Ejemplo n.º 1
 public function testCreateFromArray()
     $docBlock = DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortdescription' => 'foo', 'longdescription' => 'bar', 'tags' => array(array('name' => 'foo', 'description' => 'bar'))));
     $this->assertEquals('foo', $docBlock->getShortDescription());
     $this->assertEquals('bar', $docBlock->getLongDescription());
     $this->assertCount(1, $docBlock->getTags());
Ejemplo n.º 2
  * Generate from array
  * @configkey name           string        [required] Class Name
  * @configkey filegenerator  FileGenerator File generator that holds this class
  * @configkey namespacename  string        The namespace for this class
  * @configkey docblock       string        The docblock information
  * @configkey properties
  * @configkey methods
  * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
  * @param  array $array
  * @return TraitGenerator
 public static function fromArray(array $array)
     if (!isset($array['name'])) {
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Class generator requires that a name is provided for this object');
     $cg = new static($array['name']);
     foreach ($array as $name => $value) {
         // normalize key
         switch (strtolower(str_replace(array('.', '-', '_'), '', $name))) {
             case 'containingfile':
             case 'namespacename':
             case 'docblock':
                 $docBlock = $value instanceof DocBlockGenerator ? $value : DocBlockGenerator::fromArray($value);
             case 'properties':
             case 'methods':
     return $cg;
 private function addCustomFiltersMethod()
     $body = 'return $inputFilter;';
     $inputFilterParm = new ParameterGenerator('inputFilter', null, null, null, true);
     $docBlock = DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'You may customize the filters behaviours using this method'));
     $result = new MethodGenerator('addCustomFilters', array($inputFilterParm, 'factory'), MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, $body, $docBlock);
     return $result;
 private function generate($version)
     $generator = new ClassGenerator();
     $docblock = DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'PDO Simple Migration Class', 'longDescription' => 'Add your queries below'));
     $generator->setName('PDOSimpleMigration\\Migrations\\Migration' . $version)->setExtendedClass('AbstractMigration')->addUse('PDOSimpleMigration\\Library\\AbstractMigration')->setDocblock($docblock)->addProperties(array(array('description', 'Migration description', PropertyGenerator::FLAG_STATIC)))->addMethods(array(MethodGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'up', 'parameters' => array(), 'body' => '//$this->addSql(/*Sql instruction*/);', 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Migrate up', 'longDescription' => null)))), MethodGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'down', 'parameters' => array(), 'body' => '//$this->addSql(/*Sql instruction*/);', 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Migrate down', 'longDescription' => null))))));
     $file = FileGenerator::fromArray(array('classes' => array($generator)));
     return $file->generate();
Ejemplo n.º 5
  * @param ContextInterface $context
  * @param ClassGenerator   $class
  * @param Property         $property
  * @throws \Zend\Code\Generator\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
 private function implementGetResult(ContextInterface $context, ClassGenerator $class, Property $property)
     $useAssembler = new UseAssembler($this->wrapperClass ?: ResultInterface::class);
     if ($useAssembler->canAssemble($context)) {
     $methodName = 'getResult';
     $class->addMethodFromGenerator(MethodGenerator::fromArray(['name' => $methodName, 'parameters' => [], 'visibility' => MethodGenerator::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC, 'body' => $this->generateGetResultBody($property), 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(['tags' => [['name' => 'return', 'description' => $this->generateGetResultReturnTag($property)]]])]));
Ejemplo n.º 6
  * @param ContextInterface|PropertyContext $context
  * @throws AssemblerException
 public function assemble(ContextInterface $context)
     $class = $context->getClass();
     $property = $context->getProperty();
     try {
         $methodName = Normalizer::generatePropertyMethod('get', $property->getName());
         $class->addMethodFromGenerator(MethodGenerator::fromArray(['name' => $methodName, 'parameters' => [], 'visibility' => MethodGenerator::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC, 'body' => sprintf('return $this->%s;', $property->getName()), 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(['tags' => [['name' => 'return', 'description' => $property->getType()]]])]));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw AssemblerException::fromException($e);
Ejemplo n.º 7
  * @param ContextInterface|PropertyContext $context
  * @throws AssemblerException
 public function assemble(ContextInterface $context)
     $class = $context->getClass();
     $property = $context->getProperty();
     try {
         // It's not possible to overwrite a property in zend-code yet!
