->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->id->EditValue = $this->id->CurrentValue; $this->id->ViewCustomAttributes = ""; // url $this->url->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->url->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->url->EditValue = ew_HtmlEncode($this->url->CurrentValue); $this->url->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->url->FldCaption()); // tdate $this->tdate->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->tdate->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->tdate->EditValue = ew_HtmlEncode(ew_FormatDateTime($this->tdate->CurrentValue, 5)); $this->tdate->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->tdate->FldCaption()); // account_id $this->account_id->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->account_id->EditCustomAttributes = ""; if (!$Security->IsAdmin() && $Security->IsLoggedIn() && !$this->UserIDAllow("info")) { // Non system admin $this->account_id->CurrentValue = CurrentUserID(); $this->account_id->EditValue = $this->account_id->CurrentValue; $this->account_id->ViewCustomAttributes = ""; } else { $this->account_id->EditValue = ew_HtmlEncode($this->account_id->CurrentValue); $this->account_id->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->account_id->FldCaption()); } // Call Row Rendered event $this->Row_Rendered(); }
function RenderEditRow() { global $conn, $Security, $gsLanguage, $Language; // Call Row Rendering event $this->Row_Rendering(); // id $this->id->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->id->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->id->EditValue = $this->id->CurrentValue; $this->id->ViewCustomAttributes = ""; // account_id $this->account_id->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->account_id->EditCustomAttributes = ""; if (!$Security->IsAdmin() && $Security->IsLoggedIn() && !$this->UserIDAllow("info")) { // Non system admin $this->account_id->CurrentValue = CurrentUserID(); $this->account_id->EditValue = $this->account_id->CurrentValue; $this->account_id->ViewCustomAttributes = ""; } else { $this->account_id->EditValue = ew_HtmlEncode($this->account_id->CurrentValue); $this->account_id->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->account_id->FldCaption()); } // image $this->image->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->image->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->image->EditValue = ew_HtmlEncode($this->image->CurrentValue); $this->image->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->image->FldCaption()); // uname $this->uname->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->uname->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->uname->EditValue = ew_HtmlEncode($this->uname->CurrentValue); $this->uname->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->uname->FldCaption()); // dtime $this->dtime->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->dtime->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->dtime->EditValue = ew_HtmlEncode($this->dtime->CurrentValue); $this->dtime->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->dtime->FldCaption()); // pnumber $this->pnumber->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->pnumber->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->pnumber->EditValue = $this->pnumber->CurrentValue; $this->pnumber->ViewCustomAttributes = ""; // message $this->message->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->message->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->message->EditValue = ew_HtmlEncode($this->message->CurrentValue); $this->message->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->message->FldCaption()); // m_type $this->m_type->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->m_type->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->m_type->EditValue = ew_HtmlEncode($this->m_type->CurrentValue); $this->m_type->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->m_type->FldCaption()); // M_url $this->M_url->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $arwrk = array(); $arwrk[] = array($this->M_url->FldTagValue(1), $this->M_url->FldTagCaption(1) != "" ? $this->M_url->FldTagCaption(1) : $this->M_url->FldTagValue(1)); $arwrk[] = array($this->M_url->FldTagValue(2), $this->M_url->FldTagCaption(2) != "" ? $this->M_url->FldTagCaption(2) : $this->M_url->FldTagValue(2)); $this->M_url->EditValue = $arwrk; // Call Row Rendered event $this->Row_Rendered(); }
function AddRow($rsold = NULL) { global $conn, $Language, $Security; // Begin transaction if ($this->getCurrentDetailTable() != "") { $conn->BeginTrans(); } // Load db values from rsold if ($rsold) { $this->LoadDbValues($rsold); } $rsnew = array(); // cuit_cuil $this->cuit_cuil->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->cuit_cuil->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // id_actividad $this->id_actividad->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->id_actividad->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // propietario $this->propietario->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->propietario->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // comercio $this->comercio->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->comercio->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // direccion_comercio $this->direccion_comercio->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->direccion_comercio->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // mail $this->mail->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->mail->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // tel $this->tel->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->tel->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // cel $this->cel->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->cel->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // activo $this->activo->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->activo->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // socio_nro // id_usuario if (!