function LogWrite($file, $msg, $path = false) { $file_name = ($path !== false ? $patch : '') . LOGDIR . "/" . $file; if (!($f = @fopen($file_name, "a"))) { throw new Exception("can't open " . $file_name); } fwrite($f, CTime() . " - " . $msg . "\n"); fclose($f); }
/** * Send mail to user and store the cookie in the db * wikiurl?action=ConfirmEmail&id=bla */ function sendEmailConfirmation($email, $userid) { $id = rand_ascii_readable(16); $wikidb = $GLOBALS['request']->getDbh(); $data = $wikidb->get('ConfirmEmail'); while (!empty($data[$id])) { // id collision $id = rand_ascii_readable(16); } $subject = _("E-Mail address confirmation"); $ip = $request->get('REMOTE_HOST'); $expire_date = time() + 7 * 86400; $content = fmt("Someone, probably you from IP address %s, has registered an\naccount \"%s\" with this e-mail address on %s.\n\nTo confirm that this account really does belong to you and activate\ne-mail features on %s, open this link in your browser:\n\n%s\n\nIf this is *not* you, don't follow the link. This confirmation code\nwill expire at %s.", $ip, $userid, WIKI_NAME, WIKI_NAME, WikiURL(HOME_PAGE, array('action' => 'ConfirmEmail', 'id' => $id), true), CTime($expire_date)); $this->sendMail($subject, $content, "", true); $data[$id] = array('email' => $email, 'userid' => $userid, 'expire' => $expire_date); $wikidb->set('ConfirmEmail', $data); return ''; }
function _generate() { global $WikiTheme, $request; $toolbar = "document.writeln(\"<div class=\\\"edit-toolbar\\\" id=\\\"toolbar\\\">\");\n"; if (ENABLE_EDIT_TOOLBAR) { $username = $request->_user->UserName(); if (FUSIONFORGE or DISABLE_MARKUP_WIKIWORD or !isWikiWord($username)) { $username = '******' . $username . ']]'; } $signature = " ––" . $username . " " . CTime(); $toolarray = array(array("image" => "ed_format_bold.png", "open" => "**", "close" => "**", "sample" => _("Bold text"), "title" => _("Bold text [alt-b]")), array("image" => "ed_format_italic.png", "open" => "//", "close" => "//", "sample" => _("Italic text"), "title" => _("Italic text [alt-i]")), array("image" => "ed_format_strike.png", "open" => "<s>", "close" => "</s>", "sample" => _("Strike-through text"), "title" => _("Strike")), array("image" => "ed_format_color.png", "open" => "%color=green% ", "close" => " %%", "sample" => _("Color text"), "title" => _("Color")), array("image" => "ed_pagelink.png", "open" => "[[", "close" => "]]", "sample" => _("PageName|optional label"), "title" => _("Link to page")), array("image" => "ed_link.png", "open" => "[[", "close" => "]]", "sample" => _("|optional label"), "title" => _("External link (remember http:// prefix)")), array("image" => "ed_headline.png", "open" => "\\n== ", "close" => " ==\\n", "sample" => _("Headline text"), "title" => _("Level 1 headline")), array("image" => "ed_nowiki.png", "open" => "\\<verbatim\\>\\n", "close" => "\\n\\</verbatim\\>", "sample" => _("Insert non-formatted text here"), "title" => _("Ignore wiki formatting")), array("image" => "ed_sig.png", "open" => $signature, "close" => "", "sample" => "", "title" => _("Your signature")), array("image" => "ed_hr.png", "open" => "\\n----\\n", "close" => "", "sample" => "", "title" => _("Horizontal line")), array("image" => "ed_table.png", "open" => "\\n{| class=\"bordered\"\\n|+ This is the table caption\\n|= This is the table summary\\n|-\\n! Header A !! Header B !! Header C\\n|-\\n| Cell A1 || Cell B1 || Cell C1\\n|-\\n| Cell A2 || Cell B2 || Cell C2\\n|-\\n| Cell A3 || Cell B3 || Cell C3\\n|}\\n", "close" => "", "sample" => "", "title" => _("Sample