         if ($class->hasProperty($property->getName())) {
         $class->addPropertyFromGenerator(PropertyGenerator::fromArray(['name' => $property->getName(), 'visibility' => PropertyGenerator::VISIBILITY_PROTECTED, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(['tags' => [['name' => 'var', 'description' => $property->getType()]]])]));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw AssemblerException::fromException($e);
Ejemplo n.º 8
  * @param Type $type
  * @return MethodGenerator
  * @throws \Zend\Code\Generator\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
 private function assembleConstructor(Type $type)
     $body = [];
     $constructor = MethodGenerator::fromArray(['name' => '__construct', 'visibility' => MethodGenerator::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC]);
     $docblock = DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(['shortdescription' => 'Constructor']);
     foreach ($type->getProperties() as $property) {
         $body[] = sprintf('$this->%1$s = $%1$s;', $property->getName());
         $constructor->setParameter(['name' => $property->getName()]);
         $docblock->setTag(['name' => 'var', 'description' => sprintf('%s $%s', $property->getType(), $property->getName())]);
     $constructor->setBody(implode($constructor::LINE_FEED, $body));
     return $constructor;
  * Generate from array
  * @configkey name         string                                          [required] Class Name
  * @configkey const        bool
  * @configkey defaultvalue null|bool|string|int|float|array|ValueGenerator
  * @configkey flags        int
  * @configkey abstract     bool
  * @configkey final        bool
  * @configkey static       bool
  * @configkey visibility   string
  * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
  * @param  array $array
  * @return PropertyGenerator
 public static function fromArray(array $array)
     if (!isset($array['name'])) {
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Property generator requires that a name is provided for this object');
     $property = new static($array['name']);
     foreach ($array as $name => $value) {
         // normalize key
         switch (strtolower(str_replace(array('.', '-', '_'), '', $name))) {
             case 'const':
             case 'defaultvalue':
             case 'docblock':
                 $docBlock = $value instanceof DocBlockGenerator ? $value : DocBlockGenerator::fromArray($value);
             case 'flags':
             case 'abstract':
             case 'final':
             case 'static':
             case 'visibility':
     return $property;
Ejemplo n.º 10
    public function getClassArrayRepresentation()
        $this->data = $this->getData();
        return array('name' => 'Manager', 'namespacename' => $this->data['_namespace'] . '\\Table', 'extendedclass' => $this->tableGatewayClass, 'flags' => ClassGenerator::FLAG_ABSTRACT, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Application Model DbTables', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(array('name' => 'package', 'description' => $this->data['_namespace']), array('name' => 'author', 'description' => $this->data['_author']), array('name' => 'copyright', 'description' => $this->data['_copyright']), array('name' => 'license', 'description' => $this->data['_license'])))), 'properties' => array(array('entity', null, PropertyGenerator::FLAG_PROTECTED), array('container', null, PropertyGenerator::FLAG_PROTECTED), PropertyGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'wasInTransaction', 'defaultvalue' => false, 'flags' => PropertyGenerator::FLAG_PROTECTED, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'True if we were already in a transaction when try to start a new one', 'longDescription' => '', 'tags' => array(new GenericTag('var', 'bool'))))))), 'methods' => array(array('name' => '__construct', 'parameters' => array(ParameterGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'adapter')), ParameterGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'entity', 'type' => 'Entity'))), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => '$this->adapter = $adapter;' . "\n" . '$this->entity = $entity;' . "\n" . '$this->featureSet = new Feature\\FeatureSet();' . "\n" . '$this->initialize();', 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Constructor', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ParamTag('adapter', array('Adapter')), new ParamTag('entity', array('Entity')))))), array('name' => 'setContainer', 'parameters' => array(ParameterGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'c', 'type' => 'Container'))), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => '$this->container = $c;' . "\n" . 'return $this;', 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Inject container', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ParamTag('c', array('Container')), new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'self')))))), array('name' => 'getContainer', 'parameters' => array(), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => 'return $this->container;', 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => '', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'Container')))))), array('name' => 'all', 'parameters' => array(), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => '$select = $this->select();' . '$result = array();' . PHP_EOL . 