Example #1
 public function SaveMappings()
     // Each XProfile field will have a select box selection assigned to it.
     // Save this selection.
     global $wpdb;
     $xprofile_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'bp_xprofile_fields';
     $fields = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT name,type FROM {$xprofile_table_name} WHERE type != 'option'", ARRAY_A);
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         // Encode the name of the field
         $selectName = AC_EncodeUserOptionName(WP88_BP_XPROFILE_FIELD_MAPPING, $field['name']);
         // Now dereference the selection
         $selection = $_POST[$selectName];
         // Save the selection
         update_option($selectName, $selection);
Example #2
 public function SaveMappings()
     // Each Cimy field will have a select box selection assigned to it.
     // Save this selection.
     global $wpdb;
     $cimy_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'cimy_uef_fields';
     $sql = "SELECT NAME,TYPE FROM {$cimy_table_name}";
     $fields = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A);
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         // Encode the name of the field
         $selectName = AC_EncodeUserOptionName(WP88_CIMY_FIELD_MAPPING, $field['NAME']);
         // Now dereference the selection
         $selection = $_POST[$selectName];
         // Save the selection
         update_option($selectName, $selection);
 $output = '';
 // NOTE:  This just takes the FIRST selected list!  Multiple selected lists
 // will just not work.
 $list = $listArray[0];
 // Strip out the searchable tag
 $list = substr_replace($list, '', 0, strlen(WP88_SEARCHABLE_PREFIX));
 $mergeVars = AC_FetchMailChimpMergeVars($api, $list);
 if (empty($mergeVars)) {
     print "<p><em><strong>Problem: </strong>AutoChimp could not retrieve your MailChimp Merge Variables. Make sure you have a selected mailing list.</em></p>";
 //	Start:	Generate a table for WordPress mappings
 global $wpUserDataArray;
 foreach ($wpUserDataArray as $userField) {
     $fieldNameTag = AC_EncodeUserOptionName(WP88_WORDPRESS_FIELD_MAPPING, $userField);
     $selectBox = AC_GenerateSelectBox($fieldNameTag, WP88_IGNORE_FIELD_TEXT, $mergeVars);
     $output .= '<tr class="alternate">' . PHP_EOL . '<td width="65%">' . $userField . '</td>' . PHP_EOL . '<td width="35%">' . $selectBox . '</td>' . PHP_EOL . '</tr>' . PHP_EOL;
 // This static field used to belong to the BuddyPress Sync UI, but has since
 // been moved to the main UI.  It's still represented by a DB value that makes
 // it look like it belongs to BuddyPress, so heads up.
 $selectBox = AC_GenerateSelectBox(WP88_MC_STATIC_FIELD, WP88_IGNORE_FIELD_TEXT, $mergeVars);
 $staticText = get_option(WP88_MC_STATIC_TEXT);
 $output .= '<tr class="alternate"><td width="65%">Static Text: <input type="text" name="static_select" value="' . $staticText . '"size="18" /></td><td width="30%">' . $selectBox . '</td></tr>';
 $tableCode = AC_GenerateFieldMappingCode('WordPress', $output);
 print $tableCode;
 // END:		Generate a table for WordPress Mappings
 // Show UI for any active AutoChimp plugins
 public function SavePluginSettings()
     // Save the option to turn on the plugin
     $publish = PublishEventsManager::GetPublishVarName();
     AC_SetBooleanOption($publish, EVENTS_MANAGER_PUBLISH);
     // Save the option to publish each post type
     foreach ($this->m_PostTypes as $postType) {
         $varName = AC_EncodeUserOptionName(PublishEventsManager::GetPostTypeVarPrefix(), $postType);
         $optionName = AC_EncodeUserOptionName(EVENTS_MANAGER_POST_TYPE_PREFIX, $postType);
         AC_SetBooleanOption($varName, $optionName);
function AC_UpdateCampaignCategoryMappings()
    // Need to query data in the BuddyPress extended profile table
    global $wpdb;
    // Get this site's categories
    $categories = get_categories('hide_empty=0&orderby=name');
    // Data counter
    $counter = 1;
    $newIndex = 0;
    // Pull all of the mappings from the DB and update the option name.  There
    // will be only one row for each category, so an index of 0 is safe.
    $options_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'options';
    $sql = "SELECT option_name,option_value FROM {$options_table_name} WHERE option_name LIKE '" . WP88_CATEGORY_LIST_MAPPING . "%' ORDER BY option_name";
    $fields = $wpdb->get_results($sql);
    if ($fields) {
        foreach ($fields as $field) {
            $data = AC_DecodeUserOptionName(WP88_CATEGORY_LIST_MAPPING, $field->option_name);
            $catInfo = explode('&', $data);
            // Set a suffix.  Will be either "list", "group", or "template".  The
            // original mapping didn't include "list".
