one() public method

Executes the query and returns a single row of result.
public one ( Connection $db = null ) : array | boolean
$db Connection the database connection used to generate the SQL statement. If this parameter is not given, the `db` application component will be used.
return array | boolean the first row (in terms of an array) of the query result. False is returned if the query results in nothing.
Ejemplo n.º 1
 public static function mostPopular()
     $query = new Query();
     $query->select('meme_id, COUNT(meme_id) AS n_memes')->from('meme_vidmage')->groupBy('meme_id')->orderBy(['n_memes' => SORT_DESC])->limit(1);
     $row = $query->one();
     return self::findOne($row['meme_id']);
Ejemplo n.º 2
 public function Auth($username = null)
     $db = new Query();
     $db->select("*")->from("masuser")->where("username = '******' ")->limit("1");
     $rows = $db->one();
     return $rows;
Ejemplo n.º 3
 public function actionIndex($id)
     $session = \Yii::$app->session;
     $request = \Yii::$app->request;
     $donateForm = new DonateForm();
     $buyForm = new BuyForm();
     $supportForm = new SupportForm();
     if ($donateForm->load($request->post()) && $donateForm->submit()) {
         $session->set('donate', $request->post('DonateForm'));
         return $this->redirect('@web/index.php?r=support/donate');
     } else {
         if ($buyForm->load($request->post()) && $buyForm->submit()) {
             $session->set('bought', $request->post('BuyForm'));
             return $this->redirect('@web/index.php?r=support/buy');
         } else {
             if ($supportForm->load($request->post()) && $supportForm->submit()) {
                 $session->set('motive', $request->post('SupportForm'));
                 return $this->redirect('@web/index.php?r=support/motivation');
     $query = new Query();
     // compose the query
     $query->from('hero')->where('Hid=:id', array(':id' => $id));
     $hero = $query->one();
     $session->set('hero', $hero);
     return $this->render('support', array('hero' => $hero));
Ejemplo n.º 4
Archivo: ot.php Proyecto: pumi11/aau
 public function Edit($id_apteka, $id_preparat)
     $query = new Query();
     $query->where(['=', 'id_apteka', $id_apteka]);
     $query->andWhere(['=', 'id_o', $id_preparat]);
     return $query->one();
Ejemplo n.º 5
 public function GetItem($id = 0)
     $query = new Query();
     $query->where(["id" => $id]);
     $result = $query->one();
     return $result;
Ejemplo n.º 6
 public function actionSuccess($id)
     $query = new Query();
     // compose the query
     $query->from('event')->where('Eid=:id', array(':id' => $id));
     // build and execute the query
     $detail = $query->one();
     return $this->render('success', array('detail' => $detail));
Ejemplo n.º 7
 public function GetTableForModel($module_name = "")
     if (!empty($module_name)) {
         $_module_name = strtolower($module_name);
         $query = new Query();
         $query->select('')->from("backend__id_db as db")->join('LEFT JOIN', "module as m", " = '{$_module_name}'")->where("m.model = db.model_id");
         $result = $query->one();
         return $result["name"];
Ejemplo n.º 8
 public function actionProfile($id)
     $query = new Query();
     // compose the query
     $query->from('hero')->where('Hid=:id', array(':id' => $id));
     $hero = $query->one();
     $q = new Query();
     $q->from('takespart')->innerJoin('event', 'takespart.EventId=event.Eid')->where('HeroId=:id', array(':id' => $id));
     $event = $q->one();
     return $this->render('profile', array('hero' => $hero, 'event' => $event));
Ejemplo n.º 9
 public function PageContentForCheck($type_page = 0)
     list($module, $controller, $action) = explode("/", yii::$app->request->pathInfo);
     $query = new Query();
     $query->select("COUNT( as count")->innerJoin("module as m", " = p.module and = '{$module}'")->from("backend__pages as p")->where(" = {$type_page}");
     $result = $query->one();
     if ($result["count"] == 1) {
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 10
 public function actionIndex($id)
     $session = \Yii::$app->session;
     $request = \Yii::$app->request;
     $challengeForm = new ChallengeForm();
     if ($challengeForm->load($request->post()) && $challengeForm->submit()) {
         $session->set('dump', $request->post('ChallengeForm'));