'foreach ($select as $v) {' . PHP_EOL . '     $result[] = $v->getArrayCopy();' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . 'return $result;', 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => '', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'self')))))), array('name' => 'getPrimaryKeyName', 'parameters' => array(), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => 'return $this->id;', 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => '', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'array|string')))))), array('name' => 'getTableName', 'parameters' => array(), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => 'return $this->table;', 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => '', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'array|string')))))), array('name' => 'findBy', 'parameters' => array(ParameterGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'criteria', 'defaultvalue' => array(), 'type' => 'array')), ParameterGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'order', 'defaultvalue' => null)), ParameterGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'limit', 'defaultvalue' => null)), ParameterGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'offset', 'defaultvalue' => null)), ParameterGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'toEntity', 'defaultvalue' => false))), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => '$r = $this->sql->select()->where($criteria);' . PHP_EOL . 'if ($order) {' . PHP_EOL . '      $r->order($order);' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . 'if ($limit) {' . PHP_EOL . '      $r->limit($limit);' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . 'if ($offset) {' . PHP_EOL . '      $r->offset($offset);' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . '$result = $this->selectWith($r)->toArray();' . PHP_EOL . 'if ($toEntity) {' . PHP_EOL . '    foreach($result as &$v){' . PHP_EOL . '        $entity =  clone $this->entity;' . PHP_EOL . '        $v = $entity->exchangeArray($v);' . PHP_EOL . '    }' . PHP_EOL . '}' . PHP_EOL . 'return $result;' . PHP_EOL, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Find by criteria', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ParamTag('criteria', array('array'), 'Search criteria'), new ParamTag('order', array('string'), 'sorting option'), new ParamTag('limit', array('int'), 'limit option'), new ParamTag('offset', array('int'), 'offset option'), new ParamTag('toEntity', array('boolean'), 'return entity result'), new ReturnTag(array('array'), ''))))), array('name' => 'countBy', 'parameters' => array(ParameterGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'criteria', 'defaultvalue' => array(), 'type' => 'array'))), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => '$r = $this->sql->select()->columns(array("count" => new Expression("count(*)")))->where($criteria);' . PHP_EOL . 'return  (int)current($this->selectWith($r)->toArray())["count"];' . PHP_EOL, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Count by criteria', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ParamTag('criteria', array('array'), 'Criteria'), new ReturnTag(array('int'), ''))))), array('name' => 'deleteEntity', 'parameters' => array(ParameterGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'entity', 'type' => 'Entity')), 'useTransaction = true'), 'flags' => array(MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, MethodGenerator::FLAG_ABSTRACT), 'body' => null, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Converts database column name to php setter/getter function name', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ParamTag('entity', array('Entity')), new ParamTag('useTransaction', array('boolean')), new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'int')))))), array('name' => 'beginTransaction', 'parameters' => array(), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PROTECTED, 'body' => <<<'BODY'
if ($this->adapter->getDriver()->getConnection()->inTransaction()) {
    $this->wasInTransaction = true;

, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Begin a transaction', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array()))), array('name' => 'rollback', 'parameters' => array(), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PROTECTED, 'body' => <<<'BODY'
if ($this->wasInTransaction) {
    throw new \Exception('Inside transaction rollback call');
, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Rollback a transaction', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array()))), array('name' => 'commit', 'parameters' => array(), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PROTECTED, 'body' => <<<'BODY'
if (!$this->wasInTransaction) {
, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => ' Commit a transaction', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array())))));
Ejemplo n.º 11
    private function getUtils()
        $constructBody = 'return $this->adapter->platform->quoteIdentifier($name);
        $methods[] = array('name' => 'qi', 'parameters' => array(ParameterGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'name', 'type' => 'string'))), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => $constructBody, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Apply quoteIdentifier', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ParamTag('name', array('string'), 'String to quote'), new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'string'), 'Quoted string')))));
