Example #1
function FullPaypalProcess()
    $isIPN = $_SERVER["SCRIPT_NAME"] != '/api/paypal.php';
    $txnId = isset($_POST['txn_id']) ? $_POST['txn_id'] : 'unknown';
    LogPaypalMessage("Received " . ($isIPN ? "IPN" : "API") . " txn: {$txnId}");
    $postResult = CheckPaypalPost();
    if ($postResult === 'Ignore') {
        if (!$isIPN) {
            LogPaypalMessage("Forwarding post to paidfinish");
            header('Location: /#subscription/paidfinish');
    } elseif ($postResult !== true) {
        if (!$isIPN) {
            LogPaypalMessage("Forwarding errored post to paidpending");
            header('Location: /#subscription/paidpending');
        } elseif (!isset($_POST['txn_id'])) {
            // ignore IPN txns without IDs
        } else {
            if (!is_string($postResult)) {
                $postResult = 'HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error';
            LogPaypalMessage("Setting errored post header: {$postResult}");
    $operation = ProcessPaypalPost();
    if ($operation === false) {
        if (!$isIPN) {
            LogPaypalMessage("Forwarding errored process to paiderror");
            header('Location: /#subscription/paiderror');
        } else {
            LogPaypalMessage("Returning errored process header HTTP 500");
            header('HTTP/1.0 500 Internal Server Error');
    if (isset($operation['addTime'])) {
        $newPaidUntil = AddPaidTime($operation['addTime'], SUBSCRIPTION_PAID_ADDS_SECONDS);
        LogPaypalMessage("Added time, paid until: {$newPaidUntil}");
        PaypalResultForUser($operation['addTime'], $newPaidUntil, false);
    if (isset($operation['delTime'])) {
        $newPaidUntil = AddPaidTime($operation['delTime'], -1 * SUBSCRIPTION_PAID_ADDS_SECONDS);
        LogPaypalMessage("Removed time, paid until: {$newPaidUntil}");
        PaypalResultForUser($operation['delTime'], $newPaidUntil, true);
    if (!$isIPN) {
        LogPaypalMessage("Forwarding to paidfinish");
        header('Location: /#subscription/paidfinish');
Example #2
function AddTheTime($user, $seconds, $message)
    global $LANG;
    $paidUntil = AddPaidTime($user, $seconds);
    if ($paidUntil === false) {
        echo "Error adding {$seconds} to {$user}\n";
        return false;
    if ($paidUntil > time()) {
        $message .= "<br><br>" . sprintf(preg_replace('/\\{(\\d+)\\}/', '%$1$s', $LANG['paidExpires']), date('Y-m-d H:i:s e', $paidUntil));
    SendUserMessage($user, 'Subscription', $LANG['paidSubscription'], $message);
    echo "{$user}: {$message}\n";
    return true;
Example #3
function UpdateBitPayTransaction($bitPayJson, $isNew = false)
    $isNew = !!$isNew;
    // force boolean
    if (!is_array($bitPayJson)) {
        $jsonString = $bitPayJson;
        $bitPayJson = json_decode($jsonString, true);
        if (json_last_error() != JSON_ERROR_NONE) {
            DebugMessage("Invalid BitPay JSON\n" . print_r($jsonString, true), E_USER_ERROR);
            return false;
    $requiredFields = ['btcDue', 'btcPaid', 'btcPrice', 'currency', 'currentTime', 'exceptionStatus', 'expirationTime', 'id', 'invoiceTime', 'posData', 'price', 'rate', 'status', 'url'];
    foreach ($requiredFields as $fieldName) {
        if (!array_key_exists($fieldName, $bitPayJson)) {
            DebugMessage("BitPay JSON missing required field: {$fieldName}\n" . print_r($bitPayJson, true), E_USER_ERROR);
            return false;
    $invoiced = floor($bitPayJson['invoiceTime'] / 1000);
    $expired = floor($bitPayJson['expirationTime'] / 1000);
    $db = DBConnect();
    $stmt = $db->prepare('select id, user, subextended from tblBitPayTransactions where id = ?');
    $stmt->bind_param('s', $bitPayJson['id']);
