private function _BuildProductFeed($feedTitle, $feedDescription, $feedId, $sortField, $sortOrder, $searchTerms = array()) { $this->_SetFeedDetails(); $feed = new ISC_FEED_GENERATOR($feedId, $this->_type, (int) GetConfig('RSSCacheTime') * 60); $channel = array("title" => $feedTitle, "description" => $feedDescription, "link" => $GLOBALS['ShopPath']); $feed->SetChannel($channel); // The magical Interspire Shopping Cart RSS feeds are actually just custom searches so pipe it off to our search function $searchterms = BuildProductSearchTerms($searchTerms); $searchQueries = BuildProductSearchQuery($searchterms, '', $sortField, $sortOrder); // Run the query $searchQueries['query'] .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->AddLimit(0, (int) GetConfig('RSSItemsLimit')); $result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($searchQueries['query']); while ($product = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($result)) { if (isc_strlen($product['proddesc']) > 300) { $product['proddesc'] = isc_substr($product['proddesc'], 0, 298) . ".."; } if ($product['imagefile']) { $product['proddesc'] = sprintf("<div style='float: right; padding: 10px;'>%s</div>%s", ImageThumb($product['imagefile'], ProdLink($product['prodname'])), $product['proddesc']); } // Determine the price of this product $price = CalculateProductPrice($product); $price = GetLang('Price') . ": " . $price; if (GetConfig('ShowProductRating')) { $ratingImage = $GLOBALS['TPL_PATH'] . '/images/IcoRating' . (int) $product['prodavgrating'] . '.gif'; $ratingImage = '<img src="' . $ratingImage . '" alt="" />'; } else { $ratingImage = ''; } $product['proddesc'] .= '<p><strong>' . $price . '</strong> ' . $ratingImage . '</p>'; // Add the item to the feed $item = array("title" => $product['prodname'], "description" => $product['proddesc'], "link" => ProdLink($product['prodname']), "date" => $product['proddateadded']); $feed->AddItem($item); } // Send the feed to the browser $feed->OutputFeed(); }
function SetPanelSettings() { $output = ""; $all_makes = array('CHEVROLET', 'GMC', 'FORD', 'DODGE', 'TOYOTA', 'NISSAN', 'HONDA', 'JEEP', 'HYUNDAI', 'CHRYSLER', 'INFINITI', 'LEXUS'); $colours = array('Red', 'Navy', 'Green', 'Brown', 'Black', 'Silver', 'Dark Gray', 'Tan', 'White'); $prod_make = array(); $prod_model = array(); $prod_submodel = array(); $prod_year = array(); $prod_price = array(); $prod_categoryid = array(); $count_categoryid = array(); $brand_id = array(); $make_link = ""; $model_link = ""; $model_flag_link = 0; $submodel_link = ""; $year_link = ""; $sub_modelrow = array(); $GLOBALS['SITEPATH'] = GetConfig('ShopPath'); // Get the link to the "all brands" page $GLOBALS['AllBrandsLink'] = BrandLink(); $params = $this->searchterms; if (empty($params)) { $params['dynfilters'] = array(); } /*--- Here when brand series is searched directly , brand series is set in seesion to be accessed in other pages --- */ if (isset($params['series']) && !empty($params['series'])) { $_SESSION['absearchterms']['series'] = $params['series']; } // Build the search query using our terms & the fields we want $column_concat = " p.productid , p.prodcode , group_concat(DISTINCT c.categoryid separator '~') as categoryid, group_concat(DISTINCT prodbrandid separator '~') as prodbrandid "; $column_concat .= " , group_concat(DISTINCT v.prodmake separator '~') as prodmake , group_concat(DISTINCT v.prodmodel separator '~') as prodmodel , group_concat(DISTINCT v.prodsubmodel separator '~') as prodsubmodel , group_concat(v.prodstartyear separator '~') as prodstartyear , group_concat(v.prodendyear separator '~') as prodendyear "; if (isset($params['catuniversal']) && $params['catuniversal'] == 1) { // this condition has been added as universal category shd be shown only PQ's $column_names = $GLOBALS['p_cols']; for ($j = 0; $j < count($column_names); $j++) { if (isset($GLOBALS['visible_pqvq'][$column_names[$j]]) && $GLOBALS['visible_pqvq'][$column_names[$j]] == 1) { $column_concat .= " , group_concat(DISTINCT " . $column_names[$j] . " separator '~') as " . $column_names[$j]; } } } else { if (isset($params['make']) && !empty($params['make']) && (isset($params['model']) && !empty($params['model']) && (!isset($params['model_flag']) || $params['model_flag'] == 1)) && isset($params['year']) && !empty($params['year']) && isset($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_ID'])) { $column_names = array_merge($GLOBALS['v_cols'], $GLOBALS['p_cols']); for ($j = 0; $j < count($column_names); $j++) { if (stristr($column_names[$j], 'VQbedsize')) { $column_names[$j] = 'VQbedsize'; } if (stristr($column_names[$j], 'VQcabsize')) { $column_names[$j] = 'VQcabsize'; } if (isset($GLOBALS['visible_pqvq'][$column_names[$j]]) && $GLOBALS['visible_pqvq'][$column_names[$j]] == 1) { if (eregi('^(vq)', $column_names[$j])) { // the below 2 cases are added for checking only in bedsize and cabsize if ($column_names[$j] == 'VQbedsize' or $column_names[$j] == 'VQcabsize') { if (strcasecmp($column_names[$j], 'VQbedsize') == 0) { $column_concat .= " , group_concat( DISTINCT if( v.bedsize_generalname != '', v.bedsize_generalname, v.VQbedsize ) separator '~' ) as " . $column_names[$j]; } else { $column_concat .= " , group_concat( DISTINCT if( v.cabsize_generalname != '', v.cabsize_generalname, v.VQcabsize ) separator '~' ) as " . $column_names[$j]; } } else { $column_concat .= " , group_concat(DISTINCT v." . $column_names[$j] . " separator '~') as " . $column_names[$j]; } } else { if (eregi('^(pq)', $column_names[$j])) { $column_concat .= " , group_concat(DISTINCT " . $column_names[$j] . " separator '~') as " . $column_names[$j]; } } } } } } $searchQueries = BuildProductSearchQuery($this->searchterms); $searchQueries['query'] = str_replace('USE INDEX (categoryid)', 'USE INDEX (PRIMARY)', $searchQueries['query']); //$searchQueries['query'] = str_replace('temp.*',$column_concat,$searchQueries['query']); $searchQueries['query'] = str_replace($GLOBALS['srch_where'], $column_concat, $searchQueries['query']); // lguan_20100513: If in product detail page, and search terms is empty, should use product id to limit the queries for brand, the original // query was killing the performance $showOtherBrandForDetail = false; if ($this->searchterms == '') { $searchQueries['query'] .= isset($GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_PRODUCT']) && $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_PRODUCT']->_product['prodcatids'] ? ' AND c.categoryid IN (' . $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_PRODUCT']->_product['prodcatids'] . ')' : ''; $showOtherBrandForDetail = true; } $searchQueries['query'] .= " group by p.productid "; $searchQueries['query'] .= $GLOBALS['having_query']; $Search_Result1 = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($searchQueries['query']); $numrows = @(int) $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->CountResult($Search_Result1); $flag = 0; // this flag is used to avoid executing query again and again for submodels $filterdata = array(); $countfilterdata = array(); $sku = array(); $count_model = array(); $count_submodel['all']['count'] = 0; $sub_model_flag = 0; $sub_catg = ""; if (!isset($params['model_flag']) || isset($params['model_flag']) && $params['model_flag'] == 1) { $model_flag_link = 1; } $strtocheck = '^(vq|pq)'; if (isset($params['subcategory'])) { $sub_catg = "&subcategory=" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($params['subcategory'])); } if (isset($params['series'])) { $sub_catg .= "&series=" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($params['series'])); } if (isset($params['category'])) { $sub_catg .= "&category=" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($params['category'])); } while ($row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($Search_Result1)) { $temp_prod_year = array(); $grp_make = explode("~", $row['prodmake']); $grp_model = explode("~", $row['prodmodel']); if ($row['prodsubmodel'] != '~') { $grp_submodel = explode("~", $row['prodsubmodel']); } else { $grp_submodel = array(); } $grp_startyear = explode("~", $row['prodstartyear']); $grp_endyear = explode("~", $row['prodendyear']); $grp_brandid = explode("~", $row['prodbrandid']); $grp_categoryid = explode("~", $row['categoryid']); $columns = array_keys($row); foreach ($row as $key => $qval) { if (eregi($strtocheck, $key)) { $qval = trim($qval, '~'); $qval = strtolower($qval); $grp_dyn = preg_split('/[~;]+/', $qval); $grp_dyn = array_unique($grp_dyn); $grp_dyn = array_values($grp_dyn); for ($g = 0; $g < count($grp_dyn); $g++) { $val = settype($val, "string"); $val = strtolower($grp_dyn[$g]); if ($val == '') { //Added by Simha $val = "Others"; } if (!empty($val)) { /*$filter_value = explode(";",$val); for($k=0;$k<count($filter_value);$k++) {*/ //$val = $filter_value[$k]; if ($val != "") { if (!isset($filterdata[$key])) { $filterdata[$key][] = $val; $countfilterdata[$key][$val]['count'] = 1; } else { if (!in_array($val, $filterdata[$key], true)) { $filterdata[$key][] = $val; $countfilterdata[$key][$val]['count'] = 1; } else { $countfilterdata[$key][$val]['count']++; } } } //} } } } } $prod_id[] = $row['productid']; for ($g = 0; $g < count($grp_brandid); $g++) { if ($grp_brandid[$g] != 0) { $brand_id[] = $grp_brandid[$g]; } } for ($g = 0; $g < count($grp_categoryid); $g++) { if ($grp_categoryid[$g] != "") { if (!in_array($grp_categoryid[$g], $prod_categoryid)) { $prod_categoryid[] = $grp_categoryid[$g]; $count_categoryid[$grp_categoryid[$g]]['count'] = 1; } else { $count_categoryid[$grp_categoryid[$g]]['count']++; } } } for ($g = 0; $g < count($grp_make); $g++) { if ($grp_make[$g] != '') { $product_make = strtoupper($grp_make[$g]); if ($product_make != "NON-SPEC VEHICLE") { // this condition is addded not to show "NON-SPEC VEHICLE" in list if (!in_array($product_make, $prod_make)) { $prod_make[] = $product_make; $count_make[$product_make]['count'] = 1; } else { $count_make[$product_make]['count']++; } } } } for ($g = 0; $g < count($grp_model); $g++) { if (strtolower($grp_model[$g]) != 'all') { // this condition is added not to show "All" in list $sub_model_flag = 1; $grp_model[$g] = strtoupper($grp_model[$g]); if (!in_array($grp_model[$g], $prod_model)) { $prod_model[] = $grp_model[$g]; $count_model[$grp_model[$g]]['count'] = 1; } else { $count_model[$grp_model[$g]]['count']++; } } } if (count($grp_submodel) > 0) { for ($g = 0; $g < count($grp_submodel); $g++) { if (!empty($grp_submodel[$g])) { $sub_model_flag = 1; $grp_submodel[$g] = ucwords(strtolower($grp_submodel[$g])); if (!in_array($grp_submodel[$g], $prod_submodel)) { $prod_submodel[] = $grp_submodel[$g]; $count_submodel[$grp_submodel[$g]]['count'] = 1; } else { $count_submodel[$grp_submodel[$g]]['count']++; } } } } else { if (!in_array('all', $prod_submodel)) { $count_submodel['all']['count'] = 1; } else { $count_submodel['all']['count']++; } } for ($g = 0; $g < count($grp_startyear); $g++) { $prod_start_year = $grp_startyear[$g]; $prod_end_year = $grp_endyear[$g]; if (empty($prod_end_year)) { $prod_end_year = $prod_start_year; } if (strtolower($prod_start_year) != "all") { // this condition is addded not to show "All" in list if (is_numeric($prod_start_year) && is_numeric($prod_end_year)) { $prod_year_diff = $prod_end_year - $prod_start_year; } if (!is_numeric($prod_start_year) && !is_numeric($prod_end_year)) { if (!in_array($prod_start_year, $temp_prod_year)) { $temp_prod_year[] = $prod_start_year; } } else { if (isset($params['year']) && !empty($params['year'])) { if (in_array($params['year'], $prod_year)) { $count_year[$params['year']]['count']++; } else { $prod_year[] = $params['year']; $count_year[$params['year']]['count'] = 1; } } else { for ($i = 0; $i <= $prod_year_diff; $i++) { $actual_year = $prod_start_year + $i; if (!in_array($actual_year, $temp_prod_year)) { $temp_prod_year[] = $actual_year; } } } } } } for ($k = 0; $k < count($temp_prod_year); $k++) { if (!in_array($temp_prod_year[$k], $prod_year)) { $prod_year[] = $temp_prod_year[$k]; $count_year[$temp_prod_year[$k]]['count'] = 1; } else { $count_year[$temp_prod_year[$k]]['count']++; } } } //Added by Simha // for removing if it has only others in qualifier values foreach ($countfilterdata as $key => $value) { if (isset($value['Others']) && count($value) == 1 && !isset($params['dynfilters'][$key])) { unset($countfilterdata[$key]); unset($filterdata[$key]); } } foreach ($filterdata as $key => $num) { $keys = array_keys($num, 'Others'); if (isset($keys) && count($keys) == 1) { unset($num[$keys[0]]); $num[] = 'Others'; } $num = array_values($num); $filterdata[$key] = $num; } //Added by Simha Ends $prod_make_new = array_unique($prod_make); asort($prod_make_new); $prod_model_new = array_unique($prod_model); asort($prod_model_new); $prod_submodel_new = array_unique($prod_submodel); sort($prod_submodel_new); $prod_year_new = array_unique($prod_year); arsort($prod_year_new); $srch_qry = isset($params['search_query']) ? $params['search_query'] : (isset($params['search_query_adv']) ? $params['search_query_adv'] : ''); $srch_qry = MakeURLSafe($srch_qry); $brand_id = array_unique($brand_id); $brand_id = array_values($brand_id); $GLOBALS['SearchBrands'] = $brand_id; // This variable is used in searchpage.php for displaying brands. $GLOBALS['SearchCategories'] = $prod_categoryid; // This variable is used in searchpage.php for displaying categories. if (isset($params['make']) && !empty($params['make'])) { $make_link = "&make=" . MakeURLSafe($params['make']); } if (isset($params['year']) && !empty($params['year'])) { $year_link = "&year=" . $params['year']; } if (isset($params['model']) && !empty($params['model'])) { $model_link = "&model=" . MakeURLSafe($params['model']); } if (isset($params['model_flag']) && $params['model_flag'] == 0) { $model_link .= "&model_flag=0"; } if (isset($params['submodel']) && !empty($params['submodel'])) { $submodel_link = "&submodel=" . MakeURLSafe($params['submodel']); } if (isset($params['partnumber'])) { $_GET['partnumber'] = $params['partnumber']; } $query_string_array = $_GET; if (isset($params['make'])) { $query_string_array['make'] = $params['make']; } if (isset($params['model'])) { $query_string_array['model'] = $params['model']; } if (isset($params['model_flag']) && $params['model_flag'] == 0) { $query_string_array['model_flag'] = $params['model_flag']; } if (isset($params['submodel'])) { $query_string_array['submodel'] = $params['submodel']; } if (isset($params['year'])) { $query_string_array['year'] = $params['year']; } if (isset($params['brand'])) { $query_string_array['brand'] = $params['brand']; } if (isset($params['series'])) { $query_string_array['series'] = $params['series']; } if (isset($params['subcategory'])) { $query_string_array['subcategory'] = $params['subcategory']; } if (isset($params['category'])) { $query_string_array['category'] = $params['category']; } if (isset($params['search'])) { $query_string_array['searchtext'] = $params['search']; } if (isset($params['searchtext'])) { $query_string_array['searchtext'] = $params['searchtext']; } if (isset($params['vqsbedsize'])) { $query_string_array['vqsbedsize'] = $params['vqsbedsize']; } if (isset($params['vqscabsize'])) { $query_string_array['vqscabsize'] = $params['vqscabsize']; } foreach ($params['dynfilters'] as $key => $value) { $key = strtolower($key); $query_string_array[$key] = $value; } $query_string_array['search_query'] = $srch_qry; unset($query_string_array['page'], $query_string_array['search_key'], $query_string_array['x'], $query_string_array['y'], $query_string_array['sortby'], $query_string_array['orderby'], $query_string_array['change'], $query_string_array['product'], $query_string_array['refer']); $mmy_string_array = $query_string_array; unset($mmy_string_array['make'], $mmy_string_array['model'], $mmy_string_array['submodel'], $mmy_string_array['year'], $mmy_string_array['search_query']); $mmy_string_new1 = ""; foreach ($mmy_string_array as $mmy_key => $mmy_val) { $mmy_string_new1 .= "&" . $mmy_key . "=" . $mmy_val; } $dyn_filter = ""; // this is the main variable which is used for assigning to the global variable $dyn_top = ""; // this is the variable which will remain on top of the filters $dyn_bottom = ""; // this is the variable which will remain at bottom of the filters $dyn_flag = 0; // this is the variable which will check which are at top or bottom in the filters, 0 for top and 1 for bottom /* The below code will be added to redefine search as we need to pass 'a-b-testing' in all URL's for redefine search */ $add_url_redefine = "&abtesting=" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($GLOBALS['PathInfo'][1])); if (isset($params['make']) || isset($params['make']) && isset($params['model']) && $model_flag_link == 1 || isset($params['year'])) { $mmy_clear_links = $this->path . "/search.php?search_query=" . urlencode($params['search_query']) . $sub_catg; if (isset($params['brand'])) { $mmy_clear_links .= "&brand=" . $params['brand']; } $clear_mmy_filter_link = $this->GetClearFilterlink($query_string_array, 0); $GLOBALS['DynMsg'] = "<a href='#' onclick=\"deleteMMYcookies('" . $this->path . $clear_mmy_filter_link . "');\">Clear my Vehicle</a>"; $GLOBALS['RemoveBackgroundImage'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("RemoveBgImage"); } if (isset($params['make']) && (isset($params['model']) && $model_flag_link == 1) && isset($params['year']) && !isset($_REQUEST['change'])) { // if MMY is selected $GLOBALS['MyVehicleAreaHeader'] = $params['year'] . " " . $params['make'] . " " . $params['model']; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = ""; } else { $GLOBALS['MyVehicleAreaHeader'] = "Choose My Vehicle"; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = ""; } /*-------- Year -----------------------------------------*/ $GLOBALS['MouseoverFn'] = "'pointer'"; $extra_year = ""; //if( !empty($make_link) || !empty($year_link) || !empty($model_link) ) { if (empty($year_link) || !empty($year_link)) { $GLOBALS['dynid'] = "prod_year"; $GLOBALS['Dynmainmenu'] = "Year"; $output2 = ""; $year_counter = 1; if (count($prod_year_new) > 0) { foreach ($prod_year_new as $key => $value) { if (!isset($_REQUEST['change'])) { // when clicked on "clear my vehicle", need to pass the value in the search query to get all Make and year $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = "{$this->path}/search.php?search_query=" . $srch_qry; } else { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = "{$this->path}/search.php?search_query={$value}"; } if (!empty($make_link)) { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $make_link; } if (!empty($model_link)) { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $model_link; } if (!empty($submodel_link) && isset($_REQUEST['submodel'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $submodel_link; } if (!empty($year_link)) { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $year_link; } else { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= "&year=" . $value; } $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $mmy_string_new1; $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $sub_catg; $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = isc_html_escape($value); $GLOBALS['BrandCount'] = $count_year[$value]['count']; if (!empty($year_link)) { if ($GLOBALS['BrandName'] == 'ALL' && $GLOBALS['BrandName'] != $params['year']) { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = $params['year']; //$output2 .