$Security->IsAdmin() && $Security->IsLoggedIn()) { // Non system admin $rsnew['id_usuario'] = CurrentUserID(); } // Call Row Inserting event $rs = $rsold == NULL ? NULL : $rsold->fields; $bInsertRow = $this->Row_Inserting($rs, $rsnew); if ($bInsertRow) { $conn->raiseErrorFn = 'ew_ErrorFn'; $AddRow = $this->Insert($rsnew); $conn->raiseErrorFn = ''; if ($AddRow) { } } else { if ($this->getSuccessMessage() != "" || $this->getFailureMessage() != "") { // Use the message, do nothing } elseif ($this->CancelMessage != "") { $this->setFailureMessage($this->CancelMessage); $this->CancelMessage = ""; } else { $this->setFailureMessage($Language->Phrase("InsertCancelled")); } $AddRow = FALSE; } // Get insert id if necessary if ($AddRow) { $this->socio_nro->setDbValue($conn->Insert_ID()); $rsnew['socio_nro'] = $this->socio_nro->DbValue; } // Add detail records if ($AddRow) { $DetailTblVar = explode(",", $this->getCurrentDetailTable()); if (in_array("socios_detalles", $DetailTblVar) && $GLOBALS["socios_detalles"]->DetailAdd) { $GLOBALS["socios_detalles"]->id_socio->setSessionValue($this->socio_nro->CurrentValue); // Set master key if (!isset($GLOBALS["socios_detalles_grid"])) { $GLOBALS["socios_detalles_grid"] = new csocios_detalles_grid(); } // Get detail page object $AddRow = $GLOBALS["socios_detalles_grid"]->GridInsert(); if (!$AddRow) { $GLOBALS["socios_detalles"]->id_socio->setSessionValue(""); } // Clear master key if insert failed } if (in_array("socios_cuotas", $DetailTblVar) && $GLOBALS["socios_cuotas"]->DetailAdd) { $GLOBALS["socios_cuotas"]->id_socio->setSessionValue($this->socio_nro->CurrentValue); // Set master key if (!isset($GLOBALS["socios_cuotas_grid"])) { $GLOBALS["socios_cuotas_grid"] = new csocios_cuotas_grid(); } // Get detail page object $AddRow = $GLOBALS["socios_cuotas_grid"]->GridInsert(); if (!$AddRow) { $GLOBALS["socios_cuotas"]->id_socio->setSessionValue(""); } // Clear master key if insert failed } if (in_array("deudas", $DetailTblVar) && $GLOBALS["deudas"]->DetailAdd) { $GLOBALS["deudas"]->id_socio->setSessionValue($this->socio_nro->CurrentValue); // Set master key if (!isset($GLOBALS["deudas_grid"])) { $GLOBALS["deudas_grid"] = new cdeudas_grid(); } // Get detail page object $AddRow = $GLOBALS["deudas_grid"]->GridInsert(); if (!$AddRow) { $GLOBALS["deudas"]->id_socio->setSessionValue(""); } // Clear master key if insert failed } } // Commit/Rollback transaction if ($this->getCurrentDetailTable() != "") { if ($AddRow) { $conn->CommitTrans(); // Commit transaction } else { $conn->RollbackTrans(); // Rollback transaction } } if ($AddRow) { // Call Row Inserted event $rs = $rsold == NULL ? NULL : $rsold->fields; $this->Row_Inserted($rs, $rsnew); } return $AddRow; }
function AddRow($rsold = NULL) { global $Language, $Security; $conn =& $this->Connection(); // Load db values from rsold if ($rsold) { $this->LoadDbValues($rsold); } $rsnew = array(); // NAME_IN_CARD $this->NAME_IN_CARD->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->NAME_IN_CARD->CurrentValue, "", FALSE); // NUMBER $this->NUMBER->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->NUMBER->CurrentValue, 0, FALSE); // CARD_TYPE_ID $this->CARD_TYPE_ID->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->CARD_TYPE_ID->CurrentValue, 0, FALSE); // BANK_ID $this->BANK_ID->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->BANK_ID->CurrentValue, 0, FALSE); // VALID_THRU_MONTH $this->VALID_THRU_MONTH->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->VALID_THRU_MONTH->CurrentValue, 0, FALSE); // VALID_THRU_YEAR $this->VALID_THRU_YEAR->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->VALID_THRU_YEAR->CurrentValue, 0, FALSE); // USER_ID if (!$Security->IsAdmin() && $Security->IsLoggedIn()) { // Non system admin $rsnew['USER_ID'] = CurrentUserID(); } // Call Row Inserting event $rs = $rsold == NULL ? NULL : $rsold->fields; $bInsertRow = $this->Row_Inserting($rs, $rsnew); if ($bInsertRow) { $conn->raiseErrorFn = $GLOBALS["EW_ERROR_FN"]; $AddRow = $this->Insert($rsnew); $conn->raiseErrorFn = ''; if ($AddRow) { // Get insert id if necessary $this->CARD_ID->setDbValue($conn->Insert_ID()); $rsnew['CARD_ID'] = $this->CARD_ID->DbValue; } } else { if ($this->getSuccessMessage() != "" || $this->getFailureMessage() != "") { // Use the message, do nothing } elseif ($this->CancelMessage != "") { $this->setFailureMessage($this->CancelMessage); $this->CancelMessage = ""; } else { $this->setFailureMessage($Language->Phrase("InsertCancelled")); } $AddRow = FALSE; } if ($AddRow) { // Call Row Inserted event $rs = $rsold == NULL ? NULL : $rsold->fields; $this->Row_Inserted($rs, $rsnew); } return $AddRow; }
function WriteAuditTrailOnAdd(&$rs) { if (!$this->AuditTrailOnAdd) { return; } $table = 'montos'; // Get key value $key = ""; if ($key != "") { $key .= $GLOBALS["EW_COMPOSITE_KEY_SEPARATOR"]; } $key .= $rs['id']; // Write Audit Trail $dt = ew_StdCurrentDateTime(); $id = ew_ScriptName(); $usr = CurrentUserID(); foreach (array_keys($rs) as $fldname) { if ($this->fields[$fldname]->FldDataType != EW_DATATYPE_BLOB) { // Ignore BLOB fields if ($this->fields[$fldname]->FldDataType == EW_DATATYPE_MEMO) { if (EW_AUDIT_TRAIL_TO_DATABASE) { $newvalue = $rs[$fldname]; } else { $newvalue = "[MEMO]"; } // Memo Field } elseif ($this->fields[$fldname]->FldDataType == EW_DATATYPE_XML) { $newvalue = "[XML]"; // XML Field } else { $newvalue = $rs[$fldname]; } ew_WriteAuditTrail("log", $dt, $id, $usr, "A", $table, $fldname, $key, "", $newvalue); } } }