        $constructBody = 'return $this->adapter->driver->formatParameterName($name);
        $methods[] = array('name' => 'fp', 'parameters' => array(ParameterGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'name', 'type' => 'string'))), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => $constructBody, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Apply formatParameterName', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ParamTag('name', array('string'), 'Parameter name to format'), new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'string'), 'Formated parameter name')))));
        return $methods;
Ejemplo n.º 12
 public function getClassArrayRepresentation()
     $data = $this->getData();
     return array('name' => 'Entity', 'namespacename' => $data['_namespace'] . '\\Entity', 'flags' => ClassGenerator::FLAG_ABSTRACT, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Generic Entity Class', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(array('name' => 'package', 'description' => $data['_namespace']), array('name' => 'author', 'description' => $data['_author']), array('name' => 'copyright', 'description' => $data['_copyright']), array('name' => 'license', 'description' => $data['_license'])))), 'methods' => array(array('name' => 'setColumnsList', 'parameters' => array(ParameterGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'data', 'type' => 'array'))), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => '$this->_columnsList = $data;' . "\n" . 'return $this;', 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Set the list of columns associated with this model', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ParamTag('data', array('array'), 'array of field names'), new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'self')))))), array('name' => 'getColumnsList', 'parameters' => array(), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => 'return $this->_columnsList;', 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Returns columns list array', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'array')))))), array('name' => 'setParentList', 'parameters' => array(ParameterGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'data', 'type' => 'array'))), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => '$this->_parentList = $data;' . "\n" . 'return $this;', 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Set the list of relationships associated with this model', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ParamTag('data', array('array'), 'Array of relationship'), new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'self')))))), array('name' => 'getParentList', 'parameters' => array(), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => 'return $this->_parentList;', 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Returns relationship list array', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'array')))))), array('name' => 'setDependentList', 'parameters' => array(ParameterGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'data', 'type' => 'array'))), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => '$this->_dependentList = $data;' . "\n" . 'return $this;', 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Set the list of relationships associated with this model', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ParamTag('data', array('array'), 'array of relationships'), new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'self')))))), array('name' => 'getDependentList', 'parameters' => array(), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => 'return $this->_dependentList;', 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Returns relationship list array', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'array')))))), array('name' => 'columnNameToVar', 'parameters' => array('column'), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => 'if (! isset($this->_columnsList[$column])) {' . "\n" . '    throw new \\Exception("column \'$column\' not found!");' . "\n" . '}' . "\n" . 'return $this->_columnsList[$column];', 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Converts database column name to php setter/getter function name', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ParamTag('column', array('string'), 'Column name'), new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'self')))))), array('name' => 'varNameToColumn', 'parameters' => array('thevar'), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => 'foreach ($this->_columnsList as $column => $var) {' . "\n" . '    if ($var == $thevar) {' . "\n" . '        return $column;' . "\n" . '    }' . "\n" . '}' . "\n" . 'return null;', 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Converts database column name to PHP setter/getter function name', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ParamTag('thevar', array('string'), 'Column name'), new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'self')))))), array('name' => 'setOptions', 'parameters' => array(ParameterGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'options', 'type' => 'array'))), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => '$this->exchangeArray($options);' . "\n" . 