Ejemplo n.º 1
 function testLoad()
     $file = __DIR__ . "/file.php";
     file_put_contents($file, "<?php return array('a' => 'b');");
     $cache = new Cache($file);
     $this->assertEquals("b", $cache->get("a"));
Ejemplo n.º 2
 function testMethodNotAllowedMatch()
     $router = new Router($this->cache->reveal(), new UrlTools());
     $resources = array(__NAMESPACE__ . "\\TestResource");
     $match = $router->match($resources, "POST", "/this/is/static");
     $this->assertEquals(Router::METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED, $match->status, "Match");
     $this->assertEquals(array("GET"), $match->allowed, "Allowed");
Ejemplo n.º 3
  * Returns an array containing the compiled routing information based off of
  * the provided resource objects.
  * !!! WARNING !!! This will use the cached version of the table if available
  * without checking for updates. It is the end users job to ensure that this
  * cache file is kept updated.
  * @param array $resources
  * @return array
 public function getRoutingTable(array $resources)
     if ($table = $this->cache->get("router")) {
         return $table;
     $table = array("static" => array(), "dynamic" => array());
     foreach ($resources as $resourceName) {
         $routes = $this->buildRoutingTableEntryForResource($resourceName);
         $table["static"] += $routes["static"];
         $table["dynamic"] += $routes["dynamic"];
     return $table;
Ejemplo n.º 4
  * This method can be used to give a significant performance boost to your
  * application by pre-generating and caching the routing table. Note that
  * this caching is NOT performed automatically and that the $api->cacheFile
  * property needs to be set to a writable path for this to succeed.
  * @see cacheFile
  * @return void
 public function createCache()
     $cache = new Cache($this->cacheFile);
     $router = new Router($cache, new UrlTools());
     $table = $router->getRoutingTable($this->resources);
     $cache->set("router", $table);