Ejemplo n.º 1
if (isset($_REQUEST["filegalfixvndmsfiles"])) {
if ($prefs['fgal_viewerjs_feature'] === 'y') {
    $viewerjs_err = '';
    if (empty($prefs['fgal_viewerjs_uri'])) {
        $viewerjs_err = tra('ViewerJS URI not set');
    } else {
        if (strpos($prefs['fgal_viewerjs_uri'], '://') === false) {
            // local install
            if (!is_readable($prefs['fgal_viewerjs_uri'])) {
                $viewerjs_err = tr('ViewerJS URI not found (local file not readable)');
        } else {
            // remote (will take a while)
            $file_headers = get_headers(\ZendOpenId\OpenId::absoluteUrl($prefs['fgal_viewerjs_uri']));
            if (strpos($file_headers[0], '200') === false) {
                $viewerjs_err = tr('ViewerJS URI not found (%0)', $file_headers[0]);
    $smarty->assign('viewerjs_err', $viewerjs_err);
if (!empty($prefs['fgal_sort_mode']) && preg_match('/(.*)_(asc|desc)/', $prefs['fgal_sort_mode'], $matches)) {
    $smarty->assign('fgal_sortorder', $matches[1]);
    $smarty->assign('fgal_sortdirection', $matches[2]);
} else {
    $smarty->assign('fgal_sortorder', 'created');
    $smarty->assign('fgal_sortdirection', 'desc');
$options_sortorder = array(tra('Creation Date') => 'created', tra('Name') => 'name', tra('Last modification date') => 'lastModif', tra('Hits') => 'hits', tra('Owner') => 'user', tra('Description') => 'description', tra('ID') => 'id');
Ejemplo n.º 2
function wikiplugin_mediaplayer($data, $params)
    global $prefs;
    $access = TikiLib::lib('access');
    static $iMEDIAPLAYER = 0;
    $id = 'mediaplayer' . ++$iMEDIAPLAYER;
    if (empty($params['mp3']) && empty($params['flv']) && empty($params['src'])) {
        return '';
    if (!empty($params['src']) && $params['style'] != 'native') {
    $defaults_mp3 = array('width' => 200, 'height' => 20, 'player' => 'player_mp3.swf', 'where' => 'vendor/player/mp3/template_default/');
    $defaults_flv = array('width' => 320, 'height' => 240, 'player' => 'player_flv.swf', 'where' => 'vendor/player/flv/template_default/');
    $defaults_html5 = array('width' => '', 'height' => '');
    $defaults = array('width' => 320, 'height' => 240);
    if (!empty($params['flv'])) {
        $params = array_merge($defaults_flv, $params);
    } elseif (!empty($params['mp3'])) {
        $params = array_merge($defaults_mp3, $params);
    } elseif (!empty($params['style']) && $params['style'] == 'native') {
        $params = array_merge($defaults_html5, $params);
    } else {
        $params = array_merge($defaults, $params);
    if (!empty($params['src']) && (empty($params['style']) || $params['style'] != 'native')) {
        $headerlib = TikiLib::lib('header');
        $js = "\n var media_{$id} = \$('#{$id}').media( {";
        foreach ($params as $param => $value) {
            if ($param == 'src') {
            if (is_numeric($value) == false && strtolower($value) != 'true' && strtolower($value) != 'false') {
                $value = "\"" . $value . "\"";
            $js .= "{$param}: {$value},";
        // Force scaling (keeping the aspect ratio) of the QuickTime player
        //	Tried with .mp4. Not sure how this will work with other formats, not using QuickTime.
