  * Builds and returns the HTML representing a whole WikibaseEntity.
  * @note: The HTML returned by this method may contain placeholders. Such placeholders can be
  * expanded with the help of TextInjector::inject() calling back to
  * EntityViewPlaceholderExpander::getExtraUserLanguages()
  * @note: In order to keep the list of placeholders small, this calls resetPlaceholders().
  * @since 0.1
  * @param EntityRevision $entityRevision the entity to render
  * @return string HTML
 public function getHtml(EntityRevision $entityRevision)
     $entity = $entityRevision->getEntity();
     $entityId = $entity->getId() ?: 'new';
     // if id is not set, use 'new' suffix for css classes
     $html = $this->templateFactory->render('wikibase-entityview', $entity->getType(), $entityId, $this->language->getCode(), $this->language->getDir(), $this->getMainHtml($entityRevision), $this->getSideHtml($entity));
     return $html;
  * Generates the HTML for a single snak.
  * @param Snak $snak
  * @param bool $showPropertyLink
  * @return string
 public function getSnakHtml(Snak $snak, $showPropertyLink = false)
     $snakViewVariation = $this->getSnakViewVariation($snak);
     $snakViewCssClass = 'wikibase-snakview-variation-' . $snakViewVariation;
     $formattedValue = $this->getFormattedSnakValue($snak);
     if ($formattedValue === '') {
         $formattedValue = ' ';
     $propertyLink = $showPropertyLink ? $this->makePropertyLink($snak) : '';
     $html = $this->templateFactory->render('wikibase-snakview', $propertyLink, $snakViewCssClass, $formattedValue);
     return $html;
  * @param string $cssClassSuffix
  * @param string $buttonLabel the message to show on the toolbar button link
  * @param string|null $editUrl The edit url
  * @return string
 private function getToolbarButton($cssClassSuffix, $buttonLabel, $editUrl = null)
     if ($editUrl === null) {
         return '';
     return $this->templateFactory->render('wikibase-toolbar-button', 'wikibase-toolbar-button-' . $cssClassSuffix, $editUrl, $buttonLabel);
  * @param Statement[] $statements
  * @param string $addStatementHtml
  * @return string HTML
 private function getHtmlForStatementListView(array $statements, $addStatementHtml)
     $statementViewsHtml = '';
     foreach ($statements as $statement) {
         $statementViewsHtml .= $this->claimHtmlGenerator->getHtmlForClaim($statement, $this->editSectionGenerator->getStatementEditSection($statement instanceof Statement ? $statement : new Statement($statement)));
     return $this->templateFactory->render('wikibase-statementlistview', $statementViewsHtml, $addStatementHtml);
  * Generates the HTML for a list of snaks.
  * @param Snak[] $snaks
  * @return string HTML
 private function getSnaklistviewHtml(array $snaks)
     $snaksHtml = '';
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($snaks as $snak) {
         $snaksHtml .= $this->snakHtmlGenerator->getSnakHtml($snak, $i++ === 0);
     return $this->templateFactory->render('wikibase-snaklistview', $snaksHtml);
  * @param string $key
  * @return string HTML
 private function getHtmlForSectionHeading($key)
      * Message keys:
      * wikibase-statementsection-statements
      * wikibase-statementsection-identifiers
     $msg = wfMessage('wikibase-statementsection-' . strtolower($key));
     $className = 'wikibase-statements';
     if ($key === 'statements') {
         $id = 'claims';
     } else {
         $id = $key;
         $className .= ' wikibase-statements-' . $key;
     // TODO: Add link to SpecialPage that allows adding a new statement.
     return $this->templateFactory->render('wb-section-heading', $msg->escaped(), $id, $className);
 private function getHtmlForBadges(SiteLink $siteLink)
     $html = '';
     foreach ($siteLink->getBadges() as $badge) {
         $serialization = $badge->getSerialization();
         $classes = Sanitizer::escapeClass($serialization);
         if (!empty($this->badgeItems[$serialization])) {
             $classes .= ' ' . Sanitizer::escapeClass($this->badgeItems[$serialization]);
         $html .= $this->templateFactory->render('wb-badge', $classes, $this->entityIdFormatter->formatEntityId($badge), $badge);
     return $this->templateFactory->render('wikibase-badgeselector', $html);
  * @param AliasGroupList $aliasGroups
  * @param string $languageCode
  * @return string HTML
 private function getAliasesView(AliasGroupList $aliasGroups, $languageCode)
     if (!$aliasGroups->hasGroupForLanguage($languageCode)) {
         return $this->templateFactory->render('wikibase-aliasesview', 'wb-empty', '', '');
     } else {
         $aliasesHtml = '';
         $aliases = $aliasGroups->getByLanguage($languageCode)->getAliases();
         foreach ($aliases as $alias) {
             $aliasesHtml .= $this->templateFactory->render('wikibase-aliasesview-list-item', htmlspecialchars($alias));
         return $this->templateFactory->render('wikibase-aliasesview', '', $aliasesHtml, '');