table")), array("image" => "ed_enumlist.png", "open" => "\\n# Item 1\\n# Item 2\\n# Item 3\\n", "close" => "", "sample" => "", "title" => _("Enumeration")), array("image" => "ed_list.png", "open" => "\\n* Item 1\\n* Item 2\\n* Item 3\\n", "close" => "", "sample" => "", "title" => _("List")), array("image" => "ed_toc.png", "open" => "<<CreateToc with_toclink||=1>>\\n", "close" => "", "sample" => "", "title" => _("Table of Contents")), array("image" => "ed_redirect.png", "open" => "<<RedirectTo page=\"", "close" => "\">>", "sample" => _("Page Name"), "title" => _("Redirect")), array("image" => "ed_templateplugin.png", "open" => "{{", "close" => "}}", "sample" => _("Template Name"), "title" => _("Template"))); $btn = new SubmitImageButton(_("Save"), "edit[save]", 'toolbar', $WikiTheme->getImageURL("ed_save.png")); $btn->addTooltip(_("Save")); $btn->setAccesskey("s"); $toolbar .= 'document.writeln("' . addslashes($btn->asXml()) . '");' . "\n"; // preview not supported yet on Wikiblog if (empty($WikiTheme->_headers_printed)) { $btn = new SubmitImageButton(_("Preview"), "edit[preview]", 'toolbar', $WikiTheme->getImageURL("ed_preview.png")); $btn->addTooltip(_("Preview")); $btn->setAccesskey("p"); $toolbar .= 'document.writeln("' . addslashes($btn->asXml()) . '");' . "\n"; } foreach ($toolarray as $tool) { global $WikiTheme; $image = $WikiTheme->getImageURL($tool["image"]); $open = $tool["open"]; $close = $tool["close"]; $sample = addslashes($tool["sample"]); // Note that we use the title both for the ALT tag and the TITLE tag of the image. // Older browsers show a "speedtip" type message only for ALT. // Ideally these should be different, realistically they // probably don't need to be. $tool = $WikiTheme->fixAccesskey($tool); $title = addslashes($tool["title"]); $toolbar .= "addTagButton('{$image}','{$title}','{$open}','{$close}','{$sample}');\n"; } /* Fails with Chrome */ if (!isBrowserSafari()) { $toolbar .= "addInfobox('" . addslashes(_("Click a button to get an example text")) . "');\n"; } } if (JS_SEARCHREPLACE) { $undo_d_btn = $WikiTheme->getImageURL("ed_undo_d.png"); //$redo_btn = $WikiTheme->getImageURL("ed_redo.png"); $sr_btn = $WikiTheme->getImageURL("ed_replace.png"); //TODO: generalize the UNDO button and fix it for Search & Replace $sr_html = HTML(HTML::img(array('class' => "toolbar", 'id' => "sr_undo", 'src' => $undo_d_btn, 'title' => _("Undo Search & Replace"), 'alt' => _("Undo Search & Replace"), 'onclick' => "do_undo()")), HTML::img(array('class' => "toolbar", 'src' => $sr_btn, 'alt' => _("Search & Replace"), 'title' => _("Search & Replace"), 'onclick' => "replace()"))); } else { $sr_html = ''; } //TODO: Delegate this to run-time with showing an hidden input at the right, and do // a seperate moacdropdown and xmlrpc:titleSearch. // Button to generate categories, display in extra window as popup and insert $sr_html = HTML($sr_html, $this->categoriesPulldown()); // Button to generate plugins, display in extra window as popup and insert $sr_html = HTML($sr_html, $this->pluginPulldown()); // Button to generate pagenames, display in extra window as popup and insert if (TOOLBAR_PAGELINK_PULLDOWN) { $sr_html = HTML($sr_html, $this->pagesPulldown(TOOLBAR_PAGELINK_PULLDOWN)); } // Button to insert from an template, display pagename in extra window as popup and insert if (TOOLBAR_TEMPLATE_PULLDOWN) { $sr_html = HTML($sr_html, $this->templatePulldown(TOOLBAR_TEMPLATE_PULLDOWN)); } // Button to add images, display in extra window as popup and insert if (TOOLBAR_IMAGE_PULLDOWN) { $sr_html = HTML($sr_html, $this->imagePulldown(TOOLBAR_IMAGE_PULLDOWN)); } // don't use document.write for replace, otherwise self.opener is not defined. $toolbar_end = "document.writeln(\"</div>\");"; if ($sr_html) { return HTML(Javascript($toolbar), "\n", $sr_html, "\n", Javascript($toolbar_end)); } else { return HTML(Javascript($toolbar . $toolbar_end)); } }