= "<li>".$params['year']."</li>"; $output2 .= "<li></li>"; } else { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = $params['year']; //$output2 .= "<li>$value</li>"; $output2 .= "<li></li>"; } $dyn_flag = 1; break; // break has been added to display only single listing. } else { $dyn_flag = 0; if ($year_counter < 11) { $output2 .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilter3"); $year_counter++; } else { $extra_year .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilter3"); } } } } else { if (isset($params['year'])) { $dyn_flag = 1; $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = $params['year']; $output2 .= "<li>" . $params['year'] . "</li>"; } } $output2 = "<ul>" . $output2 . "</ul>"; /* the below code is used to apply more link if records exceed 10 */ if ($year_counter > 11) { $GLOBALS['FilterID'] = "year"; $GLOBALS['ExtraValues'] = $extra_year; $output2 .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideFilterMoreLink"); } $output2 = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->ParseSnippets($output2, $GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']); //if( !empty($_REQUEST['year']) && !empty($year_link) ) { $links_year = $srch_qry; if (!empty($year_link)) { $links_year .= $year_link; } if (!empty($make_link)) { $links_year .= $make_link; } if (!empty($model_link) && isset($_REQUEST['model'])) { $links_year .= $model_link; } /*if( !empty($submodel_link) && isset($_REQUEST['submodel'])) { $links_year .= $submodel_link; }*/ if (isset($params['brand'])) { $links_year .= "&brand=" . MakeURLSafe($params['brand']); } if (isset($params['search'])) { $links_year .= "&searchtext=" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($params['search'])); } if (isset($params['searchtext'])) { $links_year .= "&searchtext=" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($params['searchtext'])); } if (isset($params['vqsbedsize'])) { $links_year .= "&vqsbedsize=" . MakeURLSafe($params['vqsbedsize']); } if (isset($params['vqscabsize'])) { $links_year .= "&vqscabsize=" . MakeURLSafe($params['vqscabsize']); } $links_year .= $this->GetOtherLinksForRedefine($params); $links_year .= $add_url_redefine; /* this below lines are not to display the year when clear is clicked */ if (isset($_REQUEST['change'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = ""; } if ($dyn_flag == 1 || isset($_REQUEST['change'])) { $str = "search_query=" . $links_year . $sub_catg . "&column=year"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay1'] = "block"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay'] = "none"; $GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIconright.gif"; $GLOBALS['DynFilterArrow'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilterImage"); //$GLOBALS['DynFilterArrow'] .= " ".$GLOBALS['BrandName']; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter1'] = $output2; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = ""; $GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = "getvalueswithajax('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "','{$str}&getymms=1');checkanimate('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "')"; } else { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = ""; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay1'] = "none"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay'] = "block"; $GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIconright.gif"; $GLOBALS['DynFilterArrow'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilterImage"); $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = $output2; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter1'] = ""; $GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = "checkanimate('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "')"; if (empty($year_link)) { $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = ""; $str = "search_query=" . $links_year . $sub_catg . "&column=year"; $GLOBALS['JSfunction'] .= ";getvalueswithajax('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "','{$str}&getymms=1')"; } } $GLOBALS['mmyid'] = "mmy_year"; $dyn_output = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("MyVehicleAreaSearch"); $dyn_filter = $dyn_output; //$GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']['SideProductFilter3'] = $output2; } else { $GLOBALS['HideSideProductFiltersPanelYear'] = "none"; } if ($dyn_flag == 1 && !isset($_REQUEST['change'])) { $dyn_top .= $dyn_filter; } else { $dyn_top .= $dyn_filter; } $dyn_filter = ""; /*-------- Make -----------------------------------------*/ $GLOBALS['dynid'] = "prod_make"; $GLOBALS['Dynmainmenu'] = "Make"; if (isset($make_link) && !empty($make_link)) { if (count($prod_make_new) > 0) { foreach ($prod_make_new as $key => $value) { if (!isset($_REQUEST['change'])) { // when clicked on "clear my vehicle", need to pass the value in the search query to get all Make and year $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = "{$this->path}/search.php?search_query=" . $srch_qry . "&make=" . $value; } else { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = "{$this->path}/search.php?search_query={$value}&make=" . $value; } if (isset($_REQUEST['model']) && empty($_REQUEST['model'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= "&model="; } if (isset($_REQUEST['year'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= "&year=" . $_REQUEST['year']; } $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $sub_catg; $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = strtoupper($value); /* this below patch is temporary used when categories with make 'NON-SPEC VEHICLE' are used when searched by redefine category */ if (isset($params['catuniversal']) && $params['catuniversal'] == 1 || $GLOBALS['BrandName'] == 'NON-SPEC VEHICLE' && $GLOBALS['BrandName'] != $params['make']) { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = $params['make']; } if (isset($count_make[$value]['count'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandCount'] = $count_make[$value]['count']; } else { $GLOBALS['BrandCount'] = 0; } $output .= "<li></li>"; break; // break has been added to display only single listing. } } else { if (isset($params['make'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = strtoupper($params['make']); $output .= "<li></li>"; // $output .= "<li>".$_REQUEST['make']."</li>"; } } $dyn_flag = 1; $output = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->ParseSnippets($output, $GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']); } else { $dyn_flag = 0; $temp_arr = array_diff($prod_make_new, $all_makes); $temp_count_make = ""; $temp_no_count_make = ""; $display_count = 1; foreach ($all_makes as $key => $value) { if (!isset($_REQUEST['change'])) { // when clicked on "clear my vehicle", need to pass the value in the search query to get all Make and year $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = "{$this->path}/search.php?search_query=" . $srch_qry . "&make=" . $value; } else { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = "{$this->path}/search.php?search_query={$value}&make=" . $value; } if (isset($_REQUEST['model']) && empty($_REQUEST['model'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= "&model="; } if (isset($params['year'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= "&year=" . $params['year']; } $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $mmy_string_new1; $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $sub_catg; $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = isc_html_escape($value); if (isset($count_make[$value]['count'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandCount'] = $count_make[$value]['count']; } else { $GLOBALS['BrandCount'] = 0; } /*if($GLOBALS['BrandCount'] == 0) $temp_no_count_make .= "<li>$GLOBALS[BrandName] ($GLOBALS[BrandCount])</li>";*/ if ($GLOBALS['BrandCount'] != 0) { if ($display_count < 13) { // this condiditon is applied to avoid long listing of make lsit $temp_count_make .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilter1"); } else { $temp_no_count_make .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilter1"); } $display_count++; //$output .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilter1"); } } if (count($temp_arr) > 0) { foreach ($temp_arr as $key => $value) { if (!isset($_REQUEST['change'])) { // when clicked on "clear my vehicle", need to pass the value in the search query to get all Make and year $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = "{$this->path}/search.php?search_query=" . $srch_qry . "&make=" . $value; } else { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = "{$this->path}/search.php?search_query={$value}&make=" . $value; } if (isset($_REQUEST['model']) && empty($_REQUEST['model'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= "&model="; } if (isset($params['year'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= "&year=" . $params['year']; } $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = isc_html_escape($value); if (isset($count_make[$value]['count'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandCount'] = $count_make[$value]['count']; } else { $GLOBALS['BrandCount'] = 0; } $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $mmy_string_new1; $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $sub_catg; /*if($GLOBALS['BrandCount'] == 0) $temp_no_count_make .= "<li>$GLOBALS[BrandName] ($GLOBALS[BrandCount])</li>";*/ if ($GLOBALS['BrandCount'] != 0) { if ($display_count < 13) { // this condiditon is applied to avoid long listing of make list $temp_count_make .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilter1"); } else { $temp_no_count_make .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilter1"); } $display_count++; } } } $output = "<ul>{$temp_count_make}</ul>"; if ($display_count > 13) { $GLOBALS['FilterID'] = "make"; $GLOBALS['ExtraValues'] = $temp_no_count_make; $output .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideFilterMoreLink"); //$output .= "<ul class='more'><li><a href=\"javascript:onclick=show_hide('make')\" id='make_more'>More...</a></li></ul>"; } $output = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->ParseSnippets($output, $GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']); } /* this below lines are not to display the make when clear is clicked */ if (isset($_REQUEST['change'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = ""; } if ($dyn_flag == 1 || isset($_REQUEST['change'])) { //$str = "search_query=".$srch_qry.$make_link."&model=".$year_link.$sub_catg."&column=make"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay1'] = "block"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay'] = "none"; $GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIconright.gif"; $GLOBALS['DynFilterArrow'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilterImage"); //$GLOBALS['DynFilterArrow'] .= " ".$GLOBALS['BrandName']; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter1'] = "<ul>" . $output . "</ul>"; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = ""; //$GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = "getvalueswithajax('".$GLOBALS['dynid']."','$str');checkanimate('".$GLOBALS['dynid']."')"; //$GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIconright.gif"; } else { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = ""; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay1'] = "none"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay'] = "block"; $GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIconright.gif"; $GLOBALS['DynFilterArrow'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilterImage"); $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = $output; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter1'] = ""; //$GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = "checkanimate('".$GLOBALS['dynid']."')"; if (empty($make_link)) { $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = ""; } } $str = "search_query=" . $srch_qry . $make_link . "&model=" . $year_link . $sub_catg . "&column=make"; if (isset($params['brand'])) { $str .= "&brand=" . $params['brand']; } if (isset($params['search'])) { $str .= "&searchtext=" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($params['search'])); } if (isset($params['searchtext'])) { $str .= "&searchtext=" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($params['searchtext'])); } if (isset($params['vqsbedsize'])) { $str .= "&vqsbedsize=" . MakeURLSafe($params['vqsbedsize']); } if (isset($params['vqscabsize'])) { $str .= "&vqscabsize=" . MakeURLSafe($params['vqscabsize']); } $str .= $this->GetOtherLinksForRedefine($params); $str .= $add_url_redefine; $GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = "getvalueswithajax('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "','{$str}&getymms=1');checkanimate('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "')"; $GLOBALS['mmyid'] = "mmy_make"; $dyn_output = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("MyVehicleAreaSearch"); $dyn_filter = $dyn_output; if ($dyn_flag == 1 && !isset($_REQUEST['change'])) { $dyn_top .= $dyn_filter; } else { $dyn_top .= $dyn_filter; } $dyn_filter = ""; //$GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']['SideProductFilter1'] = $output; /*-------- Model - Starts -----------------------------------------*/ $GLOBALS['dynid'] = "prod_model"; $GLOBALS['Dynmainmenu'] = 'Model'; $output1 = ""; $display_count = 1; $extra = ""; if (isset($params['make'])) { // if make is selected then need to enter the loop if (isset($params['model']) && $model_flag_link == 1) { // if make is selected need to show only that make $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = strtoupper($params['model']); $dyn_flag = 1; } else { $dyn_flag = 0; $model_string_array = $query_string_array; unset($model_string_array['model_flag'], $model_string_array['model']); $ymm_links = $this->GetYMMLinks($model_string_array); $ymm_links .= $this->GetOtherLinks($params); foreach ($prod_model_new as $key => $value) { if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 0) { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = $this->path . "/search.php?search_query=" . $srch_qry; $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $ymm_links; $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= "&model=" . $value; } else { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = $this->path; if ($srch_qry != "") { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= "/" . $srch_qry; } $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $ymm_links; $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= "/model/" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($value)); } $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = isc_html_escape($value); $GLOBALS['BrandCount'] = $count_model[$value]['count']; if ($display_count < 11) { $output1 .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilter2"); } else { $extra .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilter2"); } $display_count++; } $output1 = "<ul>" . $output1 . "</ul>"; if ($display_count > 11) { $GLOBALS['FilterID'] = "model"; $GLOBALS['ExtraValues'] = $extra; $output1 .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideFilterMoreLink"); } } /* the below links are passes for redefine search - starts*/ $links = $srch_qry; $links .= $make_link; $links .= $year_link; if (isset($params['model']) && $model_flag_link == 1) { $links .= $model_link; } $links .= $sub_catg; if (isset($params['brand'])) { $links .= "&brand=" . MakeURLSafe($params['brand']); } if (isset($params['search'])) { $links .= "&searchtext=" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($params['search'])); } if (isset($params['searchtext'])) { $links .= "&searchtext=" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($params['searchtext'])); } if (isset($params['vqsbedsize'])) { $links .= "&vqsbedsize=" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($params['vqsbedsize'])); } if (isset($params['vqscabsize'])) { $links .= "&vqscabsize=" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($params['vqscabsize'])); } $links .= $this->GetOtherLinksForRedefine($params); $links .= "&column=model"; $links .= $add_url_redefine; /* the below links are passes for redefine search - ends*/ /* this below lines are not to display the make when clear is clicked */ if (isset($_REQUEST['change'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = ""; } if ($dyn_flag == 1 || isset($_REQUEST['change'])) { $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay1'] = "block"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay'] = "none"; $GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIconright.gif"; $GLOBALS['DynFilterArrow'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilterImage"); $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter1'] = $output1; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = ""; $str = "search_query=" . $links; if (!isset($_REQUEST['change'])) { $GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = "getvalueswithajax('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "','{$str}&getymms=1');checkanimate('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "')"; } else { $GLOBALS['mousedefaultpointer'] = "mousedefaultpointer"; $GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = ""; } } else { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = ""; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay1'] = "none"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay'] = "block"; $GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIconright.gif"; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = ""; if (isset($params['model_flag']) && $params['model_flag'] == 0 && (!isset($params['catuniversal']) || $params['catuniversal'] == 0)) { $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = $output1; $GLOBALS['dynidStyle'] = "style='display:block'"; $GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIcon.gif"; } $GLOBALS['DynFilterArrow'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilterImage"); $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter1'] = ""; $str = "search_query=" . $links; $GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = "getvalueswithajax('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "','{$str}&getymms=1');checkanimate('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "')"; } } else { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = ""; $GLOBALS['mousedefaultpointer'] = "mousedefaultpointer"; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = ""; $GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = ""; } $GLOBALS['mmyid'] = "mmy_model"; $dyn_output = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("MyVehicleAreaSearch"); $dyn_filter = $dyn_output; $dyn_top .