         return $this->redirect('@web/index.php?r=site/dump');
     } else {
         $query = new Query();
         // compose the query
         $query->from('hero')->where('Hid=:id', array(':id' => $id));
         $hero = $query->one();
         return $this->render('challenge', ['challengeForm' => $challengeForm, 'hero' => $hero]);
 public function up()
     $people_to_city = ['Маша' => [1, 2], 'Ваня' => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 'Оля' => [4, 5], 'Женя' => [2, 3], 'Вася' => [], 'Коля' => [6], 'Олег' => [3]];
     foreach ($people_to_city as $name => $cities) {
         $query = new Query();
         // compose the query
         $query->andFilterWhere(['like', 'name', $name]);
         $row = $query->one();
         if (!empty($cities)) {
             foreach ($cities as $cityId) {
                 $this->insert('people_city', ['people_id' => $row['id'], 'city_id' => $cityId]);
Ejemplo n.º 12
  * Validate a client
  * @param  string $clientId     The client's ID
  * @param  string $clientSecret The client's secret (default = "null")
  * @param  string $redirectUri  The client's redirect URI (default = "null")
  * @param  string $grantType    The grant type used (default = "null")
  * @return \League\OAuth2\Server\Entity\ClientEntity
 public function get($clientId, $clientSecret = null, $redirectUri = null, $grantType = null)
     $client = null;
     $selectTargets = "{{%oauth_clients}}.id, {{%oauth_clients}}.name";
     if ($redirectUri !== null && is_string($redirectUri) && strlen($redirectUri) > 0) {
         $selectTargets = "{{%oauth_clients}}.*, {{%oauth_client_redirect_uris}}.*";
     $clientStorageQueryBuilder = new Query();
     $clientStorageQueryBuilder->select($selectTargets)->from("{{%oauth_clients}}")->where("{{%oauth_clients}}.id=:oauth_client_id AND {{%oauth_clients}}.secret=:oauth_client_secret_where", [":oauth_client_id" => $clientId, ":oauth_client_secret_where" => $clientSecret]);
      * Regarding oauth_client_redirect_uris:
      * You may or may not have this table. If you don't, and don't need it , as described in the league docs for each grant,
      * you won't really pass this condition, and that's why it's implemented this way
     if ($redirectUri !== null && is_string($redirectUri) && strlen($redirectUri) > 0) {
         $clientStorageQueryBuilder->innerJoin("{{%oauth_client_redirect_uris}}", "{{%oauth_clients}}.id = {{%oauth_client_redirect_uris}}.client_id")->where(["{{%oauth_client_redirect_uris}}.redirect_uri" => $redirectUri]);
     $clientStorageResult = $clientStorageQueryBuilder->one();
     if (isset($clientStorageResult['id']) && isset($clientStorageResult['name'])) {
         $client = (new ClientEntity($this->getServer()))->hydrate(["id" => $clientStorageResult["id"], "name" => $clientStorageResult["name"]]);
     return $client;
Ejemplo n.º 13
        echo '<tr class="bgdark">
								<td class="bgdark"></td>
								<td class="bgdark"></td>
								<td class="bgdark"></td>
								<td class="bgdark"></td>
								<td class="bgdark"><div class="price">' . app\components\NumericLib::indoStyle($debit, 0, ',', '.') . '</div></td>
								<td class="bgdark"><div class="price">' . app\components\NumericLib::indoStyle($credit, 0, ',', '.') . '</div></td>
								<td class="bgdark"></td>
} else {
    echo '<tr>';
    $accquery = new Query();
    $accquery->select('code , name')->from('account_account')->where(['id' => $account]);
    $res = $accquery->one();
    echo '<td>' . $res['code'] . '</td>';
    echo '<td colspan="6">' . $res['name'] . '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
    $queryline = new Query();
    $queryline->select('aml.ref as ref, as name , as date, aml.debit as debit, as credit')->from('account_move_line aml')->join('LEFT JOIN', 'account_move as am', '')->where(['>=', '', $from])->andWhere(['<=', '', $to])->andWhere(['am.state' => 'posted'])->andWhere(['aml.account_id' => $account])->addOrderBy(['' => SORT_ASC]);
    $lines = $queryline->all();
    $debit = 0;
    $credit = 0;
    foreach ($lines as $line) {
        echo '<tr>
								<td>' . $line['name'] . '</td>
								<td>' . Yii::$app->formatter->asDatetime($line['date'], "php:d-m-Y") . '</td>
								<td>' . $line['ref'] . '</td>
								<td><div class="price">' . app\components\NumericLib::indoStyle($line['debit'], 0, ',', '.') . '</div></td>