function AddRow($rsold = NULL) { global $conn, $Language, $Security; // Check if valid User ID $bValidUser = FALSE; if ($Security->CurrentUserID() != "" && !$Security->IsAdmin()) { // Non system admin $bValidUser = $Security->IsValidUserID($this->codigo->CurrentValue); if (!$bValidUser) { $sUserIdMsg = str_replace("%c", CurrentUserID(), $Language->Phrase("UnAuthorizedUserID")); $sUserIdMsg = str_replace("%u", $this->codigo->CurrentValue, $sUserIdMsg); $this->setFailureMessage($sUserIdMsg); return FALSE; } } // Check if valid parent user id $bValidParentUser = FALSE; if ($Security->CurrentUserID() != "" && !$Security->IsAdmin()) { // Non system admin $bValidParentUser = $Security->IsValidUserID($this->codigo->CurrentValue); if (!$bValidParentUser) { $sParentUserIdMsg = str_replace("%c", CurrentUserID(), $Language->Phrase("UnAuthorizedParentUserID")); $sParentUserIdMsg = str_replace("%p", $this->codigo->CurrentValue, $sParentUserIdMsg); $this->setFailureMessage($sParentUserIdMsg); return FALSE; } } // Load db values from rsold if ($rsold) { $this->LoadDbValues($rsold); } $rsnew = array(); // usuario $this->usuario->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->usuario->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // contrasenia $this->contrasenia->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->contrasenia->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // nombre $this->nombre->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->nombre->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // email $this->_email->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->_email->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // activo $this->activo->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->activo->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // Call Row Inserting event $rs = $rsold == NULL ? NULL : $rsold->fields; $bInsertRow = $this->Row_Inserting($rs, $rsnew); if ($bInsertRow) { $conn->raiseErrorFn = $GLOBALS["EW_ERROR_FN"]; $AddRow = $this->Insert($rsnew); $conn->raiseErrorFn = ''; if ($AddRow) { } } else { if ($this->getSuccessMessage() != "" || $this->getFailureMessage() != "") { // Use the message, do nothing } elseif ($this->CancelMessage != "") { $this->setFailureMessage($this->CancelMessage); $this->CancelMessage = ""; } else { $this->setFailureMessage($Language->Phrase("InsertCancelled")); } $AddRow = FALSE; } // Get insert id if necessary if ($AddRow) { $this->codigo->setDbValue($conn->Insert_ID()); $rsnew['codigo'] = $this->codigo->DbValue; } if ($AddRow) { // Call Row Inserted event $rs = $rsold == NULL ? NULL : $rsold->fields; $this->Row_Inserted($rs, $rsnew); // Call User Registered event $this->User_Registered($rsnew); } return $AddRow; }
function RenderEditRow() { global $conn, $Security, $gsLanguage, $Language; // Call Row Rendering event $this->Row_Rendering(); // id $this->id->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->id->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->id->EditValue = $this->id->CurrentValue; $this->id->ViewCustomAttributes = ""; // status $this->status->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->status->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->status->EditValue = ew_HtmlEncode($this->status->CurrentValue); $this->status->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->status->FldCaption()); // account_id $this->account_id->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->account_id->EditCustomAttributes = ""; if (!$Security->IsAdmin() && $Security->IsLoggedIn() && !$this->UserIDAllow("info")) { // Non system admin $this->account_id->CurrentValue = CurrentUserID(); $this->account_id->EditValue = $this->account_id->CurrentValue; $this->account_id->ViewCustomAttributes = ""; } else { $this->account_id->EditValue = ew_HtmlEncode($this->account_id->CurrentValue); $this->account_id->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->account_id->FldCaption()); } // profile_pix $this->profile_pix->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->profile_pix->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->profile_pix->EditValue = ew_HtmlEncode($this->profile_pix->CurrentValue); $this->profile_pix->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->profile_pix->FldCaption()); // autoreply $this->autoreply->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->autoreply->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->autoreply->EditValue = ew_HtmlEncode($this->autoreply->CurrentValue); $this->autoreply->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->autoreply->FldCaption()); // phonenumber $this->phonenumber->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->phonenumber->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->phonenumber->EditValue = ew_HtmlEncode($this->phonenumber->CurrentValue); $this->phonenumber->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->phonenumber->FldCaption()); // Call Row Rendered event $this->Row_Rendered(); }
?> <input type="hidden" name="z_id" id="z_id" value="="></p> </label> <div class="<?php echo $usuario_search->SearchRightColumnClass; ?> "><div<?php echo $usuario->id->CellAttributes(); ?> > <span id="el_usuario_id"> <?php if (!$Security->IsAdmin() && $Security->IsLoggedIn()) { // Non system admin if (strval($usuario->id->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue) == "") { $usuario->id->AdvancedSearch->SearchValue = CurrentUserID(); } ?> <select data-field="x_id" id="x_id" name="x_id"<?php echo $usuario->id->EditAttributes(); ?> > <?php if (is_array($usuario->id->EditValue)) { $arwrk = $usuario->id->EditValue; if ($arwrk[0][0] != "") { echo "<option value=\"\">" . $Language->Phrase("PleaseSelect") . "</option>"; } $rowswrk = count($arwrk); $emptywrk = TRUE; for ($rowcntwrk = 0; $rowcntwrk < $rowswrk; $rowcntwrk++) {
