/** * page code function */ function ThisPageMainCode() { global $logged; $ret = ""; $member['ID'] = (int) $_COOKIE['memberID']; $owner = $_REQUEST['owner'] ? (int) $_REQUEST['owner'] : (int) $_COOKIE['memberID']; // Check if membership allows this action $check_res = checkAction($member['ID'], ACTION_ID_VIEW_GUESTBOOK); if ($check_res[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] != CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED && !$logged['admin'] && $member['ID'] != $owner) { $ret .= "<br />\r\n\t\t\t<table width=\"100%\" cellpadding=1 cellspacing=1 border=0>\r\n\t\t\t\t<tr>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t<td class=text align=center>\r\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<br />" . $check_res[CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE] . "<br />\r\n\t\t\t\t\t</td>\r\n\t\t\t\t</tr>\r\n\t\t\t</table>\n"; return $ret; } $check_res = checkAction($owner, ACTION_ID_USE_GUESTBOOK); if ($check_res[CHECK_ACTION_RESULT] != CHECK_ACTION_RESULT_ALLOWED && !$logged['admin']) { $ret .= $member['ID'] == $owner ? $check_res[CHECK_ACTION_MESSAGE] : _t_err("_This guestbook disabled by it's owner"); return $ret; } if ($_GET['action'] == 'show_add' && $_GET['owner']) { $ret .= ShowAddRecord(); return $ret; } if ($_POST['action'] == 'new' && $_POST['owner'] && strlen($_POST['newrecord'])) { $ret .= AddRecord(); } if ($_GET['action'] == 'delete' && $_GET['owner'] && (int) $_GET['delete_id'] != 0) { $ret .= DeleteRecord(); } $ret .= PrintGuestbook(); return $ret; }
<?php } if($isadmin){ if( is_array($mon) ){ $most = TestImg($mon[3]); }else{ if ($mon == 1 and $dev[1]){ if($dev[14] & 3){ $mma = explode('/', $mema); if($dev[21] > 100){ $most = AddRecord('monitoring',"name='$dev[0]'",'name,monip,test,device,memalert',"'$dev[0]','$dev[1]','uptime','$dev[0]','$mma[0]'"); }else{ $most = AddRecord('monitoring',"name='$dev[0]'","name,monip,test,device,memalert","'$dev[0]','$dev[1]','uptime','$dev[0]','$mma[1]'"); } }else{ echo AddRecord('monitoring',"name='$dev[0]'",'name,monip,test,device',"'$dev[0]','$dev[1]','ping','$dev[0]'"); } }else{ echo "<a href=\"?dev=$ud&mon=1\"><img src=\"img/16/bino.png\" title=\"Monitor $addlbl\"></a>"; } } echo "<a href=\"Monitoring-Setup.php?in[]=name&op[]=%3D&st[]=$ud\">$most</a>"; ?> <a href="?del=<?= $ud ?>&dtx=+with+IP+<?= $ip ?>+SN+<?= $dev[2] ?>"><img src="img/16/bcnl.png" title="<?= $dellbl ?>!" onclick="return confirm('<?= $dellbl ?> <?= $dev[0] ?>, <?= $cfmmsg ?>')"></a> <?}?> </div> </th> </tr> <tr>
<?php include_once "conn.php"; include_once "function.php"; if ($_GET["action"] == "") { exit; } if ($_GET["action"] == "register") { echo Register($_GET["phonenum"], $_GET["password"]); } if ($_GET["action"] == "login") { echo Login($_GET["phonenum"], $_GET["password"]); } if ($_GET["action"] == "add_guardian") { echo AddGuardian($_GET["phonenum"], $_GET["guardiantel"]); } if ($_GET["action"] == "del_guardian") { echo DelGuardian($_GET["phonenum"], $_GET["guardiantel"]); } if ($_GET["action"] == "get_guardian") { echo GetGuardian($_GET["phonenum"]); } if ($_GET["action"] == "add_record") { echo AddRecord($_GET["phonenum"], $_GET["value"], $_GET["food"], $_GET["sport"], $_GET["medicine"], $_GET["round"]); } if ($_GET["action"] == "get_record") { echo GetRecord($_GET["phonenum"], $_GET["starttime"], $_GET["endtime"]); }
