function checkReadSecurity($p) { $current_user = BILO_uid(); if (BILO_isAdmin()) { debug("Sec passed by Group Administrador Is God(TM)", 'red'); return True; } if ($p->inode == 0) { debug("Sec passed by root dir", 'red'); return True; } // We are creating a new file or new folder // Check if directory has write access for all if (strpos($p->p_other, 'r') !== False) { debug("Sec passed by Other:r {$p->p_other} {$p->nombre}", 'red'); return True; } // Check if directory has write access for group if (BILO_checkGroup($p->gid)) { if (strpos($p->p_group, 'r') !== False) { debug("Sec passed by Group:r", 'red'); return True; } } // Check if directory has write access for user if (BILO_uid() == $p->uid) { if (strpos($p->p_owner, 'r') !== False) { debug("Sec passed by Owner:r " . BILO_uid() . "|" . $p->uid, 'red'); return True; } } return false; }
function BILO_isOperator() { global $SYS; if ($SYS["config"]["authentication"] === false) { debug(__FILE__ . " " . __LINE__ . ' Auth disabled by $SYS["config"]["authentication"]', "red"); return true; } if (BILO_checkGroup("Operadores")) { return True; } else { return BILO_isAdmin(); } }
$up->getPrefByUser(BILO_uid()); $up->setPrefs(); if (!$isLoginScreen && !$SYS["GLOBAL"]["void_login"]) { if (BILO_isLogged() == false) { PlantHTML(array("location" => $SYS["ROOT"] . "/Login/login.php"), "opener"); die; } else { if (BILO_isOperator() || BILO_isAdmin()) { echo ''; } else { PlantHTML(array("location" => $SYS["ROOT"] . "/Login/login.php"), "opener"); die; } } } if (!BILO_isAdmin() && !BILo_isOperator()) { die(_("Sin privilegios")); } $EURI = explode("/", $petition); /* Creación de menús dinámico */ if (is_file(dirname(__FILE__) . "/../Apps/{$APP}/{$ACTION}")) { if (strpos($ACTION, "action_") === 0) { include dirname(__FILE__) . "/../Apps/{$APP}/{$ACTION}"; } else { if ($SYS["GLOBAL"]["DEV_MODE"] && strpos($ACTION, "dev.php")) { die("dev"); include dirname(__FILE__) . "/../Apps/{$APP}/{$ACTION}"; } else { if ($print_mode) {
<?php require_once "System.php"; if (!BILO_isAdmin()) { if ($PSECRETKEY != md5($SECRETKEY) || !empty($_SERVER)) { die("No safety"); } } require_once "conf.php"; ob_end_clean(); // MySQL hostname $host = $SYS["mysql"]["DBHOST"]; //MySQL basename $dbname = $SYS["mysql"]["DBNAME"]; // MySQL user $uname = $SYS["mysql"]["DBUSER"]; // MySQL password $upass = $SYS["mysql"]["DBPASS"]; // set FALSE to get table content $structure_only = false; //set TRUE to to get file with dump $output = true; ////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // phpMyDump v 1.0 // // check for new version // // // some functions are adapted from the phpMyAdmin //
<?php require_once "Noticias.php"; $ID = isset($ID) ? $ID : 1; $n = newObject("notice"); $n->isAdmin = BILO_isAdmin(); if ($ID > 1) { $n = newObject("notice", $ID); $f = newObject("foto", $n->adjunto); $n->id_foto = $f->id_foto; $n->id_thumb = $f->id_thumb; $n->volver = gfxBotonAction("Volver", "history.go(-1)", True); plantHTML($n, 'view_notice'); $n->visita++; $n->fech_ult_consulta = date(time()); $n->save(); } else { echo "<div align=\"center\"><B>ERROR EN LA PÁGINA</B></DIV>"; }
<?php require_once "JasperReports.php"; $aux->isAdmin = BILO_isAdmin(); $aux = newObject("jasperreport"); setLimitRows(20); $aux->searchResults = $aux->selectAll($offset, $sort); listList($aux, array(), "listadojasperreport"); resetLimitRows();
<?php /* Link, Frame, Label and Variable to check to show */ if (BILO_isAdmin()) { $menu_entry = array("label" => "Informes Jasper", "active" => True, "items" => array(array("JasperReports/index.php", "fbody", "Informes disponibles"), array("JasperReports/add.php", "fbody", "Nuevo informe"), array("JasperReports/dev.php?command=querybuilder", "fbody", "Constructor de consultas"), array("JasperReports/interface.php?name=jasperreport", "fbody", "Gestión"), array("JasperReports/test.php", "fbody", "Chequear subsistema JAVA"), array(array(array("JasperReports/listadojasperreport.php", "fbody", "Jaspers"), array("JasperReports/nuevo_jasperreport.php", "fbody", "Nuevo Jaspers"), array("JasperReports/listadoreportparams.php", "fbody", "Params"), array("JasperReports/nuevo_reportparams.php", "fbody", "Nuevo Params")), "Maestros", "Maestros"))); }