function AddRow($rsold = NULL) { global $conn, $Language, $Security; // Begin transaction if ($this->getCurrentDetailTable() != "") { $conn->BeginTrans(); } // Load db values from rsold if ($rsold) { $this->LoadDbValues($rsold); } $rsnew = array(); // fecha_ini $this->fecha_ini->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, ew_UnFormatDateTime($this->fecha_ini->CurrentValue, 7), NULL, FALSE); // id_cliente $this->id_cliente->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->id_cliente->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // id_localidad_origen $this->id_localidad_origen->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->id_localidad_origen->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // Origen $this->Origen->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->Origen->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // id_localidad_destino $this->id_localidad_destino->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->id_localidad_destino->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // Destino $this->Destino->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->Destino->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // Km_ini $this->Km_ini->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->Km_ini->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // estado $this->estado->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->estado->CurrentValue, NULL, strval($this->estado->CurrentValue) == ""); // id_vehiculo $this->id_vehiculo->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->id_vehiculo->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // id_tipo_carga $this->id_tipo_carga->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->id_tipo_carga->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // km_fin $this->km_fin->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->km_fin->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // fecha_fin $this->fecha_fin->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, ew_UnFormatDateTime($this->fecha_fin->CurrentValue, 7), NULL, FALSE); // adelanto $this->adelanto->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->adelanto->CurrentValue, NULL, strval($this->adelanto->CurrentValue) == ""); // kg_carga $this->kg_carga->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->kg_carga->CurrentValue, NULL, strval($this->kg_carga->CurrentValue) == ""); // tarifa $this->tarifa->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->tarifa->CurrentValue, NULL, strval($this->tarifa->CurrentValue) == ""); // porcentaje $this->porcentaje->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->porcentaje->CurrentValue, NULL, strval($this->porcentaje->CurrentValue) == ""); // id_usuario if (!$Security->IsAdmin() && $Security->IsLoggedIn()) { // Non system admin $rsnew['id_usuario'] = CurrentUserID(); } // Call Row Inserting event $rs = $rsold == NULL ? NULL : $rsold->fields; $bInsertRow = $this->Row_Inserting($rs, $rsnew); if ($bInsertRow) { $conn->raiseErrorFn = $GLOBALS["EW_ERROR_FN"]; $AddRow = $this->Insert($rsnew); $conn->raiseErrorFn = ''; if ($AddRow) { } } else { if ($this->getSuccessMessage() != "" || $this->getFailureMessage() != "") { // Use the message, do nothing } elseif ($this->CancelMessage != "") { $this->setFailureMessage($this->CancelMessage); $this->CancelMessage = ""; } else { $this->setFailureMessage($Language->Phrase("InsertCancelled")); } $AddRow = FALSE; } // Get insert id if necessary if ($AddRow) { $this->codigo->setDbValue($conn->Insert_ID()); $rsnew['codigo'] = $this->codigo->DbValue; } // Add detail records if ($AddRow) { $DetailTblVar = explode(",", $this->getCurrentDetailTable()); if (in_array("gastos", $DetailTblVar) && $GLOBALS["gastos"]->DetailAdd) { $GLOBALS["gastos"]->id_hoja_ruta->setSessionValue($this->codigo->CurrentValue); // Set master key if (!isset($GLOBALS["gastos_grid"])) { $GLOBALS["gastos_grid"] = new cgastos_grid(); } // Get detail page object $AddRow = $GLOBALS["gastos_grid"]->GridInsert(); if (!$AddRow) { $GLOBALS["gastos"]->id_hoja_ruta->setSessionValue(""); } // Clear master key if insert failed } } // Commit/Rollback transaction if ($this->getCurrentDetailTable() != "") { if ($AddRow) { $conn->CommitTrans(); // Commit transaction } else { $conn->RollbackTrans(); // Rollback transaction } } if ($AddRow) { // Call Row Inserted event $rs = $rsold == NULL ? NULL : $rsold->fields; $this->Row_Inserted($rs, $rsnew); } return $AddRow; }
function RenderEditRow() { global $Security, $gsLanguage, $Language; // Call Row Rendering event $this->Row_Rendering(); // CARD_ID $this->CARD_ID->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->CARD_ID->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->CARD_ID->EditValue = $this->CARD_ID->CurrentValue; $this->CARD_ID->ViewCustomAttributes = ""; // NAME_IN_CARD $this->NAME_IN_CARD->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->NAME_IN_CARD->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->NAME_IN_CARD->EditValue = $this->NAME_IN_CARD->CurrentValue; $this->NAME_IN_CARD->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->NAME_IN_CARD->FldCaption()); // NUMBER $this->NUMBER->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->NUMBER->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->NUMBER->EditValue = $this->NUMBER->CurrentValue; $this->NUMBER->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->NUMBER->FldCaption()); if (strval($this->NUMBER->EditValue) != "" && is_numeric($this->NUMBER->EditValue)) { $this->NUMBER->EditValue = ew_FormatNumber($this->NUMBER->EditValue, -2, -1, -2, 0); } // CARD_TYPE_ID $this->CARD_TYPE_ID->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->CARD_TYPE_ID->EditCustomAttributes = ""; // USER_ID $this->USER_ID->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->USER_ID->EditCustomAttributes = ""; if (!