'return $this;', 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Array of options/values to be set for this model.', 'longDescription' => 'Options without a matching method are ignored.', 'tags' => array(new ParamTag('options', array('array'), 'array of Options'), new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'self')))))), array('name' => 'exchangeArray', 'parameters' => array(ParameterGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'options', 'type' => 'array'))), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_ABSTRACT, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Array of options/values to be set for this model.', 'longDescription' => 'Options without a matching method are ignored.', 'tags' => array(new ParamTag('options', array('array'), 'array of Options'), new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'self')))))), array('name' => 'getPrimaryKey', 'parameters' => array(), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => 'return  $this->primary_key;', 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Returns primary key.', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'array|string'))))))));
  * Metodo para criar docBlock para o metodo __construct
  * @return DocBlockGenerator
 public function getDocBlockMethodConstruct()
     return DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => $this->getStrFilterNameWithPrefix() . ' constructor.'));
 public function controllerAction()
     $config = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('config');
     $moduleName = $config['VisioCrudModeler']['params']['moduleName'];
     $modulePath = $config['VisioCrudModeler']['params']['modulesDirectory'];
     $db = $this->getServiceLocator()->get('Zend\\Db\\Adapter\\Adapter');
     $dataSourceDescriptor = new DbDataSourceDescriptor($db, 'K08_www_biedronka_pl');
     $listDataSets = $dataSourceDescriptor->listDataSets();
     $filter = new \Zend\Filter\Word\UnderscoreToCamelCase();
     foreach ($listDataSets as $d) {
         $className = $filter->filter($d) . 'Controller';
         $file = new FileGenerator();
         $foo = new ClassGenerator();
         $docblock = DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Sample generated class', 'longDescription' => 'This is a class generated with Zend\\Code\\Generator.', 'tags' => array(array('name' => 'version', 'description' => '$Rev:$'), array('name' => 'license', 'description' => 'New BSD'))));
         $foo->setExtendedClass('Base' . $className);
         echo '<pre>';
         echo htmlentities($file->generate());
         echo '</pre>';
         $fileView = new FileGenerator();
         $body = "echo '{$className}';";
         echo '<pre>';
         echo htmlentities($fileView->generate());
         echo '</pre>';
     echo '<hr />';
     foreach ($listDataSets as $d) {
         $className = 'Base' . $filter->filter($d) . 'Controller';
         $fileBase = new FileGenerator();
         $fooBase = new ClassGenerator();
         $docblockBase = DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Sample generated class', 'longDescription' => 'This is a class generated with Zend\\Code\\Generator.', 'tags' => array(array('name' => 'version', 'description' => '$Rev:$'), array('name' => 'license', 'description' => 'New BSD'))));
         $index = new MethodGenerator();
         $create = new MethodGenerator();
         $read = new MethodGenerator();
         $update = new MethodGenerator();
         $delete = new MethodGenerator();
         echo '<pre>';
         echo htmlentities($fileBase->generate());
         echo '</pre>';
Ejemplo n.º 15
  * @param ClassGenerator $class
  * @param Property       $firstProperty
  * @throws \Zend\Code\Generator\Exception\InvalidArgumentException
 private function implementGetIterator($class, $firstProperty)
     $methodName = 'getIterator';
     $class->addMethodFromGenerator(MethodGenerator::fromArray(['name' => $methodName, 'parameters' => [], 'visibility' => MethodGenerator::VISIBILITY_PUBLIC, 'body' => sprintf('return new \\ArrayIterator(is_array($this->%1$s) ? $this->%1$s : []);', $firstProperty->getName()), 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(['tags' => [['name' => 'return', 'description' => '\\ArrayIterator']]])]));
Ejemplo n.º 16
     * @param string $modelName
     * @return array
    protected function getMethodsForCollection($modelName)
        return array(MethodGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'add', 'parameters' => array(lcfirst($modelName)), 'body' => '
if (is_array($' . lcfirst($modelName) . ')) {
    $this->collection[] = new ' . ucfirst($modelName) . '($' . lcfirst($modelName) . ');
} elseif (is_object($' . lcfirst($modelName) . ') && $' . lcfirst($modelName) . ' instanceof ' . ucfirst($modelName) . ') {
    $this->collection[] = $' . lcfirst($modelName) . ';

return $this;
', 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Add item', 'longDescription' => null, new Tag\ParamTag($modelName, ucfirst($modelName)), new Tag\ReturnTag(array('datatype' => '$this')))))), MethodGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'getAll', 'body' => 'return $this->collection;', 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Get items', 'longDescription' => null, new Tag\ParamTag($modelName, ucfirst($modelName)), new Tag\ReturnTag(array('datatype' => '$this')))))));
 public function getDocBlock()