Ejemplo n.º 14
 public function beforeSave($insert)
     if (parent::beforeSave($insert)) {
         if ($this->parent === null || $this->parent->isNewRecord) {
             $this->level = 0;
         } else {
             $this->level = $this->parent->level + 1;
         if ($this->isNewRecord) {
             $query = new Query();
             $query->orderBy('position DESC');
             if ($this->parent_id) {
                 $query->params([':parent_id' => $this->parent_id]);
             } else {
                 $query->where('parent_id is NULL');
             $last = $query->one();
             $this->position = $last ? $last['position'] + 1 : 0;
         return true;
     } else {
         return false;
Ejemplo n.º 15
 public function beforeSave($insert)
     if (!parent::beforeSave($insert)) {
         return false;
     $query = new Query();
     $query->select('COUNT(*)')->where(['post_id' => $this->post_id])->from(static::tableName());
     $count = $query->scalar(static::getDb());
     if ($count == 0) {
         $this->left = 1;
         $this->right = 2;
         $this->level = 1;
     } else {
         if (empty($this->parent_id)) {
             $query = new Query();
             $query->select('MAX({{right}})')->where(['post_id' => $this->post_id])->from(static::tableName());
             $maxRight = $query->scalar(static::getDb());
             $this->left = $maxRight + 1;
             $this->right = $maxRight + 2;
             $this->level = 1;
         } else {
             /*$query = new Query();
                                 ->select(['{{left}} left', '{{level}} level'])
                                 ->where(['post_id' => $this->post_id, 'id' => $this->parent_id])
                             $data1 = $query->all(static::getDb());
                                 ->createCommand('UPDATE ' . static::tableName() . ' SET {{right}} = {{right}} + 2 WHERE {{right}} > :left')
                                 ->bindValue(':left', $data1[0]['left'])
                                 ->createCommand('UPDATE ' . static::tableName() . ' SET {{left}} = {{left}} + 2 WHERE {{left}} > :left')
                                 ->bindValue(':left', $data1[0]['left'])
                             $this->left = $data1[0]['left'] + 1;
                             $this->right = $data1[0]['left'] + 2;
                             $this->level = $data1[0]['level'] + 1;*/
             $query = new Query();
             $query->select(['id', '{{left}} left', '{{right}} right', '{{level}} level'])->where(['post_id' => $this->post_id, 'id' => $this->parent_id])->from(static::tableName());
             $data1 = $query->all(static::getDb());
             if ($data1[0]['left'] != $data1[0]['right'] - 1) {
                 $query = new Query();
                 $query->select(['id', '{{left}} left', '{{right}} right', '{{level}} level', '{{text}}'])->where(['post_id' => $this->post_id, 'level' => $data1[0]['level']])->andWhere('{{left}} > :r AND {{id}} != :id', [':r' => $data1[0]['right'], ':id' => $data1[0]['id']])->from(static::tableName());
                 $data2 = $query->one(static::getDb());
                 static::getDb()->createCommand('UPDATE ' . static::tableName() . ' SET {{right}} = {{right}} + 2 WHERE {{right}} > :left')->bindValue(':left', $data2['left'] - 2)->execute();
                 static::getDb()->createCommand('UPDATE ' . static::tableName() . ' SET {{left}} = {{left}} + 2 WHERE {{left}} > :left')->bindValue(':left', $data2['left'] - 2)->execute();
                 $this->left = $data2['right'] - 2;
                 $this->right = $data2['right'] - 1;
                 $this->level = $data1[0]['level'] + 1;
             } else {
                 static::getDb()->createCommand('UPDATE ' . static::tableName() . ' SET {{right}} = {{right}} + 2 WHERE {{right}} > :left')->bindValue(':left', $data1[0]['left'])->execute();
                 static::getDb()->createCommand('UPDATE ' . static::tableName() . ' SET {{left}} = {{left}} + 2 WHERE {{left}} > :left')->bindValue(':left', $data1[0]['left'])->execute();
                 $this->left = $data1[0]['left'] + 1;
                 $this->right = $data1[0]['left'] + 2;
                 $this->level = $data1[0]['level'] + 1;
     return true;
Ejemplo n.º 16
  * Session read handler.