        // See: http://jquery.malsup.com/media/#players for default players for different formats. arildb
        $js .= " params: { \n\t\t\t\tscale: 'aspect'\n\t\t\t\t} \n\t\t\t} );";
        // check for support for PDF
        if ($params['type'] === 'pdf') {
            if ($prefs['fgal_viewerjs_feature'] === 'y') {
                $src = \ZendOpenId\OpenId::absoluteUrl($params['src']);
                $src = $prefs['fgal_viewerjs_uri'] . '#' . $src;
                $out = "<iframe width=\"{$params['width']}\" height=\"{$params['height']}\" src=\"{$src}\"></iframe>";
                return $out;
            } else {
                $js = '
var found = false;
$.each(navigator.plugins, function(i, plugins) {
	$.each(plugins, function(i, plugin) {
		if (plugin.type === "application/pdf") {
			found = true;
if (!found) {
    // IE doesnt bother using the plugins array (sometimes?), plus ActiveXObject is hidden now so just try and catch... :(
    try {
        var oAcro7 = new ActiveXObject("AcroPDF.PDF.1");
        if (oAcro7) {
            found = true;
    } catch (e) {
if (found) {
	' . $js . '
} else {
	// no pdf plugin
	$("#' . $id . '").text(tr("Download file:") + " " + "' . $params['src'] . '");
        return "<a href=\"" . $params['src'] . "\" id=\"{$id}\"></a>";
    // Check the style of the player
    $styles = array('normal', 'mini', 'maxi', 'multi', 'native');
    if (empty($params['style']) || $params['style'] == 'normal' || !in_array($params['style'], $styles)) {
        $player = $params['player'];
    } elseif ($params['style'] == 'native') {
        $player = '';
    } else {
        $params['where'] = str_replace('_default', '_' . $params['style'], $params['where']);
        $player = str_replace('.swf', '_' . $params['style'] . '.swf', $params['player']);
    // check if native native HTML5 video object is requested
    if ($params['style'] == 'native') {
        if ($params['mediatype'] == 'audio') {
            $mediatype = 'audio';
        } else {
            $mediatype = 'video';
        $code = '<' . $mediatype;
        if (!empty($params['height'])) {
            $code .= ' height="' . $params['height'] . '"';
        if (!empty($params['width'])) {
            $code .= ' width="' . $params['width'] . '"';
        $code .= ' style="max-width: 100%" controls>';
        $code .= '	<source src="' . $params['src'] . '" type=\'' . $params['type'] . '\'>';
        // type can be e.g. 'video/webm; codecs="vp8, vorbis"'
        $code .= '</' . $mediatype . '>';
    } else {
        // else use flash
        $code = '<object type="application/x-shockwave-flash" data="' . $params['where'] . $player . '" width="' . $params['width'] . '" height="' . $params['height'] . '">';
        $code .= '<param name="movie" value="' . $params['where'] . $player . '" />';
        if (!empty($params['fullscreen'])) {
            $code .= '<param name="allowFullscreen" value="' . $params['fullscreen'] . '" />';
        if (empty($params['wmode'])) {
            $wmode = 'transparent';
        } else {
            $wmode = $params['wmode'];
        $code .= '<param name="wmode" value="' . $wmode . '" />';
        $code .= '<param name="FlashVars" value="';
        if (empty($params['flv']) && !empty($params['mp3'])) {
            $code .= 'mp3=' . $params['mp3'];
        // Disabled due to MSIE issue still experienced with version 9: http://flv-player.net/help/#faq2
        //unset($params['width']); unset($params['height']);
        foreach ($params as $key => $value) {
            $code .= '&amp;' . $key . '=' . $value;
        $code .= '" />';
        $code .= '</object>';
    // end of else use flash
    return "~np~{$code}~/np~";
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Constructs a ZendOpenId\Provider\GenericProvider object with given parameters.