= $dyn_filter; $dyn_filter = ""; /*-------- Model - Ends -----------------------------------------*/ $filter1 = <<<P1 <div class="Block BrandList Moveable" id="SideProductFilters" style=""> P1; $filter2 = <<<P1 <div class="BlockContent"> <ul> P1; $filter3 = <<<P3 </ul> </div> </div> P3; $GLOBALS['MyVehicleArea'] = $dyn_top; $GLOBALS['MyVehicleArea'] .= "<p id='fit'>Guaranteed to Fit Your Vehicle!</p>"; if (isset($GLOBALS['DynMsg'])) { $GLOBALS['MyVehicleArea'] .= "<ul id='modifyvehicle'><li>" . $GLOBALS['DynMsg'] . "</li></ul>"; } if (isset($params['srch_category']) || isset($params['brand']) || isset($params['submodel'])) { $clear_filter_below_link = $this->GetClearFilterlink($query_string_array, 1); if ($clear_filter_below_link != "/") { $clear_filter_below_link = "/" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($GLOBALS['PathInfo'][1])) . $clear_filter_below_link; } $GLOBALS['MyVehicleArea'] .= "<ul id='modifyvehicle'><li><a href='" . $this->path . "{$clear_filter_below_link}' "; if ($clear_filter_below_link == '/') { $GLOBALS['MyVehicleArea'] .= "onclick='return clearOtherFilters();'"; } $GLOBALS['MyVehicleArea'] .= " >Clear All Filters Below</a></li></ul>"; } if (isset($params['search'])) { $GLOBALS['QualiferValue'] = ""; if (isset($params['vqsbedsize'])) { $GLOBALS['QualiferValue'] .= "/vqsbedsize/" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($params['vqsbedsize'])) . "/"; } if (isset($params['vqscabsize'])) { $GLOBALS['QualiferValue'] .= "/vqscabsize/" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($params['vqscabsize'])) . "/"; } $GLOBALS['QualiferValue'] .= $this->GetOtherLinks($params); $GLOBALS['QualiferValue'] = trim($GLOBALS['QualiferValue'], "/"); if (trim($GLOBALS['QualiferValue']) != "") { $GLOBALS['QualiferValue'] = " var SearchQualVal = '" . $GLOBALS['QualiferValue'] . "/'; "; } $GLOBALS['QualiferValue'] .= " var SearchStringVal = '" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($params['search'])) . "/'; "; } $dyn_top = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("MyVehicleArea"); /************** Category Listing ********************/ $str = "search_query=" . $srch_qry . $make_link . $model_link . $year_link . "&column=categories"; //$str .= isset($params['brand']) ? "&brand=".MakeURLSafe($params['brand']) : ''; $str .= isset($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_NAME']) ? "&catg_name=" . MakeURLSafe($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_NAME']) : ''; $str .= isset($params['search']) ? "&searchtext=" . MakeURLSafe($params['search']) : ''; $str .= isset($params['searchtext']) ? "&searchtext=" . MakeURLSafe($params['searchtext']) : ''; $str .= isset($params['vqsbedsize']) ? "&vqsbedsize=" . MakeURLSafe($params['vqsbedsize']) : ''; $str .= isset($params['vqscabsize']) ? "&vqscabsize=" . MakeURLSafe($params['vqscabsize']) : ''; $str .= $this->GetOtherLinksForRedefine($params); $str .= $add_url_redefine; $dyn_top .= $this->GetCategoryListing($prod_categoryid, $count_categoryid, $str, (int) $numrows); /*------------ Brand Filter --------------------*/ if (count($brand_id) > 0 || isset($params['brand'])) { $title = "<h2>Brand</h2>"; //$dyn_filter .= $filter1.$title.$filter2; $brand_link = ""; $GLOBALS['dynid'] = "dyn_brand"; $GLOBALS['Dynmainmenu'] = "Brand"; $count_brand = 1; $extra = ""; $str = ""; $brand_string_array = $query_string_array; unset($brand_string_array['brand'], $brand_string_array['series'], $brand_string_array['search_query']); $get_mmy_links = ""; $brand_string_new1 = ""; if (isset($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_NAME'])) { $get_mmy_links .= MakeURLSafe(strtolower($GLOBALS['PathInfo'][1])); $brand_string_new1 .= MakeURLSafe(strtolower($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_NAME'])); } /*else if(isset($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_BRAND_NAME'])) $get_mmy_links .= MakeURLSafe(strtolower($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_BRAND_NAME']));*/ if ($get_mmy_links != "") { if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $get_mmy_links = "/" . $get_mmy_links; } } /* this condition was added when brand & catg is selected and for clear functionality, no need to pass the $params['category'] */ if (isset($params['brand']) && isset($params['category']) && strtolower($params['category']) == strtolower($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_NAME'])) { unset($brand_string_array['category']); } $get_mmy_links .= $this->GetYMMLinks($brand_string_array); $get_mmy_links .= $this->GetOtherLinks($params); foreach ($brand_string_array as $br_key => $br_val) { $brand_string_new1 .= "&" . $br_key . "=" . MakeURLSafe($br_val); } //$brand_string_new1 .= $sub_catg; if (isset($params['brand']) && !empty($params['brand'])) { $dyn_flag = 1; $params['brand'] = ucwords(strtolower($params['brand'])); $dyn_filter .= <<<P2 <li><img src='{$this->path}/templates/default/images/check.gif'> {$params['brand']}</li> P2; if (strtolower($params['brand']) == strtolower(urldecode($srch_qry))) { // if searched only by brand $brandclearurl = "{$this->path}/search.php?search_query=brands"; $str = "search_query="; } else { // if searched with other combinations $search_query = trim(str_ireplace($params['brand'], '', MakeURLNormal($srch_qry))); $brandclearurl = "{$this->path}/search.php?search_query=" . MakeURLSafe($search_query); $str = "search_query="; /* the below condition is added not to add the category name again as it is being added in $brand_string_new1 at the top */ if (strtolower($search_query) != strtolower(isset($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_NAME']) ? $GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_NAME'] : '')) { $str .= MakeURLSafe($search_query); } } $str .= $brand_string_new1 . "&brand=" . MakeURLSafe($params['brand']) . "&column=prodbrandid"; $str .= $this->GetOtherLinksForRedefine($params); $str .= $add_url_redefine; if (!empty($brand_string_new1)) { $brandclearurl .= $brand_string_new1; } $GLOBALS['ClearURL'] = "<a href='" . $this->LeftClearLink($get_mmy_links) . "'>Clear</a>"; } else { $other_brands = ""; // this variables is used to show brand list in "other brands" $dyn_flag = 0; $brand_query = "select distinct brandid , brandname from [|PREFIX|]brands b inner join [|PREFIX|]products p on b.brandid = p.prodbrandid order by brandname asc "; $brand_result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($brand_query); while ($brand_row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($brand_result)) { if (in_array($brand_row['brandid'], $brand_id)) { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = $brand_row['brandname']; $search_query = $srch_qry; if (urldecode($srch_qry) == 'brands' || urldecode($srch_qry) == 'categories') { $search_query = MakeURLSafe($GLOBALS['BrandName']); } //$GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = "$this->path/search.php?search_query=$search_query$brand_string_new1&brand=".$brand_row['brandid']; if (!isset($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_NAME'])) { if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = $this->path . "/" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($brand_row['brandname'])) . $get_mmy_links; } else { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = $this->path . "/search.php?search_query=" . MakeURLSafe($brand_row['brandname']) . $get_mmy_links; } } else { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = $this->LeftLink($get_mmy_links, 'brand', strtolower($brand_row['brandname'])); } if ($count_brand < 11) { $dyn_filter .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilter1"); } else { $extra .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilter1"); } $count_brand++; } else { $ymm_links_for_brands = $this->GetClearFilterlink($params, 1); $ymm_links_for_brands = rtrim($ymm_links_for_brands, "/"); $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = $brand_row['brandname']; if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = $this->LeftLink($get_mmy_links, 'brand', strtolower($brand_row['brandname'])); //$GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = $this->path."/".MakeURLSafe(strtolower($brand_row['brandname'])).$ymm_links_for_brands; } else { $ymm_links_for_brands = str_replace('categories', MakeURLSafe(strtolower($brand_row['brandname'])), $ymm_links_for_brands); $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = $this->path . $ymm_links_for_brands; } $other_brands .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilter1"); } } $dyn_filter = "<ul>" . $dyn_filter . "</ul>"; if ($count_brand > 11) { $GLOBALS['FilterID'] = "brand"; $GLOBALS['ExtraValues'] = $extra; $dyn_filter .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideFilterMoreLink"); } // lguan_20100513: Added a condition to show other brand when user enter the product detail page without any search teams in session, // So that the other brands will be available for user if ($other_brands != "" && (isset($params['srch_category']) || $showOtherBrandForDetail)) { $GLOBALS['OtherBrands'] = $other_brands; $dyn_filter .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("OtherBrands"); } //$GLOBALS['ClearURL'] = "$this->path/search.php?search_query=$srch_qry$brand_string_new1"; $GLOBALS['ClearURL'] = ""; } if ($dyn_flag == 1) { //$str = "search_query=".$links.$model_link."&column=model"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay1'] = "showlist"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay'] = "hidelist"; $GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIconright.gif"; $GLOBALS['DynFilterArrow'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilterImage"); $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter1'] = $dyn_filter; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = ""; $GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = "getvalueswithajax('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "','{$str}');checkanimate('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "')"; //$GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIconright.gif"; } else { $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay1'] = "hidelist"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay'] = "showlist"; $GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIcon.gif"; $GLOBALS['DynFilterArrow'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilterImage"); $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = $dyn_filter; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter1'] = ""; $GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = "checkanimate('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "')"; } $dyn_output = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductDynFilter"); $dyn_filter = $dyn_output; if ($dyn_flag == 1) { $dyn_bottom .= $dyn_filter; } else { $dyn_top .= $dyn_filter; } $dyn_filter = ""; } /*------------ Brand Filter ends --------------------*/ /*------------ Submodel Filter - starts --------------------*/ if (isset($params['model']) && $model_flag_link == 1 && (count($prod_submodel_new) > 0 || isset($params['submodel']))) { $GLOBALS['dynid'] = "dyn_submodel"; $GLOBALS['Dynmainmenu'] = "Submodel"; $count_sub_model = 1; $extra = ""; $submodel_string = $query_string_array; unset($submodel_string['submodel'], $submodel_string['search_query']); $get_mmy_links = ""; /*if(isset($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_NAME'])) $get_mmy_links .= MakeURLSafe(strtolower($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_NAME'])); else if(isset($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_BRAND_NAME'])) $get_mmy_links .= MakeURLSafe(strtolower($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_BRAND_NAME']));*/ if (isset($params['search_query'])) { $get_mmy_links .= MakeURLSafe(strtolower($GLOBALS['PathInfo'][1])); } if ($get_mmy_links != "") { if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $get_mmy_links = "/" . $get_mmy_links; } } $get_mmy_links .= $this->GetYMMLinks($submodel_string); $submodel_string_new1 = ""; foreach ($submodel_string as $br_key => $br_val) { if (is_array($br_val)) { $br_val = implode("&" . $br_key . "[]=", $br_val); $br_key = $br_key . "[]"; } else { $br_val = MakeURLSafe($br_val); } $submodel_string_new1 .= "&" . $br_key . "=" . $br_val; } //$submodel_string_new1 .= $sub_catg; if (isset($params['submodel']) && !empty($params['submodel'])) { $params['submodel'] = ucwords(strtolower($params['submodel'])); $dyn_flag = 1; $dyn_filter .= <<<P2 <ul><li><img src='{$this->path}/templates/default/images/check.gif'> {$params['submodel']}</li></ul> P2; $str = "search_query=" . $srch_qry; $submodelclearurl = $this->path . "/search.php?" . $str; $str .= $submodel_string_new1 . "&submodel=" . $params['submodel'] . "&column=submodel"; $str .= $add_url_redefine; $submodelclearurl .= $submodel_string_new1; $GLOBALS['ClearURL'] = "<a href='" . $this->LeftClearLink($get_mmy_links) . $this->GetOtherLinks($params) . "'>Clear</a>"; } else { $dyn_flag = 0; for ($s = 0; $s < count($prod_submodel_new); $s++) { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = $prod_submodel_new[$s]; $search_query = $srch_qry; $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = $this->LeftLink($get_mmy_links, 'submodel', $prod_submodel_new[$s]); $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $this->GetOtherLinks($params); if ($count_sub_model < 11) { $dyn_filter .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilter1"); } else { $extra .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilter1"); } $count_sub_model++; } $dyn_filter = "<ul>" . $dyn_filter . "</ul>"; if ($count_sub_model > 11) { $GLOBALS['FilterID'] = "submodel"; $GLOBALS['ExtraValues'] = $extra; $dyn_filter .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideFilterMoreLink"); } $GLOBALS['ClearURL'] = ""; } if ($dyn_flag == 1) { //$str = "search_query=".$links.$model_link."&column=model"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay1'] = "showlist"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay'] = "hidelist"; $GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIconright.gif"; $GLOBALS['DynFilterArrow'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilterImage"); $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter1'] = $dyn_filter; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = ""; $GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = "getvalueswithajax('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "','{$str}');checkanimate('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "')"; //$GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIconright.gif"; } else { $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay1'] = "hidelist"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay'] = "showlist"; $GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIcon.gif"; $GLOBALS['DynFilterArrow'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilterImage"); $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = $dyn_filter; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter1'] = ""; $GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = "checkanimate('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "')"; } $dyn_output = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductDynFilter"); $dyn_filter = $dyn_output; if ($dyn_flag == 1) { $dyn_bottom .= $dyn_filter; } else { $dyn_top .= $dyn_filter; } $dyn_filter = ""; } /*------------ Submodel Filter - ends --------------------*/ /*-------- Other Filters -----------------------------------------*/ if ((isset($params['catuniversal']) && $params['catuniversal'] == 1 || !empty($make_link) && (!empty($model_link) && (!isset($params['model_flag']) || $params['model_flag'] == 1)) && !empty($year_link)) && ($numrows > 0 || isset($_REQUEST['GO']) && $numrows > 0) && isset($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_ID'])) { // include('includes/display/ProdDynamicFilters.php'); $map_names = array(); $filter_names = "select * from [|PREFIX|]qualifier_names"; $filter_result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($filter_names); while ($filter_row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($filter_result)) { if ($filter_row['display_names'] != '') { $map_names[$filter_row['column_name']]['name'] = $filter_row['display_names']; } $map_names[$filter_row['column_name']]['qid'] = $filter_row['qid']; } $query_string_new = $this->path . "/search.php?"; $get_mmy_links = ""; /*if(isset($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_NAME']) && !isset($params['category'])) $get_mmy_links .= MakeURLSafe(strtolower($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_NAME'])); else if(isset($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_BRAND_NAME'])) $get_mmy_links .= MakeURLSafe(strtolower($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_BRAND_NAME']));*/ if (isset($params['search_query'])) { $get_mmy_links .= MakeURLSafe(strtolower($GLOBALS['PathInfo'][1])); } if ($get_mmy_links != "") { if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $get_mmy_links = "/" . $get_mmy_links; } } $get_mmy_links .= $this->GetYMMLinks($params); $get_all_param_links = $this->GetOtherLinks($params); //$dyn_filter = ""; for ($u = 0; $u < count($columns); $u++) { // loop for the filters . Here columns are the filters. if (eregi('^(vq|pq)', $columns[$u])) { // checking whether the name of the column starts with vq or pq if (isset($filterdata[$columns[$u]]) && count($filterdata[$columns[$u]]) > 0) { $filter_var = array('vq', 'pq'); //$title = ucfirst(str_ireplace($filter_var,"",$columns[$u])); if (!isset($map_names[$columns[$u]]['name']) || empty($map_names[$columns[$u]]['name'])) { $title = ucfirst(str_ireplace($filter_var, "", $columns[$u])); } else { $title = $map_names[$columns[$u]]['name']; } $Qualifier_id = $map_names[$columns[$u]]['qid']; $GLOBALS['CategoryId'] = isset($params['subcategory']) ? $this->subcatgid : $GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_ID']; $this->GetAssocDetails($GLOBALS['CategoryId'], $Qualifier_id, $OwnAssoc, $ParentAssoc, $OwnValue, $ParentValue); $qvalue_mapping_array = $OwnAssoc; /* The below code is added to have the values sorted in alphabetical order and "Others" added at the end - starts */ if ($columns[$u] == "PQbodylength" || $columns[$u] == "PQbodywidth") { asort($filterdata[$columns[$u]], SORT_NUMERIC); } else { $temp_filterdata = array(); foreach ($filterdata[$columns[$u]] as $k => $kval) { $CurrentValueItem = array(); $CurrentValueItem['vimage'] = ''; $CurrentValueItem['vname'] = ''; $CurrentValueItem['vcomments'] = ''; if (($m = array_search($kval, $OwnValue)) !