Ejemplo n.º 1
  * Append Properties, Getter and Setter to Model class
  * @param Generator\ClassGenerator $class
  * @param array                    $properties
  * @param array                    $hydratorStrategy
 protected function addProperties(Generator\ClassGenerator &$class, array $properties)
     foreach ($properties as $metadata) {
         $propertyInfos = $this->getNormalizedFilterOrProperty($metadata);
         $name = $propertyInfos['name'];
         $required = $propertyInfos['required'];
         $lazyLoading = $propertyInfos['lazyLoading'];
         $dataType = $propertyInfos['dataType'];
         $defaultValue = $propertyInfos['defaultValue'];
         $description = $propertyInfos['description'];
         $flags = Generator\PropertyGenerator::FLAG_PROTECTED;
         foreach ($propertyInfos['uses'] as $use) {
         $property = new Generator\PropertyGenerator($name);
         if (!empty($defaultValue) or 'bool' === $dataType) {
             $property->setDefaultValue($defaultValue, $dataType);
         $property->setDocBlock(new Generator\DocBlockGenerator($description));
         // Add Setter method
         $setterParam = new Generator\ParameterGenerator($name, true === $lazyLoading ? null : $dataType);
         if (!$required) {
         $setterBody = '';
         if (true === $lazyLoading) {
             if ($dataType == "ResultSet") {
                 $setterBody .= sprintf('if (! ($%s instanceof \\Closure || $%s instanceof %s)) {' . PHP_EOL . '   throw new Exception\\InvalidArgumentException("%s must be an instance of \'%s\' or \\Closure");' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, $name, $name, $dataType, $name, $dataType);
             } else {
                 $setterBody .= sprintf('if (! ($%s instanceof \\Closure || $%s instanceof %s)) {' . PHP_EOL . '   throw new Exception\\InvalidArgumentException("$%s must be an instance of \'%s\' or \\Closure");' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, $name, $name, $dataType, $name, $dataType);
         $setterBody .= sprintf('$this->%s = $%s;' . PHP_EOL . 'return $this;' . PHP_EOL, $name, $name);
         $class->addMethod('set' . ucfirst($name), array($setterParam), Generator\MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, $setterBody, new Generator\DocBlockGenerator("Sets the " . $property->getDocBlock()->getShortDescription(), '', array(new ParamTag(array('name' => $name, 'datatype' => $dataType)), new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => $class->getName())))));
         // Add Getter method
         $getterBody = '';
         if (true === $lazyLoading) {
             $getterBody .= sprintf('if ($this->%s instanceof \\Closure) {' . PHP_EOL . '   $this->%s = call_user_func($this->%s);' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . 'if (! $this->%s instanceof %s) {' . PHP_EOL . '    $this->%s = new %s();' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . PHP_EOL, $name, $name, $name, $name, $dataType, $name, $dataType);
         $getterBody .= sprintf('return $this->%s;', $name);
         $class->addMethod('get' . ucfirst($name), array(), Generator\MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, $getterBody, new Generator\DocBlockGenerator('Gets the ' . $property->getDocBlock()->getShortDescription(), '', array(new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => $dataType)))));
         // If DataType Resulset => add/remove methods
         if ('ResultSet' === $dataType) {
             $class->addMethod('add' . ucfirst($name) . 'Item', array(new Generator\ParameterGenerator('item', $propertyInfos['model'])), Generator\MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, sprintf('return $this->get%s()->add($item);' . PHP_EOL, ucfirst($name)), new Generator\DocBlockGenerator('Add new item to ' . ucfirst($name), '', array(new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'bool')))));
             $class->addMethod('remove' . ucfirst($name) . 'Item', array(new Generator\ParameterGenerator('item', $propertyInfos['model'])), Generator\MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, sprintf('return $this->get%s()->remove($item);' . PHP_EOL, ucfirst($name)), new Generator\DocBlockGenerator('Remove $item from ' . ucfirst($name), '', array(new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'bool')))));