  * @param string $loginUrl is an URL that provides login screen for
  *  end-user (by default it is the same URL with additional GET variable
  *  openid.action=login)
  * @param string $trustUrl is an URL that shows a question if end-user
  *  trust to given consumer (by default it is the same URL with additional
  *  GET variable openid.action=trust)
  * @param ZendOpenId\Provider\User\AbstractUser $user is an object for communication
  *  with User-Agent and store information about logged-in user (it is a
  *  ZendOpenId\Provider\User\Session object by default)
  * @param ZendOpenId\Provider\Storage $storage is an object for keeping
  *  persistent database (it is a ZendOpenId\Provider\Storage_File object
  *  by default)
  * @param integer $sessionTtl is a default time to live for association
  *   session in seconds (1 hour by default). Consumer must reestablish
  *   association after that time.
 public function __construct($loginUrl = null, $trustUrl = null, User\AbstractUser $user = null, Storage\AbstractStorage $storage = null, $sessionTtl = 3600)
     if ($loginUrl === null) {
         $loginUrl = OpenId::selfUrl() . '?openid.action=login';
     } else {
         $loginUrl = OpenId::absoluteUrl($loginUrl);
     $this->_loginUrl = $loginUrl;
     if ($trustUrl === null) {
         $trustUrl = OpenId::selfUrl() . '?openid.action=trust';
     } else {
         $trustUrl = OpenId::absoluteUrl($trustUrl);
     $this->_trustUrl = $trustUrl;
     if ($user === null) {
         $this->_user = new User\Session();
     } else {
         $this->_user = $user;
     if ($storage === null) {
         $this->_storage = new Storage\File();
     } else {
         $this->_storage = $storage;
     $this->_sessionTtl = $sessionTtl;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * Performs check of OpenID identity.
  * This is the first step of OpenID authentication process.
  * On success the function does not return (it does HTTP redirection to
  * server and exits). On failure it returns false.
  * @param bool $immediate enables or disables interaction with user
  * @param string $id OpenID identity
  * @param string $returnTo HTTP URL to redirect response from server to
  * @param string $root HTTP URL to identify consumer on server
  * @param mixed $extensions extension object or array of extensions objects
  * @param Response $response an optional response object to perform HTTP or HTML form redirection
  * @return bool
 protected function _checkId($immediate, $id, $returnTo = null, $root = null, $extensions = null, Response $response = null)
     if (!OpenId::normalize($id)) {
         $this->_setError("Normalisation failed");
         return false;
     $claimedId = $id;
     if (!$this->_discovery($id, $server, $version)) {
         $this->_setError("Discovery failed: " . $this->getError());
         return false;
     if (!$this->_associate($server, $version)) {
         $this->_setError("Association failed: " . $this->getError());
         return false;
     if (!$this->_getAssociation($server, $handle, $macFunc, $secret, $expires)) {
         /* Use dumb mode */
     $params = array();
     if ($version >= 2.0) {
         $params['openid.ns'] = OpenId::NS_2_0;
     $params['openid.mode'] = $immediate ? 'checkid_immediate' : 'checkid_setup';
     $params['openid.identity'] = $id;
     $params['openid.claimed_id'] = $claimedId;
     if ($version <= 2.0) {
         if ($this->_session !== null) {
             $this->_session->identity = $id;
             $this->_session->claimed_id = $claimedId;
         } elseif (defined('SID')) {
             $_SESSION["zend_openid"] = array("identity" => $id, "claimed_id" => $claimedId);
         } elseif (!headers_sent()) {
             $this->_session = new SessionContainer("zend_openid");
             $this->_session->identity = $id;
             $this->_session->claimed_id = $claimedId;
     if (isset($handle)) {
         $params['openid.assoc_handle'] = $handle;
     $params['openid.return_to'] = OpenId::absoluteUrl($returnTo);
