  * @return bool 
  * @param string $a_username
  * @param string $a_password
  * @param bool $isChallengeResponse[optional]
 public function fetchData($a_username, $a_password, $isChallengeResponse = false)
     global $ilLog;
     $ilLog->write(__METHOD__ . ': Fetch Data called');
     $response = $this->settings->getConsumer()->complete($this->settings->getReturnLocation());
     switch ($response->status) {
         case Auth_OpenID_CANCEL:
             die("Auth cancelled");
         case Auth_OpenID_FAILURE:
             die("Auth failed with message: " . $response->message);
         case Auth_OpenID_SUCCESS:
             $openid = $response->getDisplayIdentifier();
             $esc_identity = htmlentities($openid);
             $ilLog->write(__METHOD__ . ': Auth success with identity ' . $esc_identity);
             if ($response->endpoint->canonicalID) {
                 $escaped_canonicalID = htmlentities($response->endpoint->canonicalID);
                 $ilLog->write(__METHOD__ . ': Auth success with canonical id: ' . $esc_identity);
             include_once 'Auth/OpenID/SReg.php';
             // Check if simple registration is supported
             if (Auth_OpenID_supportsSReg($response->endpoint)) {
                 $sreg_resp = Auth_OpenID_SRegResponse::fromSuccessResponse($response, true);
                 $this->response_data = $sreg_resp->contents();
                 $ilLog->write(__METHOD__ . ' auth data: ' . print_r($this->response_data, true));
                 return true;
             } else {
                 // Try to fetch response values
                 foreach ($response->message->args->keys as $key => $mapping) {
                     if ($mapping[1] == 'sreg.nickname') {
                         $this->response_data['nickname'] = $response->message->args->values[$key];
                     if ($mapping[1] == 'sreg.email') {
                         $this->response_data['email'] = $response->message->args->values[$key];
             return true;
     return false;
  * Show the "login" page
  * @return string Returns the "login" page as HTML code.
 public function login()
     try {
         if (!defined('OPENSTACKID_ENABLED') || OPENSTACKID_ENABLED == false) {
             return parent::login();
         $member = Member::currentUser();
         if ($member) {
             // user is already logged in
             return $this->redirect(OpenStackIdCommon::getRedirectBackUrl());
         if (!Director::is_https()) {
         // Begin the OpenID authentication process.
         $auth_request = $this->consumer->begin(IDP_OPENSTACKID_URL);
         //remove jainrain nonce
         // No auth request means we can't begin OpenID.
         if (!$auth_request) {
             throw new Exception("The OpenID authentication failed.");
         if (Auth_OpenID_supportsSReg($auth_request->endpoint)) {
             $sreg_request = Auth_OpenID_SRegRequest::build(array('email', 'fullname'), array('country', 'language'));
             if ($sreg_request) {
         } else {
             // Create attribute request object
             // See http://code.google.com/apis/accounts/docs/OpenID.html#Parameters for parameters
             // Usage: make($type_uri, $count=1, $required=false, $alias=null)
             $attribute[] = Auth_OpenID_AX_AttrInfo::make('http://axschema.org/contact/email', 1, 1, 'email');
             $attribute[] = Auth_OpenID_AX_AttrInfo::make('http://axschema.org/namePerson/first', 1, 1, 'firstname');
             $attribute[] = Auth_OpenID_AX_AttrInfo::make('http://axschema.org/namePerson/last', 1, 1, 'lastname');
             $attribute[] = Auth_OpenID_AX_AttrInfo::make('http://axschema.org/namePerson', 1, 1, 'fullname');
             // Create AX fetch request
             $ax = new Auth_OpenID_AX_FetchRequest();
             // Add attributes to AX fetch request
             foreach ($attribute as $attr) {
             // Add AX fetch request to authentication request
         //Redirect the user to the OpenID server for authentication .
         // Store the token for this authentication so we can verify the
         // response.
         // For OpenID 1, send a redirect.  For OpenID 2, use a Javascript
         // form to send a POST request to the server.
         if ($auth_request->shouldSendRedirect()) {
             $redirect_url = $auth_request->redirectURL($this->getTrustRoot(), $this->getReturnTo());
             // If the redirect URL can't be built, display an error
             // message.
             if (Auth_OpenID::isFailure($redirect_url)) {
                 echo "Could not redirect to server: " . $redirect_url->message;
             } else {
                 // Send redirect.
                 header("Location: " . $redirect_url);
         } else {
             // Generate form markup and render it.
             $form_id = 'openid_message';
             $form_html = $auth_request->htmlMarkup(OpenStackIdCommon::getTrustRoot(), OpenStackIdCommon::getReturnTo(), false, array('id' => $form_id));
             // Display an error if the form markup couldn't be generated;
             // otherwise, render the HTML.
             if (Auth_OpenID::isFailure($form_html)) {
                 echo "Could not redirect to server: " . $form_html->message;
             } else {
                 print $form_html;
     } catch (Exception $ex) {
         SS_Log::log($ex, SS_Log::WARN);
         Session::set("Security.Message.message", $ex->getMessage());
         Session::set("Security.Message.type", "bad");
         return $this->redirect("Security/badlogin");
 private function getUserProfileInfo($response)
     if (Auth_OpenID_supportsSReg($response->endpoint)) {
         $sreg_resp = Auth_OpenID_SRegResponse::fromSuccessResponse($response);
         $sreg = $sreg_resp->contents();
         $email = @$sreg['email'];
         $full_name = @$sreg['fullname'];
     } else {
         // Get registration informations
         $ax = new Auth_OpenID_AX_FetchResponse();
         $obj = $ax->fromSuccessResponse($response);
         $email = $obj->data["http://axschema.org/contact/email"][0];
         if (isset($obj->data["http://axschema.org/namePerson/first"])) {
             $full_name = $obj->data["http://axschema.org/namePerson/first"][0] . ' ' . $obj->data["http://axschema.org/namePerson/last"][0];
         } else {
             $full_name = $obj->data["http://axschema.org/namePerson"][0];
     return array($email, $full_name);
Example #4
 function test_supported_1_0()
     $endpoint = new FakeEndpoint(array(Auth_OpenID_SREG_NS_URI_1_0));
     $this->assertEquals(array(Auth_OpenID_SREG_NS_URI_1_1, Auth_OpenID_SREG_NS_URI_1_0), $endpoint->checked_uris);