$Security->IsAdmin() && $Security->IsLoggedIn() && !$this->UserIDAllow("info")) { // Non system admin $this->USER_ID->CurrentValue = CurrentUserID(); $this->USER_ID->EditValue = $this->USER_ID->CurrentValue; $this->USER_ID->ViewCustomAttributes = ""; } else { $this->USER_ID->EditValue = $this->USER_ID->CurrentValue; $this->USER_ID->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->USER_ID->FldCaption()); } // BANK_ID $this->BANK_ID->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->BANK_ID->EditCustomAttributes = ""; // VALID_THRU_MONTH $this->VALID_THRU_MONTH->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->VALID_THRU_MONTH->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->VALID_THRU_MONTH->EditValue = $this->VALID_THRU_MONTH->CurrentValue; $this->VALID_THRU_MONTH->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->VALID_THRU_MONTH->FldCaption()); // VALID_THRU_YEAR $this->VALID_THRU_YEAR->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->VALID_THRU_YEAR->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->VALID_THRU_YEAR->EditValue = $this->VALID_THRU_YEAR->CurrentValue; $this->VALID_THRU_YEAR->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->VALID_THRU_YEAR->FldCaption()); // Call Row Rendered event $this->Row_Rendered(); }
function RenderEditRow() { global $Security, $gsLanguage, $Language; // Call Row Rendering event $this->Row_Rendering(); // RESERVATION_ID $this->RESERVATION_ID->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->RESERVATION_ID->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->RESERVATION_ID->EditValue = $this->RESERVATION_ID->CurrentValue; $this->RESERVATION_ID->ViewCustomAttributes = ""; // CODE $this->CODE->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->CODE->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->CODE->EditValue = $this->CODE->CurrentValue; $this->CODE->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->CODE->FldCaption()); // DESCRIPTION $this->DESCRIPTION->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->DESCRIPTION->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->DESCRIPTION->EditValue = $this->DESCRIPTION->CurrentValue; $this->DESCRIPTION->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->DESCRIPTION->FldCaption()); // TIME_LIMIT $this->TIME_LIMIT->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->TIME_LIMIT->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->TIME_LIMIT->EditValue = $this->TIME_LIMIT->CurrentValue; $this->TIME_LIMIT->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->TIME_LIMIT->FldCaption()); if (strval($this->TIME_LIMIT->EditValue) != "" && is_numeric($this->TIME_LIMIT->EditValue)) { $this->TIME_LIMIT->EditValue = ew_FormatNumber($this->TIME_LIMIT->EditValue, -2, -1, -2, 0); } // TICKET_NUMBER_TIME_LIMIT $this->TICKET_NUMBER_TIME_LIMIT->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->TICKET_NUMBER_TIME_LIMIT->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->TICKET_NUMBER_TIME_LIMIT->EditValue = $this->TICKET_NUMBER_TIME_LIMIT->CurrentValue; $this->TICKET_NUMBER_TIME_LIMIT->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->TICKET_NUMBER_TIME_LIMIT->FldCaption()); if (strval($this->TICKET_NUMBER_TIME_LIMIT->EditValue) != "" && is_numeric($this->TICKET_NUMBER_TIME_LIMIT->EditValue)) { $this->TICKET_NUMBER_TIME_LIMIT->EditValue = ew_FormatNumber($this->TICKET_NUMBER_TIME_LIMIT->EditValue, -2, -1, -2, 0); } // TICKET_NUMBER $this->TICKET_NUMBER->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->TICKET_NUMBER->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->TICKET_NUMBER->EditValue = $this->TICKET_NUMBER->CurrentValue; $this->TICKET_NUMBER->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->TICKET_NUMBER->FldCaption()); if (strval($this->TICKET_NUMBER->EditValue) != "" && is_numeric($this->TICKET_NUMBER->EditValue)) { $this->TICKET_NUMBER->EditValue = ew_FormatNumber($this->TICKET_NUMBER->EditValue, -2, -1, -2, 0); } // RESERVATION_STATUS_ID $this->RESERVATION_STATUS_ID->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->RESERVATION_STATUS_ID->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->RESERVATION_STATUS_ID->EditValue = $this->RESERVATION_STATUS_ID->CurrentValue; $this->RESERVATION_STATUS_ID->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->RESERVATION_STATUS_ID->FldCaption()); // ADITIONAL_INFO $this->ADITIONAL_INFO->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->ADITIONAL_INFO->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->ADITIONAL_INFO->EditValue = $this->ADITIONAL_INFO->CurrentValue; $this->ADITIONAL_INFO->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->ADITIONAL_INFO->FldCaption()); // DATETIME $this->DATETIME->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->DATETIME->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->DATETIME->EditValue = ew_FormatDateTime($this->DATETIME->CurrentValue, 7); $this->DATETIME->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->DATETIME->FldCaption()); // USER_ID $this->USER_ID->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->USER_ID->EditCustomAttributes = ""; if (!$Security->IsAdmin() && $Security->IsLoggedIn() && !$this->UserIDAllow("info")) { // Non system admin $this->USER_ID->CurrentValue = CurrentUserID(); $this->USER_ID->EditValue = $this->USER_ID->CurrentValue; $this->USER_ID->ViewCustomAttributes = ""; } else { $this->USER_ID->EditValue = $this->USER_ID->CurrentValue; $this->USER_ID->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->USER_ID->FldCaption()); } // Call Row Rendered event $this->Row_Rendered(); }