  * Do not call this method directly.
  * @param string $id session ID
  * @return string the session data
 public function readSession($id)
     $query = new Query();
     $query->from($this->sessionTable)->where('[[expire]]>:expire AND [[id]]=:id', [':expire' => time(), ':id' => $id]);
     if (isset($this->readCallback)) {
         $fields = $query->one($this->db);
         return $fields === false ? '' : $this->extractData($fields);
     $data = $query->select(['data'])->scalar($this->db);
     return $data === false ? '' : $data;
Ejemplo n.º 17
 public static function getStatusText($status)
     $query = new Query();
     $query->select(['name'])->from(['cprj_projectstatus'])->limit(1)->where(['id' => $status]);
     return $query->one()['name'];
Ejemplo n.º 18
 public function getLastRunEbayOrderDownload()
     $query = new Query();
     $query->orderBy(['id' => SORT_DESC]);
     $posts = $query->one();
     return $posts;
Ejemplo n.º 19
  * Личные данные
 public function actionPersonal()
     if (!Yii::$app->user->isGuest) {
         $model = new PersonalForm();
         // создание реферальной ссылки
         if (Yii::$app->request->getIsPost()) {
             Yii::$app->db->createCommand('update users set referral = uuid() where id = ' . Yii::$app->user->getId() . ' and coalesce(referral, \'\') = \'\'')->execute();
             return $this->refresh();
         // загрузка текущей реферальной ссылки
         $query = new Query();
         $query->select('referral')->from('users')->where('id = :id', array(':id' => Yii::$app->user->getId()));
         $rows = $query->one();
         return $this->render('personal', ['model' => $model, 'data' => $model->getUsers(), 'referral' => $rows['referral']]);
  * Creates a new ReclamoSugerencia model.
  * If creation is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'view' page.
  * @return mixed
 public function actionCreate()
     $model = new ReclamoSugerencia();
     if (Yii::$app->request->isAjax && $model->load($_POST)) {
         Yii::$app->response->format = 'json';
         return \yii\widgets\ActiveForm::validate($model);
     if ($model->load(Yii::$app->request->post())) {
         $model->REC_FECHA = date('Y-m-d');
         $model->REC_HORA = date('H:i:s');
         $query = new Query();
         $query->select('REC_NUMERO')->from('RECLAMO_SUGERENCIA')->where('YEAR(REC_FECHA) = DATEPART(yyyy,getDate())')->orderBy('REC_NUMERO DESC')->limit('1');
         $rows = $query->one();
         $current_year = date('Y');
         if ($rows) {
             $past = implode($rows);
             $id = explode("-", $past);
             $tmp_last_id = (int) $id[0] + 1;
             if ($current_year != $id[1]) {
                 $tmp_last_id = 0;
             $digits_count = preg_match_all("/[0-9]/", $tmp_last_id);
             $last_id = $tmp_last_id . "-" . $current_year;
             if ($digits_count < 2) {
                 $last_id = 0 . $last_id;
         } else {
             $new_id = 0 . "-" . $current_year;
             $last_id = 0 . $new_id;
         $model->REC_NUMERO = $last_id;
         $model->ERS_ID = 1;
         //Instancia para el adjunto
         $name = 'solicitud ' . $model->REC_NUMERO . ' ' . $model->REC_FECHA . ' ' . date('H i');
         $model->file = UploadedFile::getInstance($model, 'file');
         //si el archivo no es null, entonces lo guarda y guarda el adjunto en la bd.