private function SystemTemplate($file) { if (!ereg("/", $file)) { $file = $this->path . "/" . $file; } if (!($f = @fopen($file, "r"))) { throw new TemplateExcept("не могу открыть шаблон " . $file); } $content = fread($f, filesize($file)); fclose($f); $template_arr = preg_split("/\\[\\[([^\\]]*)\\]\\]/", $content, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE); foreach ($template_arr as $k => $v) { if ($k % 2 == 0) { echo $v; continue; } switch ($v) { case "system_info": echo $this->system_info; break; case "custom_header": echo $this->custom_header; break; case "topic": echo $this->menu->topic; break; case "title": echo TITLE; if (strlen($this->menu->topic) > 0) { echo " :: " . $this->menu->topic; } break; case "ip": echo $_SESSION[S_ID]["ip_login"]; break; case "current_time": echo CTime(time()); break; case "login_time": echo CTime($_SESSION[S_ID]["time_login"]); break; case "menu": echo $this->menu->Show(); break; case "full_name": echo $this->sys_user->full_name == ' ' ? $this->sys_user->login : $this->sys_user->full_name . " (" . $this->sys_user->login . ")"; break; case "login": echo $this->sys_user->login; break; default: echo $v; } } }
function _approval_form(&$request, $args, $moderation, $pass = '******') { $header = HTML::h3(_("Please approve or reject this request:")); $loader = new WikiPluginLoader(); $BackendInfo = $loader->getPlugin("_BackendInfo"); $table = HTML::table(array('border' => 1, 'cellpadding' => 2, 'cellspacing' => 0)); $content = $table; $diff = ''; if ($moderation['args']['action'] == 'edit') { $pagename = $moderation['args']['pagename']; $p = $request->_dbi->getPage($pagename); $rev = $p->getCurrentRevision(true); $curr_content = $rev->getPackedContent(); $new_content = $moderation['args']['edit']['content']; include_once "lib/difflib.php"; $diff2 = new Diff($curr_content, $new_content); $fmt = new UnifiedDiffFormatter(); $diff = $pagename . " Current Version " . Iso8601DateTime($p->get('mtime')) . "\n"; $diff .= $pagename . " Edited Version " . Iso8601DateTime($moderation['timestamp']) . "\n"; $diff .= $fmt->format($diff2); } $content->pushContent($BackendInfo->_showhash("Request", array('User' => $moderation['userid'], 'When' => CTime($moderation['timestamp']), 'Pagename' => $pagename, 'Action' => $moderation['args']['action'], 'Diff' => HTML::pre($diff)))); $content_dbg = $table; $myargs = $args; $BackendInfo->_fixupData($myargs); $content_dbg->pushContent($BackendInfo->_showhash("raw request args", $myargs)); $BackendInfo->_fixupData($moderation); $content_dbg->pushContent($BackendInfo->_showhash("raw moderation data", $moderation)); $reason = HTML::div(_("Reason: "), HTML::textarea(array('name' => 'reason'))); $approve = Button('submit:ModeratedPage[approve]', _("Approve"), $pass == 'approve' ? 'wikiadmin' : 'button'); $reject = Button('submit:ModeratedPage[reject]', _("Reject"), $pass == 'reject' ? 'wikiadmin' : 'button'); $args['action'] = _("ModeratedPage"); return HTML::form(array('action' => $request->getPostURL(), 'method' => 'post'), $header, $content, HTML::p(""), $content_dbg, $reason, ENABLE_PAGEPERM ? '' : HiddenInputs(array('require_authority_for_post' => WIKIAUTH_ADMIN)), HiddenInputs($args), $pass == 'approve' ? HTML::p($approve, $reject) : HTML::p($reject, $approve)); }