            $suffix = '_list';
            if (isset($catInfo[1])) {
                $suffix = "_{$catInfo['1']}";
            // Inefficient, but done once.  This is necessary because AutoChimp
            // foolishly used to store the category name instead of slug in the
            // option_name.  So, this code looks up the category by name and
            // finds the slug and writes that.
            foreach ($categories as $category) {
                // Look for a match.
                if (0 === strcmp($catInfo[0], $category->name)) {
                    // Generate the new name and save it.
                    $newName = AC_EncodeUserOptionName(WP88_CATEGORY_MAPPING_PREFIX, $newIndex . $suffix);
                    update_option($newName, $field->option_value);
                    AC_Log("Migrated {$field->option_value} from {$field->option_name} to {$newName}.");
                    // Note that in 2.02 and earlier, there were three rows per
                    // mapping.  This needs to be translated into the new four
                    // rows per mapping.  So, when "_list" is encountered, just
                    // take the time to write out "_category" too.
                    if (0 === strcmp($suffix, '_list')) {
                        $newName = AC_EncodeUserOptionName(WP88_CATEGORY_MAPPING_PREFIX, $newIndex . '_category');
                        update_option($newName, $category->slug);
                        AC_Log("Migrated {$category->slug} from {$field->option_name} to {$newName}.");
            // Update this every three passes.
            if (0 == $counter % 3) {
    // Now delete the old rows.
    $sql = "DELETE FROM {$options_table_name} WHERE option_name LIKE '" . WP88_CATEGORY_LIST_MAPPING . "%'";
    AC_Log("About to delete rows with this statement:  {$sql}");
    $numRows = $wpdb->query($sql);
    if (0 < $numRows) {
        AC_Log("Deleted {$numRows} from the {$options_table_name} table.");
    } else {
        AC_Log("No rows were found.  Nothing deleted.");
 public function SaveMappings()
     // Need to query data in the BuddyPress extended profile table
     global $wpdb;
     $wishlist_table_name = $wpdb->prefix . 'wlm_options';
     $sql = "SELECT option_name,option_value FROM {$wishlist_table_name} WHERE `option_name` LIKE 'CUSTOMREGFORM-%' ORDER BY `option_name` ASC";
     $fields = $wpdb->get_results($sql, ARRAY_A);
     if (!$fields) {
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         $data = unserialize($field['option_value']);
         $formFields = explode(',', $data['fields']);
         foreach ($formFields as $formField) {
             if ($this->FilterUnusedFields($formField)) {
             // Encode the name of the field
             $selectName = AC_EncodeUserOptionName(AUTOCHIMP_WISHLIST_MEMBER_DB_FIELD_MAPPING, $formField);
             // Now dereference the selection
             $selection = $_POST[$selectName];
             // Save the selection
             update_option($selectName, $selection);
Example #7
function AC_FetchMappedWordPressData($userID)
    // User data array
    $dataArray = array();
    // This global array holds the names of the WordPress user fields
    global $wpUserDataArray;
    // Get this user's data
    $user_info = get_userdata($userID);
    // Loop through each field that the user wants to sync and hunt down the user's
    // values for those fields and stick them into an array.
    foreach ($wpUserDataArray as $field) {
        // Figure out which MailChimp field to map to
        $optionName = AC_EncodeUserOptionName(WP88_WORDPRESS_FIELD_MAPPING, $field);
        $fieldData = get_option($optionName);
        // If the mapping is not set, then skip everything and go on to the next field
        if (0 !== strcmp($fieldData, WP88_IGNORE_FIELD_TEXT)) {
            // Now, get the user's data.  Since the data is basically static,
            // this is just a collection of "if"s.