function AddRow($rsold = NULL) { global $conn, $Language, $Security; // Load db values from rsold if ($rsold) { $this->LoadDbValues($rsold); } $rsnew = array(); // Titulo $this->Titulo->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->Titulo->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // Descripcion $this->Descripcion->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->Descripcion->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // fecha $this->fecha->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, ew_CurrentDate(), NULL); $rsnew['fecha'] =& $this->fecha->DbValue; // id_usuario $this->id_usuario->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, CurrentUserID(), NULL); $rsnew['id_usuario'] =& $this->id_usuario->DbValue; // archivo if (!$this->archivo->Upload->KeepFile) { $this->archivo->Upload->DbValue = ""; // No need to delete old file if ($this->archivo->Upload->FileName == "") { $rsnew['archivo'] = NULL; } else { $rsnew['archivo'] = $this->archivo->Upload->FileName; } } // estado $this->estado->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->estado->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); if (!$this->archivo->Upload->KeepFile) { $OldFiles = explode(EW_MULTIPLE_UPLOAD_SEPARATOR, $this->archivo->Upload->DbValue); if (!ew_Empty($this->archivo->Upload->FileName)) { $NewFiles = explode(EW_MULTIPLE_UPLOAD_SEPARATOR, $this->archivo->Upload->FileName); $FileCount = count($NewFiles); for ($i = 0; $i < $FileCount; $i++) { $fldvar = $this->archivo->Upload->Index < 0 ? $this->archivo->FldVar : substr($this->archivo->FldVar, 0, 1) . $this->archivo->Upload->Index . substr($this->archivo->FldVar, 1); if ($NewFiles[$i] != "") { $file = $NewFiles[$i]; if (file_exists(ew_UploadTempPath($fldvar) . EW_PATH_DELIMITER . $file)) { if (!in_array($file, $OldFiles)) { $file1 = ew_UploadFileNameEx(ew_UploadPathEx(TRUE, $this->archivo->UploadPath), $file); // Get new file name if ($file1 != $file) { // Rename temp file while (file_exists(ew_UploadTempPath($fldvar) . EW_PATH_DELIMITER . $file1)) { // Make sure did not clash with existing upload file $file1 = ew_UniqueFilename(ew_UploadPathEx(TRUE, $this->archivo->UploadPath), $file1, TRUE); } // Use indexed name rename(ew_UploadTempPath($fldvar) . EW_PATH_DELIMITER . $file, ew_UploadTempPath($fldvar) . EW_PATH_DELIMITER . $file1); $NewFiles[$i] = $file1; } } } } } $this->archivo->Upload->FileName = implode(EW_MULTIPLE_UPLOAD_SEPARATOR, $NewFiles); $rsnew['archivo'] = $this->archivo->Upload->FileName; } else { $NewFiles = array(); } } // Call Row Inserting event $rs = $rsold == NULL ? NULL : $rsold->fields; $bInsertRow = $this->Row_Inserting($rs, $rsnew); if ($bInsertRow) { $conn->raiseErrorFn = 'ew_ErrorFn'; $AddRow = $this->Insert($rsnew); $conn->raiseErrorFn = ''; if ($AddRow) { if (!$this->archivo->Upload->KeepFile) { $OldFiles = explode(EW_MULTIPLE_UPLOAD_SEPARATOR, $this->archivo->Upload->DbValue); if (!ew_Empty($this->archivo->Upload->FileName)) { $NewFiles = explode(EW_MULTIPLE_UPLOAD_SEPARATOR, $this->archivo->Upload->FileName); $NewFiles2 = explode(EW_MULTIPLE_UPLOAD_SEPARATOR, $rsnew['archivo']); $FileCount = count($NewFiles); for ($i = 0; $i < $FileCount; $i++) { $fldvar = $this->archivo->Upload->Index < 0 ? $this->archivo->FldVar : substr($this->archivo->FldVar, 0, 1) . $this->archivo->Upload->Index . substr($this->archivo->FldVar, 1); if ($NewFiles[$i] != "") { $file = ew_UploadTempPath($fldvar) . EW_PATH_DELIMITER . $NewFiles[$i]; if (file_exists($file)) { $this->archivo->Upload->SaveToFile($this->archivo->UploadPath, @$NewFiles2[$i] != "" ? $NewFiles2[$i] : $NewFiles[$i], TRUE, $i); // Just replace } } } } else { $NewFiles = array(); } $FileCount = count($OldFiles); for ($i = 0; $i < $FileCount; $i++) { if ($OldFiles[$i] != "" && !in_array($OldFiles[$i], $NewFiles)) { @unlink(ew_UploadPathEx(TRUE, $this->archivo->OldUploadPath) . $OldFiles[$i]); } } } } } else { if ($this->getSuccessMessage() != "" || $this->getFailureMessage() != "") { // Use the message, do nothing } elseif ($this->CancelMessage != "") { $this->setFailureMessage($this->CancelMessage); $this->CancelMessage = ""; } else { $this->setFailureMessage($Language->Phrase("InsertCancelled")); } $AddRow = FALSE; } // Get insert id if necessary if ($AddRow) { $this->codigo->setDbValue($conn->Insert_ID()); $rsnew['codigo'] = $this->codigo->DbValue; } if ($AddRow) { // Call Row Inserted event $rs = $rsold == NULL ? NULL : $rsold->fields; $this->Row_Inserted($rs, $rsnew); } // archivo ew_CleanUploadTempPath($this->archivo, $this->archivo->Upload->Index); return $AddRow; }
function ew_Info() { global $Security; ew_WritePaths(); echo "CurrentUserName() = " . CurrentUserName() . "<br>"; echo "CurrentUserID() = " . CurrentUserID() . "<br>"; echo "CurrentParentUserID() = " . CurrentParentUserID() . "<br>"; echo "IsLoggedIn() = " . (IsLoggedIn() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") . "<br>"; echo "IsAdmin() = " . (IsAdmin() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") . "<br>"; echo "IsSysAdmin() = " . (IsSysAdmin() ? "TRUE" : "FALSE") . "<br>"; if (isset($Security)) { $Security->ShowUserLevelInfo(); } }
function WriteAuditTrailOnDelete(&$rs) { if (!$this->AuditTrailOnDelete) { return; } $table = 'usuario'; // Get key value $key = ""; if ($key != "") { $key .= $GLOBALS["EW_COMPOSITE_KEY_SEPARATOR"]; } $key .= $rs['id']; // Write Audit Trail $dt = ew_StdCurrentDateTime(); $id = ew_ScriptName(); $curUser = CurrentUserID(); foreach (array_keys($rs) as $fldname) { if (array_key_exists($fldname, $this->fields) && $this->fields[$fldname]->FldDataType != EW_DATATYPE_BLOB) { // Ignore BLOB fields if ($this->fields[$fldname]->FldDataType == EW_DATATYPE_MEMO) { if (EW_AUDIT_TRAIL_TO_DATABASE) { $oldvalue = $rs[$fldname]; } else { $oldvalue = "[MEMO]"; } // Memo field } elseif ($this->fields[$fldname]->FldDataType == EW_DATATYPE_XML) { $oldvalue = "[XML]"; // XML field } else { $oldvalue = $rs[$fldname]; } ew_WriteAuditTrail("log", $dt, $id, $curUser, "D", $table, $fldname, $key, $oldvalue, ""); } } }
