$OmadaAimatosGrammaKaiSimbolo[0] = ""; $OmadaAimatosGrammaKaiSimbolo[1] = ""; } else { $OmadaAimatosGrammaKaiSimbolo = str_split($TeamBlood); } } // echo "UploadFile = ".$UploadFile."<br>"; $UploadFileSplit = explode('.', ConvertEncoding($UploadFile)); $UploadFileΤοToShowArray = explode('.', $UploadFileΤοToShow); $PathToSaveForegroundImage = $UploadFileSplit[0] . "-Foreground.png"; $PathToSaveBackgroundImage = $UploadFileSplit[0] . "-Background.png"; $ImageForMergeDST = imagecreatefrompng("images/tautotita_politikou_prosopikou_ypy_frantzeskakis_page_0.png"); $ΒlackColorM = imagecolorallocate($ImageForMergeDST, 0, 0, 0); $font = "font/verdana.ttf"; $x = 650; $ImageForMergeSRC = imagecreatefrompng(ConvertEncoding($UploadFile)); $ImageWidth = imagesx($ImageForMergeSRC); $ImageHeight = imagesy($ImageForMergeSRC); imagettftext($ImageForMergeDST, 30, 0, 690, 322, $ΒlackColorM, $font, date("d.m.Y")); //Destination x and y are axes of 'ImageForMergeDST' image that begins merging with second image //Source x and y are axes of 'ImageForMergeSRC' image that start merging with first image and stop mergin until x=374 and y=497, which are height and weight of resizable image //The two last parameters are widht and height of begin image //This function fisrt resize 'ImageForMergeSRC' into desire height and weight if size of first image //dont match with the size second, for this example 375x498, and second copy second image on specific location on the first image imagecopyresized($ImageForMergeDST, $ImageForMergeSRC, 87, 237, 0, 0, 374, 497, $ImageWidth, $ImageHeight); imagepng($ImageForMergeDST, $PathToSaveForegroundImage); //Save png image(foregroun of political identity) to path stored in variable "PathToSaveForegroundImage" $BackImage = imagecreatefrompng("images/tautotita_politikou_prosopikou_ypy_frantzeskakis_page_1.png"); $ΒlackColor = imagecolorallocate($BackImage, 0, 0, 0); // if ($BackImage) // {
/** * Creates phpQuery document from string or file. * Options: * FixHtml (True|False): Clean content by HtmlFormatter * phpQuery is a server-side, chainable, CSS3 selector driven Document Object Model (DOM), * API based on jQuery JavaScript Library. * More information: http://code.google.com/p/phpquery/ * * @param mixed $Document, string, file or url. * @return PhpQueryDocument object. */ function PqDocument($Document, $Options = False) { if (!function_exists('Pq')) { require_once USEFULFUNCTIONS_VENDORS . '/phpQuery.php'; } $Cache = GetValue('Cache', $Options); if ($Cache) { $Name = Crc32Value($Options); if ($Cache === True) { $Name = Crc32Value($Document, $Name); } $CacheDirectory = PATH_CACHE . '/PqDocument'; if (!is_dir($CacheDirectory)) { mkdir($CacheDirectory, 0777, True); } $CacheFile = $CacheDirectory . DS . $Name . '.php'; if (file_exists($CacheFile)) { $IncludeCache = True; if (is_numeric($Cache)) { $Created = filemtime($CacheFile); $LifeTime = time() - $Created; if ($LifeTime > $Cache) { // Cache expired. $IncludeCache = False; } } if ($IncludeCache) { $Document = (include $CacheFile); return phpQuery::newDocumentXHTML($Document); } } } if (strpos($Document, '<') === False) { if (is_file($Document) || substr($Document, 0, 7) == 'http://') { $Document = file_get_contents($Document); } } if (ArrayValue('ConvertEncoding', $Options)) { $Document = ConvertEncoding($Document); } if (ArrayValue('FixHtml', $Options, True)) { $HtmlFormatter = Gdn::Factory('HtmlFormatter'); if ($HtmlFormatter) { $Document = $HtmlFormatter->Format($Document); } } elseif (ArrayValue('Body', $Options, False)) { $BodyPos1 = strpos($Document, '<body'); $EndTag = '</body>'; $BodyPos2 = strrpos($Document, $EndTag); if ($BodyPos1 !== False) { if ($BodyPos2 === False) { $Document = substr($Document, $BodyPos1); } else { $Document = substr($Document, $BodyPos1, strlen($Document) - $BodyPos1 - strlen($EndTag)); } } } if ($Cache) { $Contents = "<?php if(!defined('APPLICATION')) exit(); \nreturn " . var_export($Document, True) . ';'; file_put_contents($CacheFile, $Contents); } return phpQuery::newDocumentXHTML($Document); }