== false) { $CurrentValueItem = $qvalue_mapping_array[$m]; if ($CurrentValueItem['vname'] != '') { $kval = $CurrentValueItem['vname']; } } if ($CurrentValueItem['vimage'] == "" && $CurrentValueItem['vcomments'] == "" && $CurrentValueItem['vname'] == "") { if (($n = array_search($kval, $ParentValue)) !== false) { $CurrentValueItem = $ParentAssoc[$n]; if ($CurrentValueItem['vname'] != '') { $kval = $CurrentValueItem['vname']; } } } $temp_filterdata[$k] = strtolower($kval); } asort($filterdata[$columns[$u]]); asort($temp_filterdata); $temp_arr1 = array_keys($temp_filterdata); $temp_arr2 = array(); foreach ($temp_arr1 as $key) { $temp_arr2[] = $filterdata[$columns[$u]][$key]; } $filterdata[$columns[$u]] = array_combine($temp_arr1, $temp_arr2); } if (($others_key = array_search('Others', $filterdata[$columns[$u]])) !== FALSE) { unset($filterdata[$columns[$u]][$others_key]); $filterdata[$columns[$u]][$others_key] = 'Others'; } /* - ends - */ $GLOBALS['dynid'] = "dyn" . ($u + 1); //$GLOBALS['Dynmainmenu'] = $title; $dyn_filter = ""; $extra = ""; // this is used to hide the values if exceed 10 $count_pqvq = 1; //$dyn_filter .= $filter1.$title.$filter2; //for($k=0;$k<count($filterdata[$columns[$u]]);$k++) // this loop is for showing the list in the filters column foreach ($filterdata[$columns[$u]] as $k => $kval) { //$countfilterdata[$key][$val]['count'] $value = $filterdata[$columns[$u]][$k]; $original_value = $filterdata[$columns[$u]][$k]; $GLOBALS['HoverImage'] = ""; $GLOBALS['Comments'] = ""; /*-------------- Below code is used to cehck comments in subcategory and main category ------------ */ $CurrentValueItem = array(); $CurrentValueItem['vimage'] = ''; $CurrentValueItem['vname'] = ''; $CurrentValueItem['vcomments'] = ''; if (($m = array_search($value, $OwnValue)) !== false) { $CurrentValueItem = $qvalue_mapping_array[$m]; } if ($CurrentValueItem['vimage'] == "" && $CurrentValueItem['vcomments'] == "" && $CurrentValueItem['vname'] == "") { if (($n = array_search($value, $ParentValue)) !== false) { $CurrentValueItem = $ParentAssoc[$n]; } } if ($CurrentValueItem['vname'] != "" || $CurrentValueItem['vimage'] != "" || $CurrentValueItem['vcomments'] != "") { if (!empty($CurrentValueItem['vname'])) { $value = $CurrentValueItem['vname']; } if (!empty($CurrentValueItem['vimage'])) { $file = realpath(ISC_BASE_PATH . '/' . GetConfig('ImageDirectory') . '/' . $CurrentValueItem['vimage']); if (file_exists($file)) { $GLOBALS['HoverImage'] = $this->path . "/" . GetConfig('ImageDirectory') . "/" . $CurrentValueItem['vimage']; } } $GLOBALS['Comments'] = $CurrentValueItem['vcomments']; } /*-------------- Below code is used to cehck comments in subcategory and main category Ends ------------ */ if (isset($params['dynfilters'][$columns[$u]]) && !empty($params['dynfilters'][$columns[$u]])) { $dyn_flag = 1; $query_string_mod_array = $query_string_array; //*$query_string_mod_array[$columns[$u]]= ""; //$query_string_new1 = $query_string_new; //*$query_string_new1 = "redefine_filters.php?"; $query_string_new1 = ""; $qualifierclearurl = "search.php?"; foreach ($query_string_mod_array as $qs_key => $qs_val) { //*if($query_string_new1 != $query_string_new) if (!empty($query_string_new1)) { $query_string_new1 .= "&"; } if ($qs_key != "search_query") { $qs_val = MakeURLSafe($qs_val); } $query_string_new1 .= $qs_key . "=" . $qs_val; if ($qs_key != $columns[$u]) { if ($qualifierclearurl != "search.php?") { $qualifierclearurl .= "&"; } $qualifierclearurl .= $qs_key . "=" . $qs_val; } } $get_qualifier_links = $this->GetOtherLinks($params, $columns[$u]); if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $qualifierclearurl = $this->path . $get_mmy_links . $get_qualifier_links; } else { $qualifierclearurl = $this->path . "/search.php?search_query=" . $get_mmy_links . $get_qualifier_links; } if (strtolower($original_value) == strtolower($params['dynfilters'][$columns[$u]])) { $GLOBALS['ClearURL'] = "<a href='{$qualifierclearurl}'>Clear</a>"; $dyn_filter .= "<li><img src='{$this->path}/templates/default/images/check.gif'> " . ucwords($value) . "</li>"; //*$dyn_filter .= "<li><a class='thickbox' href='$query_string_new1&column=$columns[$u]'><b>Redefine search...</b></a></li>"; $str = "{$query_string_new1}&column=" . strtolower($columns[$u]); $str .= $add_url_redefine; break; } } else { $dyn_flag = 0; $query_string_mod_array = $query_string_array; $query_string_new1 = $query_string_new . "search_query=" . $query_string_mod_array['search_query']; unset($query_string_mod_array['search_query']); //if(array_key_exists($columns[$u],$query_string_mod_array)) { //$query_string_mod_array[$columns[$u]] = $original_value; //} foreach ($query_string_mod_array as $qs_key => $qs_val) { if ($query_string_new1 != $query_string_new) { $query_string_new1 .= "&"; } if ($qs_key != "search_query") { $qs_val = MakeURLSafe($qs_val); } $query_string_new1 .= $qs_key . "=" . $qs_val; } //$GLOBALS['ClearURL'] = $query_string_new1; $GLOBALS['ClearURL'] = ""; if ($GLOBALS['EnableSEOUrls'] == 1) { $query_string_new1 = "/" . strtolower($columns[$u]) . "/" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($original_value)); // this is added to pass the listing value $GLOBALS['QualifierLink'] = $this->path . $get_mmy_links . $get_all_param_links . $query_string_new1; } else { $query_string_new1 = "&" . strtolower($columns[$u]) . "=" . MakeURLSafe(strtolower($original_value)); // this is added to pass the listing value $GLOBALS['QualifierLink'] = $this->path . "/search.php?search_query=" . $get_mmy_links . $get_all_param_links . $query_string_new1; } $GLOBALS['QualifierId'] = $Qualifier_id; $GLOBALS['QualifierValue'] = ucwords($value); $GLOBALS['QualifierCount'] = $countfilterdata[$columns[$u]][$original_value]['count']; //$dyn_filter .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilterValuesHoverImage"); //$dyn_filter .= "<li><a href='$query_string_new1'>".$value."</a> (".$countfilterdata[$columns[$u]][$value]['count'].")</li>"; if ($count_pqvq < 11) { $dyn_filter .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilterValuesHoverImage"); } else { $extra .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilterValuesHoverImage"); } $count_pqvq++; } } $dyn_filter = "<ul>" . $dyn_filter . "</ul>"; if ($count_pqvq > 11) { $GLOBALS['FilterID'] = $GLOBALS['dynid']; $GLOBALS['ExtraValues'] = $extra; $dyn_filter .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideFilterMoreLink"); } if ($dyn_flag == 1) { //$str = "search_query=".$links.$model_link."&column=model"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay1'] = "showlist"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay'] = "hidelist"; $GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIconright.gif"; $GLOBALS['DynFilterArrow'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilterImage"); $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter1'] = $dyn_filter; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = ""; $GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = "getvalueswithajax('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "','{$str}');checkanimate('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "')"; //$GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIconright.gif"; } else { $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay1'] = "hidelist"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay'] = "showlist"; $GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIcon.gif"; $GLOBALS['DynFilterArrow'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilterImage"); $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = $dyn_filter; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter1'] = ""; $GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = "checkanimate('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "')"; } /* Filter Title related assiciation */ $CurrentItem = $qvalue_mapping_array[0]; if ($CurrentItem['qimage'] == "" && $CurrentItem['qcomments'] == "" && $CurrentItem['qname'] == "") { $CurrentItem = $ParentAssoc[0]; } if (isset($CurrentItem['qname']) && !empty($CurrentItem['qname'])) { $GLOBALS['Dynmainmenu'] = $CurrentItem['qname']; } else { $GLOBALS['Dynmainmenu'] = $title; } $mover_comment = ""; if (isset($CurrentItem) && !empty($CurrentItem['qcomments'])) { $mover_comment = $CurrentItem['qcomments']; } $mover_image = ""; if (isset($CurrentItem['qimage']) && !empty($CurrentItem['qimage'])) { $file = realpath(ISC_BASE_PATH . '/' . GetConfig('ImageDirectory') . '/' . $CurrentItem['qimage']); if (file_exists($file)) { $mover_image = $GLOBALS['SITEPATH'] . "/" . GetConfig('ImageDirectory') . "/" . $CurrentItem['qimage']; } } $GLOBALS['MouseoverFn'] = "loadHoverImage(event, '" . $mover_image . "', '" . $mover_comment . "');"; $GLOBALS['MouseoutFn'] = "hideTip();"; $dyn_output = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductDynFilter"); //$dyn_filter .= $filter3; if ($dyn_flag == 1) { $dyn_bottom .= $dyn_output; } else { $dyn_top .= $dyn_output; } $dyn_filter = ""; //$dyn_filter .= $filter3; } } } $dyn_filter = $dyn_top . $dyn_bottom; /* form action */ $qry_string = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; if (isset($_REQUEST['page'])) { $page = $_REQUEST['page']; $search_link = str_ireplace('&page=' . $page, '', $qry_string); } else { $search_link = $qry_string; } $GLOBALS['formaction'] = "search.php?" . $search_link; } else { $GLOBALS['HideSideProductFiltersPanelPrice'] = "none"; } $dyn_filter = $dyn_top . $dyn_bottom; $GLOBALS['DynFilter'] = $dyn_filter; if (!isset($params['flag_srch_category']) || $params['flag_srch_category'] == 0 || !eregi('search.php', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $GLOBALS['HideSideProductFiltersPanelPrice'] = "none"; } else { $GLOBALS['HideSideProductFiltersPanelPrice'] = "block"; } $GLOBALS['FromPrice'] = "0.00"; if (isset($_REQUEST['price_from'])) { $GLOBALS['FromPrice'] = $_REQUEST['price_from']; } if (isset($_REQUEST['price_to'])) { $GLOBALS['ToPrice'] = $_REQUEST['price_to']; } if (empty($output1) && empty($output2) && empty($output)) { $this->DontDisplay = true; } /*$output = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->ParseSnippets($output, $GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']); $GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']['SideProductFilter1'] = $output;*/ }
/** * Run the full text searches to find matching products */ function DoSearch($Start, &$Search_Result, &$Search_Count) { $category_ids = array(); $params = $this->_searchterms; // Build the search query using our terms & the fields we want $searchQueries = BuildProductSearchQuery($this->_searchterms); $orderby = ""; /* the below 4 lines has been added to group by SKU or by catid as same sku was showing in multiple products by vikas*/ if (isset($params['flag_srch_brand']) && $params['flag_srch_brand'] == 0 && $GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG'] == 0 && (!isset($params['srch_category']) || isset($params['category'])) && !isset($params['partnumber'])) { $GLOBALS['results_page_flag'] = 1; $group = " group by p.brandseriesid "; $orderby = $searchQueries['orderby']; $seo_query = "select brandname , brandpagetitle , brandmetakeywords , brandmetadesc , controlscript , trackingscript from [|PREFIX|]brands where brandname = '" . $params['brand'] . "'"; $seo_result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($seo_query); $seo_array = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($seo_result); /* the below lines assign meta discription, keywords and title for the brand*/ if (isset($seo_array['brandmetakeywords'])) { $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->SetMetaKeywords($seo_array['brandmetakeywords']); } if (isset($seo_array['brandmetadesc'])) { $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->SetMetaDescription($seo_array['brandmetadesc']); } if ($seo_array['brandpagetitle'] != "") { $this->_pagetitle = $seo_array['brandpagetitle']; } else { $this->_pagetitle = $seo_array['brandname']; } $GLOBALS['CategoryTrackingCodeTop'] = isset($seo_array['controlscript']) ? $seo_array['controlscript'] : ''; $GLOBALS['CategoryTrackingCodeBottom'] = isset($seo_array['trackingscript']) ? $seo_array['trackingscript'] : ''; } else { if (isset($params['flag_srch_category']) && $params['flag_srch_category'] == 0 && (!isset($GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG']) || isset($GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG']) && $GLOBALS['BRAND_SERIES_FLAG'] == 0) && !isset($params['partnumber'])) { $GLOBALS['results_page_flag'] = 0; $group = " group by c.categoryid "; $orderby = $searchQueries['orderby']; /* below template variables are added for subcategory page to add category specific tracking code*/ if (isset($params['srch_category'])) { $selected_catg = end($params['srch_category']); if ($selected_catg != '') { $script_query = "select catname , catpagetitle , catmetakeywords , catmetadesc , controlscript , trackingscript from [|PREFIX|]categories where categoryid = " . $selected_catg; $script_result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($script_query); $script_array = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($script_result); $GLOBALS['CategoryTrackingCodeTop'] = $script_array['controlscript']; $GLOBALS['CategoryTrackingCodeBottom'] = $script_array['trackingscript']; /* the below lines assign meta discription, keywords and title for the categories*/ $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->SetMetaKeywords($script_array['catmetakeywords']); $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->SetMetaDescription($script_array['catmetadesc']); if ($script_array['catpagetitle'] != "") { $this->_pagetitle = $script_array['catpagetitle']; } else { $this->_pagetitle = $script_array['catname']; } } } } else { $GLOBALS['results_page_flag'] = 2; $group = " group by p.productid "; if (isset($_REQUEST['orderby']) && !empty($_REQUEST['orderby'])) { if ($_REQUEST['orderby'] == "brandname") { $orderby = " order by brandname " . (isset($_REQUEST['sortby']) ? $_REQUEST['sortby'] : "asc") . " , seriesname "; } else { $orderby = " order by " . $_REQUEST['orderby'] . " "; } } else { $orderby = " order by p.prodprice "; } if (isset($_REQUEST['sortby']) && !empty($_REQUEST['sortby'])) { $orderby .= $_REQUEST['sortby']; } else { $orderby .= " asc"; } if (isset($params['brand'])) { $seo_query = "select brandname , brandpagetitle , brandmetakeywords , brandmetadesc from [|PREFIX|]brands where brandname = '" . $params['brand'] . "'"; $seo_result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($seo_query); $brand_array = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($seo_result); $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->SetMetaKeywords($brand_array['brandmetakeywords']); $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->SetMetaDescription($brand_array['brandmetadesc']); if ($brand_array['brandpagetitle'] != "") { $this->_pagetitle = $brand_array['brandpagetitle']; } else { $this->_pagetitle = $brand_array['brandname']; } } if (isset($params['series'])) { $seo_query = "select seriesname , seriespagetitle , seriesmetakeywords , seriesmetadesc from [|PREFIX|]brand_series where seriesname = '" . $params['series'] . "'"; $seo_result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($seo_query); $series_array = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($seo_result); /* the below lines assign meta discription, keywords and title for the brand*/ if (!empty($series_array['seriesmetakeywords'])) { $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->SetMetaKeywords($series_array['seriesmetakeywords']); } if (!empty($series_array['seriesmetadesc'])) { $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->SetMetaDescription($series_array['seriesmetadesc']); } if (!empty($series_array['seriespagetitle'])) { $this->_pagetitle = $series_array['seriespagetitle']; } else { $this->_pagetitle = $series_array['seriesname']; } } else { if (isset($params['srch_category']) && !isset($params['category'])) { $selected_catg = end($params['srch_category']); if ($selected_catg != '') { $script_query = "select catname , catpagetitle , catmetakeywords , catmetadesc , controlscript , trackingscript from [|PREFIX|]categories where categoryid = " . $selected_catg; $script_result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($script_query); $script_array = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($script_result); $GLOBALS['CategoryTrackingCodeTop'] = $script_array['controlscript']; $GLOBALS['CategoryTrackingCodeBottom'] = $script_array['trackingscript']; /* the below lines assign meta discription, keywords and title for the categories */ $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->SetMetaKeywords($script_array['catmetakeywords']); $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->SetMetaDescription($script_array['catmetadesc']); if ($script_array['catpagetitle'] != "") { $this->_pagetitle = $script_array['catpagetitle']; } else { $this->_pagetitle = $script_array['catname']; } } } } } } /* the below three lines has been added to group by SKU as same sku was showing in multiple products */ $searchQueries['query'] .= $group . $GLOBALS['having_query'] . $orderby; $searchQueries['countQuery'] .= $group . $GLOBALS['having_query']; /* $searchQueries['query'] .= $group.$orderby; $searchQueries['countQuery'] .= $group; */ //$searchQueries['countQuery'] = "select count(*) from ( ".$searchQueries['countQuery']." ) p "; $count_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($searchQueries['countQuery']); $Search_Count = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->CountResult($count_res); // Run the query //$Search_Count = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->FetchOne($searchQueries['countQuery']); // Add the limit $searchQueries['query'] .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->AddLimit($Start, GetConfig('CategoryProductsPerPage')); $Search_Result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($searchQueries['query']); $GLOBALS['DoSearchQuery'] = $searchQueries['query']; }