function RenderRow() { global $conn, $Security, $Language; global $gsLanguage; // Initialize URLs // Call Row_Rendering event $this->Row_Rendering(); // Common render codes for all row types // id // url // tdate // account_id if ($this->RowType == EW_ROWTYPE_VIEW) { // View row // id $this->id->ViewValue = $this->id->CurrentValue; $this->id->ViewCustomAttributes = ""; // url $this->url->ViewValue = $this->url->CurrentValue; $this->url->ViewCustomAttributes = ""; // account_id $this->account_id->ViewValue = $this->account_id->CurrentValue; $this->account_id->ViewCustomAttributes = ""; // id $this->id->LinkCustomAttributes = ""; $this->id->HrefValue = ""; $this->id->TooltipValue = ""; // url $this->url->LinkCustomAttributes = ""; $this->url->HrefValue = ""; $this->url->TooltipValue = ""; // account_id $this->account_id->LinkCustomAttributes = ""; $this->account_id->HrefValue = ""; $this->account_id->TooltipValue = ""; } elseif ($this->RowType == EW_ROWTYPE_EDIT) { // Edit row // id $this->id->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->id->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->id->EditValue = $this->id->CurrentValue; $this->id->ViewCustomAttributes = ""; // url $this->url->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->url->EditCustomAttributes = ""; $this->url->EditValue = ew_HtmlEncode($this->url->CurrentValue); $this->url->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->url->FldCaption()); // account_id $this->account_id->EditAttrs["class"] = "form-control"; $this->account_id->EditCustomAttributes = ""; if (!$Security->IsAdmin() && $Security->IsLoggedIn() && !$this->UserIDAllow("edit")) { // Non system admin $this->account_id->CurrentValue = CurrentUserID(); $this->account_id->EditValue = $this->account_id->CurrentValue; $this->account_id->ViewCustomAttributes = ""; } else { $this->account_id->EditValue = ew_HtmlEncode($this->account_id->CurrentValue); $this->account_id->PlaceHolder = ew_RemoveHtml($this->account_id->FldCaption()); } // Edit refer script // id $this->id->HrefValue = ""; // url $this->url->HrefValue = ""; // account_id $this->account_id->HrefValue = ""; } if ($this->RowType == EW_ROWTYPE_ADD || $this->RowType == EW_ROWTYPE_EDIT || $this->RowType == EW_ROWTYPE_SEARCH) { // Add / Edit / Search row $this->SetupFieldTitles(); } // Call Row Rendered event if ($this->RowType != EW_ROWTYPE_AGGREGATEINIT) { $this->Row_Rendered(); } }
function AddRow($rsold = NULL) { global $conn, $Language, $Security; // Load db values from rsold if ($rsold) { $this->LoadDbValues($rsold); } $rsnew = array(); // account_id if (!$Security->IsAdmin() && $Security->IsLoggedIn()) { // Non system admin $rsnew['account_id'] = CurrentUserID(); } // Call Row Inserting event $rs = $rsold == NULL ? NULL : $rsold->fields; $bInsertRow = $this->Row_Inserting($rs, $rsnew); if ($bInsertRow) { $conn->raiseErrorFn = $GLOBALS["EW_ERROR_FN"]; $AddRow = $this->Insert($rsnew); $conn->raiseErrorFn = ''; if ($AddRow) { } } else { if ($this->getSuccessMessage() != "" || $this->getFailureMessage() != "") { // Use the message, do nothing } elseif ($this->CancelMessage != "") { $this->setFailureMessage($this->CancelMessage); $this->CancelMessage = ""; } else { $this->setFailureMessage($Language->Phrase("InsertCancelled")); } $AddRow = FALSE; } // Get insert id if necessary if ($AddRow) { $this->id->setDbValue($conn->Insert_ID()); $rsnew['id'] = $this->id->DbValue; } if ($AddRow) { // Call Row Inserted event $rs = $rsold == NULL ? NULL : $rsold->fields; $this->Row_Inserted($rs, $rsnew); } return $AddRow; }
function WriteAuditTrailDummy($typ) { $table = 'deudas'; $usr = CurrentUserID(); ew_WriteAuditTrail("log", ew_StdCurrentDateTime(), ew_ScriptName(), $usr, $typ, $table, "", "", "", ""); }
function AddRow($rsold = NULL) { global $conn, $Language, $Security; // Check if valid key values for master user if ($Security->CurrentUserID() != "" && !$Security->IsAdmin()) { // Non system admin $sMasterFilter = $this->SqlMasterFilter_detalles(); if (strval($this->id_detalles->CurrentValue) != "" && $this->getCurrentMasterTable() == "detalles") { $sMasterFilter = str_replace("@codigo@", ew_AdjustSql($this->id_detalles->CurrentValue), $sMasterFilter); } else { $sMasterFilter = ""; } if ($sMasterFilter != "") { $rsmaster = $GLOBALS["detalles"]->LoadRs($sMasterFilter); $this->MasterRecordExists = $rsmaster && !$rsmaster->EOF; if (!$this->MasterRecordExists) { $sMasterUserIdMsg = str_replace("%c", CurrentUserID(), $Language->Phrase("UnAuthorizedMasterUserID")); $sMasterUserIdMsg = str_replace("%f", $sMasterFilter, $sMasterUserIdMsg); $this->setFailureMessage($sMasterUserIdMsg); return FALSE; } else { $rsmaster->Close(); } } $sMasterFilter = $this->SqlMasterFilter_socios(); if (strval($this->id_socio->CurrentValue) != "" && $this->getCurrentMasterTable() == "socios") { $sMasterFilter = str_replace("@socio_nro@", ew_AdjustSql($this->id_socio->CurrentValue), $sMasterFilter); } else { $sMasterFilter = ""; } if ($sMasterFilter != "") { $rsmaster = $GLOBALS["socios"]->LoadRs($sMasterFilter); $this->MasterRecordExists = $rsmaster && !$rsmaster->EOF; if (!