    $txnId = $userId = $subExtended = null;
    $stmt->bind_result($txnId, $userId, $subExtended);
    if (!$stmt->fetch()) {
        $txnId = $userId = $subExtended = null;
    if (is_null($txnId) != $isNew) {
        if ($isNew) {
            DebugMessage("New BitPay transaction already found in database:\n" . print_r($bitPayJson, true), E_USER_ERROR);
        } else {
            DebugMessage("Existing BitPay transaction not found in database:\n" . print_r($bitPayJson, true), E_USER_ERROR);
        return false;
    if ($isNew) {
        $userId = GetUserFromPublicHMAC($bitPayJson['posData'], $invoiced);
        if (is_null($userId)) {
            DebugMessage("Could not get valid user from BitPay posData:\n" . print_r($bitPayJson, true), E_USER_ERROR);
            return false;
    $sql = <<<'EOF'
insert into tblBitPayTransactions (
    id, user, price, currency, rate, 
    btcprice, btcpaid, btcdue, status, 
    exception, url, posdata, 
    invoiced, expired, updated
) values (
    ?, ?, ?, ?, ?, 
    ?, ?, ?, ?, 
    ?, ?, ?, 
    from_unixtime(?), from_unixtime(?), now())
on duplicate key update 
user=ifnull(user,values(user)), price=values(price), currency=values(currency), rate=values(rate),
btcprice=values(btcprice), btcpaid=values(btcpaid), btcdue=values(btcdue), status=values(status), 
exception=values(exception), url=values(url), posdata=values(posdata), 
invoiced=values(invoiced), expired=values(expired), updated=values(updated)
    $stmt = $db->prepare($sql);
    $exceptionStatus = $bitPayJson['exceptionStatus'] ?: null;
    $stmt->bind_param('sissssssssssii', $bitPayJson['id'], $userId, $bitPayJson['price'], $bitPayJson['currency'], $bitPayJson['rate'], $bitPayJson['btcPrice'], $bitPayJson['btcPaid'], $bitPayJson['btcDue'], $bitPayJson['status'], $exceptionStatus, $bitPayJson['url'], $bitPayJson['posData'], $invoiced, $expired);
    if (!$stmt->execute()) {
        DebugMessage("Error updating BitPay transaction record: " . print_r($bitPayJson, true), E_USER_ERROR);
        return false;
    if ($userId && !$subExtended) {
        $stmt = $db->prepare('select locale from tblUser where id = ?');
        $locale = null;
        $stmt->bind_param('i', $userId);
        if (!$stmt->fetch()) {
            $locale = 'enus';
        $LANG = GetLang($locale);
        if (in_array($bitPayJson['status'], ['confirmed', 'complete'])) {
            $paidUntil = AddPaidTime($userId, SUBSCRIPTION_PAID_ADDS_SECONDS);
            if ($paidUntil === false) {
                LogBitPayError($bitPayJson, "Failed to add paid time to {$userId}");
                SendUserMessage($userId, 'Subscription', $LANG['paidSubscription'], $LANG['SubscriptionErrors']['paiderror']);
                return false;
            } else {
                $stmt = $db->prepare('update tblBitPayTransactions set subextended=1 where id=?');
                $stmt->bind_param('s', $bitPayJson['id']);
                if (!$stmt->execute()) {
                    LogBitPayError($bitPayJson, "Failed to mark transaction as extending the sub for {$userId}");
                } else {
                    $message = $LANG['subscriptionTimeAddedMessage'];
                    $message .= "<br><br>" . sprintf(preg_replace('/\\{(\\d+)\\}/', '%$1$s', $LANG['paidExpires']), date('Y-m-d H:i:s e', $paidUntil));
                    SendUserMessage($userId, 'Subscription', $LANG['paidSubscription'], $message);
        } elseif (in_array($bitPayJson['status'], ['invalid']) || $bitPayJson['exceptionStatus']) {
            LogBitPayError($bitPayJson, "BitPay exception for {$userId}");
            SendUserMessage($userId, 'Subscription', $LANG['paidSubscription'], $LANG['SubscriptionErrors']['paiderror']);
    return true;