if ($_GET[s1] == NULL) {
    $s1 = 0;
} else {
    $s1 = $_GET[s1];
if ($_GET[s2] == NULL) {
    $s2 = 1;
} else {
    $s2 = $_GET[s2];
$s1 = intval($s1);
$s2 = intval($s2);
echo "<h1>Quality Management System</h1>";
$beginweek = BeginWeek(time());
echo "<form action=\"index2.php\" method=\"get\">";
echo "<p><input type=\"hidden\" name=\"page\" value=\"qms_view\" />";
$sql = "SELECT * FROM intranet_qms WHERE qms_toc1 > 0 AND qms_toc2 = 0 AND qms_toc3 = 0 AND qms_toc4 = 0 ORDER BY qms_toc1";
$result = mysql_query($sql, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
echo "<select name=\"s1\" onchange=\"this.form.submit()\">";
if ($s1 == 0) {
    $selected = " selected=\"selected\" ";
} else {
echo "<option value=\"0\" {$selected} >Contents</option>";
while ($array = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
    $qms_toc1 = $array['qms_toc1'];
    $qms_text = $array['qms_text'];
    if ($s1 == $qms_toc1) {
 function HolidayCalendar($year)
     global $pdf;
     global $conn;
     // New page with upcoming holidays, etc.
     $page_title = "Holidays " . $year;
     $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'b', 24);
     $pdf->SetTextColor($format_bg_r, $format_bg_g, $format_bg_b);
     $pdf->MultiCell(0, 8, $page_title, 0, 1, L);
     $pdf->Cell(0, 2, '', 0, 1);
     $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'b', 18);
     // $beginweek = BeginWeek(time()) + 43200 - 2419200;
     $beginweek = BeginWeek(mktime(0, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year));
     $daycounter = 0;
     $coord_x = $pdf->GetX();
     $coord_y = $pdf->GetY();
     $days_to_show = 264;
     // Must be a multiple of 7
     $days_to_show = 406;
     // Must be a multiple of 7
     while ($daycounter < $days_to_show) {
         $today = $daycounter * 86400 + $beginweek;
         $date = date("j", $today);
         $this_day = date("w", $today);
         $day = date("j", $today);
         $month = substr(date("M", $today), 0, 2);
         $week = date("W", $today);
         // Add a square showing the month if this is the first...
         if (date("j", $today) == 1) {
             $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'b', 6);
             $pdf->Cell(5, 4.5, $month, TBL, 0, L, 1);
             $month_begin = 1;
         if (date("n", time()) == date("n", $today) && date("j", time()) == date("j", $today) && date("Y", time()) == date("Y", $today)) {
         } elseif (date("W", time()) == date("W", $today) && date("Y", time()) == date("Y", $today)) {
         } elseif (date("n", time()) == date("n", $today)) {
         } elseif (date("n", $today) == 2 or date("n", $today) == 4 or date("n", $today) == 6 or date("n", $today) == 8 or date("n", $today) == 10 or date("n", $today) == 12) {
         } else {
         $sql_holidays = "SELECT user_initials, holiday_length, holiday_paid, holiday_approved FROM intranet_user_holidays, intranet_user_details  WHERE user_id = holiday_user AND holiday_date = " . date("j", $today) . " AND holiday_month = " . date("n", $today) . " AND holiday_year = " . date("Y", $today) . " ORDER BY user_initials DESC";
         $result_holidays = mysql_query($sql_holidays, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
         while ($array_holidays = mysql_fetch_array($result_holidays)) {
             if ($array_holidays['holiday_length'] == 0.5) {
                 $holiday_length = " (Half day)";
             } else {
             if ($array_holidays['holiday_approved'] == NULL) {
                 $holiday_approved = "*";
             } else {
             if ($array_holidays['holiday_paid'] != 1) {
                 $holiday_paid_1 = "[";
                 $holiday_paid_2 = "]";
             } else {
             $holiday_list = $holiday_paid_1 . $array_holidays['user_initials'] . $holiday_approved . $holiday_paid_2 . $holiday_length . ", " . $holiday_list;
         $holiday_list = rtrim($holiday_list, ", ");
         $sql_bankholidays = "SELECT bankholiday_timestamp FROM intranet_user_holidays_bank WHERE bankholidays_day = " . date("j", $today) . " AND  bankholidays_month = " . date("n", $today) . " AND bankholidays_year = " . date("Y", $today) . "  LIMIT 1";
         $result_bankholidays = mysql_query($sql_bankholidays, $conn);
         if (mysql_num_rows($result_bankholidays) > 0) {
         if ($daycounter == 0) {
             $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', '', 6);
             $pdf->Cell(6, 4.5, $week - 1, TRB, 0, L, 0);
         if ($this_day > 0 and $this_day <= 5) {
             $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', 'b', 9);
             $pdf->Cell(5, 4.5, $day, LTB, 0, L, 1);
             $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', '', 5);
         if ($this_day > 0 and $this_day < 5) {
             if ($month_begin == 1) {
                 $cell_width = 26;
             } else {
                 $cell_width = 31;
             $pdf->Cell($cell_width, 4.5, $holiday_list, TRB, 0, L, 1);
         } elseif ($this_day == 5) {
             if ($month_begin == 1) {
                 $cell_width = 26;
             } else {
                 $cell_width = 31;
             $pdf->Cell($cell_width, 4.5, $holiday_list, TRB, 1, L, 1);
             if ($daycounter < $days_to_show - 6) {
                 $pdf->Cell(6, 4.5, $week, TRB, 0, L, 0);
         // $pdf->MultiCell(0,5,$sql_holidays);
     $pdf->SetFont('Helvetica', '', 7);
     $holiday_notes = "* Pending Approval.\nInitials shown in square brackets indicate non-paid holiday.";
     $pdf->MultiCell(0, 4, $holiday_notes, 0, L);
 $line_cost = "= £" . number_format($entry_cost * $ts_hours, 2);
 $entry_cost_print = "£" . number_format($entry_cost, 2);
 $ts_cost_nf_print = "(£" . number_format($ts_cost_nf, 2) . ")";
 $view_hours = $ts_hours;
 //  . ",";
 $running_cost = $running_cost + $ts_cost_factored;
 $running_cost_nf = $running_cost_nf + $ts_cost_nf;
 $total_cost_nf = $total_cost_nf + $ts_cost_nf;
 $stage_total = $stage_total + $ts_cost_factored;
 $running_cost_print = "£" . number_format($stage_total, 2);
 $running_cost_nf_print = "(£" . number_format($running_cost_nf, 2) . ")";
 $pdf->SetFont($format_font, '', 8);
 $pdf->SetTextColor(0, 0, 0);
 $pdf->SetDrawColor(220, 220, 220);
 $pdf->Cell(0, 1, '', T, 1);
 $ts_link = $pref_location . "popup_timesheet.php?week=" . BeginWeek($ts_entry) . "&ts_id=" . $ts_id . "&user_view=" . $user_id;
 $pdf->Cell(20, 4, $entry_day, 0, 0, L, 0, $ts_link);
 $pdf->Cell(8, 4, $view_hours, 0, 0, R, 0);
 if ($_POST[separate_pages] != 1) {
     $pdf->Cell(5, 4, 'hrs', 0, 0, C, 0);
     $pdf->Cell(15, 4, $entry_cost_print, 0, 0, R, 0);
     $pdf->Cell(15, 4, $ts_cost_nf_print, 0, 0, R, 0);
     $pdf->Cell(8, 4, $user_initials, 0, 0, C, 0);
     $pdf->Cell(20, 4, $running_cost_print, 0, 0, R, 0);
     $pdf->Cell(20, 4, $running_cost_nf_print, 0, 0, R, 0);
 } else {
     if ($view_hours <= 1) {
         $print_hours = "hour";
     } else {
         $print_hours = "hours";

