Example #1
print "\n\n";
$url = $o->getField("url");
// if (ereg("^".$cfg[full_uri], $url)
// 	|| ereg("^".$cfg[personalsitesurl], $url)
// 	|| ereg("^".$cfg[classsitesurl], $url))
// {
// 	$replacement = "index.php?".session_name()."=".session_id();
// 	$url = ereg_replace("index.php\?", $replacement, $url);
// }
if (is_numeric($o->getField("shorttext"))) {
    $num_per_page = $o->getField("shorttext");
    CarpConf('maxitems', $num_per_page);
} else {
    CarpConf('maxitems', 5);
// If we have an auser, create a cache just for them.
if ($_SESSION['auser']) {
    CarpCacheShow($url, '', 1, $_SESSION['auser']);
} else {
    // If the user has a valid campus ip-address, then they are a
    // member of 'institute'.
    $ipIsInInstitute = FALSE;
    $ip = $_SERVER[REMOTE_ADDR];
    // check if our IP is in inst_ips
    if (is_array($cfg[inst_ips])) {
        foreach ($cfg[inst_ips] as $i) {
            if (ereg("^{$i}", $ip)) {
                $ipIsInInstitute = TRUE;
Example #2
function MyCarpConfReset($set = 'default')
    global $carpconf;
    // Override any settings you wish to change here
    // Modifications have been made to carpinc.php that provided functionality
    // for displaying authors and dates.
    $carpconf['clinktarget'] = "_blank";
    $carpconf['clinkstyle'] = "font-size: 100%;";
    $carpconf['acb'] = "<hr />";
    $carpconf['bitems'] = "<table>";
    $carpconf['bi'] = "<tr><td>";
    $carpconf['ilinktarget'] = "_blank";
    $carpconf['ilinkstyle'] = "font-size: 100%;";
    $carpconf['bauthor'] = "<em> by <strong>";
    $carpconf['aauthor'] = "</strong></em>";
    $carpconf['idateformat'] = "D, M j G:i:s T Y";
    $carpconf['bdate'] = "<em> on ";
    $carpconf['adate'] = "</em>";
    $carpconf['bidesc'] = "<br /> &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; ";
    $carpconf['aidesc'] = "<br /><br />";
    $carpconf['ai'] = "</td></tr>";
    $carpconf['aitems'] = "</table>";
    $carpconf['poweredby'] = "";
    $carpconf['cacheinterval'] = 10;
    $carpconf['cacheinterval'] = 10;
    global $cfg;
    $carpconf['cachepath'] = $cfg[uploaddir] . "/RSScache/";
    $carpconf['cacherelative'] = FALSE;
    // Create alternative configuration sets here
    if ($set == 'default') {
    } else {
        if ($set == 'rss_titles') {
            CarpConf('cborder', 'link');
            $carpconf['clinktarget'] = "_blank";
            $carpconf['clinkstyle'] = "font-size: 9px%;";
            $carpconf['acb'] = "\n<div style='border-bottom: 1px solid gray'></div>";
            $carpconf['iorder'] = "link";
            $carpconf['ilinktarget'] = "_blank";
            $carpconf['ilinkstyle'] = "font-size: 9px;";
            $carpconf['maxititle'] = 50;
            $carpconf['maxitems'] = 10;
        } else {
            if ($set == 'rss_contentblock') {
                CarpConf('cborder', 'link');
                $carpconf['iorder'] = "link,desc,author,date";
                $carpconf['clinktarget'] = "_blank";
                $carpconf['clinkstyle'] = "font-size: 100%;";
                $carpconf['actitle'] = " (RSS)";
                $carpconf['acb'] = "\n<div class='hr'><hr /></div>";
                $carpconf['bitems'] = "\n<table width='100%'>";
                $carpconf['bi'] = "\n\t<tr>\n\t\t<td>\n\t\t\t";
                $carpconf['ilinktarget'] = "_blank";
                $carpconf['ilinkstyle'] = "font-size: 100%; font-weight: bold;";
                $carpconf['bidesc'] = " ";
                $carpconf['aidesc'] = "\n\t\t\t<div class='contentinfo' align='right'>";
                $carpconf['ai'] = "\n\t\t</td>\n\t</tr>";
                $carpconf['aitems'] = "\n</table>";
                $carpconf['bauthor'] = "\n\t\t\t\tby ";
                $carpconf['aauthor'] = " via RSS";
                $carpconf['idateformat'] = "n/j/Y g:i A";
                $carpconf['bdate'] = "\n\t\t\t\t on ";
                $carpconf['adate'] = "\n\t\t\t</div>\n\t\t\t<div class='hr'><hr /></div>";
                $carpconf['poweredby'] = "";
                $carpconf['cacheinterval'] = 10;
                $carpconf['cacheinterval'] = 10;
                $carpconf['maxititle'] = 100;
                $carpconf['maxitems'] = 10;