     return DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => $this->entity . ' ' . $this->subDir . ' class', 'longDescription' => 'This is an auto-generated class. Always remember to keep your custom code inside of the PROTECTED_ZONE to avoid losses.'));
Ejemplo n.º 18
  * Metodo para criar docBlock para o metodo __construct
  * @return DocBlockGenerator
 public function getDocBlockMethodConstruct()
     return DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'CategoriaForm constructor.'));
  * @param $className
  * @param $nameSpace
  * @return ClassGenerator
 private function initClass($className, $nameSpace)
     $user = $this->getCurrentStaff()->getStaffName();
     $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time());
     $class = new ClassGenerator($className);
     $class->setDocBlock(DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'System Generated Code', 'longDescription' => "User : {$user}\nDate : {$date}", 'tags' => array(array('name' => 'package', 'description' => $nameSpace)))));
     return $class;
Ejemplo n.º 20
 private function getUtils()
     $constructBody = '';
     foreach ($this->data['_columns'] as $column) {
         $constructBody .= '$this->' . $column['capital'] . ' = (isset($data[\'' . $column['field'] . '\'] )) ? $data[\'' . $column['field'] . '\'] : null;' . PHP_EOL;
     $constructBody .= 'return $this;';
     $methods[] = array('name' => 'exchangeArray', 'parameters' => array(ParameterGenerator::fromArray(array('name' => 'data', 'type' => 'array'))), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => $constructBody, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Array of options/values to be set for this model.', 'longDescription' => 'Options without a matching method are ignored.', 'tags' => array(new ParamTag('data', array('array'), 'array of values to set'), new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'self'))))));
     $constructBody = '';
     $constructBody .= '$result = array(' . PHP_EOL;
     foreach ($this->data['_columns'] as $column) {
         $constructBody .= '     \'' . $column['field'] . '\' => $this->get' . $column['capital'] . '(),' . PHP_EOL;
     $constructBody .= ');' . PHP_EOL;
     $constructBody .= 'return $result;' . PHP_EOL;
     $methods[] = array('name' => 'toArray', 'parameters' => array(), 'flags' => MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'body' => $constructBody, 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Returns an array, keys are the field names.', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'array'))))));
     return $methods;
  * Metodo para criar docBlock para o metodo prepareElements
  * @return DocBlockGenerator
 public function getDocBlockMethodPrepareElements()
     return DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Adicionando html, campos e botoes no formulario.', 'tags' => array(array('name' => 'name', 'description' => 'prepareElements'), new ReturnTag('$this'))));
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * Fill file level phpdoc
  * @param ClassGenerator $class contained class
 protected function defineFileInfo(ClassGenerator $class)
     $doc = DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Contains ' . $class->getName() . ' class file', 'longDescription' => 'Generated Automatically.' . PHP_EOL . 'Please do not modify', 'tags' => array(array('name' => 'author', 'description' => $this->data['_author']), array('name' => 'license', 'description' => $this->data['_license']), array('name' => 'package', 'description' => $class->getNamespaceName()))));
  * Generate from array
  * @configkey name           string        [required] Class Name
  * @configkey docblock       string        The docblock information
  * @configkey flags          int           Flags, one of MethodGenerator::FLAG_ABSTRACT MethodGenerator::FLAG_FINAL
  * @configkey parameters     string        Class which this class is extending
  * @configkey body           string
  * @configkey abstract       bool
  * @configkey final          bool
  * @configkey static         bool
  * @configkey visibility     string
  * @throws Exception\InvalidArgumentException
  * @param  array $array
  * @return MethodGenerator
 public static function fromArray(array $array)
     if (!isset($array['name'])) {
         throw new Exception\InvalidArgumentException('Method generator requires that a name is provided for this object');
     $method = new static($array['name']);
     foreach ($array as $name => $value) {
         // normalize key
         switch (strtolower(str_replace(['.', '-', '_'], '', $name))) {
             case 'docblock':
                 $docBlock = $value instanceof DocBlockGenerator ? $value : DocBlockGenerator::fromArray($value);
             case 'flags':
             case 'parameters':
             case 'body':
             case 'abstract':
             case 'final':
             case 'static':
             case 'visibility':
     return $method;
Ejemplo n.º 24
  * Função geradora das entidades dos schemas e tabelas do banco de dados
  * @return \Cityware\Generator\Adapter\ModelAdapter
 private function generatorClassEntity()
     /* Lista os schemas do banco de dados */
     foreach ($this->oMetadata->getSchemas() as $valueSchema) {
         $tableNames = $this->oMetadata->getTableNames($valueSchema);
         $namespaceSchema = 'Orm\\' . $this->toCamelCase($valueSchema) . '\\Entities';
         /* Lista as tabelas do banco de dados */