function SetPanelSettings() { $output = ""; $all_makes = array('CHEVROLET', 'GMC', 'FORD', 'DODGE', 'TOYOTA', 'NISSAN', 'HONDA', 'JEEP', 'HYUNDAI', 'CHRYSLER', 'INFINITI', 'LEXUS'); $colours = array('Red', 'Navy', 'Green', 'Brown', 'Black', 'Silver', 'Dark Gray', 'Tan', 'White'); $prod_make = array(); $prod_model = array(); $prod_year = array(); $prod_price = array(); $prod_categoryid = array(); $count_categoryid = array(); $brand_id = array(); $make_link = ""; $model_link = ""; $model_flag_link = 0; $submodel_link = ""; $year_link = ""; $sub_modelrow = array(); $GLOBALS['SITEPATH'] = GetConfig('ShopPath'); // Get the link to the "all brands" page $GLOBALS['AllBrandsLink'] = BrandLink(); $params = $this->searchterms; if (empty($params)) { $params['dynfilters'] = array(); } /*--- Here when brand series is searched directly , brand series is set in seesion to be accessed in other pages --- */ if (isset($params['brand_series']) && !empty($params['brand_series'])) { $_SESSION['searchterms']['brand_series'] = $params['brand_series']; } // Build the search query using our terms & the fields we want $column_concat = " p.productid , p.prodcode , group_concat(DISTINCT c.categoryid separator '~') as categoryid, group_concat(DISTINCT prodbrandid separator '~') as prodbrandid "; $column_concat .= " , group_concat(DISTINCT v.prodmake separator '~') as prodmake , group_concat(DISTINCT v.prodmodel separator '~') as prodmodel , group_concat(DISTINCT v.prodsubmodel separator '~') as prodsubmodel , group_concat(v.prodstartyear separator '~') as prodstartyear , group_concat(v.prodendyear separator '~') as prodendyear "; if (isset($params['catuniversal']) && $params['catuniversal'] == 1) { // this condition has been added as universal category shd be shown only PQ's $column_names = $GLOBALS['p_cols']; for ($j = 0; $j < count($column_names); $j++) { $column_concat .= " , group_concat(DISTINCT " . $column_names[$j] . " separator '~') as " . $column_names[$j]; } } else { if (isset($params['make']) && !empty($params['make']) && (isset($params['model']) && !empty($params['model']) && (!isset($params['model_flag']) || $params['model_flag'] == 1)) && isset($params['year']) && !empty($params['year']) && isset($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_ID'])) { $column_names = array_merge($GLOBALS['v_cols'], $GLOBALS['p_cols']); for ($j = 0; $j < count($column_names); $j++) { if (stristr($column_names[$j], 'VQbedsize')) { $column_names[$j] = 'VQbedsize'; } if (stristr($column_names[$j], 'VQcabsize')) { $column_names[$j] = 'VQcabsize'; } if (eregi('^(vq)', $column_names[$j])) { // the below 2 cases are added for checking only in bedsize and cabsize if ($column_names[$j] == 'VQbedsize' or $column_names[$j] == 'VQcabsize') { if (strcasecmp($column_names[$j], 'VQbedsize') == 0) { $column_concat .= " , group_concat( DISTINCT if( v.bedsize_generalname != '', v.bedsize_generalname, v.VQbedsize ) separator '~' ) as " . $column_names[$j]; } else { $column_concat .= " , group_concat( DISTINCT if( v.cabsize_generalname != '', v.cabsize_generalname, v.VQcabsize ) separator '~' ) as " . $column_names[$j]; } } else { $column_concat .= " , group_concat(DISTINCT v." . $column_names[$j] . " separator '~') as " . $column_names[$j]; } } else { if (eregi('^(pq)', $column_names[$j])) { $column_concat .= " , group_concat(DISTINCT " . $column_names[$j] . " separator '~') as " . $column_names[$j]; } } } } } $searchQueries = BuildProductSearchQuery($this->searchterms); $searchQueries['query'] = str_replace('USE INDEX (categoryid)', 'USE INDEX (PRIMARY)', $searchQueries['query']); //$searchQueries['query'] = str_replace('temp.*',$column_concat,$searchQueries['query']); $searchQueries['query'] = str_replace($GLOBALS['srch_where'], $column_concat, $searchQueries['query']); $searchQueries['query'] .= " group by p.productid "; $Search_Result1 = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($searchQueries['query']); $numrows = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->CountResult($Search_Result1); $flag = 0; // this flag is used to avoid executing query again and again for submodels $filterdata = array(); $countfilterdata = array(); $sku = array(); $count_model['all']['count'] = 0; $sub_model_flag = 0; $sub_catg = ""; if (!isset($params['model_flag']) || isset($params['model_flag']) && $params['model_flag'] == 1) { $model_flag_link = 1; } $strtocheck = '^(vq|pq)'; if (isset($_REQUEST['sub_category'])) { $sub_catg = "&sub_category=" . $_REQUEST['sub_category']; } if (isset($params['brand_series'])) { $sub_catg .= "&brand_series=" . $params['brand_series']; } while ($row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($Search_Result1)) { $temp_prod_year = array(); $grp_make = explode("~", $row['prodmake']); $grp_model = explode("~", $row['prodmodel']); if ($row['prodsubmodel'] != '~') { $grp_submodel = explode("~", $row['prodsubmodel']); } else { $grp_submodel = ""; } $grp_startyear = explode("~", $row['prodstartyear']); $grp_endyear = explode("~", $row['prodendyear']); $grp_brandid = explode("~", $row['prodbrandid']); $grp_categoryid = explode("~", $row['categoryid']); $columns = array_keys($row); foreach ($row as $key => $val) { if (eregi($strtocheck, $key)) { $grp_dyn = explode('~', $row[$key]); for ($g = 0; $g < count($grp_dyn); $g++) { $val = strtolower($grp_dyn[$g]); if (!empty($val)) { $filter_value = explode(";", $val); for ($k = 0; $k < count($filter_value); $k++) { $val = $filter_value[$k]; if (!isset($filterdata[$key])) { $filterdata[$key][] = $val; $countfilterdata[$key][$val]['count'] = 1; } else { if (!in_array($val, $filterdata[$key])) { $filterdata[$key][] = $val; $countfilterdata[$key][$val]['count'] = 1; } else { $countfilterdata[$key][$val]['count']++; } } } } } } } $prod_id[] = $row['productid']; for ($g = 0; $g < count($grp_brandid); $g++) { if ($grp_brandid[$g] != 0) { $brand_id[] = $grp_brandid[$g]; } } for ($g = 0; $g < count($grp_categoryid); $g++) { if ($grp_categoryid[$g] != "") { if (!in_array($grp_categoryid[$g], $prod_categoryid)) { $prod_categoryid[] = $grp_categoryid[$g]; $count_categoryid[$grp_categoryid[$g]]['count'] = 1; } else { $count_categoryid[$grp_categoryid[$g]]['count']++; } } } for ($g = 0; $g < count($grp_make); $g++) { if ($grp_make[$g] != '') { $product_make = strtoupper($grp_make[$g]); if ($product_make != "NON-SPEC VEHICLE") { // this condition is addded not to show "NON-SPEC VEHICLE" in list if (!in_array($product_make, $prod_make)) { $prod_make[] = $product_make; $count_make[$product_make]['count'] = 1; } else { $count_make[$product_make]['count']++; } } } } if (isset($params['submodel']) && !empty($params['submodel'])) { $sub_model_flag = 1; if (!in_array($params['submodel'], $prod_model)) { $prod_model[] = $params['submodel']; $count_model[$params['submodel']]['count'] = 1; } else { $count_model[$params['submodel']]['count']++; } } else { if (isset($params['model']) && !empty($params['model']) && $model_flag_link == 1) { for ($g = 0; $g < count($grp_submodel); $g++) { if (!empty($grp_submodel[$g])) { $sub_model_flag = 1; if (!in_array($grp_submodel[$g], $prod_model)) { $prod_model[] = $grp_submodel[$g]; $count_model[$grp_submodel[$g]]['count'] = 1; } else { $count_model[$grp_submodel[$g]]['count']++; } } else { if (empty($grp_submodel[$g])) { if (!in_array('ALL', $prod_model)) { $prod_model[] = 'ALL'; $count_model['ALL']['count'] = 1; } else { $count_model['ALL']['count']++; } } } } } else { for ($g = 0; $g < count($grp_model); $g++) { if (strtolower($grp_model[$g]) != 'all') { // this condition is added not to show "All" in list $sub_model_flag = 1; if (!in_array($grp_model[$g], $prod_model)) { $prod_model[] = $grp_model[$g]; $count_model[$grp_model[$g]]['count'] = 1; } else { $count_model[$grp_model[$g]]['count']++; } } } } } for ($g = 0; $g < count($grp_startyear); $g++) { $prod_start_year = $grp_startyear[$g]; $prod_end_year = $grp_endyear[$g]; if (empty($prod_end_year)) { $prod_end_year = $prod_start_year; } if (strtolower($prod_start_year) != "all") { // this condition is addded not to show "All" in list if (is_numeric($prod_start_year) && is_numeric($prod_end_year)) { $prod_year_diff = $prod_end_year - $prod_start_year; } if (!is_numeric($prod_start_year) && !is_numeric($prod_end_year)) { if (!in_array($prod_start_year, $temp_prod_year)) { $temp_prod_year[] = $prod_start_year; } } else { if (isset($params['year']) && !empty($params['year'])) { if (in_array($params['year'], $prod_year)) { $count_year[$params['year']]['count']++; } else { $prod_year[] = $params['year']; $count_year[$params['year']]['count'] = 1; } } else { for ($i = 0; $i <= $prod_year_diff; $i++) { $actual_year = $prod_start_year + $i; if (!in_array($actual_year, $temp_prod_year)) { $temp_prod_year[] = $actual_year; } } } } } } for ($k = 0; $k < count($temp_prod_year); $k++) { if (!in_array($temp_prod_year[$k], $prod_year)) { $prod_year[] = $temp_prod_year[$k]; $count_year[$temp_prod_year[$k]]['count'] = 1; } else { $count_year[$temp_prod_year[$k]]['count']++; } } } $prod_make_new = array_unique($prod_make); asort($prod_make_new); $prod_model_new = array_unique($prod_model); asort($prod_model_new); $prod_year_new = array_unique($prod_year); arsort($prod_year_new); $srch_qry = isset($params['search_query']) ? $params['search_query'] : (isset($params['search_query_adv']) ? $params['search_query_adv'] : ''); $srch_qry = urlencode($srch_qry); $brand_id = array_unique($brand_id); $brand_id = array_values($brand_id); if (isset($params['make']) && !empty($params['make'])) { $make_link = "&make=" . urlencode($params['make']); } if (isset($params['year']) && !empty($params['year'])) { $year_link = "&year=" . $params['year']; } if (isset($params['model']) && !empty($params['model'])) { $model_link = "&model=" . urlencode($params['model']); } if (isset($params['model_flag']) && $params['model_flag'] == 0) { $model_link .= "&model_flag=0"; } if (isset($params['submodel']) && !empty($params['submodel'])) { $submodel_link = "&submodel=" . urlencode($params['submodel']); } if (isset($params['partnumber'])) { $_GET['partnumber'] = $params['partnumber']; } $query_string_array = $_GET; if (isset($params['make'])) { $query_string_array['make'] = $params['make']; } if (isset($params['model'])) { $query_string_array['model'] = $params['model']; } if (isset($params['model_flag']) && $params['model_flag'] == 0) { $query_string_array['model_flag'] = $params['model_flag']; } if (isset($params['year'])) { $query_string_array['year'] = $params['year']; } foreach ($params['dynfilters'] as $key => $value) { $query_string_array[$key] = $value; } $query_string_array['search_query'] = $srch_qry; unset($query_string_array['page'], $query_string_array['search_key'], $query_string_array['x'], $query_string_array['y'], $query_string_array['sortby'], $query_string_array['orderby'], $query_string_array['change'], $query_string_array['product'], $query_string_array['refer']); $mmy_string_array = $query_string_array; unset($mmy_string_array['make'], $mmy_string_array['model'], $mmy_string_array['submodel'], $mmy_string_array['year'], $mmy_string_array['search_query']); $mmy_string_new1 = ""; foreach ($mmy_string_array as $mmy_key => $mmy_val) { $mmy_string_new1 .= "&" . $mmy_key . "=" . $mmy_val; } $dyn_filter = ""; // this is the main variable which is used for assigning to the global variable $dyn_top = ""; // this is the variable which will remain on top of the filters $dyn_bottom = ""; // this is the variable which will remain at bottom of the filters $dyn_flag = 0; // this is the variable which will check which are at top or bottom in the filters, 0 for top and 1 for bottom if (isset($params['make']) || isset($params['model']) && $model_flag_link == 1 || isset($params['year'])) { $mmy_clear_links = $this->path . "/search.php?search_query=" . urlencode($params['search_query']); if (isset($params['brand'])) { $mmy_clear_links .= "&brand=" . $params['brand']; } $GLOBALS['DynMsg'] = "<a href='" . $mmy_clear_links . "&change=1'>Clear my Vehicle</a>"; $GLOBALS['RemoveBackgroundImage'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("RemoveBgImage"); } if (isset($params['make']) && (isset($params['model']) && $model_flag_link == 1) && isset($params['year']) && !isset($_REQUEST['change'])) { // if MMY is selected $GLOBALS['MyVehicleAreaHeader'] = $params['year'] . " " . $params['make'] . " " . $params['model']; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = ""; } else { $GLOBALS['MyVehicleAreaHeader'] = "Choose My Vehicle"; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = ""; } /*-------- Year -----------------------------------------*/ $GLOBALS['MouseoverFn'] = "'pointer'"; $extra_year = ""; //if( !empty($make_link) || !empty($year_link) || !empty($model_link) ) { if (empty($year_link) || !empty($year_link)) { $GLOBALS['dynid'] = "prod_year"; $GLOBALS['Dynmainmenu'] = "Year"; $output2 = ""; $year_counter = 1; if (count($prod_year_new) > 0) { foreach ($prod_year_new as $key => $value) { if (!isset($_REQUEST['change'])) { // when clicked on "clear my vehicle", need to pass the value in the search query to get all Make and year $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = "{$this->path}/search.php?search_query=" . $srch_qry; } else { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = "{$this->path}/search.php?search_query={$value}"; } if (!empty($make_link)) { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $make_link; } if (!empty($model_link)) { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $model_link; } if (!empty($submodel_link) && isset($_REQUEST['submodel'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $submodel_link; } if (!empty($year_link)) { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $year_link; } else { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= "&year=" . $value; } $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $mmy_string_new1; $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $sub_catg; $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = isc_html_escape($value); $GLOBALS['BrandCount'] = $count_year[$value]['count']; if (!empty($year_link)) { if ($GLOBALS['BrandName'] == 'ALL' && $GLOBALS['BrandName'] != $params['year']) { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = $params['year']; //$output2 .= "<li>".$params['year']."</li>"; $output2 .= "<li></li>"; } else { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = $value; //$output2 .= "<li>$value</li>"; $output2 .= "<li></li>"; } $dyn_flag = 1; break; // break has been added to display only single listing. } else { $dyn_flag = 0; if ($year_counter < 11) { $output2 .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilter3"); $year_counter++; } else { $extra_year .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilter3"); } } } } else { if (isset($params['year'])) { $dyn_flag = 1; $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = $params['year']; $output2 .= "<li>" . $params['year'] . "</li>"; } } $output2 = "<ul>" . $output2 . "</ul>"; /* the below code is used to apply more link if records exceed 10 */ if ($year_counter > 11) { $GLOBALS['FilterID'] = "year"; $GLOBALS['ExtraValues'] = $extra_year; $output2 .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideFilterMoreLink"); } $output2 = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->ParseSnippets($output2, $GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']); //if( !empty($_REQUEST['year']) && !empty($year_link) ) { $links_year = $srch_qry; if (!empty($year_link)) { $links_year .= $year_link; if (!empty($make_link)) { $links_year .= $make_link; } if (!empty($model_link) && isset($_REQUEST['model'])) { $links_year .= $model_link; } if (!empty($submodel_link) && isset($_REQUEST['submodel'])) { $links_year .= $submodel_link; } } if (isset($params['brand'])) { $links_year .= "&brand=" . $params['brand']; } if (isset($params['brand_series'])) { $links_year .= "&brand_series=" . $params['brand_series']; } /* this below lines are not to display the year when clear is clicked */ if (isset($_REQUEST['change'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = ""; } if ($dyn_flag == 1 || isset($_REQUEST['change'])) { $str = "search_query=" . $links_year . $sub_catg . "&column=year"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay1'] = "block"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay'] = "none"; $GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIconright.gif"; $GLOBALS['DynFilterArrow'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilterImage"); //$GLOBALS['DynFilterArrow'] .= " ".$GLOBALS['BrandName']; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter1'] = $output2; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = ""; $GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = "getvalueswithajax('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "','{$str}');checkanimate('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "')"; } else { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = ""; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay1'] = "none"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay'] = "block"; $GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIconright.gif"; $GLOBALS['DynFilterArrow'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilterImage"); $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = $output2; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter1'] = ""; $GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = "checkanimate('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "')"; if (empty($year_link)) { $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = ""; $str = "search_query=" . $links_year . $sub_catg . "&column=year"; $GLOBALS['JSfunction'] .= ";getvalueswithajax('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "','{$str}')"; } } $GLOBALS['mmyid'] = "mmy_year"; $dyn_output = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("MyVehicleAreaSearch"); $dyn_filter = $dyn_output; //$GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']['SideProductFilter3'] = $output2; } else { $GLOBALS['HideSideProductFiltersPanelYear'] = "none"; } if ($dyn_flag == 1 && !isset($_REQUEST['change'])) { $dyn_top .= $dyn_filter; } else { $dyn_top .