foreach ($Columns as $Item) { $ColumnNames[] = $Item["column_name"]; } // On post if (isset($_POST) && count($_POST) > 0) { foreach ($ColumnNames as $Item) { if (isset($ColumnCommands[$Item]["type"][0]) && $ColumnCommands[$Item]["type"][0] == "timestamp") { $_POST[$Item] = strtotime($_POST[$Item]); } if (isset($_POST[$Item]) && is_array($_POST[$Item])) { $_POST[$Item] = implode(",", $_POST[$Item]); } } InsertQueryFromArray($_GET["param_0"], $_POST); $LastInsertId = $DB->LastInsertId; AppendLog("Added item #" . $LastInsertId . " to " . $_GET["param_0"]); //IMAGE foreach ($ColumnNames as $Column) { if (ArrGet($ColumnCommands, $Column, "type", 0) != "image" && ArrGet($ColumnCommands, $Column, "type", 0) != "file") { continue; } if (ArrGet($_FILES, $Column, "name") != "") { $Image = new upload($_FILES[$Column]); if ($Image->uploaded) { foreach (array_keys($ColumnCommands[$Column]) as $Item) { if (substr($Item, 0, 3) == "io_") { $ImgOptionKey = substr($Item, 3); $Val = $ColumnCommands[$Column]["io_" . $ImgOptionKey][0]; $Val = str_replace("[id]", $LastInsertId, $Val); $Val = str_replace("[timestamp]", time(), $Val); $Image->{$ImgOptionKey} = $Val;
<?php /* Page setup ------------------------------*/ $PHPZevelop->OverrideObjectData("CFG", array("PageTitle" => "Home", "Template" => "none", "PassParams" => true)); // Check if invalid if (isset($_GET["param_0"])) { foreach ($TableOptions as $K => $V) { if (strstr(str_replace(" ", "", $_SESSION["Query"]), "FROM" . $K) !== false && (isset($V["Status"]) && $V["Status"] == "disabled")) { die("Invalid table"); } } } else { die("Invalid table"); } AppendLog("Downloaded CSV dataset from " . $_GET["param_0"]); $Data = $DB->Query($_SESSION["Query"], $_SESSION["Data"]); // Get column commands GetColumnsCommands($_GET["param_0"], $Columns, $ColumnCommands); $ColumnNames = array(); foreach ($Columns as $Item) { $ColumnNames[] = $Item["column_name"]; } // Build rows $Rows = array(); $I = -1; foreach ($Data as $Item) { $I++; $II = -1; foreach ($Item as $K => $V) { $II++;
$Val = str_replace("[timestamp]", time(), $Val); $Image->{$ImgOptionKey} = $Val; } } $Image->process($FrontEndImageLocationRoot . "/" . (string) $ColumnCommands[$Column]["filelocation"][0]); if ($Image->processed) { $_POST[$Column] = $Image->file_dst_name_body . "." . $Image->file_dst_name_ext; } else { die($Image->error . "<br /><br />" . $FrontEndImageLocationRoot . "/" . (string) $ColumnCommands[$Column]["filelocation"][0]); } } } } //IMAGE UpdateQueryFromArray($_GET["param_0"], $_POST, "WHERE id=:id", $_GET["param_1"]); AppendLog("Edited item #" . $_GET["param_1"] . " in " . $_GET["param_0"]); $Data = $DB->QuerySingle("SELECT * FROM " . $_GET["param_0"] . " WHERE id=:id", array("id" => $_GET["param_1"])); } $FormGen = new FormGen(); foreach ($Columns as $Item) { if (strtolower($Item["column_name"]) == "id") { continue; } $Title = ucfirst(ltrim(str_replace("_", " ", $Item["column_name"]), " ")); $Type = isset($ColumnCommands[$Item["column_name"]]["type"][0]) ? $ColumnCommands[$Item["column_name"]]["type"][0] : "text"; $Class = isset($ColumnCommands[$Item["column_name"]]["class"][0]) ? $ColumnCommands[$Item["column_name"]]["class"][0] : ""; if ($Type == "select") { $Options = array("0" => " - none -"); if (isset($ColumnCommands[$Item["column_name"]]["join"])) { foreach ($DB->Query("SELECT id," . $ColumnCommands[$Item["column_name"]]["join"][1] . " FROM " . $ColumnCommands[$Item["column_name"]]["join"][0]) as $Option) { $Options[$Option["id"]] = $Option[$ColumnCommands[$Item["column_name"]]["join"][1]];
<?php /* Page setup ------------------------------*/ $PHPZevelop->OverrideObjectData("CFG", array("PageTitle" => "Login", "Template" => "style2/fullwidth")); if (count($_POST) > 0) { $MSG = Administrator::AttemptLogin($Administrator, $_POST["username"], $_POST["password"]); if ($MSG === true) { AppendLog("Successful login"); } else { AppendLog("Failed login with username '" . $_POST["username"] . "'"); } } if (isset($_GET["param_0"])) { $Split = explode("-", $_GET["param_0"]); if ($Split[0] == "activated") { $ActivatedUser = Administrator::GetSingle(array("id", "=", $Split[1])); $_POST["username"] = $ActivatedUser->Data["username"]; } } if ($Administrator->LoggedIn()) { $PHPZevelop->Location("home"); } ?> <style type="text/css"> #loginForm {width: 50%; margin: auto; background: #EEEEEE; border: 1px solid #009ACD; box-sizing: border-box; padding-bottom: 15px;} #loginForm h2 {margin: 0px; padding: 15px;} #loginForm h3 {margin: 0px; padding: 9px 13px;} #loginForm table.FormGen {width: 95%; margin: auto;}