         if ($model->file != null) {
             $model->file->saveAs('uploads/reclamo-sugerencia/Adjunto ' . $name . '.' . $model->file->extension);
             //guardar la ruta en la bd
             $adjunto = new Adjuntos();
             $adjunto->REC_NUMERO = $model->REC_NUMERO;
             $adjunto->ADJ_TIPO = 'Reclamo-Sugerencia';
             $adjunto->ADJ_URL = 'uploads/reclamo-sugerencia/Adjunto ' . $name . '.' . $model->file->extension;
         //guardar Creacion en el Historial
         $historial = new HistorialEstados();
         $historial->REC_NUMERO = $model->REC_NUMERO;
         $historial->ERS_ID = $model->ERS_ID;
         $historial->USU_RUT = $model->USU_RUT;
         $historial->HES_FECHA_HORA = date('Y-m-d H:i:s');
         if ($model->TRS_ID == 1) {
             $historial->HES_COMENTARIO = "El usuario " . $historial->USU_RUT . " ha ingresado el Reclamo Nº " . $historial->REC_NUMERO . " el día " . $historial->HES_FECHA_HORA;
         } else {
             $historial->HES_COMENTARIO = "El usuario " . $historial->USU_RUT . " ha ingresado la Sugerencia Nº " . $historial->REC_NUMERO . " el día " . $historial->HES_FECHA_HORA;
         return $this->redirect(['view', 'id' => $model->REC_NUMERO]);
     } else {
         return $this->render('create', ['model' => $model]);
Ejemplo n.º 21
 protected function resetRank()
     $author = YBoardMember::findOne($this->user_id);
     if ($author !== null) {
         $query = new Query();
         $query->select('id')->from('YBoardRank')->orderBy('min_posts ASC')->where('min_posts>=' . $author->totalReplies)->limit(1);
         $count = $query->count();
         $id = $query->one();
         if ($author->rank_id != $id['id'] && $count > 0) {
             $author->setAttribute('rank_id', $id['id']);
Ejemplo n.º 22
  * @inheritdoc
 public function one($db = null)
     $row = parent::one($db);
     if ($row !== false) {
         list($row) = $this->fillUpSnippets([$row]);
     return $row;
Ejemplo n.º 23
  * 获取等待运行的一个条件,锁定,运行
 public function getPlanGetOrderDownload()
     $query = new Query();
     $query->andWhere(['status' => 0]);
     $query->orderBy(['id' => SORT_ASC]);
     $this->planDownload = $query->one();
     if (empty($this->planDownload)) {
         throw new \Exception('没有符合条件的下载任务');
Ejemplo n.º 24
 public function getStatusText()
     $query = new Query();
     $query->select(['name'])->from(['cprj_taskstatus'])->where(['id' => $this->status]);
     return $query->one()['name'];
Ejemplo n.º 25
 public function actionUpdate($date = null, $apt)
     // && $model->validate()
     if (is_numeric($apt)) {
         $model = Visitors::find()->andFilterWhere(['LIKE', 'date', $date])->andFilterWhere(['=', 'apteki_id', $apt])->one();
         if (!$model) {
             $model = new Visitors();
         $model->apteki_id = $apt;
     } else {
         $model = new Visitors();
     if (!$model->date) {
         $model->date = $date;
     if ($model->load(\Yii::$app->request->post())) {
         $model->date = (int) \Yii::$app->request->post('date_y') . '-' . (int) \Yii::$app->request->post('date_m') . '-' . (int) \Yii::$app->request->post('date_d');
         if (\Yii::$app->request->post('date_type')) {
             $model->date_type = 2;
         } else {
             $model->date_type = 1;
         if ($model->save()) {
             $user_id = (int) \Yii::$app->request->post('user_id');
             return $this->redirect(["/visitors/?user={$user_id}&scroll={$model->apteki_id}"]);
     //  $apteka = Apteki::find()->where(['id' => $apt, 'farmopeka' => '1'])->one();
     $query = new Query();
     $query->select(['apteki.*', '']);
     $query->InnerJoin('ur_l', 'apteki.ur_l_id =');
     $query->andFilterWhere(['=', 'apteki.farmopeka', '1']);
     $query->andFilterWhere(['=', '', $apt]);
     $apteka = $query->one();
     return $this->render('update', ['apteka' => $apteka, 'model' => $model]);
Ejemplo n.º 26
use yii\db\Expression;
use yii\helpers\Html;
use app\models\ToursDates;
use app\models\Tours;
$this->title = 'Booking tours';
<div class="site-index">

    <div class="jumbotron">
        <h1>Welcome to Booking Tours service!</h1>

        <p class="lead">Chose available tour to continue</p>


    <div class="body-content">
echo GridView::widget(['dataProvider' => $dataProvider, 'emptyText' => 'No available tours at this moment', 'columns' => [['class' => DataColumn::className(), 'attribute' => Tours::FIELD_TITLE], ['class' => DataColumn::className(), 'label' => 'Nearest Tour', 'value' => function ($model) {
    /* @var $model Tours*/
    $query = new Query();
    $query->select(ToursDates::FIELD_DATE)->from(ToursDates::tableName())->where([ToursDates::FIELD_TOUR_ID => $model->tour_id])->andWhere(['>=', ToursDates::FIELD_DATE, date('Y-m-d')])->orderBy([ToursDates::FIELD_DATE => SORT_ASC]);
    $result = $query->one();
    return $result[ToursDates::FIELD_DATE];
}], ['class' => ActionColumn::className(), 'contentOptions' => ['class' => 'text-center'], 'template' => '{view}', 'buttons' => ['view' => function ($url, $model, $key) {
    /* @var $model Tours */
    return Html::a('View Details', ['booking/tour-details', Tours::FIELD_TOUR_ID => $model->tour_id], ['class' => 'btn btn-success']);
Ejemplo n.º 27
  * Executes query and returns a single row of result.