= $dyn_filter; } $dyn_filter = ""; /*-------- Make -----------------------------------------*/ $GLOBALS['dynid'] = "prod_make"; $GLOBALS['Dynmainmenu'] = "Make"; if (isset($make_link) && !empty($make_link)) { if (count($prod_make_new) > 0) { foreach ($prod_make_new as $key => $value) { if (!isset($_REQUEST['change'])) { // when clicked on "clear my vehicle", need to pass the value in the search query to get all Make and year $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = "{$this->path}/search.php?search_query=" . $srch_qry . "&make=" . $value; } else { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = "{$this->path}/search.php?search_query={$value}&make=" . $value; } if (isset($_REQUEST['model']) && empty($_REQUEST['model'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= "&model="; } if (isset($_REQUEST['year'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= "&year=" . $_REQUEST['year']; } $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $sub_catg; $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = isc_html_escape($value); /* this below patch is temporary used when categories with make 'NON-SPEC VEHICLE' are used when searched by redefine category */ if (isset($params['catuniversal']) && $params['catuniversal'] == 1 || $GLOBALS['BrandName'] == 'NON-SPEC VEHICLE' && $GLOBALS['BrandName'] != $params['make']) { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = $params['make']; } if (isset($count_make[$value]['count'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandCount'] = $count_make[$value]['count']; } else { $GLOBALS['BrandCount'] = 0; } $output .= "<li></li>"; break; // break has been added to display only single listing. } } else { if (isset($params['make'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = $params['make']; $output .= "<li></li>"; // $output .= "<li>".$_REQUEST['make']."</li>"; } } $dyn_flag = 1; $output = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->ParseSnippets($output, $GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']); } else { $dyn_flag = 0; $temp_arr = array_diff($prod_make_new, $all_makes); $temp_count_make = ""; $temp_no_count_make = ""; $display_count = 1; foreach ($all_makes as $key => $value) { if (!isset($_REQUEST['change'])) { // when clicked on "clear my vehicle", need to pass the value in the search query to get all Make and year $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = "{$this->path}/search.php?search_query=" . $srch_qry . "&make=" . $value; } else { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = "{$this->path}/search.php?search_query={$value}&make=" . $value; } if (isset($_REQUEST['model']) && empty($_REQUEST['model'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= "&model="; } if (isset($params['year'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= "&year=" . $params['year']; } $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $mmy_string_new1; $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $sub_catg; $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = isc_html_escape($value); if (isset($count_make[$value]['count'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandCount'] = $count_make[$value]['count']; } else { $GLOBALS['BrandCount'] = 0; } /*if($GLOBALS['BrandCount'] == 0) $temp_no_count_make .= "<li>$GLOBALS[BrandName] ($GLOBALS[BrandCount])</li>";*/ if ($GLOBALS['BrandCount'] != 0) { if ($display_count < 13) { // this condiditon is applied to avoid long listing of make lsit $temp_count_make .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilter1"); } else { $temp_no_count_make .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilter1"); } $display_count++; //$output .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilter1"); } } if (count($temp_arr) > 0) { foreach ($temp_arr as $key => $value) { if (!isset($_REQUEST['change'])) { // when clicked on "clear my vehicle", need to pass the value in the search query to get all Make and year $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = "{$this->path}/search.php?search_query=" . $srch_qry . "&make=" . $value; } else { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = "{$this->path}/search.php?search_query={$value}&make=" . $value; } if (isset($_REQUEST['model']) && empty($_REQUEST['model'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= "&model="; } if (isset($params['year'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= "&year=" . $params['year']; } $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = isc_html_escape($value); if (isset($count_make[$value]['count'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandCount'] = $count_make[$value]['count']; } else { $GLOBALS['BrandCount'] = 0; } $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $mmy_string_new1; $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $sub_catg; /*if($GLOBALS['BrandCount'] == 0) $temp_no_count_make .= "<li>$GLOBALS[BrandName] ($GLOBALS[BrandCount])</li>";*/ if ($GLOBALS['BrandCount'] != 0) { if ($display_count < 13) { // this condiditon is applied to avoid long listing of make list $temp_count_make .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilter1"); } else { $temp_no_count_make .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilter1"); } $display_count++; } } } $output = "<ul>{$temp_count_make}</ul>"; if ($display_count > 13) { $GLOBALS['FilterID'] = "make"; $GLOBALS['ExtraValues'] = $temp_no_count_make; $output .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideFilterMoreLink"); //$output .= "<ul class='more'><li><a href=\"javascript:onclick=show_hide('make')\" id='make_more'>More...</a></li></ul>"; } $output = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->ParseSnippets($output, $GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']); } /* this below lines are not to display the make when clear is clicked */ if (isset($_REQUEST['change'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = ""; } if ($dyn_flag == 1 || isset($_REQUEST['change'])) { //$str = "search_query=".$srch_qry.$make_link."&model=".$year_link.$sub_catg."&column=make"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay1'] = "block"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay'] = "none"; $GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIconright.gif"; $GLOBALS['DynFilterArrow'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilterImage"); //$GLOBALS['DynFilterArrow'] .= " ".$GLOBALS['BrandName']; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter1'] = "<ul>" . $output . "</ul>"; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = ""; //$GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = "getvalueswithajax('".$GLOBALS['dynid']."','$str');checkanimate('".$GLOBALS['dynid']."')"; //$GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIconright.gif"; } else { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = ""; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay1'] = "none"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay'] = "block"; $GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIconright.gif"; $GLOBALS['DynFilterArrow'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilterImage"); $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = $output; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter1'] = ""; //$GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = "checkanimate('".$GLOBALS['dynid']."')"; if (empty($make_link)) { $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = ""; } } $str = "search_query=" . $srch_qry . $make_link . "&model=" . $year_link . $sub_catg . "&column=make"; if (isset($params['brand'])) { $str .= "&brand=" . $params['brand']; } if (isset($params['brand_series'])) { $str .= "&brand_series=" . $params['brand_series']; } $GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = "getvalueswithajax('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "','{$str}');checkanimate('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "')"; $GLOBALS['mmyid'] = "mmy_make"; $dyn_output = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("MyVehicleAreaSearch"); $dyn_filter = $dyn_output; if ($dyn_flag == 1 && !isset($_REQUEST['change'])) { $dyn_top .= $dyn_filter; } else { $dyn_top .= $dyn_filter; } $dyn_filter = ""; //$GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']['SideProductFilter1'] = $output; /*-------- Model -----------------------------------------*/ if (!empty($make_link) || !empty($model_link)) { $GLOBALS['dynid'] = "prod_model"; $GLOBALS['Dynmainmenu'] = 'Model'; $output1 = ""; $display_count = 1; $extra = ""; if (count($prod_model_new) > 0 && $sub_model_flag == 1 && (!isset($params['catuniversal']) || $params['catuniversal'] == 0)) { $dyn_flag = 0; foreach ($prod_model_new as $key => $value) { if (!empty($model_link) && $model_flag_link == 1) { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = "{$this->path}/search.php?search_query=" . $srch_qry . $model_link . "&submodel=" . urlencode($value); } else { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = "{$this->path}/search.php?search_query=" . $srch_qry . "&model=" . urlencode($value); } if (!empty($make_link)) { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $make_link; } if (!empty($model_link) && !isset($_REQUEST['model'])) { // when searched " chevy silverado " and also to revert back to list of silverados $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= "&list=" . $params['model']; } if (!empty($year_link)) { $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $year_link; } $mmy_string_new1 = str_ireplace('&model_flag=0', '', $mmy_string_new1); $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $mmy_string_new1; $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] .= $sub_catg; $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = isc_html_escape($value); $GLOBALS['BrandCount'] = $count_model[$value]['count']; if (isset($_REQUEST['submodel']) && !empty($_REQUEST['submodel'])) { $dyn_flag = 1; $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = $_REQUEST['submodel']; //$output1 .= "<li>$_REQUEST[submodel]</li>"; $output1 .= "<li></li>"; } else { if ($display_count < 11) { $output1 .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilter2"); } else { $extra .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilter2"); } $display_count++; } } /*if(count($prod_model_new) > 1 && isset($_REQUEST['model']) && !empty($_REQUEST['model'])) $output1 .= "<li><a href='".$GLOBALS['BrandLink']."'>ALL</a> (".$count_model['all']['count'].")</li>";*/ $output1 = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->ParseSnippets($output1, $GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']); } else { $dyn_flag = 1; $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = ""; if (isset($params['model']) && (!isset($params['model_flag']) || $params['model_flag'] == 1)) { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = strtoupper($params['model']); //$output1 = "<li>".strtoupper($_REQUEST['model'])."</li>"; $output1 = "<li></li>"; } } $output1 = "<ul>" . $output1 . "</ul>"; if ($display_count > 11) { $GLOBALS['FilterID'] = "model"; $GLOBALS['ExtraValues'] = $extra; $output1 .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideFilterMoreLink"); //$output .= "<ul class='more'><li><a href=\"javascript:onclick=show_hide('make')\" id='make_more'>More...</a></li></ul>"; } $links = ""; //if( ( !empty($model_link) || !empty($submodel_link) )) { $links = $srch_qry; if (isset($make_link)) { $links .= $make_link; } if (isset($params['year'])) { $links .= "&year=" . $params['year']; } if (!empty($submodel_link)) { // only shwing submodel $links .= $model_link . $submodel_link; } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['list'])) { // when searched with "chevy silverado", silverado is auto selected as model. For that list is passed as paramater. $links .= ""; } else { if (isset($_REQUEST['model']) && !empty($_REQUEST['model'])) { // submodel listing page $links .= $model_link; } } } /*else { $links .= "&model="; $links .= "&year="; }*/ $links .= $sub_catg; if (isset($params['brand'])) { $links .= "&brand=" . $params['brand']; } if (isset($params['brand_series'])) { $links .= "&brand_series=" . $params['brand_series']; } if (!empty($submodel_link)) { $links .= "&column=submodel"; } else { $links .= "&column=model"; } //*$output1 .= "<li><a class='thickbox' href='redefine_filters.php?search_query=".$links."'><b>Redefine Search...</b></a></li>"; //} /* this below lines are not to display the make when clear is clicked */ if (isset($_REQUEST['change'])) { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = ""; } if ($dyn_flag == 1 || isset($_REQUEST['change'])) { //*$str = "search_query=".$links; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay1'] = "block"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay'] = "none"; $GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIconright.gif"; $GLOBALS['DynFilterArrow'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilterImage"); //$GLOBALS['DynFilterArrow'] .= " ".$GLOBALS['BrandName']; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter1'] = $output1; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = ""; //*$GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = "getvalueswithajax('".$GLOBALS['dynid']."','$str');checkanimate('".$GLOBALS['dynid']."')"; //$GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIconright.gif"; } else { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = ""; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay1'] = "none"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay'] = "block"; $GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIconright.gif"; $GLOBALS['DynFilterArrow'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilterImage"); //*$GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = $output1; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter1'] = ""; //*$GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = "checkanimate('".$GLOBALS['dynid']."')"; } $str = "search_query=" . $links; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = ""; $GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = "getvalueswithajax('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "','{$str}');checkanimate('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "')"; $GLOBALS['mmyid'] = "mmy_model"; $dyn_output = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("MyVehicleAreaSearch"); //$dyn_filter .= $output1.$filter3; $dyn_filter = $dyn_output; //$GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']['SideProductFilter2'] = $output1; } else { $GLOBALS['mousedefaultpointer'] = "mousedefaultpointer"; $GLOBALS['mmyid'] = "mmy_model"; $GLOBALS['dynid'] = "prod_model"; $GLOBALS['Dynmainmenu'] = 'Model'; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = ""; //$GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = "checkanimate('".$GLOBALS['dynid']."')"; $GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = ""; $dyn_output = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("MyVehicleAreaSearch"); $dyn_filter = $dyn_output; //$GLOBALS['HideSideProductFiltersPanelModel'] = "none"; } if ($dyn_flag == 1 && !isset($_REQUEST['change'])) { $dyn_top .= $dyn_filter; } else { $dyn_top .= $dyn_filter; } $dyn_filter = ""; $filter1 = <<<P1 <div class="Block BrandList Moveable" id="SideProductFilters" style=""> P1; $filter2 = <<<P1 <div class="BlockContent"> <ul> P1; $filter3 = <<<P3 </ul> </div> </div> P3; $GLOBALS['MyVehicleArea'] = $dyn_top; $GLOBALS['MyVehicleArea'] .= "<p id='fit'>Guaranteed to Fit Your Vehicle!</p>"; if (isset($GLOBALS['DynMsg'])) { $GLOBALS['MyVehicleArea'] .= "<ul id='modifyvehicle'><li>" . $GLOBALS['DynMsg'] . "</li></ul>"; } $dyn_top = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("MyVehicleArea"); /************** Category Listing ********************/ $str = "search_query=" . $srch_qry . $make_link . $model_link . $year_link . "&column=categories"; $str .= isset($params['brand']) ? "&brand=" . $params['brand'] : ''; $str .= isset($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_NAME']) ? "&catg_name=" . $GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_NAME'] : ''; $dyn_top .= $this->GetCategoryListing($prod_categoryid, $count_categoryid, $str); /*------------ Brand Filter --------------------*/ if (count($brand_id) > 0 || isset($params['brand'])) { $title = "<h2>Brand</h2>"; //$dyn_filter .= $filter1.$title.$filter2; $brand_link = ""; $GLOBALS['dynid'] = "dyn_brand"; $GLOBALS['Dynmainmenu'] = "Brand"; $count_brand = 1; $extra = ""; $brand_string_array = $query_string_array; unset($brand_string_array['brand'], $brand_string_array['brand_series'], $brand_string_array['search_query']); $brand_string_new1 = ""; foreach ($brand_string_array as $br_key => $br_val) { $brand_string_new1 .= "&" . $br_key . "=" . urlencode($br_val); } if (isset($params['brand']) && !empty($params['brand'])) { $dyn_flag = 1; $brand_query = "select brandname from [|PREFIX|]brands where brandid = " . $params['brand']; $brand_result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($brand_query); $brand_row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($brand_result); $dyn_filter .= <<<P2 <li><img src='{$this->path}/templates/default/images/check.gif'> {$brand_row['brandname']}</li> P2; if (strtolower($brand_row['brandname']) == strtolower(urldecode($srch_qry))) { // if searched only by brand $brandclearurl = "{$this->path}/search.php?search_query=brands"; $str = "search_query="; } else { // if searched with other combinations $search_query = trim(str_ireplace($brand_row['brandname'], '', urldecode($srch_qry))); $brandclearurl = "{$this->path}/search.php?search_query=" . urlencode($search_query); $str = "search_query=" . urlencode($search_query); } $str .= $brand_string_new1 . "&brand=" . $params['brand'] . "&column=prodbrandid"; if (!empty($brand_string_new1)) { $brandclearurl .= $brand_string_new1; } $GLOBALS['ClearURL'] = "<a href='{$brandclearurl}'>Clear</a>"; //$dyn_filter .= "<li><a class='thickbox' href='redefine_filters.php?search_query=".$srch_qry.$brand_string_new1."&brand=&column=prodbrandid'><b>Redefine Search...</b></a></li>"; } else { $dyn_flag = 0; $brand_query = "select brandid , brandname from [|PREFIX|]brands where brandid in ( " . implode(",", $brand_id) . " ) order by brandname asc "; $brand_result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($brand_query); while ($brand_row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($brand_result)) { $GLOBALS['BrandName'] = $brand_row['brandname']; $search_query = $srch_qry; if (urldecode($srch_qry) == 'brands' || urldecode($srch_qry) == 'categories') { $search_query = urlencode($GLOBALS['BrandName']); } $GLOBALS['BrandLink'] = "{$this->path}/search.php?search_query={$search_query}{$brand_string_new1}&brand=" . $brand_row['brandid']; if ($count_brand < 11) { $dyn_filter .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilter1"); } else { $extra .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilter1"); } $count_brand++; } $dyn_filter = "<ul>" . $dyn_filter . "</ul>"; if ($count_brand > 11) { $GLOBALS['FilterID'] = "brand"; $GLOBALS['ExtraValues'] = $extra; $dyn_filter .