         foreach ($tableNames as $tableName) {
             $multiPk = $primaryKey = $bodyExchangeArray = null;
             $class = new ClassGenerator();
             $docBlockClass = DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Classe tipo model da tabela ' . $tableName . ' dentro do schema ' . $valueSchema, 'longDescription' => null));
             $class->addProperty('DBSCHEMA', $valueSchema, PropertyGenerator::FLAG_STATIC);
             $class->addProperty('DBTABLE', $tableName, PropertyGenerator::FLAG_STATIC);
             foreach ($this->oMetadata->getConstraints($tableName, $valueSchema) as $constraint) {
                 if (!$constraint->hasColumns()) {
                 if ($constraint->isPrimaryKey()) {
                     $columns = $constraint->getColumns();
                     if (count($columns) > 1) {
                         $multiPk = true;
                         $primaryKey = implode(', ', $columns);
                     } else {
                         $multiPk = false;
                         $primaryKey = $columns[0];
                     $class->addProperty('MULTIPK', $multiPk, PropertyGenerator::FLAG_STATIC);
                     $class->addProperty('PKCOLUMN', $primaryKey, PropertyGenerator::FLAG_STATIC);
             /* Cria os metodos setter/getter e as variáveis das colunas da tabela */
             $table = $this->oMetadata->getTable($tableName, $valueSchema);
             /* Lista as colunas da tabela do banco de dados */
             foreach ($table->getColumns() as $column) {
                 $varName = $this->camelCase($column->getName());
                 $class->addProperty($varName, null, PropertyGenerator::FLAG_PRIVATE);
                 $methodGet = 'get' . $this->toCamelCase($column->getName());
                 $methodSet = 'set' . $this->toCamelCase($column->getName());
                 $docBlockSet = DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Setter da coluna ' . $column->getName(), 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new Tag\ParamTag($varName, $this->prepareSqlTypeDocBlock($column->getDataType())))));
                 $docBlockGet = DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Getter da coluna ' . $column->getName(), 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new Tag\ReturnTag(array('datatype' => $this->prepareSqlTypeDocBlock($column->getDataType()))))));
                 $bodyGet = 'return $this->' . $varName . ';';
                 $bodySet = '$this->' . $varName . ' = $' . $this->camelCase($column->getName()) . ';';
                 $class->addMethod($methodSet, array($this->camelCase($column->getName())), MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, $bodySet, $docBlockSet);
                 $class->addMethod($methodGet, array(), MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, $bodyGet, $docBlockGet);
                 $bodyExchangeArray .= '$this->' . $varName . ' = (isset($data["' . $column->getName() . '"])) ? $data["' . $column->getName() . '"] : null;' . "\n\n";
             $docBlockExchangeArray = DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Função para settar todos os objetos por meio de array', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new Tag\ParamTag('data', 'array'))));
             $class->addMethod('exchangeArray', array('data'), MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, $bodyExchangeArray, $docBlockExchangeArray);
             $docBlockGetArrayCopy = DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Função para retornar os valores por meio de array dos objetos da classe', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => array(new Tag\ReturnTag(array('datatype' => 'mixed')))));
             $class->addMethod('getArrayCopy', array(), MethodGenerator::FLAG_PUBLIC, 'return get_object_vars($this);', $docBlockGetArrayCopy);
             $classCode = "<?php" . PHP_EOL;
             $classCode .= $class->generate();
              $idxConstraint = 0;
              foreach ($this->oMetadata->getConstraints($tableName, $valueSchema) as $constraint) {
              $typeConstraint = ($constraint->isPrimaryKey()) ? 'pk' : (($constraint->isForeignKey()) ? 'fk' : null);
              if (!empty($typeConstraint)) {
              $consName = $constraint->getName();
              $contraintObj = $this->oMetadata->getConstraint($consName, $tableName, $valueSchema);
              $constraintColumns = $contraintObj->getColumns();
              if (count($constraintColumns) > 1) {
              foreach ($constraintColumns as $valueConsColumns) {
              $this->aDatabase[$valueSchema][$tableName][$valueConsColumns]['constraints']['type'] = $typeConstraint;
              if ($typeConstraint === 'fk') {
              $this->aDatabase[$valueSchema][$tableName][$valueConsColumns]['constraints']['schemaRef'] = $contraintObj->getReferencedTableSchema();
              $this->aDatabase[$valueSchema][$tableName][$valueConsColumns]['constraints']['tableRef'] = $contraintObj->getReferencedTableName();
              $this->aDatabase[$valueSchema][$tableName][$valueConsColumns]['constraints']['columnsRef'] = $contraintObj->getReferencedColumns();
              } else {
              $this->aDatabase[$valueSchema][$tableName][$constraintColumns[0]]['constraints']['type'] = $typeConstraint;
              if ($typeConstraint === 'fk') {