// Begin to clean up the $_POST submissions
$ts_fee_id = CleanNumber($_POST[ts_fee_id]);
$ts_fee_project = CleanNumber($_POST[ts_fee_project]);
$ts_fee_text = addslashes($_POST[ts_fee_text]);
$ts_fee_stage = addslashes($_POST[ts_fee_stage]);
$ts_fee_target = CleanNumber($_POST[ts_fee_target]);
$ts_fee_comment = addslashes($_POST[ts_fee_comment]);
$ts_fee_commence = $_POST[ts_fee_commence];
$ts_fee_prospect = $_POST[ts_fee_prospect];
$ts_fee_proj_change = $_POST[ts_fee_proj_change];
if ($ts_fee_commence == 0) {
    $ts_fee_commence = BeginWeek(time());
$choose = CleanNumber($_POST[choose]);
if ($choose == "value") {
    $ts_fee_value = CleanNumber($_POST[ts_fee_value]);
    $ts_fee_percentage = "";
} else {
    $ts_fee_percentage = CleanNumber($_POST[ts_fee_percentage]);
    $ts_fee_value = "";
$ts_fee_duration = CleanNumber($_POST[ts_fee_duration]);
$ts_fee_pre = CleanNumber($_POST[ts_fee_pre]);
$ts_fee_pre_lag = 604800 * $_POST[ts_fee_pre_lag];
$ts_fee_duration = $ts_fee_duration * 604800;
// Calculate the revised date of commencement if previous stage provided
if ($ts_fee_pre > 0) {
    $sql_pre = "SELECT ts_fee_commence, ts_fee_time_end FROM intranet_timesheet_fees WHERE ts_fee_id = {$ts_fee_pre} LIMIT 1";
print "<h2>Week Beginning ".TimeFormat($ts_weekbegin) . "&nbsp;(" . $timesheetcomplete . "% complete)"; if ($_GET[user_view] > 0) { echo " for $user_name"; } echo " - Week " . $week_number . "</h2>";