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideFilterMoreLink"); } //$GLOBALS['ClearURL'] = "$this->path/search.php?search_query=$srch_qry$brand_string_new1"; $GLOBALS['ClearURL'] = ""; } if ($dyn_flag == 1) { //$str = "search_query=".$links.$model_link."&column=model"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay1'] = "showlist"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay'] = "hidelist"; $GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIconright.gif"; $GLOBALS['DynFilterArrow'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilterImage"); $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter1'] = $dyn_filter; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = ""; $GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = "getvalueswithajax('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "','{$str}');checkanimate('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "')"; //$GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIconright.gif"; } else { $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay1'] = "hidelist"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay'] = "showlist"; $GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIcon.gif"; $GLOBALS['DynFilterArrow'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilterImage"); $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = $dyn_filter; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter1'] = ""; $GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = "checkanimate('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "')"; } $dyn_output = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductDynFilter"); $dyn_filter = $dyn_output; if ($dyn_flag == 1) { $dyn_bottom .= $dyn_filter; } else { $dyn_top .= $dyn_filter; } $dyn_filter = ""; } /*-------- Other Filters -----------------------------------------*/ if (!empty($make_link) && (!empty($model_link) && (!isset($params['model_flag']) || $params['model_flag'] == 1)) && !empty($year_link) && ($numrows > 0 || isset($_REQUEST['GO']) && $numrows > 0) && isset($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_ID'])) { // include('includes/display/ProdDynamicFilters.php'); $map_names = array(); $filter_names = "select * from [|PREFIX|]qualifier_names"; $filter_result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($filter_names); while ($filter_row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($filter_result)) { if ($filter_row['display_names'] != '') { $map_names[$filter_row['column_name']]['name'] = $filter_row['display_names']; } $map_names[$filter_row['column_name']]['qid'] = $filter_row['qid']; } $query_string_new = $this->path . "/search.php?"; //$dyn_filter = ""; for ($u = 0; $u < count($columns); $u++) { // loop for the filters . Here columns are the filters. if (eregi('^(vq|pq)', $columns[$u])) { // checking whether the name of the column starts with vq or pq if (isset($filterdata[$columns[$u]]) && count($filterdata[$columns[$u]]) > 0) { $filter_var = array('vq', 'pq'); $title = ucfirst(str_ireplace($filter_var, "", $columns[$u])); $Qualifier_id = $map_names[$columns[$u]]['qid']; $GLOBALS['CategoryId'] = isset($_REQUEST['sub_category']) ? $_REQUEST['sub_category'] : $GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_ID']; $this->GetAssocDetails($GLOBALS['CategoryId'], $Qualifier_id, $OwnAssoc, $ParentAssoc, $OwnValue, $ParentValue); $qvalue_mapping_array = $OwnAssoc; $GLOBALS['dynid'] = "dyn" . ($u + 1); //$GLOBALS['Dynmainmenu'] = $title; $dyn_filter = ""; $extra = ""; // this is used to hide the values if exceed 10 $count_pqvq = 1; //$dyn_filter .= $filter1.$title.$filter2; for ($k = 0; $k < count($filterdata[$columns[$u]]); $k++) { //$countfilterdata[$key][$val]['count'] $value = $filterdata[$columns[$u]][$k]; $original_value = $filterdata[$columns[$u]][$k]; $GLOBALS['HoverImage'] = ""; $GLOBALS['Comments'] = ""; /*-------------- Below code is used to cehck comments in subcategory and main category ------------ */ $CurrentValueItem = array(); $CurrentValueItem['vimage'] = ''; $CurrentValueItem['vname'] = ''; $CurrentValueItem['vcomments'] = ''; if (($m = array_search($value, $OwnValue)) !== false) { $CurrentValueItem = $qvalue_mapping_array[$m]; } if ($CurrentValueItem['vimage'] == "" && $CurrentValueItem['vcomments'] == "" && $CurrentValueItem['vname'] == "") { if (($n = array_search($value, $ParentValue)) !== false) { $CurrentValueItem = $ParentAssoc[$n]; } } if ($CurrentValueItem['vname'] != "" && $CurrentValueItem['vimage'] != "" && $CurrentValueItem['vcomments'] != "") { if (!empty($CurrentValueItem['vname'])) { $value = $CurrentValueItem['vname']; } if (!empty($CurrentValueItem['vimage'])) { $file = realpath(ISC_BASE_PATH . '/' . GetConfig('ImageDirectory') . '/' . $CurrentValueItem['vimage']); if (file_exists($file)) { $GLOBALS['HoverImage'] = $this->path . "/" . GetConfig('ImageDirectory') . "/" . $CurrentValueItem['vimage']; } } $GLOBALS['Comments'] = $CurrentValueItem['vcomments']; } /*-------------- Below code is used to cehck comments in subcategory and main category Ends ------------ */ if (isset($params['dynfilters'][$columns[$u]]) && !empty($params['dynfilters'][$columns[$u]])) { $dyn_flag = 1; $query_string_mod_array = $query_string_array; //*$query_string_mod_array[$columns[$u]]= ""; //$query_string_new1 = $query_string_new; //*$query_string_new1 = "redefine_filters.php?"; $query_string_new1 = ""; $qualifierclearurl = "search.php?"; foreach ($query_string_mod_array as $qs_key => $qs_val) { //*if($query_string_new1 != $query_string_new) if (!empty($query_string_new1)) { $query_string_new1 .= "&"; } if ($qs_key != "search_query") { $qs_val = urlencode($qs_val); } $query_string_new1 .= $qs_key . "=" . $qs_val; if ($qs_key != $columns[$u]) { if ($qualifierclearurl != "search.php?") { $qualifierclearurl .= "&"; } $qualifierclearurl .= $qs_key . "=" . $qs_val; } } if (strtolower($original_value) == strtolower($params['dynfilters'][$columns[$u]])) { $GLOBALS['ClearURL'] = "<a href='{$qualifierclearurl}'>Clear</a>"; $dyn_filter .= "<li><img src='{$this->path}/templates/default/images/check.gif'> " . ucwords($value) . "</li>"; //*$dyn_filter .= "<li><a class='thickbox' href='$query_string_new1&column=$columns[$u]'><b>Redefine search...</b></a></li>"; $str = "{$query_string_new1}&column=" . $columns[$u]; break; } } else { $dyn_flag = 0; $query_string_mod_array = $query_string_array; $query_string_new1 = $query_string_new . "search_query=" . $query_string_mod_array['search_query']; unset($query_string_mod_array['search_query']); //if(array_key_exists($columns[$u],$query_string_mod_array)) { //$query_string_mod_array[$columns[$u]] = $original_value; //} foreach ($query_string_mod_array as $qs_key => $qs_val) { if ($query_string_new1 != $query_string_new) { $query_string_new1 .= "&"; } if ($qs_key != "search_query") { $qs_val = urlencode($qs_val); } $query_string_new1 .= $qs_key . "=" . $qs_val; } //$GLOBALS['ClearURL'] = $query_string_new1; $GLOBALS['ClearURL'] = ""; $query_string_new1 .= "&" . $columns[$u] . "=" . urlencode($original_value); // this is added to pass the listing value $GLOBALS['QualifierLink'] = $query_string_new1; $GLOBALS['QualifierId'] = $Qualifier_id; $GLOBALS['QualifierValue'] = ucwords($value); $GLOBALS['QualifierCount'] = $countfilterdata[$columns[$u]][$original_value]['count']; //$dyn_filter .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilterValuesHoverImage"); //$dyn_filter .= "<li><a href='$query_string_new1'>".$value."</a> (".$countfilterdata[$columns[$u]][$value]['count'].")</li>"; if ($count_pqvq < 11) { $dyn_filter .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilterValuesHoverImage"); } else { $extra .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilterValuesHoverImage"); } $count_pqvq++; } } $dyn_filter = "<ul>" . $dyn_filter . "</ul>"; if ($count_pqvq > 11) { $GLOBALS['FilterID'] = $GLOBALS['dynid']; $GLOBALS['ExtraValues'] = $extra; $dyn_filter .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideFilterMoreLink"); } if ($dyn_flag == 1) { //$str = "search_query=".$links.$model_link."&column=model"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay1'] = "showlist"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay'] = "hidelist"; $GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIconright.gif"; $GLOBALS['DynFilterArrow'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilterImage"); $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter1'] = $dyn_filter; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = ""; $GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = "getvalueswithajax('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "','{$str}');checkanimate('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "')"; //$GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIconright.gif"; } else { $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay1'] = "hidelist"; $GLOBALS['Dyndisplay'] = "showlist"; $GLOBALS['Dynimage'] = "imgHdrDropDownIcon.gif"; $GLOBALS['DynFilterArrow'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductFilterImage"); $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter'] = $dyn_filter; $GLOBALS['DynmenuFilter1'] = ""; $GLOBALS['JSfunction'] = "checkanimate('" . $GLOBALS['dynid'] . "')"; } /* Filter Title related assiciation */ $CurrentItem = $qvalue_mapping_array[0]; if ($CurrentItem['qimage'] == "" && $CurrentItem['qcomments'] == "" && $CurrentItem['qname'] == "") { $CurrentItem = $ParentAssoc[0]; } if (isset($CurrentItem['qname']) && !empty($CurrentItem['qname'])) { $GLOBALS['Dynmainmenu'] = $CurrentItem['qname']; } else { $GLOBALS['Dynmainmenu'] = $title; } $mover_comment = ""; if (isset($CurrentItem) && !empty($CurrentItem['qcomments'])) { $mover_comment = $CurrentItem['qcomments']; } $mover_image = ""; if (isset($CurrentItem['qimage']) && !empty($CurrentItem['qimage'])) { $file = realpath(ISC_BASE_PATH . '/' . GetConfig('ImageDirectory') . '/' . $CurrentItem['qimage']); if (file_exists($file)) { $mover_image = $GLOBALS['SITEPATH'] . "/" . GetConfig('ImageDirectory') . "/" . $CurrentItem['qimage']; } } $GLOBALS['MouseoverFn'] = "loadHoverImage(event, '" . $mover_image . "', '" . $mover_comment . "');"; $GLOBALS['MouseoutFn'] = "hideTip();"; $dyn_output = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->GetSnippet("SideProductDynFilter"); //$dyn_filter .= $filter3; if ($dyn_flag == 1) { $dyn_bottom .= $dyn_output; } else { $dyn_top .= $dyn_output; } $dyn_filter = ""; //$dyn_filter .= $filter3; } } } $dyn_filter = $dyn_top . $dyn_bottom; /* form action */ $qry_string = $_SERVER['QUERY_STRING']; if (isset($_REQUEST['page'])) { $page = $_REQUEST['page']; $search_link = str_ireplace('&page=' . $page, '', $qry_string); } else { $search_link = $qry_string; } $GLOBALS['formaction'] = "search.php?" . $search_link; } else { $GLOBALS['HideSideProductFiltersPanelPrice'] = "none"; } $dyn_filter = $dyn_top . $dyn_bottom; $GLOBALS['DynFilter'] = $dyn_filter; if (!isset($params['flag_srch_category']) || $params['flag_srch_category'] == 0 || !eregi('search.php', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'])) { $GLOBALS['HideSideProductFiltersPanelPrice'] = "none"; } else { $GLOBALS['HideSideProductFiltersPanelPrice'] = "block"; } $GLOBALS['FromPrice'] = "0.00"; if (isset($_REQUEST['price_from'])) { $GLOBALS['FromPrice'] = $_REQUEST['price_from']; } if (isset($_REQUEST['price_to'])) { $GLOBALS['ToPrice'] = $_REQUEST['price_to']; } if (empty($output1) && empty($output2) && empty($output)) { $this->DontDisplay = true; } /*$output = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->ParseSnippets($output, $GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']); $GLOBALS['SNIPPETS']['SideProductFilter1'] = $output;*/ }
function DoAjaxSearch() { if (isset($_GET['search_query']) && isc_strlen($_GET['search_query']) >= 3) { $searchterms = BuildProductSearchTerms($_REQUEST); // Build the search query using our terms & the fields we want $searchQueries = BuildProductSearchQuery($searchterms); $Search_Count = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->FetchOne($searchQueries['countQuery']); // No results? if ($Search_Count == 0) { exit; } // Add the limit $searchQueries['query'] .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->AddLimit(0, 5); $Search_Result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($searchQueries['query']); while ($product = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($Search_Result)) { $product['imagefile'] = ''; $products[$product['productid']] = $product; } // Fetch product images $productids = implode(",", array_keys($products)); $query = sprintf("select imageprodid, imagefile from [|PREFIX|]product_images where imageprodid in (%s) and imageisthumb=2", $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($productids)); $Result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($query); while ($productimage = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($Result)) { $products[$productimage['imageprodid']]['imagefile'] = $productimage['imagefile']; } $view_all = ''; if ($Search_Count > 5) { $view_all = sprintf(' view_all="%s"', $this->EscapeEntity(sprintf('<a href="%s/search.php?search_query=%s">%s »</a>', $GLOBALS['ShopPathNormal'], $_REQUEST['search_query'], GetLang('QuickSearchViewAll')))); } echo '<?xml version="1.0"?>' . "\n"; echo sprintf('<results type="%s" result_count="%s"%s>' . "\n", GetLang('QuickSearchProducts'), $Search_Count, $view_all); foreach ($products as $product) { if ($product['imagefile']) { $image = sprintf("%s/%s/%s", $GLOBALS['ShopPathNormal'], GetConfig('ImageDirectory'), $product['imagefile']); } else { $image = GetLang('QuickSearchNoImage'); } if (GetConfig('EnableProductReviews')) { $ratingimg = sprintf("%s/images/IcoRating%s.gif", $GLOBALS['TPL_PATH'], (int) $product['prodavgrating']); } else { $ratingimg = ''; } echo sprintf('<result title="%s" price="%s" url="%s" image="%s" ratingimg="%s" />' . "\n", $this->EscapeEntity($product['prodname']), $this->EscapeEntity(CalculateProductPrice_retail($product)), ProdLink($product['prodname']), $this->EscapeEntity($image), $this->EscapeEntity($ratingimg)); } echo "</results>\n"; } }
function searchotherfilters($params, $selected_value) { $output = ""; $column = $this->column; unset($this->items['column'], $this->items['random'], $this->items['search_query'], $this->items[$column], $this->items['abtesting']); if ($column == 'prodbrandid') { unset($this->items['brand'], $params['brand'], $params['flag_srch_brand']); } if ($column == 'model') { unset($this->items['model_flag']); } $items = $this->items; $params['search_query'] = MakeURLSafe($params['search_query']); if ($column == 'make' || $column == 'model' || $column == 'submodel' || $column == 'year') { if (isset($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_NAME'])) { $params['search_query'] = str_ireplace($GLOBALS['ISC_SRCH_CATG_NAME'], '', MakeURLNormal($params['search_query'])); } unset($params['category'], $params['srch_category'], $params['brand'], $params['series'], $params['flag_srch_brand']); // here category & brand is commented to display all MMY need to be displayed for categories. /* The below condition is added as the bedsize and cabsize values are retained when clicking on YMM links. */ if ($column == 'make' || $column == 'model' || $column == 'year') { unset($params['dynfilters'], $params['vqsbedsize'], $params['vqscabsize']); } /*if($column == 'year') unset($params['make'],$params['model']);*/ if ($column == 'make') { unset($params['year']); } if ($column == 'model') { if (!isset($params['catuniversal']) || $params['catuniversal'] == 1) { // if category is universal then show all models else model is dependent of year unset($params['catuniversal']); } //,$params['year'] } $searchQueries = BuildProductSearchQuery($params); // this has been written seperately as we need to replace the category name with empty to ignore the category selected for redefine search if ($column == 'year') { $column_concat = " group_concat(v.prodstartyear separator '~') as prodstartyear , group_concat(v.prodendyear separator '~') as prodendyear"; } else { $column_val = "prod" . $column; $column_concat = " group_concat(DISTINCT" . $column . " separator '~') as " . $column_val; } } else { $searchQueries = BuildProductSearchQuery($params); // this has been written seperately as we need to replace the category name with empty to ignore the category selected for redefine search $column_val = $column; if (strcasecmp($column_val, 'VQbedsize') == 0) { $column_concat = " group_concat( DISTINCT if( v.bedsize_generalname != '', v.bedsize_generalname, v.VQbedsize ) separator '~' ) as {$column} "; } else { if (strcasecmp($column_val, 'VQcabsize') == 0) { $column_concat = " group_concat( DISTINCT if( v.cabsize_generalname != '', v.cabsize_generalname, v.VQcabsize ) separator '~' ) as {$column} "; } else { $column_concat = " group_concat(DISTINCT {$column} separator '~') as {$column} "; } } } $searchQueries['query'] = str_replace('USE INDEX (categoryid)', 'USE INDEX (PRIMARY)', $searchQueries['query']); $searchQueries['query'] = str_replace($GLOBALS['srch_where'], $column_concat, $searchQueries['query']); $searchQueries['query'] .= " group by p.productid "; $Search_Result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($searchQueries['query']); $numrows = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->CountResult($Search_Result); if ($numrows > 0) { $filter_array = array(); $count_filter_array = array(); //echo "<p>Please click on any link from the below list.</p>"; //echo "<div style='height:280px;overflow-y:auto;border:1px solid black'>"; $z = 1; while ($row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($Search_Result)) { if ($column == 'prodbrandid') { $brandid = $row['prodbrandid']; if ($brandid != 0) { $qry = "select * from [|PREFIX|]brands where brandid = " . $brandid; $res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($qry); $arr = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($res); if (strtolower($selected_value) != strtolower($arr['brandname'])) { $arr['brandname'] = ucwords(strtolower($arr['brandname'])); if (in_array($arr['brandname'], $filter_array)) { $count_filter_array[$arr['brandname']]++; } else { $filter_array[$arr['brandid']] = $arr['brandname']; $count_filter_array[$arr['brandname']] = 1; } } } } else { if ($column == 'submodel') { $filters = explode('~', $row[$column_val]); for ($j = 0; $j < count($filters); $j++) { if (empty($filters[$j])) { $filters[$j] = "ALL"; } if (strtolower($selected_value) != strtolower($filters[$j])) { $filters[$j] = ucwords($filters[$j]); if (in_array($filters[$j], $filter_array)) { //echo "<li><a href='search.php?search_query=".$params['search_query']."$links&$column=".urlencode($filters[$j])."'