     if (empty($root)) {
         $root = OpenId::selfUrl();
         if ($root[strlen($root) - 1] != '/') {
             $root = dirname($root);
     if ($version >= 2.0) {
         $params['openid.realm'] = $root;
     } else {
         $params['openid.trust_root'] = $root;
     if (!Extension\AbstractExtension::forAll($extensions, 'prepareRequest', $params)) {
         $this->_setError("Extension::prepareRequest failure");
         return false;
     OpenId::redirect($server, $params, $response);
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function action_finder($input)
     global $prefs, $user;
     if ($this->parentIds === null) {
         $ids = TikiLib::lib('filegal')->getGalleriesParentIds();
         $this->parentIds = array('galleries' => array(), 'files' => array());
         foreach ($ids as $id) {
             if ($id['parentId'] > 0) {
                 $this->parentIds['galleries'][(int) $id['galleryId']] = (int) $id['parentId'];
         $tiki_files = TikiDb::get()->table('tiki_files');
         $this->parentIds['files'] = $tiki_files->fetchMap('fileId', 'galleryId', array());
     // turn off some elfinder commands here too (stops the back-end methods being accessible)
     $disabled = array('mkfile', 'edit', 'archive', 'resize');
     // done so far: 'rename', 'rm', 'duplicate', 'upload', 'copy', 'cut', 'paste', 'mkdir', 'extract',
     // check for a "userfiles" gallery - currently although elFinder can support more than one root, it always starts in the first one
     $opts = array('debug' => true, 'roots' => array());
     $rootDefaults = array('driver' => 'TikiFiles', 'disabled' => $disabled, 'accessControl' => array($this, 'elFinderAccess'), 'uploadMaxSize' => ini_get('upload_max_filesize'), 'accessControlData' => array('deepGallerySearch' => $input->deepGallerySearch->int(), 'parentIds' => $this->parentIds));
     // gallery to start in
     $startGallery = $input->defaultGalleryId->int();
     if ($startGallery) {
         $gal_info = TikiLib::lib('filegal')->get_file_gallery_info($startGallery);
         if (!$gal_info) {
             TikiLib::lib('errorreport')->report(tr('Gallery ID %0 not found', $startGallery));
             $startGallery = $prefs['fgal_root_id'];
     // 'startPath' not functioning with multiple roots as yet (https://github.com/Studio-42/elFinder/issues/351)
     // so work around it for now with startRoot
     $opts['roots'][] = array_merge(array('path' => $prefs['fgal_root_id']), $rootDefaults);
     $startRoot = 0;
     if (!empty($user) && $prefs['feature_userfiles'] == 'y' && $prefs['feature_use_fgal_for_user_files'] == 'y') {
         if ($startGallery && $startGallery == $prefs['fgal_root_user_id'] && !Perms::get('file gallery', $startGallery)->admin_file_galleries) {
             $startGallery = (int) TikiLib::lib('filegal')->get_user_file_gallery();
         $userRootId = $prefs['fgal_root_user_id'];
         if ($startGallery != $userRootId) {
             $gal_info = TikiLib::lib('filegal')->get_file_gallery_info($startGallery);
             if ($gal_info['type'] == 'user') {
                 $startRoot = count($opts['roots']);
         } else {
             $startRoot = count($opts['roots']);
         $opts['roots'][] = array_merge(array('path' => $userRootId), $rootDefaults);
     if ($prefs['feature_wiki_attachments'] == 'y' && $prefs['feature_use_fgal_for_wiki_attachments'] === 'y') {
         if ($startGallery && $startGallery == $prefs['fgal_root_wiki_attachments_id']) {
             $startRoot = count($opts['roots']);
         $opts['roots'][] = array_merge(array('path' => $prefs['fgal_root_wiki_attachments_id']), $rootDefaults);
     if ($startGallery) {
         $opts['startRoot'] = $startRoot;
         $d = $opts['roots'][$startRoot]['path'] == $startGallery ? '' : 'd_';
         // needs to be the cached name in elfinder (with 'd_' in front) unless it's the root id
         $opts['roots'][$startRoot]['startPath'] = $d . $startGallery;