            if (0 === strcmp($field, 'Username')) {
                $value = $user_info->user_login;
                $dataArray[] = array('name' => $optionName, 'tag' => $fieldData, 'value' => $value);
            } elseif (0 === strcmp($field, 'Nickname')) {
                $value = $user_info->user_nicename;
                $dataArray[] = array('name' => $optionName, 'tag' => $fieldData, 'value' => $value);
            } elseif (0 === strcmp($field, 'Website')) {
                $value = $user_info->user_url;
                $dataArray[] = array('name' => $optionName, 'tag' => $fieldData, 'value' => $value);
            } elseif (0 === strcmp($field, 'Bio')) {
                $value = $user_info->user_description;
                $dataArray[] = array('name' => $optionName, 'tag' => $fieldData, 'value' => $value);
            } elseif (0 === strcmp($field, 'AIM')) {
                $value = $user_info->user_description;
                $dataArray[] = array('name' => $optionName, 'tag' => $fieldData, 'value' => $value);
            } elseif (0 === strcmp($field, 'Yahoo IM')) {
                $value = $user_info->user_description;
                $dataArray[] = array('name' => $optionName, 'tag' => $fieldData, 'value' => $value);
            } elseif (0 === strcmp($field, 'Jabber-Google Chat')) {
                $value = $user_info->user_description;
                $dataArray[] = array('name' => $optionName, 'tag' => $fieldData, 'value' => $value);
    return $dataArray;
Example #8
    echo $uiWidth;
	<h3 class='hndle'><span>Mail Campaigns from Posts</span></h3>
	<div class="inside">

	<p><strong>Choose how you'd like to create campaigns from your post categories.</strong> <em>If you use a 'user template', be sure that the template's content section is called 'main' so that your post's content can be substituted in the template.</em></p>
	<p><fieldset style="margin-left: 20px;"><table>
		<tr><th>Category</th><th>Mailing List</th><th></th><th>Interest Group</th><th></th><th>User Template</th></tr>
    // Fetch this site's categories
    $category_args = array('orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC', 'hide_empty' => 0);
    $categories = get_categories($category_args);
    // Loop through each category and create a management row for it.
    foreach ($categories as $category) {
        $categoryOptionName = AC_EncodeUserOptionName(WP88_CATEGORY_LIST_MAPPING, $category->name);
        $categoryOptionGroupName = $categoryOptionName . WP88_CATEGORY_GROUP_SUFFIX;
        $categoryOptionTemplateName = $categoryOptionName . WP88_CATEGORY_TEMPLATE_SUFFIX;
        // Assemble the final Javascript
        $finalJavaScript = $javaScript . "switchInterestGroups('{$categoryOptionGroupName}',this.value,intGroupHash);\"";
        // Assemble the first select box's HTML
        print '<tr><td><em>' . $category->name . '</em> campaigns go to</td>' . PHP_EOL . '<td>';
        $selectBox = AC_GenerateSelectBox($categoryOptionName, WP88_NO_MAILING_LIST, $listHash, $finalJavaScript);
        print $selectBox . '</td>' . PHP_EOL;
        // Start assembling the second select box
        print '<td>and group</td><td>';
        $selectedlist = get_option($categoryOptionName);
        $selectBox = AC_GenerateSelectBox($categoryOptionGroupName, WP88_ANY_GROUP, $groupHash[$selectedlist]);
        print $selectBox . '</td>' . PHP_EOL;
        print '<td>using</td><td>';
        $selectBox = AC_GenerateSelectBox($categoryOptionTemplateName, WP88_NO_TEMPLATE, $templatesHash);
Example #9
 public function SaveMappings()
     // Select the fields from the options table (unserialized by WordPress)
     $fields = get_option(WP_MEMBERS_FIELDS);
     foreach ($fields as $field) {
         // Check that there's a string.  Sometimes WP-Members will have
         // obnoxious empty arrays.
         if (0 == strlen($field[2])) {
         // Encode the name of the field
         $selectName = AC_EncodeUserOptionName(WP_MEMBERS_FIELD_DB_MAPPING, $field[2]);
         // Now dereference the selection
         $selection = $_POST[$selectName];
         // Save the selection
         update_option($selectName, $selection);
Example #10
function AC_SaveCampaignCategoryMappings()
    // Fetch this site's categories
    $category_args = array('orderby' => 'name', 'order' => 'ASC', 'hide_empty' => 0);
    $categories = get_categories($category_args);
    foreach ($categories as $category) {
        // Encode the name of the field
        $selectName = AC_EncodeUserOptionName(WP88_CATEGORY_LIST_MAPPING, $category->name);
        // Now dereference the selection
        $selection = $_POST[$selectName];
        // Save the selection
        update_option($selectName, $selection);
        // Save off interest group selection now.  Exact same principle.
        $groupSelectName = $selectName . WP88_CATEGORY_GROUP_SUFFIX;
        $groupSelection = $_POST[$groupSelectName];
        update_option($groupSelectName, $groupSelection);
        // Same thing for templates
        $templateSelectName = $selectName . WP88_CATEGORY_TEMPLATE_SUFFIX;
        $templateSelection = $_POST[$templateSelectName];
        update_option($templateSelectName, $templateSelection);