$this->MasterRecordExists) { $sMasterUserIdMsg = str_replace("%c", CurrentUserID(), $Language->Phrase("UnAuthorizedMasterUserID")); $sMasterUserIdMsg = str_replace("%f", $sMasterFilter, $sMasterUserIdMsg); $this->setFailureMessage($sMasterUserIdMsg); return FALSE; } else { $rsmaster->Close(); } } } // Set up foreign key field value from Session if ($this->getCurrentMasterTable() == "detalles") { $this->id_detalles->CurrentValue = $this->id_detalles->getSessionValue(); } if ($this->getCurrentMasterTable() == "socios") { $this->id_socio->CurrentValue = $this->id_socio->getSessionValue(); } // Check referential integrity for master table 'socios' $bValidMasterRecord = TRUE; $sMasterFilter = $this->SqlMasterFilter_socios(); if (strval($this->id_socio->CurrentValue) != "") { $sMasterFilter = str_replace("@socio_nro@", ew_AdjustSql($this->id_socio->CurrentValue), $sMasterFilter); } else { $bValidMasterRecord = FALSE; } if ($bValidMasterRecord) { $rsmaster = $GLOBALS["socios"]->LoadRs($sMasterFilter); $bValidMasterRecord = $rsmaster && !$rsmaster->EOF; $rsmaster->Close(); } if (!$bValidMasterRecord) { $sRelatedRecordMsg = str_replace("%t", "socios", $Language->Phrase("RelatedRecordRequired")); $this->setFailureMessage($sRelatedRecordMsg); return FALSE; } // Load db values from rsold if ($rsold) { $this->LoadDbValues($rsold); } $rsnew = array(); // id_socio $this->id_socio->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->id_socio->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // id_detalles $this->id_detalles->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->id_detalles->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // fecha_alta $this->fecha_alta->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, ew_UnFormatDateTime($this->fecha_alta->CurrentValue, 7), NULL, FALSE); // fecha_baja $this->fecha_baja->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, ew_UnFormatDateTime($this->fecha_baja->CurrentValue, 7), NULL, FALSE); // Call Row Inserting event $rs = $rsold == NULL ? NULL : $rsold->fields; $bInsertRow = $this->Row_Inserting($rs, $rsnew); if ($bInsertRow) { $conn->raiseErrorFn = 'ew_ErrorFn'; $AddRow = $this->Insert($rsnew); $conn->raiseErrorFn = ''; if ($AddRow) { } } else { if ($this->getSuccessMessage() != "" || $this->getFailureMessage() != "") { // Use the message, do nothing } elseif ($this->CancelMessage != "") { $this->setFailureMessage($this->CancelMessage); $this->CancelMessage = ""; } else { $this->setFailureMessage($Language->Phrase("InsertCancelled")); } $AddRow = FALSE; } // Get insert id if necessary if ($AddRow) { } if ($AddRow) { // Call Row Inserted event $rs = $rsold == NULL ? NULL : $rsold->fields; $this->Row_Inserted($rs, $rsnew); } return $AddRow; }
function WriteAuditTrailOnEdit(&$rsold, &$rsnew) { if (!$this->AuditTrailOnEdit) { return; } $table = 'socios'; // Get key value $key = ""; if ($key != "") { $key .= $GLOBALS["EW_COMPOSITE_KEY_SEPARATOR"]; } $key .= $rsold['socio_nro']; // Write Audit Trail $dt = ew_StdCurrentDateTime(); $id = ew_ScriptName(); $usr = CurrentUserID(); foreach (array_keys($rsnew) as $fldname) { if ($this->fields[$fldname]->FldDataType != EW_DATATYPE_BLOB) { // Ignore BLOB fields if ($this->fields[$fldname]->FldDataType == EW_DATATYPE_DATE) { // DateTime field $modified = ew_FormatDateTime($rsold[$fldname], 0) != ew_FormatDateTime($rsnew[$fldname], 0); } else { $modified = !ew_CompareValue($rsold[$fldname], $rsnew[$fldname]); } if ($modified) { if ($this->fields[$fldname]->FldDataType == EW_DATATYPE_MEMO) { // Memo field if (EW_AUDIT_TRAIL_TO_DATABASE) { $oldvalue = $rsold[$fldname]; $newvalue = $rsnew[$fldname]; } else { $oldvalue = "[MEMO]"; $newvalue = "[MEMO]"; } } elseif ($this->fields[$fldname]->FldDataType == EW_DATATYPE_XML) { // XML field $oldvalue = "[XML]"; $newvalue = "[XML]"; } else { $oldvalue = $rsold[$fldname]; $newvalue = $rsnew[$fldname]; } ew_WriteAuditTrail("log", $dt, $id, $usr, "U", $table, $fldname, $key, $oldvalue, $newvalue); } } } }
function AddRow($rsold = NULL) { global $conn, $Language, $Security; // Set up foreign key field value from Session // Load db values from rsold if ($rsold) { $this->LoadDbValues($rsold); } $rsnew = array(); // cuit_cuil $this->cuit_cuil->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->cuit_cuil->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // propietario $this->propietario->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->propietario->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // comercio $this->comercio->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->comercio->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // direccion_comercio $this->direccion_comercio->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->direccion_comercio->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // mail $this->mail->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->mail->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // tel $this->tel->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->tel->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // cel $this->cel->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->cel->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // activo $this->activo->SetDbValueDef($rsnew, $this->activo->CurrentValue, NULL, FALSE); // id_usuario if (!$Security->IsAdmin() && $Security->IsLoggedIn()) { // Non system admin $rsnew['id_usuario'] = CurrentUserID(); } // Call Row Inserting event $rs = $rsold == NULL ? NULL : $rsold->fields; $bInsertRow = $this->Row_Inserting($rs, $rsnew); if ($bInsertRow) { $conn->raiseErrorFn = 'ew_ErrorFn'; $AddRow = $this->Insert($rsnew); $conn->raiseErrorFn = ''; if ($AddRow) { } } else { if ($this->getSuccessMessage() != "" || $this->getFailureMessage() != "") { // Use the message, do nothing } elseif ($this->CancelMessage != "") { $this->setFailureMessage($this->CancelMessage); $this->CancelMessage = ""; } else { $this->setFailureMessage($Language->Phrase("InsertCancelled")); } $AddRow = FALSE; } // Get insert id if necessary if ($AddRow) { $this->socio_nro->setDbValue($conn->Insert_ID()); $rsnew['socio_nro'] = $this->socio_nro->DbValue; } if ($AddRow) { // Call Row Inserted event $rs = $rsold == NULL ? NULL : $rsold->fields; $this->Row_Inserted($rs, $rsnew); } return $AddRow; }