     /* thumb size not working due to css issues - tried this in setup/javascript.php but needs extensive css overhaul to get looking right
     		if ($prefs['fgal_elfinder_feature'] === 'y') {
     			$tmbSize = (int) $prefs['fgal_thumb_max_size'] / 2;
     			TikiLib::lib('header')->add_css(".elfinder-cwd-icon {width:{$tmbSize}px; height:{$tmbSize}px;}");	// def 48
     			$tmbSize += 4;	// def 52
     			TikiLib::lib('header')->add_css(".elfinder-cwd-view-icons .elfinder-cwd-file-wrapper {width:{$tmbSize}px; height:{$tmbSize}px;}");
     			$tmbSize += 28; $tmbSizeW = $tmbSize + 40;	// def 120 x 80
     			TikiLib::lib('header')->add_css(".elfinder-cwd-view-icons .elfinder-cwd-file {width: {$tmbSizeW}px;height: {$tmbSize}px;}");
     // run elFinder
     $elFinder = new tikiElFinder($opts);
     $connector = new elFinderConnector($elFinder);
     $filegallib = TikiLib::lib('filegal');
     if ($input->cmd->text() === 'tikiFileFromHash') {
         // intercept tiki only commands
         $fileId = $elFinder->realpath($input->hash->text());
         if (strpos($fileId, 'f_') !== false) {
             $info = $filegallib->get_file(str_replace('f_', '', $fileId));
         } else {
             $info = $filegallib->get_file_gallery(str_replace('d_', '', $fileId));
         $params = array();
         if ($input->filegals_manager->text()) {
             $params['filegals_manager'] = $input->filegals_manager->text();
         if ($input->insertion_syntax->text()) {
             $params['insertion_syntax'] = $input->insertion_syntax->text();
         $info['wiki_syntax'] = $filegallib->getWikiSyntax($info['galleryId'], $info, $params);
         $info['data'] = '';
         // binary data makes JSON fall over
         return $info;
     } else {
         if ($input->cmd->text() === 'file') {
             // intercept download command and use tiki-download_file so the mime type and extension is correct
             $fileId = $elFinder->realpath($input->target->text());
             if (strpos($fileId, 'f_') !== false) {
                 global $base_url;
                 $fileId = str_replace('f_', '', $fileId);
                 $display = '';
                 $url = $base_url . 'tiki-download_file.php?fileId=' . $fileId;
                 if (!$input->download->int()) {
                     // images can be displayed
                     $info = $filegallib->get_file($fileId);
                     if (strpos($info['filetype'], 'image/') !== false) {
                         $url .= '&display';
                     } else {
                         if ($prefs['fgal_viewerjs_feature'] === 'y' && ($info['filetype'] === 'application/pdf' or strpos($info['filetype'], 'application/vnd.oasis.opendocument.') !== false)) {
                             $url = \ZendOpenId\OpenId::absoluteUrl($prefs['fgal_viewerjs_uri']) . '#' . $url;
                 return array();
     // elfinder needs "raw" $_GET or $_POST
     if ($_SERVER["REQUEST_METHOD"] == 'POST') {
         $_POST = $input->asArray();
     } else {
         $_GET = $input->asArray();
     // deals with response
     return array();
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * testing testAbsolutefUrl
 public function testAbsoluteUrl()
     $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] = "www.test.com";
     $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/a/b/c/test.php';
     $this->assertSame('http://www.test.com/a/b/c/test.php', OpenId::absoluteUrl(""));
     $this->assertSame('http://www.test.com/a/b/c/ok.php', OpenId::absoluteUrl("ok.php"));
     $this->assertSame('http://www.test.com/a/ok.php', OpenId::absoluteUrl("/a/ok.php"));
     $this->assertSame('http://www.php.net/ok.php', OpenId::absoluteUrl("http://www.php.net/ok.php"));
     $this->assertSame('https://www.php.net/ok.php', OpenId::absoluteUrl("https://www.php.net/ok.php"));
     $_SERVER['SCRIPT_NAME'] = '/test.php';
     $this->assertSame('http://www.test.com/a/b.php', OpenId::absoluteUrl("/a/b.php"));
     $this->assertSame('http://www.test.com/a/b.php', OpenId::absoluteUrl("a/b.php"));