  * @param Connection $db the DB connection used to create the DB command.
  * If null, the DB connection returned by [[modelClass]] will be used.
  * @return ActiveRecord|array|null a single row of query result. Depending on the setting of [[asArray]],
  * the query result may be either an array or an ActiveRecord object. Null will be returned
  * if the query results in nothing.
 public function one($db = null)
     $row = parent::one($db);
     if ($row !== false) {
         $models = $this->populate([$row]);
         return reset($models) ?: null;
     } else {
         return null;
Ejemplo n.º 28
    if ($value['jenis'] == "") {
        $jenis = $value['product_name'];
    } else {
        $jenis = $value['jenis'];
    if ($value['partner_id']) {
        $cekpartner = new Query();
        $cekpartner->select('parent_id')->from('res_partner')->where(['id' => $value['partner_id']]);
        $res = $cekpartner->one();
        if ($res['parent_id'] == "") {
            $partner = $value['partner'];
        } else {
            $parent = new Query();
            $parent->select('name')->from('res_partner')->where(['id' => $res['parent_id']]);
            $r = $parent->one();
            $partner = $r['name'];
    $body[] = '<tr>
					<td>' . $no . '</td>
					<td>' . $jenis . '</td>
					<td>' . Yii::$app->formatter->asDatetime($value['date'], "php:d-m-Y") . '</td>
					<td>' . $no_surat . '</td>
					<td>' . $no_pb . '</td>
					<td class=right>' . floatval($qty) . '</td>
					<td>' . $value['location'] . '</td>
					<td>' . $value['desc_location'] . '</td>
					<td>' . $partner . '</td>
Ejemplo n.º 29
 public static function generateTablePdf($id)
     $mains = ValidationMain::find()->orderBy('npp')->all();
     $html1 = "";
     $html1 .= "\n<style>\nbody{\n\n \n   font-size: 16px;\n   font-family: 'open', sans-serif;\n\n\n    \n\n}\n\nspan{\nfont-size: 17px;\nfont-family: 'roboto', sans-serif;\n}\n\ntd{\nbackground-color:#fff;\nfont-size: 14px;\nfont-family: 'open', sans-serif;\n\n}\n.main td{\nbackground-color:#64b5f6;\nfont-size: 15px;\nfont-family: 'roboto', sans-serif;\n}\n.main2 td{\nbackground-color:#87cefa;\n}\n.header{\nline-height:30px;\n}\nh1,h2,h3,h4{\nfont-family: 'roboto', sans-serif;\n  color: #c62828;\n\n\n}\n\n</style>\n\n<body>\n<div id=\"background\">\n<div align='center'><img src=\"\"></div><br>";
     $table = "";
     $priceAll = 0;
     // $table.= "<pagebreak />";
     foreach ($mains as $main) {
         $params = ValidationParams::find()->where(['validation_main_id' => $main['id']])->all();
         $table2 = '';
         foreach ($params as $param) {
             $err = null;
             //$violations = Validationviolation::find()->where(['validation_params_id' => $param['id']])->all();
             $query = new Query();
             $query->InnerJoin('validation_report_violation', 'validation_report_violation.`violation_id`');
             $query->where(['report_id' => $id]);
             $query->andWhere(['validation_params_id' => $param['id']]);
             $val = $query->all();
             if (count($val) > 0) {
                 $table2 .= "";
                 $table2 .= "<tr>";
                 $table2 .= "<td rowspan='" . count($val) . "'  width=10.5%>" . $param['name'] . "</td>";
                 $table2 .= "<td width='15%'>" . $val[0]['name'] . "</td>";
                 if ($val[0]['price'] == "") {
                     $table2 .= "<td rowspan='" . count($val) . "' align='center'><b>" . $param['price'] . "</b></td>";
                     $priceAll = $priceAll + $param['price'];
                 } else {