print "<p class=\"menu_bar\">";
if ($user_view != NULL) { $user_filter = "&amp;user_view=" . $user_view; } else { $user_filter = NULL; }

if ($link_lastmonth > $user_user_added) {
	echo "<a href=\"popup_timesheet.php?user_view=$viewuser&amp;week=$link_lastmonth".$user_filter."\" class=\"menu_tab\"><< w/b <strong>".date("j M Y",$link_lastmonth)."</strong></a>";

if (($user_user_added - $link_lastweek) < 604800) {

echo "<a href=\"popup_timesheet.php?user_view=$viewuser&amp;week=$link_lastweek".$user_filter."\" class=\"menu_tab\">< w/b <strong>".date("j M Y",$link_lastweek)."</strong></a>";

echo "<a href=\"popup_timesheet.php?user_view=$viewuser&amp;week=".BeginWeek(time()) . $user_filter."\" class=\"menu_tab\"><strong>This Week</strong></a>";

if ($link_nextweek < time() AND $link_nextweek < $user_user_ended) {
echo "<a href=\"popup_timesheet.php?user_view=$viewuser&amp;week=$link_nextweek".$user_filter."\" class=\"menu_tab\">w/b <strong>".date("j M Y",$link_nextweek)." ></strong></a>"; }

if ($link_nextmonth < time() AND $link_nextmonth < $user_user_ended) {
echo "<a href=\"popup_timesheet.php?user_view=$viewuser&amp;week=$link_nextmonth".$user_filter."\" class=\"menu_tab\">w/b <strong>".date("j M Y",$link_nextmonth)."</strong> >></a>"; }

echo "</p>";

if ($_GET[user_view] == $_COOKIE[user] OR $_GET[ts_id] > 0 OR $_GET[user_view] == NULL OR $user_usertype_current > 3 ) {

// Titles

$week_begin = date("l, jS F Y",$ts_weekbegin);
$time_week_end = $ts_weekbegin + 345600;
$week_end = date("l, jS F Y",$time_week_end);

$link_lastmonth = $ts_weekbegin - 3024000;
$link_lastweek = $ts_weekbegin - 604800;
$link_nextweek = $ts_weekbegin + 604800;
$link_nextmonth = $ts_weekbegin + 3024000;

print "
<h2><a href=\"popup_timesheet_mobile.php?week=$link_lastweek".$user_filter."\">< w/b ".date("j M Y",$link_lastweek)."</a></h2>";

if (BeginWeek(time()) != $_GET[week]) { echo "<h2><a href=\"popup_timesheet_mobile.php?week=".BeginWeek(time()) . $user_filter."\">This Week</a></h2>";  }

if ($link_nextweek < time()) {
echo "<h2><a href=\"popup_timesheet_mobile.php?week=$link_nextweek".$user_filter."\" >w/b ".date("j M Y",$link_nextweek)." ></a>"; }

print "<h1>Timesheet, w/b ".TimeFormat($ts_weekbegin); if ($_GET[user_view] > 0) { echo " for $user_name"; } echo "</h1>";

