Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function find($name, $value, $attr_name)
     $filter = "{$attr_name}={$value}";
     $base_dn = $this->active_server['baseDn'];
     $this->log("Attempting to search for {$name}={$value} using basedn={$base_dn}");
     try {
         $hm = $this->ldap->search($filter, $base_dn, $this->scope);
         $this->log("Raw Ldap Object: " . var_export($hm, true), 7);
         if ($hm->count() == 0) {
             $this->log("Could not find an account for {$name}={$value}", 5);
             return false;
         } elseif ($hm->count() > 1) {
             $this->log("Found more than one user account for {$name}={$value}", 1);
             return false;
         $this->user = $hm->current();
         $this->log("User entry response: " . var_export($this->user, true), 7);
         return $this->user;
     } catch (LdapException $exc) {
         return $exc->getMessage();
Ejemplo n.º 2
 private function findUnit(Identity $identity)
     if (null === $this->unit) {
         $filter = Filter::equals('mail', $identity->mail);
         $baseDn = Dn::factory($this->ldap->getBaseDn())->prepend(['ou' => 'people']);
         $result = $this->ldap->search($filter, $baseDn, Ldap::SEARCH_SCOPE_ONE, ['l']);
         if (1 !== $result->count()) {
         $result = $result->current();
         $unitDn = $result['l'][0];
         $this->unit = $this->ldap->getNode($unitDn);
     return $this->unit;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function findById($id)
     $this->log("Attempting to search ldap by uidnumber for {$id} against the active ldap server");
     try {
         $hm = $this->ldap->search("uidnumber={$id}", $this->active_server['baseDn'], ZendLdap::SEARCH_SCOPE_ONE);
         $this->log("Raw Ldap Object: " . var_export($hm, true), 7);
         foreach ($hm as $item) {
             return $item;
         return false;
     } catch (LdapException $exc) {
         $msg = $exc->getMessage();
Ejemplo n.º 4
 public function getComputers($computerService)
     $domain = $this->options['accountDomainName'];
     $ldap = new Ldap($this->options);
     $result = $ldap->search('(&(objectCategory=computer))', 'dc=wr,dc=local', Ldap::SEARCH_SCOPE_SUB);
     foreach ($result as $item) {
         if ($item['name'][0] != '') {
             $hostname = $item['name'][0];
             $computer = $computerService->findByDNSName($hostname, $domain);
             if (!$computer) {
                 $computer = new Computer();
                 $computerService->setType($computer, 'Computer');
                 $computerService->setStatus($computer, 'In Use');
                 $computerService->setManufacturer($computer, 'Dell');
             // Operating system
             if (array_key_exists('operatingsystem', $item)) {
             // Operating system service pack
             if (array_key_exists('operatingsystemservicepack', $item)) {
             // Operating system version.
             if (array_key_exists('operatingsystemversion', $item)) {
             //  die(var_dump($computer->getStatus()));