>$filters[$j]</a></li>"; $count_filter_array[$filters[$j]]++; } else { $filter_array[] = $filters[$j]; $count_filter_array[$filters[$j]] = 1; } } } } else { if ($column == 'model') { if (!empty($row[$column_val]) && $row[$column_val] != '~') { $filters = explode('~', $row[$column_val]); for ($j = 0; $j < count($filters); $j++) { $filter_value = explode(";", $filters[$j]); for ($k = 0; $k < count($filter_value); $k++) { if (strtolower($selected_value) != strtolower($filter_value[$k])) { $filter_value[$k] = strtoupper($filter_value[$k]); if (in_array($filter_value[$k], $filter_array)) { $count_filter_array[$filter_value[$k]]++; } else { $filter_array[] = $filter_value[$k]; $count_filter_array[$filter_value[$k]] = 1; } } } } } } else { if ($column == 'make') { if (!empty($row[$column_val]) && $row[$column_val] != '~') { $filters = explode('~', $row[$column_val]); for ($j = 0; $j < count($filters); $j++) { $filter_value = explode(";", $filters[$j]); for ($k = 0; $k < count($filter_value); $k++) { //if(strtolower($selected_value) != strtolower($filter_value[$k])) { // commented, as need to show all the makes if ($filter_value[$k] != "") { if (in_array($filter_value[$k], $filter_array)) { //echo "<li><a href='search.php?search_query=".$params['search_query']."$links&$column=".urlencode($filters[$j])."'>$filters[$j]</a></li>"; $count_filter_array[$filter_value[$k]]++; } else { $filter_array[] = $filter_value[$k]; $count_filter_array[$filter_value[$k]] = 1; } } } } } } else { if ($column != 'year') { $row[$column_val] = trim($row[$column_val], '~'); //$filters = explode('~',$row[$column_val]); $filters = preg_split('/[~;]+/', $row[$column_val]); $filters = array_unique($filters); $filters = array_values($filters); for ($j = 0; $j < count($filters); $j++) { if ($filters[$j] == '') { //Added by Simha $filters[$j] = "Others"; } $filter_value = explode(";", $filters[$j]); for ($k = 0; $k < count($filter_value); $k++) { if (strtolower($selected_value) != strtolower($filter_value[$k])) { if (in_array($filter_value[$k], $filter_array)) { //echo "<li><a href='search.php?search_query=".$params['search_query']."$links&$column=".urlencode($filters[$j])."'>$filters[$j]</a></li>"; $count_filter_array[$filter_value[$k]]++; } else { $filter_array[] = $filter_value[$k]; $count_filter_array[$filter_value[$k]] = 1; } } } } } else { // only for year filter $z++; $grp_startyear = explode("~", $row['prodstartyear']); $grp_endyear = explode("~", $row['prodendyear']); for ($g = 0; $g < count($grp_startyear); $g++) { $prod_start_year = $grp_startyear[$g]; $prod_end_year = $grp_endyear[$g]; if (is_numeric($prod_start_year) && is_numeric($prod_end_year)) { $prod_year_diff = $prod_end_year - $prod_start_year; for ($i = 0; $i <= $prod_year_diff; $i++) { $actual_year = $prod_start_year + $i; if (strtolower($selected_value) != $actual_year) { if (in_array($actual_year, $filter_array)) { //echo "<li><a href='search.php?search_query=".$params['search_query']."$links&$column=$actual_year'>$actual_year</a></li>"; $count_filter_array[$actual_year]++; } else { $filter_array[] = $actual_year; $count_filter_array[$actual_year] = 1; } } } } else { if (!is_numeric($prod_start_year) && !is_numeric($prod_end_year)) { if (strtolower($selected_value) != strtolower($prod_start_year)) { if (in_array($prod_start_year, $filter_array)) { //echo "<li><a href='search.php?search_query=".$params['search_query']."$links&$column=$prod_start_year'>$prod_start_year</a></li>"; $count_filter_array[$prod_start_year]++; } else { $filter_array[] = $prod_start_year; $count_filter_array[$prod_start_year] = 1; } } } } } } } } } } } if ($column == 'year') { rsort($filter_array); } else { if ($column == 'submodel') { sort($filter_array); } else { asort($filter_array); } } /* the below code has been added to move no-spec vehicle at the end of array */ if (in_array('NON-SPEC VEHICLE', $filter_array)) { $mkey = array_search('NON-SPEC VEHICLE', $filter_array); unset($filter_array[$mkey]); $filter_array = array_values($filter_array); array_push($filter_array, 'NON-SPEC VEHICLE'); } $output .= $this->showfiltervalues($filter_array, $count_filter_array, $params); } else { $output .= "<p>Sorry, there are no options available to select.</p>"; } return $output; }
private function _BuildProductFeed($feedTitle, $feedDescription, $feedId, $sortField, $sortOrder, $searchTerms=array()) { $this->_SetFeedDetails(); $feed = new ISC_FEED_GENERATOR($feedId, $this->_type, (int)GetConfig('RSSCacheTime')*60); $channel = array( "title" => $feedTitle, "description" => $feedDescription, "link" => $GLOBALS['ShopPath'], 'namespaces' => array( 'isc' => array( //'', '', array( 'store_title' => getConfig('StoreName') ) ) ) ); $feed->SetChannel($channel); // The magical Unreal Shopping Cart RSS feeds are actually just custom searches so pipe it off to our search function $searchterms = BuildProductSearchTerms($searchTerms); $searchQueries = BuildProductSearchQuery($searchterms, '', $sortField, $sortOrder); // Run the query $searchQueries['query'] .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->AddLimit(0, (int)GetConfig('RSSItemsLimit')); $result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($searchQueries['query']); while($product = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($result)) { if(isc_strlen($product['proddesc']) > 300) { $product['proddesc'] = isc_substr($product['proddesc'], 0, 298).".."; } $item = array( 'title' => $product['prodname'], 'date' => $product['proddateadded'], 'link' => prodLink($product['prodname']), 'namespaces' => array( 'isc' => array( 'description' => $product['proddesc'], 'productid' => $product['productid'], ) ) ); if($product['imagefile']) { $thumb = ImageThumb($product, ProdLink($product['prodname'])); $product['proddesc'] = sprintf("<div style='float: right; padding: 10px;'>%s</div>%s", $thumb, $product['proddesc']); $image = new ISC_PRODUCT_IMAGE; $image->populateFromDatabaseRow($product); try { $item['namespaces']['isc']['thumb'] = $image->getResizedUrl(ISC_PRODUCT_IMAGE_SIZE_THUMBNAIL, true); } catch (Exception $exception) { } try { $item['namespaces']['isc']['image'] = $image->getResizedUrl(ISC_PRODUCT_IMAGE_SIZE_ZOOM, true); } catch (Exception $exception) { } unset ($image); } // Determine the price of this product $price = ''; if (GetConfig('ShowProductPrice') && !$product['prodhideprice']) { $calcPrice = $product['prodcalculatedprice']; $plainPrice = formatProductPrice($product, $calcPrice, array( 'strikeRetail' => false, 'displayInclusive' => getConfig('taxDefaultTaxDisplayCatalog') )); if($plainPrice) { $item['namespaces']['isc']['price'] = $plainPrice; $price = '<strong>'.getLang('Price').': '.$plainPrice.'</strong>'; } } if(GetConfig('ShowProductRating')) { $ratingImage = $GLOBALS['IMG_PATH'].'/IcoRating'.(int)$product['prodavgrating'].'.gif'; $item['namespaces']['isc']['rating'] = (int)$product['prodavgrating']; $item['namespaces']['isc']['rating_image'] = $ratingImage; $ratingImage = '<img src="'.$ratingImage.'" alt="" />'; } else { $ratingImage = ''; } $product['proddesc'] .= '<p>'.$price.' '.$ratingImage.'</p>'; $item['description'] = $product['proddesc']; $feed->AddItem($item); } // Send the feed to the browser $feed->OutputFeed(); }
/** * Run the full text searches to find matching products */ function DoSearch($Start, &$Search_Result, &$Search_Count) { $category_ids = array(); if (isset($_REQUEST['pageid'])) { $pageid = (int) $_REQUEST['pageid']; $query = sprintf("select * from [|PREFIX|]abtesting_pages where pageid='%d' and pagestatus = 1", $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote($pageid)); } else { if (isset($GLOBALS['PathInfo'][1])) { $page = preg_replace('#\\.html$#i', '', $GLOBALS['PathInfo'][1]); $page = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Quote(MakeURLNormal($page)); $query = sprintf("select * from [|PREFIX|]abtesting_pages where pagename='%s' and pagestatus = 1", $page); } } $result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($query); $row = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($result); if (!$row) { ob_end_clean(); header("Location: " . GetConfig('ShopPath') . '/index.php'); exit; } $temp_srch_qry = $_REQUEST['search_query']; if ($row['pagetype'] == 2) { $subcatg_qry = "select catname from [|PREFIX|]categories where categoryid = " . $row['pagecategoryid']; $subcatg_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($subcatg_qry); $subcatg_arr = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($subcatg_res); $_REQUEST['search_query'] = $subcatg_arr['catname']; //$_REQUEST['search_query'] = $temp_cat_name; } else { if ($row['pagetype'] == 3) { $subcatg_qry = "select c.categoryid as catid , c.catname as childname , p.categoryid , p.catname \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tfrom [|PREFIX|]categories c \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tleft join [|PREFIX|]categories p on c.catparentid = p.categoryid\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\twhere c.categoryid = '" . $row['pagecategoryid'] . "'"; $subcatg_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($subcatg_qry); $subcatg_arr = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($subcatg_res); if ($subcatg_arr['categoryid'] != "") { $_REQUEST['search_query'] = $subcatg_arr['catname']; $_REQUEST['subcategory'] = $subcatg_arr['childname']; } else { $_REQUEST['search_query'] = $subcatg_arr['childname']; $_REQUEST['subcategory'] = $subcatg_arr['childname']; } } } // Set the incoming search terms $this->_searchterms = BuildProductSearchTerms($_REQUEST); //$this->_searchterms['search_query'] = $temp_srch_qry; $params = $this->_searchterms; if ($row['pagetype'] == 2 && isset($params['subcategory']) && $params['subcategory'] != "") { $row['pagetype'] = 3; } $GLOBALS['CatgDescandBrandImage'] = $row['pageheaderdesc']; $GLOBALS['CatgBrandSeriesFooter'] = $row['pagefooterdesc']; $GLOBALS['CategoryTrackingCodeTop'] = isset($row['pagecontrolscript']) ? $row['pagecontrolscript'] : ''; $GLOBALS['CategoryTrackingCodeBottom'] = isset($row['pagetrackingscript']) ? $row['pagetrackingscript'] : ''; $this->_pagetitle = $row['pagetitle']; $GLOBALS['pagetype'] = $row['pagetype']; if ($row['pagetype'] == 1) { $GLOBALS['results_page_flag'] = 1; $Search_Result = $row['pagecontent']; $Search_Count = 1; return; } else { if ($row['pagetype'] == 2) { $GLOBALS['results_page_flag'] = 0; $custom_cond = ""; if (isset($params['brand'])) { $custom_cond .= " and cp.brandname = '" . $params['brand'] . "' "; } if ($row['pagecontent'] == 1) { if (isset($params['make']) || isset($params['model']) || isset($params['year'])) { $concat_cond = ""; if (isset($params['make'])) { $concat_cond .= " and ( v.prodmake = 'NON-SPEC VEHICLE' OR v.prodmake = '" . $params['make'] . "') "; } if (isset($params['model'])) { $concat_cond .= " and ( v.prodmodel = 'all' OR v.prodmodel = '" . $params['model'] . "') "; } if (isset($params['year'])) { $concat_cond .= " and ( v.prodstartyear = 'all' OR " . $params['year'] . " between v.prodstartyear and v.prodendyear) "; } $temp_query = " SELECT group_concat(distinct cp.categoryid) as catid , group_concat(distinct cp.subcategoryid) as subcatid FROM [|PREFIX|]abtesting_custom_products cp INNER JOIN [|PREFIX|]abtesting_pages cc on cc.pageid=cp.pageid WHERE cp.enabled=1 and cc.pageid = " . $pageid . " ORDER BY cp.displayorder ASC "; $temp_result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($temp_query); $temp_arr = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($temp_result); $ccatg_qry = " SELECT group_concat( distinct ca.categoryid) as catids from [|PREFIX|]categoryassociations ca inner join [|PREFIX|]import_variations v on v.productid = ca.productid where ca.categoryid in (" . $temp_arr['catid'] . "," . $temp_arr['subcatid'] . ") " . $concat_cond; $ccatg_result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($ccatg_qry); $ccatg_arr = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($ccatg_result); $cc_query = " SELECT cp.productids, cp.categoryid, cp.subcategoryid, cp.brandid, cp.seriesid, cp.description FROM [|PREFIX|]abtesting_custom_products cp INNER JOIN [|PREFIX|]abtesting_pages cc on cc.pageid=cp.pageid WHERE cp.enabled=1 and cc.pageid = " . $pageid . " " . $custom_cond; $ccatg_arr['catids'] = isset($ccatg_arr['catids']) && $ccatg_arr['catids'] != '' ? $ccatg_arr['catids'] : ''; $cc_query .= " and ( cp.categoryid in (" . $ccatg_arr['catids'] . ") OR cp.subcategoryid in (" . $ccatg_arr['catids'] . ") ) "; $cc_query .= " ORDER BY cp.displayorder ASC "; } else { $cc_query = " SELECT cp.productids, cp.categoryid, cp.subcategoryid, cp.brandid, cp.seriesid, cp.description FROM [|PREFIX|]abtesting_custom_products cp INNER JOIN [|PREFIX|]abtesting_pages cc on cc.pageid=cp.pageid WHERE cp.enabled=1 and cc.pageid = " . $pageid . " " . $custom_cond . " ORDER BY cp.displayorder ASC "; } $cc_result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($cc_query); $total_count = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->CountResult($cc_result); $Search_Count = $total_count; if ($total_count > 0) { $GLOBALS['pagecontent'] = $row['pagecontent']; $GLOBALS['CustomPage'] = ""; while ($ccrow = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($cc_result)) { $GLOBALS['CustomPage'] .= $ccrow['description']; } return; } //2010-11-30 Ronnie modify //return; } //2010-11-30 Ronnie add,no result show Dynamic content //echo "123".$total_count; if ($total_count == 0) { $row['pagecontent'] = 0; } //echo "456".$row['pagecontent']; if ($row['pagecontent'] == 0) { $getsubcatqry = "select group_concat(distinct c.categoryid) as catids from isc_categories c \n\t\t\t\t\t\twhere c.catparentid = " . $row['pagecategoryid']; $gersubcatres = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($getsubcatqry); $gersubcatarr = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($gersubcatres); $gersubcatarr['catids'] .= "," . $row['pagecategoryid']; $this->_searchterms['srch_category'] = $params['srch_category'] = explode(",", $gersubcatarr['catids']); /*$count_qry = "SELECT count(p.productid) as tot FROM isc_products p LEFT JOIN isc_import_variations AS v ON v.productid = p.productid LEFT JOIN isc_categoryassociations ca on ca.productid = p.productid LEFT JOIN isc_categories c on c.categoryid = ca.categoryid LEFT JOIN isc_brands b on prodbrandid = b.brandid LEFT JOIN isc_brand_series AS bs ON bs.seriesid = p.brandseriesid WHERE 1=1 AND c.categoryid IN (".$gersubcatarr['catids'].") AND p.prodvisible='1' ".$concat_cond." ".$dynamic_cond." group by c.categoryid"; $catquery = "select c.catname , c.categoryid , c.catuniversal , c.catimagealt , c.featurepoints , c.videourlwidthheight , c.thumbnailvideoimage , c.pricerange , c.warrantyinfo , group_concat(DISTINCT brandname separator '~') as brandname , group_concat(DISTINCT p.brandseriesid separator '~') as seriesids , min(fp.prodfinalprice) as prodminprice , max(fp.prodfinalprice) as prodmaxprice , c.catimagefile as imagefile , c.cathoverimagefile , p.proddesc , prodwarranty , bs.seriesname, bs.displayname, p.brandseriesid , count(distinct p.productid) as totalproducts,floor(SUM(p.prodratingtotal)/SUM(p.prodnumratings)) AS prodavgrating from isc_products p LEFT JOIN isc_import_variations AS v ON v.productid = p.productid LEFT JOIN isc_categoryassociations ca on ca.productid = p.productid LEFT JOIN isc_categories c on c.categoryid = ca.categoryid LEFT JOIN isc_brands b on prodbrandid = b.brandid LEFT JOIN isc_brand_series AS bs ON bs.seriesid = p.brandseriesid LEFT JOIN isc_product_images pi ON (p.productid=pi.imageprodid AND pi.imageisthumb=1) LEFT JOIN isc_product_finalprice fp ON p.productid = fp.productid WHERE 1=1 AND c.categoryid IN (".$gersubcatarr['catids'].") AND p.prodvisible='1' ".$concat_cond." ".$dynamic_cond." group by c.categoryid ORDER BY c.catdeptid ASC, c.catsort ASC, c.catname ASC LIMIT 0, 16"; $GLOBALS['SearchResults'] = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($catquery);*/ // Build the search query using our terms & the fields we want $searchQueries = BuildProductSearchQuery($this->_searchterms); $group = " group by c.categoryid "; $orderby = $searchQueries['orderby']; /* below template variables are added for subcategory page to add category specific tracking code*/ if (isset($params['srch_category'])) { $selected_catg = end($params['srch_category']); if ($selected_catg != '') { $script_query = "select catname , catpagetitle , catmetakeywords , catmetadesc , controlscript , trackingscript from [|PREFIX|]categories where categoryid = " . $selected_catg; $script_result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($script_query); $script_array = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Fetch($script_result); /* the below lines assign meta discription, keywords and title for the categories*/ $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->SetMetaKeywords($script_array['catmetakeywords']); $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_TEMPLATE']->SetMetaDescription($script_array['catmetadesc']); if ($script_array['catpagetitle'] != "") { $this->_pagetitle = $script_array['catpagetitle']; } else { $this->_pagetitle = ucwords($script_array['catname']); } } } } } else { if ($row['pagetype'] == 3) { $GLOBALS['results_page_flag'] = 2; $this->_searchterms['srch_category'][] = $params['srch_category'][] = $row['pagecategoryid']; // Build the search query using our terms & the fields we want $searchQueries = BuildProductSearchQuery($this->_searchterms); $group = " group by p.productid "; if (isset($_REQUEST['orderby']) && !empty($_REQUEST['orderby'])) { if ($_REQUEST['orderby'] == "brandname") { $orderby = " order by brandname " . (isset($_REQUEST['sortby']) ? $_REQUEST['sortby'] : "asc") . " , seriesname "; } else { $orderby = " order by " . $_REQUEST['orderby'] . " "; } } else { $orderby = " order by p.prodprice "; } if (isset($_REQUEST['sortby']) && !empty($_REQUEST['sortby'])) { $orderby .= $_REQUEST['sortby']; } else { $orderby .= " asc"; } } } } /* the below three lines has been added to group by SKU as same sku was showing in multiple products */ $searchQueries['query'] .= $group . $GLOBALS['having_query'] . $orderby; $searchQueries['countQuery'] .= $group . $GLOBALS['having_query']; //$searchQueries['countQuery'] = "select count(*) from ( ".$searchQueries['countQuery']." ) p "; $count_res = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($searchQueries['countQuery']); $Search_Count = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->CountResult($count_res); // Add the limit $searchQueries['query'] .= $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->AddLimit($Start, GetConfig('CategoryProductsPerPage')); $Search_Result = $GLOBALS['ISC_CLASS_DB']->Query($searchQueries['query']); $GLOBALS['DoSearchQuery'] = $searchQueries['query']; }