$extension = strtolower($extension); $CreateFileName = ConvertEncoding($temp[0]) . "." . $extension; } else { $CreateFileName = ConvertEncoding($temp[0]) . "." . $extension; } $RelativePathToSaveImage = "images/" . $NameForFolderOfEmployee . "/"; if ($_FILES['file']['type'] != "image/png") { if (file_exists($RelativePathToSaveImage . $CreateFileName)) { echo '<span style="color:red;text-align:center;">Το αρχείο που προσπαθείτε να ανεβάσετε υπάρχει ήδη στον φάκελο images </span>' . "<br>"; die; exit; } move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $RelativePathToSaveImage . $CreateFileName); imagepng(imagecreatefromstring(file_get_contents($RelativePathToSaveImage . $CreateFileName)), $RelativePathToSaveImage . ConvertEncoding($temp[0]) . ".png"); //$_SESSION['UploadFile'] = $RelativePathToSaveImage.ConvertEncoding($temp[0]).".png"; $UploadFile = $RelativePathToSaveImage . ConvertEncoding($temp[0]) . ".png"; $UploadFileToShow = str_replace(' ', '%20', "images/" . $_POST['SurnameOfEmployeeText'] . "/" . $_FILES['file']['name']); // echo str_replace(' ', '%20', "images/".$_POST['SurnameOfEmployeeText']."/".$_FILES['file']['name']); $UploadFileΤοToShow = $RelativePathToSaveImage . $_FILES['file']['name']; // echo $UploadFile."<br>"; $res = $con->prepare("UPDATE kataxorisiuser SET PathOfEmployeeImageToSave=?, UploadImageTF=?," . " PathOfEmployeeImageToShow=? " . "WHERE Surname=? AND Name=?", array("images/" . $_POST['SurnameOfEmployeeText'] . "/" . $temp[0] . ".png", 'true', $UploadFileToShow, $SurnameOfEmployeeArray[0], $SurnameOfEmployeeArray[1])); } else { if (file_exists($RelativePathToSaveImage . $CreateFileName)) { echo '<span style="color:red;text-align:center;">Το αρχείο που προσπαθείτε να ανεβάσετε υπάρχει ήδη στον φάκελο images </span>' . "<br>"; exit; } move_uploaded_file($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $RelativePathToSaveImage . $CreateFileName); //$_SESSION['UploadFile'] =$RelativePathToSaveImage.ConvertEncoding($temp[0]).".png"; $UploadFile = $RelativePathToSaveImage . $CreateFileName; $UploadFileToShow = str_replace(' ', '%20', "images/" . $_POST['SurnameOfEmployeeText'] . "/" . $_FILES['file']['name']); // echo str_replace(' ', '%20', "images/".$_POST['SurnameOfEmployeeText']."/".$_FILES['file']['name'])."<br>";
function d() { static $bSetStyle = True; static $bExit = True; if (!class_exists('Dumphper', False)) { define('DPHP_USE_ACCESSIBLE', version_compare(PHP_VERSION, '5.3.0') >= 0); $Path = defined('USEFULFUNCTIONS_VENDORS') ? USEFULFUNCTIONS_VENDORS : dirname(__FILE__) . '/../vendors'; require $Path . '/class.dumphper.php'; Dumphper::$escape_keys = false; Dumphper::$max_showw_depth = 8; Dumphper::$encoding = 'utf-8'; } $Args = func_get_args(); if (count($Args) == 0 && $bExit) { $bExit = False; } if (PHP_SAPI != 'cli') { if (!headers_sent()) { header('Content-Type: text/html; charset=utf-8'); } if ($bSetStyle) { $bSetStyle = False; echo "<style type='text/css'>.dumphper span{font-size:13px !important;font-family:'Arial' !important;}</style>\n"; } foreach ($Args as $A) { if (is_string($A) && defined('CP1251')) { $A = ConvertEncoding($A); } Dumphper::dump($A); } } else { $i = 1; ob_start(); foreach ($Args as $A) { echo str_repeat('*', $i++) . ' '; var_dump($A); } $String = ob_get_contents(); @ob_end_clean(); $Encoding = Gdn::Config('Plugins.UsefulFunctions.Console.MessageEnconding'); $String = preg_replace("/\\=\\>\n +/s", '=> ', $String); if ($Encoding && $Encoding != 'utf-8') { $String = mb_convert_encoding($String, $Encoding, 'utf-8'); } echo $String; } if (class_exists('Gdn')) { $Database = Gdn::Database(); if ($Database != Null) { $Database->CloseConnection(); } } if ($bExit) { exit; } }
/** * Creates phpQuery document from string or file. * Options: * FixHtml (True|False): Clean content by HtmlFormatter * phpQuery is a server-side, chainable, CSS3 selector driven Document Object Model (DOM), * API based on jQuery JavaScript Library. * More information: http://code.google.com/p/phpquery/ * * @param mixed $Document, string, file or url. * @return PhpQueryDocument object. */ function PqDocument($Document, $Options = False) { if (!function_exists('Pq')) { require_once USEFULFUNCTIONS_VENDORS . '/phpQuery.php'; } if (strpos($Document, '<') === False) { if (is_file($Document) || substr($Document, 0, 7) == 'http://') { $Document = file_get_contents($Document); } } if (ArrayValue('ConvertEncoding', $Options)) { $Document = ConvertEncoding($Document); } if (ArrayValue('FixHtml', $Options, True)) { $HtmlFormatter = Gdn::Factory('HtmlFormatter'); if ($HtmlFormatter) { $Document = $HtmlFormatter->Format($Document); } } return phpQuery::newDocumentXHTML($Document); }