              $this->aDatabase[$valueSchema][$tableName][$constraintColumns[0]]['constraints']['schemaRef'] = $contraintObj->getReferencedTableSchema();
              $this->aDatabase[$valueSchema][$tableName][$constraintColumns[0]]['constraints']['tableRef'] = $contraintObj->getReferencedTableName();
              $this->aDatabase[$valueSchema][$tableName][$constraintColumns[0]]['constraints']['columnsRef'] = $contraintObj->getReferencedColumns();
             file_put_contents($this->ormFolder . $this->toCamelCase($valueSchema) . DS . 'Entities' . DS . $this->toCamelCase($tableName) . '.php', $classCode);
             chmod($this->ormFolder . $this->toCamelCase($valueSchema) . DS . 'Entities' . DS . $this->toCamelCase($tableName) . '.php', 0644);
             $this->generatorClassEntityTable($valueSchema, $tableName);
         //gera arquivo por tabela
     return $this;
Ejemplo n.º 25
  * @param null|string $module
  * @param null|string $migrationBody
  * @return string
 public function create($module = null, $migrationBody = null)
     $path = $this->getMigrationsDirectoryPath($module);
     list(, $mSec) = explode(".", microtime(true));
     $migrationName = date('Ymd_His_') . substr($mSec, 0, 2);
     $methodUp = array('name' => 'up', 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Upgrade', 'longDescription' => null)));
     $methodDown = array('name' => 'down', 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Degrade', 'longDescription' => null)));
     if ($migrationBody) {
         if (isset($migrationBody['up'])) {
             $upBody = '';
             foreach ($migrationBody['up'] as $query) {
                 $upBody .= '$this->query("' . $query . '");' . PHP_EOL;
             $methodUp['body'] = $upBody;
         if (isset($migrationBody['down'])) {
             $downBody = '';
             foreach ($migrationBody['down'] as $query) {
                 $downBody .= '$this->query("' . $query . '");' . PHP_EOL;
             $methodDown['body'] = $downBody;
     $class = new ClassGenerator();
     $class->setName('Migration_' . $migrationName)->setExtendedClass('AbstractMigration')->addUse('ZFCTool\\Service\\Migration\\AbstractMigration')->addMethods(array(MethodGenerator::fromArray($methodUp), MethodGenerator::fromArray($methodDown)));
     $file = new FileGenerator(array('classes' => array($class)));
     $code = $file->generate();
     $migrationPath = $path . '/' . $migrationName . '.php';
     file_put_contents($migrationPath, $code);
     return $migrationPath;
  * Generate the code for the given className and primaryKey and write it in a file.
  * @param string $className The class name.
  * @param string $primaryKey The primary key.
 private function generateCode($className, $primaryKey)
     $tags = $this->config->getTags();
     $class = new ClassGenerator();
     $docblock = DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => ucfirst($className) . ' model class', 'longDescription' => 'This is a model class generated with DavidePastore\\ParisModelGenerator.', 'tags' => $tags));
     $idColumn = new PropertyGenerator('_id_column');
     $table = new PropertyGenerator('_table');
     $tableUseShortName = new PropertyGenerator('_table_use_short_name');
     $namespace = $this->config->getNamespace();
     $extendedClass = '\\Model';
     if (isset($namespace) && !empty($namespace)) {
     $class->setName(ucfirst($className))->setDocblock($docblock)->setExtendedClass($extendedClass)->addProperties(array($idColumn, $table, $tableUseShortName));
     $file = FileGenerator::fromArray(array('classes' => array($class), 'docblock' => DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => ucfirst($className) . ' class file', 'longDescription' => null, 'tags' => $tags))));
     $generatedCode = $file->generate();
     $directory = $this->config->getDestinationFolder() . $namespace;
     if (!file_exists($directory)) {
         mkdir($directory, 0777, true);
     $filePath = $directory . "/" . $class->getName() . ".php";
     if (file_exists($filePath) && !$this->force) {
         $helper = $this->getHelper('question');
         $realPath = realpath($filePath);
         $question = new ConfirmationQuestion('Do you want to overwrite the file "' . $realPath . '"?', false);
         if ($helper->ask($this->input, $this->output, $question)) {
             $this->writeInFile($filePath, $generatedCode);
     } else {
         $this->writeInFile($filePath, $generatedCode);
Ejemplo n.º 27
  * @param string $class
  * @param Entity $entity
  * @return string
 protected function generateFileContent($class, $entity)
     $generator = new FileGenerator();
     $descriptor = $entity->getFileDescriptor();
     $generator->setDocblock(DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'Generated by Protobuf protoc plugin.', 'longDescription' => 'File descriptor : ' . $descriptor->getName())));
     return $generator->generate();
Ejemplo n.º 28
  * Metodo para criar docBlock para o metodo __construct
  * @return DocBlockGenerator
 public function getDocBlockMethodConstruct()
     $arrParameters = array_keys($this->arrForeignKeys);
     $arrTags = [];
     foreach ($arrParameters as $arrParameter) {
         $arrTags[] = new Tag\ParamTag($arrParameter, 'array', 'Valores da tabela ' . $this->arrForeignKeys[$arrParameter]['strColumns']);
     return DocBlockGenerator::fromArray(array('shortDescription' => 'CategoriaFilter constructor.', 'tags' => $arrTags));