Example #1
           $TransactionSummary[$currRow]['Percentage'] = number_format($cper, 2, '.', '');
           $avgPer+=$cper; */
    $currRow = 0;
    foreach ($TransactionSummary as $TransactionSummary1) {
        $TransactionSummaryShort[$currRow] = array('Working Day' => $TransactionSummary1['Working Day'], 'Employee Code' => $TransactionSummary1['Employee Code'], 'Resource Name' => $TransactionSummary1['Resource Name'], 'Productive' => $TransactionSummary1['Productive'], 'Shortage' => $TransactionSummary1['Shortage']);
    return $TransactionSummaryShort;
$query = "SELECT a.empcode, a.empname, a.controllerno, a.channelno, a.type, a.adatetime FROM " . "swipe_transactions a WHERE a.isactive = 1 and a.EmpCode in (select empcode from swipe_main_employees " . "where user_id in (72)) and aDate between STR_TO_DATE('04-02-2015','%d-%m-%Y') and " . "STR_TO_DATE('04-02-2015','%d-%m-%Y') ORDER BY a.aDateTime;";
$swipeTransactions = getDBData($query);
$processedTransactions = ProcessTransactions($swipeTransactions);
$TransactionSummary = TransactionSummaryShort($processedTransactions);
<h1>Transactions Summary</h1> <?php 
echo ConvertArrayToTable("", $TransactionSummary, "800px");
<h1>Processed Transactions</h1> <?php 
echo ConvertArrayToTable("", $processedTransactions, "1200px");
<h1>Swipe Transactions</h1> <?php 
echo ConvertArrayToTable("", $swipeTransactions, "1200px");

    return $output;
$currRow = 0;
$body = "";
$TransactionSummary = array();
try {
    $mysqlPDO = new PDO('mysql:host=' . DeltaONE_HOST . ';dbname=' . DeltaONE_DBNAME . '', DeltaONE_USERNAME, DeltaONE_PASSWORD, array(PDO::ATTR_ERRMODE => PDO::ERRMODE_EXCEPTION));
    if (!$mysqlPDO) {
        $msgarray['error'] = 'Could not connect to specified database';
    } else {
        $sql = "select a.id, a.title,a.description, a.createddate, b.userfullname, b.unitname, b.department_name, b.jobtitlename from tbl_feedback a, vw_employee_summary b where a.createdby=b.user_id and a.createddate > DATE_SUB(NOW(), INTERVAL 24 HOUR);";
        foreach ($mysqlPDO->query($sql) as $row) {
            $TransactionSummary[$currRow] = array('ID' => $row["id"], 'Title' => $row["title"], 'Description' => $row["description"], 'CreatedDate' => $row["createddate"], 'User' => $row["userfullname"], 'BusinessUnit' => $row["unitname"], 'Department' => $row["department_name"], 'JobTitle' => $row["jobtitlename"]);
        if ($currRow <= 0) {
            $body = "<h1>No feedback exists...!</h1>";
        } else {
            $body = ConvertArrayToTable("", $TransactionSummary);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    $body = $e->getMessage();
//Send Email
$subject = "DeltaONE:Application Feedback - " . date('d-m-Y H:i:s');
$toAddress = "sudatha@deltaintech.com;sdachepally@deltaintech.com;bramakrishna@deltaintech.com";
$toAddrs = explode(';', $toAddress);
foreach ($toAddrs as $toAddr) {
    $msgres = SendEmail($toAddr, $toAddress, $subject, $body);
Example #3
             } else {
                 if ($conn->query($insQuery) === TRUE) {
                 } else {
         if (VIEWGRID == 1) {
             $TransactionSummary[$currRow] = array('YEAR' => CURRENTYEAR, 'AL1' => $AL1, 'SL1' => $SL1, 'CL1' => $CL1, 'CO1' => $COMPOFF1, 'PL1' => $PO1, 'OL1' => $OL1, 'AL2' => $AL2, 'SL2' => $SL2, 'CL2' => $CL2, 'CO2' => $COMPOFF2, 'PL2' => $PO2, 'OL2' => $OL2, 'UID' => $row["user_id"], 'NAME' => $row["userfullname"], 'JD' => $row["date_of_joining"], 'SID' => $row["employee_status_id"], 'ESTS' => $row["employee_status"], 'PD' => $row["probation_review_date"], 'PSTS' => $row["probation_review_status"]);
     if (VIEWGRID == 1) {
         $gridHTML = ConvertArrayToTable("", $TransactionSummary);
         echo $gridHTML;
 if (RECORDTODB == 1) {
     $updResult = sprintf("<br>Inserted success : %s <br>Inserted failure : %s <br>Updated success : %s <br>Updated Failure : %s<br>", $insSuccess, $insFailure, $updSuccess, $updFailure);
     echo $updResult;
 $toAddress = "*****@*****.**";
 $subject = "DeltaONE:Leave Pool Update - " . date('d-m-Y H:i:s');
 $body = $gridHTML . $updResult;
 $toAddrs = explode(';', $toAddress);
 foreach ($toAddrs as $toAddr) {
     $msgres = SendEmail($toAddr, $toAddress, $subject, $body);
     //echo $msgres;