$monst = ''; while ($if = DbFetchRow($res)) { if ($row % 2) { $bg = "txta"; $bi = "imga"; } else { $bg = "txtb"; $bi = "imgb"; } $row++; $ud = urlencode($if[0]); $ui = urlencode($if[1]); list($fc, $lc) = Agecol($if[33], $if[34], $row % 2); list($cc, $cc) = Agecol($if[26], $if[26], $row % 2); if ($isadmin and $_GET['trk']) { $trkst = AddRecord('nodetrack', "device='{$if['0']}' AND ifname='{$if['1']}'", "device,ifname,value,source,usrname,time", "'{$if['0']}','{$if['1']}','-','-','{$_SESSION['user']}','" . time() . "'"); } if ($isadmin and $_GET['upm']) { $query = GenQuery('interfaces', 'u', "CONCAT(device,ifname)", '=', "{$if['0']}{$if['1']}", array('trafalert', 'brcalert', 'macflood'), array(), array($tal, $bal, $maf)); $monst = DbQuery($query, $link) ? "<img src=\"img/16/bchk.png\" title=\" {$monlbl} {$updlbl} OK\" vspace=\"4\">" : "<img src=\"img/16/bcnl.png\" title=\"" . DbError($link) . "\" vspace=\"4\">"; } TblRow($bg); if (in_array("imBL", $col)) { list($ifbg, $ifst) = Ifdbstat($if[8]); list($ifimg, $iftyp) = Iftype($if[4]); TblCell("", "", "width=\"50\" class=\"" . ($ifbg ? $ifbg : $bi) . "\"", "<img src=\"img/{$ifimg}\" title=\"{$iftyp} - {$ifst}\">", "th-img"); } if (in_array("ifname", $col)) { TblCell("{$if['1']} {$trkst} {$monst}", "?in[]=ifname&op[]==&st[]={$ui}", "align=\"left\"", "", "th"); } if (in_array("ifidx", $col)) {
while( ($dev = DbFetchRow($res)) ){ if ($row % 2){$bg = "txta"; $bi = "imga";}else{$bg = "txtb"; $bi = "imgb";} $row++; TblRow($bg); $ip = long2ip($dev[1]); if( $del ){ echo "<th class=\"$bi\"><img src=\"img/dev/$dev[18].png\" title=\"$dev[3]\"><br>$dev[0]</th><td>"; DevDelete($dev[0]," with IP $ip and SN $dev[2]"); echo "</td>"; }else{ if($isadmin and $mon and $dev[1]){ if($dev[14] & 3){ $myma = ($dev[21] > 100)?$mma[0]:$mma[1]; $most = AddRecord('monitoring',"name='$dev[0]'","name,monip,test,device,memalert","'$dev[0]','$dev[1]','uptime','$dev[0]','$myma'"); }else{ $most = AddRecord('monitoring',"name='$dev[0]'","name,monip,test,device","'$dev[0]','$dev[1]','ping','$dev[0]'"); } } $oi = long2ip($dev[19]); $ud = urlencode($dev[0]); $stk = ($dev[29] > 1)?"<img src=\"img/$dev[29].png\" title=\"Stack\">":""; list($fc,$lc) = Agecol($dev[4],$dev[5],$row % 2); if( in_array("device",$col) ){ if( $moq and $dev[34] and $dev[34] != 'none' ){ list($statbg,$stat) = StatusBg(1,1,$dev[35],$bi); }else{ $statbg = $bi; $stat = ''; } TblCell($dev[0],'',"class=\"$statbg\" width=\"100px\"","<a href=\"Devices-Status.php?dev=$ud\"><img src=\"img/dev/$dev[18].png\" title=\"$dev[3] $stat\"></a>$stk $most<br>","th-img");
$row = 0; while( ($n = DbFetchRow($res)) ){ if ($row % 2){$bg = "txta"; $bi = "imga";}else{$bg = "txtb"; $bi = "imgb";} $row++; $most = ''; $name = preg_replace("/^(.*?)\.(.*)/","$1", $n[0]); $ip = long2ip($n[1]); $img = Nimg($n[3]); list($fc,$lc) = Agecol($n[4],$n[5],$row % 2); $wasup = ($n[5] > time() - $rrdstep * 1.5)?1:0; $ud = urlencode($n[6]); $ui = urlencode($n[7]); if($isadmin and $mon and $n[1]){ $mona = ($n[0])?$n[0]:$ip; $most = AddRecord('monitoring',"name='$mona'","name,monip,class,test,device,depend","'$mona','$n[1]','node','ping','$n[6]','$n[6]'"); } TblRow($bg); if(in_array("imBL",$col)){ TblCell("","","class=\"$bi\" width=\"50\"","<a href=\"Nodes-Status.php?mac=$n[2]&vid=$n[8]\"><img src=\"img/oui/$img.png\" title=\"$n[3] ($n[2])\"></a>","th-img"); } if(in_array("name",$col)){ TblCell("<b>$n[0]</b> $most");} if( in_array("mac",$col) ){ TblCell($n[2],"","class=\"mrn code\"",( array_key_exists('Flower', $mod['Other']) )?"<a href=\"Other-Flower.php?fsm=".rtrim(chunk_split($n[2],2,":"),":")."\"><img src=\"img/16/".$mod['Other']['Flower'].".png\"></a>":"");} if(in_array("oui",$col)){ TblCell($n[3],"?in[]=oui&op[]==&st[]=".urlencode($n[3]),"");} if(in_array("nodip",$col)){ TblCell($ip,"?in[]=nodip&op[]==&st[]=$ip","",( array_key_exists('Flower', $mod['Other']) )?"<a href=\"Other-Flower.php?fet=2048&fsi=$ip\"><img src=\"img/16/".$mod['Other']['Flower'].".png\"></a>":"");} if(in_array("nodip6",$col)){ TblCell( DbIPv6($n[16]),"","class=\"prp code\"" ); } if(in_array("ipupdate",$col)){ list($a1c,$a2c) = Agecol($n[12],$n[12],$row % 2); TblCell( date($datfmt,$n[12]),"?in[]=ipupdate&op[]==&st[]=$n[12]","nowrap bgcolor=\"#$a1c\"");