if ($_GET[user_view] == $_COOKIE[user] OR $_GET[ts_id] > 0 OR $_GET[user_view] == NULL) {


print "</div>";

print "</body>";
$beginnning_of_next_year = mktime(12, 0, 0, 1, 1, $year + 1);
$beginnning_of_next_year = BeginWeek($beginnning_of_this_year + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7 * 53);
$monday = BeginWeek($beginnning_of_this_year) - 43200;
$counter_time = $monday;
$this_year = $year;
if ($user_usertype_current > 3) {
    echo "<form method=\"post\" action=\"index2.php?page=holiday_approval&amp;year={$year}\"><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"{$_COOKIE['user']}\" name=\"holiday_approved\" /><input type=\"hidden\" value=\"holiday_approve\" name=\"action\" />";
echo "<table>";
$background = " style=\"background: rgba(200,200,200,0); height: 40px; color: #999\"";
echo "<tr><td style=\"width: 10%;\">Week</td><td  style=\"width: 18%;\">Monday</td><td style=\"width: 18%;\">Tuesday</td><td style=\"width: 18%;\">Wednesday</td><td style=\"width: 18%;\">Thursday</td><td style=\"width: 18%;\">Friday</td></tr><tr><td {$background}>1</td>";
while ($counter_time < $beginnning_of_next_year) {
    $counter_date = date("j", $counter_time);
    $counter_month = date("n", $counter_time);
    $counter_year = date("Y", $counter_time);
    $this_week_begin = BeginWeek(time());
    $this_week_end = $this_week_begin + 60 * 60 * 24 * 7;
    $sql_bankholidays = "SELECT bankholidays_description FROM intranet_user_holidays_bank WHERE bankholidays_day = {$counter_date} AND bankholidays_month = {$counter_month} AND bankholidays_year = {$counter_year} LIMIT 1";
    $result_bankholidays = mysql_query($sql_bankholidays, $conn);
    $array_bankholidays = mysql_fetch_array($result_bankholidays);
    $bankholidays_description = $array_bankholidays['bankholidays_description'];
    if (date("z", $counter_time) == date("z", time()) && date("Y", $counter_time) == date("Y", time())) {
        $background = " style=\"background: rgba(200,200,0,1); height: 40px; color: #999\"";
    } elseif ($counter_year != $this_year) {
        $background = " style=\"background: rgba(200,200,200,0); height: 40px; color: #999\"";
    } elseif ($bankholidays_description != NULL) {
        $background = " style=\"background: rgba(200,200,200,0.5); height: 40px; color: #999\"";
    } elseif ($counter_time > $this_week_begin && $counter_time < $this_week_end) {
        $background = " style=\"background: rgba(200,200,0,0.7); height: 40px; color: #999\"";
    } elseif ($counter_month == 1 or $counter_month == 3 or $counter_month == 5 or $counter_month == 7 or $counter_month == 9 or $counter_month == 11) {
        $background = " style=\"background: rgba(200,0,200,0.25); height: 40px; color: #999\"";
function TimeSheetListIncomplete($user_id)
    global $database_location;
    global $database_username;
    global $database_password;
    global $database_name;
    global $settings_timesheetstart;
    global $user_user_added;
    if ($user_user_added > $settings_timesheetstart) {
        $timesheet_datum = $user_user_added;
    } else {
        $timesheet_datum = $settings_timesheetstart;
    $conn = mysql_connect("{$database_location}", "{$database_username}", "{$database_password}");
    mysql_select_db("{$database_name}", $conn);
    $startweek = BeginWeek($timesheet_datum);
    $this_week = BeginWeek(time());
    $sql4 = " SELECT ts_id, ts_user, ts_day, ts_month, ts_year, ts_entry FROM intranet_timesheet WHERE ts_entry > {$startweek} AND ts_entry < {$this_week} AND ts_day_complete != 1 AND ts_user = {$user_id} ORDER BY ts_entry";
    $current_day_check = 0;
    if ($display == "list") {
        echo "<ul>";
    $result4 = mysql_query($sql4, $conn) or die(mysql_error());
    while ($array4 = mysql_fetch_array($result4)) {