                     $table2 .= "<td align='center'><b>" . $val[0]['price'] . "<b></td>";
                     $priceAll = $priceAll + $val[0]['price'];
                 $table2 .= "<td rowspan='" . count($val) . "' valign=top>" . $param['nd'] . "</td>";
                 $table2 .= "<td rowspan='" . count($val) . "' valign=top width=45%>" . $param['sankcii'] . "</td>";
                 $table2 .= "</tr>\n";
                 $n = 0;
                 foreach ($val as $violation) {
                     if ($n != 0) {
                         $table2 .= "<tr  nobr=\"false\">";
                         $table2 .= "<td>" . $violation['name'] . "</td>";
                         if ($violation['price'] != "") {
                             $table2 .= "<td align='center'><b>" . $violation['price'] . "</b></td>";
                             $priceAll = $priceAll + $violation['price'];
                         $table2 .= "</tr>\n";
                 $err = 1;
         if ($table2) {
             $table .= "";
             $table .= "<h4 align='center'>" . $main['name'] . "</h4>";
             $table .= "<table border='1' cellpadding='3' cellspacing='0' width='100%'>";
             $table .= "<thead><tr align='center'  class='main'>";
             $table .= "<td align='center'>Проверяемый  параметр</td>";
             $table .= "<td align='center'>Выявленные нарушения</td>";
             $table .= "<td align='center'>Риск применения санкций для юр.лица (max)</td>";
             $table .= "<td align='center'>п. НД, регламентирующий указанное в колонке 2 требование</td>";
             $table .= "<td align='center'>Риск применения санкций возможный контролирующий орган, ст. КоАП и др…</td>";
             $table .= "</tr></thead>\n\n";
             $table .= "<tr align='center'  class='main2'>";
             //$table .= "<td colspan='5'>" . $main['name'] . "</td>";
             $table .= "</tr>";
             $table .= $table2;
             $table .= "</table>";
     $table .= "</div></body>";
     $query = new Query();
     $query->InnerJoin('apteki', ' = validation_report.`apteka_id` ');
     $query->InnerJoin('ur_l', 'apteki.ur_l_id =');
     $query->LeftJoin('users', ' = validation_report.user_id');
     $query->where(['' => $id]);
     $val = $query->one();
     $dat = new \DateTime($val['created_at']);
     $dat2 = $dat->format('d.m.Y');
     $html2 = "";
     $html2 .= "<h1 align='CENTER'>АКТ ОБСЛЕДОВАНИЯ АПТЕЧНОГО УЧРЕЖДЕНИЯ </h1>";
     $html2 .= "<h4 align='CENTER'>В РАМКАХ ПРОЕКТА ФАРМОПЕКА (конфиденциально, только для внутреннего пользования) </h4>";
     $html2 .= "<br><br><div class='header'>";
     $html2 .= "<span>Дата проверки: </span>" . $dat2;
     $html2 .= "<br><br>";
     $html2 .= "<span>Юридическое лицо: </span>" . $val['name'];
     $html2 .= "<br>";
     $html2 .= "<span>Адрес объекта:</span> " . $val['address'];
     $html2 .= "<br>";
     $html2 .= "<span>ФИО инспектирующего лица: </span>" . $val['username'];
     $html2 .= "<br>";
     $html2 .= "<br><br><br><br>";
     $html2 .= "<span>Выявлены несоответствия (графа 2) в соблюдение лицензионных условий   и фармацевтического порядка на сумму <b>" . \number_format($priceAll, 0) . "</b> руб.</span>";
     $html2 .= "</div>";
     $html = $html1 . $html2 . $table;
     return $html;
Ejemplo n.º 30
 public function getRate()
     $res = null;
     if (!$this->isNewRecord) {
         $query = new Query();
         $query->select('avg(r.rate) as rate')->from('rates r')->groupBy('r.rated_id')->where('r.rated_id = :uid', [':uid' => $this->id])->limit(1);
         $res = $query->one();
     return $res ? sprintf("%.2f", $res['rate']) : null;