        $ts_hours = $array4['ts_hours'];
        $ts_entry = BeginWeek($array4['ts_entry']);
        $ts_check = $array4['ts_day'] . "-" . $array4['ts_month'] . "-" . $array4['ts_year'];
        $ts_id = $array4['ts_id'];
        $dayofweek = date("w", $array4['ts_entry']);
        if ($ts_check != $current_day_check and $dayofweek > 0 and $dayofweek < 6) {
            echo "<li><a href=\"popup_timesheet.php?week={$ts_entry}&amp;user_view={$user_id}\">" . TimeFormat($array4['ts_entry']) . "</li>";
            $current_day_check = $ts_check;
    echo "</ul>";
 function Datum($start, $duration, $color_array)
     global $current_time;
     global $pdf;
     global $colwidth;
     global $rowheight;
     $y = $pdf->GetY();
     $y = $y - $rowheight;
     $datum_start = BeginWeek(AssessDays($start));
     if ($datum_start < $current_time) {
         $duration = $duration - ($current_time - $datum_start);
     $duration = round($duration / 604800, 0) * $colwidth;
     if ($datum_start < $current_time) {
         $datum_start = 0;
     } else {
         $datum_start = $datum_start - $current_time;
     $datum_start = round($datum_start / 604800, 0);
     $datum_start = $datum_start * $colwidth;
     if ($datum_start + $duration > 230) {
         $duration = 230 - $datum_start;
     if ($datum_start > 0 && $datum_start < 230) {
         $pdf->Cell($datum_start, $rowheight, '', 0, 0, L, FALSE);
     if ($color_array == NULL) {
     } else {
         $pdf->SetDrawColor($color_array[0], $color_array[1], $color_array[2]);
     if ($datum_start < 230 && $datum_start + $duration > 0) {
         $pdf->Cell($duration, $rowheight, '', T, 1, L, FALSE);
     } else {
         $pdf->Cell(0, $rowheight, '', 0, 1, L, FALSE);
// Set the week beginning variable from either POST or GET
if ($_POST[ts_weekbegin] != NULL) {
    $ts_weekbegin = $_POST[ts_weekbegin];
} elseif ($_GET[week] != NULL) {
    $ts_weekbegin = $_GET[week];
} else {
    $ts_weekbegin = BeginWeek(time());
// Titles
$week_begin = date("l, jS F Y", $ts_weekbegin);
$time_week_end = $ts_weekbegin + 345600;
$week_end = date("l, jS F Y", $time_week_end);
$link_lastmonth = $ts_weekbegin - 3024000;
$link_lastweek = $ts_weekbegin - 604800;
$link_nextweek = $ts_weekbegin + 604800;
$link_nextmonth = $ts_weekbegin + 3024000;
print "<h1>Week Beginning " . TimeFormat($ts_weekbegin) . "</h1>";
print "<p class=\"menu_bar\">";
print "\n<a href=\"index2.php?page=timesheet_edit&amp;week={$link_lastmonth}\" class=\"menu_tab\"><< w/b " . date("j/n/y", $link_lastmonth) . "</a>\n<a href=\"index2.php?page=timesheet_edit&amp;week={$link_lastweek}\" class=\"menu_tab\">< w/b " . date("j/n/y", $link_lastweek) . "</a>\n<a href=\"index2.php?page=timesheet_edit&amp;week=" . BeginWeek(time()) . "\" class=\"menu_tab\">This Week</a>\n<a href=\"index2.php?page=timesheet_edit&amp;week={$link_nextweek}\" class=\"menu_tab\">w/b " . date("j/n/y", $link_nextweek) . " ></a>\n<a href=\"index2.php?page=timesheet_edit&amp;week={$link_nextmonth}\" class=\"menu_tab\">w/b " . date("j/n/y", $link_nextmonth) . " >></a>\n</p>";
print "<p>Entries can be edited for up to 2 hours. After this period has expired, entries can only be edited by an administrator. After 4 weeks have expired, timesheet entries to the system cannot be made.</p>";
// Check the amount of time that has passed and print the entry form if it's less than 4 weeks.
// if (time() - $ts_weekbegin < 2419200 OR $user_usertype_current > 3) {
include "inc_files/inc_data_timesheet_edit.php";
// }
// Begin the table entry system
print "<h2>Entries for this week</h2>";
include "inc_files/inc_data_timesheet_list.php";
if ($ts_list_total >= 40) {
    print "<p><a href=\"timesheet_user_pdf.php?week={$ts_entry}\">[print completed timesheet]</a><p>";